abovetopscret.com, Project SERPO, Project Camelot, Project Avalon

"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

Alchemy said:
Expect MORE exposure ... this should get interesting!
I guess Cheney is going to have to ask Congress for an additional million just to take care of SOTT! All those flame artists cruising the net and dropping libelous posts wherever they can want to be paid, ya know!
"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

Laura said:
Alchemy said:
Expect MORE exposure ... this should get interesting!
I guess Cheney is going to have to ask Congress for an additional million just to take care of SOTT! All those flame artists cruising the net and dropping libelous posts wherever they can want to be paid, ya know!
Cheney ASKS Congress??? Come on, now, stop pulling our legs. =D
"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

I received an interesting comment on my Abovetopsecret.com, Project Serpo Psy-ops, and the Pentagon's Flying Fish post today:

oneperson said...

Wayne Jaeschke appears to be the member at ATS who goes by the alias 'CENTRIST'. He is the one who actually started the Serpo thread over at AboveTopSecret.com on Nov. 30, 2005. He involved himself early on it appears by contacting Victor himself (if that contact wasn't already in place before the entire affair broke loose). This is all very interesting. I am not sure of the timing but they (ATS) have been very busy again over there dumping threads - either moving them to the trash bin or moving them from the public thread area into protected areas. Specifically the Serpo stuff has all been re-arranged again. Their slam-dunk marketing effort of putting up ProjectSerpo.org has been re-directed back into the board thread on Serpo and several of the board threads regarding Serpo have been put into the trash bin and or moved into RATS or other non-public posting areas.

Centrist 'Wayne C. Jaeschke' seems to have been around on the ATS site at least since May of 2005 if not before. His big splash seems to be bringing the Serpo affair to the board. Almost all the threads I can see that he has started are in the 'Aliens and UFOS' category.
Ancient Alien Visitations...
Exopolitics and "First Contact" -- interesting spin on MJ-12 papers
Learning to Communicate With Aliens? Is this true?
J. Allen Hynek -- Why?
Kapustin Yar
Billy Meier called the New Nostradamus!?!?
Interesting sighting from 2002 over D.C.
10 rolls of uncensored Project Blue Book microfilm released
Recent Tony Dodd Article on UFOs
Are Von Neumann Probes the Unifying Theory of Ufology?
Project Serpo: Postings by "Anonymous" -- Breaking news?
Project Mask
George Knapp takes on Dan Burisch
Bruce Maccabee's "Hawk Tales"
Burisch/Deppeller -- EXPOSED!
An update on Bob Lazar -- by George Knapp
Linda Howe and Bruce Maccabee interview UFO Whistleblower
Whether he is really ATS' legal coucil or he offered to do this for the owners on his own accord who knows. The whole thing is so shady it is rediculous. Not one law was mentioned in this email sent to the your WebHost Provider. In fact he is basically lying and mistating facts.
FYI - Melissa has also started spewing lies that you personally stole here FEMA Detainment Camp article and plagiarized her.

Melissa Allin QUOTE:
"She stole it in entirety - including downloading my personal pictures to her server and then reposting them. It was not a derivative work, nor a parody...it was outright plagiarism."
Melissa Allin ENDQUOTE:

ATS CC BS (The above words are owned by Melissa Allin and Co-Owned by ATS LLP (Mark Allin, Simon Gray, William Irvine)

There are so many coincidences. The ATS mantra logo "Deny Ignorance" looks as if it was a ripoff of your material and the Cassiopaeans "Knowledge Protects, Ignorance Endangers", and if I'm not mistaken that material has been copyrighted since 1994 or earlier. Melissa starts all these topics about Gog & Magog? Wonder if she ever read Secret History or you Mogols Article, ...

Many coincidences, many many more...
To which I posted the following reply:

Laura Knight Jadczyk said...

Melissa Allin QUOTE:
"She stole it in entirety - including downloading my personal pictures to her server and then reposting them. It was not a derivative work, nor a parody...it was outright plagiarism."
Melissa Allin ENDQUOTE:

Melissa Allin needs to invest in a good dictionary, or maybe she needs to ask her good buddy, Wayne Jaeschke to explain the meaning of the word "plagiarism" to her.

Plagiarism is: "the act of appropriating the literary composition of another author, or excerpts, ideas, or passages therefrom, and passing the material off as one's own creation."

Or: "The false presentation of someone else's writing as one's own."

