"Bibliotheka Cassiopaea" the Cassiopaean material by topic


A: Phosphorescent Sulphate Ammonia Chloride. Ammonium Chloride with correct formulation, can be injected intravascularly in order to induce a state of super-suggestibility when utilized in conjunction with pre-existant hypnotic programming.

Q: What is the real cause of the “Gulf War Syndrome?” A: Medications used supposedly to counteract effects of serin; nerve agent.

Q: (Perceval) What was the cause of crash 587? A: Covered up. Can you spell MOSSAD? Just call it a "reminder." Q: (Perceval) They seem to have monopolised the market on false flag terror attacks. A: That is their speciality.

Q: (IR) What was the influence behind the French "No" vote? A: Mostly free thinking. Q: (Perceval) So what percentage of people in France can really think? A: 59% Q: (IR) Is Sarkozy associated with any occult group? A: Absolutely. A: Let's just say that he is very much influenced by Kabballah.

Q: (Perceval) Are the world's oil resources dangerously depleted? A: Not even close. Q: (Galahad) So, as we suspected, the whole peak oil thing is a political manipulation to get people behind the Reich? A: Distract and conquer.

Q: (IR) Why are the French putting so much energy into the Int. Thermo-Nuclear Experimental Reactor? Supposedly because we are going to be short of oil...A: It keeps people busy and it keeps the Bush gang happy. You don't think France "buys" all that nonsense do you? It has to buy time and space to maneuver. Q: (Perceval) So they are playing dumb in terms of the "end of the world"? A: Dumb like a fox! Q: (IR) So are there two groups, one in France and one in the US and they are not allies? A: Not at present. But everyone has to consider that fun gang of stooges for Yahweh. They don't play nice.

Alternative 3 (to take all the brains off the planet) is nonexistent



“A: Invasion happens when programming is complete... Q: What programming? A: See Bible, “Lucid” book, Matrix Material, “Bringers of the Dawn,” and many other sources, then cross reference...”

“Q: (L) Creating a race to replace human beings, or abducting specific humans to replace them with a clone or whatever? A: Mainly the former. You see, if one desires to create a new race, what better way than to mass hybridize, then mass reincarnate. Especially when the host species is so forever ignorant, controlled, and anthropocentric. What a lovely environment for total destruction and conquest and replacement... see?”

“Q: (Foofighter) I am interested in how the 94% of the population being used as containers or parts for a new race relates to the comment that “all of this will fail”. How can those two things happen at the same time or are they mutually exclusive? A: Just because 94 percent may “die” does not necessarily mean success for STS forces. The energy of “containers” can be utilized positively or negatively. Also, notice that the plans were revealed prior to the efforts of the present company. Remember the flapping butterfly wings.”


A lot of people are writing to me about dreams lately. They seem to be having a lot of dreams about beings in the sky, entering our reality. All kinds of strange things. A: Beings come and go at will always, it is the awareness that is expanding. Q: (L) Another trend of the dreams is being pursued, attacked, split up from their families, being put in concentration camps - just all kinds of things. A: All are possible futures, just wait and see. There is an alien race that has plans to replace your physical vehicles with a new “model.” Q: (L) What are they going to do with the old models? A: “Retire them.” Q: (T) Which race is this? A: Orion STS. Q: (L) Is this essentially what happened with Neanderthal? A: Yup! Q: (L) Well, for a period of time it seems that Neanderthals continued to exist on the planet alongside the new model, cro-magnon or whatever. A: Some did. Q: (L) For how long did Neanderthal exist side by side with the “new model?” A: 233 years. Q: (L) I thought that Neanderthal was here for a long, long, long time; and if modern man arrived on the planet, as you say, 70 to 80 thousand years ago, wasn’t Neanderthal already here then? A: Time references have been miscalculated. (by) Science. Q: (L) When did Neanderthal appear on the planet? A: 5.3 million years ago. Q: (L) You are saying that when science says that modern man appeared 35 to 40 thousand years ago, and Neanderthal disappeared at the same time, the real time frame was 70 to 80 thousand years ago? In other words, a factor of 2 error. A: Close. Q: (L) And, of course, we can’t depend on any of the dating methods because of metamorphosis. A: And genetic manipulation. Q: (L) So, in effect, we ARE the new Neanderthals on the eve of extinction. You have said that those who transition into 4th density in the body will go through some kind of rejuvenation process or body regeneration or something. Does that mean that these present “Neanderthal” type bodies that we presently occupy will morph into something more in line with the new model? Is it genetically encoded into some of them to do so? A: Something like that. Q: (L) So, that’s why they have been following certain bloodlines for generation after generation; they are tinkering with the DNA and arming genetic time-bombs that are waiting to go off. (A) What is interesting is how do those who are trying to get these people, to abduct them, how do they spot them? How do they get the information? By following the bloodline, or by some kind of monitor you can detect from a long distance - and they can note that “here is somebody of interest” or “here is somebody dangerous” or “let’s abduct this one” or whatever. How do they select? Do they search the genealogies or is it some kind of remote sensing? A: Now this is interesting Arkadiusz, as it involves the atomic “signature” of the cellular structure of the individual. In concert with this is the etheric body reading and the frequency resonance vibration. All these are interconnected, and can be read from a distance using remote viewing technology/methodology. Q: (L) Can it be done in a pure mechanical way without using psychic means? A: At another level of understanding, the two are blended into one. Q: (T) Computerized psychic remote viewing, maybe. Like artificial intelligence. Maybe a mind connected to a computer? A: That is close, yes.

Q: Whitley Strieber and Art Bell have published a book about a “global superstorm.” Is any of the information they have given in this book fairly accurate? A: Derived from non-human sources known for stark accuracy, when convenient- amalgamation more than ‘conquest’ of the human race; one could call it evolution; Q: But, on previous occasions you have discussed the alien plan to manipulate humanity via time travel, creating an infrastructure for taking over the world. Are you saying that it will be done in such a way that there is no “outward” sign that it has happened? A: Close Q: how is this book by Strieber and Bell going to play into the plans of STS aliens? A: Not the book, the events depicted.


Q: (L) Could you list for us some of the most common uses of warfare? A: Generation of environment to facilitate inconspicuous replacement of gene pool. Factors in paradigm shift through stimulation of conception activity, replacement of key personnel according to frequency vibration pre-readings...Creates “environment” for unnoticed genetic modifications because of greatly heightened exchange of both physical and ethereal factors. Q: (L) What do you mean by “replacement of key personnel?” Key personnel according to whose definition? A: 4th density STS. Q: (L) Would it also be that key personnel could also be replaced as in duplication? A: Yes. And removing to secret activity realm. Enough wars have taken place to effectively create entire new “underground race” of humans, both from direct capture followed by “reeducation,” and spawning activity using these persons and others. -Those captured have reproduced offspring, these never having seen your world.


-Vaginal probes on females: examine for reproductive efficacy.
-Tapping human emotions: Can be disconnected with channeling (as in Cass), meditation, due to information gathered.

Bob Lazar referred to the fact that aliens supposedly refer to humans as containers. What does this mean? A: Storage for later use. 94 per cent will be used. Q: (L) Used for what? A: Consumption for ingredients for a new race , as theirs (greys’) is fading out, purpose of the project is for new life here, 13 years approximately when project will be finished (from 1994).: There is a big effort on behalf of Orions and their human brethren to create a new race and control it as well as the rest of humanity

How can humans be used for parts? A: Reprototype. The Vats exist. Missing persons often go there and especially missing children. Are the aliens using our emotions and energies? A: Correct; and bodies too. Each earth year 10 percent more children are taken. Some suffer, Bits of children’s organs removed while they are wide awake. Kidneys first; then next feet; next jaw examined on table; tongues cut off; bones stress tested; pressure placed on heart muscle until it bursts.This is done mostly to Indian children. Q: (L)you are saying that a slow painful death gives them the most of what they want? This is totally sick. A: You asked for truth. You say it is sick but it is merely the ultimate form of service to self. Q: (L) What kind of people is this being done to? A: Low level humans. Q: (L) What happens to the high level humans? A: Some will survive

Q: (L) Are Lizards responsible for paranoid schizophrenia? A: Some. Q: (L) In a general sense, in the majority of cases, what is the cause of paranoia or schizophrenia? A: Lizard manipulation of energies.Q: (L) Why? A: To feed off the negative results. Q: (L) So it isn’t necessarily attachments? A: No. Q: (L) Do Lizards use attachments of dark energies to effect their purposes? A: Yes. Q: (L) In a lot of cases of paranoid schizophrenia are attachments used? A: Yes. Q: (L) Are they perpetuating schizophrenia through genetics? A: Can. Or mental and emotional. Environmental life experiences

Q: (L) Why do they take an eyeball? What do they want only one eyeball? A: Study soul pattern. Q: (L) Can you study a soul pattern through an eyeball? A: Like a tape recorder. Q: (L) Why do they take part of a lip? A: DNA library. A: (any person could be used as a) probe to monitor all events taking place at JPL and other laboratories by examining aural imprints of her husband and others with whom she was acquainted. All events leave permanent imprints upon aural energy fields. This explains, for example, some sightings and apparitions. “Ghosts” are sometimes merely spontaneous activations of the aural records of the natural surroundings.

Q: (L) What is the percentage of programmed people? A: 2 out of every 100.Q: (L) How many are programmed by human means? A: 12 per cent of the .02 per cent. Q: (L) So, out of every 1,000 people, there are 20 that are programmed, and 12 of these are programmed by aliens, as in 4th density STS? A: Understand that 4th density is physical, indeed. You are drifting further and further toward an ethereal only perception/theoretical position. No, Laura, we are saying that there is really a very strong “nuts and bolts” reality to this phenomenon, and don’t ignore it!

Q: (L) How many people in the United States have implants? A: 2 per cent.


Q: (L) So the electromagnetic field of the earth is a property of its spinning? And it's spinning is a property of... can be affected by electric stuff. (Belibaste) Yeah, like a motor, if it slows down, it generates less electromagnetic field. (Perceval) Getting ready for a flip. (L) Okay, we have a question that Psyche and I have been thinking about. After reading this book about viruses, we have the idea that viruses may be the means by which genetic manipulation {as in intentional coming from other densities} has taken place on this planet for millions, if not billions, of years. A: Yes Q: (L) Does that mean that a virus is a transdimensional manifestation? A: Yes. Thoughts made manifest! Compare to some crop circles! Q:…(Perceval) That means our DNA is thought made manifest? A: More or less!

Simian mutation, (mutated monkey virus), (by) Lizards acting in conjunction with destined frequency path. Q: (L) And what is the purpose of the infliction of the AIDS virus on the human race? A: Not determined. Q: (L) Is AIDS transmissible by, for example, insects? A: No. Q: (L) By any means other than what is taught? A: No. Q: (L) How many people have died of true AIDS in the U.S.? A: 189,000 Q: (L) How many people have it at present? A: Approx 1 million are HIV positive. Only 39 per cent will ever develop AIDS.


Q: (L) I received an e-mail from a fellow who experienced something similar to what happened to me which you called an “eclipsing of realities.” A: It was an abduction by cybergenetic probes whose origin, or more correctly, “station,” is the 5th planet around Betelgeuse, known as A. Hur in Orion federation 4th density STS. Q: (L) What was the purpose of this abduction? A: Screen for compatibility for placement on shune, platter, within Mark Status 3. A: (Shune) It is a demarcation status for compatibility of future “worker” status.

Q: (Terry) … when we were talking about the acceleration/expansion on underground bases in preparation for the harvest. Is that world-wide, we’re talking here? A: Yes, but United States is focus, due to tparticularly cooperative power structure profile. (L):…what I would like to know is what particular steps are being taken, what particular activities are being stepped up? A: Acquisition, staging, testing of planned activity. (which is)A: Control of absolutely everything. A: Heard anything about synthetic blood, and blood and plasma alteration lately? (less animal mutilations needed) (Terry) It’s the same idea as when they grew all the crystals for the stealth technology. Before they grew enough crystals to do what they had to do, you couldn’t get any of the beryl, the aquamarine gemstones. They disappeared from the market. That’s why aqua shot up in price. Several years ago, it used to cost $50 to $100 for a nice piece of aqua; it shot up to several hundred dollars... (Terry) The beryl was being used, they have a certain crystal structure, that is reflective to light and electromagnetics. Heat is dispersed very evenly through them, that’s why stonecutters like to cut those stones so much, because they disperse the heat and don’t shatter as often while being cut. It’s because of the composite material that they use to build the frames of the Stealth fighters and who knows what else. When they first began experimenting and working with it, they couldn’t grow artificial beryl fast enough for what they needed, so they took as much as they could get of the natural stone. We discovered this because we were talking to someone at one of the gem and lapidary shows here locally, and they told us why there wasn’t any aquamarine out anywhere. They said the government had gone out and bought up tons and tons of this stuff all over the world. They were crushing it up and mixing it with the composite materials used on the skins of the Stealth planes. A: Bio and cyber/genetic humanoid types now increasing exponentially in general population. You may have already encountered one or two during the past 10 days.

