Just a bit of string


Jedi Council Member
As a kid in school this got to be very popular. There were no smart phones and few toys were available so a bit of string could be made into a creative game for youngsters. There were contests to see who could do it the fastest or come up with new patterns.

It helps not to try this while chewing gum.

Here is a cool site showing how to make a variety of string figures.

There were no smart phones and few toys were available so a bit of string could be made into a creative game for youngsters.
If there is no app for it, it doesn't exist. :rolleyes:
@Maya, I used to do these "string" patterns with my fingers when I was a kid!!! You could have fun competing time wise with your friends.
If I remember correctly, once you learned the patterns, it became muscle memory and you could literally complete a pattern in mere seconds (eg. like under a minute or less!!!)

Some of the patterns were quite complex. But, as a kid, you didn't realize it was difficult.....it was fun!!!

Great memorry from the way back machine!
Oh thank you for this!! I just had a rush of nostalgia run through me remembering sitting on the "stoop" on lazy summer afternoons, chatting with my friends about nothing in particular and playing string games (who could do them fastest!). It's a warm blanket to remember that time. Going to go look for some string now. :)
Maya, here's one I remember. The boys enjoyed doing string games too!

Strange this string game has been on my mind all week. I also was playing it in my mind trying to remember the moves. Defo was really fast at it in the playground.
Loved the elastic game too we played. 2 kids surrounded with elastic at ankle, calf, hip then waist level. Had to use our legs to jump over the elestic sideways and twist and jump to. Great fun. My fave games!
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