Or: "Taking, using, and passing off as your own, the ideas or words or work of another."

Etc, etc, etc.

There are two points here: First point is that the article was fully attributed and properly linked to abovetopsecret.com. Since we have been forced to remove it from the Signs page for that day because of the threats to our server tech, we have republished that entire signs page on our Russian site here: http://abovetopsecret.narod.ru/signs20050909.htm
where you can view it exactly as it was. Please note the links, the comments at the end suggesting that the reader go to the original to read the entire text and to view all the photos.

Most sites are very happy for us to pick up their articles, publish them in whole or part, because they get a lot of traffic from us. If someone finds an article interesting, they will click the link, go to the site, and check out what else they have there.

And we are always careful to put in correct links, to make full attribution, to give credit to not only the author, but the website.

So, that's the first point.

The second point is that I am not the one who selects the articles to be published. Yes, I select some some of the time, and now and again I fill in for the SOTT team when they are away on research trips. But 99.90 percent of the time, other than writing an editorial now and then, I have nothing to do with the Signs page production anymore.

Final point: at that particular moment in time, I wasn't even in the country. As you can see from my photo albums here:




and here:


(check dates on photos)

I was traveling in Italy and Croatia from September 3rd until we returned home on the 13th.

I had no access to a computer, wasn't reading or watching the news, and in fact, was suffering from a herniated disc (as I mention in the travelogue) and spent most of my travel time on medication, in bed, in various hotels.

The main point is, if you look at the way the article was presented, there were TWO links to the original article, full attribution was made, and there was no doubt whatsoever as to who wrote what.

Based on her incredible lie about this matter, not to mention the behavior of that whole gang, they all fit the profile of the psychopath. Have a look here:


and read the related articles. One of the main things about psychopaths is that they always accuse others of what they do themselves.
Simon Grey: Christian Bailey: Abovetopsecret?

I received an interesting comment on my Abovetopsecret.com, Project Serpo Psy-ops, and the Pentagon's Flying Fish post today:

oneperson said...

Wayne Jaeschke appears to be the member at ATS who goes by the alias 'CENTRIST'. He is the one who actually started the Serpo thread over at AboveTopSecret.com on Nov. 30, 2005. He involved himself early on it appears by contacting Victor himself (if that contact wasn't already in place before the entire affair broke loose). This is all very interesting. I am not sure of the timing but they (ATS) have been very busy again over there dumping threads - either moving them to the trash bin or moving them from the public thread area into protected areas. Specifically the Serpo stuff has all been re-arranged again. Their slam-dunk marketing effort of putting up ProjectSerpo.org has been re-directed back into the board thread on Serpo and several of the board threads regarding Serpo have been put into the trash bin and or moved into RATS or other non-public posting areas.

Centrist 'Wayne C. Jaeschke' seems to have been around on the ATS site at least since May of 2005 if not before. His big splash seems to be bringing the Serpo affair to the board. Almost all the threads I can see that he has started are in the 'Aliens and UFOS' category.
Ancient Alien Visitations...
Exopolitics and "First Contact" -- interesting spin on MJ-12 papers
Learning to Communicate With Aliens? Is this true?
J. Allen Hynek -- Why?
Kapustin Yar
Billy Meier called the New Nostradamus!?!?
Interesting sighting from 2002 over D.C.
10 rolls of uncensored Project Blue Book microfilm released
Recent Tony Dodd Article on UFOs
Are Von Neumann Probes the Unifying Theory of Ufology?
Project Serpo: Postings by "Anonymous" -- Breaking news?
Project Mask
George Knapp takes on Dan Burisch
Bruce Maccabee's "Hawk Tales"
Burisch/Deppeller -- EXPOSED!
An update on Bob Lazar -- by George Knapp
Linda Howe and Bruce Maccabee interview UFO Whistleblower
Whether he is really ATS' legal coucil or he offered to do this for the owners on his own accord who knows. The whole thing is so shady it is rediculous. Not one law was mentioned in this email sent to the your WebHost Provider. In fact he is basically lying and mistating facts.
FYI - Melissa has also started spewing lies that you personally stole here FEMA Detainment Camp article and plagiarized her.

