Getting a "Handl" on things?





During the Ice Age, lower sea levels blah blah, the Rhine turned left to exit into the North Sea (which was a glacial lake dammed by the then-existing land bridge connecting Dover and Calais) and joined Thames and couple other rivers, to form the Channel River which, as its name suggests, flows along the English Channel out into the Atlantic.

The theory is, when the Ice Age ended, meltwater from the North Sea burst through the land bridge thingy and that's why we now have the Straits of Dover. Some sources say it happened at once in chaotic events, others say it happened gradually. The "fault line" picture above shows the land dip down, so that might be another factor, but the website states it happened "several million years ago".

Anyway, thinking about chalk soil, Chalk Cliffs of Dover, and the Rhine flowing closer to France during the Ice Age... Well, chalk is alkaline, right? And alfalfa looooves alkaline. (That's been covered in the 'Session 2 May 1998' thread, or just google it.) Now look:[quote author=]Where to Grow It Successfully
Lucerne is suited to naturally alkaline and free-draining soils. It is severely restricted on soils with pH below 6.2. Liming will not be enough to correct naturally acidic soils. Chalk and limestone soils are most suitable and waterlogged soils should never be sown to lucerne.[/quote]

google "Fleuve Manche" for pics
Wikipedia pages for English Channel, Rhine, Channel River, River Thames, Weald, Strait of Dover, ....
RedFox said:
I'm curiouse about the possible connection between iron content of alfalfa (with reference to C's comments on iron in blood and transition between densities), running water, high strangeness (usually localised to areas or geological features) and 'treasure' (gold for one, but perhaps general 4D 'stuff' like manifestation etc).
Yes! Alfalfa is a "superficial relative" of clover, and thus:
[quote author=]
Here are some of the names that alfalfa has been known by throughout the centuries: Lucerne; French Clover, in part; Mexican Clover, in part; Lucerne Clover; Lucerne Medicago; Alfalfa Clover; Chilian Clover; Brazilian Clover; Syrian Clover; Sainfoin, erroneously; Spanish Trefoil; Purple Medick; Manured Medick; Cultivated Medicago; Medick. Persian, Isfist; Greek, Medicai; Latin, Medica, Herba Medica; Italian, Herba Spagna; Spanish, Melga or Meilga, also (from Arabic), Alfafa, Alfasafat; French, La Lucerne; German, Lucerne, Common Fodder, Snail Clover, Blue Snail Clover, Branching Clover, Stem Clover, Monthly Clover, Horned Clover, in part, Perennial Clover, Blue Perennial Clover, Burgundy Clover, Welsh Clover, Sicilian Clover.

It is claimed there are some fields of alfalfa in France that have produced continuously for well over a century [...] Under favorable conditions we could almost call alfalfa 'everlasting'.

[quote author=C's]
Q: (L) [...] Clover is, of course, a variation of
alfalfa, and 'dale' is a depression in the ground. Could this be right
there next to the location of the Lorelei rock off the Rhine?

A: Closer, and what of the four leaves?

A four-leaf clover is a sign of some local EM anomaly, I think. Or bleedthrough.

Running water and treasure...In the Nibelungenlied, Hagen steals the treasure (ring & belt) and throws it into the Rhine. But in the Poetic Edda, Atli plots to kill Hogni, and invites Hogni over, so Gudrun sends Hogni a ring with a wolf's hair tied in it. Apparently the ring she sends is an ordinary ring, not the Andvarinaut.
Alfalfa fields in Rhineland yield as of yet undreamed of treasures


When I first read about this session the Nibelungen treasure (and the legendary dragon-slayer Siegfried) came to my mind. The Nibelungenlied (Song of the Nibelungs) is a German epic poem of the Middle Ages (imho containing many references to alchemy). The Nibelungs of the poem's title were originally evil dwarfs who had a magical but cursed treasure of gold.

According to the saga Hagen Tronje sank the famous treasure in the Rhine or buried it close to the Rhine. The crucial passage says something like "sunken (into?) hole at/into (?) the Rhine. A hole near the Rhine? A village with the name "Loch" (german for hole) near the Rhine?
Is the cloak of invisibility (from the same saga) linked to the "vibratory frequency (of) light" (session 21 June 1997)?
Well since all this:
Laura said:
Cs session 31October1998 said:
Q: Now, the other night, in front of the psychomantium, I did not exactly have a vision, but something came into my head, and the idea was that prime numbers are important because, the principle that they are only divisible by themselves and by one is indicative of the fact that they are direct links, channels, or conduits to seventh density, or first density, or something...
A: How about all densities?

Q: Okay, that is sort of what I mean, that they are, in a sense, gateways - would that be a good term?
A: Close.

Q: How does one utilize the energies inherent in prime numbers in this respect? Do they represent frequencies or frequency relationships?
A: Verities.

Q: Is there any formula, or any thing about prime numbers that makes it easier to find them... anything about them that is unique?
A: Pyramidal.

Q: Pyramid relationships would help one find prime numbers?
A: Graph.