RU 353535 human codon relating to “tribal code structure” placed in pigs due to the fact that the STS energy is so contractile that a pig is an appropriate receptacle;


Q: (L) Do demons and evil spirits fear anything? A: Yes. Q: (L) Do they fear any power that we, as humans, possess? A: Yes. Knowledge. Q: (L) Do they fear religious symbols, signs or figures? A: No. Q: (L) Is there any name or sign or symbol that can halt their activity? A: Sometimes. Q: (L) Were they afraid of Christ? A: Yes. Because of his knowledge. The mass of his knowledge raised his vibrations. Knowledge is truly power. Q: (L) Do pentagrams have any effect in slowing down or halting negative entities? A: Only if you think they do. Q: (L) Is the greatest power we have to resist demonic entities held in our free will: our power to say no? A: No. Q: (L) What is our greatest power? A: Knowledge. The accumulation of spiritual knowledge holds the key


“Is there any way we can prevent Orion abductions? A: No. Q: (L) Why? A: It would interfere with universal law of free will and service to self. Q: (L) But we don’t want to be abducted. Can’t we stop it? A: Not likely. They have more power than you. Q: (L) Well then, why can’t you help us? A: Would interfere in natural progression of your race and theirs. The Jews called upon us to save them and we could not. And, natives of your land called upon us and we could not save them from your race; we could not stop that either. It is natural progression, see?”

“A: Gave false memories. Made you inhibited as children. Caused headaches and sickness at school.
What are the implants for? A: Study device. Q: (L) To study what? A: Soul composition via image aural reading- can tell if someone will be a threat to them in “future“ (on 3d time-space plane) . Q: (L) Do any of the rituals we perform provide protection against further abduction? A: Maybe. Some Crystals with energy fields. Don’t need protection if you have knowledge. Q: (L) How do we get this knowledge? A: It is deep in the subconscious. Q: (L) When did we get it? A: Before birth. Q: (L) Is there anything else we can do for protection? A: Learn, meditate, read. “

“ (On whether or not one gets abducted) A: It depends on belief center. Q: (L) I think it might depend on how much knowledge you acquire as to whether you will be abducted again or under what circumstances.”

Types of abductions: 1 through 6 types; The C’s only commented on type 3: Consciousness altered to “alpha” state; “close” to receiving ‘screen memories’;

Virtual reality abduction: Soul replication , holographic part of soul is moved to another dimension to experience the events there, it is real to the entity however. The C’s indicate that this is a lot more common than actual physical abductions;


The time frame is normally frozen, and we use the term “frozen” for lack of a better term. What this means is that your perception of time in your physical locator, third density body, ceases to pass during this period of time that is called “zero time” variously by members of your human race. What happens is that the soul imprint occupying or of that particular host body is removed forcibly, transported to another locator, and remolecularized as a separate physical entity body for purpose of examination, implantation, and other. Then, it is demolecularized, the soul imprint is used for the purpose of duplication process; it is then demolecularized and the soul imprint is replaced in the original body at the original locator. That is the process that takes place. On occasion, the fourth density beings doing the abduction can actually make a mistake in the time referencing points of the third density illusion. This may create the effect of the appearance of an alternate or duplicate experience, when, in actuality there has only been one experience. This was what happened in your case. As you perceived the passage of two “ships” for lack of a better term, when in actuality, there was only one. That is because the time frame reference illusion was not completely matched from beginning of event to the end of the event in zero time. Normally, however, that is not a problem. On rare occasions, the host, or the subject of the abduction can actually find themselves replaced in the time frame illusion in what could appear to be several hours, day, weeks, or even, sadly, years prior to the beginning of the event, which, of course, could cause side effects such as total insanity and other such things. Fortunately that did not occur in your case, but there was some fracturing of the time frame reference illusion. This is why you thought you saw two ships when in actuality you only saw one. Now, it is most important that you understand that this is not a physical, third density experience in its entirety. There is the soul imprint that all first density, second density, third density, and fourth density beings possess, as you already know; that is extracted. From that soul imprint a duplicate copy or cloning, if you will, which appears on fourth density, can then be made and studied and the soul imprint is then replaced into the original body at whatever density it was taken. This is normally how the process is done. Most often, if the third density being is removed in total physicality, there is no return of that being to third density. They are permanently removed to fourth density. Most often that is what takes place although on rare occasions there can be return. However, there is no need for this as complete duplication for all purposes of examination, alteration of sensate, and implanting; need not be done on third density; can be done completely in the fourth density duplication process. Q: (T) How does the implant come back to the third density body that’s originally still here? A: The process we are describing, which involves the remolecularization; it is very complex to try and describe how the fourth density is translated into third density, except that once the duplicate, the fourth density cloning, or duplicate is present, all fourth density realities surrounding that fourth density duplicate will be matched in third density whenever and wherever desired. Because, in effect it is the entire density level which is being exchanged, not just the object contained within. Q: (L) So, in other words, just as the soul imprint, when it goes into fourth density, can be used as a template to create a carbon copy, so to speak, then anything that is done to the carbon copy then becomes a template that recreates that same manifestation when it is sent back into the third A: Precisely. With the only variance there being that technology is used to make sure that implants, or added material that comes from fourth density, is such that it will also translate equally into third density through the remolecularization process.

Q: (L) I have drawn a sort of conclusion about some of the activities of the Lizzies and their abductions through the Grays and so forth, and it seems to me that these excessive numbers of exams, gynecological, reproductive or whatever exams might possibly be a screen for a process that is used to extract life force or energy from the human being, through the basal chakra, the sexual chakra, as I understand where the life force enters in. Is this idea correct or on track? A: Close. The Grays and Lizzies are abnormally interested in sexual activities of human beings, They do not have sex drives, as they are 4th D, interested in human sexuality partly because it is life force and also desperately to stave off change (transition of humans to 4th level) in order to retain control before, during and even after the transition. The technical activity is too complex to explain, but they can take life force from humans, and the memories of the medical exams are just screens for the actual procedures done to take life force from the abductees; Abductees’ tissue samples are used for cloning procedures (also complex); Infrequently they will take one of two twins to raise artificially, in order to study if the actual twin or the clone is the best soul receptacle - is for a future project involving physical reality switching- lizards are attempting to clone soulless bodies in order to attempt to enter these bodies and use themselves; (such twins are raised in the reptilians’ ship/base, teach them a great deal to test brain capacity amongst other factors also,)

A: How about several varieties of experiences including government experiments. Did you ever notice how some cases exhibit extreme trauma and some do not? Same general story, but one is related with deeper sensation of reality, and another is not. Why do you think so many "abductees" are able to accommodate the experience, while some result in ruined lives? Q: (L) So you are saying that some of them are not really being abducted. They're just having something projected into their mind. So how long has this been going on? A: Over 30 years. Q: (L) That would be back to the 70's. And so where did Whitley come up with his gray aliens...and how does this relate to grays as cyber-genetic probes? A: There really are "grays." But not nearly as ubiquitous the gov would like you to think. Q: (L) So with Whitley telling everybody how it happens and what they look like along with contouring of the blanket EM mind control field or whatever, with the beaming out of a mind-programming wave - whatever it is - they're able to make a whole hell of a lot of people - everybody who is susceptible - think they are in contact with gray aliens. What is it that makes some people susceptible and not others? A: Most generally that they are not organic portals. Q: (L) So that leads to our other question, do organic portals ever get abducted? A: No need. Q: (L) So they're using this, in a sense, as a weeding mechanism? A: More or less. Q: (L) So those people who declare firmly, that there is absolutely, never have, never could be, any evidence of abduction, could be OP's? A: Generally speaking, yes. Q: (V) Well, a souled person who has their faculties about them with knowledge is not going to get abducted either? (L) I don't think that's necessarily a logical conclusion. (V) Not necessarily? Well, I thought they told us that once your knowledge level increases you will no longer be abducted. (L) I don't think that this was the actual conclusion. Yes, it is true that if your knowledge increases then you have an idea what's going on. And most especially, if your mind is strong enough not to be susceptible to these mind control waves, you can certainly put an end to that nonsense. But, that doesn't mean that you would not be physically abducted if those 4th density dudes or the government decided to do it because that has nothing to do with battling mind control waves. I mean if they really want to get to you they'll send somebody into you life who is an OP and they'll come to you thorough that person. [Note while transcribing: projection/reflection?]

Q: Is melatonin part of the paralysis factor of alien abduction? A: No. Q: What chemicals are stimulated in the body to cause this paralysis? A: Electronic wave diversion. Q: They are diverting the electronic waves of our brain or our physiology? A: Closer. . Melatonin only serves to make one more aware of processes in this context Q: Most abductions are etheric, but people are not aware. The melatonin is what enables them to be aware of what is happening by removing the blocks the aliens put in place? A: Precisely

Q: (L) Is the amnesia related to UFO abductions deliberately induced or is it a product of the mind’s inability to deal with the event? A: It is an equal commingling of both. Q: (L) The part that is deliberately induced, how is that accomplished? A: By using a cosmic energy flow to influence memory function through a combination of spiritual and chemical interaction. Q: (L) Can you be more specific? A: Being more specific would be in another way less specific, but a good way to put it is altering the flow of electromagnetic energy in the brain. Electromagnetic energy, electromagnetism, is the life force that exists within all that evolves through long wave or short wave cycles.


Q: (L) What is the difference between a monitor and an implant? A: All are monitors. Implant is permanent. Frank and Laura have permanent implants. S_got monitor three months ago. Next is implant. Used to watch and observe the individual.

A: Some implants are used merely for tracking. Others are used to alter consciousness, and still others are designed to be mind altering or motor altering mechanisms. Each of these has a different structure and a different material content according to which is being employed and for what purpose.
No nonlethal methods of removing or deactivating implants

(Feb. 11, 1995) about control mechanism of implants - A: Waves are transmitted into their minds which stimulate pre-coded implants. They are monitored. When they are exposed to truth, the waves are generated to prevent their reception and to strengthen pre-coded thought patterns of resistance.

Q: (L) What was the purpose of M’s abduction? A: To study his mind. He has a very strong mind and resolve. A: (implant in M) Is monitor. Frequent ringing in ear signifies monitoring activity.


Q: (L) In the establishing of an ongoing connection between an abductee and the abductor, what methods or techniques are used? Is it a psychic bond? A: Close. Q: (L) Is it formed technologically? A: Partly. Q: (L) There are so many stories of the “gazing” process where the alien controls that abductee by staring into their eyes and the abductee feels full of love and harmony and thereby thinks that the experience is beneficial. This makes me wonder just exactly what is the purpose of this “gazing”? A: Hypnotic. Q: (L) Does it also form a bond? A: Yes.


Q: (L) In a previous reading you stated that the Lizzies tried to abduct my eldest daughter and that I “stopped” it. At the time I should have asked, and am asking now: how, specifically, did I stop that activity? A: Mental blocking, i.e. using 4th density principles. Mental block is a 4th D principle; Q: (L) How could being abducted by the STS beings increase our knowledge? A: Accidentally. Q: (L) So, in other words, they may abduct someone to monitor their knowledge, but if the individual has achieved a certain level of knowledge, the abduction only serves to add to their knowledge? A: Yes.

Q: (T) Why did he talk to us? Why did he approach us? I know exactly... A: Spying on you and aural frequency reading, had you not been as strong, would have suffered permanent abduction because of your studies Q: (L) Now, right there is a point. Everybody take note of this. What is there about strength that makes one inaccessible to permanent abduction? A: Strength is of character, i.e. if STO candidate, not likely to be victim. (L) We know that it means being an STO candidate, but what is the thing inside one that stops them... I mean, is this something that is a core ingredient of certain human beings? Is this like something inside them that blocks this manipulation and victimization? A: Soul pattern. Q: (L) So in other words, there is something about us, or within us, that literally they cannot touch or harm, is that correct? A: Basically, but difficult to facilitate. Q: (L) OK, in other words, this is something that is in us, that creates an inherent barrier, but not necessarily something that we can, at this level of density, reach in, grab out as a weapon, and wave around, as in facilitate? A: Can, but intricate to do consciously. …A: Grays and their associates are thrown off by energy flow diversions or thought pattern interruptions… Q: (L) It’s an aural reading... (T) You mean that what they were looking at was to see whether we were STS or STO? A: Partly. Q: (L) And if they had been permanently abducted at that point in time, what would have happened to them? A: Body part utilization….(L): what Michael Topper was writing about in his article, “Channels and the Positive/Negative,” where he talks about the “obedience factor” of the STS? If they can get you to obey something, you have given your permission. A: Close.


