Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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Yozilla said:
Yanukovych's son has drowned in Lake Baikal?

The younger son of deposed Ukrainian leader Viktor Yanukovych died at the Siberian lake, according to Russian and Ukrainian media reports. Viktor junior, 33, had been living in exile in Russia. However, the Russian Emergencies Ministry claimed that Yanukovych junior's name was not listed those involved in a tragedy when a vehicle fell through the ice.

More on:

Yes, Russian media report that he was listed as Viktor Davydov (his grandmother's surname). And he was the only one who drowned in this accident, all other people (up to 7 persons according to different sources) escaped from the vehicle. Yesterday he was buried in Sevastopol (Crimea), his father ex-president Viktor Yanukovich and other members of his family were present at the funeral.

What an evil irony: after his father had so miraculously escaped death recently himself, his son now died just so foolishly. I mean, eight people driving across Lake Baikal at the end of March?! Everything is melting here, one must be crazy to act so carelessly.
article on New Cold War: - Right wing in Poland follows Ukraine lead in organizing paramilitary battalions -

Spurred by the war in Ukraine, growing numbers of Poles are joining volunteer paramilitary groups to get basic military training and prepare to defend their homeland from what some see as a looming Russian invasion.

There are an estimated 120 such groups in Poland, with total membership around 10,000. Eight hundred members gathered on Friday in Warsaw at a meeting organized by the Defense Ministry, the first time they have been given official recognition.

Defense Minister Tomasz Siemoniak told them his ministry would pay the wages of 2,500 people who would form the backbone of local volunteer units to be mobilized in the event of a war.
There have been Polish mercenaries fighting for the Kiev junta in Ukraine too. They're among the most foreign fighters there.
Jeremy F Kreuz said:
reported on the side of Novorossia Today : Europe far-right parties meet in St Petersburg, Russia -

Some 150 representatives of far-right parties across Europe have been meeting in Russia to co-ordinate policy. The event in St Petersburg, organised by the pro-Kremlin Rodina party, heard strong criticism of the West’s support for the Ukrainian government. Those attending included the ousted leader of the British National Party, Nick Griffin, Udo Voigt from the German neo-Nazi NPD, and Greece’s Golden Dawn. A small anti-fascist protest outside the venue was dispersed by police. Organizers say the event, the International Russian Conservative Forum, is aimed at promoting “traditional values” and uniting nationally-orientated forces in Europe and Russia. Opponents say it is a contradiction for Russia to host such a meeting while the Kremlin criticises what it sees as “fascist” tendencies in the Ukrainian government.

Other sources also mention that RF would be giving aid to nationalistic anti europe movements, which I think is a better term than the MSM colored extreme right term/neo nazi.

Russia courting Europe's far-right, anti-EU political parties -

Europe's Extreme Right And Left United In Support Of Putin-

from the organisers of the meeting

The organizers say that those taking part are “exclusively” from parties officially registered in European countries and that they could not be if they were neo-Nazi because “this is a criminal ideology which is banned in Europe.” What these parties do share is opposition to their governments “which are US puppets.”

the list of those who are scheduled to speak or otherwise take part does raise some flags:

Jared Taylor, an American who calls for white supremacy
Nicholas Griffin, head of the British National Party.
Roberto Fiore, head of the New Force party in Italy which pursues traditionalist and extreme right causes.
Udo Voigt. Former head of the rightwing extremist National Democratic Party of Germany and now a deputy in the European Parliament
Georgios Epitidios, a representative of Greece’s Golden Dawn party which is viewed in Athens as neo-fascist and neo-Nazi and whose party’s emblem is a stylized swastika.
Stefan Jakobsen, the head of the Party of Swedes and who is widely considered a neo-Nazi.
Daniel Karlsen, the head of the Party of Danes and one of the founding members of the National Socialist Movement of Denmark.
Gonsalo Martin Garcia, a leader of the ultra-right Spanish National Democratic Party.
Horatio Maria Guerre, president of the European Communist Party Millenium which seeks the dissolution of NATO and the end of what he calls “the hegemony of liberalism and the unipolar world.”
Aleksandr Kofman, the foreign minister of the self-proclaimed Donetsk Peoples Republic.

And from Russia itself, among others:

Aleksey Zhuravlyev, a United Russia Duma deputy who has attracted attention for his calls to strip the rights of those in non-traditional families to have children.
Yegor Kholmogorov, a Russian nationalist who has said that “the war for Novorossiya is a national liberation war of the Russian people for its reunification and for the elimination of invented borders.”

