Natural stone jewelry


Padawan Learner
Я обожаю эти камни. Может быть потому что они - это я в 1Д? ;)
Я их чувствую каким-то путем и безошибочно выбираю те, которые соответствуют моему физическому и ментальному состоянию в каждый момент.
А когда я делаю украшение для другого человека - наверное я чувствую, какие камни сейчас ему нужны, поэтому получаю обратную связь - "О, они работают! Я чувствую, как они согревают меня!"
Я люблю их, потому что это просто красиво.
И потому что они помогают мне совершать мои научные открытия. (Это мой секрет, но я обязательно открою вам его чуть позже). ;)

I love these rocks. Maybe because they are me in 1D? ;)
I feel them in some way and unmistakably choose the ones that match my physical and mental state at each moment.
And when I make a piece of jewelry for another person - I probably feel what stones they need right now, so I get feedback - "Oh, they work! I can feel them warming me!"
I love them because they're just beautiful.
And because they help me make my scientific discoveries. (This is my secret, but I will definitely reveal it to you a little later). ;)

Позвольте начать с этого украшения.
Это полностью ручная работа. Я использовала в вышивке кулона, бус, браслета и серег аметист, черный жемчуг, хрусталь, кристаллы Сваровски, фианиты, бисер и другие материалы.

Let me start with this piece of jewelry.
It's completely handmade. I used amethyst, black pearls, crystal, Swarovski crystals, phianites, beads and other materials in the embroidery of the pendant, beads, bracelet and earrings.





Камень богов На земле минерал появился давно, еще в древней Греции о нем была сложена интересная легенда. Она рассказывала о том, как бог вина Дионис полюбил нимфу по имени Аметист. Но у девушки уже был возлюбленный, поэтому богиня Артемида подарила ей камень необычного фиолетового цвета, который должен был защитить нимфу от опьянения вином. В те времена аметистом украшали винные кубки, а на празднества надевали украшения с камнем. Люди верили, что так могут уберечь себя от чрезмерного потребления алкоголя и последствий застолья. Не зря в переводе с древнегреческого название самоцвета означает «не пьяный».

The stone of the gods The mineral appeared on earth a long time ago, back in ancient Greece, an interesting legend was written about it. It told how the god of wine Dionysus fell in love with a nymph named Amethyst. But the girl already had a lover, so the goddess Artemis gave her a stone of unusual purple color, which was to protect the nymph from intoxication with wine. In those times amethyst decorated wine goblets, and at festivals they wore jewelry with the stone. People believed that this way they could protect themselves from excessive consumption of alcohol and the consequences of the feast. Not in vain in translation from ancient Greek the name of the gem means "not drunk".


Из моей личной практики. Я применяю этот камень для для лечения воспалительных процессов в организме. Достаточно положить несколько камней в воду и ставить этот стакан воды на окно, чтобы утренние лучи солнца активировали свойства камня в воде. Вода становится спектрально идентичной камню. Вы можете каждый день делать для себя "аметистовую" воду для лечения. А также, аметистовая вода лечит женскую репродуктивную систему, лечит от бесплодия.

From my personal practice. I use this stone to treat inflammatory processes in the body. It is enough to put a few stones in water and put this glass of water on the window, so that the morning rays of the sun activate the properties of the stone in the water. The water becomes spectrally identical to the stone. You can make "amethyst" water for yourself every day for healing. Also, amethyst water treats the female reproductive system, cures infertility.
Применение в нетрадиционной медицине
Лечебные свойства аметиста обширны. По утверждению литотерапевтов, камень способствует выработке гормонов, нормализует работу эндокринной и нервной систем. Кроме того, минерал насыщает кровь кислородом. Переоценить значение аметиста просто невозможно. Он способствует лечению таких нарушений, как: стрессы; депрессия; головная боль; заболевания кожи; нарушение работы ЖКТ; бессонница. Зеленый аметист — камень, укрепляющий иммунную систему. Кроме того, он избавляет от хронической усталости. Его используют для массажа лица, это помогает избавиться от морщин и восстановить естественный оттенок кожных покровов. Лечение минералом подойдет и тем, кто хочет очистить печень, почки и сосудистую систему. Для этого достаточно положить камень в графин с водой на ночь. Аметист-талисман поможет побороть отечность тканей и убрать синяки. Украшения с минералом рекомендуют носить при заболевании суставов. Важное значение камня аметист подтверждает и тот факт, что его способность снимать нервное напряжение используется при лечении психологических отклонений.

