Is there something about us the Lizzies/grays are jealous of?


Jedi Master
Having read over a half dozen of the books from the quantum future publishing site, I had got to thinking of a topic tht seemed to stick in my mind.

If memory serves me correctly there was a Q&A session with the C's regarding what we are and how the overlords of entrophy control us through the grays. It was in this session or line of discussion that it was said by the C's that there is something bout us that the Lizies/Grays are jealous of or don't have.

At first I thought this had to be some amazing ability that we could in potential master. But then I realised that the grays/lizzies are capable of much more than we are in our physical shells, so I wondered what could it be that supposd higher beings would be jealous or afraid of enough to go to all there efforts (though many thing are effortless for them)......then it hit me...the C's have before told us that the Lizzies are a dying race because they are volountarily stuck in the fourth density control patter of feeding form lower beings...and that the grays are controlled by a kind of lizzie thought projection or overmind which acts as their soul...and it has been alluded to that the Lizzies themselves are onder the control of the Orion type STS forces.

So I thought maybe it's our ability to grow our own free will, which we can only do through the retention of knowledge, which helps protect us enough to make decisions based on free will outside of the STS control system. Could our ability to change our alignment or become a candidate for another alignment opposed to their own be so terrifying to them.....well if their race is already dying....then Im guessing they may need each and every one of us to propegate their race and keep them viable predators (you can't be a predator if you have nothing to feed on). Does anyone have an opinion of my belief that it may be the ability to choose not to be "food for the gods" is what I've heard refered to as the ability we posses that they fear?
“So I thought maybe it's our ability to grow our own free will, which we can only do through the retention of knowledge, which helps protect us enough to make decisions based on free will outside of the STS control system.”

I think you are right on target. The Lizies (or their Orion STS Overlords) believe in a creation myth of power and control (which naturally spirals all the way down the pyramid) thus they have cut themselves off the divine All-There-Is God-source and blocked their further ascension maybe even reversed it. True humans with their ability to love, feel compassion and empathy (STO traits in and STS dimension) are in fact free to make a decision towards ascension. Being not cut off from the God-source is the threat. So humans have to be cut down to their level (the psychopath-level) or devoured - one way or another.

Our edge: Well - you know…
Yes, it seems that in any case, if we give in to psychopaths and sink to their level, and that we are good at it, we will be on track for 4D STS, or something "like" it... I think we can give a good guess to what its like there, in terms of levels of psychopathy. If we aren't any good at being a psychopath, I guess we'll just be stuck in 3D STS, until we strengthen our choice. However, if we don't give into psychopaths, and try to stay positive (in the face of many things which try to make us feel negative), and work to becoming the complete opposite of a psychopath, that is, determine who is asking and help them in the best way possible, we can be on track for 4D STO, osit.

One of the things the C's once said, if I remember rightly, was that the greater the potential an individual has for positivity, the more they will be attacked, to try and keep that positivity down. To try and make them hate the world and want to shut it out.
Re: "If memory serves me correctly there was a Q&A session with the C's regarding what we are and how the overlords of entrophy control us through the grays. It was in this session or line of discussion that it was said by the C's that there is something bout us that the Lizies/Grays are jealous of or don't have."

I think we may actually be controlled through our own STS choices as well as our STS environment and our manipulated biology/genetics. The greys are merely transdimentional souless 'probes' connected directly to the Lizzies and created by them to do their bidding. They are a form of transdimentional biological Lizzie projection.

It would not surprise me is the 4D STS Lizzies see NO alternative to their entropic lifestyle. They simply would not be able to SEE STO, even if it was staring them in the face. To them, it doesn't exist and this is their only weakness from our point of view - their inability and unwillingness to 'see' as much as STO does.

I don't beleive they are jealous of us. We are just chickens and this is our coup. The Lizzies are exploiting us. That doesn't mean that we can't be dangerous and threatening to them (just like our 2nd Density bretheren can be to us upon occassion).
First Off. Thankyou each and all for your replies on this topic, its something that has been kind a reccuring thought and nagging at me to try and find an answer.