Melissa Allin QUOTE:
"She stole it in entirety - including downloading my personal pictures to her server and then reposting them. It was not a derivative work, nor a parody...it was outright plagiarism."
Melissa Allin ENDQUOTE:

ATS CC BS (The above words are owned by Melissa Allin and Co-Owned by ATS LLP (Mark Allin, Simon Gray, William Irvine)

There are so many coincidences. The ATS mantra logo "Deny Ignorance" looks as if it was a ripoff of your material and the Cassiopaeans "Knowledge Protects, Ignorance Endangers", and if I'm not mistaken that material has been copyrighted since 1994 or earlier. Melissa starts all these topics about Gog & Magog? Wonder if she ever read Secret History or you Mogols Article, ...

Many coincidences, many many more...
To which I posted the following reply:

Laura Knight Jadczyk said...

Melissa Allin QUOTE:
"She stole it in entirety - including downloading my personal pictures to her server and then reposting them. It was not a derivative work, nor a parody...it was outright plagiarism."
Melissa Allin ENDQUOTE:

Melissa Allin needs to invest in a good dictionary, or maybe she needs to ask her good buddy, Wayne Jaeschke to explain the meaning of the word "plagiarism" to her.

Plagiarism is: "the act of appropriating the literary composition of another author, or excerpts, ideas, or passages therefrom, and passing the material off as one's own creation."

Or: "The false presentation of someone else's writing as one's own."

Or: "Taking, using, and passing off as your own, the ideas or words or work of another."

Etc, etc, etc.

There are two points here: First point is that the article was fully attributed and properly linked to abovetopsecret.com. Since we have been forced to remove it from the Signs page for that day because of the threats to our server tech, we have republished that entire signs page on our Russian site here: http://abovetopsecret.narod.ru/signs20050909.htm
where you can view it exactly as it was. Please note the links, the comments at the end suggesting that the reader go to the original to read the entire text and to view all the photos.

Most sites are very happy for us to pick up their articles, publish them in whole or part, because they get a lot of traffic from us. If someone finds an article interesting, they will click the link, go to the site, and check out what else they have there.

And we are always careful to put in correct links, to make full attribution, to give credit to not only the author, but the website.

So, that's the first point.

The second point is that I am not the one who selects the articles to be published. Yes, I select some some of the time, and now and again I fill in for the SOTT team when they are away on research trips. But 99.90 percent of the time, other than writing an editorial now and then, I have nothing to do with the Signs page production anymore.

Final point: at that particular moment in time, I wasn't even in the country. As you can see from my photo albums here:




and here:


(check dates on photos)

I was traveling in Italy and Croatia from September 3rd until we returned home on the 13th.

I had no access to a computer, wasn't reading or watching the news, and in fact, was suffering from a herniated disc (as I mention in the travelogue) and spent most of my travel time on medication, in bed, in various hotels.

The main point is, if you look at the way the article was presented, there were TWO links to the original article, full attribution was made, and there was no doubt whatsoever as to who wrote what.

Based on her incredible lie about this matter, not to mention the behavior of that whole gang, they all fit the profile of the psychopath. Have a look here:


and read the related articles. One of the main things about psychopaths is that they always accuse others of what they do themselves.
"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

Another interesting post to my blog brings forth even more revelations:

SERPO: More serpo stuff appeared on Victor Martinez' list last night, including a commentary from anonymous as to why ufologist would never be satisified with his "proof". VM is quite keen that the public focus on "The Big Picture" and do not dissect and analyze the information. Well duh, I wonder why they don't want us to think about it too much?

CENTRIST: seem to remember that alias as a frequent contributor to the long-running "Dr Dan Burisch works with aliens" thread on GLP.

BILL RYAN: http://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&q=bill.ryan@virgin.net&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8

SPECIFICALLY: http://www.factnet.org/discus/messages/3/15544.html?1142185076

Part of a splinter group from the Scientologists known as Ron's Org.
So, I had a look at the link and there is this:

TECH outside COS:Invitation to Ron's Org inaugural meeting, Sunday 22 January

Dear Friend,

We’d like to invite you to a meeting which will announce the opening of a new org: Ron’s Org UK.

All Free Zone Scientologists are invited. We’d love you to come and meet with us, even if it’s not your intention to take part in a new Ron’s Org. We in the Free Zone have huge amounts in common with one another. Ron said that he considered all auditors to be his friends. We salute everyone who is trying to help, and do not seek to create or define petty boundaries. We’d like to see all Free Zone Scientologists in the UK working together towards their common interests and goals.

