Lebanon-related: Request for comment: Possibility of Lawsuits ?


Jedi Master
Cryptome.org posted a link to a videoclip showing a team of israeli intel officers doing target selection. the video seems to be from israeli channel 2, it is in hebrew. The clip is here: http://www.4law.co.il/spy1.wmv (10MB)

In the videoclip you'll see the intel officers showing in a very professional way what they do, how they select some target, what happens with those targets (holes in bridges ... are shown).
they are apparently very proud of all the tech gear they have at their disposal, pretty much showing off what they have.

Notice several times thru the clip the I B M logo on the monitors. Does this not open IBM up to pretty much _any_ kind of lawsuit by Lebanese persons, businesses and govt agencies who have suffered losses due to the war ?

Let me propose a very, very idealistic (or unrealistic) idea, if you will: Suing IBM.
For all I understand, the attack of israel against lebanon is as blatantly illegal under international law as one could imagine.
Anyone involved in the commission of such deeds could be liable to lawsuits criminal and civil for a variety of crimes against humanity, war crimes, crimes against peace, ...

I _conjecture_ that going after IBM would be easier than going after the israeli soldiers in the clip.
I _conjecture_ that going after IBM under the so-called "Alien Tort Claims Act" (ATCA) in the US would be easier than accusing them directly of participation in war crimes under intl law. I've read that to date most if not all ATCA lawsuits have failed
I _conjecture_ that it could not hurt lebanese people to organize and present a massive lawsuit against IBM in the US. Other US companies must also be provably involved in this.

I dont know if anyone has had a similar idea. I am posting this to ask from people with more knowledge of lawyering than me if such a thing could have even a remote chance to, if not win the lawsuit, at least embarass them badly.

I am posting this idea mostly as a request for comment. I am frustrated at the repetition of war porn, debased criminality and nobody doing anything about it, nobody seeming to even know where to start doing anything, everybody just whining. It is just sickening. I have nobody to talk about these things, and criticism of jews and american wars is pretty much off-limits everywhere people who could do something can be met.

P.S.: In case the videoclip disappears, I have it and can make it available upon request.
Looks more like a training exercise. You see the students being shown how to target, then the results are shown. If anybody could translate the hebrew, you'd get a better idea of whats going on in the clip. Regarding the IBM logo, you'll find most computer manufacturers will put their logo where it can be best seen by people using the computer or in the vicinity or (as shown) in a video-clip. the biggest surprise was the use of CRT monitors as everywhere else everybody seems to be trying to go LCD flatscreen.

Regarding lawsuits - can you prove the footage is of Lebanon? I remember seeing similar footage at the time of the 'Liberation of Baghdad.'
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