"The Lizies (or their Orion STS Overlords) believe in a creation myth of power and control (which naturally spirals all the way down the pyramid) thus they have cut themselves off the divine All-There-Is God-source and blocked their further ascension maybe even reversed it." - FIFTH WAY

This is basically putting into beter words what I was hinting at. The C's have made comment about the Lizzies being a dying race and needing to complete the feeding cycle to I can see now more clearly how having any number of their human-batterys simply wake up from the matrix (even a small amount) could really damage them, even if unintentionaly through choosing to act in favour of creation/being and not in favour of entrophy/control of creation.

"One of the things the C's once said, if I remember rightly, was that the greater the potential an individual has for positivity, the more they will be attacked, to try and keep that positivity down. To try and make them hate the world and want to shut it out." - RUSS

I agree totally with your assessment of sinking to the level of the psycopath. I was just the other day discussing with a friend how it seems those who have less emotions and more psycopathic traits are the ones who seem to rise against the odds and work the best in this world. Yet on the flip side the people who care and hold things like honesty and love as higher ideals usually end up suffering for there beliefs and ways of living. Your text quoted above also struck a cord with me as I have fought through life on many occasions and become so distressed, lonley and to be honest just plain confused at why the world didn't work and why I kept seeing it. This really crystalized in my thoughts and words around the age of 14-15 and I would forever spend night with my friend ranting about a world tha didn't work the way were told it does. We were seeing lies, hate, gred and selfishness everywhere (especially within ourselves) around us, in the people we were interacting with and the greater world. We knew things weren't working, and we felt that thing needed to change...however we didnt know how, or if anyone really could change the endless negativity. I guess thats just a small part of the resons Im here, still trying to find out how, why and how to help if theres any use/help I can be.

"I don't beleive they are jealous of us. We are just chickens and this is our coup. The Lizzies are exploiting us. That doesn't mean that we can't be dangerous and threatening to them (just like our 2nd Density bretheren can be to us upon occassion)." - RUTH

I like your perspective. I think you are right that while we sit in the coup, we've given the entrophic thoughform the right to do as they wish as the lords and master of this particular coup. Your also correct that we can choose to make ourselves threatening or dangerous towards them....but what I think I meant was that the "real humans" who are out there are by the very nature of being born into this world and simply by being here a threat to the system...and from my learning and reading so far into Laura's work and life story the system of control seems to have taken a mighty big interest in Lauras life from an early age....before Laura had channeled the Gnosis to protect herslef from the STS manipulators and become as great a threat to their plans as she is now, so why all the interest at such a young age? I think the "real humans" are born a threat and this is why so much extra attention that the C's have told us about is given to those who are the greatest threat....Dr Karla Turner suffered from intense STS attention and may possibly have been killed because of the level of threat to their plans she we know that the Lizzies do focus more on some people here than others...and Im thinking its partly because they were born a threat by the very nature of their being.

Phew I hope that wasnt to much of a rant for anyone :)
Appollynon said:
If memory serves me correctly there was a Q&A session with the C's regarding what we are and how the overlords of entrophy control us through the grays. It was in this session or line of discussion that it was said by the C's that there is something bout us that the Lizies/Grays are jealous of or don't have.

At first I thought this had to be some amazing ability that we could in potential master. But then I realised that the grays/lizzies are capable of much more than we are in our physical shells, so I wondered what could it be that supposd higher beings would be jealous or afraid of enough to go to all there efforts (though many thing are effortless for them)......then it hit me...the C's have before told us that the Lizzies are a dying race because they are volountarily stuck in the fourth density control patter of feeding form lower beings...and that the grays are controlled by a kind of lizzie thought projection or overmind which acts as their soul...and it has been alluded to that the Lizzies themselves are onder the control of the Orion type STS forces.

So I thought maybe it's our ability to grow our own free will, which we can only do through the retention of knowledge, which helps protect us enough to make decisions based on free will outside of the STS control system. Could our ability to change our alignment or become a candidate for another alignment opposed to their own be so terrifying to them.....well if their race is already dying....then Im guessing they may need each and every one of us to propegate their race and keep them viable predators (you can't be a predator if you have nothing to feed on). Does anyone have an opinion of my belief that it may be the ability to choose not to be "food for the gods" is what I've heard refered to as the ability we posses that they fear?

Could the following excerpts be what you're referring to?

