432 Hz vs 440Hz

thevenusian said:
The motivation for tossing the whole tempered vs just tuning thing into this discussion was to clarify that Pythagorean scale math was being projected onto tempered-scale music earlier in the thread. This whole area of inquiry, and the difference between Just and Tempered requires some background understanding and some reading. There are many Wikipedia pages with good information about this subject to start. Anyone with the time & interest can learn all about it by searching out one of these terms and following the links to related material. I don't think it is especially productive to jump to any conclusion about what is better or more beneficial, though, since we are lacking data on that.
Likewise, I don't see any compelling evidence that picking A-432 over A-440 is somehow more 'in tune with the Earth' and thereby more natural and better. My thought is that if you really want to go down that road, there is much more to it than just taking a modern tempered-tuned instrument and tuning the whole thing down 8 cents so that A is tuned to 432. Likewise for taking a Pink Floyd track and lowering the pitch slightly so that A is at 432. Whatever A is tuned to is really arbitrary, and could cover a whole range of cycles per second (or Hz) since we are just assigning the name 'A' to the note that comes after 'G' and before 'B'. 'Concert A-440' is just a convention agreed upon by groups of musicians in order to standardize pitch among different instruments and among groups of musicians performing together. Most people really cannot hear the difference between 440 and 432- it is not a very big difference.
Musicians are all over the map with tricks of tuning. Guitar strings are easier to bend if you tune them down a bit. Hendrix tuned his guitar in standard tuning, but down a half step (he tuned the E to E-flat), so technically he played with A-415 Hz, not A-432 or A-440, since his A string was tuned to A-flat. I am sure during his time he played with his A string tuned to everything from 400-460 Hz. if it were to be measured. So the whole idea of A-432 being 'more natural', at least as the point to choose for the note A in tempered tuning, doesn't really mean much. At least I haven't seen any compelling evidence that it has any special meaning other than some people saying it does. However, if it sounds or feels better to you, and that is what you like, then by all means do it.

Excellent breakdown, thevenusian. I concur as well. I think the "thing to look for" here is the relationships that arise from reading about these issues. For me, studying sound and color has resulted in some interesting insights into vibrational frequencies, harmonics, and the relationships between them as they apply to anything that vibrates... which is everything... I think getting sucked into the details about the specific Hz and what-note-equals-what can certainly be a distraction.

Iconoclast said:
anyway, i think that music and sound waves are a very important topic. from what the C's have told us, it seems we have lost much of our understanding of these forces.

Good point. That reminded me of something I read recently, in an essay about the Pythagorean theory of music and color. This is from "Life of Pythagoras" by Iamblichus of Chalcis:

"Pythagoras conceived that the first attention that should be given to men should be addressed to the senses, as when one perceives beautiful figures and forms, or hears beautiful rhythms and melodies. Consequently he laid down that the first erudition was that which subsists through music's melodies and rhythms, and from these he obtained remedies of human manners and passions, and restored the pristine harmony of the faculties of the soul."

and once again, for anyone who may have missed the link, this essay by Reginald Brooks was most fascinating... I highly recommend a read for more insight into the proportional relationships between music, color, wave phenomena and the inverse square law...

I read this tread with interest. I then downloaded ToneGen as suggested to tune my accustic guitar to 432Hz. And it just resonated right on spot :-) I had tuned it by ear since I did`t use it with other instruments than my voice. This could be a coincidence.

Searching the web for some info on just tonation and frequencies I came across some info about DNA repair and a scale some call Original Solfeggio Scale, they dont mention just tonation. The tunig of this scale is proposed by Dr. Leonard Horowitz in "The Healing Codes of Biological Apocalypse", that with the help of phytagorean numerology and the bible, to be:
Forgotten In Time: The Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies said:
UT – 396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear
RE – 417 Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
MI – 528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
FA – 639 Hz – Connecting/Relationships
SOL – 741 Hz – Awakening Intuition
LA – 852 Hz – Returning to Spiritual Order


The article is claiming that the MI, 528Hz, is repairing DNA.
Through those workshops, an article was given to me that reported how biochemists are using the frequency 528Hz to repair human DNA. The article stated that it was a "C." When I read that I thought, "All I would need to do is go to a piano or other instrument and play a "C" and then, in the DNA workshops we would be able to repair DNA."

