Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or "I, Psychopath"?

Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

Great find Laura!!

This just backs up what we and many many of our members report - the double talk and bull**** is endless.

The most common report we get are from battle-scarred ex-members of one of Vaknin's "support groups" (usually they're banned by his high priestess - Femfree) who try to engage in meaningful dialogue with Vaknin or Femfree.

They ask questions and Vaknin spews some rhetorical gobbletygoop at them and them references 10 or 12 of his articles. The member comes back and asks more questions and Vaknin does the same - rinse repeat. Then it ends when Femfree steps in, locks the thread and the member says WTF? - once the WTF? happens the member is summarily banned.

Is Vaknin Insane? We think that's putting it mildly.
Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

Actually there are some really nice people posting on the sites and a lot of them just ignore the dear doctor. If you see the picture he posts of himself it is indeed odd. Listen to this thread on one of the forums

one poster asks about the narcissists who post and how it may be useful to see what they have to say and then sam jumps in with his links as usual and warns everyone about people not being who they say they are on the web...priceless ...the poster continues....

O btw sam......... youv got more than enough webspace, your not here to be cared for, and your help is easy (unavoidable) to find on the net........!!!!!!!!!

bring ON the ABUSE, which i am sure my honesty will provoke...........{that told him right}

the moderator then says

Sam has been uninvited from this forum. I wont allow abuse here even if you ask for it =)

what a theraputic place...... you post and get put down by the good dr and he gets told not to post!!!
Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

omg just spent time reading posts on a forum in careplace called exploring narcissism. Basically a slanging match between two groups of narcissists each accusing each other of bullying. This has been going on for ten years if you believe them. It would be funny but they actually take themselves seriously!
Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

Those forums do have nice people but eventually the nice people get booted.

Trust us. And steer clear of the Vaknin/ Femfree forums. Don't be fooled.
Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

I was already coming to that conclusion. The 'nice' people get caught up in the trolling and bullying and of course if they have built up a relationship with the bully then as in real life they defend and assist the bully in his art without even knowing. Think I have got all the info I want from these forums and have learned a valuable lesson. The strangest thing is the forums are 'ruled' by posters who are narcissists and they have multiple names and seem to play games using these fake personalities. So even the honest posters do not know who to trust. The need is for independent moderators who could suss out the fakes! Trouble is the good ones like the one who banned sam soon burn out and leave.
Ho hum....I had enough of narcissism in real life. I think these forums are a playground for Sam Vaknin. He gets hours of fun I should think.
Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

I couldn't agree more, purplehaze.

It's not even so much that nice people (and there are very many nice people) get booted, it's that you're constricted to such narrowly permissible (read: controllable) interactions it either keeps you stuck by rewounding you with insults until you tow the company line, doesn't allow you to progress to deeper self-examinations (which threaten the totalitarianism of cult rule), or you wake up and start to see one occasion of hypocrisy after another, mostly on the part of the people running the place, until you just can't stand it anymore.

It's gotten a lot worse, too, than it used to be. It's really frightening now, how blind the powers-that-be have become to their own increasingly controlling behaviors, and how measures have been taken to isolate each member from the other that weren't in place some years ago.

Personally, I'm all done letting anyone operate on my head without a license.

This thread was a real eye-opener about Sam, and a valuable read for me. Thank you!
Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

They aren't blind - they know exactly what they are doing.

Femfree has admitted to older members that she uses multiple names, sets up members she doesn't like and has a couple programs to mask her IP.

For example - we have a member who told us she posed as an N-male asking questions - and wrote privately to one of the members. This member said the forum didn't like Ns being there and gave him the address of a forum that was supposedly N-friendly and wished him well. Polite right? Next thing you know she gets an email from Femfree saying because she had interaction with an N and it had been "reported" to her she was banning her. And she left another member's information about her N up, despite pleas to remove it - caused this ex-member all sorts of legal problems, yet Femfree refused to remove it. And how did Femfree even KNOW there had been interaction in the first situation? Who reported it? It was a set-up.