Present at the meeting will be Erica Hauri, Snr C/S Ron’s Org Bern (Switzerland), and Otfried Krumpholz, C/S Ron’s Org Frankfurt (Germany). Both are flying to the UK for the day to make themselves available. They’ll offer a full orientation and can answer all and any questions about the Ron’s Org Bridge.

The plan is to open an org in South East England (location not yet specified) and to invite everyone to continue – or start! – their Bridge using Standard Tech. All levels of the Bridge can be delivered directly or indirectly, and all levels of training are also available. There are no bogged cases, situations, or incidents which the Tech cannot fully resolve.

Erica and Otfried both speak fluent English and will be happy to share their own experiences in Scientology.

Erica and her husband Max, with the help of Otfried, have started a large number of orgs in Russia. There the scene is booming; there are something in the order of 2,000 Scientologists on lines and in Moscow alone there are a dozen or so orgs. Erica and Max between them are the Snr C/Ses for them all.

Otfried and Max have done a lot of research into alterations of the tech in the Church over the last several decades, and Otfried will be delighted to make a presentation on this and to answer detailed questions. He has a fascinating, growing website at http://www.dasdrittejahrtausend.de/Home-e.html which chronicles many of the changes in the Tech in the last few decades.

Also present at the meeting will be Bill Ryan, who is not a C/S but who has been in Ron’s Org since 1987. Erica, Otfried and Bill are high on the Ron’s Org Bridge and will be happy to share their wins. Henrik and Bente Salbol, Clive Nicol, and Clive Whittaker, will all also be there, all of whom have started on Ron’s Org lines in the last 18 months and all of whom are doing well; they’ve had a lot of wins, too.

– Time and place

There’ll be two meetings that day, separated so that everyone’s needs and interests can be met most effectively. The location will be advised nearer the day for understandable security reasons, but it’ll be somewhere south of London.

The first meeting: 10.30 – 1.30. This is for Scientologists of some experience and who may have been in the Church for a while, and/or who may have been audited on some of the OT levels. People attending this first meeting are most welcome to stay with us for the rest of the day.

The second meeting: 2.30 – 5.30. This is for those who are relatively new to Scientology or whose orientation requirements are more at an introductory level.

The purpose of holding two meetings rather than just one is purely to meet people’s needs as best as we can, and judge the gradient of presentation (and question and answer) appropriately. We will not enforce any segregation! Freedom of choice is central to Rons’ Org philosophy, and anyone can come to whichever meeting they choose.

– Freedom of choice

Fundamental to freedom are the Rights of a Thetan: the right to one’s own sanity, the right to leave a game, and the right to make or choose a new game to play. As freedom of choice is a basic tenet in Ron’s Org, you’ll find that there will be no effort to “reg” anyone or to persuade anyone of any point of view. This is an opportunity to meet some interesting people, get data, and ask questions. There’ll be additional opportunity to talk confidentially and in private with anyone, if that is helpful.

– A new game, and an invitation

But a new game is starting, and all are invited to play. Part of the purpose of the day is to evaluate the level of active interest. We know there’s enough interest to start a fully functioning org immediately, but there are many opportunities for those who would like to take part or contribute – in any way, major or minor. All are welcome and no contribution is too small.

– Please reply

Please reply to me at bill.ryan@virgin.net if you’re interested in attending, and also if there are any questions you’d like to ask. We’ll answer the latter, and will put you on the list to inform of the exact location a few days before the event. Please assist by spreading the word, far and wide. Do forward this e-mail to your friends. We look forward to hearing from you all, and to meeting you on the day.

With best wishes,

All who are interested, please Mail myself,
Terril Park, at bbafzao@hotmail.com

And /or, Bill Ryan, at bill.ryan@virgin.net

We will inform you of the meeting place nearer the time.

Terril Park, at bbafzao@hotmail.com
This address can also be found in the next URL.

To find out more about us and to join our
forum see our websites at


For those who are quite new to the subjects of Dianetics and Scientology, we have a forum where your questions can be answered, and their is a minimum of the quite extensive specialised terminology of these subjects.

MOST interesting!