Application in non-traditional medicine
The therapeutic properties of amethyst are extensive. According to lithotherapists, the stone promotes the production of hormones, normalizes the endocrine and nervous systems. In addition, the mineral saturates the blood with oxygen. It is simply impossible to overestimate the value of amethyst. It contributes to the treatment of such disorders as: stress; depression; headache; skin diseases; GI disorders; insomnia. Green amethyst is a stone that strengthens the immune system. In addition, it gets rid of chronic fatigue. It is used for facial massage, it helps to get rid of wrinkles and restore the natural shade of the skin. Treatment with the mineral will also suit those who want to cleanse the liver, kidneys and vascular system. To do this, it is enough to put the stone in a carafe of water overnight. Amethyst talisman will help to fight swelling of tissues and remove bruises. Jewelry with the mineral is recommended to wear in case of joint disease. The importance of the stone amethyst confirms the fact that its ability to relieve nervous tension is used in the treatment of psychological disorders.
Дизайн лечебных украшений может быть очень простым. Это может быть ассорти ваших любимых камней. Таким образом, вы получаете универсальное украшение, которое подойдет к любой блузе, для любой ситуации, от повседневного образа до особого случая. И при этом ваш собственный инструмент для балансировки энергий всегда находится с вами.
Что-то вроде этих простых бус, которые я сделала для своей подруги. Здесь мы соединили несовместимые по цвету бусины, но подруга носит их с удовольствием. Вы могли бы сделать это себе так же.
Здесь вы видите микс - агат, оникс, яшма, сердолик, турмалин, хризопраз, какие-то халцедоны и кажется что-то еще. ))

The design of healing jewelry can be very simple. It can be an assortment of your favorite stones. Thus, you get a versatile piece of jewelry that will go with any blouse, for any situation, from casual look to special occasion. And in doing so, your own energy balancing tool is always with you.
Something like these simple beads I made for my friend. Here we combined beads that are incompatible in color, but her friend wears them with pleasure. You could make these for yourself as well.
Here you see a mix - agate, onyx, jasper, carnelian, tourmaline, chrysoprase, some chalcedony and I think something else. ))


Этот комплект украшений я сделала из лазурита, натурального сапфира, бирюзовых бусины, кристаллов Сваровски и ручная вышивка бисером.

I made this jewelry set from lapis lazuli, natural sapphire, turquoise beads, Swarovski crystals and hand beading.



Несколько слов о лазурите и сапфире, которые я здесь использовала.

Первое. Это навеяно было "египетской темой" моих исследований, я проводила параллели между марионеточным правлением Аменхотепа и его разрушительными реформами (пси-технологиями древних, например, запрет на язык, отделение от столицы и др) и сегодняшними пси-технологиями, которые были применены в одной маленькой стране с таким же марионеточным режимом и приводят к тому разрушению, которое мы сейчас наблюдаем. Параллели совершенно точные. Но это отдельная тема.
А также я искала могилу Нефертити. ;)
Одним словом, я была увлечена этим направлением и сделала много украшений в Египетском стиле в этот период. Как раз в это же время в Москве на ВДНХ экспонировались сокровища гробницы Тутанхамона.
У меня это работает именно так, я нахожусь на какой-то информационной волне и мое хобби в это время проявляет эти энергии (совершенно бессознательно). Наверное, это называется "вдохновение". ))

Второе. Мне нравится этот синий цвет лазурита и сапфира, это мои любимые камни.
Лазурит - дружественный камень.
Освобождает голову от плохих мыслей и воспоминаний.
Придает решимости и уверенности в своих силах, толкает на исполнение собственных желаний.
Раскрывает скрытые таланты и способности. Считается, что камень служит музой для художников и музыкантов.
Помогает принять верное решение. В древности лазурит носили судьи, так как он разрешает спорные ситуации.
Делает владельца более спокойным и хладнокровным, способствует расслаблению.
Улучшает интеллектуальные способности, способствует быстрому обучению и продвижению по карьерной лестнице.
Сапфировая магия
Ценность удивительного кристалла не только в его красоте и великолепии, но и в уникальных свойствах. Минерал символизирует чистоту и непорочность, невинность и целомудрие. Магические свойства сапфира помогают людям открывать в себе все самое лучшее. Чистота кристалла оберегает от лжи и предательства.