Stanislav Vorobyev, the coordinator of the Russian Imperial Movement who has called for “Russian men to join the joint struggle for Novorossiya under the imperial flag.”

That article is a very good lesson in framing. Superficially examining it, Putin and the Russian government has never actually endorsed those right and left wing parties. A lot of people are feeling disaffected by the oligarchic, anti-sovereignty neoliberalism of mainstream parties-- incorrectly labeled as "democratic" in the article. People naturally migrate out to the political fringes to find others who seem to recognize there's a problem letting a unipolar power run roughshod over entire continents. Then of course the oligarchs point out the pathological elements present in fringe groups (as if their own parties have none!) as proof of Putin himself also being democratic. Circular reasoning: left and right parties are bad because they support Putin (by which they mean they are against wars for US interests at EU expense), and Putin is bad because he's on "friendly terms" with groups that have some elements undesirable to the chumps in Brussels (such as, again, opposing austerity and the destruction of sovereignty).

As for the author suggesting it's Putin's ultimate plan to dissolve the trans-Atlantic alliance... please! Putin has been doing nothing but reacting rationally to threats to its own security interests, and nothing further. Did Putin make the NED and CIA overthrow Yanukovitch? Did he force the Ukranian ultranationalists to eliminate Russian as an official language? To massacre civilians en masse in the province of Donbass? Did he force the EU nations to agree to punitive sanctions that hurt themselves more than Russia? It's a completely disingenuous suggestion.
Sounds like there's going to be a confrontation between Poroshenko and Kolomoisky in the center of Kiev?

KIEV, March 23. /TASS/. Armed volunteer battalions are pulling in to Kiev, the Vesti newspaper reported on Monday.

"Yesterday, soldiers of a number of battalions were pulled out from the front and are heading for Kiev with arms. There is no information about the purpose of this move," Vesti said, adding that it might be linked "with the situation around [Dnipropetrovsk Region governor Igor] Kolomoisky."

Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko said earlier on Monday that none of the Ukrainian governors will be allowed to have private armies any longer.

In the meantime, the "killing" continues -

A 10-year-girl died on Monday as a result of artillery shelling in the Petrovsky region of the city of Donetsk, while in the Gorlovka area a 14-year-old boy became a victim of shelling

Two children have become victims of fresh shelling of settlements in the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) by Kiev’s forces, the DPR Defense Ministry said on Tuesday.

"A 10-year-girl died on Monday as a result of artillery shelling in the Petrovsky region of the city of Donetsk, while in the Gorlovka area a 14-year-old boy became a victim of yesterday’s shelling," a local news agency has quoted the spokesman for the DPR Defense Ministry as saying.
angelburst29 said:
Sounds like there's going to be a confrontation between Poroshenko and Kolomoisky in the center of Kiev?

It seems to me that Porky Poroshenko could easily go the way of "Piggy" from Lord of the Flies in that Kiev cesspool.
Poroshenko fires oligarch governor amid oil company standoff

either made a deal - or Kolomoysky was forced (US) to make a deal - or there is a separation/showdown in Kiev in preparation. Kiev forces have been pulled away from the frontline towards the capital -

and in Odessa forces connected to Koloimosky have disappeared - Ukraine Oligarch War: Kolomoisky's Private Police Vanishes from Ukraine's 3rd City - - Are they also heading to Kiev?
If the statements in this article are factual, the "backer's" behind Kolomoysky and Poroshenko make the current situation in Kiev like a double Power-play? Apparently, Hillary Clinton and McCain are behind Kolomoysky and Obama (and Nuland) are behind Poroshenko.

Why is Kolomoysky so bold and arrogant?

This is because Kolomoisky, like Poroshenko, has his patrons in the United States. It goes about the war party of the Republicans sponsored by Goldman Sachs. Blog writes that PMC Blackwater or Academi that trains and fights for Kolomoisky, is funded by Monsanto - Vangurd Group - Goldman Sachs, and this whole chain is linked to the CIA. Goldman Sachs is one of the major sponsors of the Republicans. According to Russian researcher Tatiana Volkova, Kolomoisky has the support of Vangurd Group and the Clinton-McCain War Party, while Poroshenko enjoys the support of Obama's "peace party." "The main part of the stable income in Ukraine comes from PMC Academi that belongs to Vanguard-controlled Monsanto since last year. Thousands of its Russian-speaking soldiers in Dnepr battalion uniforms service Kolomoisky, thousands of others, wearing uniforms of Sokol special units of the Interior Ministry, service the Kiev government," wrote Tatiana Volkova. Monsanto will lose hundreds of thousands of dollars, if the war in Ukraine ends one day earlier, and billions - if it ends a month earlier. They do not ask infantile "who won?" questions there, the author notes.