There is also gossip behind the scenes - such as if one member dealt with a serious psychopath, members who had plain old Ns say that person is "making it up" and it "can't have been that bad." And if a member says online dating is bad - other members pile on them for saying so. We have also had members who were badly treated by members of the Vaknin groups who are chased around the net by old members and maligned for saying "ouch."

And if an ex-member or moderator breaks off (such as the WebofNarcissism group on MSN) the moderators there also get caught up in the psychobabble/ word salad which makes no sense and manipulating vulnerable members. No one is allowed to ask questions, post articles or think...

equitoria said:
It's really frightening now, how blind the powers-that-be have become to their own increasingly controlling behaviors, and how measures have been taken to isolate each member from the other that weren't in place some years ago.
Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

Gee, these Narcissist message board people sound a lot like Vincent Bridges and his gang. But then, that is what Cleckley said about them: no matter where they are or what the context is, the dynamic behavior is always the same. And he was talking about psychopaths. Do we have a fit here?
Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

Yes, Laura its a fit.

As Sandra Brown MA says (paraphrasing) 'these pathologicals are the most creative people. And no matter who or what the circumstances - they pathology is the same'

Part of the problem is BECAUSE the pathology & behavior is the same - people overlook it! Psychopaths simply do NOT stick out in crowds. In fact, the blend right into the background.
Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

The psychopath must love the anonymity of the internet. There he/she can refine their skills to an extent. The latest at careplace seems to be the two main enemies have kissed and made up.... all of a sudden like! I believe most of these people are one and the same. Probably the dr himself having a fine game! The worry is vulnerable victims of narcissists are like lambs to the slaughter directed there by dr sam's links.
Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

It's not just the managers of these places, Purplehaze--it's the freaked out underlings who are getting worse too.
Some of them are totally off the wall.

What I wonder is will the vanishing point of these sites finally happen when something really bad happens and a manager gets sued? It's pretty risky to assume an active and unqualified expert role (especially in not allowing dissenting opinions) when people are showing up in all kinds of conditions of mental health as a result of abuse. It's not enough just to have site disclaimers if you're harrassing and demeaning members already in frail mential health, and the net just isn't going to be this big free for all forever.

Notice how Sam's too smart to be caught in this? He slips up once in awhile, but from what I've seen, not that often. It isn't out of the realm of possibility that that's why he posts one liners and link after link and doesn't engage much. He may be a lot of things, but stupid isn't one of them. It isn't going to be him taking the fall should a fall ever happen.
Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

Oh yeah - we noticed. He comes in - throws some of his gasoline on the fire and steps back. Definitely a psychopath.

equitoria said:
Notice how Sam's too smart to be caught in this? He slips up once in awhile, but from what I've seen, not that often. It isn't out of the realm of possibility that that's why he posts one liners and link after link and doesn't engage much. He may be a lot of things, but stupid isn't one of them. It isn't going to be him taking the fall should a fall ever happen.
Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

About 3 years ago, hurting after ending a relationship, I googled counseling and the search engine contained a link to a site - All About Counseling. I watched for a long time before I participated in the discussions. This was the first time I had visited a discussion forum. I didn't know much about computers, and I didn't know anything about forums- I didn't know what trolls were, chumming, html codes, etc . That site promotes complete anonymity- no private message feature, and no outside emails are to be exchanged. They also caution strongly against telling anyone in your actual life about the site, because it could "hinder your ability to express your innermost feelings" or something like that.

There are no times displayed for posts. Because I work nights, I noticed things that the other (US) population probably didn't notice.

After a year, I finally posted to a couple of people, and over time, got a little braver in posting about myself. There is a lot of nasty fighting that goes on at AAC, and the site promotes this lack of civility or does not discourage it - claiming it is a way to identify triggers and hopefully learn from them.

I have since visited other sites. AAC is the only one where everyone must be codependent. The posters say things like, "We as codependents....." "this disease of codependency"........