From session #94-11-07:

Q: (L) Are you ready for our questions?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) I would like to know what is the origin and meaning of the Biblical story of the "mark of Cain"? Was it a physical mark?
A: Knot at top of spine.
Q: (L) Do you mean like a humpback?
A: No. Signified.
Q: (L) Was it a physical knot on top of the spine?
A: Is yours and all others. Feel your head.
Q: (L) The occipital ridge?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Well if I have it does it mean that I am a murderer?
A: No. More superstitions spread by brotherhood.
Q: (L) Well, what did the mark of Cain signify?
A: Jealousy.
Q: (L) Jealousy of whom?
A: All humans.

From session #94-11-26:

Q: (L) The other night we were talking about the "Mark of Cain" and I lost part of the tape. I would like to go back over that a little bit more at this time. What
was the true event behind the story of the "Mark of Cain?"
A: Advent of jealousy.
Q: (L) What occurred to allow jealousy to enter into human interaction?
A: Lizard takeover.
Q: (L) Wasn't the Lizard takeover an event that occurred at the time of the fall of Eden?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was this story of Cain and Abel part of that takeover?
A: Symbolism of story.
Q: (L) This was symbolic of the Lizzie takeover, the advent of jealousy, and the attitude of brother against brother, is that correct?
A: Partly. The mark of Cain means the "jealousy factor" of change facilitated by Lizard takeover of earth's vibrational frequency. Knot on spine is physical residue of DNA restriction deliberately added by Lizards. See?
I think here they're talking about human jealousy towards other humans and where that originated, I don't remember the C's ever saying that any 4th densities were specifically *jealous* of us (I may be wrong). I personally don't perceive 4th density STS's stance towards us to involve jealousy, as we understand it. I think it's more of pure greed, and it's not so much that we have something that makes them all jealous of us, but that they want certain things, and we just happened to have (or be) what they want, like a resource. So it's probably not so much about "it's not fair" but more about "I want!", osit.

Quoting from Laura says:

And we see that the ultimate aim of the STS hierarchy, is to MASTER creative energy. To assimilate it to the self, to deprive others of it by inducing them to believe lies about "becoming One." Because, when you believe the lie of the STS deceiver, you have given him control of your Free Will - the essence of Creativity.
The Hermetic maxim again: Economics of light energy above, and economics of control of minds and will below. They want to use humanity's own creative energy to "lock" our planet under their domination.
I think what Laura says here, which seems to correspond to what you (Apollynon) also said, is highly likely to be true, and that 4th density STS are in a "bind" - they want to use creative energy as a resource, without actually becoming creative and STO themselves - basically, they want a free lunch.

We have the potential to use creative energy without destroying ourselves, by aligning ourselves with it, not controlling or mastering it. For them it is much more difficult, since they already solidified their choice of entropic and STS existance, so now they just want to continue playing in the mud but without getting dirty. In the RA channeling, it said that it is in fact easier for 4th density to switch from STS to STO than it is for us, because they have more knowledge/understanding. But I think that knowledge only helps them achieve the machinations of how to actually go about making that choice and what it involves - but what they lack is the will to actually break away from the system, to completely and irreversably alter their entire way of existance. So it seems that they use OUR creative will to do THEIR bidding. So in that sense, it is actually much more difficult for them to switch to STO than it is for us, I think.

But I disagree on another point with you, I'm not sure if knowledge alone is enough to grow free will. I think knowledge grows free will potential, where the more you know, the more you CAN do potentially, but it doesn't automatically lead to DOing anything. I mean, 4th density STS are pretty full of knowledge of all sorts, in fact, they know more than we can even begin to fathom, but yet, they lack creative free will, they instead sap ours.

I could be wrong, but to me it seems that empathy is an essential element in free will, and the creative process in general. It is what separates psychopaths from everyone else, and it is possibly what separates STS from STO. And I think we can literally grow empathy, because we're all psychopathically "conditioned" by the official culture, and we can often catch ourselves doing some selfish and psychopathic things, or perhaps even more importantly, NOT doing things because of lack of empathy - being apathetic. But after a certain amount of Work and Effort, we can make our empathy literally rise, our sense of responsibility for humanity grow, and our STO potential begins to steadily actualize as well.

