Revolution in Ukraine: Western-engineered Coup d'État?

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Here is an excerpt from RT with a statement made by Mr. Yatsenyuk:
_ said:
Or who knows – maybe Mr. Yatsenyuk knows much more than the rest of the world, because today he even stated that Iran already has a nuclear weapons which it would never give up, alongside North Korea, if Ukraine's territorial integrity fails.

“This conflict would have a negative implication on the nuclear non-proliferation program. As for example, it would be quite difficult to convince Iran or North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapon,” Yatsenyuk claimed.
I don't know which ambassador visited him last. However, if the above quote is anything to go by, then options are few.
If anything, this is the excuse to crash the dollar. The US has threatened sanctions should Russia act and if they do, Russia will most certainly crash the dollar. It's the perfect excuse and I'm sure that the narrative will be, "No one could've predicted this financial catastrophe". SMH................ We are. :(
Pashalis said:
Laura said:
I never saw these folks before but they are pretty good.

What To Do In Crimea, Abby Martin Under Fire & Whistleblower Protection

Yes, the show is called "Buzzsaw" and the son of Jesse Ventura, Tyrel Ventura is the moderator.
It is a relatively new show.

Very good. I liked the part where the presenter makes the difference between America's empire and the Republic. But unfortunately this difference may not exist since long ago. Perhaps from the beginning is this fight there between normal people who wanted a democratic republic and the deviants who wanted a new empire. But the deviants were imposed, as it reflected in the name of the country itself. United States does not have an own name, stole the name of a whole continent to themselves. That may show that thought overcome the British imperialism. Or, a new Rome.
Laura said:
I never saw these folks before but they are pretty good.

What To Do In Crimea, Abby Martin Under Fire & Whistleblower Protection

Yes they are, thank you for sharing. And the next is basically off topic, so sorry for the noise (no pun intended), but thank you again for sharing the video because I've been trying to look for some information on "number stations" since childhood! As a child I loved playing with my grandfather's radio, switching between FM and AM, while AM had much more mysterious noises, and the weird station when a woman in a robotic voice repeated words or numbers was the most mysterious of all (and as far as I remember, it wasn't in Russian, but maybe it was, not sure). It wouldn't be that strange if the words or numbers changed periodically (because communication between ships or various naval stations is done by code words and numbers), but they never did, so that what was most perplexing.
whoever were the snipers, the real question is: for whom they were working, who paid them
Avala, I just don't know the answer to this question:) And who does? I mean who knows for sure what is happening?

Edgitarra, Kniall,

The news about Yanukovich hospitalization appeared in other Russian media resource such as and Rosbalt. With a link to MK of course.
Zee Ley said:
whoever were the snipers, the real question is: for whom they were working, who paid them
Avala, I just don't know the answer to this question:) And who does? I mean who knows for sure what is happening?

Edgitarra, Kniall,

The news about Yanukovich hospitalization appeared in other Russian media resource such as and Rosbalt. With a link to MK of course.

It's a bit of a read, but I've tried to give the full story, as I see it, here

Imperial Hubris: Ukraine as a 'regime change' too far for the American Empire
thorbiorn said:
One of the richest businessmen in the Dnepropetrovsk region, Filatov got his administration seat on March 4, just several days after returning to Ukraine from Israel. He fled the country early in the year, fearing what he claimed to be political persecution by the Yanukovich regime for supporting Maidan protests, and spent the most violent period of the uprising distantly monitoring the situation and discussing it actively on the internet.
These Sott articles relate to Filatov's temporary refuge

Boris Filatovs entry on the stage relates to point 2 of the questions asked by the Russian Government:
_ said:
2. Why is the coup-appointed govt replacing oligarchs linked to Yanukovich with... oligarchs?

Popular resentment of Yanukovich blossomed over corruption. Protesters pointed to power abuse, theft and allowing linked-oligarchs raid businesses of other clans. Evidence came readily after they fled - photos of their homes’ sumptuous interiors.