Q: (L) Do they utilize such things as possession by dark energy forms to effect their control? A: Yes

Q: (L) I received an article from Piers about experiments by a fellow named Persinger who has been trying to duplicate the “abduction” experience by subjecting people to EM fields in a sensory deprivation chamber. I would like comments on that, and second... A: Nonsense, some have closed mind inspired by fear. Q: (L) My concern is that if he is doing this to people, and we have talked about electromagnetic energy blowing holes in the dimensional boundaries, my concern is that this experimentation could be detrimental to the persons being experimented on; is this a possibility? A: Yes. Q: (L) What could be the results of subjecting someone to these electromagnetic fields? A: Cessation of body. Q: (L) Could it also open doors between dimensions and allow other things to enter in? Could they be subjected to spirit or demonic possession by this method? Could they also be subjected to further programming by aliens through this method? A: Yes. (to all 3 Qs)

A: Reptoids and mantids are not screens. Q: (Atriedes) So those are real beings who are doing that? A: Yes. Q: (V) Real 4th density STS.


Dracos/greys control humans with mind and body interference with electrical response patterns, remotely is less effective; Use mental image restructuring to create virtual reality scenarios in mind;

Nonspecific 4D STS attack methods on 3D targets:
Ultra high frequency sound wave manipulation-alter chemical balances of body causing emotional/mental distress;
Free formal imaging- transference of thought whereby specific messages are imparted into target;

Q: (Film of mysterious object in sky) It was a long, white, tubular object. It was estimated to be about a mile long… A: A “mother” ship of Orion STS scanning vectors of the reality continuum fabric. Q: (L) Well, they talked about a report of a similar happening at this very same spot, only it was 78 years previous to this. Was there a connection? A: Yes. Space/time coordinates linkage. Q: (L) Does a mother ship carry a lot of small ships? How many can be carried in one mother ship? A: Yes, 150,000 Q: (L) And, we have to remember that these ships are bigger inside, as a rule, because of some sort of strange principal at that level. A: Exactly, remember, there is variability of physicality on 4th density, but not lack of physicality. VOP- reason for so many types of flying ships)


UFO’s frequently seen over geological fault lines, the craft uses the electromagnetism of the fault line, electrical free waves as fuel for power restoration; UFO’s affect electrical systems of Earthly devices using electromagnetic pulse technology;
UFOs are not manifestations of geomagnetic energies emitted at fault lines; no correlation between UFO’s and earthquake activity; This electromagnetic pulse is result of moving between dimensions;
Flying boomerang- reptilian projection multiple reality station; UFO’s can create clouds or appear as such;
“slag”: residue seen falling from UFO’s as byproducts of the propulsion systems and trans dimensional maneuvers;

Q: (L) Assuming there is a fleet of spacecraft riding a wave, and approaching from the vicinity of Zeta Reticuli, what does it mean to say that the space time warp is indefinite in terms of arrival? Why is this? Please specify. A: Mass affects electromagnetic transfer within gravity wave. Q: (L) In other words, if there is a large mass you are trying to transfer, is the problem partly because the mass itself spreads out over such a large area of space/time and must be transferred in stages or something along that line? A: Close. Mass affects time cycle: small equal short cycle; large or dense equals long cycle

A: If they malfunction in third density, they then become frozen in third density. Third density physicality, however, remains constant on third density when a being or a craft or an instrument of any kind manufactured or conceived in fourth density arrives in third density, it is able to navigate through third density in fourth density reality. However, when it malfunctions, whatever is left of it remains in third density. Those reports of objects or of any physical structure whatsoever, be it a being or a construct, disappearing from third density to fourth density, in each and every case, involves an object or a being, or a construct, which is not in the process of malfunctioning. It is still fully operational at its fourth density realm. It is merely visiting third density which has a limited capacity, as you measure time in its passage, therefore it does, indeed, remove itself naturally, at some point, to fourth density. However, if it malfunctions or is in any way broken or altered, it will remain in third density.

Now, let me read this text: “I have recently come into possession of a paper on magneto-gravitics and field resonance systems, presented by A.C. Holt from NASA Johnson Space Center to the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics’ 16th Joint Propulsion Conference, June 30-July 2, 1980. Holt presents a project using an already existing system known as the Coherent Field and Energy Resonance System (CoFERS) [probably located at Los Alamos Labs’ High Magnetic Field Research Laboratory]. CoFERS utilizes a toroidal-shaped energy guide with megagauss magnetic field sources located along radius vectors equally spaced around the toroid. CoFERS is shaped like a thick flying disc… “By converying an object’s normal space-time energy pattern to an energy pattern which differs substantially from the normal pattern, the gravitational forces acting on the object are changed. The object’s new pattern interacts with the surrounding space-time and virtual energy patterns, such that the interactive forces are substantially altered. The alteration of the characteristics of the continuous field of force results in the apparent motion of the object *through space-time*.”[…] “Since the gravitational forces acting on the propulsion system can be quickly altered to achieve the desired motion, the spacecraft can make right-angle turns at very-high velocities without adversely affecting the crew or system elements. The effective gravitational field the *spacecraft/ aircraft* experiences can be nearly simultaneously reoriented at a 90-degree angle, resulting in a smooth continuous motion as far as the occupants are concerned.” [ ... ] “The gravimagnetic system is perhaps best suited for use in and around ... a large mass such as the Earth. The field resonance system artificially generates an energy pattern which precisely matches or resonates with a virtual pattern associated with a distant space-time point. According to the model, if a fundamental or precise resonance is established, (using hydromagnetic wave fine- tuning techniques), the spacecraft will be very strongly and equally repelled by surrounding virtual patterns. At the same time, through the virtual many-dimensional structure of space-time, a very strong attraction with the virtual pattern of a distant space-time point will exist. ...this combination of very strong forces will result in the translocation of the spacecraft from its initial position through the many-dimensional virtual structure to the distant space-time point. [ ... ] “A space-time ‘jump’ already appears to be supported by astrophysical research.” ….and which was explicated by Karl von Eckertshausen in regards to the ‘violin allegory.’ That is, that a violin string tuned to a particular pitch, if plucked, will cause the identical string on another violin across the room tuned to the same pitch to sound also. However, it seems that what they are doing here is setting up a ‘pitch’ in this object which actually exists somewhere else. And, by creating this resonance, it ‘becomes’ or disappears from this point in space/time where its resonance is no longer appropriate, and reappears at the point in space/time where the ‘tuned resonance’ actually exists. It is both virtual and real. Is this text on the right track, and am I understanding it correctly? A: Propulsion system for 3rd and 4th density Alien spacecraft. Q: That is the propulsion system? A: Very close, yes. Q: Is the object to ‘dematerialize’ or is the object to transpose something that is material to some other point in space/time? I mean, when you collapse the gravity wave, is it necessarily that the object or person ‘dematerializes’ or ‘disappears’ from this point... A: Break the veil of “time,” and dematerialization is no longer necessary, because one enters the realm of pure consciousness, where the illusion of physicality serves no longer, a purpose. Q: Is it an issue for one to be able to retain internal coherence if one is no longer in a physical state? A: Internal coherence can only be guaranteed in a purely non- physical “state.” And this state is really only a state of mind, anyway!! Q: Ark did some reading on the Einstein thing, the letters to Kaluza, and there did not seem to be anything that E did in the period mentioned that would make one tend to think that there was a UFT from him in that time. But, Kaluza DID have an interesting idea about a 5 dimensional cylinder UFT which Einstein thought was quite startling. Yet, it seems that Einstein somewhat delayed Kaluza’s presentation. What struck me was the word ‘cylinder’ which reminded me of the earlier session where I asked if the Germans had developed a time machine and you said ‘yes,’ and that it was in Antarctica, and that ‘they’ were ‘exploring the loop of the cylinder.’ You said that the loop of the cylinder was a 4th thru 6th density profile. Could you give me some elaboration on this cylinder, the loop of the cylinder, and whether it was Kaluza who did the UFT and not Einstein? A: Cylinder is really a double loop, is it not? And meditate if you will on the true meaning of this!


Lizard projections; technology: First we must explain further time “travel” because the two concepts are closely related. The first step is to artificially induce an electromagnetic field. This opens the door between dimensions of reality. Next, thoughts must be channeled by participant in order to access reality bonding channel. They must then focus the energy to the proper dimensional bridge. The electrons must be arranged in correct frequency wave. Then the triage must be sent through realm “curtain” in order to balance perceptions at all density levels. Triage is as follows: 1. Matter, 2. Energy, 3. Perception of reality. That is it folks. (send through holographic images essentially)

Q: (L) Keel also talks about Serpent people integrated in our society with holographic images superimposed over their faces. Is this ever the case? A: Maybe. Q: (L) As in Men in Black? A: Maybe.


A: (On underground/water tunnel boring techniques): they are using sound waves to disintegrate rock in the crust under the ocean. This disintegration causes the atomic structure of the particles being disintegrated to completely disappear which has something to do with why those sounds are heard in that particular rhythm.


Buried at magnetically active locations, possibly aligned to each other in some geometric pattern, can be utilized alone or in conjunction with the others; Magnetic anomalies stimulate it into operation, can be natural (of Earth) or artificially induced; can be used as doorway of entry into this or to other dimensions; One is buried on Oak Island, by Lizards 10,000 y/ago; regenerates any physical matter;
A: TDARMs do not have fixed locators, Oak Island is a buried relic; therefore the exception that verifies the rule.

Transdimensional atomic rearrangement: technology used by grays to pass through solid matter; also used along with electron focusing to transport objects and entities on light beams; blue bubble of light is a hypnotic suggestion trigger; Transdimensional atomic remolecularization is also used for teleportation;

(On how killed military personnel are brought back and ‘cloned‘/duplicated): (L) They use the frequency vibration of the soul pattern, they take it into another density, use their TDARM technology to cause a molecular re-assembly; in other words, the atoms begin to whir and assemble around it in the pattern that it had before, and then it is a full-fledged body, and then they insert it back through the time doorway into 3D again. Is that correct? A: Close.

Q: (On reanimating dead 3D humans) OK, did they plan to reanimate these corpses? A: Open. Q: (L) When they pick them up and reanimate them, do they reanimate them with the souls that left them? Do they like, catch the soul and put it back in? A: No. Q: (L) When they reanimate them, do they reanimate them with an alien soul? A: Multiple possibilities. Q: (L) If they reanimate them, is it possible to reanimate them with no soul? A: Yes. Q: If they reanimate them with no soul, what is the animating force or energy? A: Indistinguishable from other humans. A: Complex technology, using electronic biogeneration frequency matching, combined with extremely high frequency radio beacon transmitters for tracking and control of all functions, including thought pattern mimic and emotional frequency vibrational rate modulation!!!! A: All functions, including cellular, duplicated. Q: (L) Would a being such as this still have an aura? A: Projected. Q: (SV) Are there a lot of dead people walking around? A: This is method used for subjects discussed in “Matrix Material” instead of “Robots”, as suggested. Q: (L) Is there any way that a normal person would be able to identify such a being? A: No. Q: (L) Approximately how many of this type of being are walking around on our planet, acting like normal people? A: 2,000,000. …..A: (On how easy it is to be terminated and then reanimated as a soulless fax later) All it takes is a “hospital visit.” …..Q: (L) OK, is one of the characteristics I think, that these kind of individuals might have, since they have this projected emotional frequency, would be a repeating emotional pattern, that they just simply, in spite of seeming intelligence, do not seem to learn from anything; that it just repeats over and over again, is that a clue? A: Yes. Q: (L) That they’re bland in some way? Is that it, that these individuals are bland individuals? A: Spend inordinate amounts of “time” in solitude.


Q: (J) When you are fighting, is it any way at all possible for us to detect the battle? A: First: We don’t “fight.” Second, yes; it’s nature as in meteorology and earth changes. Q: (T) Your form of confrontation takes the form of physical changes in the atmosphere and environment of the planet? A: And in space.
Remember, we are the light. They are the dark. We are both high level thought forms reflected at all levels of reality. Q: (T) So, what we perceive, then, is what comes through to third density which is not what we would perceive if we were looking at it from 4th or 5th or 6th? A: Yes. Q: (T) We are talking 4th density to 3rd density. Is this what Hoagland is referring to when he talks about the tetrahedral form he has detected from the Martian structures he has been studying that he postulated... A: Yes. This is a bridge to 4th density

Q: (Perceval) I want to know about these strange formations on the radar image of Hurricane Rita. A: 4th density “battle.” Also includes some “practice.”… 4D battles represent as weather. But the “veil” is thinning.

