How do you know or tell if you might be descendant of an Ancient line?



Hello everyone-This is my third post, I am new to these forums and really enjoy reading all the lively discussions that are taking place on so many different levels. I also have noticed that there are a lot of new members and that is awesome.

I have been reading the material on this site for about a year now and finally took the plunge and came on in. I have not had as tough a time as some of you-but I really feel like I got "railroaded" early in life and missed out on a lot of what I should have done by now to get out of 3rd Density. The thought of having to do this all over again-even though we don't remember we are doing it all over again...well we are all in the same boat more or less. But I have a question and maybe someone out there can help me with this.

I have never had past life regression therapy or even been hypnotized (unless you count sitting in State Government class with a teacher that talks in a complete monotone...zzzzzzz) and I have posted in the dream section about some of the bad dreams I used to have as a child-and still do on rare occasion-but I digress.

This is kind of dream related-but it is so much more than that. I had an experience back in the Seventies when I was in the Navy that blew me away. I have always been interested in UFO's, psi, other worlds/ dimensions and so on- I was born in 1954 and have noted that there was major UFO activity then and on through the sixties-do not know if I have ever been abducted-maybe still am once in a while?

Back to my story which leads into my question- We were out at sea-I was a gunners mate missles-engaged in a big war games type excercise which called for multiple missle launches and gun drills and firing excercises. My general quarters station was down in the after magazine where the projectiles and powders are kept. During the excercises the hatch down into the magazine is closed-and the air in there is pretty close. There are approximately 6-7 men in there and there is no ventilation.

Here is the best part-the gun powders (they are large metal cyliders that look like big cartridges for a revolver-without the bullet-it has a heavy cork plug instead) fill the air with ether fumes-which is used to make the powder pellets. So we were locked up in this room with basically an anesthetic atmosphere to breathe.

We were down there for hours-and had to load the guns repeatedly-the projectiles weigh 75 pounds each and are loaded by hand into the loader drum-and the powders follow which weigh around 40 pounds each. By days end we were exhausted and felt like crap.

So I went to my rack (bed) and was soon lulled asleep-it did not take much -by the rocking of the ship-and at some point-I was suddenly aware I was somewhere else- and this is the freakiest part-I was totally aware I was in this place-NOT asleep-and I KNEW it was Gettysburg during the Civil War! I had absolutely no interest in the Civil War and still do not to this day-so to find myself suddenly there was really a shocker. But the strange thing is I knew I was there because I was supposed to be.

This was no mere dream. I could feel it was hot-the air was full of smoke and dust-you could not see more than a few feet ahead. I could hear the crack of musket fire, the boom of cannons and shrill whistling of the shells and crash as they exploded. I could hear men screaming and cursing and crying out in pain. I was THERE. I could see myself-and I had on a Confederate uniform!
I was born in OHIO (but now live in Georgia-ain't that weird!) and may have been a lower officer, like a Lieutenant. What happened next has stayed with me ever since. I was behind something-like a fallen tree or log which we were using as cover-there was a man to my right with a rifle. He fired his rifle and ducked down to reload-and I peered over top of the log to try and see what was going on-and could see virtualy nothing except hazy shapes of men running around and occasional flashes of orange flame from musket fire-when all of a sudden something hit me right in the forehead really really hard-I felt myself fall backwards and just kept on falling-and slammed right into my body back on the ship! I mean I actually rebounded right up off the matress, like I had falled from a great height.

I was soaked in sweat and breathing like I had just run a marathon race. This was just a mind blowing experience. I have always had a belief in something like reincarnation and have had other episodes similar but not so intense as that one.

I am really into swords (I own three real swords-not wall hangers) but have no desire to hurt anyone. My most recent aquisition is a Japanese katana-and I have developed a real interest in learning Japanese swordsmanship.

Now here is my question (sorry for the digressions) Why, if I am supposed to be working on rising to Fourth Density, where swords would obviously be useless-would I get this urge? I feel somehow I have ALWAYS been a warrior of some kind-or a person with really agressive tendencies. I dreamed that I was a soldier or someone back in the Dark Ages and got into a sword fight-I remember getting a cut on my hand and then nothing-so I apparently lost that fight- a gunslinger in the old west and got shot in the head in a bar room brawl-a gangster in the twenties and got shot in the gut and died in a barn-and a soldier in Word War II-and got mowed down by Japanese machine gun fire.