I also received a private email that included the following:

Bill Ryan tipped his hand when he gave Hal Puthoff good marks (an ethical guy). Hal Puthoff has an
interesting history. First as a Naval Officer assigned to NSA, then converting to civilian status
at NSA. From there to SRI where he founded the Remote Viewing Program funded by the CIA and DoD.
Puthoff holds the highest USG "national security clearance." Hal Puthoff is also a leading

Puthoff began his RV program at SRI with Ingo Swann, Pat Price and 14 of Scientology's Elite Sea
Org's or "clears." The Sea Org's are a para-military group that uses Navy format and disciplines.
(see link below) The Elite Sea Org's, often refered to as Ron-toids, have unlimited power to manage
any organization and unlimited power in taking over ANY organization. To reach Sea Org's OT7 status
means they have achieved "astral travel" and have mastered implanting thoughts into other's minds.
Add remote viewing with all of the above and you have achieved what Hitler tryed to create with a
master race. We now have a "New World Order" version that interacts with 3D, the astral 4th and in
some cases, manipulated into 5th. This group has been responsible for constructing astral
containment field's in 4th to trap soul essense of unaware astral spy's. Ethical - I don't think
SO! As for Ryan only meeting Hal Puthoff once, it would only take one visit with a man of that
caliber to ilicit mind programing and control it from a distance.

The level of attack that you are experiancing and the way it is being manipulated by Victor
Martenz with his side kick Bill Ryan - follow the exact same format seen in many "Scientologist
attacks" to former members or those labled "Suppressive Person's." In fact, Bill Ryan, John
Alexander and Bill Hamilton are all listed by Scientology as "Suppressive Person." (Link below.)
Every and any means available will be used against them, including being set-up to take the fall to
their own demise. Serpo is an instrument being used to lure in the fish and destroy the boat along
with the catch!

As for the Serpo (serpent) spin, two interesting dates were given in the introduction.
It was first reported November 2, 2005 All Soul's Day.
Transmission ended December 21, 2005 Winter Solstice
1965 - 1978 = 13 years Numbers 2, 3, 7, 11, 13, 21 & both Holidays suggest Masonic/Government

Prior to L.Ron Hubbard's death, the CIA inflitrated the Church of Scientology. After his death,
the CIA opened the door for the IRS to gain full control of ALL assets, property, copyrights and
organization's, then went on a spending spree in building vaults in NM and California to protect
Hubbard's sacred writings for a thousand years (?????) NOT
(Links below).

Anonymous claims DIA involvement - Chief spokesman representing a group. Now add Hal Puthoff, John
Alexander, Bill Hamilton and Ron Pandolfi.to the mix.

Quote: "Bill Ryan: Major long-term clients have included BAe (Systems) Ltd (formerly British
Aerospace), Hewlett-Packard, and PricewaterhouseCoopers" Note: All long time clients - each of
these corporations are owned and directed by the Illuninati. So who controls - Who?

In personal opinion, I see Serpo - as bait. Victory Martinez and Bill Ryan as salesman, with
handlers operating on the sidelines pulling strings. It's a controlled "lab" experiment in damage
control. A power grab to remain on top by directly attacking the preceived threat. In this case -
Now, I had a look at some of the links provided, and the one that supposedly lists "Suppressive Persons" is located here: http://www.lightlink.com/factnet1/pages/baker.html

The problem is, how does this relate to Bill Ryan promoting CoS in the above quoted posting? Are these folks split off from the regular CoS? I admit that I don't really follow the CoS stuff since I figure they have as much right to do their thing as anybody else and if people follow them or believe in some of their nonsense, that's their choice. Fact is, some of the CoS stuff is not so nonsensical, IMO. BUT, having said that, we all know that the best disinformation is a good percentage of truth mixed with lies at important points. I should also add, in the interests of disclosure, that I have had three very good friends who were CoS and I can only say that they were fine and sincere people in all my dealings with them.

I should also add that two other CoS persons who were, in CoS terminology, "OT8" used to come to me once a week for instruction, jokingly (but deadly serious) referring to the info from the C's as "getting their OT9 level." In other words, once they had reached that level in CoS, they realized that there were problems with the CoS teachings, philosophy, or something, and felt that they needed to go further and deeper and the C's were - in their view - the answer.

The one thing about this that bothered me a lot was that they were so scared of the CoS organization finding out that they were coming to me for "discussions" that it had to be a big secret. I was told that if the "head honchos" knew about this "heresy," that they would be separated from their families (all CoS) including their children, etc. (They had been with CoS for over 30 years!) So that part of CoS is definitely negative and you can't help but think that something that has to be protected with that kind of intimidation must be on pretty shakey ground. These people, insiders, so to say, also told me that CoS had been "taken over" after LRH died and everything was different from that point on. They didn't like it anymore and felt "suppressed".

