Francesco Fucilla & Co. Steriwave Stock Scam

Re: Francesco Fucilla & Co. Psychopaths Extraordinaire

Laura said:
I would think that anybody who still hangs out with him after reading his rants only puts their own sanity/intelligence into question.

Well, there are none so blind as those who will not see!

He probably does not realize it, but it seems to me that he is offering a superb insight into the sick mind of the psychopath! I just finished Laura's article in the Dot Connector called 'A Structural theory of Narcissism and Psychopathy' and the passage about one's inner map and the difference with reality and the psychopath's inability to notice this discrepancy is spot on here IMO:

Laura in DCM said:
'Learning is like drawing a map in your brain of everything 'out there', then reading that map so that you can effectively navigate reality. Psychopaths don't appear to be capable of distinguishing the map from reality.'

FF indeed comes across as a 5 year old mentally. Because even my 6 year-old daughter knows the difference between what one's map and reality (her definition: 'Wishes are what one wants. Reality is what one wants... less! :lol:)

Is FF really thinking we will take him seriously, for a true 'scientist' with emails like those?? Between the 'eheheheh', the swearing, the grandiose personality, the sheer nonsense and now the prank calls (if indeed they were from him), he really does come across as the Beavis and Butthead of Science. Now, that would make a great title for his next medal...
Re: Francesco Fucilla & Co. Psychopaths Extraordinaire

Meanwhile, we are getting what appear to be death threats from the wife of one of Fucilla's "brothers":

Sender: [name redacted]
Recipient: arkadiusz jadczyk
Subject: no comment
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2012 10:12:08 +0200

Ark et Laura, vous avez été trop loin, vous avez porté atteinte à la
santé de [name redacted], je suis très inquiète pour lui, je vous tiendrais pour entièrement responsables si un événement grave arrivait.
Quittez la France avec tous vos adeptes sans oublier votre cassette de lingots d'or et d'argent que Laura nous a montré "au château" sur son lit à baldaquin devant son mari adoré et médusé. Allez le plus loin possible, ma détermination est sans faille.
Docteur [name redacted]



You, Ark & laura, have gone too far, you've hurt [name redacted] health, I'm very worried for him, I will consider that you are fully responsible if a serious incident happens. Leave France with all your followers and don't forget your box full of gold and silver bars that Laura showed at the "chateau" on her canopy bed, in front of her husband, adoring and petrified. Go as far away as possible, my determination is limitless.
Doctor [name redacted]

Sender: [name redacted]
Recipient: arkadiusz jadczyk
Subject: insecticide
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2012 10:01:34 +0200
mr et mme Jadczyk,

Si vous achevez [name redacted] je n'aurais aucun état d'âme pour répandre avec
l'aide de mes amis de " l'insecticide" sur votre "château".
Quittez la France le plus loin et le plus vite possible
Docteur [name redacted].


Mr & Ms Jadczyk,

If you finish off [name redacted], I will have no remorse to spread, with the help of my friends, "insecticide" on your "castle".
Leave France, as far away as possible and as quick as possible.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: troisième et dernier message
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 10:22:03 +0200
From: [name redacted]
To: arkadiusz jadczyk <

mr et mme Jadscyk,

C'est la troisième et dernière fois que je vous demande de retirer le nom de [name redacted] et celui de l'Université Paul Sabatier dans vos sites web où vous attaquez la Télésio Galilei Académie.
Libres à vous de faire éclater votre vérité mais ne racontez pas de mensonges sur mon mari.(il n'a pas reçu de médailles, il est libre de faire ce qu'il veut et de se défendre contre les escrocs de tout genre)

Je vous donne jusqu'à 14 heures pour cesser vos agissements contre lui et son Université.

Vous avez été très protégés, mais vos amis parisiens ne pourront plus rien faire. Si vous ne m'écoutez pas vous tomberez dans la trappe et vous risquez d'entrainer des amis avec vous.

Réfléchissez et continuez vos luttes si c'est votre rôle sur la terre mais attention de ne pas détruire des êtres humains qui n'y sont pour rien.
( Un nouveau 18 Juin 1815, ça suffit)

Sachez que vous avez déjà attiré l'attention sur vous et vos activités au château et cela semble irréversible , à vous d'être prudents dans les jours et les mois à venir.

docteur [name redacted]


Mr & Ms Jadscyk (spelling not corrected)

That's the third and last time that I ask you to remove the names of [name redacted] and the Paul Sabatier University from your websites where you attack the Telesio galilei Academy.

You're free to spread the truth, but don't tell lies about my husband (he didn't receive any medal, he's free to do whatever he wants and to defend himself against any kind of crook).