I find it strange that they dont refer to a spesific article. Just an article is a bit vauge, as in CoIntelPro. IMOO. And some are even promoting Sacred Solfeggio Tuning Forks _http://www.toolsforwellness.com/85172.html.

I tried to find some biochemists using this frequenzy to repair DNA but didn`t come up with anyone, yet.

The homepage of Dr. Horowitz (_http://www.drlenhorowitz.com/) are also vibrating with the New Age, love all and all is well, message. And he didn`t promote his "powerfull" healing frequenzies on the frontpage. I think maybe the 528Hz and this tuning of a just scale could be contraproductive, given the New age/CoIntelPro vibe of the whole claim.

All that said I was thinking that maybe there could be a scale tuned with another chambertone could be benificial to the Work, given the CoIntelPro on that subject. It could be 432Hz or some other, i haven´t found a clue yet.

According to the C´s :

Session 22 October 2008 said:
A: You should sing more. Clear melodies can change the vibration of your physical structure.

Q: (A****) That's why I sing in the bathroom.
A: Art and music are your gifts. Do not waste them.

Q: (A****) So that's why I sing because I know subconsciously...
A: You should study voice. It could be your ticket to dreamland.

Q: (A*****) So if I follow this candida thing and stop being so weird then it could help me accomplish my goals? (Discussion)
A: Yes. Always. When the voice within is in harmony with the voice without, the angels will sing with you.

Q: (A***) Okay. Sounds good. So when I do all this stuff, and I bloom, will I know instinctively where I ought to be?
A: Yes.

Q: (Simon) (question about breathing exercises)
A: Laura can teach you a better technique.

Q: (Chu) Does this music and singing thing apply to all of us?
A: Yes.


Q: (L) Does sound produce gravity?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Can sound manipulate gravity?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Can it be done with the human voice?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Can it be done tonally or by power through thought?
A: Both.
Q: (L) Then, is there also specific sound configurations involved?
A: Gravity is manipulated by sound when thought manipulated by
gravity chooses to produce sound which manipulates gravity..

Some more info about singing in a resent session

Session 13 September 2009 said:
Q: (L) Now, Allen acquired some interesting software. (Allen) The choir software. (L) Yes. And we had the idea of making some just regular meditation audios where I could recite the prayer and maybe sing it, or even sing some other songs and he could manipulate them with this software to make it melodic and meditation-worthy type music. So, we were wondering if this was something that was a good idea?

A: Oh definitely!!! In fact, that is a superb way for truly cosmic frequencies to be transmitted via your/our voice!!

Q: (DD) So long as it's not Patsy Kline tunes! (laughter) (L) But I wanted to channel Patsy Kline!!! (Allen) I was actually wondering if my multiplying your voice several times would actual multiply whatever it was they were putting through your voice that many times?

A: Not only that, it will enable us to insert frequency modulation directly between the layers of sound. Why don't you play a sample now?

Q: (Allen) Play a sample of the chorus, or of the music I've been working on?

A: Our voice!

Q: (Allen) How can I play a sample of your voice? I've got some music that I've been working on, but it doesn't have any choral stuff in it yet? Is that the music that you're talking about, or is there something that I'm missing?

A: What did you record today?

Q: (Allen) Ah! So, any particular song?

A: U pick!

Q: (Allen) Okay. So right now, all I have is me playing guitar, and Laura singing with a little reverb sweetening it. Would that do?

A: Yes

Q: (L) I had the idea to take ordinary songs and sing them and then for Allen to take say one ordinary song that was like a familiar melody to people, and then stretch it out to an hour CD. A song that would take 4 or 5 minutes to sing, make it stretched to one hour. And then put a musical track in the background that's more in time. So anyhow, is this a good idea?