I also saw myself as an old man in a kitchen-and died at the kitchen table-and remember quite clearly leaving that body and floating up to the ceiling-and then rushing through stars and nebulae only to return to this present body.

I guess my question is-how do we know what is a valid experience and what is just some cosmic static?

I truly believe when we are asleep that we actually wander in many places - and what we call dreams in many instances is really taking place in that space you are in at that time. We can easily communicate with our other selves and see our lives in those places /times.

This may also expose us to other denizens of the dimensional planes (not necessarily human and not necessarily nice) I have had this experience also-where I will actually "step into" another person and become that person-quite unintentionally!

I had one episode where I was suddenly some guy in a factory and was expected to run this machine-but I had not a clue what I was supposed to do! And everyone was looking at me asking if I was allright? I made some excuse and said I had to go to the washroom and on my way there (it was upstairs in this factory-how I knew this is a mystery-or not ;) but as I was going up the stairs I just kind of "left" the guy's body and he just kind of blinked and said (something profane) how the bleep did he get there? I saw this as I floated away and suddely woke up as "me" again.

I also saw myself in the future - in the year 3030-in the city of New Houston. I know that because I am /will be the administrator of the city! And we have teleportation stations that can bring beings in from just about anywhere in the galaxy.The city of New Houston is built on the ruins of the old city, which was destroyed in some sort of cataclysm (oh oh!) There is a shining body of water-part of the Gulf of Mexico-and the city sprawls around it. There are trees (tropical-the climate is very much like Florida or South America) almost jungle like.

I live in a high rise building and you can step right through the wall onto an elevator (through a door-not THROUGH the wall) and ride it to whatever floor to visit friends or whatever. You can also catch it off your balcony.

If I am supposed to go to Fourth Density why would I see myself still in Third in a distant future?

I am not agressive in this life (although I do have an Irish temper!) which leads me back to this-I am of Irish descent on both my Mother anf Fathers side of the family-my Mothers real mother (who was killed in an unfortunate accident) was Scottish-so the Celtic blood runs in the family. All of the men in the family have really bad tempers-and real strong pregidous feelings. And I cannot speak for my brothers, but when I get angry I get REAL HOT-I mean I give off tangible heat.

I remember reading that when the ancient Celts went into battle many went stark naked-because they got so HOT they could not tolerate clothing. I cannot imagine running into a battle where lots of real sharp things are going to be coming at you without some kind of armor or protection-but I have experienced this heat and know exactly how it feels.

Even now I have to sleep on top of the covers-or tear my shoes off at work because I get so darn hot. Does the Kantekian lineage still exist? How could one tell if they are descended from this lineage?

I have done some research on Irish surnames but haven't really learned much and I don't have the funds to have a real go at looking up my past ancestors. Might not like what I find-I have learned that the Irish were horribly abused and taken advantage of when they came to America to escape the ravages of the potato famine (and yes for the record I love potatoes-and bag pipes! :) and swords :( ???? So, bottom line-how do we know and is it even important to know?Perhaps this love affair with swords is lingering past life "debris"? Anyone?
tschai said:
I guess my question is-how do we know what is a valid experience and what is just some cosmic static?
Let me share a dream I had in 1988. I was somehow searching for something when I realized that people were chasing me (so far normal dream). I found myself in a lighthouse running up a spiral staircase with a bunch of secret service people in trenchcoats and pistols after me. When I got to the top of the light house I turned to confront my persuers. Just then an oval hole opened in mid air next to me and a petite brunette with short hair and a midnight blue full body suit of some kind of spandex popped out. She told me there was no time, and that she had things to show me.

She pulled me through the hole and we ended up in a desert war scene with jeeps swerving as mortar shells were falling left and right. The clothes the soldiers were wearing looked like desert storm material. She said: "This is your near future", which I gathered somehow to be prior to 2020, but closer to the beginning of the new century.

She waved a hand and opened another hole and took me through. She said: "And this is a farther future", she mentioned some date that could have been 2025 or 2250, that part was fuzzy. But she said that farther future resulted from the nearer one. She left me there, saying she was much farther down the time line. In that farther future, I was in the Amazon in some kind of research colony performing genetic experiments.

