Japan - 8.9 Earthquake - Fukushima Meltdown

Akira Kurosawa is one of my all time favorites. The following clip will likely send chills up your spine. It did mine. I mean, how much closer can you get to the present reality?


In more than one of his films, he has hinted that "gods" manipulate humans and delight in the suffering of mankind. I think he understood a lot. If that army of underground psychic projectors were doing their work, he probably was one of their targets. He had very prophetic dreams indeed.
sitting said:
Akira Kurosawa is one of my all time favorites. The following clip will likely send chills up your spine. It did mine. I mean, how much closer can you get to the present reality?


In more than one of his films, he has hinted that "gods" manipulate humans and delight in the suffering of mankind. I think he understood a lot. If that army of underground psychic projectors were doing their work, he probably was one of their targets. He had very prophetic dreams indeed.

thank you for sharing this !
sitting said:
Akira Kurosawa is one of my all time favorites. The following clip will likely send chills up your spine. It did mine. I mean, how much closer can you get to the present reality?


In more than one of his films, he has hinted that "gods" manipulate humans and delight in the suffering of mankind. I think he understood a lot. If that army of underground psychic projectors were doing their work, he probably was one of their targets. He had very prophetic dreams indeed.

Thanks for sharing sitting, Kurosawa's Dreams is one of my all time favorites too.
Thanks for sharing. Interesting that he used the scenario of 6 reactors going down.
Kurosawa's Dreams - thank you too.

Here are two PBS Nova links that were received – the second one is blacked out in our access area, so not sure of the content. The first one describes the 30 ft constructed sea-walls and the seismic data reading indications of how the earthquake dropped the land by 3 feet or just under a meter.


un chien anadolu said:
sitting said:
Akira Kurosawa is one of my all time favorites. The following clip will likely send chills up your spine. It did mine. I mean, how much closer can you get to the present reality?


In more than one of his films, he has hinted that "gods" manipulate humans and delight in the suffering of mankind. I think he understood a lot. If that army of underground psychic projectors were doing their work, he probably was one of their targets. He had very prophetic dreams indeed.

Thanks for sharing sitting, Kurosawa's Dreams is one of my all time favorites too.

Same here. Kurosawa's Dreams is amazing, I had forgotten about this bit because I haven't watched the movie in many years-- thank you for posting it. His 7 Samurai is another of my favorite movies. The guy is an amazing director.
His film "Red Beard" (1965) is another powerful work. It isn't widely distributed. When I watched it 30 years ago in a movie theater, about 15% of the adults in the audience were sobbing loudly. It was really something. Another wonderful title is "Hidden Fortress". I think his films in black and white are better than those he made in color.
This is the translation of the paper wrote by Jean-Pierre Petit today. I just put it in the translator machine and quickly check it. Interesting point of view.

April 5, 2011 :

The things get worse from day to day in Japan. There are important leaks of water which had become strongly radioactive, toward the Pacific, and the attempts of plugging failed. The radioactive water flows out freely toward the sea, since the unit number 2. The Japanese called on the Russians, who already had business to problem of flights in liquid phase emanating reactors of submarines flowed in Baltic. As soon as engineers of Toshiba had taken contact with me (my file is read to Japan) I had recommended such a contact, of which the evidence to my eyes imposed itself.

The taken aerial photos make the measure of the size of the problem take. There are in the "swimming pools" all loads of the reactors, corresponding to decades of working, to the rhythm of a yearly reloading (...). The earthquake fissured some of these swimming pools, that leak, and the attempts of plugging, with scratch and derisory means, proved to be inefficient. One cannot empty these swimming pools to plug it, at the risk of seeing the temperature of the assemblies going up rising immediately.[...]