The question I'm trying to understand is, would there be STO without empathy as a driving force? What is it that makes somebody care about somebody else, what is this "empathy" thing? Perhaps I am looking at it wrong as well, perhaps empathy is not a "driving force" that leads to STO, but perhaps it is inseparable from STO, it is simply part of the definition itself, not a cause.

I don't know, just some thoughts I thought I'd share!
ScioAgapeOmnis said:
We have the potential to use creative energy without destroying ourselves, by aligning ourselves with it, not controlling or mastering it. For them it is much more difficult, since they already solidified their choice of entropic and STS existence, so now they just want to continue playing in the mud but without getting dirty. In the RA channeling, it said that it is in fact easier for 4th density to switch from STS to STO than it is for us, because they have more knowledge/understanding. But I think that knowledge only helps them achieve the machinations of how to actually go about making that choice and what it involves - but what they lack is the will to actually break away from the system, to completely and irreversably alter their entire way of existance. So it seems that they use OUR creative will to do THEIR bidding. So in that sense, it is actually much more difficult for them to switch to STO than it is for us, I think.

But I disagree on another point with you, I'm not sure if knowledge alone is enough to grow free will. I think knowledge grows free will potential, where the more you know, the more you CAN do potentially, but it doesn't automatically lead to DOing anything. I mean, 4th density STS are pretty full of knowledge of all sorts, in fact, they know more than we can even begin to fathom, but yet, they lack creative free will, they instead sap ours.

I could be wrong, but to me it seems that empathy is an essential element in free will, and the creative process in general. It is what separates psychopaths from everyone else, and it is possibly what separates STS from STO. And I think we can literally grow empathy, because we're all psychopathically "conditioned" by the official culture, and we can often catch ourselves doing some selfish and psychopathic things, or perhaps even more importantly, NOT doing things because of lack of empathy - being apathetic. But after a certain amount of Work and Effort, we can make our empathy literally rise, our sense of responsibility for humanity grow, and our STO potential begins to steadily actualize as well.

The question I'm trying to understand is, would there be STO without empathy as a driving force? What is it that makes somebody care about somebody else, what is this "empathy" thing? Perhaps I am looking at it wrong as well, perhaps empathy is not a "driving force" that leads to STO, but perhaps it is inseparable from STO, it is simply part of the definition itself, not a cause.

I don't know, just some thoughts I thought I'd share!
Hi there ScioAgapeOmnis,

Thanks for the lengthy reply, it's clear you've given this a great deal of thought. Unfotunately the quote from the C's transcripts is not the part of the C's session I was reffering to....I will endevour to find the text in the next day or two using a search facility on the text I have.

I agree that we have the ability to align ourselves with STO and the creative force and that we can only really do this by letting go of our wishfull thinking and control over creation.

To be honest Im also really glad you disagree with me that knowledge on its own is not enough to truly protect ourselves, although it may be enough on its own to simply increase the potential for free will. I think that on relflection your closer to the truth than Iam, regarding the need for empathy.

For my part in this world and part of my story, you could say that whilst in my youth from the age of 0-roughly 15-16yrs old I was your average garden variety psychopath, and quite a disturbed and troubled teen at war with the wolrd around him. For years I walked a dark path of manipulation and control, and a will to dominate others to my own ends.....before I had aged to 15 - 16yrs of age I literally had very few emotions and didn't have what people generally regard as a consience, I could seem to hurt others and only feel the pleasure for inflicting pain, and not the hurt you would feel when empathising. As I got older something strange happened that I did'nt understand at the time, and still don't know, but I started to feel other peoples emotins and my own. I started to feel guilt for the first time and a sense of being at odds with myself, the more I tried to hurt other people, the worse I felt, unitll I stopped deliberateley hurting people around me and started to study them more closely.

What I learnt through years of study after to the point Im at now would I guess confirm more about knowledge needing to be accopmanied with a certain level of empathy for someone to be able to use knowledge in a way so as to work in favour of creation through yourself and that creative will.