But the new self-appointed govt is replacing Yanukovich’s oligarchs with their own. Kiev just appointed billionaires as governors of Donetsk and Dnepropetrovsk respectively, a move that also drew Putin’s ire: "Mr. Kolomoisky was appointed governor of Dnepropetrovsk. This is a unique crook. He even managed to cheat our oligarch Roman Abramovich two or three years ago. Scammed him.."

Both hold major assets in their respective regions and thousands depend on them for work. Both appointments are meant to stabilize a volatile society and ensure loyalty to the capital but critics say Kiev is reinventing fiefdoms to nobility in exchange for servitude. For Putin, who famously excluded oligarchs from politics, the move is an anathema.
Keit said:
Laura said:
I never saw these folks before but they are pretty good.

What To Do In Crimea, Abby Martin Under Fire & Whistleblower Protection

Yes they are, thank you for sharing. And the next is basically off topic, so sorry for the noise (no pun intended), but thank you again for sharing the video because I've been trying to look for some information on "number stations" since childhood! As a child I loved playing with my grandfather's radio, switching between FM and AM, while AM had much more mysterious noises, and the weird station when a woman in a robotic voice repeated words or numbers was the most mysterious of all (and as far as I remember, it wasn't in Russian, but maybe it was, not sure). It wouldn't be that strange if the words or numbers changed periodically (because communication between ships or various naval stations is done by code words and numbers), but they never did, so that what was most perplexing.

Of topic

Could be test signal, but most probably it was "water situations" report for the navigable rivers, such as Danube. There was radio broadcasting in Serbian from radio Belgrade for Danube. It was going everyday, and really a woman was reading it in a very rhythmic voice and perfect diction (or robotic :) ) Later, there was also male speaker. It was something like this: "Bogoevo 1, 1, 75, Teesah 1, 2, 74, Teesah Bech 2, 2, 100" and so on. I was listening to that as a kid, don't know if it is still on the air.

I remember once, my brother and I was so scared that we ran out of room when we found "water situations" but in German :D
Apparently you can still hear it at the noon:

(frequencies below)

and online here:
There is a paper by a Swedish academic, Per Anders Rudling, about the history and development of the far right in Ukraine, using the case of the Svoboda party:
The study must have terminated in 2012, but is still relevant.

To give just one example of how the process has developed as dexcribed by Rudling, here is a snip of the conclusion:
Rudling said:
The frantic nationalizing activities under Yushchenko were partly carried out by ultra-nationalist activists, who denied the fascist ideology of the OUN(b), obfuscated atrocities and rehabilitated perpetrators of mass ethnic violence against national minorities. By glorifying Shukhevych, Bandera and Stets’ko as national heroes, Yushchenko and his legitimizing historians helped mobilizing the neo-fascist hard right. With few exceptions, democratic Ukrainian politicians and intellectuals failed to speak up or quietly went along with a cult of the OUN that celebrated Bandera and Stets’ko out of context and treated them as the persons they would have liked them to be, rather than the ideologues and political activists they actually were.

Yushchenko was the president of Ukraine from 2005-2010 _
He was elected as president as a result of the Orange revolution after having lost the first round to Yanukovych, but due to protests and allegations of fraud at the elections, there was a repeat election in which he won. The paper details how Yushchenko helped to bring about the rewriting of history. I think this study is quite interesting in how it describes the process of the rightwing gaining power. First the West brought in the Orange revolution, which apparently led to a fair bit of historical rewriting and national mythmaking. Now ten years later they can collect the fruits of their work.

Looking up the author of the paper, Per Anders Rudling, led med to: _ Ukraine: Western Media Starts (Very Gently) to Mention Adulation of Hitlerism and Holocaust Collaborators It is a list of references to some articles in Western Media who write aout the UA right wing. That Western Media is very gentle is rather telling, and as Rudling described the process in Ukraine, many who could have spoken, chose not to speak up against the right-wing people and the processes that led to their revival.