A: Very! Try it!

Q: (L) Well, that wasn't very informative. I could have answered that, Jesus. (DD) Hang up on them! (laughter) (Keit) So which song would you choose? (L) Well, just a whole bunch of them.

[Pause while Allen tries to burn music to disc. Everyone then ends up listening to music in the office.]

Q: (Keit) On an emotional level, Amazing Grace had the most effect on me. (Allen) We can have you sing solo and then a choir of us come in and back you up. That's a thought.

A: Many possibilities, eh? Notice the "effect?"

Q: (Joe) Music to soothe the savage the beast!

A: Music to communicate to the soul.

Q: (L) Well, I really don't understand.

A: There are frequencies in your/our voice that are inaudible to the physical ear but affect the spirit.

Q: (Joe) True. (Scott) I wonder if that's why there are certain bands where the people totally can't sing, but everyone thinks they're great - I mean, above and beyond marketing and all that kind of stuff?

A: Yes! And some of them activate "interesting" frequencies!

Q: (L) When you say "interesting", what does that mean?

A: Shall we say that it is planned and deliberate for nefarious purposes.

Q: (Joe) What music were you thinking about, Scottie? (Scottie) I was just thinking after our talk the other day about objectively and subjectively good music and everything. I was thinking about some of the popular music, like pretty much everything... Like my workout music, grunge music, electric guitar music, rap music - all these different types of popular music. And some of it is actually done by somebody who can't even sing at all and people just absolutely love it. So there are all these different genres where some bands become popular, whereas you can go to a bar and here's somebody singing a song and they're ten times better, but... (L) But they're not famous. (Scottie) So why do these people who have absolutely no talent become famous, beyond the fact that they were "discovered", or advertising, etc...

A: Laurel Canyon anyone?

Q: (laughter) (Keit) We were just talking about it today! (Joe) Yeah, they were all picked. (C**) So would Laura's voice be kind of what Gurdjieff called "objective music"?

A: Yes

So maybe a combination of POTS, Lauras voice and a just scale with the right frequency tuning would make a very potent hymn? OSIT

Could the C´s help with these frequenzies? Or do anyone else have a clue on what they might be? IF they makes a difference.
At 432 Hz the mathematics work out between the chords, but at 440 Hz they don't. I have grade school math from the 60's, so don't expect me to explain this theory using math. I just know my guitar didn't flow at 440 tuning, but after I adjusted it using vibrational tuning methods, it seems to not fight the music and the strings vibrate in unity.

Anart - If several popular musicians lives end with question marks, that makes me want to investigate other possibilities as to why their lives expired. Toxic drug abuse is a simple way to explain these events, that most people would accept. In dealings with a huge nest of petty tyrants (international import export), I have become accustomed to looking at other possibilities. It seems the most obvious solutions are put there for a reason. It is up to us to not blindly accept what seems like a good explanation. At least this is how I have come to think, as a matter of survival in International Business. I can not speak for others. This was how my partner and I survived.

I knew this was important, the instant I read about it. It doesn't matter what group thinks 432 is good, it is the idea I am talking about and what this group might be able to accomplish using this theory. If Hitler wanted 440 Hz played constantly and even changed the music standards, I want to play 432.
WIN 52 said:
Anart - If several popular musicians lives end with question marks, that makes me want to investigate other possibilities as to why their lives expired.

The simplest explanation is usually the correct one. You live hard, you die young. There may be exceptions in that group of people who were trouble to the PTB, thus they were eliminated, but across the board, you appear to be seeing faulty cause/effect relationships.

w said:
Toxic drug abuse is a simple way to explain these events, that most people would accept.

Perhaps because it's true?

w said:
In dealings with a huge nest of petty tyrants (international import export), I have become accustomed to looking at other possibilities. It seems the most obvious solutions are put there for a reason. It is up to us to not blindly accept what seems like a good explanation.