The Japanese began Monday April 4 to loosen a few 11.500 tons of water greatly contaminated, stocked in a vast vat, full to straight side, "while apologizing by the residents." To all to take, knowing that it would be necessary to get rid soon or later of this water, it would have been necessary to foresee to route it in full sea in barges, that it would have been preferable to flow to big distance, because they would be them same become radioactive. Useless in fact to consider towing some barges. 11.500 tons don't even reach the tonnage of oil carried away by a small tanker. It would have sufficient to pump this water in a tanker out of age, that would have been driven to the large by a crew piloting the boat since a wheelhouse protected by the plates of lead. Then the boat would have been flowed, after the crew has been evacuated by win up. The contaminated water would have in a first time been kept thus in the cockle of the ship, to be loosened progressively with the passing of its deterioration.

The fact that the Japanese engineers who manage this crisis didn't think of it, demonstrates their improvidence, their incompetence and their inability to face this situation. One would say that all their "actions" are conditioned by the impact that these could have on the public, at a time on their own population and to the eyes from all over the world. It is the picture of Japan, country of the High Technologies, that is in danger. To bring a tanker close to the site, to pump the contaminated water would have made very bad effect, especially if one announced thereafter that the boat would be flowed in depth and that its crew should lead it toward its last journey protected by plates made of lead.

The situation presents itself very badly. The Japanese meteorological service undergoes some pressures not to give any information, if winds move head to big metropolises "not to trigger any panics in the population."

If the government announced "that the reactors would be dismantled", only one glance on the photos taken by the small drone (to see lower) is sufficient to realize that such a "dismantling" is an impracticable project.

It is not non possible to extract the hundreds of assemblies of the storage swimming pools. To be able to make it, it would be necessary to clear over the of the wreckages of these reactors of the assemblies of girders that regain them. If there was not the radioactivity, some teams could conduct their carving, there, to the blowtorch. But it is impossible. One didn't foresee a robot capable to operate it from afar, and the time misses to conceive such devices.

The only solution is the sarcophagus. In emergency it is necessary to pour strong materials on the three reactors to stop the radioactive emanations. These signal themselves "by light smokes", as it was the case for the reactor of Tchernobyl, after the spectacular explosion of the heart. But the aspect of these smokes must not deceive on what they contain.


Gleams signaling the radioactivity emitted by elements of the reactors​

It is not necessary to wonder that materials emitting radio-activity create luminous phenomena, visible to the naked eye. Previously, it was while depositing on the needles of watches a radioactive substance that one allowed their owners to read the hour overnight. If clichés of the site were taken, of night, by a drone or since a helicopter, the gotten pictures would have, with no doubt, cause panic in the population. It woul recall the sinister gleams that emerged from the crater of the reactor eviscerated of Tchernobyl, while going up until the clouds, visible the night.


The look of the N°4 reactor of Tchernobyl, the night, before the crater is filled​

Let's come back to this question of the setting under sarcophagus (who would not solve the problems bound to a possible diffusion of corium under the reactor). In Tchernobyl, graphite burned, and the hole by which escaped of the particles of radioactive dusts made about ten diameter meters. The Russians sent therefore of young pilots of helicopters heavy Hind, with their crews, to pour thousands of sand cubic meters, of cement, of lead, of boron, in this hole. And it was only when this chimney of the devil was obstructed that the nuclear pollution stopped. To achieve the same operation in Fukushima would imply to drown the reactors on score, or hundreds of thousands of cubic meters of strong materials, before the sparkling emanations and strong particles don't stop.

To this effect the Japanese brought on foot of work a disperser of cement :


But if one tempted a setting under sarcophagus with the help of such a device, the beginning of cement would be a lot too slow. The debit would be completely insufficient (this inability to take the measure of the headache could see itself when the Japanese sent some helicopters to pour goatskins of water on the reactors). The Americans would have sent therefore, by sea, a similar device, assuring a stronger debit, while adding "that this journey would be without return because the device, after use, would have become a lot too radioactive to be able to be rappatrié in USA."

