Fake news stories and the actors theory on massacres


Dagobah Resident
Tonight I was at my mother's place and people were watching the news and a funny intuition came to me. You are all aware about the theories of crisis actors, and fake masscares all over the internet, right?

Ok, i havent owned a TV set since 1998 so i'm a little out of touch as far as TV news is concerned, but i was watching five people totally immersed in the local news where, for the past six months a local doctor here in Montréal, Dr Turcotte, is on trial for stabbing his own 2 children supposedly, one of them 43 times, yet this fellow only did 3 months in a nut house and was released. And what occurred to me is this, what if instead of major stories like the Paris attacks were as i believe totally real in the sense that they are drills that go live with parts of the players not aware what the other players are doing and all of that. But instead, what if the powers that be just created these FAKE local stories, where everyone identifies with the killers and victims as is the case with this Dr Turcotte, and then they totally create the entire narrative in order to keep the audience so riveted to the screen that they would not care what happens in Syria or Turkey because these totally fictitious stories occupy their entire attention spans. I say this because i was watching five adults argue about how this lad's trial was going, and each of them had theories and have been following this story for nearly a year now, this guy is more popular in Qc than Charles Manson, Wouldn't that be much easier to create and control than twelve dead in Paris.

Fact is, with the aforementioned story, we were never ever shown the dead kids, or even alive, nor any of the evidence or anything of the sort. Wouldn't that be enough to keep the masses busy. Creating dead blind man's dog stories tailored for every specific society. By design exactly showing what makes each cultural grouping irk to the tilting point?

FWIW, it was like an aha moment for me. Does anyone think that could make sense, rather than the fake mass deaths, crisis actors, blabla, when the C's have told us that they were real events gone awry somehow, which i know would be nearly impossible to pull off successfully. But having worked in film as set decorator for features and tv series, and tv ads, i know how simple it is to create reality on film given the proper resources. Totally child's play...

Moreover, i had a friend's son involved in the last Paris events, and to him it was totally real and he was THERE! Not that he was killed but some of it happened very close to him and he saw enough to swear on it?!

AM I making sense with this? Finely tailored small scale killings that keep the masses totally mesmerized for months on end not interested in the bigger picture, or the international scene... Somehpw, i hab=ve the feeling that there such local stories in every locality that are designed and handled in such a way as to keep an enormous amount of people totally oblivious to anything else. In french we call them FAITS DIVERS, like low end news stories but that people obsess over.

As in, dog run over by a taxi, blind man so grief stricken he commits suicide. Taxi driver now on trial, call xxx xxxx if you think he should be prosecuted. I'm exaggerating but not by much, judging by my mother's friends frenzy and personal involvement in this doctor's trial, it was like, what? What is these ladies interest in finding this man guilty, who cares when people are bombed by the hundred daily? (in my mind)
Reminds me of this movie, where a guy suddenly can see other people how they really look like zombies and negative messages plastered all around town - unfortunately forgot the title.

I don't think it really matters whether this Dr. Turcotte story "really" happened or not. If it happened, in any normal society this wouldn't have been blown out of proportion by the media. Of course there are a multitude of reasons why this guy could have gotten off the rails, some of them related to himself, some to "outside influence".

Be it whatever it is, I think the important part is your realisation, that our news system is not designed to inform the populace about what happens in the world, but to control and manage our mind, our activities, our spare time, in short our waking lives (and our nightmares) - to goad us in a direction, where we not only don't fight against the prison system we are living in, but defend it with our own life and then "willingly" enter the abattoir to be "processed" without kicking up a fuss.

I think your realisation that we are all "plugged into the matrix" is really important and the first step to "unplugging". The sad part is, you cannot unplug others - only the individual person itself can do it.
romochar said:
AM I making sense with this? Finely tailored small scale killings that keep the masses totally mesmerized for months on end not interested in the bigger picture, or the international scene... Somehpw, i hab=ve the feeling that there such local stories in every locality that are designed and handled in such a way as to keep an enormous amount of people totally oblivious to anything else. In french we call them FAITS DIVERS, like low end news stories but that people obsess over.

Well, the sad truth is that we hear about such stories more and more nowadays. The stories about a seemingly normal father/husband/mother/wife, etc. suddenly loosing it and going on a murderous rampage, or doing something equally devastating in a spur of a moment. For example, just recently Russian SOTT talked about cases like this. So, personally I believe that there is no need to invent or stage things when reality dose the job pretty well all by itself.