American journalist and blogger John Helmer conducted his own investigation and concluded that Marek Dabrowski, one of Europe's leading monetarists, when a member of the monetary council of the National Bank of Poland, and Leszek Balcerowicz, as its president, lobbied for Kolomoisky's Privatbank to obtain a Polish banking license for the Ukrainian bank. From the Poles, the track goes to the United States, as the two Polish officials were the architects of Polish reforms based on the American neo-liberal model. Kolomoisky has a lobby in Germany too. For example, Gunther Scholz of Der Tagesspiegel and forces behind him. Scholz said that the capture of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk was Kolomoisky's achievement. According to the journalist, the president of Ukraine must share power with Kolomoisky, who, according to Scholz, will become Ukraine's next president.
There was some handcuffing at TV broadcasted Ukrainian govt meeting. Yats & Porks gettin' tough on cleaning the house...

Ukrainian police officers Wednesday spirited away the head of Ukraine’s Service of Emergency Situations, Sergiy Bochkovsky, and his deputy, Vasyl Stoyetsky, both handcuffed, on “high-level” corruption charges.

Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said the two men were suspected of siphoning funds from fuel suppliers off to a tax haven.

Yozilla said:
There was some handcuffing at TV broadcasted Ukrainian govt meeting. Yats & Porks gettin' tough on cleaning the house...

Ukrainian police officers Wednesday spirited away the head of Ukraine’s Service of Emergency Situations, Sergiy Bochkovsky, and his deputy, Vasyl Stoyetsky, both handcuffed, on “high-level” corruption charges.
That's like the FEMA Secretary and second in command in the US being arrested at a Cabinet meeting.

The IMF and EU countries have been leaning on the Kiev regime to root out corruption in Ukraine, but they should understand that the US neocons were only able to subborn the coup plotters because they were already thoroughly corrupt. It's insane to expect that nest of snakes to clean up their acts, as they would have to arrest themselves! They are all stealing billions just as fast as they can, and will continue.
This war game between Western Empire versus Russia being carried out on many fronts.

On currency front, it's not going so well for Empire. Dollar-Ruble presently 56-57 to one. This is a significant come down from nearly 70 to one. Like almost 20%.
sitting said:
This war game between Western Empire versus Russia being carried out on many fronts.

On currency front, it's not going so well for Empire. Dollar-Ruble presently 56-57 to one. This is a significant come down from nearly 70 to one. Like almost 20%.

Yeah, and what is even more interesting is that the dollar is dropping despite the current dropping of oil prices. Our experts say that this has never happened in Russia before, they say that ruble seems to not depend on oil prices now, that something has changed.

Previously it has been as follows: when the oil prices were dropping, the dollar was rising proportionally. And now the oil prices are dropping, but the dollar is dropping too. Very unusual for us actually. I guess we will know soon what this can imply.

By the way, the experts say that this new situation may not be very favorable for the Russian budget at the moment, because it mainly consists of oil revenues. And those revenues we receive in dollars. Then we convert those revenues into rubles. A LOT of rubles because of the high exchange rate. And in this new situation, the oil becomes cheaper, so we receive less dollars for it. And then we convert them into a smaller amount of rubles, because of the lower exchange rate.

To make this situation profitable for Russia, we should probably try and sell oil for rubles, which is already partly happening. And maybe this IS the rate balancing factor? We'll see how it goes further.

As for the ordinary people, the lower exchange rate is more preferable for us, of course. People now can afford significantly more dollar-denominated goods than two months before. :)
As for the ordinary people, the lower exchange rate is more preferable for us, of course. People now can afford significantly more dollar-denominated goods than two months before.

Russian Insider: Ruble Panic Recedes as Russians Start Selling Dollars -
Jeremy F Kreuz said:
As for the ordinary people, the lower exchange rate is more preferable for us, of course. People now can afford significantly more dollar-denominated goods than two months before.