It's also up to 'us' to not let our emotions run our thinking and thus create grandiose theories where simplicity defines a situation. fwiw.
WIN 52 said:
At 432 Hz the mathematics work out between the chords, but at 440 Hz they don't. I have grade school math from the 60's, so don't expect me to explain this theory using math. I just know my guitar didn't flow at 440 tuning, but after I adjusted it using vibrational tuning methods, it seems to not fight the music and the strings vibrate in unity.

WIN 52, it sounds to me like you're saying, "The math works out, but don't ask me about the math because I don't know it." And then your proof for this is your subjective impression of what your guitar sounds like at 432 Hz. Please search the forum for threads on subjectivity vs. objectivity and check the cassiopedia entries. You are living in subjectivity land. It's normal, and it's where we all come from, but the purpose of this forum is to fight against our own subjectivity. If you want to state an opinion, do so honestly. For example, "I know it's subjective, but I find that my guitar sounds better at 432 Hz." If you try to back up your subjective likes and dislikes with false theories and rationalizations, you are doing yourself a disfavor, as it amounts to a self-lie. On the other hand, if you have real data to make a point, present it. If you are interested in learning how to separate your emotions from your intellect, and to learn to really think, this is the place for you. But if you're intent on identifying with your theories and mixing apples and oranges, maybe it ain't.

I knew this was important, the instant I read about it. It doesn't matter what group thinks 432 is good, it is the idea I am talking about and what this group might be able to accomplish using this theory. If Hitler wanted 440 Hz played constantly and even changed the music standards, I want to play 432.

Without more data, this is fallacious reasoning. The goal of this forum is to learn to think without emotions. If Hitler liked 440 Hz, it does not follow that it is evil or even anything at all of importance. The man also liked vegetables.
I am not letting my emotions run my thinking. When a person has no idea where the attack comes from, one must consider all options, both obvious and not so obvious. It is merely an exercise of turning over all the stones rather than one or two, or taking the broad path. I just don't know the details, the math, or the meaning of subjectivity. I may understand the mechanics of it, once I read more on that subject, but at the moment those are just words.

I am dealing in physical experience here, over 40 years of experiences. When I read about 440 Hz vs 432 Hz and listened to what was available on u-tube the bells, lights and whistles began....is all.

I am not concerned with being correct according to psychological thinking at this point, and I understand my writing skills are terribly lacking, in that the understanding I have seems to be missed. For that, I apologize.

I can't however apologize for people not being able to understand the significance of the frequency of music and how that has influenced and stimulated humans, and continues to. It seeems attention on personal issues are a distraction from the real issue here.
WIN 52 said:
I am not letting my emotions run my thinking.

Yes you are. You cannot correctly perceive your own thinking. You cannot think about the way you think with the way you think.

win said:
I am not concerned with being correct according to psychological thinking at this point,

This is a very serious problem, because you are not only self-referencing, but you are thinking, in all and everything, only about yourself and what you want - not about others who have to read what you write and attempt to understand it.

Please see Laura's post to you here.
The lower tunings always felt better to me, no matter what frequency you started on. The lower tuning is always going to feel warmer. Musicians don't necessarily go for the 'warmer'. Take Richard Hell and the Voidoids, or certain John Cage constructs as examples.

And the discussion on ambiguity of time, is true. But, there is still a universal something that makes us blink on when we're born into a body and blink out when our body dies. The difference between 440 and 432 is the difference between 'here' and 'there'. That might or might not be the importance of knowing something and not knowing something, living and dying...whatever. Might be important and might not.

-->I'm thinking that if there's meaning to the downtuning to 432 (or actually it was the uptuning to 440 wasn't it) then it would possibly be related to something like 432 being a harmonic of some other fundamental frequency, like the Schumann Resonance, or the revolutions the Moon, the planets, or the frequency of sunspots, or the comings and goings of The Wave (not kidding here, though I was when I first thought about it, hmmmm)...