Q: A pyramid type graph. Okay, anything else about prime numbers? When you said that they were the 'dwellings of the mystics' I had an idea that a prime number could be a dwelling of a mystic because the individual would express in some manner a frequency that related in some way to a prime number. Is that somewhere along the line...? That mystics can traverse all densities because of frequency?
A: Something like that.

Q: My next thought was that it could indicate actual places or locations in space time on the planet that would be represented by coordinates.
A: Zuber.

Q: What does THAT mean?
A: Research.
Anyway, I read that reference to "Handl" in the article about Krakatau/Krakatoa and it made me curious, so I found something called "The Secret Wikipedia" that had this that, oddly, brings some of the same elements up:

World War One - Johann Handl

In 1916, as the First World War ravaged Europe a mysterious German named Johann Handl obtained a 30 year permit to mine "pumice" on what was left of Krakatoa. His mining operation lasted for one year and then he abruptly left in 1917. He returned to Germany with several Lesser Hedrons just as the war was reaching its conclusion. But in the turmoil of the Germany's defeat his discoveries went unrecognized. The Lesser Hedrons were warehoused in the Berlin Institute Of Science. And there they sat until 1933 when Professor Hienrch Hoffman discovered them by chance.

Johann Handl's real name was most likely G.T. Breeckow, an agent of the German government supposedly executed in England in 1915 for espionage under the Defiance of the Realm act.
Is indicating something to do with geology, doing a search for Zuber, brought up a polish geologist by the name of Rudolf Zuber 1858 - 1920. There is a derth of information about this guy on the web, so just for safe keeping:


The only other reference to Rudolf Zuber is this geological magazine: _

Reading through it right know, so just a fwiw. Interestingly enough, it's talking about limestone in conjunction to Zuber, which is the prime material in chalk, and from all that's been presented so far, alfalfa does well in an alkaline environment. Whatever the connection is, this is a fascinating exercise in gathering data and making no supposition about it.
Daenerys said:
There is also a book co-authored by a Zuber called Quantum Field Theory:


Session 14 September 2002

Q: (L) [...] At some point when we were talking about these prime numbers, you mentioned a name and the name was Zuber. I asked what does it mean and you answered 'research.' Well I was researching, of course. I was just looking about, using google. I was looking for Zuber and prime numbers and something like this. And, surprise, surprise! There were essentially, very few references, and all of them were to Matti Pitkanen. So he has a lot of papers about prime numbers and theory of everything based on prime numbers...(L) How did Zuber get in there? (Ark) Zuber is one of these references because one of the references is a famous book by, which I even have, by physicist named Zuber about quantum field theory. So my question is, is the Zuber of the book on quantum field theory and conformal theories and so on, the right Zuber?

A: What do you think?

Q: (Ark) I think chances are 50%, and chances are that he's not the same.

A: 80 percent!

Q: (Ark) 80%, that doesn't help much! I have this paper by Mattie Pitcalean here, maybe you will reevaluate this. The paper is called Quantum Criticality and 1 over F nosxe. and here's Zuber. Let me read it, hmm...conformal invariance, yeah, it must be the same. Okay, 90 percent. (laughter).

A: 100!
Thanks Transdimensional- I had not seen that transcript yet.

Getting back to Handl - I found a book written by two Handls on Iceland- the land of fire and ice .

I then found a sorta connection to Rhinelander WI by this paper " Geologic Setting of the Early Proterzoic Base and Precious Metal Rich Metavolcanic belt of WI."

My brain will not leave the scalar wave/volcano connection alone.
Lucerne/Alfalfa is a member of the legume family and legume crops are typically used in rotation as a soil improvers because they provide for 'nitrogen fixation' in the soil and subsequent crops reap the benefit of the improved nitrogen profile.

About nitrogen fixation:

Nitrogen fixation is a process, biological, abiotic, or synthetic by which nitrogen (N2) in the atmosphere is converted into ammonia (NH3).[1] Atmospheric nitrogen or elemental nitrogen (N2) is relatively inert: it does not easily react with other chemicals to form new compounds. Fixation processes free up the nitrogen atoms from their diatomic form (N2) to be used in other ways.

Nitrogen fixation, natural and synthetic, is essential for all forms of life because nitrogen is required to biosynthesize basic building blocks of plants, animals and other life forms, e.g., nucleotides for DNA and RNA and amino acids for proteins.
Therefore nitrogen fixation is essential for agriculture and the manufacture of fertilizer. It is also an important process in the manufacture of explosives (e.g. gunpowder, dynamite, TNT, etc.) Nitrogen fixation occurs naturally in the air by means of lightning.[2] [3][dead link]

Nitrogen fixation also refers to other biological conversions of nitrogen, such as its conversion to nitrogen dioxide. Microorganisms that fix nitrogen are bacteria called diazotrophs. Some higher plants, and some animals (termites), have formed associations (symbioses) with diazotrophs. Biological nitrogen fixation was discovered by the German agronomist Hermann Hellriegel and Dutch microbiologist Martinus Beijerinck.

Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) occurs when atmospheric nitrogen is converted to ammonia by an enzyme called nitrogenase.[1] The reaction for BNF is:
N2 + 8 H+ + 8 e− → 2 NH3 + H2
The process is coupled to the hydrolysis of 16 equivalents of ATP and is accompanied by the co-formation of one molecule of H2. In free-living diazotrophs, the nitrogenase-generated ammonium is assimilated into glutamate through the glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase pathway.

Enzymes responsible for nitrogenase action are very susceptible to destruction by oxygen. Many bacteria cease production of the enzyme in the presence of oxygen.[1] Many nitrogen-fixing organisms exist only in anaerobic conditions, respiring to draw down oxygen levels, or binding the oxygen with a protein such as Leghemoglobin.[1]


Nitrogen fixation by cyanobacteria

Cyanobacteria inhabit nearly all illuminated environments on Earth and play key roles in the carbon and nitrogen cycle of the biosphere. In general, cyanobacteria are able to utilize a variety of inorganic and organic sources of combined nitrogen, like nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, urea, or some amino acids. Several cyanobacterial strains are also capable of diazotrophic growth, an ability which may have been present in their last common ancestor in the Archaean[5]. Genome sequencing has provided a large amount of information on the genetic basis of nitrogen metabolism and its control in different cyanobacteria. Comparative genomics, together with functional studies, has led to a significant advance in this field over the past years. 2-Oxoglutarate has turned out to be the central signalling molecule reflecting the carbon/nitrogen balance of cyanobacteria. Central players of nitrogen control are the global transcriptional factor NtcA, which controls the expression of many genes involved in nitrogen metabolism, as well as the PII signalling protein, which fine-tunes cellular activities in response to changing C/N conditions. These two proteins are sensors of the cellular 2-oxoglutarate level and have been conserved in all cyanobacteria. In contrast, the adaptation to nitrogen starvation involves heterogeneous responses in different strains.[6] Nitrogen fixation by cyanobacteria in coral reefs can fix twice the amount of nitrogen than on land–around 1.8 kg of nitrogen is fixed per hectare per day.

Muxel said:
Anyway, thinking about chalk soil, Chalk Cliffs of Dover, and the Rhine flowing closer to France during the Ice Age... Well, chalk is alkaline, right? And alfalfa looooves alkaline. (That's been covered in the 'Session 2 May 1998' thread, or just google it.) Now look:[quote author=]Where to Grow It Successfully
Lucerne is suited to naturally alkaline and free-draining soils. It is severely restricted on soils with pH below 6.2. Liming will not be enough to correct naturally acidic soils. Chalk and limestone soils are most suitable and waterlogged soils should never be sown to lucerne.

google "Fleuve Manche" for pics
Wikipedia pages for English Channel, Rhine, Channel River, River Thames, Weald, Strait of Dover, ....


And chalk or limestone is formed in coral reefs. When either the land mass rises or the sea level drops, the coral reef dies and becomes chalk or limestone. Curious relationship here between alfalfa, nitrogen fixation, coral reefs and limestone/chalk. FWIW

Edited to add:

From ISOTM Re: The Law of Three:

The special chemistry (I assume G is referring to alchemy here) of which I speak looks upon every substance having a separate function, even the most complex, as an element. In this way only is it possible to study the cosmic properties of matter, because all complex compounds have their own cosmic purpose and significance. From this point of view an atom of a given substance is the smallest amount of the given substance which retains all its chemical, physical, and cosmic properties. Consequently the size of the 'atom' of different substances is not the same. And in some cases an 'atom' may be a particle even visible to the nake eye.

The four aspects or states of every substance have definite names.

When a substance is the conductor of the first or the active force, it is called 'carbon,' and, like the carbon of chemistry, it is designated by the letter C.

When a substance is the conductor of the second or the passive force, it is called 'oxygen,' and, like the oxygen of chemistry, it is designated by the letter O.

When a substance is the conductor of the third or neutralizing force, it is called 'nitrogen,' and, like the nitrogen of chemistry, it is designated by the letter N.

When a substance is taken without relation to the force manifesting itself through it, it is called 'hydrogen,' and, like the hydrogen of chemistry, it is designated by the letter H.

I've made these connections but I'm struggling to understand if there is anything of value in them. ISOTM talks more about Nitrogen as the neutralising force but its beyond me at this time.

I'm also wondering about 'Coral Castle' and whether there is also a connection.

Edit # 2.

From the first quote:
Nitrogen fixation occurs naturally in the air by means of lightning.


Session 21 June 1997
Q: One thing I do want to understand, since it is involved in all of this, is the idea of the 'Shepherd.' All of the ancient legends and stories and myths lead, ultimately, to something about the 'shepherd,' or the 'Shepherd King.'

A: Shepherd is most likely to be struck by lightning, due to staff, and thus "enlightened," or "illumened!!"

So does the lightening, which fixes the third force or nitrogen have something to do with being enlightened?
The Handl's, the seven keys to the house of gables, the puzzle pieces, whatever you call it...