The community was a bunch of these large saucer-shaped habitats that could be at ground level or raised to a height of several hundred feet along a central tower. The place looked like a park with large ponds and these buildings. There was a brontosaurus in one pond chewing plants, and other animals that were difficult to define. The sun was setting and over to one side there was a road leading to some mine where genetically engineered miners worked. These were 7ft gorillas with the heads of horses that had human proportions, but were very muscular carrying sacks to one side of the community where there was some kind of refinery.

I found someone in white coveralls, who assumed I was just part of the community, as I told him I was doing some report for school or something. He told me they were testing new slaves as many humans were sick and could not work. Apparently this place was a permanent community away from it all with the families of researchers, who were well-off and considered themselves lucky to be there. I woke up after a bit more exploring.

The thing is, vivid as this experience was, I had seen and read about military exercises in the Mojave desert in preparation for some war in the Middle East, so I could have been influenced by that. Or perhaps that information triggered a real experience. The thing is, in my view, you really cannot for sure tell the difference between an experience and static, aside from how it impacts you, if it changes you or your life in some way, or if you can reach a new level of understanding because of it. In other words, how useful is it and what if anything do you get out of it?

The dream I had above may have been real to a great extent, but it really didn't affect me other than present a possibility that I could have easily imagined in much greater detail than I could have imagined. Whether real or not, you can consider all of these dreamtime experiences of one degree or another.

Regarding the future zone experiences, there may be future-like parallel probabilities that may correspond to our future if things went on their merry way. They might or might not even be physical as our world, but patterns of potential in the same dreamtime that holds memories of the past. The collective of humanity dreams, and dreams can be of what was or what could be. To the dreamer both are real, and far more than personal.

The Civil War experience you mentioned, for example, was induced by lack of oxygen in the brain more than likely as such experiences often are, but all that means is that the brain went on overdrive trying to compensate and may have triggered something real.

In the case of past lives, what matters is not so much the details but the overall theme, and in your case it seems to be a warrior theme. The battle heat reveals a genetic structure compatible with this direction, and supporting it. The question is: what is a true warrior? As far as past lives are concerned knowing yourself as a warrior from all directions may give you an opportunity to understand what that means, and why such a direction exists.

Just because we know warriors in terms of weapons and violence does not mean that is the ultimate truth about them. What is true is that the mode reveals a determination and energy to confront the odds. Maybe warriors have been snowed over the ages to divert their energies to serve destructive purposes, and in so doing rarely could step back and see how they could apply themselves in a more creative fashion. Maybe there is more than one way to fight, and destruction under the guise of protection where people are forced into choices with no way out of them is just a trap.

Maybe a challenge is to get out of that trap, of having no other choice but to kill, and apply the energy differently not in the sense of choosing different targets, but addressing the issues that put warriors in lose-lose situations. The challenge of revelations in one's deeper nature, whether you want to interpret it psychologically or through past lives, astral travel and temporal transport, is precisely learning to identify the debris and also what that debris covers over.
I agree with Eso and would like to add that you seemed to recall alot of being a warrior and then dieing as the warrior. The dieing over and over again might be meant to signal that this is what happens to those who engage in combat. Even the skilled warrior, who wins many battles, will eventually fall to a superior foe. This life and death bit is cyclical and to get out of it you must take steps in a new direction, unless of course you enjoy the redundency.

Hello to EsoQuest and Cyre2067-Thanks guys for the input.

Yeah the redundancy issue is rather plain and I think that is why (thank goodness!) I was directed by my innerself??? to get over it and move forward already! Like it is about time we stop this crap and do something a wee bit more productive than getting ourselves (when you think about it, it's really not just YOU now is it?) killed.

I wrote another note to EsoQuest but logged out before sending it-so it is lost in cyber limbo. Dooohhh! I shouldn't stay up until 2:00 am on the computer...but I think the computer is a real good outlet for agressive tendencies-but of course it has draw backs.

I am a real big fan of First Person Shooters (for shame!!!) especially UnReal Tournament-and I am 51 years old! But I do not look that old at all.So all my "battles" take place on the computer screen and I can walk away unscathed-win or lose. Which of course leaves me alive for more worthwhile pursuits like getting the heck out of Third Density-but let me ask another question-how do we know Fourth is going to be "better"?