A few words about the lapis lazuli and sapphire I used here.

First, it was inspired by the "Egyptian theme" of my research, I drew parallels between the puppet rule of Amenhotep and his destructive reforms (psi-technologies of the ancients, for example, the ban on language, separation from the capital, etc.) and today's psi-technologies, which were applied in one small country with the same puppet regime and lead to the destruction of countries. You know what I mean. The parallels are perfectly accurate. But this is a separate topic. I was also looking for Nefertiti's tomb. ;)
In short, I was fascinated by this direction and made a lot of jewelry in Egyptian style during this period. Just at the same time, the treasures of Tutankhamun's tomb were exhibited in Moscow at VDNKh.
This is how it works for me, I am on some informational wave and my hobby at this time manifests these energies (quite unconsciously). I guess it's called inspiration. ))

Second. I love that blue color of lapis lazuli and sapphire, they are my favorite stones.

Lapis lazuli is a friendly stone.
Frees the head from bad thoughts and memories.
Gives determination and self-confidence, pushes you to fulfill your own desires.
Reveals hidden talents and abilities. It is believed that the stone serves as a muse for artists and musicians.
Helps to make the right decision. In ancient times, lapis lazuli was worn by judges, as it resolves disputes.
Makes the wearer more calm and cold-blooded, promotes relaxation.
Improves intellectual abilities, promotes rapid learning and career advancement.

Sapphire magic

The value of the amazing crystal is not only in its beauty and splendor, but also in its unique properties. The mineral symbolizes purity and purity, innocence and chastity. The magical properties of sapphire help people to discover the best in themselves. The purity of the crystal protects from lies and betrayal.
Этот комплект из кварца, барочного жемчуга, фианитов, кристаллов Сваровски, бусин, бисера ручной вышивки.

This set is made of quartz, baroque pearls, phianites, Swarovski crystals, beads, hand embroidered beads.




Если вы любите морепродукты. ;)
К букетам из кораллов я добавила немного изумрудов.
Здесь есть агат, перламутр, горный хрусталь, немного того, немного этого.

If you like seafood. ;)
I added some emeralds to the coral bouquet.
There's agate, mother-of-pearl, rock crystal, a little bit of this, a little bit of that.



Украшения с кораллами в сочетании с жемчугом и изумрудами.
Или коралл с агатом.

Кораллы есть двух видов, животного происхождения и растение. В данном случае вы видите глубоководный коралл Бамбу.
Не нужно его недооценивать, это уникальное растение!


Jewelry with coral combined with pearls and emeralds.
Or coral with agate.

There are two kinds of coral, animal and plant. In this case you see the deep sea Bamboo coral.
It should not be underestimated, it is a unique plant!

Bamboo coral, family Isididae, is a family of mostly deep-seacoral of the phylum Cnidaria.

These organisms may be an important environmental indicator in the study of long term climate change, as some specimens of bamboo coral have been discovered that are 4,000 years old.

The skeletons of bamboo coral are made up of calcium carbonate in the form of tree-like branches alternating with joint-like nodes or axes composed of gorgonin protein
Gorgonin is a complex protein that makes up the horny skeleton of the holaxonia suborder of gorgonians.

Research has shown that measurements of the gorgonin and calcite within species of gorgonia can be useful in paleoclimatology and paleoceanography.

Other research has raised the possibility that Isididae corals, because of their potential to mimic biological properties, may potentially be used as living bone implants as well as in aquatic cultivation.