[quote author=]Another interesting element is the nature of the soil on which the circles appear. Pringle says that 93.8 per cent of crop circles are made on chalk, "a worldwide phenomenon" recorded in 54 different countries. She says the significance may be connected to underground springs called aquifers commonly found in chalk. One theory is that the "huge electrical force" of such springs works in harmony with the electromagnetic force of Earth's tectonic plates to create the patterns.

Blake also remarks on the significance of the chalk, which she says the ancients often built their monuments on - an observation which the existence of Neolithic sites like Stonehenge and Avebury attest. She says the ancients also built their temples on "energy lines" and has observed that "crop circles always appear on or near these lines." Blake was impressed with the Barbary Castle circle and its derivations because the shape itself was "like a Labyrinth," which "gives it a spiritual as well as a mathematical tradition."

Stonehenge is built on chalk.

In Terry Pratchett's The Wee Free Men, the main character Tiffany is asked, how come she's a witch when she's born on chalk downs, and witches can't tolerate soft land like chalk. Tiffany responds, the bones of these hills are flint, and flint is the hardest of all.

[quote author=Bringers of the Dawn]The original designers of the human body were benevolent beings. These original creator gods were very generous in endowing you biogenetically with a tremendous vitality of spirit and a tremendous zest of capability. Much of this information is stored within your body in the light-encoded filaments that are scattered and are coming back into alignment.

Your bones and skeletal form correspond with that information. When your skeletal form is in alignment, the energy from sacred power sites is released, the cosmic rays are pulled into your body, and the light-encoded filaments inside your cells begin to reorder themselves, you will find that you are in the change. The change will be mirrored to you everywhere you look.
[quote author=Bringers of the Dawn]Many of the structures built on this planet, particularly ancient sacred sites, have information stored within stone. In the same way, you have information stored within the bones of your skeletal form. When you allow sound to move through you, it unlocks a doorway and allows information to flood into your body. It also penetrates the ground, affecting the vibrations of Earth and allowing a rearrangement of a molecular alignment of information to take place.[/quote]

Next we must somehow relate soil/water/humidity to EM.

[quote author=Judith Moore & Barbara Lamb / Crop Circles Revealed: Language of the Light Symbols]The Influence of Water and Weather on Crop Circles

Some scientists and geologists have determined that under many crop circles are geological aquifers composed of very porous limestone, sandstone and chalk. This substratum absorbs water from the abundant English rain and easily yields water. They also notice that many crop circles are places over underground streams and other water sources, or where the water table is high.

... told me that their dowsing always shows that crop circles are places over underground water.

... have found a relationship between formations and underground watersheds through analyzing infrared photographs

... found that the chalk and greensand under many crop circles hold water.

This underground water is necessary for the steam effect that seems to be involved in the making of crop circles. Some crop circle scientists theorize that when heat of 500 degrees Fahrenheit or higher is applied to the plants as abundant moisture is being drawn up from under the soil, the plants become pliable enough to be gently bent over at ground level without any cracking, breaking or killing, and then to be swirled or shaped to form a variety of patterns.

Now for the 42nd parallel north, or the 43rd parallel north, give or take. There we have places like: Horseheads NY, the Pyrenees, Vladivostok, Flint MI, Rochester NY (Terry), Keuka Lake (one of the Finger Lakes in NY - Terry), Serpent Mound of Ohio, Rock Lake pyramids of Wisconsin.

The rest in descending order:
Novosibirsk55° 01′ N
Magnitogorsk53° 23′ N
Irkutsk52° 18′ 44″ N
Uffington White Horse51° 34′ 40.48″ N
Stonehenge51° 10′ 43.84″ N
Oak Island44° 31′ N

On nitrogen fixation, Jones, we have Terry being the Third "neutralizing" element between Frank and Laura. The emulsifier, the nitrogen, from Neormm. And what of perpendicular realities? The C's drew a wheel with two rims and seven spokes, seven densities, seven main colors of the visible EM spectrum - "vibratory frequency light"?

[quote author=]Q: (J) Point taken! (L) There is no point. [Laughter.] Well, if you expand the circle outward and continue expanding it in all directions, it pulls the seven spokes with it, which encompasses more and more space in a cross section, and then turns that circle, you have a sphere.

A: Precisely. But Laura says that means we are living in a big globe. And, maybe we are.

The C's taught us that a line is really a circle. So the seven spokes will turn back on themselves, in a circle. And they bring the "wheel rim" along. To help visualize this: think of the Arctic Circle as the rim, and the seven spokes are seven longitudes radiating from it. When the circle expands, we get all the latitudes of Earth. The wheel rim is what "joins" the perpendicular realities (spokes) together. Thus each latitude of Earth has multiple perpendicular realities on it! I guess we only need seven. The C's say that seven is always the optimal number. Seven "dancers". Seven key longitudes. Seven "prime meridians"?

Also, I note that we are indeed living in a "big globe" - which takes the form of Earth. As above so below. (And I guess Earth's molten core would be the Creator...)