I'm just throwing things up against the wall here, as I don't know math well enough to go do the legwork to find out. I don't think I've run into anything pertaining to that, earlier in the discussion here--though I could have missed it if something like that is there.
Dr Royal Rife was using frequency vibration to cure cancer in the early 1900's. He constructed a microscope where he could watch the effects of frequency vibration on samples of viruses. He would note the frequencies at which the viruses would explode. These frequencies were not harmful to healthy tissue in the human body.

It seems frequency vibration is a big subject.

Dr Rife's research and most of his equipment was confiscated by the authorities in the 50's, as they said he was a hoaxer. My brother knows where one of his microscopes is today, and still is working they say.
Actually, the mathematics work out with 'A' 440, BUT, in natural tuning/Pythagorean ratios : 1, 9/8, 6/5, 4/3, 3/2, 5/3, 15/8, 2 With A 440 being 5/3. That works out to:

Do - 264 hz
Re - 297 hz
Mi - 330 hz
Fa - 352 hz
Sol - 396 hz
La - 440 hz
Si - 495 hz
Do - 528 hz

An interesting aside, our sun vibrates at a VERY low octave of Do, relative to this A 440/pythagorean ratio tuning scheme. Also of interest, is that a lower octave of Do is 33 hz

Formula for Any 'Do' .... 2^n + 2^(n-5)

WIN 52 said:
My brother knows where one of his microscopes is today, and still is working they say.

WIN, do you realize that what you wrote above sounds like an urban legend? I'm just not certain at this point if you are actually aware of how foggy your thinking appears to be - or at least how what you write comes across.

Dr Rife's work sounds interesting, and I have no doubt that pretty much anything can be destroyed by vibrations, but if you have any links or data to back up these statements, it would be greatly appreciated if you could share them so we could all get educated on it.
In Appendix D (on Resources page), the details of how and why specific frequencies of very low intensity ultrasound can destroy viruses and bacteria are derived and discussed using standard physics. Here we wish to know the approximate intensity of ultrasound necessary to kill the cancer virus as was done by the Rife frequency instrument used in the U.S.C 1934 clinical trials. We should anticipate three significant physical processes being involved in generating ultrasound in the patients. One, pressure waves being generated in the patient from exposure to oscillating light intensity from the X - ray tube. Two, direct generation of ultrasound from the X - ray tube walls vibrating from their interaction with plasma shock waves generated by tube electric current flows and electric fields from oscillating charge density distributions. Third, oscillating forces on the ions in the salt solution of the patient's body from the oscillating electric fields of the discharge tube ( X - ray tube ). These oscillating ions insidee the patient produce pressure waves (ultrasound).

The intensity ( Watts / Meter squared ) of an acoustic sinusoidal wave when expressed in terms of pressure is frequency independent and is given by:

I = ( P )2 / ( 2D V ) ; where I is intensity in watts / meter squared , P is the maximum pressure in Newton / meter squared , D is the density of the medium in kilograms / meter cubed , and V is the velocity of sound in meters / second in the medium. P will now be calculated approximately and along with approximate assumed values for D and V, I will be given to within two orders of magnitude. With perhaps two orders of magnitude of slop, this may seem like a non-useful result. However, we shall find that the results have some profound implications. Figure 6 shows a frequency instrument being used on a cancer patient. Assume the light leaves the ray tube uniformly in all directions. Then the light intensity on the patient's abdomen directly below the tube as illustrated in Figure 6b is equal to the total light out put in watts divided by the surface area of a sphere which has a radius equal to the shortest distance between the center of the ray tube and the patients skin surface. We will assume 40 % efficiency in conversion of electric power to light, this includes UV, visible, and IR in the ray tube. The quartz wall of the X - ray tube passed UV, visible and much IR light through it. The tubes used in the clinical trials dissipated around 80 watts. Therefore, we assume approximately 32 watts of radiant light energy is emitted. Now looking back at Figure 3 we see that the light is emitted in pulses which to a first approximation can be approximated as of a sine wave pattern. The 32 watt light output power is the root mean square ( RMS ) value of the output power in the form of light. For a sine wave the relationship between the peak power output and the root mean square value is :

W ( peak value ) = ( 2) W ( RMS value ). Light carries momentum and when light is absorbed by the skin, that momentum must be conserved.