You've up until 2.00 p.m. to stop your actions against him and the University.

You've been very much protected but your friends in Paris won't be able to help you anymore. If you don't listen to me, you'll fall in the trap where you might drag friends with you.

Think about it and keep on your struggles if it's your role on Earth but be careful not to destroy human beings that have nothing to do with it. (One more 18 of June 1815, it's enough).

Be aware that you've already attracted attention on you and on your activities at the castle and it seems irreversible, you'll have to be careful in the coming days and months.

doctor [name redacted]

I guess that what we are seeing here is an example of what is described in this post:,27261.msg335272.html#msg335272

and this one:,27261.msg335275.html#msg335275
Re: Francesco Fucilla & Co. Psychopaths Extraordinaire


It also sounds a lot like "Narcissitic Rage" to me, Laura. ( from Fucilla as well as the others )

Talking about rageful behavior he [Kohut] observed that underlying the rage one often finds an uncompromising insistence on the perfection of the idealized other. The infant experiences itself still in a state of limitlessness power and knowledge, a state that we as outsiders deprecatingly call the child's grandiosity, its grandiose self.

If for a variety of reasons this infantile grandiose state of narcissism is prevented from maturing into healthy self-esteem we meet with what looks like an adult but really is a very shakily put together oversensitive and shame-prone narcissist.

The fanaticism of the need for revenge and the unending compulsion of having to square the account after an offense are therefore not the attributes of an aggressivity that is integrated with the mature purposes of the ego - on the contrary, such bedevilment indicates that the aggression was mobilized in the service of an archaic grandiose self and that it is deployed within the framework of an archaic perception of reality.

The shame-prone individual who is ready to experience setbacks as narcissistic injuries and to respond to them with insatiable rage does not recognize his opponent as a center of independent initiative with whom he happens to be at cross-purposes. Aggression, when employed in the pursuit of maturely experienced causes, is not limitless. However vigorously this aggression is mobilized, its aim is limited and definite: the defeat of the enemy who blocks the way to a cherished goal. As soon as the aim is reached, the rage is gone.

The narcissistically injured on the other hand, cannot rest until he has blotted out a vaguely experienced offender who dared to oppose him, to disagree with him, or to outshine him. It can never find rest because it can never wipe out the evidence that has contradicted its conviction it is unique and perfect. This archaic rage goes on and on and on. Furthermore, the enemy who calls forth the archaic rage of the narcissistically vulnerable is seen by him not as an autonomous source of impulsions, but as a flaw in a narcissistically perceived reality. The enemy is experienced as a recalcitrant part of an expanded self over which the narcissistically vulnerable person had expected to exercise full control. The mere fact, in other words, that the other person is independent or different is experienced as offensive by those with intense narcissistic needs.

Thus, not being in full control over self and over a narcissistically experienced world gives the afflicted individual an experience of utter powerlessness. Such powerlessness and the sense of helplessness via-a-vis the world are unbearably traumatic experiences that must be ended by any means whatsoever. The offending other must be wiped out.

Narcissistic rage occurs in many forms. They all share, however, a specific psychological flavor which gives them a distinct position within the wide realm of human aggressions. The need for revenge, for righting a wrong, for undoing a hurt by whatever means, and a deeply anchored, unrelenting compulsion in the pursuit of all these aims, which gives no rest to those who have suffered a narcissistic injury - these are the characteristic features of narcissistic rage in all its forms and which set it apart from other kinds of aggression.

Although everybody tends to react to narcissistic injuries with embarrassment and anger, the most intense experiences of shame and the most violent forms of narcissistic rage arise in those individuals for whom a sense of absolute control over an archaic environment is indispensable because the maintenance of self-esteem - and indeed of the self - depends on the unconditional availability of the approving-mirroring selfobject or of the merger-permitting idealized one." (Search for the Self, vol.2, pp.643 etc.)
Wolf has described narcissistic and psychopathic rage masterfully; if you've ever been the target of a narcissist or a psychopath, you know that already and you were nodding your head all the way through that description. The problem is that this description which hits so many nails right on the head is so mixed up with other irrelevant concepts or cross-concepts, that it's like trying to pick burrs out of a mohair sweater to sort it all out. He really captures the unbelievable persistence of the attacks of the narcissist and psychopath - what we call the "Energizer Bunny Effect".
Re: Francesco Fucilla & Co. Psychopaths Extraordinaire

Daenerys said:
It also sounds a lot like "Narcissitic Rage" to me, Laura. ( from Fucilla as well as the others )

