number 1 or 11

I believe it was in 2007 when I first started noticing the time, 11:11 more often on digital clocks. It stands out to me now because I was traveling out of town during the summer to spend time with my cousins and for several days in a row, I would glance at the digital clock and notice 11:11 (this is from what I now remember anyway). I remember it really catching my attention and going online to research about it afterwards, but as others have mentioned, a lot of what I found was quite new agey. Since then, I've noticed this same time off and on, sometimes it'll be a minute later and 11:12, other times variations of one's like 1:11 or 1:10. It is interesting how the noticing of the time, 11:11 is so widespread. How it really catches others attention when it happens.

obyvatel said:
Could be meaningful coincidence. Or it could also be what is known as "apophenia" or the experience of seeing meaningful patterns or connections in random data.

This could very well be what is going on. I wonder if it catches my attention as much as it does now, because of the original impression it left when I first started noticing it so often.
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