Throwing this in for good measure:

[quote author=]A: And now, when you merge densities, or traverse densities, what you have is the merging of physical reality and ethereal reality, which involves thought form versus physicality. When you can merge those perfectly, what you realize then, is that the reason there is no beginning and no end is merely because there is no need for you to contemplate a beginning or an end after you have completed your development. When you are at union with the One at Seventh density, that is when you have accomplished this and then there is no longer any need for difference between physical and ethereal forms.[/quote]

[quote author=]Aragonite is a carbonate mineral, one of the two common, naturally occurring, crystal forms of calcium carbonate, CaCO3 (the other form being the mineral calcite). It is formed by biological and physical processes, including precipitation from marine and freshwater environments.

Aragonite's crystal lattice differs from that of calcite, resulting in a different crystal shape, an orthorhombic system with acicular crystals. Repeated twinning results in pseudo-hexagonal forms. Aragonite may be columnar or fibrous, occasionally in branching stalactitic forms called flos-ferri ("flowers of iron") from their association with the ores at the Carinthian iron mines.

Carinthia - today it is in Austria. But it used to be a much bigger region, the Duchy of Carinthia, Hezogtum Carantania, which included much of today's Slovenia. Think Carniola when you hear Slovenia. And who was born in Carniola? Jacobus Handl!

[quote author=]Carinthia, Styria and Carniola

The region of central Austria and Slovenia became populated by Slavs at the end of the sixth century. They then created the principality of Karantania, which is known from the seventh century and is regarded by some as a predecessor to the modern republic of Slovenia. Karantania managed to maintain its independence from both the Avars to the east and the Bavarians to the west until the middle of the eight century when Avar pressure forced Karantania to seek Bavarian protection. Together with Bavaria became Karantania a part of the Frankish kingdom 788 and its last Slavic ruler was deposed 828 where after it was ruled by Frankish counts. The region was then known by its German name "Kärnten" and its was restored several times as a separate duchy during the ninth and tenth century. From 976 was it permanently a separate duchy. A large immigration of German settlers led to the assimilation of the original Slavic population in Carinthia, which 1335 became a part of the Habsburg dynasty's lands and thereafter was linked with Styria and Carniola during the repeated divisions of the Habsburg lands. From 1619 have Carinthia always been united with Austria and it is today an Austrian part state, although it is considerably smaller than the historic Karantania.

Neormm - could it refer to Roman numerals? NEO in medieval Roman numerals is the value 171 (correct me if I'm wrong). We have a 7 sandwiched between 11. RMM would be the value 1920. MM by itself would be 2000. Just a thought.
How to connect bone and chalk? Chalk is bone. Calcium minerals.

The Celts washed their hair with limewater (chalk water), stiffening it. Chalked blond hair stood out even more strikingly.

Gonzo said:
When we were in the Yucatan, we met several Mayan descendants. What stood out is that they are shorter than most people, have no neck and are rather thick boned. We were told it was due to the water they drink from the cenotes having high calcium content which affected their development.


A cenote is a sinkhole which contains groundwater. How are cenotes formed? Carbon dioxide dissolves in rainwater to form a weak acid. This trickles through tiny cracks in limestone, and dissolves the calcite in it.
My input :)

Alfalfa fields in Rhineland yield as of yet undreamed of treasures.

When I try to give to "alfalfa" a different mean from the known I visualize it as a reiteration or emphasis of what is "first" alfa+ alfa = 11. the very first, the primordial, eleven it is a prime number too. Then it sounds like "a field of prime numbers in Rhineland yield as of yet undreamed of treasures". The C's have pointed that prime numbers are important.

More connections

In quantum chemistry/physics the electronic spins are represented as alpha = arrow up and beta =arrow down, . That notation used in academia coincidentally looks like a 1 number. A material with non paired electrons (a lot of alpha state of spins) generally is a magnetic material.

Magnetic metallic elements

Many materials have unpaired electron spins, and the majority of these materials are paramagnetic. When the spins interact with each other in such a way that the spins align spontaneously, the materials are called ferromagnetic (what is often loosely termed as magnetic). Because of the way their regular crystalline atomic structure causes their spins to interact, some metals are ferromagnetic when found in their natural states, as ores. These include iron ore (magnetite or lodestone), cobalt and nickel, as well as the rare earth metals gadolinium and dysprosium (when at a very low temperature). Such naturally occurring ferromagnets were used in the first experiments with magnetism. Technology has since expanded the availability of magnetic materials to include various man-made products, all based, however, on naturally magnetic elements.

Then we could have a connection to magnetite, magnetic material or magnetic fields in general.

Q: (L) [...] Clover is, of course, a variation of
alfalfa, and 'dale' is a depression in the ground. Could this be right
there next to the location of the Lorelei rock off the Rhine?

A: Closer, and what of the four leaves?

This brings me to Raskovnik


The raskovnik (Serbian Cyrillic and Macedonian: расковник) or razkovniche (Bulgarian: разковниче, pronounced [rɐsˈkɔvnitʃɛ]) is a magical herb in South Slavic (Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Macedonian, Montenegrin, Serbian and Slovenian) mythology. According to lore, the raskovnik has the magical property to unlock or uncover anything that is locked or closed. However, legends claim it is notoriously difficult to recognize the herb, and reputedly only certain chthonic animals are able to identify it.


