Dear Laura, whats going on?

Laura said:
And, along with that, I have several really big projects that I'm facing down and wondering if I will complete them before my time is up. I guess if anything, that is what is bothering me most: conflict between workload and a need to rest but knowing I have no time to rest.

I think that you may have found the main source of the problem.

I might be completly in the left field, but seeing the state of the world and what needs to be done is always an internal struggle (with a lot of guilt) when we want to do our best and our max and when our body tells us that it needs to rest.

We have to do a kind of "mourning" to the fact that we won't have the time to do all that we would like to do or need to be done before leaving this world.

But you have given and are still giving so much to this world Laura that the Universe will be grateful for your service and dedication. And knowing you, even at 80, you will still have a lot of projects to do.

:love: :hug:
Only now catching up to this thread.
Praying for a speedy recovery for you Laura.

FWIW, here's a datapoint. I've recently had a problem tooth (molar) extracted (around 3 weeks back); on a routine checkup it was discovered that I had an abscess on a tooth that had a root canal redone a couple of years back. In the x-ray it was discovered that part of the root of the tooth was being resorbed (the tooth was disintegrating and the calcium being re-absorbed by the gums/body). So the only option was extraction; I had to be referred to a dental surgeon because they expected the tooth to crumble as it was being extracted.

The round of antibiotics given didn't wreak much havoc on my body but what was I found to be best at speeding up recovery was getting a lot of sleep; it was also in the suggestion in the after-procedure-guildline-packet they give out to patients after an extraction.
So FWIW, get a lot of sleep Laura! Sometimes part of the work is working on getting yourself better enough to continue the work.
I'm sorry to hear about the diffculties with your teeth Laura. I hope you will get better soon, with the help of us all. :hug2:
Alada said:
Laura said:
A couple weeks of a terrible abcess, antibiotics that made me totally sick, etc. The whole thing had my entire auto-immune system up in arms and general misery ensued. But hopefully, this will begin the end of that nasty mess. I was able to persuade the dentist to use iodine when he packed the space with stuff that is supposed to harden into bone mass. So we'll see. Rinsing with colloidal silver and iodine solution periodically. I never want to go through that again. Poor Pierre and Chu went with me and Pierre nearly fainted. He said I was giving off super strong distress waves. Well, yeah!!!

Oh my goodness, I feel for you Laura! Tooth pain like that is just horrible, inescapable.

If you’re still getting pain from it, I’ve found recently that straight up paracetamol worked well for me, even for some very severe tooth pain recently (two teeth over the last few months that needed root canal work). After trying tried various pain meds and combos and am sure that just paracetamol on it’s own worked best for me. And I’m pretty sure that codeine actually made the pain worse, so maybe best avoided.

Hope it all starts to settle down for you soon. :flowers:

Ditto! tooth pain, especially from infection is one of the worse pains I've felt (when I left it unattended for a month)
Wishing you a speedy recovery from the tooth trauma and the antibiotics! :flowers:

FWIW I never found that paracetamol worked very well - usually just makes me feel really sick. Codeine doesn't take the pain away, just made me care less about it. Only Codeine or Codeine mixed with Paracetamol seemed to work for my abscesses.
Michael Martin said:
Only now catching up to this thread.
Praying for a speedy recovery for you Laura.

FWIW, here's a datapoint. I've recently had a problem tooth (molar) extracted (around 3 weeks back); on a routine checkup it was discovered that I had an abscess on a tooth that had a root canal redone a couple of years back. In the x-ray it was discovered that part of the root of the tooth was being resorbed (the tooth was disintegrating and the calcium being re-absorbed by the gums/body). So the only option was extraction; I had to be referred to a dental surgeon because they expected the tooth to crumble as it was being extracted.

The round of antibiotics given didn't wreak much havoc on my body but what was I found to be best at speeding up recovery was getting a lot of sleep; it was also in the suggestion in the after-procedure-guildline-packet they give out to patients after an extraction.
So FWIW, get a lot of sleep Laura! Sometimes part of the work is working on getting yourself better enough to continue the work.