I can just hear the C's saying "subjective" or all our favorite "Wait and See!!" And when we "go" that is IF we "go" will we have to endure this stupid "veil" thing again where we won't remember diddly and have to learn our way around from Fourth density equivalent of babyhood-or worse-something like a slime mold or parasite(Hey I'll hook onto a Lizard and cause some real grief! Harr!) and gotta work up from there?

I have read the Wave and go back to it over and over to look up things (the on-line series-I keep meaning to order the books...sorry!) but I do not recall if the C's ever really mention this in particular? I know they say something like you create your reality, all restrictions are removed and-all of your bones come unhinged or unglued and you literally go to it sounds real interesting-but with our purely 3rd D senses and way of thinking it is almost impossible to imagine what we are so anxiously trying to achieve here, without really knowing what it is we are trying to achieve!

I mean what if we get there and it turns out to be the 4th D equivalent of an empty parking lot or something?One thing I found is that if you go and look up something that the C's have talked about you can usually find references-but there are some things that are just not verifiable-and they often say that their information can be colored by "static" or a poor channel connection and so forth-or that the information was"correct at the moment it was transmitted but that conditions are "variable" and can change-like gasoline prices or the weather in Chicago.

One thing that has been brought up many times is that we are in large part paying for the sins of Atlantis-and this goes back to this past life deal-we have no concrete proof of the existence of Atlantis-although the C's say that such evidence does exist and is being supressed by so called "historical experts" which I fully believe to be an accurate statement.

There are probably all kinds of really extraordinary artifacts hidden away in such places as the Smithsonian Institute and Cairo Museum and I have heard the VATICAN has a real treasure trove of priceless artifacts and ooparts that pretty much confirm man's extraterrestrial liason (and possibly origin) But why do WE have to pay for the bad karma of an ancient race we had nothing to do with?

Apparently the Atlanteans were pretty busy extending their influence around the planet (hmmmm-what really UNPOPULAR country does this remind us of?) and not everything they did was for the good of one and all. Greed and corruption (gee-that sounds awfully familiar too) was just as much a part of their downfall as it will be in ours.

But how is our moving to 4th D going to offset the bad karma? I have always been really interested in Atlantis-and know somehow that it does exist-but will we ever know that before the whole shooting match goes to hell in a hand basket? Is it IMPORTANT that we know? Would things change drastically if we suddenly had proof of the existence of Atlantis?I think that would be almost as earth shattering (to some circles) as the definitive proof of extraterrestrials. Any thoughts on this?
tschai, could you go in and edit your posts and put in paragraph spaces? My eyes are really failing and I have difficulty reading if all the text is run together. Thanx.
I have edited my last message-I hope the indents are enough-if not I will re-edit. My eyes are not so good either and this tiny script can play havoc on the 'ol retinas. If you want me to go back and do my others I can. Thanks.
tschai said:
My eyes are not so good either and this tiny script can play havoc on the 'ol retinas.
Tschai - try to use some browser with the zoom feature implemented - Opera or Firefox will do. This way you can adapt the text size appropriately for your needs.
I think Laura meant it would be good to put blank line between particular trains of thought, like this:
Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text.

Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text.
Thanks jOda-I have been thinking about using Firefox-especially since MS will be releasing yet another version of their wonderful (ahem) browser-I bet the sucker is not out a week and will need a billion patches. I actually had to put a larger hard drive in my machine at home because their stinking security patches were taking up almost as much room as the OS! I will go back and put spaces between the text. Thanks again.
dia duit Tschai,
I've had to consider a reply to your post because of some striking similarities between we two.And I'm afraid I'm going to have to blather somewhat.
I have a thing about hot feet too-usually keep them outside the bedclothes unless it's deep winter and I love potatoes and bagpipes too
I'm 54 soon, though have been mistaken for mid 30's recently.
I come from a pedominantly Irish background with a touch of Scottish and a little part of borderer English. My various family lines moved to the antipodes in the period immediately after the Great Shame (the Famine).Most of the Irish came from the Southwest- Cork, Kerry, Limerick and Waterford (yep that's in the south rather than south west)
They're a strange lot.Very eccentric. Then there is the Sight that runs in the family line. Grandmother (Scots and Irish) on my father's side. Mother, and sister who is about ten years younger than I, and self.
Both my sister and I had major wake ups in the mid 1970's. Mine, though I live on the opposite side of the world to Ireland, was distinctly Celtic, which in that time and that place was not to be expected: the Celtic revival has only taken place in recent years in that country and the Irish or Irish descended were marginalised by the largely English derived majority.Still are.
As children most of us were in lots of fist fights, even my sister, as a result of this anti-Irish sentiment.The family was quite respectable-no alchohol problems,for example and regular churchgoers, with an emphasis on higher education going back to the hedge school days, but everyone had terrible tempers. My mother is the only person I've ever seen foam at the mouth when angry, and she is a sweet wee thing usually.
I think coming from the southwest region of Ireland may explain something.
Several years ago I met an Irish woman who came from the area and she told me she'd been crowned Queen of the May in a clandestine midnight ceremony which the local priest knew about but drew his curtains on.From her description,which she went into in some detail , it was an authentic pre Christian event.
She and I had an affinity, in fact, a physical likeness-certain characteristics of facial structure etc. and quite close in some ways to my sister's looks as well as temperament (basically: fierce even ferocious), Something genetic there at least.

Without going into details both my sister and I participated in a spiritual Mission between the mid 70's and the late 90's.This too had a very strong Celtic flavour: I once correlated the Irish surnamed participants and place of origin :most were based within a 30 mile radius in the southwest, some literally the next village.

So, hypothesis: as well as a reincarnating soul group there is a close genetic link based in a fairly remote area which would probably apply to other remote areas as well.
During the Mission (which I may write a book about some day) both my sister and myself as well as the others clashed with some fairly heavy dudes.
Just seemed to pop up out of the wordwork in a continous stream. Now ain't that familiar to some!
There were fundie Christians and Satanists -leading to the really hilarious situation of being on both groups' hitlists at the same time: being on a list of "known Satanists" at the local fundie radio station, whilst being stalked, threatened and even poisoned by Satanists etc etc
On various occasions that Fire chi would light up.Things got quite physical sometimes.Once I was threatened by a dude much bigger than myself and after slamming him against a wall I told him if he wanted to eat breakfast in the morning to leave me alone.(blush)
He left and sometime later I saw him on top of a drunken (Irish) friend of mine punching him in the face. After establishing that Johnno didn't want this to be happening I lifted the guy very casually by the back of his jacket to his feet and just stood there with a "Well?" look.He postured then bolted.

Lesson:Fire chi is good both to protect youself and help friends sometimes.I didn't even hurt the guy.

The poison was dumped in my coffee by Satanists at my favourite coffee bar-and I burnt it off in half an hour and returned to confused looks from the perpetrators.

Lesson:Fire chi is good for what ails ye, and you don't necessarily have to go to the doc.

In fact I had quite a few events where objectively amazingly fast reactions turned on in time of danger as well as where chi and heat would pour out of me, with visible effect.
Literally stopping people in their tracks where their intent was to attack for example.

So where did all that come from?

