Alexander the Great's Tomb?

KC Kelly

Padawan Learner
I came across something interesting in Michael Cremo's book Forbidden Archaeology's Impact. In the section of the book where the author presents selected personal correspondences with people writing to him discussing the work in his and co-author Richard Thompson's book Forbidden Archaeology, there appears a sequence of letters back and forth between Cremo and a certain Dr. Joseph B. Mahan, now deceased, former President of The Institute for the Study of American Cultures.

One letter sent to Mr. Cremo by Dr. Mahan, dated November 17, 1994 was so interesting that I wanted to reproduce it here in its entirety for the benefit of those who may not have seen it.

Dr. Mahan wrote:

Your letter with the copy of Forbidden Archaeology came today as a most welcome surprise. The book, which truly, I believe, is one of the greatest contributions that has been made to the study of human history, will certainly be a most welcome addition to the ISAC research library. I am most appreciative for it.

I have only read the Introduction and scanned other parts, which I expect to do more of as soon as time and my ability to absorb the weighty contents permit. I can tell you, however, that I am tremendously impressed by both the volume and quality of your work.

You have documented and most effectively called attention to the stubborn stonewalling by students of ancient man in the manner I have tried to do to American archaeologists and ethnologists for the past thirty years. Congratulations!

I am sorry you were not able to attend the research conference last month. Maybe you will be interested in coming to a one day symposium and news conference we are planning for April 8. At that time we will present papers by persons who have deciphered many of the inscriptions from the Burrows cave in Illinois. They will announce some extraordinary information they have learned from the inscriptions. This should end any reasonable doubt about ancient America's transoceanic contacts. We are challenging certain conservative scholars to come and prove the information is not true. The information is of such general interest we are inviting news media to help themselves to the expected heated exchanges between the intellectual fundamentalists and the seekers after truth.

I hope your paper will be well received at the World Archaeological Conference in New Delhi. I hope that at the next conference of this august group someone will report that the tomb of Alexander the Great has been found intact, complete with gold coffin, and gold embroidery purple robe in hinterland America where it was hidden away from seizure by the Roman forces under Octavian in 30 BC. This is the announcement I expect to make at the news conference in April. The papers that are to be presented will prove it.

This will provide the Establishment a challenging opportunity to use their "presumption of fraud" defense. It should create interest elsewhere as well.

Thanks again for the wonderful book.
Mr. Cremo then responds to Dr. Mahan In a follow-up letter just basically chit-chatting about plans for conferences and other events upcoming in the near future, but does not respond to these interesting claims.

Is anyone on this forum familiar with this "discovery" and does anyone have any more information about it, if it is, in fact, true?

A Google search yielded a web page here hXXp:// but it led to pages that were no longer available or just led nowhere.

The suppression of a find like this, if it were true, would be yet another example in a long history of suppression of evidence, ignoring, and ridicule that the mainstream scientific community uses to combat unwanted anomolous evidence when it threatens them in their ivory towers of academia.

So, anyone have any further info on this "archaeological find", if it is in fact so?

Or any definitive info whichs disproves it as yet another hoax by any number of people for any number of reasons?

Thanks! And Laura and Ark, I love your site and have gained much knowledge from yours and your administators hard work and dedication.
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Good Day Everyone,

I was stumbling around the internet gobbling up as much basic information as I could find concerning Alexander The Great, when I came across some astounding information.

Over the course of the past year or so, I’ve come to understand that Caesar was indeed Jesus. I have been profoundly influenced by the work of Francisco Carotta . This has led me to explore the lives of Octavius, Antony, Cleopatra, and most recently to that most remarkable Greek Alexander. Caesar and Caesar Augustus were both great admirers of The King, and visited his tomb to admire, and pay their respects to him. The location of the grave was lost over time.

This remarkable woman spend 20 years researching the possibilities around its location, finally settling on a location, acquiring the permits and beginning the dig. The linked article is highly recommended:

I feel I must find a way to assist this remarkable woman and noble cause. If anyone has any additional knowledge to share please do. Comments are also welcome.
FWIW, occupants of a tomb containing the skeletons belong to the father, the brother and the son of Alexander the Great have been identified. Some of the items in Tomb II belonged to Alexander the Great.

The identification of the Royal Tombs in the Great Tumulus at Vergina, Macedonia, Greece: A comprehensive review
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