Yes, this woman is a particularly unhappy one - unhappy all the time as far as I've been able to observe - and spends most of her time berating her husband and calling him "stupid". Maybe it's a good thing that she now has a new target for her incredible, pent-up rage; maybe she'll treat him better.
Re: Francesco Fucilla & Co. Psychopaths Extraordinaire

Laura said:
Daenerys said:
It also sounds a lot like "Narcissitic Rage" to me, Laura. ( from Fucilla as well as the others )

Yes, this woman is a particularly unhappy one - unhappy all the time as far as I've been able to observe - and spends most of her time berating her husband and calling him "stupid". Maybe it's a good thing that she now has a new target for her incredible, pent-up rage; maybe she'll treat him better.
Amazing how the universe works. We really do serve all who ask! :lol:
Re: Francesco Fucilla & Co. Psychopaths Extraordinaire

Waldyr about Ark

it is an issue concerning your character, one that only people like you may tolerate.

indeed one need to be human or not ponerized beyond repair to tolerate other humans like Ark. Always nice when the truth is revealed. :rolleyes:
Re: Francesco Fucilla & Co. Psychopaths Extraordinaire

Laura said:
Away With The Fairys said:
Unbelievable! One would think he was locked up in a padded cell with nothing to do all day. He seems to be seriously BONKERS!

But his apparently sycophantic followers can't see that, as I said, maybe because English is not their first language, or perhaps because they are bonkers too.

I just wanted to say that reading FF's e-mails gives me a headache, so I haven't been able to sit through and read all of them. I can't fathom how these SCIENTISTS can understand a word this guy says, let alone think he's this honest, do-gooder (with all this info available online about his supposedly fraudulent endeavors) yet they seem to flock at his side and think he's some sort of saint - which he claims he is. Are these men not men of science? Are these men not taught to question everything? And to not blindly follow... Isn't a scientists JOB to do research about everything and question everything???

And this whole "brother" this and " beloved brother" that makes them sound like some sort of ... dare I say it? Cult!

It really blows my mind what kind of people have been sucked into what seems this guy's scam. This doesn't seem just another fraudster out to fool the "common" and uneducated. These people are supposed to be scientists and scholars. I'm just bewildered! :scared:

Oh and the "EHEHEH" laugh... it's like this evil scientist laugh that in my head sounds like Dr. Evil or Joker. I mean what kind of person writes out their evil laugh in pretty much every e-mail they write? I am seriously having a hard time believing this is an actual MAN writing this much nonsense and not some 5 year old kid.

And now... threatening phone calls? Just wow. :jawdrop:
Re: Francesco Fucilla & Co. Psychopaths Extraordinaire

Laura said:
Surprise! Surprise! More this morning!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: AACA
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 06:09:41 -0300
From: Waldyr A. Rodrigues Jr. <>
To: 'Arkadiusz Jadczyk' <>

Campinas, April 12 2012

Mr. Arkadiusz Jadczyk,

This is to inform you that starting today you are no more a member of the editorial board of AACA. The reason for that decision is the fact that your character is not consistent to the one I and senior members of the board of AACA expect from a scientist, since you defame people in you infamous websites before diligently investigating which is indeed the truth and give first the opportunity for people to defend themselves from your charges and your misleading interpretation of data.(*) You never have doubts, you simply think that you always have the truth. I sincerely hope that one day you will realize the evil that you and your wife caused. And in name of truth I publicly declare that this hard decision has nothing to do with your past scientific merit as a mathematical physicist, and repeat again, it is an issue concerning your character, one that only people like you may tolerate.

It is possible that you are going to use the present fact to continue to slander me, saying that I am mixing science with other issues, etc... However, I am quite confident that time will show that I am on the right side and took the right decision, and if I am wrong (and I have not a single reason to think I am) I will humbly recognize publicly my error. Hope you will have the dignity to do the same.

Waldyr Alves Rodrigues Jr.


Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras

P.S.: (i) You may continue to read the articles of AACA until the end of June.

(ii) this is the last message I will write to you until the day you recognize your errors.


(*) Which according to my present opinion shows only intentional bad faith.

That they do this obviating the data collected and Mr Fucilla's behaviour here tells very much about themselves.

I see bad faith in looking away when a fellow of many years who has always shown scientific and moral decency do it again once more, being the only difference that this time what he has to say is obviously opposed to their own interests.

And they talk about lack of doubts? It would be great to see them having doubts about their own motivations and associations.
Re: Francesco Fucilla & Co. Psychopaths Extraordinaire

The light has shined on creatures hidden in dark
places. Can you hear the noise as they scurry for
cover? Can you see how they hate the light?