For me I guess part of the reason that the work Laura has done with the C's regarding the control system and how it plays out through our density is so menaingful to me is that it confirms all the sign and things I'd been seeing and picking up on before I started to assimilate a great deal more truth through Laura's, Ark's and the SOTT's work. Part of the reason I say this is that I believe that at times I have been able to almost dicern the likelihood of events in peoples lives based on my, if you like empathic ability to see the driving emotions and reasons behind people's everyday actions. What I've seen is a grand scale feeding mechanism between loved ones and family memebers alike that confims the feeding nature of the STS realm we populate. I can almost feel in advance when an attack through someone in my midst is brewing around me, but I would not be able to do this if I did not have such an empathic sense of ther people's emotive responses and driving programming. So your right in very personal way, although I to now wonder if it is really at all possible for and STS being to become and STO candidate or align with the STO creative principle without possessing some level of intuative empathy to help sharpen the senses.

Would it be possible to become STO candidate without having a great deal of empathy or little in the way of empathic traits.....Im guessing it pretty unlikely there are many STO beings who, by there very nature of being STO do not have some form of empathy or empathic ability. Im just thinking about our ability though with animals and to care for them.....what would empathy constitute? And Would the STS also have emapthic traits at the higher levels of density than ours......You've left me deep in thought on that point. I'll try and think this through some more and get back to you.

Thanks again for your thoughts and help :)

Ive just finsihed doing some searching and found the quotes from the sessions I was talking about when I mentioned that the C's had mentioned that the Lizzies or Overlords of entrophy were jealous of the real humans and possibly scared of soemthing they could do or possess.

October 20, 1994 F***, Laura and V***
Q: So C*** works with the Lizzie energy?
A: Somewhat.

Q: What is the force or background of R***, G***, J***, et al.
A: Bogus but some sincere healing does occur as a result of faith.

Q: In the incident that occurred in the spring at A*** B***'s house
when "Rev. B" came up and sort of zapped me, who or what was
behind that activity and what did he do?
A: Dark energies of terrestrial nature were temporarily concentrated
upon you.

Q: What was the intent.?
A: Harm out of jealousy.

Q: Did they intend to kill me?
A: Hurt.

October 5, 1994 F** and Laura
Q: (L) Were either Mary or John the Baptist fifth density souls?
A: Both.

Q: (L) Are there any fifth density souls on the earth today or any of
recent times we would recognize?
A: Yes. Arafat. Sadat. Pope John V.

Q: (L) Do demons and evil spirits fear anything?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Do they fear any power that we, as humans, possess?
A: Yes. Knowledge.

Q: (L) Do they fear religious symbols, signs or figures?
A: No.

Q: (L) Is there any name or sign or symbol that can halt their
A: Sometimes.

Q: (L) Were they afraid of Christ?
A: Yes. Because of his knowledge. The mass of his knowledge
raised his vibrations. Knowledge is truly power.

Q: (L) Do pentagrams have any effect in slowing down or halting
negative entities?
A: Only if you think they do.

Q: (L) Is the greatest power we have to resist demonic entities held
in our free will: our power to say no?
A: No.

Q: (L) What is our greatest power?
A: Knowledge.

Q: (L) Does the accumulation of spiritual knowledge hold the key?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is there any other clue you can give us?
A: You do not need anything else than knowledge.

So knowledge is ower as the C's put it. Yes the Overlords of entrophy are, Im guessing scared of any being depending on how much knowledge they possess and if they are working towards aligning with STO. I think Ive asnwered my own question there, but thanks for all the replies and comments, I'd like to talk further about some of the tpics brought up in the discussion, but they may be best talked about in another section of the forum (like the discussion on empathy and is it necessary for a transition from STS to STO).
Many thanks folks, you've helped me come to a more logical answer.

FAO -ScioAgapeOmnis
I've been doing some digging and found this below in the C's transcripts I have to hand on the topic of empathy:

July 13, 2002
Ark, Laura, BT, VG

Q: (L) This certainly gives a whole new meaning to all the experiences we
have had with people like "Frank" and Vincent Bridges and Terri Burns, Olga
and the rest of the gang! What this means is that the work of discerning these
organic portals from souled human beings is CRUCIAL to the so-called
ascension process. Without the basic understanding of transformation of, and
conservation of energies, there is no possibility of fusing a magnetic center.
No wonder the Bridges gang and the COINTELPRO types went bananas while I
was publishing the Adventures Series! And sheesh! They will go bonkers with
this organic portal stuff! (V) In thinking back over my life, it seems to me that
my father is certainly one of these organic portals.
A: Now, do not start labeling without due consideration. Remember that very
often the individual who displays contradictory behavior may be a souled being
in struggle.