Fwiw I also found out I have an abscess but this was in 2015 after going in for a cleaning. I was told again by a different dentist when I went in for wisdom tooth pain later that year. The abscess is underneath a molar where I had a root canal done more than 10 years ago. It doesn't cause any pain, one of the reasons why I've put off getting it taken care of. Thinking a lot differently now about getting this looked at sooner than later..

And I wholeheartedly agree about the rest/sleep after such a procedure!
« Reply #310 of Laura on: Yesterday at 04:56:05 AM »
I guess if anything, that is what is bothering me most: conflict between workload and a need to rest but knowing I have no time to rest.

« Reply #345 of Gandalf on: Today at 04:05:41 PM »
. when we want to do our best and our max and when our body tells us that it needs to rest.

------------------------ ---------------------------- -----------------------
Hi, Gandalf Sometimes seemingly simple things are said and are what really make you think.

The mind wants to do something and the body does not respond

It seems that the mind and body each on their side are directed in parallel directions and it is difficult to make them balance or at least that there is some congruence and one wonders how to make the parallels come together, that the two go in the Same direction and functioning in harmony; I think that only a shaman or mathematician / shaman could do this, but the strength of the mind of Laura with meditation / rest I am sure that I will achieve the stability to go forward, it is a matter of days.

" the strength of the mind of Laura with meditation / rest I am sure that I will achieve the stability to go forward, it is a matter of days.

I meant she will be fine:

" the strength of the mind of Laura with meditation / rest I am sure that she will achieve the stability to go forward, it is a matter of days.
Laura said:
herondancer said:
Another wish for a quick recovery. It's a lucky thing to have a dentist who would work your request for iodine and be so generous with pain relief. It made all the difference in my oral surgery. I hope that with the problem tooth gone, your immune system will be able to function more normally now. :flowers:

The tooth is not gone.

I'm glad to hear that. When you mentioned the bone pack, I jumped to that thought because I had the same procedure done to hold the space of an extracted tooth. An abscess can eat a way at bone too, and thus need shoring up. I hope it heals strong and sturdy.
Ah heck, nothing saps one more than tooth problems like this Laura, its just continuous anguishing pain that requires medication to stay on top of. So glad you are passed this point and had it attended to (with some friends along for support). Concerning what's bothering you the most, hope you can find the balance in this; it's never easy, yet you still need good rest and you have a team to help. A very speedy recovery to you! :flowers:
What is the symbolism behind the manifesting of the teeth pain? Laura you have helped so many including me take mental time off from what you are usually thinking about
Menna said:
What is the symbolism behind the manifesting of the teeth pain? Laura you have helped so many including me take mental time off from what you are usually thinking about

Even more pertinent, what is the meaning of Menna not reading the posts in this thread since he posted last and responding to the issues raised???
Laura said:
Menna said:
What is the symbolism behind the manifesting of the teeth pain? Laura you have helped so many including me take mental time off from what you are usually thinking about

Even more pertinent, what is the meaning of Menna not reading the posts in this thread since he posted last and responding to the issues raised???

Are we talking here of the same person who wrote this during 2014?

Quote from Menna 28 Oct. 2014
People on the forum can only put an importance on things they can measure over the computer. Not everyone has met in person or knows eachother well. So its very hard to tell if someone has a strong ""STO" drive towards increasing their individual critical mass" over the computer. However what is easier to measure is if someone has put in the time to read the material and learn the lingo this way at least the people on the forum know that their intellectual level of knowledge is up to par and are on the same level as far as communication is concerned. In a sense thats all that forum members who don't know eachother can measure IMO. Have you read information or understand what is called the magnetic center? If you haven't then I believe your being/emotional/feeling center knows what it is but your intellectual center doesn't ;)

How can we measure Menna´s silence from his own words right now. Nonetheless, I still hope he´ll bring a reasonable story forward soon, although my hope gets tinier as time goes by, almost a month.
Menna said:
What is the symbolism behind the manifesting of the teeth pain? Laura you have helped so many including me take mental time off from what you are usually thinking about
What the heck is that ?!?
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