Zeta reticulan fleet is riding the cosmic “wave” accompanying the 3600yearly cyclical comet cluster - all due to arrive 1 month to 18 years from 1994- due to fleet being huge, space/time warping is irregular and difficult to determine using earth time measurement.

Q: (L) Are the Lizzies planning to take over our planet? A: Yes. Q: (L) Are they planning on landing and doing this openly? A: Close.

(July 19, 1997) What is the source of this dreadful disaster in Poland? A: Sopophoric screen alterations of the magnetic belt overlay. Q: And what is causing these screen alterations of the magnetic belt overlay? A: Influences of Acquiim. Q: What is Acquiim? A: 4th density overseer. [Ed.: Reptilian military commander of the ‘sector’ Poland is in?] Q: Does that mean soporific screen alteration? A: Soporific/phosphorous. Q: What is the purpose of this screen alteration? A: Deterrence of collinear wave reading consciousness units. Q: What is a ‘collinear wave reading consciousness unit?’ A: Suggest you “look in the mirror.” Q: Can you suggest some of these precautions? A: Drive not. Travel by rail only if such travel does not include the possibility of having to evacuate the train and walk on or near live electrical current conduits. Q: Anything else? A: Guns do exist in Poland, unlike some other European countries. Q: What more? A: Total awareness at all moments is hypercritical.

Q: (T) Who talks to me when I am having conversations with myself in my head? A: You. Q: Am I talking to other beings? A: Have. Q: Do we all do this? A: No. Q: (T) Why are they talking to me? A: Trying to convert you. Remember, Terry, your chronic depression represents a “battle” zone. Q: (T) Can I turn them off? A: Yes. Q: (T) Who is “Sing.” A: Leader of forces assigned to influence you. Q: (T) Forces, as in many are assigned to me personally? A: Yes. Q: (T) How many are in this force? A: Seven. Q: (T) Do they do this because of the implants that are in me? A: All part of process. Q: (T) These implants are what they use to control my emotions and amplify them so that they can feed off of them? A: Not control, influence. Q: (T) No, not to control; influence. But when, say, I get angry, then I’m angry for a short time but then I’m angry for a long time because they have used this technology to amplify and extend this; is this what they do? A: Yes. Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers. Q: (T) Can I feed back through their equipment what I choose? A: Not necessary. Q: (T) In other words, if I get angry and realize that I am being more angry than I should be, and I change that to something positive, and feed that back to them while they have their amplifiers wide open, will that affect them? Sour their milk, so to speak? A: Now you are “fighting fire with fire.” Q: (L) If you feed it back at them, in other words, what they are saying is, I think, when you feel yourself getting angry, the only way to stop the whole thing is to stop being angry and be happy or at peace. When you are happy and at peace there is not in you the desire to send anything back. A: Bingo. Q: (J) Redirect the energy into something positive. Implants are ineffective if not used. (J) The power source has to be on for the implant to work for them to get the juice and the power is negative thoughts and emotions Q: (T) Now, if I have only positive emotions, which is a nice thing to have and I’d like to have that, what does that do to the sensor equipment of the Lizzies? A: Cancels them. Q: (T) So they are tuned to negative frequencies? A: Yes. Q: (T) Having positive feelings cuts off the implants. If I cut off the sensors by having positive feelings, what will the Lizards do? A: Go elsewhere. Q: (L) Am I correct in my thought that when you first start turning this off that they may increase their efforts for a period and then finally they realize that you are really in charge here and then they go away? A: Exactly. Q: (L) So, when you first get a clue and you start getting a grip on your emotions and dealing with everything that happens to you with acceptance and knowledge that all is a manifestation of your own creation and for your ultimate good, for a period of time they may try ten times harder to get you back as a food source, but then once they realize they can’t, then they do finally let loose. ( L) Well, what did they say, is his negativity what makes him attractive, No. He has attracted them and that is what makes him negative? So what makes him attractive to them? A: Not attractive, a threat. Q: (L) Now, that is a point. I think there are a lot of people they start working on very early in life because they do like an aura reading or aura scan and determine, and know that a person has potential for great light so they start working on them when they are young and defenseless to try and take them out of the game, so to speak. (F) Not only great good, but also potential for knowledge. Q: (L) There you go. It isn’t your potential for negativity, it is your potential for good. (F) Right. If you look around you, you will see the mainstream of society, and they just seem to move through life and enjoy wallowing in materiality, these people don’t seem to suffer as much. (L) There seems to be two classes of people the Lizzies like to go after, extremely weak ones and those they haul off and eat or experiment on; and those who have potential strength and positivity. (F) To give you an example is, the people they don’t attack are those who they already have and they don’t have to work on them. If you have the potential to rise above the service to self orientation, then you are a threat. And, if you look around at most of the people who are “making it” in this world, those are the ones that are usually the most viciously service to self. (L) There is another aspect here. Knowledge breeds awareness which gives you the ability to detect it when they try to influence you in very subtle ways so that you can begin to control your mind and resist early on and that is the key. A: Close enough. Q: (L) And you have to persist with positive thoughts and feelings sometimes in the face of incredible adversity. No one said it was going to be easy, but it is worth it.

A: For example, the stock market model. You do know that the stock market is “manipulated”? Q: (A) Yes, but I don’t know how this manipulation goes about quantum jumps. Who is manipulating and how? A: Now imagine forces at 4D adding energy or subtracting energy, or even energy “battles.”


Q: (T) Strobe lights come in many forms and types. TV is a strobe light. Computer screens are a strobe light. Lightbulbs strobe. Flourescents strobe. Streetlights strobe. A: Police cars, ambulances, firetrucks... How long has this been true? Have you noticed any changes lately??!!?? (L) Okay, is the strobing of a strobe light, set at a certain frequency in order to do certain things? A: Hypnotic opener. Q: (L) What is the purpose of the hypnotic opener being used in this way? A: You don’t notice the craft. Q: (L) If you encounter a strobe while driving, or you are sitting in front of your television, then the suggestions can be put into you better because of this hypnotically opened state? Is that it? A: Yes. Q: (T) Do we get these signals from the radio in the car even if it is turned off? A: Depends upon whether or not there is another source. Q: (T) Another source such as? A: ELP, for example. Q: (L) What is “ELP?” A: Extremely Low Pulse. Q: (T) ELF, Extremely Low Frequency, and ELP, Extremely Low Pulse - is this the same thing? A: Sometimes. Q: (T) This would be an external pulse or frequency? A: Yes. Q: (T) Would it be originating from the source of the strobe? A: No. They act in unison. Q: (T) Two separate sources acting in unison? A: Close. Q: (L) And this process prevents us from seeing something, such as craft flying in our skies at any given time? A: Or maybe see them as something else. Q: (L) …What are the implications of this, other than the fact that we could be completely overflown at all times for any number of purposes and be, as a mass of people, completely unaware of it? A: Yes, monoatomic gold! Q: (L) And what does the reference to monoatomic gold mean? A: Total entrapment of the being, mind, body and soul. A: Strobes use minute gold filament. Q: (T)….. So, if they are letting him do it, it’s because it doesn’t do what he says it does, it does the opposite. Which is what he said. When you take the stuff for so many days, you complete the program, it restructures your genes. Isn’t that what happened to us before? Do we want to do it again? (L) And, wasn’t it said that LIGHT was used to cancel certain DNA factors?

I’d like to ask if there’s any more information you can give to us about the hypnotic-opener- strobe effect, and what it is preventing us from seeing. Is this one of the things that keeps us from expanding into the next density, in terms of awareness? A: Not related to that. You see, the souls that are affected by all these “cloaking” techniques are vibrating on a low level anyway. The point is to block those who are blockable.

(As Crystal Skull) reflective remolecularization imaging. Grays do this with abductees. Using Energy focusing instrument. Camera like system behind eyes, at the spectrum level of thought paralysis ; can implant thoughts with eyes also, Monitor and control thoughts, hearing, sight, feeling thru implants;
Q: (L) What is behind their eyes? A: Camera like system. Q: (L) Is that system also able to send signals? A: Yes. Q: (L) At what spectrum level? A: Thought paralysis. Q: (L) Do they implant thoughts with their eyes also? A: Can. Q: (L) What do they do with implants? A: Monitor. Q: (L) Do they monitor our thoughts? A: Yes.


A: Project to apply EM wave theories to the transference of perimeters. If utilized as designed, will allow for controlled invisibility and easy movement between density levels on surface of planet as well as subterranially. Various entities in charge: INVELCO is one guise as well as UNICON and banking interest. Q: (L) Who is in disguise as INVELCO and UNICON? Are they just dummy companies for cover? A: Close. Q: (L) Can you tell us if this is a human organization or aliens, or a combination? A: Human at surface level. It has nothing to do with weather or climate. These things are emanating from 4th density, as we have told you before. (they have been working on it since the 1920’s, but still in experimental stages, as of 1996)

Q: (L) You once said that HAARP was something that was to be used to “transfer perimeters.” I am assuming that this means to manipulate space, time and density. A: Yes. Q: Is it possible that they are planning to use this to bring up the Atlantean crystals to utilize. A: Not so much to “bring up,” as to utilize. A: EM waves curdle the mind producing complacency in the face of contrived misery. Numbs the mind through isolationist influences.

Q: (L) Once before you said that the HAARP assembly was a continuation of the Montauk project, and was being used to ‘transfer perimeters.’ I guess this meant space/time travel, correct? A: Yes. And resurrect Antlantean crystal principle. Q: (L) Do they plan to use this for mind control? A: And other uses, technical (in nature).

A: We told you that “HAARP” was being designated for capturing and modulating electromagnetic fields for the purpose of total control of brainwave patterns in order to establish a system of complete “order on the surface of the planet” in either 3rd or 4th density.

A: The planet has been enshrouded with EM grid. Q: (T) Are these the ley lines? A: No. Q: (L) Are they artificially generated? A: Contoured. Q: (L) They are artificially contoured. What is the result of this shrouding? A: Manipulated for use by 3rd/4th Consortium. Q: (A) What kind of EM grid? A: Like a gently waving geometric “blanket.” Q: (T) Is it on the surface of the planet, through the planet, or where? A: Above. Q: (J) Do microwave towers factor into this? A: Indirectly discovered by same principal. [person?] (A) Some power is used to sustain this grid. What is it? A: Land and space based generators. (T) Is it like a big fence to keep us in? A: You are dancing on the 3rd density ballroom floor. “Alice likes to go through the looking glass” at the Crystal Palace. Atlantean reincarnation surge brings on the urge to have a repeat performance. Q: (T) The Atlanteans who have reincarnated are getting ready to do the same thing they did before with the crystals. So, this is an Atlantean type thing that is being done now? Different equipment, but the same type of thing? A: All lessons must be learned before you can move onto bigger and better things.

Q: (A) I want to ask about my theory about why walking is so important - that when one thinks while walking, one is able to evade mind control signals which are directed or reinforced when one remains static. Is there anything to this? A: Close.


A: Well, 4D has no problem influencing specific targets. 3D has to rely on more primitive technology and there is always "collateral damage." Q: (L) So in other words, they have to send out some kind of waves or free formal imaging or something from some kind of location and it just kind of gets out there in the atmosphere and it affects anybody who is receptive to it. Whereas 4D can be more specific with their targeting. Is that it? A: Yes

Q: Another thing: I researched the word Emerald, and that it is derived from the word orient, which is Orion, and that they go back to words from which we also derive Aurora and gold. Is there something about the element gold, such as the atomic number, or anything, that is a specific frequency of light that is important? A: Gold, when heated to its liquidation temperature, gives off energy waves which, when properly channeled, open the door to higher density experience. Clue to this is in the way that gold can be an effective transceiver of radio waves and transdimensional communications.

Q: (From misc conversation btwn group members) (L) Well, she told me that the Pleiadian ships were supposedly above the earth bombarding these bases with these vibronics, which is a high-pitched sound, which is causing the shifts in the time and the ability of the STS aliens’ to function, and this was the humming sound that’s being heard by the people out in New Mexico.(L) Right, exactly. And as a result of this, the STS, the “Bad Guys”, and the underground bases, are moving their operations under large cities, i.e. Paris, Washington and Buenos Aires., because then they will have a human shield, because the Pleiadians won’t be bombarding these large cities full of people with this stuff. Now, that’s the story.
[end of 'COSMIC CYCLES' section]


“A: If everything is in reality circular in nature, then direction is optional. “

“Time is a non-existent, artificial creation of illusion for the point of learning at the level where you are at or were, and once you have left that level, you no longer need it.”

Q: (L) Is 3rd density awareness the only density with perception of time? A: No. (also) 4,5,6,7. Q: (L) But I thought that time perception was an illusion? A: YOUR perception of it is an illusion.