Q: (L) I would say that the chief thing they are saying is that the really good
ones - you could never tell except by long observation. The one key we
discovered from studying psychopaths was that their actions do not match
their words. But what if that is a symptom of just being weak and having no
will? (A) How can I know if I have a soul?
A: Do you ever hurt for another?

Q: (V) I think they are talking about empathy. These soulless humans simply
don't care what happens to another person. If another person is in pain or
misery, they don't know how to care.
A: The only pain they experience is "withdrawal" of "food" or comfort, or what
they want. They are also masters of twisting perception of others so as to
seem to be empathetic. But, in general, such actions are simply to retain

This does seem to inply that true empathy is something that the Organic Portals and STS puppets do not possess except in facsimile and copying other real humans around them. For exapmle are you the kind person who would stand by if a puppy were being killed in front of you and laugh or stop the violence because it hurts you to witness it?

Being empathic makes it damn near impossible to hurt others, as this hurt is also felt by the by hurting others you are only hurting yourself.....and if you are an STS type controller who never wants to get hurt or feel pain in the self, then why would you wilingly do something that you know would hurt yourself.

This may be a leap but Im guessing those who are sensitive to others feelings, those who don't just say they are.....but over a long period of time show themselves to be empathic in the way they relate to others, they are the ones on a more STO wavelength than those who don't show empathy towards others.

Ive seen this in temrs of many relationships Ive had where I've listened to how many girls have had the best of intentions towards me, but in spending more time around them, I have come to realise they were lying and being a good lil energy vampire and sucking me dry (No pun intended) hehehe.

I hope this might help some
Appollynon said:
Being empathic makes it damn near impossible to hurt others, as this hurt is also felt by the by hurting others you are only hurting yourself.....and if you are an STS type controller who never wants to get hurt or feel pain in the self, then why would you wilingly do something that you know would hurt yourself.

This may be a leap but Im guessing those who are sensitive to others feelings, those who don't just say they are.....but over a long period of time show themselves to be empathic in the way they relate to others, they are the ones on a more STO wavelength than those who don't show empathy towards others.
Now first of all let me say that I have absolutely no data to back this up (and I guess it would be very difficult to obtain in this 3D) but I have this hypothesis for a while now and so far the data I have been collecting doesn’t refute it. And also understand that I am talking “archetypes” here.

I could imagine a scenario where the reptilian souls early in this cycle, after their initial ‘creation’, following the fragmenting of the all including divine energy source, quickly became the most advanced souls on the universal block and thus developed (as individual souls) just as quickly the self-image of superiority. That idea of superiority, at that specific point in the cycle, may have been responsible for cutting themselves off the divine energy source (being STE = service to everything).

Looking for a biological entity to manifest into, the reptilian species could have been the first to be available in 2D (in an evolutionary sense).
Now reptiles do not care for their young. They lay eggs and every hatched reptile is on its own from there. Reptiles don’t nurture, don’t protect their own. How can they ever develop a feeling of empathy if their life doesn’t depend on it?
Compounded with a self-image of superiority, there you have the prefect contestant to eventually oppress the universe, which apparently they do.

Now it would almost be logical for a potential ‘counter force’ aiming to restore balance in the universe to attach itself to a mammal species, that delivers it’s young alive and which has to put great effort into bringing them up, keeping them alive, keeping them healthy and making them happy – because that specie’s existents in fact does depend on it, thus programming a STO potential no matter how STS or STO the world is. Because down here on the 3D STS world - without a little STO for our offspring, humanity would be finished in just one short generation, naturally.

I remember Laura’s introduction to the “Secret History of the World”. Apparently her initial impulse to write it came from wanting to tell her own children the Truth about the world! Children, some “intent” catalyst.

So basically a mammalian existent creates an empathetic foundation.

This brings us back to the psychopath. How can you infiltrate such compassioned species? Round up a bunch of humans, clip the gene for empathy and you got yourself some handy allies.