Towards the end of my life in that country, I was in a truly dire situation.The business I had set up to market my Celtic jewellery had been ravaged by theft and treachery. I was broke, literally starving and being harrassed and stalked.
One night I did a really deep extended meditation to get to the root of all this,and "saw" myself as a lawman in the Arizona desert.Myy horse had collapsed under me and I was in deep trouble.
I was quite surprised. I'd never really considered reincarnation(reintarnation?) for some reason-probably because I really dislke New Agey pastelly bs and I'd put it in that category.
Well I survived the desert, but was later gut shot in a saloon and died thinking
"here we go again".(have we met tschai?):lol:
Then other past life experinces started popping up.In most the ones I can remember I died, usually horribly. Which for some strange reason I find really amusing: like one of those extended dsaster scenes in a Chaplin movie.
The last I remember was as a French Resistance fighter in WW2 and I was tortured to death wthout saying anything.
But the valuable experience gained!
The other lifetime strands seem to be Artist/Intellectual and Monk and with Warrior this encompasses the Law of Three or the triskele.
Artist; creation
Monk: contemplative balance
Warrior: destroyer
And destroying what exactly?
There are some occasions in which physical action is fully called for in defence of self or loved ones. On a larger scale I could cite the Athenian's defence of Europe and other regions when the Atlanteans invaded, or the Celts against the Romans,or the Irish response to the English (as seen in or the Templars against the RC Church or the Boxer rebellion (hmm had three lives as shaolin too apparently) or the Native Americans against the settlers.Or the Iraqis at present.
A case could be made that all these events are food for the Lizzies: but it may be that a lit up Cuchulainn or whoever in is in fact indigestible by the purity of his (or her) intent.
On a less physical level the art of being a warrior has many benefits too.
A clear sighted command of strategies and tactics so that one can *think* through situation as well as rely on gut feelings. An ability to see the interelatedness of seemingly disparate areas of knowledge.
Musahi is a good example of this: swordsmanship relates to poetry relates to house building. Even if he is a loon.
Last and not least physical courage:if transition to 4D from 3rd involves physical death well so be it.
Leading me in a meandery way to that part of your post.
In 3030 you've obviously put your accumulated skills to good use!
The question is is Houston in fact in 4D also?
It is not at all clear what 4D will be like, at least to me anyway,except for "variable physicality".
Or it could be that you're visiting from 4D to a 3D situation.According to the C's only STS has difficullty maintaining themselves when going from 4 to 3.Are you a 4D STO "walkin" or incarnate?
Being as objective about it as I can be I'd say there's a kind of inherent neutrality about the warriors's path as such; it can be pursued for Good Or Bad using the same sources of knowledge
This knowledge can be transmuted into other areas.
For instance I've made jewellery: at a certain point with some pieces I've faced the possibilty that if I don't get this very tricky brazing exactly right I'll ruin 30 hours of work.I go into a very similar state of relaxedness to when I've been faced with physical combat and it's worked perfectly.
Swords are similar... I've often felt I should be carrying swords, two in the old Japanese style.There's an allegorical side to them as well as their sheer beauty and utility.For me they manifest balance and precision in action, somewhat like a scalpel for a surgeon.
I think long term use of a sword would augment other seemingly unrelated abilities.
For example, the need to read body language,attuning the senses, attuning oneself to the opponent: this would be very useful in terms of reading people in situations not even remotely associated with combat.
I'll call it quits now as my mind is getting a little blunt

p.s. if you deep dive into the Irish bone memories I'm sure you'll find a lot of pain there. The patterns only seem to be lifting in my neice's and nephew's generation.
tschai said:
I wrote another note to EsoQuest but logged out before sending it-so it is lost in cyber limbo. Dooohhh! I shouldn't stay up until 2:00 am on the computer...but I think the computer is a real good outlet for agressive tendencies-but of course it has draw backs.
Well, if you remember what you wrote, and feel so inclined, don't hesitate to post it. Sometimes aggressive energy tends to disrupt electronic equipement. If your information had such energy behind it, it may be useful in terms of understanding.

Godot said:
The other lifetime strands seem to be Artist/Intellectual and Monk and with Warrior this encompasses the Law of Three or the triskele.
Artist; creation
Monk: contemplative balance
Warrior: destroyer
And destroying what exactly?
There are some occasions in which physical action is fully called for in defence of self or loved ones. On a larger scale I could cite the Athenian's defence of Europe and other regions when the Atlanteans invaded, or the Celts against the Romans,or the Irish response to the English (as seen in or the Templars against the RC Church or the Boxer rebellion (hmm had three lives as shaolin too apparently) or the Native Americans against the settlers.Or the Iraqis at present.
A case could be made that all these events are food for the Lizzies: but it may be that a lit up Cuchulainn or whoever in is in fact indigestible by the purity of his (or her) intent.
The point that was also mentioned earlier is the redundancy of being locked in endlessly repeating cycles where we find ourselves as part of the destructive show no matter how justified our direction is. It takes two to tango, and you well know, from your descriptions, that some people attract violence more than others, and often find themselves at the right place and right time for it. So there is an energy in the "karmic" warrior that resonates strongly with distruction whether as an attacker or defender.

