Sarah Palin, the Christian Right and Fascism in America

Re: Shocking! Sarah Palin signs up with.....

Perceval said:
Sarah Palin signs on as Fox News commentator

Sarah Palin has signed on as a commentator with Fox News, fulfilling predictions that she would pursue a career in television after stepping down as governor of Alaska.

what a surprise! She's going to be soooo much at home!

Obama's hopenosis is going so good, they need to give rest to palin at fox and continue to attract the dummies
Re: Shocking! Sarah Palin signs up with.....

seek10 said:
Perceval said:
Sarah Palin signs on as Fox News commentator

Sarah Palin has signed on as a commentator with Fox News, fulfilling predictions that she would pursue a career in television after stepping down as governor of Alaska.

what a surprise! She's going to be soooo much at home!

Obama's hopenosis is going so good, they need to give rest to palin at fox and continue to attract the dummies

You can say that again! Shes gonna fit right in with that bunch! :rolleyes:
Sometimes I just want to scream "why am I living in a country where ambitious, pathological morons hold positions of power and influence?" It was a lot easier back when I didn't think or know much about psychopaths and the secret games of the gods. IMO, Sarah Palin is a living -jezebel- of Babylon. Dear Cosmic Mind, she's just what the brain-washed, insouciant Americans who blindly believe that FOX News is "fair and balanced" deserve to lead them on their path to hell.

Yup. Definitely need a barf bag to deal with Palin's latest venture as a FOX commentator. She will feel right at home with fellow fascists Glenn Beck & Company.
NormaRegula said:
Sometimes I just want to scream "why am I living in a country where ambitious, pathological morons hold positions of power and influence?" It was a lot easier back when I didn't think or know much about psychopaths and the secret games of the gods. IMO, Sarah Palin is a living -satiation professional- of Babylon. Dear Cosmic Mind, she's just what the brain-washed, insouciant Americans who blindly believe that FOX News is "fair and balanced" deserve to lead them on their path to hell.

Your not the only one! Every week I go home and visit my parents, my mother and I end up in a brief argument about Fox. Everyone on that channel selling this garbage to the public is making mega millions for doing it too. Fox has even now charged the cable companies more to view their channels raising all of our cable bills and due to the fact that they hold most sporting events, they will most likely get away with it! I wonder how many people don't even realize that one. So now we are actually paying more in our cable bills just so they can keep pushing that junk.

A very large part of my mother's misconception is due to the Catholic church tho. Ever since the elections the priests were telling church goers that Obama was evil because he wasn't against abortion so anyone out there who says the same thing must be right in these people's eyes. Especially with Palin, keeping the child instead of aborting has caused her to climb right to the top of the holiness ladder. On Wednesday morning my mother actually told me that "now all the good people are on Fox news"! :scared: I nearly lost it but then remembered who I was talking to!
I don't know if this has been discussed before, but one thing I have noticed that REALLY bothers me is I've encountered dr/dentist waiting rooms with TV's on the wall tuned in to, you guessed it, FOX news! It is SO 1984!!! Previous to this, when my kids were in braces, the orthodontist's office was piping in Rush Limbaugh for the captive audience of the waiting room's listening entertainment! I can't remember now if I made a veiled complaint about that or not (thinking I probably did). I certainly wanted to say something to the current dentist, but thought better of it. Won't change anything and I could be expelled as a patient or receive less than optimal dental treatment. It is an office of 3 dentists and my dentist actually still wears a ponytail, so I don't know if the Fox News choice was his doing. Still, I have watched as fellow waitees have gazed enraptured at the bile being disseminated from the screen. It's making my head hurt now just thinking about it. :(
JEEP said:
I don't know if this has been discussed before, but one thing I have noticed that REALLY bothers me is I've encountered dr/dentist waiting rooms with TV's on the wall tuned in to, you guessed it, FOX news! It is SO 1984!!! Previous to this, when my kids were in braces, the orthodontist's office was piping in Rush Limbaugh for the captive audience of the waiting room's listening entertainment! I can't remember now if I made a veiled complaint about that or not (thinking I probably did). I certainly wanted to say something to the current dentist, but thought better of it. Won't change anything and I could be expelled as a patient or receive less than optimal dental treatment. It is an office of 3 dentists and my dentist actually still wears a ponytail, so I don't know if the Fox News choice was his doing. Still, I have watched as fellow waitees have gazed enraptured at the bile being disseminated from the screen. It's making my head hurt now just thinking about it. :(
I've encountered the TV playing while I wait for various things and I try to sit as far away from it as I can. If no one is around or a couple people are, I ask to turn it off. Have you ever tried to read with that garbage playing in the background. They won't let people smoke indoors, but they let this trash spew into peoples brains. We should be able to apply the same rational that they use about secondhand smoke that being barraged by crap on the TV is damaging to our health.
I too have noticed that Fox News is blaring away in the waiting room at the dentist.
It's one big buttocks kissing festival where operatives such as Beck, O'Reilly and Hannity bring on guests from right-wing think tanks like the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute to confirm all the talking points they are paid to spew out over and over again.
Palin will make the channel even more annoying with her fairy tales and superficial patriotic drivel.
Everything is certainly geared to provoke the most primal response in people that have no real identity other than to label themselves "God fearing Christians living in the greatest country in the world".
The U.S. has been looted and gutted of real substance on all levels and Fox News is right there at the apex of that effort.
There's nothing left but a shell, filled with a pasty medicated population, and bristling with nuclear weapons.
BK said:
I too have noticed that Fox News is blaring away in the waiting room at the dentist.
It's one big buttocks kissing festival where operatives such as Beck, O'Reilly and Hannity bring on guests from right-wing think tanks like the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute to confirm all the talking points they are paid to spew out over and over again.
Palin will make the channel even more annoying with her fairy tales and superficial patriotic drivel.
Everything is certainly geared to provoke the most primal response in people that have no real identity other than to label themselves "God fearing Christians living in the greatest country in the world".
The U.S. has been looted and gutted of real substance on all levels and Fox News is right there at the apex of that effort.
There's nothing left but a shell, filled with a pasty medicated population, and bristling with nuclear weapons.
once when I thought about her, some news item was coming on the TV about terrorists. I asked my self isn't she a terrorist if we go with book definition?. and isn't the Fox network is a Terror Network ?. some body can easily check the definitions of terrorist and exposing ( NO PROJECTIONS ) it in her acts / speeches . it will be good heading. Probably it may be already there.
Bear said:
I've encountered the TV playing while I wait for various things and I try to sit as far away from it as I can. If no one is around or a couple people are, I ask to turn it off. Have you ever tried to read with that garbage playing in the background. They won't let people smoke indoors, but they let this trash spew into peoples brains. We should be able to apply the same rational that they use about secondhand smoke that being barraged by crap on the TV is damaging to our health.