What I do think is going on here, is that media chooses to concentrate on or put an emphasis on a specific story in order to divert attention from something else. And the diversion or an emphasis can be actually very specific to each country or in accordance with a specific interest that the media tries to serve. For example, one day they may choose to concentrate on Ebola, and then after a week it is out of the news. It doesn't mean that it doesn't exist anymore, but just like the saying goes: "out of sight, out of heart". That's the main manipulative power of the media. Most often they don't need to invent anything, they can simply choose to omit something or misrepresent it, etc.
I think that these stories, these "faits divers" are yes, to concentrate the attention of people and also to depress them, to make them feel that there is no hope in humanity, to make them feel danger everywhere, danger and stress and fear. And also to show them that there is no justice, so make them angry and insecure in their society, to make them see other monsters instead of the real ones. It is sad, although, that people are incapable to connect the dots. If there is no justice because a man that killed his 2 sons is out of prison after 3 months, people in general don't see why is that? Why the justice always take good care of the guilty and not of the victim? they don't go in the profundity of the subject. They are in a vicious circle of ignorance and despair.

nicklebleu said:
Reminds me of this movie, where a guy suddenly can see other people how they really look like zombies and negative messages plastered all around town - unfortunately forgot the title.

Nicklebleu the movie you are talking is surely "They live" by Carpenter?
Thank you for your inputs, I have seen THEY LIVE, in fact it is free on Youtube, and John Carpenter had hit a nail with that one. Of course, since I don't watch any TV I can see this for years now, but the difference I think with what I perceived was HOW MUCH IT IS TAILORED TO A SPECIFIC AUDIENCE. AN example I would use is during the election debate here in Canada, a few weeks back, when Mr Harper had people going out of their minds about women wearing the nikab, when in fact NOBODY in this country has ever truly run into a widow of Muslim belief?? But. it was incredible, how many people were just losing it over a NON-existant event or threat. So, my feeling is that the tailoring is done by some slick psychological types. in order to keep the masses on a leash, running in a circle around the post, with the leash getting tighter and tighter. This manipulation is well explained by Bernays, who was the father of today's mass media campaigns, and Freud's nephew. Anyone wanting to find out how this was done, women's rights for example, can check him out in documents on Youtube. Thank goodness for the internet! And this forum!!
Keit said:
Well, the sad truth is that we hear about such stories more and more nowadays. The stories about a seemingly normal father/husband/mother/wife, etc. suddenly loosing it and going on a murderous rampage, or doing something equally devastating in a spur of a moment. For example, just recently Russian SOTT talked about cases like this. So, personally I believe that there is no need to invent or stage things when reality dose the job pretty well all by itself.

Yep, and it's a reflection of having a society and political leadership saturated with pathological thinking and behavior. It follows that this corruption trickles down into the masses and we witness all sorts of bizarre and horrific incidences along with matching responses. People ARE going off left and right. Some of it is orchestrated but still real. I think it would introduce unnecessary risk for the movers and shakers to create completely fictional events. Like Keit said, they don't need to. Certain controls can still be maintained when needed, and a pathological system will operate with inhuman force all on its own.
My CNN news has a mass shooting in San Bernardino, CA where the shooters are on the loose and they're saying there's 20 victims and now a bomb threat. 3 shooters in military gear. Curious timing, eh? See the mind reading devices thread.
There has been a lot of talk lately about how/why the concept of crisis actors is a false one. I don't think this is the case. It is entirely possible that the events are real (although not exactly spontaneous) with people being massacred and that there are actors playing parts of being bystanders/witnesses, being interviewed for purposes of narrative support.
If someone knows what is coming, it would be pretty easy for him to pepper the playing field with a few handpicked witnesses for PR purposes.
There are so many ways to make the false look real.
Yupo said:
There has been a lot of talk lately about how/why the concept of crisis actors is a false one. I don't think this is the case. It is entirely possible that the events are real (although not exactly spontaneous) with people being massacred and that there are actors playing parts of being bystanders/witnesses, being interviewed for purposes of narrative support.
If someone knows what is coming, it would be pretty easy for him to pepper the playing field with a few handpicked witnesses for PR purposes.
There are so many ways to make the false look real.

I think that's probable. It's very likely that there are a few psyop type 'witnesses' to steer the narrative but it also seems that most of the 'crisis actors' stuff is geared towards these events being a hoax, and that looks like a psyop as well. I think the discussions around this theory being false is based on this later issue.
it also seems that most of the 'crisis actors' stuff is geared towards these events being a hoax, and that looks like a psyop as well. I think the discussions around this theory being false is based on this later issue.

I think so, too. But this is taking something real and directing those that see it for what it is, right into a blind alley so that they look like fools for pointing it out. I suspect that the flat Earth stuff started in a similar way, with some people noticing some not so accurate things about the way our planet is being presented by NASA. Someone takes this ball and runs it into these productions about the Earth being flat.