Q: (A) Is time multi-dimensional? If so, is it three- dimensional? A: Not correct concept. Time is not a dimension. This is very complex from your standpoint, but let us just say that time is “selective,” or “variable.” Q: (L) You said previously that time was ‘selective and variable.’ What, exactly, does this mean? A: By “Selective”, we mean simply to think of time as if it were like your jukebox. There are many selections there, you may play them as you choose. But you need not play them sequentially, unless that is all you know. The selections are always there, are they not? Q: (L) What is it that causes us to only be able to perceive time in a sequential way? A: DNA restructuring, as in the handiwork of our friends, STS 4th density. Q: (L) Is there any possibility of regaining or restructuring this DNA? A: Was there, will be again. You wanna know all there is to know about time, quantum reality, etcetera? Then it is time for you, and especially Arkadiusz, to study all that you can about the “crop circles,” and closely network with those studying them directly.

Q: From Kozyrev: ‘ Time flows into a system through a cause to an effect. There is an impression that time is pulled inside by a cause and gets denser at the location of an effect. In every process of nature, time can be formed or spent.’ A: Close.

Q: (A) I want to know about the mathematical model; how to model space mathematically. I know what is the standard way of modeling space which comes from Euclid and Newton, which says that space is just a three dimensional manifold. But then we have this French guy from Paris, Nottale, who says that space is chaotic, fractalized, non-smooth; and starting from this idea that space is a very complicated object, fractal-like, he derives equations for planetary orbits much like the theories of Velikovsky, that planetary systems are like atoms, and that a kind of quantum theory can be used to get these orbits, and then that quantum jumps can happen. He derives equations out of his concept of space. (C’s confirm that Ark needs to study this concept further)

(A) I asked whether time was to be considered as the fourth dimension, you said why not consider time as springing from the fifth dimension. Was this a joke, or was this a serious thing for me to consider? A: Serious. Q: (A) I have a hypothesis about how one can have time coming from a fifth dimension, and what a time vacuum means. This means that, where there is a time vacuum, there is no time. A: Yes.

A: Distance is a 3rd density constraint of consciousness energy grid structure. Q: ….So, my question is, is distance an expression of consciousness? Is there a distance from one point to another point expressed as, say, 2 million atoms? Is that a distance? What does consciousness have to do with this? How to model atoms in this 5th dimensional world? A: As Grid of Energy. Q: (A) What is the 5th dimension role in this grid? A: Rim of Cylinder. Q: (A) What is rim? A: Surface of loop

(A) Now, we we were talking about Kaluza Klein, and you mentioned the Germans “exploring the loop of the cylinder” in relation to time travel. (A) (the C’s indicated that it is like a torus) (L) What is a loop of the cylinder? Yes, there is one loop and then there is another loop. One loop is probably what we call time - cyclical time. A: Time cycle. Q: What is the second loop? A: Included, but not inclusive (is not the whole thing). A: Remember, you do have cycles but that does not necessarily mean cyclical. 3 Dimensional depiction of loop, seek hexagon for more. Geometric theory provides answers for key. Look to stellar windows. Octagon, hexagon, pentagon. Q: Are those the different levels of density? A: No, but it relates. Geometry gets you there, algebra sets you “free.”


Q: My interpretation of the difference between the Shepherd and the Agriculturalist, the essential conflict of Cain and Abel, is that the Shepherd feeds others, and operates within the natural cycles. He partakes with acceptance and without attempts to control nature. The agriculturalist, on the other hand, seeks to control and extract every last bit of energy from wherever he is operating, and manipulates the environment, usually to its detriment. It is an unnatural cycle. This is the essence of STS vs. STO. Is this the concept I am looking for?

A: Laura, my dear, if you really want to reveal “many beautiful and amazing things,” all you need to do is remember the triad, the trilogy, the trinity, and look always for the triplicative connecting clue profile. Connect the threes... do not rest until you have found three beautifully balancing meanings!! Q: So, in everything there are three aspects? A: And why? Because it is the realm of the three that you occupy. In order to possess the keys to the next level, just master the Third Man Theme, then move on with grace and anticipation.

Q: (L) Our ability to see or perceive, blue, according to some researchers, is very recent. Natives who live on the Blue Nile describe it as brown, Homer described the Mediterranean as the “Wine dark sea,” and Aristotle said there were only three colors in the rainbow: red, yellow and green. Is this true, that the human race, in general, has only recently become able to see blue? A: Yes. Q: (L) Is this a reflection of the spirituality of the color blue? A: Yes.

Q: (L) I guess. Okay, there is some valley in Canada that is supposed to be very mysterious and it seems that no one will go to the area any more because they all end up dead with their heads cut off. Who is doing this? Is there some Indians or cave people or what? A: STS beings, density 4.

Q: But, I want to know what mathematical process you were using to get this number 63?! A: Add the total number of words published, divide the sum total by the number reflecting accurate conceptualizations. Q: Okay, if we have 100 words, and 25 are used in the description of a concept that is accurate, is that what you mean? A: Close. Q: Okay, how do you determine an accurate conceptualization? (A) How do you determine if a given word is accurate? A: By the verity of the issuer. Q: So, words, even though words can mean different things, the verity of the speaker can give... A: Yes, because if monitored in a state of pure non- prejudice, the accuracy level will be perceived correctly. Q: (A) Okay, I want to read a sentence: ‘The first, the Great Pyramid was formed approximately 6,000 of your years ago.’ I want to go through this word by word. The word ‘the,’ accurate or inaccurate? A: Accurate. Q: ‘First.’ A: Inaccurate. Q: ‘The.’ A: Neuter. Q: ‘Great.’ A: Accurate, in this case because of conventional agreement. Q: Now, you describe a word as neutral, but in the mathematical algorithm you gave for computing the numbers, you didn’t mention neutral words, so, what do you do with neutral words? A: They belong to the 37 percent as they cannot be counted subjectively as accurate. Q: ‘was’ A: Accurate. Q: ‘formed’ A: Accurate. Q: ‘approximately’ A: Accurate. Q: 6,000 A: Accurate. Q: ‘Of.’ A: Neuter. Q: ‘Your.’ A: Accurate. Q: ‘years. A: Accurate.

The Wizard of Oz, inspired by the C’s:
Wicked witch- lizards, wizard-illuminati, monkeys-Nephilim, greys (“close enough“) also: witch‘s soldiers - nephilim, our knowledge can defeat the lizards as the water destroyed the witch; munchkins- 2nd density beings; Glenda: STO, Tornado- realm wave, going to Oz was going to STS from STO (Kansas);

Origin of circumcision and other Judaic traditions done for hygiene;

Q: (L) In that particular conflict between the Jews and the Arabs, which side has the greater validity? A: All sides have equal validity. It is only with individuals we find negativity or positivity.

Q: Is there such a thing as sound that can kill? A: Yes. Anything properly concentrated can kill. Q: Are there words that can kill by their simple pronunciation? A: No. Q: Are there words of power that invoke energies by their pronunciation? A: Maybe.

Problems with carbon 14 dating process’ accuracy are due to the fact that time does not actually exist (Editor’s Note: time seems to be fluid and changing in nature, it seems as if originally at the beginning of the 309000 y grand cycle, it was more fluid and flexible, but solidified gradually and unnoticeably by earth’s entities up to the present, which is why such present methods would not be accurate the further back you go in “time”)

Q: (L) What does the cosmic retrieval system retrieve? A: Remember computer was inspired by cosmic forces and reflects universal intelligence system of retrieval of reality. Q: (T) What you have described, on a very large scale, sophisticated... A: Grand scale, close. Q: (T) Can I access it through our earthly computer system? A: In a sense, but not directly as of yet. But just wait.

I said: “Where do you get this stuff?” He said: “It’s in the Bible.” I said: “What do you mean it’s in the Bible?” He said: “Well, it’s in the books.” So, I asked: “Well, where did the books come from? Some of them were written many hundreds of years ago and the New Testament books were written hundreds of years after Christ lived, that is, after the fact.” So, he said: “See, those who wrote the Bible didn’t really write it, they got it from the Holy Spirit.” So, I say, okay, I can buy that. The Holy Spirit wrote the Bible. I can follow this. Fine. I ask him: “How do they know this was the Holy Spirit?” And I’m only bringing up a question, I am not putting him down. So, he comes back and says: “Well, the books say the Holy Spirit came down and did this, and since it is in the book, it must be true.” I said: “Wait a minute. The Holy Spirit came down and wrote these books through these people, gave them this information and helped them do this, and wrote in the book that it was the Holy Spirit that did this, therefore it makes it true because whoever brought this information said they brought this information. But, on a whole different level, the Holy Spirit brought this information to these people, and they didn’t write the books, did they not “channel” these books?” And he stopped there and it was like: “Well, I never thought of it that way.” And I said: “Well, you just said that all of this was of the Devil, New Age, paranormal events, UFOs, the Rolling Stones...” So, he thought about it for a minute and then he said: “But it’s okay. It was the “right” channel!” And I say: “Wait a minute! Slow down here! Take this home and think about it for a few days. These books that you are putting your faith in, that you don’t know where they came from, were channeled to people by means that you say are the devil’s work if anybody else does it. And, the only reason you are accepting these works is because, IN these works it says that it was the Holy Spirit that did it, but it was the Holy Spirit that told them to do this.”

Q: (L) When did "name" die (where "name" is replaced with those provided in the list in the background section)? (laughter) They want to know when did Jim Morrison die, Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Natalie Wood, Elvis Presley, John Lennon... A: Oh puhleeze! Does the person or persons asking these questions not have a few firing neurons to do research and draw conclusions themselves? These questions are so trivial that it actually makes our nonexistent jaws drop.


“(T) They told us that in a couple of years, we have 2% now, it will grow to 30 to 40% of the knowledge of the smartest people on the planet, not the universe. A: Yes”

Q: (L) What quality in us, what thing, enabled us to make contact. Because, obviously a lot of people try and get garbage. A: You asked. Q: (L) A lot of people ask! A: No they don’t, they command. Think about it. You did not beg or plead... that is commanding.

A: Stop and think about the possibility that your work was known in advance and all the preparations were made in advance to make the charge of cult mean what it does today. Q: (L) Was it done via time travel? A: Not necessary. "Mass dreams of the future" anyone? Q: (L) That's a book where people get progressed into the future and see the future. It's kind of like time travel in your head. Q: (L) So they can see the future, which has something to do with the Montauk project. And they obviously sought to do something about the future by adjusting the present, in a way. A: You would not believe how many are involved. Many innocently of course.

A: Keep on the course. Did you ever wonder if some of the "failure" of the other side might not be a result of the energy you are generating? Q: (L) What do you mean "failure"? A: Like "Climategate"? Q: (L) You mean, if we, our group, our forum, our activities generate certain energies, it empowers people who aren't even connected to us to do things? A: Yes

Q: (L) Yes... Okay, well, the thing that occurs to me as I observe all of this insanity is that this drive for control results only in destruction. The destruction is of everything that one would think the psychopaths would have power over something, what good does it do to have any power if everything's dead and there's nobody there to have power over? They're killing everything! They'll end up in total control of everything, but there'll be nothing there but ashes. It's just insane! A: Psychopathy is characterized by a supreme lack of insight. Q: (L) Well, first we have some revelations, and you start feeling a little hope about the Climategate thing. Then, you have this obviously transparent "false flag" terrorism attack on an airplane which then results in crackdowns that make everybody miserable. It's so ridiculous as to be beyond comprehension. A: We once said that 4D STS will become desperate for control as the changes approach. They perceive that control is being undermined thus making them more desperate. Q: (L) What's undermining their control? A: Why you, yes! Collectively, that is. Q: (L) Could it be said that what we're doing is actually inducing these controlling actions? A: Yes but that is actually good because it means that their desperation is being driven and they will make more mistakes and turn the masses against them sooner. Q: (L) So the more positive things we do, and the more creative we become, the more it drives them to try to suppress and repress things in indirect ways to try to suppress and repress us without suppressing and repressing us directly - because that would be too obvious - and by so doing, they show their hand so to speak? A: Yes A: The more who see, the more that can see! And didn't we once say that it is not where you are but rather WHO you are and what you SEE!!

Q: (L) Well, why don't they just bump us off if we're such a pain in the whatever? A: They can't. Q: (L) Why? A: We cannot tell you that as it would interfere with mission. Q: (Galaxia) Why would it interfere with the mission? A: If you know why you will anticipate and possibly make mistakes fatal to yourself. Let us just say that "they" know that harm to you would result in their own total destruction along a more negative timeline. A: Again, we cannot tell you all. But know that there is no chance for a positive outcome for Earth and the future without the presence. Q: (L) So, there's no chance for a positive outcome without me, and yet my death would ensure their total destruction. A: And all else! Q: (Perceval) Maybe it's got something to do with balance, ya know? The universe wanting balance. There's a higher power in the universe that allows things to play out as long as there's some kind of balance. But if you weren't here, then this world would be a completely dark, negative star, and there'd be some mechanism that would destroy it and everything associated with it. A: Yes. Q: (L) That's really depressing though to think that we ARE the only balancing energy... out of 7 billion people on the planet?! (Perceval) The only reason that the whole thing hasn't already gone up in smoke is because some few people are making an effort. It's rather magnanimous of the universe to consider such a small group of people.