Appollynon said:
So it seems that they use OUR creative will to do THEIR bidding. So in that sense, it is actually much more difficult for them to switch to STO than it is for us, I think.
Ironically becoming creative themselves could potentially stop their dying. By letting go of control they could actually be growing. So in a way we may hold the key to their true salvation but they are too arrogant to see it (at this point in the cycle), like many of us who will not learn from 2D (nature) because they are just too god damn busy consuming it.

In conclusion it might be possibly that our ultimate challenge in fact is to bring back balance to the universe by teaching our STS oppressors STO, which we have the potential for, ideally starting right now in the STS world for greater effect!

Jesus said:
Give the other cheek.
I’m sorry – myself - I have to faint right now....

Thank good, I just remembered: I was talking “archetypes”.

This is not my line but I love it:

When I was up there deciding to reincarnate into this lifetime, I must have been totally drunk.
Are they jealous of us?

I'm thinking that 'if they are' it would be only in a resentful sort of way. For one thing, they 'need' us for food, which perhaps they resent...perhaps projecting blame for the particular dynamic at work in the predator/prey relationship.

A psychopath 'sees' a souled person's empathy as a handicap, naturally leading to contemptuousness for souled humans. Think of how a psychopath feels about his victims; a psychopath often exhibits the 'chutzpah' of blaming his victims for having made themselves available to him, thus he is contemptuous of them.

If it is true that 4d-sts entities live in wishful thinking, then they are not likely to have the ability to see value in the same things a souled human would. They are not likely to have any understanding, at least not in the way humans would, of the value of having the ability to progress; to be able to 'choose' an sto alignment. STO itself would not have value to what is there to be jealous of?

Just some intitial thoughts.


A man who murders his parents asks the judge at his murder trial to show mercy because he is now an orphan.
Lucy said:
STO itself would not have value to what is there to be jealous of?
Being STO does not have value to them, but perhaps some aspects of STO, which can ONLY be achieved through STO, is what has value to them? Like, their race is dying, and the more STS they become the more they die, and they see STO does not have this problem, so although they don't "get" STO and why in the world someone would ever be it, they want those benefits anyway - they want to also not have a problem with non-being, entropic death.

You know how you can have eye allergies, and the more you scratch and rub your eyes, the more they swell up and itch? Well I think maybe STS is kinda like that, they think that in order to preserve their species they need to concentrate more on STS and force the universe to comply to their "demands" (scratch harder). But the more they do that, the worse it becomes for them, the more they die. So STO is kinda counter-intuitive really, it does not occur to them perhaps that the way to stop the itching is to STOP scratching. Yet, they see STO, and they see that STO has no "itch" like themselves, and they might be jealous of that, since they can't actually "stop scratching" so THEIR itch never goes away and only gets worse - what a dillemma!

When I was little, and my eye allergies itched, it made absolutely no sense to me that the way to stop the itch is to leave it alone. So as all other itches I tended to sractch/rub it, and the more I did that, the more it itched. Eventually it got so bad that I had no choice but to stop, because my eyes swelled to the point that I couldn't see. So the mechanical/instinctive urge is to scratch the itch, but STO requires a non-mechanical conscious choice, which from the perspective of your mechanical self is entirely counter-intuitive and makes absolutely no sense! And yet it works!

Now I listen to my mom and don't scratch lol. But it's still very hard not to!!

P.S. - But what if I didn't stop scratching? Would I scratch my eyes out? This is probably why STS eventually dies, and why pathocratic systems eventually "go down" - they simply CANNOT stop the mechanical/STS actions that lead to self-destruction and block the natural creative process - they DON"T LISTEN TO THEIR MOMS!!


(angry mom)
ScioAgapeOmnis said:
When I was little, and my eye allergies itched, it made absolutely no sense to me that the way to stop the itch is to leave it alone. So as all other itches I tended to sractch/rub it, and the more I did that, the more it itched. Eventually it got so bad that I had no choice but to stop, because my eyes swelled to the point that I couldn't see. So the mechanical/instinctive urge is to scratch the itch, but STO requires a non-mechanical conscious choice, which from the perspective of your mechanical self is entirely counter-intuitive and makes absolutely no sense! And yet it works!

