Dreaming in a Totalitarian Society

A portion of Sauerkraut (fermented cabbage) added to food, is one of several good probiotic treatments available during and after having used antibiotics, in order to restore the gut flora.
Yes, I agree and ideally you want to ferment your own to make sure you’ve got an active culture. It’s pretty easy, there’s lots of guides online.
I've had a couple of long and complex dystopian nightmares, where the unvaccinated have been rounded up in put in some sort of prison camp. But that was over a year ago.

Lately, a couple of times, I've woken up in a voice-like dream where I'm being persuaded by a disembodied but calm voice telling me to stop being such a chicken, or so stubborn and get vaccinated already. If I lived in less rational times, like say the middle ages, I would think there were devils persuading me in my sleep. I guess it's all the social-pressure seeping through again. I actually prefer the dystopian prison camp dreams to this.
FWIW: (One of last week’s dreams.)

What appeared to be benevolent person/spirt was holding 5 batons (like racing batons) he then held out 3 of them to me and said you must let them go. I understood the baton represented the human race living on the planet at this present time. No matter which way this situation plays out they are going to be leaving. So, you must let them go. He repeated it several times, like I needed to be convinced, then gave them to me. He retained the final 2 next to his chest. In the dream and after I woke up my thoughts were: what was that about? Of course, I’ll let them go. Its time. And I’m not attached to them anyway. So…fine.

Later that day, I thought: Oh, what if some of those people are people I know and love? Ouch! Or what if watching it play out becomes insufferable. It’s a significant thought on the possibilities, but at this point it's just a dream.
FWIW: (One of last week’s dreams.)

What appeared to be benevolent person/spirt was holding 5 batons (like racing batons) he then held out 3 of them to me and said you must let them go. I understood the baton represented the human race living on the planet at this present time. No matter which way this situation plays out they are going to be leaving. So, you must let them go. He repeated it several times, like I needed to be convinced, then gave them to me. He retained the final 2 next to his chest. In the dream and after I woke up my thoughts were: what was that about? Of course, I’ll let them go. Its time. And I’m not attached to them anyway. So…fine.

Later that day, I thought: Oh, what if some of those people are people I know and love? Ouch! Or what if watching it play out becomes insufferable. It’s a significant thought on the possibilities, but at this point it's just a dream.

Interesting that the being said you had to let them go, yet the being itself wasn’t able to, and kept hold of two.

Do you think the batons were specific people known to you? Could they be something other than people, like beliefs you hold, or fears? Do you think the being could represent any aspect of yourself?
My of course subjective point of view as the dreamer was this: somewhere around 2/3rd of the population was going to parish. It was natural that they do so, and they would just “leave” to continue with their development whichever way that took them. Not bad people not good people just souls continuing on (they were done here) The two batons that remained with the being, was just the “not done” crowd. I didn’t see them as special, just still here.

I did not see the batons as anyone I knew.

“Could they be something other than people, like beliefs you hold, or fears?”

I suppose they could have been that, but I was thinking that the thoughts in my head were coming from the person in front of me. Kind of telepathically.

“Do you think the being could represent any aspect of yourself?”

Possibly, maybe perhaps…dunno😊 Some say that all people in dreams are aspect of yourself and I don’t know enough about dreams to refute that.

FWIW: the closest thing to truth in dreams that I have had has been tsunami dreams. Not long after having a tsunami dream my whole life has been up ended and geographically moved. The last fulfilment of a Tsunami dream was when the covid hit. I was spit out of my life and found myself driving away with all my position loaded in my car. What didn’t fit in the car went to the dump. As covid did not allow garage sales or donations of furniture. Wala…a life tsunami😊 So far similar scenarios have happened 3 times in this life. The first time or two I thought an actual tsunami was coming for me or to be a big incident in the world.

Thanks T.C. for showing interest and welcome back!
I had one unusual dream last night that even almost 24 hours after, left a very strong feeling of sadness inside me.

An evil time in the future and I am in some kind of camp, or prison. My duty was to operate the switch of an electric chair.
I know it was an electric chair but it looked like some kind of half sphere made of metal.
People will just come and lay over the semi-sphere on their stomach and I will just switch on the electric switch and the person's muscles will just relax and he/she will fall to the ground.
I was an executor.

All people have white t-shirts. I was like in trance. Other people also. No guards, nothing. They will just silently lay on the metal semisphere, I will turn on the switch. Person after person.

Although in some kind of emotionless state, I felt like my body is like a cage, and deep inside I could feel the guilt and sadness of my action. It was like the only choice.
Then the next person came and he felt dead after I turned on the switch for a fraction of a second. People were in unbelief because he was a very famous and strong boxer, but he felt dead like a fly.

The next one was my brother. I knew it was wrong but I was like a robot and I turned the switch on. He was without a shirt. He felt on the ground, on his back. I looked at him, and it was my son.
I killed my son.
One unknown person talked to me from my right side. An incredible feeling of sadness and guilt overloaded me. From the left corner of my eye, I saw the young boy's eyelids slightly moving. My heart stopped. I stared at him. He tried to open his eyes. He was alive. I dropped to my knees and I shouted "he is alive". I was so happy.