The herb is known by a multitude of names among the South Slavs and the names vary significantly by region. While razkovniche and raskovnik are the customary names in Bulgarian and Serbian respectively and the root is also preserved in the Leskovac dialect as raskov, in some parts of Macedonia it is known as ež trava ("hedgehog grass"). In the vicinity of Bar (southeastern Montenegro), the term is demir-bozan, a Turkish borrowing meaning "iron breaker". In Syrmia, the plant is referred to as špirgasta trava, in Slavonia it is known as zemaljski ključ ("earth key"), and in Slovenia's Savinja Valley as mavričin koren ("rainbow root").[3]
[edit] Description and properties

Traditionally, it is considered that few people if any could actually recognize the herb.[4] However, in Bulgarian sources the raskovnik is sometimes described as a grass resembling a four-leaf clover. It grows in meadows and may be picked either while green and blooming or in hay, when it is already dry. While it is not necessarily rare, nor does it thrive only in remote locations, it is nevertheless impossible to recognize by the uninitiated.[2] In the words of Serbian linguist and folklorist Vuk Stefanović Karadžić, “It is some (may be imaginary) grass for which it is thought that thanks to it (when brushed by it) every lock and every other closure would open by itself.”[5]

According to the legend, the raskovnik could unlock any gate or padlock, regardless of its size, material or key. It could also uncover treasures buried in the ground: in Bulgarian beliefs, it could split the ground at the place where a treasure lay so that people could locate it.[1] In some regions of Serbia, the treasure itself was a black man in chains who requested that a raskovnik be brought to him. The raskovnik would break the chains and the man would disappear into the ground to be replaced by a cauldron filled with gold coins.[3] Other supernatural properties attributed to the herb by Bulgarians include the alchemic ability to transmute iron into gold, the more general ability to make the one who picked it forever happy[2] or wealthy.[6] In some interpretations, the raskovnik is a wonderful plant that makes true whatever its owner desires.[7]
[edit] Obtainment

In some parts of Serbia, hedgehogs are believed to be animals capable of identifying the raskovnik and involuntarily assisting people in obtaining it [mine: another clue maybe]

The raskovnik is believed to have been sought after by treasure hunters, sorcerers and herbalists who desired its magic powers for personal benefit. In Serbia, it was believed that there exist certain treasures, such as the Treasure of Tsar Radovan, which could not be unlocked in another way but employing a raskovnik.[4]

As, according to Bulgarian mythology and some other traditions, tortoises were the only beings who knew the appearance of the herb and the location where it grows, such people would try to obtain the raskovnik by deceiving a tortoise. They would find a tortoise nesting site and hem it in with a fence while the tortoise is away. When it returns, the tortoise would be unable to access its eggs, so it would return with a raskovnik in order to breach the fence. Thus, the tortoise would reveal the herb and people would acquire it from the tortoise, which does not need it anymore.

While the tricking of a tortoise was the most popular method in Bulgarian mythology, in Dalmatia the legend refers to snakes,[3] and among Serbs another version involves the locking of young hedgehogs in a box for their mother to unlock. In Serbia, one would also have to be quick to take the raskovnik, as the hedgehog would swallow it after use. In any case, turtles, snakes and hedgehogs are all animals with chthonic characteristics which were often variously associated with the underworld in South Slavic tradition.[3]

Karadžić also mentions another Serbian method to obtain the raskovnik. He recorded a story from the town of Zemun about a merchant who desired to find the herb. The merchant locked an old woman into leg irons and let her wander in a field during the night; if the irons unlocked by themselves at a certain place, that would be a place where the raskovnik grows.[4]
[edit] Metaphoric use

The legendary herb has entered the modern Bulgarian vocabulary as a metaphor for a magic key or a panacea in the wider sense. The phrase “to find the razkovniche” („да намериш разковничето“ „da namerish razkovnicheto“) means to find the solution to a certain problem, usually a complex or difficult one.[8] Razkovniche is also the common Bulgarian name for the plant European waterclover (Marsilea quadrifolia) which, in its appearance, has many similarities with the descriptions of the mythical raskovnik.[9] In eastern Serbia, raskovnik also refers to a specific plant used in vernacular medicine, namely Laserpitium siler

Let's see the waterclover (Marsilea Quadrifolia)

Common names

'Four Leaf Clover'; European waterclover (USA); Sushni in parts of India; "aalaik keerai" in Tamil and is in use for more than 3000 years as part of food.


M. quadrifolia is found in central and southern Europe, Caucasia, western Siberia, Afghanistan, sw India, China, Japan and North America. Considered a weed in some parts of the United States where it has been well established in the north eastern States for over 100 years.[1]

What is Chthonic?
Chthonic (play /ˈkθɒnɪk/, from Greek χθόνιος – chthonios, "in, under, or beneath the earth", from χθών – chthōn "earth";[1] pertaining to the Earth; earthy; subterranean) designates, or pertains to, deities or spirits of the underworld, especially in relation to Greek religion. The Greek word khthon is one of several for "earth"; it typically refers to the interior of the soil, rather than the living surface of the land (as Gaia or Ge does) or the land as territory (as khora (χώρα) does). It evokes at once abundance and the grave.