Here is a link to a fresh article about the power the far-right has gained in Ukraine _
“The so-called interim government is not self-sufficient, and, to great regret, depends upon radical nationalists, who carried out the military coup,” Sergey Lavrov told journalists on Saturday, when he was answering the question of whether Russia was ready to have direct talks with the coup-imposed government.

The Right Sector movement, consisting of several far-right groups, was very active in the violence leading to the ouster of President Viktor Yanukovich. After the February-21 agreement between Yanukovich and opposition leaders was signed, the Right Sector declared they did not recognize it and would continue the armed struggle.

At Saturday’s press conference, Lavrov gave an example of how exactly the Right Sector is influencing the current decision-making in Kiev.

“The new government’s officials asked this Right Sector to approve their choice of ministers and now the Right Sector is dissatisfied. Its leaders say the reloading of the government system in Ukraine has not been completed. They are demand each of the ministers go to the Maidan protesters and report on how well they implement the demands of the protest leaders.”

Sergey Lavrov said the group, which allegedly demanded access to the country's arsenals, had the security situation in Kiev under its control. The capital of Ukraine has not been safe since ousted President Viktor Yanukovich removed all the police from the streets in compliance with the February-21 agreement.

"Actually there’s no state control over public order and the so-called Right Sector calls the tune, the group that has resorted to terror and intimidation.”

Lavrov believes the West is well aware of the role the nationalist group is playing in post-coup Ukraine.

“Our western partners, it seems to me, are quite well informed of what they [the radicals] represent, because they are frequent quests there [in Kiev] and among themselves they are sharing extremely alarming impressions. But I guess for political reasons, they try to conceal the facts in public.”
On this link there is a video about what is going on with the Right Sector and Ultra Nationalists Kiev in Ukraine. _
_ said:
Svoboda is part of an alliance of European neo-fascists, the Alliance of European National Movements, which includes France's National Front, the British National Party and Hungary's Jobbik.
According to the Wikipedia the party only has observer status _

What is more on the website of _ they've posted an official statement on Ukraine in which the in quite strong terms distance themselves from the way the situation has evolved just at they portray the role they think the UA nationalists play in the big picture.
_ said:
Ukraine – Official Statement
March 5, 2014

What’s going on – and what should Britain do?
As principled nationalists, we naturally sympathise with the desire of Ukrainians for self-determination and for recognition for the terrible suffering of their people during the genocidal Hunger Holocaust inflicted on them by the Bolsheviks.

But such sentiments do not justify collaboration with the EU and US-based neo-cons, whose long-term aims are to subjugate the whole of eastern Europe to globalist looting and a Frankfurt School style destruction of traditional identity and culture.

Red terror not ‘Russian’

The greatest irony of all is that, while naive Ukrainian nationalists blame Russia for the murder of millions during the 1930s, the Bolsheviks were overwhelmingly not Russian at all, although the majority of their victims were.

Indeed, the radical Jewish racism and supremacism and anti-Christian hatred that in the 1930s produced the Bolshevik terror, now largely find their outlet in the extreme Zionism, anti-white fanaticism and globalism of the neo-cons.

The Ukrainian nationalists who provided the backbone of the recent revolution/coup against the elected but pro-Russian government are undoubtedly sincere, but they have been manipulated, organised, funded and armed by sinister forces in the West, which are in reality very far from being Western.


Their leaders are not naive, they know exactly what they are doing. This is shown by their accepting weapons from Poland and meeting with leading neo-con puppets from Poland (when their ideological forebears were extremely anti-Polish), and by their high-profile meeting with the Israeli ambassador, where they reaffirmed their commitment to all the usual liberal-left shibboleths, including respect for all minorities – except, of course, Russians.

This explains and justifies the Russian intervention in the Crimea, which as well as being a strategic area within Russia’s legitimate sphere of influence is also populated by ethnic Russians.

A fact that the controlled media won’t let you know is that the Crimea was Russian until the Soviet leader Kruschev ‘gave’ it to Ukraine. Thus for Russia to take steps now to retain control of the area is as reasonable as it is inevitable – and entirely consistent with the nationalist principle of self-determination.

