Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

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A video w/ translated subtitles in English and German:

The latest weekly SITREP with developments in recent weeks (much of it may have been read already):
Before the war Aleksey Mozgovoy was a singer, he also sang in Ukrainian choirs.

"My Daughter", lyrics: Mozgovoy

Here is a song written (lyrics, music) and sung by him:

Among those assassinated in the same attack was Anna Aseyeva, spokeswoman of Aleksey Mozgovoy’s brigade and mother of three.


Possibility of Being said:
Before the war Aleksey Mozgovoy was a singer, he also sang in Ukrainian choirs.

"My Daughter", lyrics: Mozgovoy


Among those assassinated in the same attack was Anna Aseyeva, spokeswoman of Aleksey Mozgovoy’s brigade and mother of three.



Indeed, R.I.P.

Thanks for sharing his song.
Jeremy F Kreuz said:
Cassad wrote a lengthy analysis on the murder of Mozgovoy -

Yes, it's a good overall view of Lugansk too. I was just going to post the link as I read it this morning.

Here are a couple of other posts from Saker's blog:

Take some of this with a grain of salt, but still might be good to keep some of the threats in mind (I'm less informed about the Belarus / Lukaschenko situation, but even the background and history there doesn't seem like it's very likely to go the way Andrew K. describes; in the case of Armenia, I think he's off quite a bit and Armenia has closer ties to Russia than ever pretty much since the Soviet collapse; also think that these overtures to the West are actually done with Russia's consent):


Disturbing trends of the Nazis continue:
Possibility of Being said:
Among those assassinated in the same attack was Anna Aseyeva, spokeswoman of Aleksey Mozgovoy’s brigade and mother of three.



guys, I would not trust сassad. he a "muddy" type. I think I wrote it before. he plays given to him from 'curators' role in the construction of certain line of information perception.

when I was a couple of hours after Mozgovoy assassination read about this huge material in cassad LJ, I decided to figure out it (and I was without internet 1.5 months and have not followed the events), I also found a lot of other articles and blogs, where was a completely inconsistent and cynical information from Mozgovoy supposedly "friends" and other "analysts", it really is "a jungle".
half of them maligned Aleksey that he allegedly has not obeyed orders and paid for it, and the other half - on the contrary, praised him to the skies and unequivocally made verdict that he was killed by authorities of LPR, personally on the order of Plotnitsky who has ordered perhaps Putin himself. and that the Kremlin is trying to "push" Donbass back to Ukraine, to give everything to Nazis. In other words, they raised hysteria in the style of "Putin again betrayed" and some people noticed similarities in almost identical resonance of the murder with the killing of Nemtsov. the same accusations and effect.

with regard girl-secretary, there is also a problem:

Anna A. Aseeva-Samelyuk (03.26.1981) from Artemovsk. In 1996 graduated secondary school №18, then the Institute of Law and International Law of the East Ukrainian University in Lugansk. She lived in Alchevsk. The journalist-activist, published in famous horn of the Washington Regional Committee of Kiev - the newspaper "Дзеркало тижня" ("The Mirror of the Week"), was the editor of a liberal newspaper "Vzglyad" ("Look"). Alchevsk Orthodox youth activist, she worked in local spiritual hospital. In 2012 she - the head of "school of special journalism" at the clinic, organized edition of newspaper "Salt of the Earth", created by disabled children.
The wife of the well-known Alchevsk journalist Yuri Gukov-Aseev, the same nationalist who in the summer of 2014 volunteered for the battalion of "Aydar" and which were transferred the photo data from known Lugansk gun layer M. Varfolomeeva.
In July 2014, when in Alchevsk came retreated from Lysychansk troops of "Phantom" brigade, she offered her services to Mozgovoy. She worked for humanitarian distribution, until she became A. Mozgovoy's spokeswoman. It is believed that exactly she advised Mozgovoy to conduct videoconferences with Ukies chasteners. She took a few interview with Strelkov.
R. Skomorokhov accused her of embezzling Russian Humanitarian Aid (details in russian)

Her page in VK.

Info from

I personally do not judge and make specific findings, given the fact that I missed 1.5 months. but I think betrayal takes place to be inside LDPR.
here is another analysis of assassination in Russian:

Did you know that two or three days before Mozgovoy was killed, he and another man has written to the chairman of the Russian State Duma Naryshkin and Chairman of the Federation Council Matvienko, in which they are asked Matvienko and Naryshkin to support "Russian project" which consists in convening "Russian People's Assembly"?

In this design, Mozgovoy urgent "are repainted". Previously they who managed PR of Strelkov represented Mozgovoy as pro-Soviet patriot, but now they rapidly turn he into a Russian nationalist and fighter against the Soviet Union...
Fort Russ, J Hawk's analysis of the murder on Mozgovoy - -

The suggestion of J Hawk that somehow RF is involved, or turning a blind eye, is somehow in line with the increasing feedback that some part of the DPR/LPR is not happy with the limited support of the RF - they were expecting more. Now after the Sochi talks, possibly indicating that LPR and DPR might remain in Ukraine - at least for now, it seems that the ideological battle is intensifying. It could be that parts of DPR and LPR become more and more difficult to keep on the leash (what Russia wants?) and that these tensions, combined with the rampant corruption in LPR is creating an explosive mix. People in LPR/DPR are becoming aware that they are a playball in a bigger game and even if Russia will not abandon them, it uses the territory for the bigger issues at stake. This DPr/LPR might understand at some level, but faced with the frontline reality it is more difficult to accept. LPR/DPR would not exist without Russia, but it seems is also not allowed to exist with Russia. Mozgovoy seems to have had the now reality of the people as priority and this conflicted with the real politik of the bigger issues at stake. The dilemma seems, do you accept some evil or do you reject it out of prinicpal? In that sense Mozgovoy might have been too little developped in the real politics of this planet. May he rest in peace.
Lumiere_du_Code said:
guys, I would not trust сassad. he a "muddy" type. I think I wrote it before. he plays given to him from 'curators' role in the construction of certain line of information perception.