So prime numbers and Zuber have to do with a location
Q: A pyramid type graph. Okay, anything else about prime numbers? When you said that they were the 'dwellings of the mystics' I had an idea that a prime number could be a dwelling of a mystic because the individual would express in some manner a frequency that related in some way to a prime number. Is that somewhere along the line...? That mystics can traverse all densities because of frequency?
A: Something like that.

Q: My next thought was that it could indicate actual places or locations in space time on the planet that would be represented by coordinates.
A: Zuber.

Q: What does THAT mean?
A: Research.

Something that catch my attention was the relationship between the shape of the four leaf clover and this graph based in prime numbers that appears in this thread,3446.0.html


Q: Okay, I am done. (A) I want to ask about this grid business. I have this book with this 'sacred geometry' business, Bruce Cathie and all that. These people draw these grids with geometric shapes that differ from simple meridians. I would like to know how to find out what is the true geometry of this grid? Is it as complicated as they draw it, or is it as simple as longitude and latitude? Can I have some help with this?

A: Seek answers in the pyrotechnics.

Q: (L) Do you mean having to do with explosives or fireworks?

A: All that is related to the root. For example: lightning.

Q: (L) Yes, but what we are asking is how to SHAPE, to construct a correct grid! Is there a particular geometric figure that applies, and are there particular locations ...

A: No, no, no. You are assuming, and you are not being patient.

Q: (A) I don't understand what this pyrotechnics is about, but first question: at some point we were asking about this magnetic grid, and we were told that the grid lines are located about every 200 miles, and that it is a regular pattern of lines...

A: Yes, but those are primary. What happens at the poles?

Q: (A) At the poles, these lines converge, and the pattern becomes more complex, I suspect.

A: Convergence.

Q: (A) Okay, they converge at the poles, and probably go inside.

A: In atmosphere, there is undulation. At core, there is primary convergence, and that is also your doorway/bridge.

Q: (A) Core of the Earth?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) These lines that are being drawn, are they just one dimensional lines, or are they a plane that crosses the Earth along these lines?

A: Latter.

Q: (L) Are these points of locus denoted by these deposits of clay that adsorb tritium?

A: Off the track, and you, my dear, are in the "quiet chair."


A: Well, first of all, we thought this was Ark's turn. But, since you have asked, is it not obvious by now? Magnetic power grid physics . EM utilization. Crystals, and the like. Seeking paths to the interior? The "Poles" know best!

Q: (A) ) Okay, now we have been brought to electromagnetism, and that was my next question. I got some very old papers by Whittaker...

A: EM generators usually employ a grid. 'Tis for field creation.

Q: (A) When you say this, you mean A grid, not THE grid?

A: Yes. Looks like a waffle iron.

Q: (A) You mean like a waffle iron that is used in transformers?

A: Okay. Why? To duplicate nature. Earth has a web, and so doeth thee!

Q: (A) Now, Earth's grid is just an imaginary grid related to field, or just a mathematic grid... no, it must really exist....

A: Yes.

Q: (A) If it really exists, is it a field of grid, or is it a grid made out of some matter, like these waffle irons? Just field, or matter?

A: The iron is attracted, not attractive.

Q: (A) I wanted to know if the grid is a material grid, or if it is just a grid of field and nothing more, or if there is something material in the earth relating to it?

A: Both.

Respecting minerals, Lorelei rock is in an area called Renania-Palatinado, remind me the rare metals rhenium and palladium.
Jules Violle determined the freezing and melting points of palladium and used platinum to determinate the Solar Constant. (see the secret history of the world). Rhine remember rhodium, another metal. Rhodium (Greek rhodon (ῥόδον) meaning "rose"
Rhenium was Discovered in 1925, was the last stable element to be discovered. It was named after the river Rhine in Europe.
In Rhinelander Wisconsin there are also mine activities specially nickel and cooper.

From alfalfa


A book on agriculture by the Roman writer Palladius, dated 4th century AD, includes a section about alfalfa. Palladius says: "One sow-down lasts ten years. The crop may be cut four or six times a year.... An [Roman] acre of it is abundantly sufficient for three horses all the year.... It may be given to cattle, but new provender is at first to be administered very sparingly, because it bloats up the cattle."[53] Palladius called alfalfa "medica", a name that referred to the Medes, a people who lived in ancient Iran. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed, probably correctly, that the alfalfa plant came from the Medes land (in today's Iran). (The ancient Greeks and Romans also used the name medica to mean a citron fruit, once again because it was believed to have come from the Medes land). The ancient Roman name medica is the root of the modern scientific name for the alfalfa genus, Medicago. Despite the report in Palladius and in some other Roman and ancient Greek writers, there is little evidence that alfalfa was in widespread use in the Mediterranean region in those days.
Galaxia's last post reminded me of a discarded intuition that I couldn't explain in relation to the main inquiry.

In geometry (applications) there are the terms 'tunnels' and 'handles' (and loops) to describe embedding of connected surfaces in 3d space.