Other news, transmitted by one of my contact. A meeting of crisis, regrouping teams of AREVA and ITER, as well as of the representatives of foreign groups, of which Germans, held in Aix in Provence April 2, 2011. One of the participants carried a file mentioning the code-name of this one :

source : http://www.jp-petit.org/nouv_f/seisme_au_japon_2011/seisme_japon_2011.htm
anart said:
There is a new update today on Fukushima by Fairewinds Associates - http://fairewinds.com/

Again, thanks, anart You redirected me from another thread to here, and this is just the site I was looking for...
I mean, for me this is a MAJOR event wich can´t nor be underestimated, nor forgotten ... main media are doing so, but i want to follow this closely
sitting said:
Akira Kurosawa is one of my all time favorites. The following clip will likely send chills up your spine. It did mine. I mean, how much closer can you get to the present reality?


In more than one of his films, he has hinted that "gods" manipulate humans and delight in the suffering of mankind. I think he understood a lot. If that army of underground psychic projectors were doing their work, he probably was one of their targets. He had very prophetic dreams indeed.

I can't believe I had almsot forgotten about how much I admire Akira Kurosawa, thanks for the nudge & I do agree, he knew more than perhaps he knew he knew. . . .

TEPCO estimates 70% of fuel rods in the No. 1 reactor at Fukushima nuke plant have been damaged, 20-30% in Nos. 2 and 3 - Daily Yomiuri

Workers spray synthetic resin near a damaged reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi nuke plant [TEPCO]

Aerial view of damage to reactors at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

Tugboat carries purified water to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

Worker points to crack caused by earthquake at Fukushima nuke plant [TEPCO]
Just wanted to add what I read from a blog post by someone currently in Japan:
As a result of damage from the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, the region is suffering a serious electricity shortage. It will not be quickly or easily fixed. Consequently, Tokyo Electric Power Co. has instituted a system of rolling blackouts (see video here) to ration power.

Meanwhile, many other organizations have been doing what they can to save electricity. Train service has been reduced on some lines, and stores and other public places are operating with reduced lighting (see photo here) or have turned off some of their escalators (see photo above). Individuals have helped, too, such as by turning off unneeded lights at home.

These widespread efforts have reduced electricity demand so much that on many recent days TEPCO has called off its planned blackouts.

So far, then, we’re muddling through quite nicely.

But this summer, when millions of people turn on their air conditioners, demand is going to soar. Any blackouts to happen then will leave a lot of people baking.

To me, this sounded uncomfortable. To Charles Stross, it sounded deadly. He recently wrote on his blog:

Summer in Tokyo is savage…
Greater Tokyo also has 30-million-odd people, of whom a large proportion — maybe 20% — are 75 years or older.
Elderly folks do not handle heat waves well; they get dehydrated easily and if they don’t have air conditioning they die in droves. Normally it’s not a problem in Tokyo because 80% of households have air conditioning, but with rolling blackouts and insufficient power it’s another matter…
If TEPCO can’t get some of those 15 reactors back on stream by June, and if Tokyo experiences a heat wave this summer (as happens every few of years), then going by previous incidents (like the heat emergency in Paris in 2003 that killed 3000 people), the deaths from heat stroke, among the over-75s may rival the direct fatalities from the earthquake and tsunami combined.
And besides have a look here...


So far had a radioactivity of cesium-134 and cesium-137 have been allowed by a maximum of 600 becquerels per kilogram. Since last weekend the EU limit for food from affected areas in Japan, however, was significantly increased.

Consumer organization FoodWatch (web)and the Environment Institute Munich announced in a joint statement, that:

For example, should fish oil or spices to their previous value to twenty times higher than what corresponds to 12 500 becquerels per kilogram.

The appropriate Emergency Ordinance 297/2011 was on entered into force on March 27th 2011.

Safety standards for Japanese food has been decreased

German Federal Minister of Consumer Aigner contains important information to the public.

This is an act against the health of the people. This is not democratic.

history says: Atomic accidents lead to higher radiation limits – which stay flexible. Flexible for incrasing the limit:
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