A: (about STS attacks of all manner) You must never forget that this is a real war at the deepest levels, a war for souls and the future. All of you here are crucial to the successful outcome. All sorts of ploys will be utilized to destroy your unity. This was begun at your births and includes early childhood torture at the hands of those most susceptible to control in your lives. This was intended to make dysfunctional traits that would interfere with the successful completion of your respective missions. It is a great challenge. But you knew it beforehand and were strengthened for the task.

A: We have helped you build your staircase one step at a time. Because you asked for it. And you asked for it because it was your destiny. We have put you in contact with those of rare ability in order for you to be able to communicate with us. Again, because you desired it, in order to realize your path. By now, you should recognize the signs... Those who display thinking patterns which in many ways deviate from that which is considered ordinary. The more unusual, the more telling. They have past lives on 3rd density earth, but not recently, but for this one. And they are not oriented to the earth frequency vibrations.

A: It is a great responsibility, but you have learned many lessons as a result. Prior to this incarnation you requested a “fast track,” as the popular parlance would indicate, for ascension to the next level. You were told, as all were who request this, that such a challenge would be difficult, indeed. And, as is your soul imprint characteristic, you responded that, in your opinion, the challenge was not nearly as great as others perceived it. But, of course, those others giving the message were of higher density and, therefore, by nature, had much greater awareness and knowledge.
And finally, the last 2 sections.... ;D (Yes, it would be easier and a lot more organized to post the PDF/ Word file for this somewhere on the forum!)

“YOUR GUESS IS AS GOOD AS MINE” (AKA topics which the C’s are intention ally vague or cryptic on, also “further research” topics) And “TREASURE HUNTS FOR LAURA AND GANG”

Q: Okay, something that has been bothering me: the Celtic/Kantekkian propensity for head hunting. There are several explanations offered for this, but none of them really makes sense to me. It is almost like a genetic thing for them to cut off heads of their enemies and heroes... A: Why do you clasp hands? Q: When you meet someone? A: No. We mean in prayer. Q: Oh, my! You mean they cut off heads to accrue negative energy to themselves? Power? A: Foundationally. Q: So, it is really kind of like that show on television: “The Highlander.” Is that what you mean? A: Research for answer.

Q: Am I correct in my assessment that the origin of the Grail stories was the story of the Head of Bran? A: But what was the “origin” of Brahna? Q: Well, from the way I am interpreting what I have found, I have two possibilities: One is the Celts from Kantek, and two: a Nephilim hybrid. A: Could be one and the same.

Q: So, all these stories being made up about all these people and dramatic scenarios...[about Jesus, Mary magdalene, Joseph of Arimathea, etc…] A: It is not the people but the message, the artifacts hold the key. Q: What artifacts? Where are these artifacts? A: France, Spain, Canary Islands and Morocco. Q: Is one of these artifacts the ‘Virgin of Candelaria’ that appeared in the Canary Islands? A: Related. Q: Any more clues you want to give on that? Are we supposed to actually physically go to these places? A: What does “Casablanca” mean in Spanish? Q: White House. A: Yes...Q: Related to the White House in Washington? A: On the trail... Q: You once said something about ‘undreamed of treasures buried in Alfalfa fields in Rhineland.’ ….Is this related to the crystal skull supposedly in the possession of the Templars that they supposedly buried in Gaul that the Templars had? A: Need a better “handl” on it. Q: Okay. Next: On this subject of ‘looking for the frequency of light,’ the ‘undreamed of treasures in Rhineland,’ and needing a better ‘handl’ on it. I came to the conclusion that it might be Liechtenstein because of the ‘handle of a stein’ and Liecht is light in German, so we have the frequency of light with a handle on it, or Liechtenstein. And, in this place there is a little town called Triesen. A: What does stein mean, is it “written in stone?” Q: Stein as in ‘grail,’ and stone as in ‘philosopher’s.’ So, maybe we are getting close. A: What does Einstein mean? Q: ‘One stone.’ And a stein is a cup and a stone at the same time. So, Triesen is in the ‘beautiful countryside between the Rhine and the alpine world.’ There is an alp called Lawena, nearby Lake Constance, and the Swiss canton of St. Gallen. You said something about being buried in ‘Galle’ and this seems to have all the related elements collected together... all the key words... so am I... A: On the right track? It looks good.

Q: It says in this ‘Holy Blood, Holy Grail’ book that, among the artifacts that were recovered from the Templars at the time of their arrest, was a woman’s skull decorated with gold or silver with a sign on it that said ‘Caput LVIIIm’ which could either be 58 m or, if the m meant 1,000, then the 58 would be subtracted leaving 942, or it could be 58 and the Virgo symbol. Of these three ideas, is it one of them? A: 942. Q: What does 942 relate to? A: Use numerological data for suggestions there. Q: Well, that leaves 6. What does the number 6 lead us to? A: Rounded it shows you groupings of twos and threes. Q: Rounded? A: 2x3, 3x2. Q: Anything further about this skull? A: What does Kaput signify?

Q: Then, that makes me think that the significant thing that we are looking for is a convergence of the blood lines... These lines are symbolized by the god figures, the children of Odin, and what we are looking for is a place where these lines converge? A: Yes. Q: Well, what characteristics might an individual have who is a product of this convergence? A: Fair skinned and cleft chin. Q: Well, Ark and Frank both have cleft chins, but Chloe and I don’t! Does this mean... A: We aren’t saying that all with these features are of that blood line! Q: So, you can have the bloodline and look quite different? A: Yes. Q: How many persons on the planet contain these ‘convergent’ bloodlines? A: 7367. Kites were used for cross communication between bloodline members.

Q: (L) Now, when I asked previously about the carriers of this significant bloodline that I am supposed to be tracking, you said to follow the trail from Morocco to Spain to France and included the Canary Islands. Also, that the bloodline was carried by those most capable. Now, I have thought that this might be the Arab connection via the Moors to the noble houses of Spain and then into France. Is this, in fact, the case? A: Yes. Q: (L) Okay, you said that the artefacts provide the key. I had a dream the other night that the artefacts in question were the major arcana of the Tarot deck, that they could be used to discover the mystery. Was this a legitimate clue in my dream? A: Tools. So are astrological charts. Q: (L) In doing this bloodline tracking, I came across this fellow who was the Gallo-Roman Senator named Tonantius Ferreolus. Is this individual descended from Jesus/ Jesinavarah? A: This is certainly a possibility.

Q: (L) In my little quest with my maps, I have come across the suggestion that the cities, Laon, Lyon, and Luxemburg are three cities named from the root of light. Also, there is Leiden. These four cities form an interesting geometric shape when related to one another, particularly the first three. My question would be: once one has constructed this arrow type triangle, what does one then do with it? A: Place upon the valley of the clover dale.

Q: (L) Yes, but one of the unique things about this Horselberg business is that, the legend is that three ‘fiery objects’ landed on top of this mountain. And, if you draw a line from Horselberg, which is a ‘big rock,’ to the ‘big rock’ of Luxembourg, it crosses the Rhine exactly on the big rock of the Lorelei...A: Tritium. Q: (L) Well, Lorelei, translated from German, going back to the Saxon roots, is literally, ‘Laura’s rock.’ I just thought that was VERY funny. You had said to look for the three, the ‘triplicative connecting profile,’ a rock, and you mentioned sirens. Lorelei later evolved into a story about sirens... A: Tritium mines. (Isotope of Hydrogen)

Q: (L) That is an interesting thing. Alfalfa was named as the ‘father of foods,’ and was grown, primarily for, interestingly, horses! And, we have chevin and the ‘Horse of God.’ Anyway, one of the primary areas where this particular type of alfalfa was grown happens to be in Baden, right next door to this Horselberg... right off the banks of the Rhine. There is a valley there. Clover is, of course, a variation of alfalfa, and ‘dale’ is a depression in the groung. Could this be right there next to the location of the Lorelei rock off the Rhine? A: Closer, and what of the four leaves?

Q: Now, one other thing I found was: here we have this legend of this Lorelei which became confused with mermaids. Now, the legend is that the house of D’Anjou was descended from the fairy-wife of Ingelgar, Melusine, who was a mermaid type creature. And, on the other side, we have the legend of the descent of the Merovingians from a ‘Quinotaur’ which was sort of described as a mer-man. I find it curious that both of these lines have legends of descending from these half-fish creatures, similar to the god Oannes of the Babylonians, and now we have the connection to the Lorelei which was confused with a mermaid. And, it is right there in the specific location along the Rhine where both of these families could be said to have ‘emerged,’

Q: (M) The churches and castles in the area follow a very regular pattern. Are they built upon the foundations of previous structures, or cities, like lost Visigothic cities? A: Best to refer to the 1954 UFO study done over the French countryside. Q: (L) You said at one point that I should transfer the search to the United States and quit messing around in Europe. Can you help me out here? A: Horseheads, N.Y. A: Is a key. Need lots of keys to unlock the house of gables. Q: (L) Seven. Seven keys. Aaaaah... there’s Horsecave, Kentucky... A: Anywhere near Mammoth Cave?

Q: (A) Is there something about these places, properties of certain minerals located at these sites around the world, is this an important factor? A: Partly. Q: (A) The first possibility is there are some important places because they are located in a special geo-magnetic position; second, these places are important because there are some natural resources there which make possible there something which is very difficult in other places. The third possibility is that these places have been used many, many years ago to bury some technological devices... and these three things can be related....

A: Does not gold conduct electricity, heat, etc.? Q: (L) Yes, and gold is also called a ferrophile metal, or ‘iron loving,’ because it binds easily with iron. A: And iron... Q: (L) Iron in the blood... iron in the ground... A: Magnetic... Q: (L) Do buried minerals in the ground have something to do with window areas? A: Ditto. Q: (L) Are there large caches of gold buried at different places around the planet to enhance the ‘window’ effect? A: Good possibility.

Q: Does that mean that the instructions for preparation of sacrificial animals were designed to prepare them for alien ‘food?’ A: More for energy transfer. Q: Do you mean energy transfer in the a) sense of the transfer of the energy of the animal through the sacrifice, or b) the transfer of the energy of the human performing the sacrifice into the animal, and then through the animal to the alien (and I am using the term alien in its broadest sense) ? A: Why not both? Q: The next thing is the dietary restrictions. Many cultures eat rabbits and pigs, in specific, those of Aryan extraction. The rabbit was sacred to Athena, and the Celts ate a LOT of pork. Yet, here these items are restricted from the diet of the Jews. Is there any relation between the diet as outlined here, and the Aryan genetic tendencies to conquest and domination? A: Trichinosis used to be nonexistent in Aryan types... But, mixing of genetic factors eliminated this. Q: So, the Jews were susceptible to trichonosis, and the Aryans were not? A: Originally. Q: So, it was necessary for the Jews not to eat the pork, but not for the Aryans, and the mixing caused susceptibility. In a general sense, are strong Aryan genetics indicative of the necessity for the consumption of meat? A: In a sense, but pescadorial features substitute semi- adequately. Q: Pescadorial. Semi-adequately. What needed to be added so that the substitution would be not just semi-adequate, but totally adequate? A: Iron/protein levels. Q:... there is some new work about iron and magnetite in the brains of people who are psychic or have ‘abduction’ experiences... is it the magnetism? A: Yes....A: This magnetite that acts as a conduit, and perhaps, just perhaps, allows for transference back and forth at will?!? And what about the legend about the alchemists? Is not the key term there really transformation?!? And has not the “smoke screen” really been delivered so effectively by all the concentration upon the substance?!? And does not this remind one indeed of all the misguided concentration upon substance rather than meaning that one finds so regularly on 3rd density?? Q: I get it! So, it is the magnetite in the body, that collects and holds the charge, and it has absolutely nothing to do with an external substance at all! Is that it? A: You are getting “warmer.” A: What better deception than to divert the meaning of alchemy, by focusing upon substance, then addicting those souls bound to 3rd density to the substance?

Q: Okay, what is the role of Nitric Oxide in the human body? Q: Okay, in the neurological system? A: Opens up the pleasure center. Q: Are you talking about the amygdala? A: Maybe. Q: The neocortex A: No. Q: The reptilian brain? A: Maybe.