Большое спасибо!
Это было только хобби. Мне доставляет это удовольствие и балансирует меня. Однажды я сделала подруге несколько вещей из тех бусин, которые у нее лежали в шкатулке. Она сказала - "Ух, ты! Ты должна это показывать другим!" Я была не совсем уверена, но показала несколько вещей в ФБ и инстаграме. Кажется, людям это понравилось. Но я потеряла доступ в ФБ и инстаграм, мне пришлось перейти в ВК и начинать все заново. У меня нет пока еще подписчиков. ) Поэтому это не бизнес пока еще. Но я буду рада, если мои украшения найдут себе своих новых обладателей и доставят радость другим людям. "Твое творчество тебе не принадлежит"(с) - так говорят из высшей плотности и одобрили мою деятельность. ;)

Thank you very much!
It was just a hobby. It gives me pleasure and balances me out. I once made a friend a few things from some beads she had in her jewelry box. She said, "Wow, you should show this to others!" I wasn't quite sure, but I showed a few things on FB and instagram. People seemed to like it. But I lost access to FB and instagram, I had to go to VK and start all over again. I don't have any subscribers yet. ) So it's not a business yet. But I will be happy if my jewelry will find new owners and bring joy to other people. "Your creativity does not belong to you" (с) - so they say from the higher density and approved my activity. ;)
Agate is a mineral, silica, hidden crystalline variety of quartz, SiO2. It is a thin-fibered aggregate of chalcedony with a layered texture and banded color distribution.

The famous ancient scholar Pliny the Elder believed that the name comes from the river Achates (Dr.-Greek Ἀχάτης) in Sicily (possibly modern Karabi or Dirillo), another interpretation is from the Greek "ἀγαθός" - good, kind, happy.

Most agates alternate layers of chalcedony proper and its structural variety - quartzine (lutetsin), which differs from chalcedony by the direction of fiber elongation; in chalcedony it is perpendicular to the "C" axis (the direction of elongation of quartz crystals), and in quartzine - parallel to it or with a deviation of 30° (lutetsin).

"The Stone of Kindness"

The mineral is of volcanic origin. Perhaps that is why it is poetically nicknamed "the petrified tears of Pluto", after the ancient Greek god of the underworld, patron of fire-breathing lava, volcanoes and fire.
People from antiquity recognized the magical properties of the mineral and used it to improve their lives. To please the goddess of horticulture, Pomona, small stones were buried in the ground along with a plant seedling. They tied them to the horns of livestock to increase the litter. Agate was attached to the eye sockets of statues of gods - the ancients believed that such eyes repel evil forces. The mineral helped in the treatment of victims of poisonous snake bites, scorpions and spiders.
The earliest items date back to the 5th century B.C. During the excavation of the burial of the Scythians near the city of Alushta in the Crimea found beads of agate, made at this time.

Ancient craftsmen carved convex or bas-relief designs from rounded and oval stones. The jewelry was called "gemma". They depicted gods, honored citizens, heroes, military leaders, philosophers and entire scenes from their lives. Such crafts became very popular in ancient Greece in 4 BC and in ancient Rome. They were set in precious settings, worn as medallions, clasps on clothes, used to decorate seals.
Among the powerful, Alexander the Great was a fan of the stone. The great general and "conqueror of the world" made a huge contribution to the development and spread of ornamental art in the 4th century BC.
In the 3rd century B.C. the famous palaces of Sicily were decorated with stone products. In Vienna, one of the largest pieces made of solid stone can be seen. This 75 cm diameter dish was made by German craftsmen in the 4th century AD.

In the XI-XIII centuries, gemma came back into fashion thanks to the talent of D. Pisano and the Vittorio brothers, who created exclusive works of art from the miracle stone. Catherine II was not on a joke fond of crafts made of agate. Buying up original gemma-cameos in Europe, she gathered a unique collection of elegant things. Napoleon and Pushkin were seen in love with the gem.

The great brand of the Russian Empire - jewelry company Faberge also did not leave the mineral without attention, creating from it more than one masterpiece of jewelry art. Among them are figurines of animals and birds, Easter eggs. Products made of agate are kept in the treasuries of famous museums of the world, including the Hermitage and the Armory in the Kremlin.