There are no "moderators", only a "Site Coordinator" that comes in to mediate when huge flames erupt in any of the threads. These flames are usually started by one male poster or his buddy female poster who have posted at that site under those names for at least 5 years. They call themselves "Senior Posters". The Site Coordinator always "sides" with these senior posters. Sometimes the flames are started by brand new posters with posting styles nearly identical to those senior posters. These two posters, called Worried_Dad and Free claim to have the following in common- victims of abuse by a partner, esoteric religion, and they love to debate. He claims to have been abused by a cult, tried to start "support" threads about it that fizzled, and states he is writing a book about cults. He claims this plethora of credentials as a nurse, psychologist, hypnotherapist, musician, comedian, shaman, priest of a mystery religion - and that he is doing research, but he won't say what it is. It's a secret. He frequently pops in threads when Sam Vaknin is mentioned, to warn folks that "Sam is not the last word on Narcissism" or "there is no such thing as narcissistic supply" - stuff like that.

The one who posts as "free" claims she was raised in a Freemason household and promotes the secrets of mystery religions. She posts about lighthouses along the way.

There is another Senior poster, Ladeska, that has had various ongoing threads about the "Charmer/Abuser" and how not to fall Prey to this Predator. She has had quite a following over the years, with lots of trauma bonding established in those threads. I googled Charmer/Abuser and this material is only posted on a couple of other forums.

There is a poster (that reeks of free) that claims she is NPD and posts plagiarised material from books on Sociopathy.

Any time there is conflict and there is not complete agreement with the Site Coordinator, the SC threatens to shut the site down. Everyone chimes in like - "No SC, I NEED this place, what would I do without it please don't." It's bizarre to watch.

I backed away from that site last winter after a series of attacks on several posters. The out of control name-calling just went on and on.

03-13-08, name said - "The one thing which I don't remember having read at Vaknin's is something similar to the wise words of Martha Stout at the end of her book: she mentions in passing that the people who have the best chances of getting out of their problem are those who assume responsibility, who stop pushing their problems on others. I'd say that Vaknin's site is not exactly about that, but that's just my 2 cents." -

This is exactly what the other site, AAC promotes. Victimhood. I have been vehemently "corrected" by W_D and Free for saying that, in order to grow, there is a point that an abused person must shed the victim cloak and push forward. I wouldn't back down. It was after I said this that I was often "attacked", by posters never before heard of, when I posted outside the two threads I usually posted on.

It didn't hurt my feelings. Much. But it's odd. I had these suspicions, so I broke the golden rule and made contact with a couple of people. Here's the verdict - I'm not insane!! Well, the jury may still be out on that, but my suspicions are the same as some of the others who left the site. NO one can figure out WHY.

I was drawn to the dynamics of that site because my mother has a lot of APD traits, as does the ex that abused me. I didn't always post when I was triggered, I guess you could say I picked my battles. What triggers me worst is when something doesn't make sense to me, so I look deeper. That's why I googled narcissistic cult and was lead to a thread at this site. I've read these threads with interest, because I wanted to see if AllAboutCounseling was mentioned, but so far I haven't seen it listed. Has anyone seen that site or does any of this sound familiar?

I have tons more to say, but I don't want to clutter up this thread, unless anyone has experienced that site.

Sam Vaknin - Narcissist or Psychopath?

No. But thanks for the head's up.
It's a mob mentality.

There's nothing wrong, IOHO with being a victim - but don't turn it into a lifestyle! We believe the word Victim needs to be reclaimed because there's POWER in it. Some things you don't get over but you do move forward. Narcissists & psychopaths do not create CoDependents - they create victims - period. And we don't buy codependence at our site (

This article sums it up for us:

AAC sounds a heck of a lot like Womansavers. Womansavers is a free for all blood bath according to a number of our members. Instead of helping traumatized women it promotes a mob mentality and makes matters worse. The site owner could care less, now she's out promoting her book about Online Dating! (um... a lot of her members were hurt by online dating... duh!)

We'll put AAC on our no-no list!

Filachi said:
03-13-08, name said - "The one thing which I don't remember having read at Vaknin's is something similar to the wise words of Martha Stout at the end of her book: she mentions in passing that the people who have the best chances of getting out of their problem are those who assume responsibility, who stop pushing their problems on others. I'd say that Vaknin's site is not exactly about that, but that's just my 2 cents." -

This is exactly what the other site, AAC promotes. Victimhood.

I have tons more to say, but I don't want to clutter up this thread, unless anyone has experienced that site.
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