In any event, because they had signed a contract, they could never reveal to me anything about the "higher level" CoS teachings, but I managed to figure out a lot simply based on the questions they asked me. None of it seemed really all that bad, just misguided. Some of it was as silly as believing that Jesus was crucified and rose after 3 days, or that Mary conceived and was still a virgin, etc. In other words, pretty hokey, but wrapped in all kinds of sci-fi terminology.

As I say, to each their own. The only problem is, of course, if it is true that the CIA or other alphabet soup folks got inside and took it over as another "social experiment" or as a means of future control. It's also scary to think about them running the show and using the poor CoS people for experiments or mind control projects, and so on.

Anyway, here are the links the correspondent sent me. Caveat Lector:









"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

SERPO.ORG is gone!

As in completely. It now takes you to the Namesco Limited domain listing site.
This name has been successfully registered by www.names.co.uk for
If this is your domain name you can now use your online control panel to access your web and email forwarding, DNS control and much more.
Click here to access you control panel.
Account features :
Online control panel
Web forwarding
Email forwarding

Full DNS management
FREE 'FirstPage' web site creator
FREE 24/7 expert support
As they say in California: Like, wow.
"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

rs said:
SERPO.ORG is gone!
I came across this thread kind of late and this morning I wanted to fill in the gaps by going to SERPO.ORG only to find what you just quoted. I thought: Ehhhh..what? I must be missing something here! - And indeed I do! LOL.
"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

Laura said:
Now, I had a look at some of the links provided, and the one that supposedly lists "Suppressive Persons" is located here: http://www.lightlink.com/factnet1/pages/baker.html --- The problem is, how does this relate to Bill Ryan promoting CoS in the above quoted posting?
I had a look at this link, http://www.lightlink.com/factnet1/pages/baker.html, planning to scan the info, but ended up reading it carefully. I had a brief association with CofS when I was in my late teens, and when I decided to leave the "Ethics Officers" made it very unpleasant for me. But that is something for a different thread. Anyway, as I was reading an exposition of the methods of coersion used (which I remember fom my own experience) I came across this:

"So, what does the RTC and OSA do about people speaking against Scientology in public? In HCOPL 21 November 1972, "How to handle Black Propoganda", by L. Ron Hubbard (note: Scientology is the ONLY workable system on the planet, and so "Black Propoganda" is any negative information on Scientology), it clearly states "ONLY COUNTERATTACK HANDLES". It states that one MUST attack, once the identity of the critic is known, as there is no other way out. "Any other course is death". This may give an idea of mind-set behind the raids, dead agent campaigns and verbal abuse that we have all seen BEFORE OUR VERY EYES on the usenet newsgroup alt.religion.scientology. All this is done in the name of tracking down "copyright" criminals, in the name of upholding the law."

Interesting coincidence?
"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

Fifth Way said:
rs said:
SERPO.ORG is gone!
I came across this thread kind of late and this morning I wanted to fill in the gaps by going to SERPO.ORG only to find what you just quoted. I thought: Ehhhh..what? I must be missing something here! - And indeed I do! LOL.
Serpo.org is gone, as is ATS' slander companion site projectserpo.org. Do a google search on serpo or serpo and abovetopsecret and the previously dozens of returns are now reduced to two. These guys have just cut their losses and slinked off after being exposed by us it seems.

Of course, this is just more evidence that the whole thing was one giant CoIntelPro manipulation. Makes ya wonder how many other similar hoaxes in the past such types are responsible for.

"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

Joe said:
Serpo.org is gone, as is ATS' slander companion site projectserpo.org. Do a google search on serpo or serpo and abovetopsecret and the previously dozens of returns are now reduced to two. These guys have just cut their losses and slinked off after being exposed by us it seems.

Of course, this is just more evidence that the whole thing was one giant CoIntelPro manipulation. Makes ya wonder how many other similar hoaxes in the past such types are responsible for.

Yes, it does make you wonder... I also wonder where their little head will pop up next - they aren't going to go away. If they are capable of learning from all of this, expect their next appearance to be much more carefully orchestrated -- or, if they are incapable of learning, expect them to come back with more of a vengence.
"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

Not too sure they are slinking away... what I DO wonder is how do they manage to work so closely with google??? There's some "insider trading" going on there... and that means only one thing...
"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

what I DO wonder is how do they manage to work so closely with google???
This is not too difficult to engineer, all you have to do is perform a DNS update and google will flush "stale" data.