Q:Hal Linden (NEXUS SEVEN GROUP IS ASSOCIATED WITH)? We have this page in this Top Secret document that says “decode this simple cipher key and super secrets are available to you if you know how to slither.” Then, there is a code, and a couple of hints. I would like to know if it is a joke or if it is a real code? A: Code is geometric. Not a joke. Q: (A) What is the point of this code? A: Exercise to gauge communicative potential interest. Q: (A) Who is to gauge? A: Writer, et al. Q: So, if somebody decodes it, and communicates to them that they have decoded it, what would happen? A: If you contact group, you are “let in.”

Q: Is the Wingmakers presentation a source of good clues if one can figure out how to decipher it? A: Yes. Q: Are the clues in the poetry, the pages of philosophy or the art? A: All. Q: Is the story about the Wingmakers information true? A: Some. Q: Is the Wingmakers' material “left” from the future into the past for someone to find in the present? A: Close.


“A: All is of value if examined with an open mind and proper perspective. “
(ACCURACY OF QUESTIONABLE SOURCES -which is essentially all of them -on literature and info out there from questionable sources)

Nordic beings he ‘met’ with were his imagination.

Abducted by Grays; Q: (L) Was the information that Betty Andreasson was given by these beings who abducted her, screen information or false information of information for disinformation? A: All of the above and some factual. Q: (L) What or who are the South American aliens I have read about who are described as being gray with thick lips, rudimentary features, gray uniforms, and are called by the South Americans “Malos”? A: Lizard projections. Q: (L) Were these also the clay-like beings seen by Betty Andreasson only she saw them wearing blue suits? A: Yes. Q: (L) Where was Betty Andreasson taken to when she saw the Phoenix in her abduction? A: Another dimension of reality. Q: (L) Is Betty Andreasson correct in believing that her experiences are positive and are bringing her closer to God? A: No. Q: (L) Is Betty Andreasson deluded? A: No. She is a victim.

Q: (L) Is Al Bielek a phony? A: Semi. Q: (L) Did he work on the Philadelphia project? A: No. was a technician but not aboard vessel; Q: (L) Was he brainwashed to have fake outrageous memories? A: No. Q: (L) Is he lying deliberately? A: Instructed by government for disinformation dissemination.

Q: (L) What about Dr. Richard Boylan whose book I just read? This guy says he had an experience where he was abducted and overnight his attitude about aliens changed. Who was responsible for that abduction that changed his attitude? A: The Grays changed Boylan’s attitude. Get him to dispense selective info. Confuse investigators.

Q: (T) Is the book Courtney Brown wrote, “Cosmic Voyage,” concerning the Martian population... A: It is true that there are underground bases on Mars, but they are Orion STS. Q: (T) Are there Martians as portrayed by Courtney Brown? A: Not exactly. He is portraying the Orion STS as the Martians. Q: (T) Is Courtney Brown a government disinformation agent? A: More as an “agent provocateur.” Q: (T) Is he working for the government? A: Not directly, and remember, the government is not one entity. Q: (L) Who is primarily backing Courtney Brown? A: Rockefeller group. Q: (L) And, is Mike Lindemann and company part of this Rockefeller group at this time? A: Yes. Q: (L) Linda Howe? A: No. Q: (T) Did Courtney actually do remote viewing to obtain the information in the book? A: Not really. Not needed. Q: (T) Does this mean that the whole story is concocted on his part? A: Semi. Elements of it are factual. Q: (T) So, the book was made up the way it is. It is a story. Some factual information, some invented information, some pure BS thrown in to fluff it out. So, the book is NOT an account of work that has come from remote viewing sessions? A: No, but not needed. Q: (L) You have said twice that remote viewing was not “needed.” Where did he get his information? A: Secret sources. Agents of the nation “of the third eye.” Q: (T) So, the information Courtney Brown was given to write this quasi fiction book, is about the Aryans and not about the Martians? A: “Martians” is easier to understand for the less well- informed, not to mention any discussion of the densities!

Q: (L) Was there really a guy named Don Juan Matus who was the teacher of Carlos Castaneda? A: Close. Q: (L) Was he a "composite person" as some have suggested? A: Yes. Q: (L) Was he a composite of several people who Carlos actually knew, as in 3rd density humans? A: Yes.

Q: (L) In talking about the new level of being after transition to 4th density, will this be something like what is described in the book “Celestine Prophecy?” A: Close


Free will is his position;

A: Independent; good intentions; slightly overactive imagination; a little misled.

Genius next to insanity case- genius but ideas unbalanced him; partially channeled info; Q: He claims to have had a couple of experiences very similar to some I have had; and in these experiences he claims to have actually seen the underlying reality matrix... he saw the universe as it really is, in its nature of flowing lights and colors and so forth, as it reformed, so to speak... was he seeing 4th density? A: Close

A: Pure, good man.

George Green has dictated all these "Handbooks for the New Paradigm." He claims that it comes from some entity. Who is that entity? A: George Green. Q: (L) Well, these books are all over the place. Who is funding them? A: Consortium.

Q: (L) In the Ann Haywood case which is supposed to be a case of demonic possession or obsession, who or what are the beings that are afflicting this woman and her family? A: 3rd density section “B” energy anomalies same as “poltergeist.” Q: (L) The case that is described in the book The Haunted, about the Smurl family, with quite a bit of phenomena occurring in their house including the sighting of a big- foot type creature, what is the source of the phenomena in that case? A: Same. Q: (L) So, neither of those cases are “alien” related? A: Correct.

Q: (L) Is Clif High at halfpasthuman.com onto something or not? A: Definitely!

A: Whatever else you find true about Hoagland, just remember that genius resides adjacent to insanity! (A) What is the meaning of this remark about Hoagland? A: Some of his stuff may be “poppycock,” but some is right on the money, honey!

6th level source, “good”

Q: (L) I want to ask about this book I was reading about this guy - T. Illion who traveled to Tibet and found this underground city and interacted with these strange beings, was this an actual trip this guy made in a traditional 3rd density sense? A: It is a disguise for conveying truths of a spiritual nature as well as a depiction of 4th Density realities. (Was actually not Tibet but) A: Siberia. Q: (B) Does it have anything to do with the spot in Siberia or Russian mountains that has the electromagnetic labs or whatever it was that they were discussing before? A: Close.

By Helena Blatavsky: source is mix of 6th D STS and STO, up to reader to discern which info is from which side;

Disguised reality.

Q: (L) I have a book in the bedroom called The P’taah Tapes channeled by a gal named Jani King. Who is Jani King channeling? A: Herself.

Q: (T) What about Stephen King? A: Carnal influences.

Originally valid source, but greed changed all that, she faked the source afterwards;

Q: (L) Bob Lazar supposedly worked on alien craft retro-engineering? A: Did but sinister. Involved with questionable types. Q: (L) His video about working at Area 51 and descriptions of propulsion systems and alien craft was or was not truth? A: Close to the truth. Craft tech: minor points were off.

Q: (L) What about John Lear? A: Good but overcareful.

Active imagination

Q: (L) Are the Majestic 12 documents... A: Semi-factual. Q: (L) Were they dummied up? A: Near. Q: (L) Who did this and why? A: To leak information and disinformation. Many were involved. ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) and CIA (Central Intelligence Agency).

Cassiopaeans are also behind this work

Q: Is Billy Meier lying? A: Some. Embellish and fake pictures. Q: Has he been contacted by the good guys or the bad guys? A: Both. (later) Q: (L) We would like to know the source of information coming through Billy Meier? A: Grays. Q: (L) He is not channeling Pleiadians? A: Was but not now

(from another session) A: As we have so stated, Meier had legitimate contact in the beginning, but has since become the Swiss version of J.Z. Knight.

William Moore who co-wrote the Roswell incident with Charles Berlitz? A: Same as Friedman Q: (L) What about the incident where he admitted to disinformation? A: Was coerced to say that by complex sources. That situation is very complex.

Government is using it as their grass roots info gathering organization; some in mufon do interact with the lizards also, in various ways;

Walt Andrus- He is Ok, Paranoia is his chief problem; L S : Muddled thoughts, Jenny Randles: means well;

Q: (L)What is the energy behind this Zulu guy (Credo Mutwa) ? A: He has a valid connection; however there is a lot of static around him. Q: (Brainwave) So all his theory about this Light Warrior thing may have some kind of credibility? A: In a sense, but not precisely in the way thought. Groups of people represent energy portals in cosmic rather than global terms. A: Light warriors are "connectors" on a cosmic level.
Q: (L) Connectors between what and what? A: Transducers of energy of transition rather like capacitors! Q: (L) What's a capacitor? (M) It's an electrical way of collecting and dumping a flowing charge; a way of accumulating charge and releasing it later in a sudden burst of energy. You can send enormously strong pulses from capacitors by putting in small amounts of energy over a long period of time. They used to be called accumulators. (Perceval) What transition? A: Transition of your sector of space/time. A: There are certain people around him who interfere with cultic thought patternings. He will know who.

A: Read John Naisbitt. We have direct communications with him, too! “Megatrends.” Q: (L) Oh, I have the book. Are you telling me that you communicate with him? A: Yes. Now, read chapter headings!!! Q: (L) Okay: ‘Industrial Society to an Information Society.’ ‘Force Technology, to High Tech,’ ‘National Economy to World Economy,’ ‘Short Term to Long Term,’ ‘Centralization to Decentralization,’ ‘Institutional Help to Self Help,’ ‘Hierarchies to Networking,’ etc... Page 211, interesting numbers. Okay, anything else you want to add? A: In you “spare time,” read and absorb, and look for the clues there. This will allow you to use your resources more efficiently, thus quickly achieving goals.

Q: Sheldon Nidle channeling? A: Suggest you not waste energy on this. Q: (L) There are a lot of people who are convinced by Sheldon Nidle that there is going to be a photon belt and a mass landing of UFOs in the fall of this year. Is this, in fact, going to occur? A: People are very convinced by Bo and Peep.

“Trance Formation of America; The true life story of a CIA slave” by Cathy O’Brien with Mark Phillips. What I would like to know is: what is the motivation behind the authors of this book? A: Disruption. Q: Disruption of what? A: Anyone disruptable. Q: Are any of these descriptions of the behaviors of Hillary and Bill Clinton as explicated in this extract anywhere near close to reality? A: Anywhere near? Well maybe, but not as described. Q: Is there such a thing as this girl describes? These CIA slaves that are sexually mutilated and programmed with this mind control programming that she has described? A: Any such experiment would be handled by the cellular structure of pseudogovernmental satellite, not normally by CIA. Q: So, what you seem to be implying is that what is described here IS taking place? A: To an extent, but the story as related is fictional. Q: Are the Clintons as depraved as she presents them? A: No, but recreational drug use may have occurred.

Q: (L) We want to know about the Ra Material by Elkins, Rueckert and McCarty, where is the Ra Material coming from? A: Us. Q: (L) Would you say that the Ra Material comes through a clear channel? A: Yes. Q: (L) OK, since the Ra material is considered to be a kind of primer to the Cassiopaean material, could you give us a percentage on the accuracy of this material? A: 63

Q: (L) Well, let me ask, while we are on the subject of writing, is Anne Rice channeling her concepts in her vampire books? A: She also is influenced by the Grays.

(L)….“The human consciousness is roughly divided into three different areas for the sake of this illustration: the conscious mind, the subconscious mind and the unconscious mind.” Now, are these labels generally correct? A: Roughly. Q: (L) She says: “The unconscious mind is a link to your greater self, it is also used as a wasteland where scary, dark things are stored that you really don’t want to bring up.” Is this a fairly accurate statement? A: Semi-accurate. Q: (L) Is there anything you can say to make the statement more accurate? A: The unconscious mind is also a conduit for connecting with the higher self, other selves, and the universal mind. Q: (L) Lyssa also says: “When you are a child and have a traumatic event, the subconscious not only finds a way to immediately process the information and store it, but also to protect you from further fragmentation. It must seek to create a balance.” So, she says, the “very intense raw energy that is generated from trauma gets stuffed into the unconscious mind.” Is this true? A: Close enough. Q: (L) She then goes on to say: “When an extraterrestrial looks at us, we seem like multiple personality cases to them because of our mind divisions.” Is this true? A: Irrelevant. Q: (L) Why is that irrelevant? Is it because when a higher density being looks at us they know what they are looking at? A: Yes. They know and understand the separations of your minds quite precisely. That would be like saying “when a human looks at a rodent, they notice that they are excessively furry.”

Q: I have this book, this Marcia Schafer thing: “Confessions of an Intergalactic Anthropologist,” and its a bunch of channelled stuff; one thing she says: “the snake is associated with the sign of wisdom and higher learning, and is often regarded quite highly in mystical circles.” She had an interaction with a rattlesnake, for which she felt sympathy, and she also has sympathetic interactions with Lizzies. I would like to have a comment on the idea of the snake as a “sign of wisdom and higher learning.” Does this, in fact, represent what the snake symbolizes? A: Snake is/was reported in context of the viewpoint of the observer. Q: Are you saying that when the observer’s viewpoint is that the snake is a symbol of higher learning, maybe... A: Maybe the observer was just “blown away” by the experience.