He was gasping for breath. I was holding his head and I was giving him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. He was alive.
I said very loud that the punishment is done and he survived. He was lucky and we will not repeat it. They agreed. I was talking to some high authorities who were in some high position, like in a court, but invisible to all of us. I just knew they were there and they were the source of all that was happening.

I woke up at 5 am with such sadness that I barely hold myself not to cry.

Even now, I feel very sad and depressed.
What a nightmare.
A week ago I had a very strange experience that was somewhere between the edge of being half awake and half asleep, that is to say I had some awareness of my body-being, but I was still asleep.
I usually sleep well, I take melatonin 5 or 6mg before going to sleep and I have no problem falling asleep, I have also been using a mixture of water with a bit of lugol -iodine- in my nostrils for to clear my nasal passages, because some time ago I had the problem of sinusitis and occasionally I had felt congested even without having any flu problems.
It is a very short experience, I was lying down and I felt a very intense vibration somewhere in my head or chest, it was terribly annoying and unpleasant, it was as if I had a kind of small engine vibrating somewhere near my nose or chest, I could not locate exactly where in that area of my body, it was very intense. I got scared, that made even my body-consciousness become more present and then I was screaming half awake and on that edge of opening my eyes, I saw a drone in black color of medium size about 30 cm very close to my face.
Well this is where it is quite confusing, at the same time it makes me think a lot about the mental dimension that could make us recreate images somehow, I mention this because I have a ceiling fan and the moment I saw the drone it was an image that appeared in a couple of seconds and disappeared and then I saw the fan in the background, it makes me think that it could have been the image of the fan that my mind somehow turned it into a drone, but then I wonder why then my mind-vision registered a drone?
What I cannot deny is that strange and terrifying vibration in my body, it was not natural, it sounded like a small engine. Or could it be some parasite vibrating like a bee, LOL, I don't know, I have no explanation for it.
I just hope that the Lugol's- iodine will eliminate it, I have been working on cleansing my body as much as possible with diet and supplements for a couple of years now.

I've been thinking a lot lately, about these STS controlling forces (which are discussed here in the forum), because I've had a couple of weird synchronicities happen to me that seem to be totally deliberate and not random.
This was a real fact, around the month of November of last year I lived in Southwest Ohio, and had recently started working in a small supermarket in the afternoon-night shift, my husband took care of my daughter in those hours and on one of those days he decided to take her to a park around sunset, still with some daylight and getting a bit dark, I was working, he's a pretty skeptical man about hyperdimensional realities and other topics, although he has some knowledge about psychopathy, so going back to the park, this place is usually empty, next to a fire station, it is not "dangerous" in appearance either, but on that afternoon a man appeared above the park, this man arrived in a van type vehicle with a cabin that seemed to have a kind of cage in the back, that was what my husband described, because he noticed how badly he parked the car in the area for disabled people, he was a tall and robust man, who according to my husband so, he began to act in a strange way, trying to get in front of where my daughter was playing, and because it was almost dark and only the park, my husband had a certain bad feeling and strategically took my daughter and quickly took me daughter to the car and left there quickly, he commented that he felt the sensation of this man wanting to kidnap my daughter, at the end of the night after working he told me and I felt terrible, it gave me a stomach ache. The strange thing here is that that same afternoon something happened to me at my place of work, it was around the same time, I worked as a cashier, and a woman tried to commit fraud right in my face, it was very strange and bizarre because I was fully aware of what this woman intended, when paying the bill she began to play with bills and coins acting as if I did not notice her intention, of trying to deceive me, it was quite bizarre, what I did was call the manager on duty to take charge of the situation in the most discreet way, without alerting the woman that I had noticed. In the end, on that night, me and my husband had, almost at the same time we had these nasty and unpleasant events, which I could only describe in something somewhat deliberate and programmed in some way, that made me think of those STS forces, acting in this reality, that dark part of this world. Fortunately, nothing like this has happened again, and both of us, my husband and I, were able to get out of this. I stopped working. For now, the most important thing is to take care of my daughter.
I would like to share a dream i had yesterday that felt quiet real. From what I remember I was in a countryside during daytime and I was looking at the sky on the horizon and saw a long trail of black smoke which put me on alert right away. A short time later while still looking at the sky i saw appearing out of nowhere a huge fireball heading straight towards my direction. I've took cover inside a house with other people waiting for the impact of the fireball.

Then the dream changed and I was finding myself again in a countryside during nighttime with other people taking cover behind a hill, a short time later a fireball streaked the sky right above our heads hitting the ground a dozen meters further away from us. Me and the other people with me started to run away because in the meantime there were approaching our way other fireballs. It seemed like a rain of fireballs and we were right in the center of it.