This does not require a "conspiracy", just a knowledge of exactly how Google flushes pages, which is not too difficult to come by.

The same thing has happened to sott and cassiopaea repeatedly with your own web configuration changes. You make a DNS change, google flushes you, time passes and it slowly comes back again.

BTW, I did a google on "serpo" and got this:

free ticket SERPO, gratis kaarten SERPO - DELFT. ... REPTIELZOO SERPO is getoetst aan het Europese dierentuinenbesluit en per 9 april 2003 erkend als ...
www.serpo.nl/ - 9k - Cached - Similar pages

Reptile Park, includes a short description and location details.
www.serpo.nl/rep_eng.htm - 5k - Cached - Similar pages

Serpo: Home and Introduction
The gradual release of confidential documents pertaining to a top secret exchange program of twelve US military personnel to Serpo, a planet of Zeta ...
www.serpo.org/ - 18k - Cached - Similar pages

Serpo: Posted Information
Twelve team members went, and eight returned – two having died on Serpo and two having chosen ... Serpo was estimated to be about three billion years old. ...
www.serpo.org/information.html - 258k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from www.serpo.org ]

www.serpot.com/ - 3k - Cached - Similar pages

SERPO NV - Leidinggevende verwerker van kunstschuimen
Verwerken kunstschuimen, uitgebreid machinepark. Snijden, stansen, lassen of lijmen op maat of vorm. Schokabsorberende verpakking allerhande.
www.serpo.be/ - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

American Chronicle: ‘Project SERPO’ story gets more credible ...
Project SERPO is the alleged exchange program between astronaut-trained American military personnel and friendly visitors from a planet in the Zeta Reticuli ...
www.americanchronicle.com/articles/viewArticle.asp?articleID=6312 - 30k - Cached - Similar pages

American Chronicle: Cautious approach is wise on ‘Project SERPO ...
In the case of “Project SERPO” and alleged related programs “Project CRYSTAL KNIGHT” ... If the stories about “Project SERPO,” “Project CRYSTAL KNIGHT” and ...
www.americanchronicle.com/articles/viewArticle.asp?articleID=6501 - 19k - Cached - Similar pages

Project Serpo: Postings by "Anonymous" -- Breaking news? - Above ...
Discusion about Project Serpo: Postings by. ... Project Serpo Secret DIA Zeta Reticuli Exchange Program on ATS. Admin Notice: The below summary from page 77 ...
www.projectserpo.org/ - 101k - Cached - Similar pages

SERPO Project Forum and Open Mind -The Progressive Sceptics and ...
SERPO.org - click here for the very latest on the Serpo disclosures. *** Exclusive ! - Jerry Pippin Radio - The Serpo Podcast & coming soon - Pt2! ...
lucianarchy.proboards21.com/index.cgi?board=projectserpo - 57k - Cached - Similar pages
Now the links don't all work but the cache is still there (at least at this moment) for serpo.org. Eventually of course google will recrawl serpo.org and notice that the pages are all missing and then flush.

Irony alert: notice the first web link that google returns... Its a reptile zoo...
"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

Laura said:
Now, I had a look at some of the links provided, and the one that supposedly lists "Suppressive Persons" is located here: http://www.lightlink.com/factnet1/pages/baker.html --- The problem is, how does this relate to Bill Ryan promoting CoS in the above quoted posting?
Perhaps he's not actually promoting CofS, but rather a 'spin-off' of it. Notice in the email the references to "Free Zone," and this from the Suppressive Organizations and Persons list:


And then further down, in the 'persons' area is his name.
"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

OK, now serpo.org is no longer in the DNS system. Currently you can still recover the data from the Google cache but this will go away once Google "notices" that serpo.org has been removed from the domain name space and does its clean up.