Yeah, agree about Cassad. I knew it at least since he was so upset about Strelkov leaving Ukraine.

when I was a couple of hours after Mozgovoy assassination read about this huge material in cassad LJ, I decided to figure out it (and I was without internet 1.5 months and have not followed the events), I also found a lot of other articles and blogs, where was a completely inconsistent and cynical information from Mozgovoy supposedly "friends" and other "analysts", it really is "a jungle".
half of them maligned Aleksey that he allegedly has not obeyed orders and paid for it, and the other half - on the contrary, praised him to the skies and unequivocally made verdict that he was killed by authorities of LPR, personally on the order of Plotnitsky who has ordered perhaps Putin himself. and that the Kremlin is trying to "push" Donbass back to Ukraine, to give everything to Nazis. In other words, they raised hysteria in the style of "Putin again betrayed" and some people noticed similarities in almost identical resonance of the murder with the killing of Nemtsov. the same accusations and effect.

There will be wild speculations and gossip and things are not black and white, not anymore if they ever had been. I personally don't think that Strelkov's or Mozgovoy's idea to go on Kiev was a good one and I hope it won't happen. They and those of the same or close ideology seem suffer from some kind of myopia expecting from Putin to come and save them. Things look differently when one has to keep a much bigger picture in mind - or so I think.

with regard girl-secretary, there is also a problem:

Anna A. Aseeva-Samelyuk (03.26.1981) from Artemovsk. In 1996 graduated secondary school №18, then the Institute of Law and International Law of the East Ukrainian University in Lugansk. She lived in Alchevsk. The journalist-activist, published in famous horn of the Washington Regional Committee of Kiev - the newspaper "Дзеркало тижня" ("The Mirror of the Week"), was the editor of a liberal newspaper "Vzglyad" ("Look"). Alchevsk Orthodox youth activist, she worked in local spiritual hospital. In 2012 she - the head of "school of special journalism" at the clinic, organized edition of newspaper "Salt of the Earth", created by disabled children.
The wife of the well-known Alchevsk journalist Yuri Gukov-Aseev, the same nationalist who in the summer of 2014 volunteered for the battalion of "Aydar" and which were transferred the photo data from known Lugansk gun layer M. Varfolomeeva.
In July 2014, when in Alchevsk came retreated from Lysychansk troops of "Phantom" brigade, she offered her services to Mozgovoy. She worked for humanitarian distribution, until she became A. Mozgovoy's spokeswoman. It is believed that exactly she advised Mozgovoy to conduct videoconferences with Ukies chasteners. She took a few interview with Strelkov.
R. Skomorokhov accused her of embezzling Russian Humanitarian Aid (details in russian)

Well, it seems she divorced from him when the differences became visible and important:


Google translation a bit edited said:
Anna Samelyuk killed in the assassination attempt on the Brigade Commander "Ghost", divorced the aydarer - the father of her children. ...

Anna Samelyuk, Aseeva by marriage, left three children. The woman already divorced Yuri Aseev (Gukov). He and Anna worked as a journalists, but after the outbreak of the conflict in the Donbass their life paths diverged. Yuri joined the battalion "Aydar". But fairly quickly, he ran into conflict with colleagues. In "Aydar" it have made the theft of weapons and optical sight. ...

Some moments of the biography of Alexei Mozgovoy's press secretary revealed to journalists by her friend, the spiritual leader of Alchevsk hospital Elizabeth Dyachenko.

- When the Mozgovoy's team "Ghost" came to the city, Anna saw an honest patriotic militia, therefore with the blessing of her spiritual father, she came to headquarters and said she was ready to help as a volunteer journalist. Her professionalism and honesty made her a press secretary for the Brigade Commander, Mozgovoy. In this responsible position Anya burned entirely, she suffered for a cause and believed in the victory of good. After the burning of Odessa and fascist marches pravosekov Anya knew what the price should resist Donbass. She believed in the idea of ​​a single New Russia as selflessly as her brigade commander, with whom Anne shared the fate of death - she wrote on a page of the Orthodox community of Alchevsk.

According to Elizabeth Dyachenko, Samelyuk assisted rehabilitation center for people with autism and cerebral palsy, led the "special school of journalism." How to tell her students that Anna was killed, hospital officials do not yet know. ...
FWIW, I agree about "Cassad" (and many others), but take whatever is verifiable facts and leave the ideological spin/twists or just common bias. We can still get some basic facts and data from some of these "tainted" sources and verify them with other sources to just try to get a better picture of what's going on.
Some of the most recent interesting posts on Saker's blog:

By R. Ischenko:

Another guest post translated:

Very interesting exclusive interview about China (especially the biographical comments about Xi):

Good SITREP (with lots of article links, some may be good for SOTT):

China's Military Strategy White Paper (first ever published by PRC):

SouthFront video:
RT's CrossTalk:

This SITREP has some good info and links, but has some of that "war is inevitable" flavor here and there:
After Kerry in Sochi, Biden makes the next zag in the US zigzag. Biden clearly states that Putin's idea of powersharing is not acceptable for the US. Interestingly it seems Biden is much more speaking in the name of the global elite than in the name of the US. No speres of influence seems to indicate also no sphere of influence for the US (as a nation) - It Kerry being called back?

US won't accept idea of global ‘spheres of influence’ – Biden -
Cannot blame Biden coz he is hurt so much, as is the rest of coterie - for being duped about this PNAC NWO theme....
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