The first time I heard about crisis acting was before the Sandy Hook massacre. There was a youtube account called Dallas Goldbug. He did computer facial analysis on some of these characters, looking at ear whorls even. Interesting makeup on these guys. I was convinced he is on to something, about some of the same faces showing up over and over, and not just for big press coverage events.
These people appeared over and over in tidbit local news pieces about various things, such as 'my neighbor has mean dogs' or 'local department of agriculture is harassing our little farm', lots of stuff like that.
Well, I can't find those videos at all now. The next time I saw his stuff he was presenting ridiculous stuff like 'facial analysis proves Lady Gaga is Jonbenet Ramsey' and worse. What is telling is that his facial analysis of these characters is obviously way off base. I'm guessing someone got to him, told him how it had to be. Anyway, I think he is cooperating, but also letting people know he is operating under malicious influence now.
Malignant compliance.

I have seen other stuff that gives me chills, also hard for me to find now. There is a company (maybe more than one) that provides a rapid construction system to accurately simulate any kind of urban/village environment for military training. They also provided real life amputee actors (disabled military) for that ultra-authentic experience of dealing with field trauma. Great costuming of 'locals', too. I think it entirely possible that some world news footage is actually filmed in the desert (maybe out behind Las Vegas) at some of these fake places.
When I see ISIS footage of masked faces and such, I always consider this possibility.
Renaissance said:
I think that's probable. It's very likely that there are a few psyop type 'witnesses' to steer the narrative but it also seems that most of the 'crisis actors' stuff is geared towards these events being a hoax, and that looks like a psyop as well. I think the discussions around this theory being false is based on this later issue.

Yeah, I think that in most cases the manipulation is being done by the way of "perception management". When there is a real and factual event, but it is being given a different spin or a different interpretation. A so called "redirection of attention". Even false flag operations fall under the same description, when often they are being executed by dupes or unwitting participants.

Victor Clube's quote "We do not need the celestial threat to disguise Cold War intentions; rather we need the Cold War to disguise celestial intentions!" demonstrates this approach very well.

It seems like the natural tendency of PTB is not only to follow the path of least resistance, but also to utilize human natural tendencies to filter information, or jump to conclusions, or do any other kind of mental shortcuts. And what these mental shortcuts do, is eliminate the possibility of deep analysis. Which results in theories that do not take into account the underlying intricacies of the situation.

For example, take a look at this quote:

In the much- quoted 2004 New York Times Magazine article, journalist Ron Suskind described a 2002 conversation with a senior Bush advisor — widely assumed to be Karl Rove:

“The aide said that guys like me were ‘in what we call the reality-based community,’ which he defined as people who ‘believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.’ I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. ‘That’s not the way the world really works anymore. We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors … and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.’ “

People like this simply do not need to stage entire events. They just need certain people in certain positions, that would say things according to a specific script, and that's it. And then they just need to repeat it often enough, like in this cartoon:

Yupo said:
There has been a lot of talk lately about how/why the concept of crisis actors is a false one. I don't think this is the case. It is entirely possible that the events are real (although not exactly spontaneous) with people being massacred and that there are actors playing parts of being bystanders/witnesses, being interviewed for purposes of narrative support.

That can and does happen, most likely, but that has nothing to do with the "crisis actors" theory around terror attacks as it has become known over the past few years.
loreta said:
I think that these stories, these "faits divers" are yes, to concentrate the attention of people and also to depress them, to make them feel that there is no hope in humanity, to make them feel danger everywhere, danger and stress and fear. And also to show them that there is no justice, so make them angry and insecure in their society, to make them see other monsters instead of the real ones. It is sad, although, that people are incapable to connect the dots. If there is no justice because a man that killed his 2 sons is out of prison after 3 months, people in general don't see why is that? Why the justice always take good care of the guilty and not of the victim? they don't go in the profundity of the subject. They are in a vicious circle of ignorance and despair.

Nicklebleu the movie you are talking is surely "They live" by Carpenter?

Looking back at Carpenters production of "They Live" the plot was about the silent invasion of the hidden population which is masked by techno EMF radio frequency's.

Today that technology would be seen as cell towers which continues to play a significant roll in keeping the host population mentally and emotionally dumded down.

In retrospect "They Live" is all about narcissist, sociopaths, Psychopath Occult magicians. Currently in the process of total destruction of everything good and creating a negative feed chain to the Fourth Density sts. If one doesn't possess the true knowledge of reality. IMHO
"assuming that's what Laura means when saying "who needs aliens, when you have psychopaths" yet "

They Live
They Live is a 1988 American satirical action horror film written and directed by John Carpenter. The film stars Roddy Piper, Keith David, and Meg Foster. It follows a nameless drifter (called "John Nada" in the credits) who discovers the ruling class are in fact aliens (Psychopaths) concealing their appearance and manipulating people to spend money, breed, and accept the status quo with subliminal messages in mass media


Got Glasses http://i.somethingawful.com/u/garbageday/photoshop_phriday/2009_11_27/KevinCow_01.jpg
It was a great movie in so many ways. The key to getting the humans to snap out of their hypnotic state was to cut the power to the signaling stations. Probably a lot of truth in that! Great fight scene in there about how hard it is to get someone to just 'take a look'.
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