The point is not to elliminate the energy, but redivert it so it does not support the dog and poney shows of destruction. After all, Iraqis may be the true defenders, but most of those invading really think they are doing the right thing. The leading psychopaths in every destructive act in history are always the minority. Everybody else is a contributing patsy with the best of intentions paving paths to hell over and over again. Without those misguided patsies the (usually armchair) psychopaths would have to fight their own battles and good riddance.

The justified warrior seems to come into the picture when destruction is a given and there is no other way. A challenge is issued and the challenge is met. Yet what good is all that strategic ability if it cannot transcend the alleged inevitability of such challenges?

All martial artists know that true success comes in avoiding the fight, and the true challenge lies in elliminating the causes rather than act in response to them. The ability to transcend the fight instead of engage in it is the mark of the accomplished warrior, the one whose task it is to make war ultimately redunant. All others are simply fighters. Easier said than done, but that's why they call it a karmic challenge.

Supposedly, the contemlative part of the triad you mentioned deals with inner causes, and the artist divert the energy creatively. The thing is that these aspects are rarely fused. Sometimes, and not rarely, you may have two out of three, but for true resolution all three must be as one. Then internal causes are addressed through contemplation, and the warrior energy is at hand to divert into the creative outlets of the artist who can then transcend craftsmanship and approach the level of creating truly powerful works.

Otherwise the monk deals with inner emptiness with no energy or substance, the warrior is locked in his predicament and the artist does not have the energy levels needed to truly empower his/her art.

The question then can arise, who will fight the attackers? The answer is that the energy raised by one individual inspires others to do the same. It creates a field of awareness that allows for the cultivation of alternatives not present or obvious before. It is the energy of violence, which is a manipulation and distortion of creative energy that leads people to destructive acts even though they would rather not have it so.

To counter this energy, another is needed. In the face of this energy those that love battle for the sake of fighting will not be able to infect others, and their numbers are too few with respect to those who are forced to fight, and as such provide the meat and potatoes of war, to make a difference with respect to far greater numbers. Because ultimately the ones who live for destruction are vampires and feed on the well-meaning to keep the energies of mayhem going. Alone they are nothing and that will be their ultimate fate in the scheme of things.
Hello Godot,

Thanks for that fine reply! I would not be at all surprised if we have met up sometime-I would hope as friends not as foes. Sounds like we would get along fine!

I have never been to Ireland and wish I could afford to go. The history is amazing. It is interesting you mention the triskele-I actually do have an artistic bend-in fact the avatar of Luke Skywalker on the tauntaun is one of my paintings. I am not real good but it serves a need to create and I like to draw and paint. I use an electronic paint program called dogwaffle. Perhaps that is why in this go round I am able to engage in The Work-because energy normally used in destructive endeavours is being channeled elsewhere.I am sure we will have more to discuss in future posts. Thanks to all for your help.
I was a little bit tired when I wrote my last post-but when am I not tired these days, working both at my day job and at getting my jewellery thing online?
Esoquest said:
The point that was also mentioned earlier is the redundancy of being locked in endlessly repeating cycles where we find ourselves as part of the destructive show no matter how justified our direction is. It takes two to tango, and you well know, from your descriptions, that some people attract violence more than others, and often find themselves at the right place and right time for it.
thanks for that comment Esoquest. In fact when I thought about my strange little journey last night I realised that in fact I've only been in one actual fistfight in the last 40 years or so. And if I had the chance to replay it I would run.(no, in fact I learnt something really vital from that one)
It's not so much that I'm violent by nature-hot headed yes-but the context, the country and culture I lived in was.In violent crimes statistics it's in all categories up there with South Africa, Russia and the U.S. The city I lived in has the highest male teen suicide rate in the developed world.Shortly before I left there were several extremely violent assaults.A gang comprised of about thirty or forty 13-15 year olds from respectable middle class families were staking out several city blocks late at night , spread out in small groups, and when suitable prey was spotted e.g. a couple returning home from a night out, they'd all converge on signal and do serious damage.Skull fractures etc.This'll give you some idea of the flavour of the place.
Irealised I used that Three symbolism in a possibly unusual way.I think I made my first triskele design maybe 18 years ago so it's part of my personal vocabulary, because it's meaning clicked as I worked with it. Much of what the C's have to say in the Celtic context is already familiar to me because of this background.
In the sense I used Monk... these were periods when I stepped, thankfully, out of the hurly burly for a while, for instance time spent in monasteries working on manuscripts, teaching kungfu to neophytes. etc times when I integrated and taught rather than acted.