And I hear "Elvira Gulch's" maniacal laughter, but it
is gender neutral. Their followers are showing signs
of juvenile and pathological behaviour, debasing all
sanity, sensibility, logic, and reason.

"By their fruits, Ye shall know them!"

I just felt inspired to give my opinion here.
Re: Francesco Fucilla & Co. Psychopaths Extraordinaire

So a little update on the (hilariously lame) threatening phone calls from Fucilla's cronies:

Yesterday, 11th April, we received several, one was a very pushy "policeman" called "Simon" who wanted to speak to Laura. He claimed he was from the "British government", who asked if this was "2295" (if I remember correctly) and then said he was "just checking" and that he was "from Interpol". I tried to ask "simon" which department he was from but he wasn't very cooperative, saying that "it didn't matter who he was". Well it mattered to me! I have to admit to not hearing much else of what he said, something about "take down the forum thread", because I was sort of shouting down the phone at him. Hey, I needed to let off some steam, and I never spoke to someone from "Interpol" before! Very exciting!

Then on the 12th, several calls again, this time with a deep, rough voice that sounded like it was being distorted, or maybe it was the creature from Mars. On one it said: "look outside" and then hung up, so I lifted my head above my computer and looked out the window and saw that it was raining, which made me think that it might have been a call from the weather service. Then another one from the creature from Mars in the evening, it said "stop or you will die". Thing is, I was eating chocolate at the time and took it as friendly advice, I really do need to cut back. For several of them during the day I just lifted the receiver and hung up again. Fun times! We have our own creepy caller person/persons! Woohoo!
Re: Francesco Fucilla & Co. Psychopaths Extraordinaire

Perceval said:
So a little update on the (hilariously lame) threatening phone calls from Fucilla's cronies:

Yesterday, 11th April, we received several, one was a very pushy "policeman" called "Simon" who wanted to speak to Laura. He claimed he was from the "British government", who asked if this was "2295" (if I remember correctly) and then said he was "just checking" and that he was "from Interpol". I tried to ask "simon" which department he was from but he wasn't very cooperative, saying that "it didn't matter who he was". Well it mattered to me! I have to admit to not hearing much else of what he said, something about "take down the forum thread", because I was sort of shouting down the phone at him. Hey, I needed to let off some steam, and I never spoke to someone from "Interpol" before! Very exciting!

Then on the 12th, several calls again, this time with a deep, rough voice that sounded like it was being distorted, or maybe it was the creature from Mars. On one it said: "look outside" and then hung up, so I lifted my head above my computer and looked out the window and saw that it was raining, which made me think that it might have been a call from the weather service. Then another one from the creature from Mars in the evening, it said "stop or you will die". Thing is, I was eating chocolate at the time and took it as friendly advice, I really do need to cut back. For several of them during the day I just lifted the receiver and hung up again. Fun times! We have our own creepy caller person/persons! Woohoo!

You are hilarious! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Francesco Fucilla & Co. Psychopaths Extraordinaire

Perceval said:
On one it said: "look outside" and then hung up, so I lifted my head above my computer and looked out the window and saw that it was raining, which made me think that it might have been a call from the weather service. Then another one from the creature from Mars in the evening, it said "stop or you will die". Thing is, I was eating chocolate at the time and took it as friendly advice, I really do need to cut back.


Sorry you are having to go through this harassment, but thanks for keeping a sense of mirth about it!
Re: Francesco Fucilla & Co. Psychopaths Extraordinaire

Perceval said:
Fun times! We have our own creepy caller person/persons! Woohoo!

Glad to hear you're taking it in such a spirited fashion but that is really unpleasant to have to deal with. Don't know if its worth recording the calls?

As you probably know, in the UK you can report calls like this for them to be investigated and blocked but not sure if the French have a similar set up.

Hope they get bored soon. :(
Re: Francesco Fucilla & Co. Psychopaths Extraordinaire

Pob said:
Perceval said:
Fun times! We have our own creepy caller person/persons! Woohoo!

Glad to hear you're taking it in such a spirited fashion but that is really unpleasant to have to deal with. Don't know if its worth recording the calls?

As you probably know, in the UK you can report calls like this for them to be investigated and blocked but not sure if the French have a similar set up.

Hope they get bored soon. :(

Yeah, we have the matter in hand.

Btw, we just published the first part of our Investigative report on Fuicilla et al and the 'Telesio Galilei Academy of Sciences'
Thank you for article !
Very informative.
I do hope that the people who may have been scammed will not be paralyzed by the shame of having been conned in this way and speak about it.
It could have happened to anyone.
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