It is conserved by being converted into the longitudinal wave momentum of the pressure pulse that travels into the body. The peak amplitude of that pressure pulse associated with each light pulse is:

P = ( Pointing's vector ) /( speed of light ) = S / C ; where S is the magnitude of

Pointing's vector and C is the speed of light. S = ( (2) W( RMS value ) ) / ( Surface area of sphere )

S = the instantaneous energy per time crossing unit area.

P ( peak value ) = ( (2) (32 watts)/(4 )(.3 meters)2 ) / ( 3 x 10 8 meters/second )

P ( peak value ) = 1.88 x 10 -7 Newton/meter squared

The outer surface of the skin is made up of a dead skin cell layer. These cells have approximately 10% water content and the rest is essentially protein. I know of no density or speed of sound measurements for this dead skin material. I will now assume a density of .8x10 3 kilograms/meter cubed ( 80% of that of water ) and a speed of sound of

50 meters / second ( similar to vulcanized rubber ). Using these values for

P ( peak value ), D ,and V we obtain:

I = ( 1.88 x 10 -7 n/m ) 2 / ( (2)(.8x10 3 kgm/m3 )( 50 m/s ) ) = 4.4 x 10 -16 w/m2

It should be noted that in this approximation calculation, the fact that significant radiant "light" passes through the dead skin layer and is absorbed in the living tissue is ignored. Proper consideration of this fact does not significantly change the results for the value of I calculated.

If the above calculated value of ultrasound intensity is responsible for a significant amount of the observed microbe kill off with a Rife frequency instrument, then there are two important points to be made and realized at this time. First, even if our approximation calculation for I were off by two orders of magnitude, it is clear that what is normally thought of as a totally harmless and insignificant ultrasound intensity can have profound effects on microbes. We can make this statement because Rife and medical doctors which used his frequency instrument cured thousands of patients of microbe/virus caused diseases using power levels in the ray tube we used for calculation purposes above. The second point to be made is that the microbes and viruses have high Q-values when considered as mechanical resonators. Where 2E /Q is the approximate total vibration energy released or dissipated by a vibrating system per complete oscillation cycle of the system. E is the total energy stored in the oscillator ( potential plus kinetic energy). This Q-value as used above is understood for a simple oscillating system, such as a mass attached to a spring while going back and forth (oscillating ) on a frictional surface. However, in our virus system it becomes a little more tricky to use, because there are so many vibration modes that can be simultaneously in existence. For example when you pick up one of the virus models you have constructed from the material you have been supplied in APPENDIX D , keep your finger on one of the spherical protein clumps. Now count to see how many different closed "rings" of protein clumps this one protein clump belongs to. Note that for each separate closed ring this protein clump has three independent degrees of vibration associated with each resonant frequency mode for each closed ring. These three independent degrees of vibration consist of two transverse vibrations at right angles to each other and one longitudinal The physical displacement of one transverse vibration occurs approximately in the local tangent plane to the surface in which the clump is located and at right angle to the Ring's local curvature. The other transverse vibration has its displacement occur at right angles to the first and occurs in the approximate direction of above and below the local tangent plane to the virus's surface. The longitudinal vibrational displacement occurs back and forth along and parallel with the local direction of the closed ring of clumped proteins. Once you realize that all of these vibration modes are allowed to coexist together on the outer coat of the virus, you see that the coat is a sitting duck, just waiting to absorb resonant vibration energy up to the point where it comes apart by rupture of the weak bonding between adjacent protein clumps.