Now there are about 150 types of agate. They are subdivided by impurities, color, placement and thickness of stripes, shape of pattern, origin, processing.
Agate is a common mineral. It can be found in almost every corner of the globe. In nature it is found in the form of crystals stuck together - druse, small crystals - brush.

Since the XVIII century and for a long time the main supplier of agate in the world was Germany. Nowadays the mineral is successfully mined in large volumes in Uruguay, Brazil (Minas Gerais state, Rio Grande do Sul state).

India, Mexico, Mongolia, China, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Madagascar, Turkmenistan and Scotland have reserves of the stone.
Deposits of the gem have also been discovered in Russia: on the Kola Peninsula, in the Urals, in Magnitogorsk, in the Far East, and in Yakutia.

Therapeutic and magical values

The healing properties of agate have been known since antiquity. Even in the period of popularity of gem-camels on them depicted various symbols of disease and used as an amulet from ailments. To wear products from the mineral experts advise in the area of the body, where there is a violation of health:

with diseases of the respiratory tract: cough, bronchitis, asthma will help to cope with agate beads or brooch;
earrings with a stone are effective for problems with teeth and oral cavity;
in nervous disorders, panic attacks, fears, phobias lithotherapists recommend wearing a ring with agate on the middle finger of the right hand.
The healing properties of agate depend on the color of the mineral:

blue stones are effective in the violation of the activity of the thyroid gland;
yellow - in diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract;
red mineral will become a barrier against bacteria and viruses, will put in order the work of the heart and blood vessels;
pink agate solves problems with male potency, removal of excess fluid from the body when overweight;
stone of brown, swampy shades is able to heal brain diseases, improve blood circulation.

Agate balls are used for therapeutic purposes in massages, as well as agate pyramids.

Nature has endowed the gem with the most powerful energy and magical properties. The stone is able to bring back to reality a dreamer who has lost his dreams, to inspire him to new achievements, to make a fateful decision and to start acting in the chosen direction. Wasteful it will help to avoid unnecessary purchases and spending. Vulnerable will protect from energy vampirism. In strong-hearted people will develop the gift of foresight.

White agate is the stone of moms and babies. It protects them from the evil eye and improves lactation. Indian sages believed that agate is able to calm the baby and help early to get on their feet.
Gray stone helps to establish relationships, safely resolve conflict situations, reconciles people among themselves, giving warm, kind thoughts.
Blue gem favors creative people who are accustomed to active action, gives them inspiration and strength to implement the planned.
Yellow stone gets rid of depression, gives optimism, contributes to the formation of a joyful and easy perception of the world. It is an excellent talisman for traders and businessmen.
Pink - reveals the ability to see the beauty of the world, increases sexuality and attractiveness of the opposite sex.
Red specimens are designed to protect the bonds of love.
Green stone protects the warmth of the home, kinship and friendship ties. For this purpose in the past centuries buried such a pebble in front of the entrance to the house.
Black agate has the greatest magical power. This mineral can heal heartache, protect from destructive energy-informational influences. It helps a person in a difficult moment to gather strength, concentrate and make the right decision. It can improve the health of the gastrointestinal tract, stop nausea.

Agate is an ideal talisman for Taurus. This representative of the Earth element, the gem will encourage active actions, add agility, teach patience and get rid of irritability. And as a consequence, will lead his favorite to achieve financial goals and material well-being, which is so valued by Taurus.

Useful stone will be and Gemini. Will help dual and fickle natures to make balanced decisions based on reason. Mistrustful, fearful, not too confident in their abilities Cancer agate will lead to a happy life. It will strengthen self-esteem, make a fragile nature resistant to external influences and allow creativity to blossom in full force.
Virgo agate can help during the search for a soul mate. Capricorns and Scorpios will make more cordial, friendly.

Energetically the stone will be cleansed if it is held under running water or let lie on the ground.

Rubens' vase of yellow agate depicting grapes and satyrs was created by an unknown craftsman in the 4th century B.C. For some time it belonged to the famous artist, hence its name.

Eye agate necklace from Bactria is about 4 thousand years old.

The kiwi figurine is the work of masters of the Faberge jewelry company of the early 20th century.

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