Cheney to visit Davenport on monday


Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
Got a call from my boss today telling me the infamous VP will be visiting one of his neighbors on monday. He got an invitation to go, $500 gets 2hrs. of drinks and mingling and another $500 for a photo op. Shotgun blasts optional ;)
So here's some more from the event

Davenport police officers tell protesters marching along River Drive they had orders to collect the wooden sticks on their American flags as a security measure
the picture is priceless

Chief Mike Bladel said the officers were acting on their own, not under any directive from the Secret Service or Cheney's staff. Normally, police confiscate larger sticks to hold placards. The officers figured the flag sticks needed to be taken as well.
Bladel also courteously apologized for one of the officers who tried to prevent our photographer from taking pictures of the seizures. The officer briefly detained photographer Jeff Cook, who said he'd never before been restrained from shooting a political event in 20 years of Quad-City photojournalism.

gotta watch out for those little old ladies with sticks!
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