Good points. I think we should add some specific discussion of this to the FOTCM SOP.
I came across this article the other day and thought I'd throw it into the mix. It's about a teachers experience with his (or hers) high school pupils when it comes to discussions concerning Palin and their lack critical thinking when dealing with her. (Normally they exhibit quite reasonable thinking on other political topics).

I wonder if this is fairly typical of many students across the US and if she runs for president how many will end up voting for her?

Deeply worrying stuff.

(btw at what age you are allowed to vote in the US - is it 18 or 21?)
treesparrow said:
I came across this article the other day and thought I'd throw it into the mix. It's about a teachers experience with his (or hers) high school pupils when it comes to discussions concerning Palin and their lack critical thinking when dealing with her. (Normally they exhibit quite reasonable thinking on other political topics).

But when Palin enters the conversation, they become adamant, unthinking partisans. The eyes go blank. They seem starstruck and smile a lot (girls and boys.) They do not dispute evidence that she was unqualified or ill informed; they just ignore it. When they returned from an appearance Palin made nearby, four of my students behaved like they'd seen Miley Cyrus, not a potential leader of the free world. When it comes to Palin 2012, they tend to nod knowingly with a little secret smile and say "You'll see."
And any political argument that flows from or around Palin becomes empty, uncompromising, and irrational. Suddenly they say "believe" or "trust" or "faith" a lot. They are suddenly uninterested in reading or checking claims, or even discussing issues. It's all personality and emotion all the time. This is a real problem. I don't think it's me. I am a very experienced teacher and I've always had good success in maintaining a challenging neutrality for these students. They usually can't even figure out how I vote. I've never had any trouble before keeping them in a productive path while respecting their opinions. But when Palin appears, their writing becomes unsatisfactory, their arguments become vague, their logic becomes spotty, their evidence contradictory or false.
"believe" or "trust" or "faith"
sounds like a programmed unconscious block, though the mechanics of it NOT that clear. May be kids relate to these words to their parents and feel insecure to open that question , which can be big can of worms ? . :huh:
Re: Sarah Palin, facebook

interesting the face book for sarah palin

sarah palin = 1.23 million fans

I have more Foreign Policy Experience than Sarah Palin - Group - 218, 000 members

1,000,000 Strong Against Sarah Palin - 218,000 members

Americans for sarah palin - 138,000

I couldn't resist from joining the group "1,000,000 Strong Against Sarah Palin"
Thanks treesparrow,

treesparrow said:
I wonder if this is fairly typical of many students across the US and if she runs for president how many will end up voting for her?

Deeply worrying stuff.


Teacher says said:
I'll say this--it is the first time I can remember that I had real trouble helping students write well when they were already engaged enough to care about politics.

What does one quite say about Sarah, except she seems all theatre and production and maybe the kids gravitate to this; especially with conservative Christian influenced dinnertime, before homework, family fireside chats. Is it typical across the US, will have to leave that to someone from there, but maybe the Red/Blue voting percentages would mirror this though?

treesparrow said:
(btw at what age you are allowed to vote in the US - is it 18 or 21?)

It is 18 above the 49th parallel, think it is the same in the US - responsible to vote, go to war and kill, but not to go to social settings where drinking is allowed and people gather together; my brother in-law in the US says these under 21 years of age (never asked if just certain States) kids have to sneak around and hide from society where they are not taught how to be responsible; instead hide out in gangs, the underground and basements - thought this was strange but not sure if this is representative of the true picture?
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