Russian Insider: Ruble Panic Recedes as Russians Start Selling Dollars -

Yes, it's true, Jeremy. I remember when in January the dollar skyrocketed, the people rushed to buy whatever they could: food, clothes, gadgets, cars, flats.. Within a few days everything was sold. There was a very popular joke at that time:

In the 90s, people rushed to buy matches, soap and candles, and now they rush to buy TVs, cars and flats. It's all Putin's fault! :D

All this "panic" subsided very quickly, and many people went again to the shops.. to return unnecessary stuff.
More information on Kolomoysky and what can be expected in Donbass by Poroshenko and his U.S. backed allies.

Report: Ukrainian Oligarch Kolomoysky Robbed Rampantly

The Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung reported Thursday the 26th, that the Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky, whom Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko recently removed from control over Ukraine’s monopoly oil-transport firm and from being governor of a Ukrainian province, had been using his private army, augmented by forces from Dmitriy Yarosh’s Right Sector party, to rob other oligarchs, especially Ukraine’s richest one, Rinat Akhmetov.

Akhmetov’s companies are mainly in eastern Ukraine, and so Akhmetov had been trying to avoid siding with either the post-coup Ukrainian government or the anti-coup residents of the far-eastern, and pro-Russian, Donbass region of Ukraine, who reject it. (That’s the dark-purple area shown on this voting map of the last Presidential election before the coup, where 90%+ of the residents had voted for Viktor Yanukovych — the man who was overthrown in the coup.) Akhmetov was thus vulnerable after the coup.

This news report, by FAZ’s Warsaw correspondent Konrad Schuller, says that Kolomoysky’s thugs had been using “psychological pressure,” “intimidation,” “physical force,” and “kidnappings,” in order to “extend their influence.” They were “going to build in eastern Ukraine’s combat zone a network of extortion and violence that would subject everyone there to kidnapping and robbery by Kolomojskij with the help of some of his leading battalion commanders.”

This article reports that, “In the center of it all there stood a man named K., a prominent and close associate of Kolomojskijs.” Earlier, the article says, “Kolomojskijs deputy as governor, Hennadij Korban, was preparing to organize demonstrations in his stronghold Dnipropetrovsk,” which is the region to which, after the coup, Kolomoysky had been appointed governor by Oleksandr Turchynov, who had been appointed by Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who had been appointed by Geoffrey Pyatt, at the instruction of Victoria Nuland, who had been appointed by Barack Obama.

Kolomoysky, furthermore, himself appointed Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden to the board of Kolomoysky’s own gas-exploration company.

However, apparently, Kolomoysky, who had long been known for taking over companies by raiding them with his private army, has now become too much for Obama to take, and so Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko recently removed Kolomoysky from his posts.

Back in June, Kolomoysky said publicly that he would not take instruction from President Poroshenko. But now that Obama has turned against Kolomoysky, Kolomoysky no longer has any effective political power-base in Ukraine, despite his billions and his private army and his backing from Yarosh’s Right Sector, which includes an even larger private army, very nazi. (In Ukraine, the nazis, or racist fascists, are haters of Russians, not necessarily also of Jews; Kolomoysky himself is Ukraine’s leading Jew — and he’s also a leading Ukrainian nazi.) Yarosh’s Right Sector troops, as well as Kolomoysky’s own mercenaries, have been the most effective of all of Ukraine’s forces at killing the residents of the rebelling region, Donbass.

FAZ‘s reporter Schuller says that the Security Bureau of Ukraine (SBU) had found that Kolomoysky was planning to become Ukraine’s “final number one among the oligarchs of the country,” by stealing from Akhmetov and others.

Apparently, Obama has decided to let Poroshenko take over. The nazis, whose guns and muscle overthrew the previous president, Viktor Yanukovych, now know that Obama will no longer be beholden to them — he has had enough of them, and he expects everyone to line up now behind President Poroshenko.

There has been a contest in Ukraine as to whether the ethnic cleansing of Donbass, to get rid of its residents, would be taken over by the nazi forces or would remain under Poroshenko’s command. Evidently, it will remain under Poroshenko’s command.

On March 24th, U.S. Abrams tanks were photographed in Linz Austria on rail cars heading toward Ukraine. If that’s where they are going, then the Ukrainian government might have better weapons this time than they did in either of their previous two invasions of Donbass.

U.S. President Obama accuses Russia of arming the residents in Donbass. In his National Security Strategy 2015, he uses the word “aggression” 18 times, 17 of them referring to Russia.
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