As of Right Now Google reports:

site:www.serpo.org serpo

Serpo: Home and Introduction
The gradual release of confidential documents pertaining to a top secret exchange program of twelve US military personnel to Serpo, a planet of Zeta ...
www.serpo.org/ - 18k - Cached - Similar pages

Serpo: Posted Information
Twelve team members went, and eight returned – two having died on Serpo and two having chosen ... Serpo was estimated to be about three billion years old. ...
www.serpo.org/information.html - 258k - Cached - Similar pages

Serpo: Consistencies
He never mentioned "Serpo" as such. EBE-2 said that his planet's days were ... It is not specifically connected with Serpo and the source was not Anonymous. ...
www.serpo.org/consistencies.html - 44k - Cached - Similar pages

Serpo: Questions and Answers
Q: SERPO moved around one sun only. The other sun was within the two orbits. ... Q: Did Serpo have seasons or was the weather constant all year long? ...
www.serpo.org/questions.html - 18k - Cached - Similar pages

Serpo: Comments from List Members
The orbit must take SERPO around one sun but not the other. If there is some darkness on ... Put the right elements together and presto: You have Serpo. ...
www.serpo.org/comments.html - 101k - Cached - Similar pages

Serpo: Articles and Interviews
Some members of this mission to Serpo returned to earth. ... Ufologists will have their own criticisms and comments about the Serpo story. ...
www.serpo.org/articles.html - 68k - Cached - Similar pages

Serpo: Discussion and Debate
The outstanding "Team" of researchers involved in the Serpo Summary project included: ... Welcome to Serpo. In order to make your stay on Serpo a safe and ...
www.serpo.org/debatejrikzf.html - 109k - Cached - Similar pages

Serpo: Project Aquarius Briefing Document
The original of this document was purportedly obtained by researcher William ("Bill") Moore in 1980 from insider sources. Moore admitted that he retyped the ...
www.serpo.org/aquarius.html - 15k - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF] Untitled
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
Or order online with credit card via PayPal:. www.majesticdocuments.com. www.majesticdocuments.com. Product Information – Use Pay Pal Online or Mail this ...
www.serpo.org/som101_part1.pdf - Similar pages

In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 9 already displayed.
If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included.
"Project SERPO" story: HOAX

Joe said:
Fifth Way said:
rs said:
SERPO.ORG is gone!
I came across this thread kind of late and this morning I wanted to fill in the gaps by going to SERPO.ORG only to find what you just quoted. I thought: Ehhhh..what? I must be missing something here! - And indeed I do! LOL.
Serpo.org is gone, as is ATS' slander companion site projectserpo.org. Do a google search on serpo or serpo and abovetopsecret and the previously dozens of returns are now reduced to two. These guys have just cut their losses and slinked off after being exposed by us it seems.

Of course, this is just more evidence that the whole thing was one giant CoIntelPro manipulation. Makes ya wonder how many other similar hoaxes in the past such types are responsible for.
I really wonder what's up? projectserpo.org taken down and redirected. Serpo.org gone? Melissa Allin's slander that oneperson mentioned is already gone. Boy they act fast. They must watch Laura's blog and this site intensely.

I noticed one other thing. Google does not even have ATS page with Melissa's slander, but MSN which is usually not as good still has it and has it cached - MSN Cache of Melissa Allin's Rant and Lies

I think the ATS Triune will hit with something big at some point. If their directive is to Herd The Cats, if the Orders From HeadQuarters say to attack, I am sure that is what they will do. But they have put so much out there that is slander and lies and made so many outlandish acts (including Centrist's cowardly attack on your webhost provider), their whole petulant bellicosity and show about ETHICS and FAIRNESS and back patting becomes oh so nauseating. If anyone over there is proud of this behavior of theirs I am just more nauseated.

I wanted to add one more thing. ATS tactics! If you try to go t the original ATS forum page of Melissa Allin's Rant and accusations I mentioned above you will notice that it is now just a blank page. Completely blank. Why would ATS do this? Well if the search engine already picked it up, the only way to wipe it out of all the search engines' cache is to leave up the page, but wipe it clean or change it. The ATS admin's normally move such posts and evidence of their doings into a protected non-public thread area. Leaving up a blank page provides an even better method of cleaning the cache of search engines. When the search engine comes back around, it will cache the blank page over the top of any original cached page, thus wiping out what Mark Allin, Simon Gray, and William Irvine do not want the rest of the world to see. Tactics? A valid way of destroying evidence of their own misdeeds? ETHICS?? FAIRNESS???? Standard operating Procedure!!! I can't make a blank statement that this is the purpose of this and similar actions, but these types of things occur so often over there that the pattern they are creating is very damning of their own behavior, and seems to be a normal part of their psyche.
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