An overwhelming feeling that there isn't enough time....

, ark's words were eloquently put. I felt this the last 2 years when i first found this site, the pressure i put on myself was part of my lesson though. I think that the issue is one of intellect-emotional energy balance that is similar to the one of high-carb eating.
From youth you latch onto ideas about "food" & gain more. Worse still you get emotional ties via significant events both positive & negative. To break the stranglehold of what in my view is basic drug addiction you have to tackle them one at a time.
I think that if pragmatism is focused on (as in realistic goals) within whatever constraints we must work in then much of this feeling will disappear. I love the neuroscience stuff, the linguistics & psychology. Much of them i grasp pretty easily & i don't even bother with the why, i focus on what i can do with the knowledge gained & try to learn more. I would never have thought that learning such complex studies would be fun (let alone that I could possibly learn them) & the fact that i'm learning whilst enjoying it helps to eradicate any kind of stressors from feelings of inadequacy, lack of time etc.
I don't think that we can discount the role that fear plays in this either. I think that we all at some point of deep learning begin to become partially conscious of the fact that we haven't been doing what we should have for our selves first, & secondly others.(kinda like watching someone going through cognitive dissonance if anyone gets my drift) I'm just thankful that we have like-minded people building toward something that could revolutionize our world simply through this highly specialized network. If i can add anything that helps to inspire or encourages anyone from a limited viewpoint/thought as regularly happens to me from this forum, then i'm pleased.
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