Protecting civilians

Further, Ukrainian chauvinists have a shocking record of launching brutal ethnic cleansing massacres of minorities, in the 1940s (mainly Poles and Hungarians, who were targets of the hatred now beginning to be displayed towards Russians). So it is not surprising or unreasonable for Putin to show that he is prepared to intervene to protect the huge Russian population of eastern Ukraine.

Nationalists from all over Europe are in touch with contacts on both sides of this tragic potential European Brothers’ War urging restraint.

Ukraine is a long way away, but the peaceful settlement of the unfinished tragic divisions there and indeed in many parts of Europe – created by deliberate divide-and-rule population-mixing by 19th century empires and the insanely unjust ‘peace’ imposed by the victors of WW1 – matters to us.

We see in Ukraine how such old divisions can and will be exploited by sinister globalist power-grabbers.

Principle for peace

The only just and practical solution which will thwart those who would use old tragedies for their own ends is to recognise the right of self-determination by long-established local majorities.

This has to be negotiated through ‘velvet divorces’ of the kind carried out between the Czech and Slovak Republics, or by copying the canton system that brought permanent peace to Switzerland.

Foreign powers should stay out, which lf course includes Britain and the USA. Rather than lecturing Putin, the political pygmy William Hague should take the crisis in Ukraine as a warning about the growing danger of ‘Balkanization’ between different ethnic groups here in Britain.

Ukraine is Russia’s business because millions of Russians live there and because it is in Russia’s backyard, at a time when neo-con warmongers have an openly stated plan to encircle and dominate Russia.
This piece confirms the role of Israel, which has been popping up before and which explains why Yatsenyuk began to rant about Iran (see;topic=33810.285;last_msg=478462#postmodify)
That they allegedly received weapons from Poland is also not unexpected having seen the videos of right wing military training, besides the Svoboda party is particularly strong in western Ukriane close to the border with Poland:


The picture is from _
A pretty good short documentary was just published on RT. Disturbing footage, showing how totally crazy these "protesters" were.

Crimea: Unmasking Revolution

l apprenti de forgeron said:
Pashalis said:
Laura said:
I never saw these folks before but they are pretty good.

What To Do In Crimea, Abby Martin Under Fire & Whistleblower Protection

Yes, the show is called "Buzzsaw" and the son of Jesse Ventura, Tyrel Ventura is the moderator.
It is a relatively new show.

Very good. I liked the part where the presenter makes the difference between America's empire and the Republic. But unfortunately this difference may not exist since long ago. Perhaps from the beginning is this fight there between normal people who wanted a democratic republic and the deviants who wanted a new empire. But the deviants were imposed, as it reflected in the name of the country itself. United States does not have an own name, stole the name of a whole continent to themselves. That may show that thought overcome the British imperialism. Or, a new Rome.

I too am glad I watched the Buzzsaw, it was nice to see that at least some people have some clue of what is going on. But the lies of the empire have been too many, too outrageous, and been told for so long that it is frightening that more people are not seeing them for what they are.

I am still waiting to hear someone mention how all the money the empire is spending on financing coups/wars/extortion/surveillance etc could have made such a huge difference in the lives of the American people who are currently suffering in so many ways.
Alana said:
I too am glad I watched the Buzzsaw, it was nice to see that at least some people have some clue of what is going on. But the lies of the empire have been too many, too outrageous, and been told for so long that it is frightening that more people are not seeing them for what they are.

I am still waiting to hear someone mention how all the money the empire is spending on financing coups/wars/extortion/surveillance etc could have made such a huge difference in the lives of the American people who are currently suffering in so many ways.
Very agree. Thanks for sharing, Alana.
Here follows a map of how the ethnic distribution is in Crimea:

Blue represents Russians, dark red Ukrainians, orange denotes Tatars and purple means other nationalities. There are around 377.000 people in Sevastopol and 358.000 in Simferopol.
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