Now, let us consider the ultrasound intensity generated in the air by the mechanical oscillations of the wall of the X - ray tube. From the operation of current gas filled tubes which are similar to Rife's tube, with similar electrode design, gas mixtures, pressures and power dissipation, it is experimentally known that such tubes when operated at auditory frequencies make an audible sound. This sound occurs whether the tube is ran at mega hertz frequencies with audio frequency amplitude modulation or simply by a audio frequency sine wave voltage. The sound is not very loud but is clearly audible as long as the back ground sound is not to loud. The average human ear can just detect (hear) a tone of ~ 1,000 cycles per second in a very quite background, at around an intensity level of 10 - 12 W / m 2. I believe that it is safe to assume ultrasound intensities of around 10 - 10 W / m2 for these Rife type tubes. As stated above the intensity of an acoustic sinusoidal wave when expressed in terms of pressure is frequency independent and is given by:

I = ( P ) 2 / ( 2DV); solving for P we have: P = ( 2DVI ) 1/2; if we now place into this

equation the values of I = 10 -10 W/m2, V = 333 m/S (speed of sound in air), and D = 1.22 kg/m3 ( air density ), we obtain P = 2.9 x 10 - 4 n/m2. This would be the approximate sinusoidal air pressure variation experienced on the skin surface by a patient located only a few inches from a Rife type tube making the auditory sound mentioned above. Now the important question to ask is: What is the intensity of the sound that travels into the patient's body generated by the sinusoidal air pressure variation experienced on the skin? The answer is by using our formula for intensity again and subtituting in:

P = 2.9 x 10 - 4 n/m; because the wave pressure is approximately conserved, D ~ .8 x10 3 Kgm/ m3 (dead skin layer), V ~ 50 m/S , (assumed velocity of sound in dead skin layer), we obtain:

I = 1.05 x 10 - 12 W/m2

Even, if I am off ( to optimistic ), and I probably am by a couple or so orders of magnitude for the intensity of mega hertz ultrasound actually generated by the tube wall, it is clear again that ultrasound intensities that are normally thought to be totally harmless and insignificant can have profound effects on microbes.

What about the affects of oscillating electric fields from the tube generating ultrasound in the patient. Well from the positive results from the use of such devices as the Lakhovsky Multiple Wave Oscillator, it is clear that we can expect similar results from a Rife frequency instrument when in close proximity to it.

Figure 7a shows a closed ring of protein clumps such as are found in the outer capsid coat of a virus. Figure 7b shows the mathematical abstraction of Figure 7a. Each protein clump has a mass m, and they have a distance a between their centers of mass. The elastic connecting force is provided by the self elasticity of the protein clumps, which are weakly bound together mainly with hydrogen bonds. A tension in the closed ring of protein clumps is maintained by osmotic pressure and, by hydrophilic and hydrophobic interactions between the outer virus coat and water and other chemical compounds in the environment ( see APPENDIX D for details ). The magnitude of this tension in conjunction with the mass of the protein clump determines the fundamental natural mechanical oscillation frequency for the ring.

From here Rife papers from 1920's
The Rife microscope and frequency generator my brother knows about is kept quiet because the US medical association would love to destroy it. They nearly succeded in erasing this from history. Had it not been for the internet, I think they might have.

Here is a Rife FAQ page
I want to jump in for Padawan. A little more information might be helpful.

There is a line of study we might want to look into with Royal Rife and I haven't found a forum Topic for him. Though, he should probably have his own Topic stream. It would probably also include the work of Dr. Hulda Clark and her 'zappers', who recently passed away.

The concept of frequencies being used for human health, or the opposite, as it may be with HAARP and the chemtrail programs, might even be a Topic on it's own.

Piece on Royal Rife
(yes it's on Rense--I'm aware)

Dr. Hulda Clark's Site. There's an entire list of Rife's frequencies and the organisms that they relate to on her site in an article titled, "The Cure of All Diseases" which (IMO) should be a must read for everyone looking for non-pharmaceutical answers in medical research.

Here's a whole page full of Rife and Clark links from the ElectroHerbalism site. Very interesting place to forage for information on this subject.


Mod's note: Deactivated the rense's link
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