The whole dream felt pretty realistic which left me quiet impressed after waking up since almost all the times I don't remember my dreams. Though, this one I've been able to remember without any efforts after waking up.
I decided way back when, that the dream I'm going to tell you, was just another dream. Scary though, but not prophetic in my opinion. I have had a lot of catastrofic dreams. I dreamt this about 3 months ago. But the article linked below made me remember the dream. May be my dream was not that far fetched? FWIW. I dunno.

"I was in my house. I was satisfied with my preparing for famine and that I lived so that nobody (meaning goverment) could find me. Me and my house was some kind of hidden. I went out of the main door just to look things over and rearrange small things before closing the door for some time. I then closed the door and turned around just to discover that the military already was in my house and that a robot was running around. At my table sat some soldiers. A leader came towards me and I was shown a film of another lady that had to flush her food and stuff in the toilet. She was left with nothing other than her clothing".

Transscript of the first part from the video: "I’ve (John o'looney, UK undertaker and whistleblower) had members of the Black Watch Regiment reach out to me, who are training these young men in the West of Ukraine and in Antalya, in Turkey, that are primarily in officer ranks, down to sargeant, that are then transferred from their post of training in Antalya or West of Ukraine to France.

“They sign the Official Secrets Act and they’re then shipped over with the immigrants and with the odd refugees…but primarily, the foot soldiers. They’re all forced to sign the Official Secrets Act before they come…

“They’re then deploying these guys in key positions for up to two years. Contracts they’re offering these hoteliers, two-year contracts and hundreds of thousands of them are coming in – that’s four, five grand a week. Four, five thousand a week coming in, these young lads.

“They are UN soldiers and they will be deployed. They will be deployed. When they feel they’ve got the numbers and they they can justify another lockdown, be that under the guise Climate Change bullsh*t or saying there’s been another ‘variant’, as these people that have been jabbed – when I went to the meeting [inaudible] last September, they said anyone that’s had an active ingredient will have between two and five years to live."

More transcript in the article.

A friend of mine, who is english by birth, told me he believed the article was genuine because he had heard from friends in england that many hotels are occupied by young men. Just to put more wood to the fire, it is said yesterday that, in my neck of the woods, young unknown men (foreigners) with straight posture is seen in the streets. We are talking about a place in the middle of nowhere in Norway with 4000+ inhabitants. Everybody knows almost everybody.

We have this heimevern/lokal military protecters. They will not turn on their neighboor. Could it be that this is a way to knock down doors and force vaxx etc on people and create a totalitarien environment with the help of a foreign force? Just speculations from my part. But with the background from my dream, may be it is something to it.
The government want 35000 new immigrants in 2023 in norway.
Hard to say if it was prophetic or not but possibly one of the many options or scenario that the PTB as. Seeing plane load of young male migrant of army âge on army base in the U.S. being shipped all over the state by bus make you wonder a lot.
I have had some dreams in the last few weeks, have been a bit of an internal landscape of collapsing things and other things as well.

I don't remember much exactly because it was like an impression, like something you understand a little bit, but on the other hand you don't know about it very well either, it was an opening, you could be there and see other "creatures or beings", like specters or the energy of other "beings", something opened up.

I was in a government facility, I saw a large pool, it seemed that they were preparing something in it, there were creatures that moved in there in the water, it seemed that they were preparing something so that these creatures would adhere to the population in some way.
Early hours of this morning, it was a bit strange, I didn't feel the earthquake, there was just a lot of dust in the air, I could see behind me parts of the buildings began to fall from the sky, soil, concrete, walls , I ran and many people too, it was very disturbing, felt the ground collapse.
I had a few other dreams Monday night, but in one it started out with a mossy little area that was wet and dark, as it was night. And it started to pull apart so that the water was getting bigger. I was with some nondescript female and we were trying to pass this area onto dry land, but it got too large too fast and eventually we're swimming. The water was dark and murky. I even felt something brush against my legs, but wasn't scared, just eerie feelings (sort of thought it as some fish or cryptid type monster). The dream didn't resolve that I recall and switched to something else. I was in a funky mood Monday so I think this contributed some.

But the interesting thing was that yesterday I heard my co-workers talking and one was mentioning a dream he had where there was a lot of water flooding somewhere like in an apocalyptic movie. And I was like, "Yeah me too last night!" I said there was probably something in the air with the shooting that happened on Monday. And that I also don't like seeing 911's (which I have been a lot lately but didn't say that). Then last night after waking up I remembered no dreams, heh.
I had a dream a few nights before the war with Gaza started. I was in my hometown center which is an old New England town. About 10 years ago the center of town was a backdrop for a dream in which comets were raining down while we were driving. The more recent dream of a few nights ago had to do with refugees showing up looking like zombies. I asked if I could help them, but they just looked at me utterly lost. To me, I was sensing the slaughter that we are now witnessing. These people almost seemed like ghosts. I do wonder where all the refugees from Gaza are going to end up.
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