Psychomantium Mirrors - Past, Present, Future?

I think I understand why I felt so good in a recliner chair. I think that recliners work as a form of deep pressure therapy. Only that instead of having a deep pressure from above, as when using a weighted blanket, you have a deep pressure from below, because it is your body making a pressure by its weight on a recliner. In a regular chair, you have a pressure on only a few points of your body. But in a recliner it's all over your body, on a side that is in contact with the recliner. But you can also use a weighted blanket for the other side of your body for improved relaxation.
There is also something called Neutral body posture. This is what recliners try to mimic. So perhaps the reason why recliners are so relaxing lies in both, a deep pressure effect and a neutral body posture. So when we are meditating in bed, we could put something below our knees for a more relaxed posture. Something like this: PureFit Adjustable Wedge Pillow System

Or a footrest, when we are sitting, like this one: DAGOTTO Footrest, black - IKEA
When I meditate, I close my eyes and focus on the area of the "third eye" just above the nose. That turns the eyes slightly inward and upward. Works for me!

In 1971 I discovered a shortcut. In research experiments student volunteers were exposed to a number of relaxation methods as their EEG was monitored to see which exercises produced the most phase-synchronous alpha. Some were asked to visualize peaceful scenes and locations. Some listened to their favorite music. Others tried fragrances, negative-ion generation, and colored lights. Some of these things had a mild alpha-enhancing effect; most had very little impact. One day I tried a standard twenty-item relaxation inventory. During the first few questions—imagine a dewdrop on a rose petal or a cascading waterfall, for example—their EEG manifested little change. Then I asked. “Can you imagine the space between your eyes?” Boom. The pens scribbled the symmetrical waves of high-amplitude alpha. A subsequent question was, “Can you imagine the space between your ears?” Again, boom, high-amplitude alpha appeared instantly. When either of these “space”-related questions was asked, subjects almost invariably generated a significant increase in alpha brain synchrony in the brain sites being monitored. No other question or imagery brought about such profound changes in the EEG. “Objectless imagery”—the multisensory experience and awareness of space, nothingness, or absence—almost always elicits large amplitude and prolonged periods of phase-synchronous alpha activity.

So Laura was using unfocused upward gaze with closed eyes and was mentally focusing on the "third eye space" area. I think that she instinctively found a way to produce alpha waves while meditating, and that could have been a key for her success in meditation.
There is also something called Neutral body posture.
In certain disciplines of Martial Arts, like Japanese swordsmanship, you use neutral position with the tail bone slightly inwards to not lose Chi energy. It doesn't look forced, it feels natural. You can see the contrast when people are working out in gyms, and they stick their tail bone out. That's probably not wise, regardless of how they explain it to themselves.

In neutral position, you are much more stable against onslaught because it's your stronger position, energy and physical wise.

It's probably not practical to be in that position to meditate, though, unless you have a recliner. If anything, notice how with the standard meditation positions even in a chair, your tail bone already takes the neutral position.

In certain disciplines of Martial Arts, like Japanese swordsmanship, you use neutral position with the tail bone slightly inwards to not lose Chi energy. It doesn't look forced, it feels natural. You can see the contrast when people are working out in gyms, and they stick their tail bone out. That's probably not wise, regardless of how they explain it to themselves.

In neutral position, you are much more stable against onslaught because it's your stronger position, energy and physical wise.

That's interesting. I never thought about Chi flow.

It's probably not practical to be in that position to meditate, though, unless you have a recliner. If anything, notice how with the standard meditation positions even in a chair, your tail bone already takes the neutral position.

Interestingly, in the beginning years with meditation I was meditating in another bed, and that bed had triangular pillows, similar to this one: Robot or human?

I just tried it and I think that it puts me more in this neutral position compared to without it.
I just tried it and I think that it puts me more in this neutral position compared to without it.

What I meant by this is that it puts me in a neutral position in a sitting position. My pillow is too tick and short to be used in a horizontal position. But there are such triangular pillows, which are called wedge pillows, which are much thinner and longer and can be used in a horizontal position.
I was thinking about the purpose of curtains in the psychomantium. What is their purpose? Is it to only block the light, or something more? What about the sound? The textile material would block mostly the higher frequency sounds, leaving only the low frequency sounds. But what would that do to the human brain?

While looking about that, I found some research about "hypersonic effect". They found out that sounds at frequencies above 16 kHz can have effect on alpha waves. Some can increase it (above 40 kHz), and some can decrease it (from 16 kHz to 32 kHz). They also found that they cannot reproduce the effect by using headphones, the sound must be felt by the body. Which means that to cancel the distracting noise it is not enough to isolate the ears, the entire body has to be isolated.

If anyone was still fixing to build a psychomantium mirror room, I found out about a Japanese company that produces what it calls Musou Black, purported to be "the blackest paint on the planet," which on their website is reported to have a % reflectance rate of only 0.8 percent in its airbrushed form (displayed below are fabrics they also manufacture).
The later part of this youtube video showcases a man painting an entire room airbrushed with Musou Black. It could be a video artefact, but darn if that room doesn't look like a one-way ticket to deep space.
If anyone was still fixing to build a psychomantium mirror room, I found out about a Japanese company that produces what it calls Musou Black, purported to be "the blackest paint on the planet," which on their website is reported to have a % reflectance rate of only 0.8 percent in its airbrushed form (displayed below are fabrics they also manufacture).

I was also thinking about that possibility, but what if the purpose of the curtains is not only to blacken the room, but also for sound isolation? And even if you do have a silent room, what if it is also about sounds that you cannot hear, but can still affect you? In that case, black acoustic panels might do the trick, but not painting the walls.
So we know how to increase the iron in the blood, which seems to be important for some reason for the alchemical purposes. Possibly because the iron can increase the electromagnetic field of the electromagnet. And we can view the human body as an organic electromagnet. And the energy that our psychic body uses as an electromagnetic energy. So, the more iron we have, the stronger this energy can be.

But what about the strongest electromagnet in our body, our brain? How can we increase the iron in the brain?

Well, there is a connection between iron and neurotransmitters.

Neurotransmitters bind to second messenger-linked receptors to initiate a complex cascade of chemical events that can either excite or inhibit further electrical signals. The complete process of this communication between cells involves the synthesis, transport, storage, control of release, and binding of these neurotransmitters to neuronal receptors. Iron plays a role in each of these processes. Monoamine neurotransmitters include dopamine (DA), serotonin (5-HT), or norepinephrine (NA), which are involved in the regulation of cognitive, emotional, and excitatory processes. Another type of neurotransmitter is gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which has a calming effect in the CNS. Serotonin is synthesised by tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH), and dopamine and noradrenaline by tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), whereas gamma-aminobutyric acid is synthesised by glutamate dehydrogenase and GABA transaminase. Both hydroxylases are homotetramers using non-haem iron as their cofactor to catalyse the reaction to incorporate one molecular oxygen atom into the substrate, leading to the formation of hydroxylated products. In the absence of iron, all three enzymes cannot perform their function, resulting in inhibition of the synthesis of these neurotransmitters.

So, it's not just that iron can increase the neurotransmitters, but neurotransmitters can also increase the iron in the brain. Which can then perhaps increase the strength of brainwaves.
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