Happy 20th anniversary for the C's!!!

What a week this has been!

Happy Anniversary C's, and thanks to Laura, Ark, the entire Crew at the Chateau for all the wonderful years of learning.
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Echo Blue said:
What a week this has been!

Happy Anniversary C's, and thanks to Laura, Ark, the entire Crew at the Chateau for all the wonderful years of learning.
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Indeed! Happy Anniversary!!! :bacon: :cheer:
Thank you C's, happy birthday, but big thank you to Laura and the Chateau for the 90% perspiration.
20 years. Wow! 20 years of sweat and hard work. :) Thank you for persisting, for all the knowledge spread & shared through the years. I've always remember "there's no free lunch!" And if I think it is, I'm lunch. Hehe. Can't thank you all enough...
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! We could/would not "be" who "we" are 2day without your willingness, energies and resources. As a facilitator for the rest of us, 1000 Thank You's for allowing us to be on this journey with The C's and You all as our guides & guideposts. Thank you for providing this forum which empowers and enlightens and strengthens our resolve to continue our evolution in a positive manner. :cool:
What a lovely and wonderful idea and way to celebrate all that has transpired since 20 years ago!

Books are being ripped off the production line thick and fast now - so much blood sweat and tears but hopefully more readership and more income for the many may projects that now stand for FOTCM.

Who would have dreamed to come so far and have uncovered so much and righted so many lies o give the Truth what it deserves. Totally mind blowing.

Quite a few doors have suddenly opened for me too recently, especially today that I am totally in awe of he Universe. Would I have seen/heard these opps if I didn't connect the dots and have the relevant training? Forever grateful.

With the advent of the wave I truly think/feel its effects are happening in a positive way around me. Hearing from Julius Caesar is the icing on the cake - totally incredible times.

:perfect: :rockon: :dance: :bacon: :cheer: :clap:

Happy celebrations everyone!
Happy anniversary !!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :perfect: :perfect:
i can't wait to order mine too,

Thank you so much Laura for sharing this information.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge all this years!

Session 17 May 2014

(L) Okay, anything else on that?

A: Many people are not fully aware of the amount of labor that goes and has gone into this network. For this reason they tend not to value lifetimes of work that go into presenting the fundamental lessons of your reality. And, if they do not see the value and return adequate energy, they find blocks in their path.
Happy Anniversary! :flowers: :bacon: I didn't know all the posted transcripts were being made into a book! It's kind of like The Wave extended version. ;)
I just ordered the hard copy from Amazon and found out that if you buy the hard copy you can get the Kindle edition for $1.99. So I can start reading right away.
Laura said:
I should warn ya'll that my commentary is sort of "no holds barred" and is me looking back over twenty years with what I know now compared to what I didn't know then.

Well this aught to be good! ;D
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