The Warrior as destroyer. I don't mean that in a perjorative sense. for me Creation and Destruction are inherently balanced on all levels. Whenever something is created something is destroyed even if it is only the earlier form. A caterpillar becomes a butterfly: the caterpillar is destroyed.I have no regard for destruction for it's own sake, that's just ultimate death and entropy and the Lizzies and theirs are welcome to it.Thinking with a sword edge here!
I also think that power to destroy,if understood,manifests as the ability to create. My intuitive knowledge of pressure points and energy flows, from my shaolin days, is now put to use sometimes repairing the injuries of workmates (working in a library-one of my Monk periods!-is surprisingly hard on the body if you're reshelving books all day long)
That chi use ability also applies in less obvious areas which I won't go into here.My tongue too, can be quite sword like... I've always been renowned for my lacerating wit (and lack of modesty)
I quite agree too about "avoiding the fight and eliminating the causes" This is difficult one in practice as sometimes war comes alooking in it's crudest form.. and what do you do then?
That incident where I "slammed him up against a wall" etc. I was a microseceond away from getting seriously biffed, and he had a friend. I had him pinned, and briefly thought "you idiot, I've got your arms immobilised and if I wanted to could I could belt you in your exposed midriff and do a lot of damage".I used the rather chessy Arnie like line which just popped into my head as a Go Away tactic. Later when I lifted him off my friend I was really Hot and also did no damage, just got him off. The only real reason I mentioned it was as an example of Fire chi in action.One part of me was watching and thought " remarkable,you weigh a lot less than this guy and you picked him off the ground as though he weighed almost nothing."Truly, it felt like he weighed the same the same as a light bag of groceries. He and his friend freaked and ran away at this point.
Anyway work starts soon so I'd better get this finished.
Tschai :good to meet you! Have a fuuny feeling we've met before I'd like to apologise! I hope to get to Ireland too one day... I have a strange feeling I'll feel right at home. Gotta go
Sometimes this Forum surprises me, and this thread has done it again.
I was 'swanning about', in the Forum and happened upon this, as if it was meant for me.

Like Tschai, I was in the Navy, served in Vietnam, and I guess that makes me a Warrior.
I have been an Artist, having hung a work in an exhibition, and written poetry which ended up in the Library of Congress.
I became a musician, and played guitar in the local churches for twenty years, sang in the choir, and served at the altar, so I guess that makes me a Monk.
I also have the Celtic connection, coming from a red-haired family, with two Scottish grandmothers, and I have an Irish name!
And as for the body heat, as I type this I have my shoes kicked off..

The part about the ultimate Warrior was interesting, and I have a couple of examples of that:
When I was a recruit, I was given sentry duty. Two guys from an adjacent block decided I was fair game and grabbed me. They weren't to know that I was an excellent swimmer and had really strong arm muscles. I had them both in headlocks simultaneously, and did not let them go for at least a half hour, when they promised they would leave off.. so no further dramas from that.
Later on after one of the Vietnam trips, I was in Singapore at an outdoor cafe in Sembawang when a fight broke out between the Aussies and the Kiwis. About 1,000 people were throwing punches, I kid you not! I did not get involved, but made my way out of there via the perimeter of the compound. The Aussies lost that night.

So I felt I had to respond even though this is an old thread, and I know Tschai is watching.

Whether this makes me a descendant of an ancient line or not, who knows, but I felt a connection with the respondents to the thread at least, and in my mind I go back to the line of Noah - of the Ark. Not sure if he really existed though.
MusicMan said:
Whether this makes me a descendant of an ancient line or not, who knows, but I felt a connection with the respondents to the thread at least, and in my mind I go back to the line of Noah - of the Ark. Not sure if he really existed though.

Just a couple questions: I don't understand what makes one 'line' more ancient than another. Wouldn't all humans be descended from equally 'ancient' lines? And for you personally, MusicMan, if there's a question as to whether Noah existed or not (and he probably didn't - the bible is fiction), what would suggest to you that you go back to the "line of Noah"?
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