Now I listen to my mom and don't scratch lol. But it's still very hard not to!!

P.S. - But what if I didn't stop scratching? Would I scratch my eyes out? This is probably why STS eventually dies, and why pathocratic systems eventually "go down" - they simply CANNOT stop the mechanical/STS actions that lead to self-destruction and block the natural creative process - they DON"T LISTEN TO THEIR MOMS!!
what a great analogy :)

That's a nice way of explaining in 'mechanical' terms how the STS perception 'event horizon' works, whereby (and I'm paraphrasing from Lobaczewski) a germ is unaware that it will be burned/buried along with the body that it is contributing to the death of.

The likes of GW Bush HAVE to carry on as they do (and the rest of us too, to some extent), because it seems to be the most 'attractive' and 'obvious' thing to do, and to suggest to them that maybe they are working against their own best interests, well... the response would be: "it itches, so I've got to scratch it", any other solution is "obviously wrong" to them.
sleepyvinny said:
The likes of GW Bush HAVE to carry on as they do (and the rest of us too, to some extent), because it seems to be the most 'attractive' and 'obvious' thing to do, and to suggest to them that maybe they are working against their own best interests, well... the response would be: "it itches, so I've got to scratch it", any other solution is "obviously wrong" to them.
Obvious is a strange word, its mostly not used properly from what I've seen. Like when people say something is obvious, and then later get proved wrong (if it was obvious, why did they get it wrong?).

Its funny though how what is truly obvious is usually far too simple to grasp, which is interesting - that something can be too simple to see, just as something can be too complex to see. Its also funny how we are very simple (we "start" very simple), and the complexity grows outwardly, and that to solve a complex problem, is to make it simple. I wonder if STS relish complexity, and seek to make things more complex than they are, to lose sight of what is simple? Is that a danger of intellect, to be blind to what is simple? I'm not saying intellect is bad, just.... perhaps dangerous/needs a cautious user.
Russ said:
I wonder if STS relish complexity…
To me it seems “obvious” that it doesn’t.
I think discernment, needed to discover the simplicity inside a complex context is difficult and requires a lot of knowledge as well as experience.

And that fact that psychopath tend to have a lower IQ should give a further clue.

It appears that the Reptilian doctrine is along the lines of: “We rule, you obey/die!” which is comparable to the Bush doctrine: “You are either with us or against us.” …not much discernment there.

Creativity requires to think original thoughts and I find this to be “obviously” more complex than mechanically following programming, void of thinking.

To bring it back to the itch: Scratching where it itches does not involve thinking, nor discernment, nor complexity while the solution to the problem is the most simple of all: Don’t scratch.
Hi Russ,

I think STS may like simplicity when it serves them, but also complexity when that also serves them, the devil being in the details. Speaking of details, one way to use simplification as a tool of deception is to leave the vital "details" out. I guess if the truth is in the devil, and the devil is in the details, then you cannot know the truth unless you look at those details. Conversely, if you look at details that have no bearing on the truth, then that's a good way to distract and obfuscate.

I think they use complexity when they need to distort, confuse, and bury in a pile of rubbish what is actually simple and straight forward. Maybe that's like analyzing "the trees" while overlooking "the forest". And they use simplicity to make something seem black and white that in reality is multi-faceted and complex. Religion is a way to try to simplify and provide all the answers for a reality that is infinitely more complex.

Conversely, they take something like STO and STS (the original good and evil) and redefine the terms entirely. Somehow they always end up with 2 things that are both STS, but call one of them good and the other evil. They take 2 religions that are fundementally the same and only differ cosmetically and use those cosmetic differences as "evidence" that one of the religions is good and right, and the other is evil and wrong. Or 2 countries that only differ by the color of their flag and the "cosmetic name" of their system of government - both being pathocracies, both waging wars, etc. And yet one country can be called the epitome of goodness, the other as "axis of evil".

In all that re-defining mess, one thing seems to always end up happening - the real STO disappears, since it is replaced by just another STS thing that is disguised cosmetically like STO. So people no longer know what is good at all, they look at 2 paths one of which says up and the other says down, and don't realise that they're actually both down. Well the C's did warn us about free lunch...

Just some thoughts! :)
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