Red rings represents tunnels, and green the handles. Illustration (and algorithms for determining) from:

perhaps one could calculate the magnetic grid position with the help of positions of magnetic ducts/ tunnels like volcanoes and other underground passages and their inteconnectedness via handles (revealed by their wealth in conductive soil, stone and plants)?
but then again this grid must be moving along with pole reversal.
From here, I am speculating, but the
following quote strikes my curiosity:

C said:
Q: (A) If it really exists, is it a field of grid, or is it a grid made out of some matter, like these waffle irons? Just field, or matter?

A: The iron is attracted, not attractive.

because I remembered from "The Electric Sky/Universe" regarding
plasma theory: the Stars (Sun) is the Anode (active property?), the
planets/comets/asteroids/... are the Cathodes (passive property?),
and I am not sure what is the neutralizing property is... the aether?

With the above in mind, I am thinking that the Sun provides the
energy source (plasma) to which the Earth core (iron? material
patterns?) is "attracted, not attractive", acts like a (waffle) trans-
former, provides for the EM grid structure...?
dant said:
From here, I am speculating, but the following quote strikes my curiosity:
C said:
Q: (A) If it really exists, is it a field of grid, or is it a grid made out of some matter, like these waffle irons? Just field, or matter?
A: The iron is attracted, not attractive.

because I remembered from "The Electric Sky/Universe" regarding plasma theory: the Stars (Sun) is the Anode (active property?), the
planets/comets/asteroids/... are the Cathodes (passive property?), and I am not sure what is the neutralizing property is... the aether?

With the above in mind, I am thinking that the Sun provides the energy source (plasma) to which the Earth core (iron? material patterns?) is "attracted, not attractive", acts like a (waffle) trans-former, provides for the EM grid structure...?
Well in your analogy, it would depend on context.

In Chemistry, which is properly Physics, the anode is the site of oxidation. Oxidation is the loss of electrons, therefore an anode is electro-positive. The Electric Universe, posits that the sun is powered from without, so it would generally be passive, but from the perspective of the earth, it acts as an active principle.

The active principle would be the Birkeland currents, the neutralizing principle being the aether, osit. Also remember that the Earth has it's own plasma sheath, ie the magnetosphere, but the energy source primarily being the sun is true.

So, this grid being a result of the Earth's dynamics with the local environment is on the right track, osit. Then the materials of the right composition would aggregate and align themselves in respect to the fields.

This is quite fascinating, Geology, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Cosmology, etc, it all factors.
Muxel said:
The Handl's, the seven keys to the house of gables, the puzzle pieces, whatever you call it...

One theory is that the "huge electrical force" of such springs works in harmony with the electromagnetic force of Earth's tectonic plates to create the patterns...

Now for the 42nd parallel north, or the 43rd parallel north, give or take. There we have places like: Horseheads NY, the Pyrenees, Vladivostok, Flint MI, Rochester NY (Terry), Keuka Lake (one of the Finger Lakes in NY - Terry), Serpent Mound of Ohio, Rock Lake pyramids of Wisconsin...

The C's taught us that a line is really a circle. So the seven spokes will turn back on themselves, in a circle. And they bring the "wheel rim" along. To help visualize this: think of the Arctic Circle as the rim, and the seven spokes are seven longitudes radiating from it. When the circle expands, we get all the latitudes of Earth. The wheel rim is what "joins" the perpendicular realities (spokes) together. Thus each latitude of Earth has multiple perpendicular realities on it! I guess we only need seven. The C's say that seven is always the optimal number. Seven "dancers". Seven key longitudes. Seven "prime meridians"?

session December 26, 1998
Q: Is the 'buried treasure' of the Templars or Cathars, or whoever, manuscripts from the Alexandrian library telling about the true origin and nature of man?

A: Well if so, maybe that would explain the structure you live under.

Q: Society? The Universe? The EM grid? Any or all of the above? What structure do I live under?

A: Forced choices.

Q: Is that what is buried off the coast of Scotland, the Isle of Man, in that region?

A: No, at least not the whole puzzle.

Q: Am I at all correct in pinning this location down, so that I ought to work on the further project of getting some detailed maps to get even closer?

A piece is there.

Q: Is there also a piece in Rhineland proper, as in Germany or France?

A: Maybe...

Q: How many pieces are there? Seven? Seven Horseheads... ?

A: No more clues on that. Good night.

Certainly possible the finger lakes are a plasma physics creation and there could certainly be more physics related to Ark's work. Keuka Lake, Horseheads, and Rochester are in the native Iroquois lands. One Iroquois tribe is the Oneida tribe and members of that tribe getting moved to Wisconsin is responsible for Rhinelander being in a county named Oneida.
The name Oneida is the English mispronunciation of Onyota'a:ka. Onyota'a:ka means "People of the Standing Stone". The identity of the People of the Standing Stone is based on a legend in which the Oneida people were being pursued on foot by an enemy tribe. The Oneida people were chased into a clearing within the woodlands and suddenly disappeared. The enemy of the Oneida could not find them and so it was said that these people had turned themselves into stones that stood in the clearing.
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