“Another lizard plot, of course.”

Q: (L) Is L. Ron Hubbard’s Scientology set up going in the right direction in helping people to become free of the Control System on the planet? A: Exchange, to a limited extent. Q: (L) So, it is just an exchange of control system from one to another? A: Something like that. Q: (L) Well, Jack pointed out that, at least when Scientology gets done with a person, they are off drugs, off alcohol, they stop beating their wife and kids, and become productive people. That DOES seem to be true! They get free of attachments and improve themselves in many ways. Couldn’t that be considered positive? A: Sure. Q: (L) What is the downside of such a positive thing? A: Decreasing individual discovery. Q: (L) Did L. Ron Hubbard participate in sex magic rituals with Jack Parsons and Aliester Crowley? A: Maybe. Q: (L) Did he derive some of his information or teachings from these magical sex rites? A: Maybe. Q: (L) Was L. Ron Hubbard Greenbaumed? A: Maybe.

A: Misled by same as Moore. Has mixed intentions.

Channeled by Jane Roberts: higher plane earth spirit, was accurate source but becoming obsolete;

Q: (L) What is the energy fueling Whitley Strieber and his work? A: Grays. Q: (L) He is an agent of the Grays? A: No. Instrument of the Grays. Q: (T) So, all his writing is compromised by the Grays? A: Influenced by them. Q: (T) Well, he says that, too. (L) Well, he now thinks he has learned how to be a companion of God through these experiences. A: Wolfen reflects Lizzie reality.

Q: (L) What was the source of the Talking With Angels channeling? A: 4D STS and STO mix. Q: (L) Did the events recounted in that book really happen? A: Yes

Q: (L) Regarding Michael Topper: how accurate are the writings of Topper? A: 57 percent. Q: (L) Was his wife his channel? A: Yes. Q: (L) Was the corruption level due to the fact that they may have engaged in rituals in order to get their material? A: Close enough.

Channeling lizards

Along with family are abducted by Lizards, perceived as threat;

Q: (L) What happened to the Australian pilot Frederick Valentich? A: He was taken by the Lizards and dissected.

A: In this case, the silence is noteworthy. In the case of Valerian, it is those with which he is directly acquainted and/or associated that is of greatest importance!A: He is interesting, but those with whom he is acquainted and associated are even more interesting!!Q: Okay. Well, I won’t. But, he is completely turned off to us... A: Then turn him back on! The information in his sphere of influence is of “blockbuster” like significance. We suspect an intellectual intercourse of the kind to which you have become accustomed with some of these beings would boost your knowledge/awareness base atomically!

Q: The issue of Val Valerian being associated with beings who have “blockbuster” information has come up a time or two lately. There are a couple of ideas as to who these beings might be. As a matter of fact, we have discovered that Val Valerian is not as reliable as one would wish. He seems to be quite a disseminator of disinformation. So, who, precisely are these beings Val is associated with? Are they aliens? A: No. Q: Are they government types? A: Yes. Q: So, Val is a doorway for dissemination of information and disinformation? A: Yes. Q: Well, he has just recently posted some stuff that is so trashy that I really was taken aback. Is he hooked up with Scientology and Black Magick? That is where it looks like his information is tending lately. This Samuels guy has really written some strange stuff that seems to be loaded with disinformation. A: Val trips up as do many... Q: Well, who is this Samuels, and who is behind him? It sounds so much like Scientology... A: Pay no attention to this, but some of his information commands serious review. Q: Well, I know that! But, he has really gone off the deep end with this stuff! What does one have to do to keep from falling into such traps? A: Find one’s own path. Q: (L) Okay, who is this "final incarnation" guy presented on Val Valerian's website? Is it really somebody who is in his final incarnation as is claimed, is it made up, or is it Val himself? A: Val. Q: (L) So that is how a final incarnation of STS might think and the teachings they might present? A: Yes.

Krill Papers: “semi” factual (the alien being, the human who put it together as well as the info)

A: He means well and his intentions are pure and good.

Disinformation of various sources for the purpose of monetary profit.

A: Disinformation artist.

Q: Next: I’m not going to read this whole thing here; it’s a statement by Arizona Wilder who claims that she conducted human sacrifice rituals for the Illuminati Elite for decades. These included the British Royal Family, George Bush, Henry Kissenger, and a stream of world famous names revealed in “The Biggest Secret” and the video “Revelations of a Mother Goddess,” available through this web site, which is David Icke’s. Since she escaped from her mind-controlled confinement she has dedicated herself to exposing what is happening. First question: did Arizona Wilder conduct human sacrifice rituals for the Illuminati Elite for decades? A: Is Henry Kissinger a royal bloodline? Q: I don’t think so. George Bush is distantly related to the Queen of England. I think that what she means is “for” the royal family, AND George Bush AND Henry Kissenger. Is this woman what she claims to be and did she do what she claimed to do? A: Better “hold the mustard” on that one. Q: Well, she also says the Illuminati, the clique which controls the world, are genetic hybrids, a result of intebreeding between human beings and the reptilian aliens many thousands of years ago. The center of power is not even in this dimension, it is in the 4th dimension, the lower astral as many people call it, the realm of demons of folklore. She obviously doesn’t have a CLUE! A: Either that or all humans have some reptilian genes... Q: She says that every presidential election has been won by the candidate with the most European Royal Genes. Of the 42 presidents up to Bill Clinton, 32 have been related to Alfred the Great ... A: John Kennedy???

Q: He uses a lot of keywords that are very familiar to us. His whole site is devoted to pyramids, golden ratio, geomagnetic grid, geometry, bees, bloodlines, etc. The question is: everything that happens, I consider that it happens for a purpose. What is the purpose of being directed to this site? Is this all his own nonsense, or is he channeling this? A: Extract. Q: (L) And we should extract from there the pertinent information? A: Yes. Q: (L) Well, he seems to be real hung up with this Drunvalo Melchizedek guy... A: No. No good.

A: Not legitimate. Q: (L) What is the energy behind this woman who claims to channel these Zetas? A: Ego. Q: (L) Well, from what I read, it is pretty much an amalgamation of stuff from other sources... I mean, there was nothing that would validate it as higher density material... there was stuff from Sitchen, Velikovsky, Cayce... there is nothing there she couldn’t have gotten from other sites. Ra, our stuff... A: Yes. Q: (L) And it is just a mishmash of all this stuff along with erroneous stuff that must have come right out of her own head. A: Yes. Q: (L) But, as Ark pointed out, it is a very well organized site, mirror sites, she obviously has supporters and fans and all of that. A: Any one seeking this can accomplish it. Do you really believe the “Zetas” would expend energy warning humans about impending earth changes? Q: (L) Well, if they wanted humans to perceive the gray aliens as the good guys they would! That’s what occurs to me when I think about it. A: How much energy do you expend warning squirrels about fires?
dougquaid said:
bngenoh- Please let me know how I can put the file somewhere on the forum where it's available to all in it's original format. The above is the whole file, but some diagrams and photos are missing, as well as the original formatting of the titles and subheadings (different sized fonts, bold, etc..) The document is in word format, but I could change it to PDF no problem, if that would work better for the forum.
Sorry dougquaid,

A tech wizard, i am not. :( Maybe someone with technical expertise can give advice. How big is the file?
I did something like that nearly 10 y.ago. It was a huge .doc file, and it helped me to better memorize all that material.

I think you'll need a whole website like Cassiopedia in order to put all this stuff together in a readable way. A whole new project like that will take the time it needs when it'll be needed, I suppose.
dougquaid said:
Thanks everyone for the supportive comments. Let me try to clarify some of the questions asked;

Mr Premise - Sorry but I did not reference the dates unless specifically important to the context, as the aim of this compilation was more as a 'study guide' of sorts by the various topics.

I think not including the dates (and even participants) radically lessens its usefulness. I also it's like quoting someone else's work without citing the source. Also it makes it hard for someone to go back to the original to see the context.

You say you intend it only as a study guide, but once it's on the Internet you can't control how it's used.

How much trouble would it be to add them in?
Mr. Premise said:
dougquaid said:
Thanks everyone for the supportive comments. Let me try to clarify some of the questions asked;

Mr Premise - Sorry but I did not reference the dates unless specifically important to the context, as the aim of this compilation was more as a 'study guide' of sorts by the various topics.

I think not including the dates (and even participants) radically lessens its usefulness. I also it's like quoting someone else's work without citing the source. Also it makes it hard for someone to go back to the original to see the context.

You say you intend it only as a study guide, but once it's on the Internet you can't control how it's used.

How much trouble would it be to add them in?
"I" would be willing to help in this manner dougquaid.
Thank you dougquaid and everyone also contributing.

This has the potential to be a great resource. Knowing the context is vital as you say. I would value a copy if you can send me one please. Luckily I have studied all the Wave series and can double check things.

:dance:Laura's work with the updates are also invaluable to corroborate facts too.
Nienna Eluch said:
dougquaid said:
Belibaste - I tried to put it together in a way where the important things of each topic is complete, only cutting out unnecessary parts of conversations, for example "(group laughter)".

I think that what is trying to be pointed out is that "where the important things of each topic" is your view of them.

Yes, this is a huge endeavor, but we should note that things do tend to get reinterpreted when done by others who weren't there, especially Laura and Ark.

People, please don't miss this point. Although this is dougquaid's idea of what is important, there is a chance it may not necessarily be the correct interpretation.
Mrs. Peel said:
Nienna Eluch said:
dougquaid said:
Belibaste - I tried to put it together in a way where the important things of each topic is complete, only cutting out unnecessary parts of conversations, for example "(group laughter)".

I think that what is trying to be pointed out is that "where the important things of each topic" is your view of them.

Yes, this is a huge endeavor, but we should note that things do tend to get reinterpreted when done by others who weren't there, especially Laura and Ark.

People, please don't miss this point. Although this is dougquaid's idea of what is important, there is a chance it may not necessarily be the correct interpretation.

I agree !!
Thanks everyone for the input.

Mr. Premise- I skipped on the dates because this was way too tedious when organizing material of such volume by categories strictly. Adding the dates at this stage is a monumental task indeed, and for me you would be looking at another few years, by then the wave will have arrived even!
Thanks bngenoh for offering to help with the dates, I would suggest making it easier by typing in some of the text/ a sentence of the piece you're looking for into 'search', the correct dated transcript should come up. Oh, the file is about 4MB;
Remember guys, this was just meant as a study guide or quick reference, a 'Cliff's Notes' of sorts for the transcripts, not the entire volume of Laura's work over the decades.

Thanks to everyone who is willing to check the dates and double check the accuracy, like I said, it's not perfect, it's just an idea materialized to either use as a supplement, just read over, or discard if the particular individual finds no value in it. Individuals' preferred style of learning probably also has an impact on whether this is useful or not.
dougquaid said:
Yes, it would be easier and a lot more organized to post the PDF/ Word file for this somewhere on the forum!
Hi dougquaid,

I'm impressed by your efforts and by the results as well. :clap:

Given that you stated it would be easy to convert the existing file into a pdf format, I think it would serve many of us best to have a stand alone file on our own computer which can be examined and consulted off line irrespective of whether the forum is reachable or not - a situation that might occur in the future.

In order to achieve this, you have to upload the pdf file onto a file hosting site and then post a link to it on this thread. From there, everyone so inclined could download the whole lot and save it. To protect the file this thread could be moved to the restricted area where log-in is required.

When you Google for < file hosting sites free > you will find plenty of those to choose from.

Another way to go about this would be to use space on one of the existing servers for SotT and the forum to post the pdf file on. In that case you also could protect the file by requiring a log-in with forum name and password before the permission to download is granted.

Just some thoughts...
dougquaid said:
Thanks to everyone who is willing to check the dates and double check the accuracy, like I said, it's not perfect, it's just an idea materialized to either use as a supplement, just read over, or discard if the particular individual finds no value in it. Individuals' preferred style of learning probably also has an impact on whether this is useful or not.

One also needs to take into consideration the percentage of corruption in the early sessions with "Frank."
Mrs. Peel said:
dougquaid said:
Thanks to everyone who is willing to check the dates and double check the accuracy, like I said, it's not perfect, it's just an idea materialized to either use as a supplement, just read over, or discard if the particular individual finds no value in it. Individuals' preferred style of learning probably also has an impact on whether this is useful or not.

One also needs to take into consideration the percentage of corruption in the early sessions with "Frank."
Yes, which is why citing the session dates and participants is crucial.
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