Session 6 February 2016

ge0m0 said:
Contemplatif_Iskander said:
What did Cs means by space is water
Is it space is able to store informations like water or another capacity ?
Somebody have an explaination ?
Thanks a lot

My take on it is that space and water are analogs of the primal carrier-wave.,40874.msg631704.html#msg631704

A: This goes beyond the material properties to the information field that is the fundament of water

This is also interesting because of the consideration that information takes up no space. Rather, it "informs" ether which then creates the space for manifestation. Who knows how many bits of information can dance on the head of a pin? How much information can a particle hold? All of it, it would seem. Each particle has to "know" all the information in the universe or else all the various moving parts would be incongruous. How so? The information coming from outside a particle needs to be decoded by the particle. That is, the particle is hard-wired to know how to react to different conditions. It seems to me, for that to be possible all information, ALL information has to be everywhere all the time. And it seems that ether is responsible for phase-transition from information to physical form.
(L) Yeah, there was an earthquake, and then a whole herd of sheep somewhere near Pompeii just dropped dead, apparently from gaseous effusions from the ground. Reading that, it just made my skin crawl because... It was like 600 sheep, they said. When you look at the planet nowadays and you see all the animals dying on land, in the ocean, falling out of the sky, etc., you can’t help but draw a comparison. We've already speculated and discussed in a couple of sessions about the fact that some of this is due to gases being emitted from within the earth either on land or in the oceans. What kind of gives me the shivers is the global nature of it now as opposed to a localized event near to where a volcano is going to erupt. That is, it was like a warning of the eruption. So, does that mean that we are looking forward to a whole, whole, whole lot more volcanic eruptions in the future?

A: We once mentioned worldwide simultaneous eruptions.

I suddenly had an image of the Wave hitting our world, which now has its longitudional and latitudional lines transformed into giant piano strings. As these begin to resonate, their apocalyptic vibrations cause volcanoes erupt, world-wide on "string-lines" and all sorts of calamities happen in concert on these spots that are being hit by the shocks of Wave's hammer.

Its like a Maistro of Apocalypse is playing the Earth sector as an instrument - 3D solids and 4thD local hyperdimensional components included - , which system responds by emitting angels trumpets sounds, volcanic eruptions, gas explosions, EM explosions in a colossal universal endgame play.

To our ears its cacophony, but to the Universe it must be a Jubilate Hymn of Cleansing and Rebirth.
Joe said:
Didn't the Cs say somewhere else that making a "Rife machine" would be difficult? Or am I confusing it with something else?

They did:
(L) Oh, it's August the 8th 2015. Okay, next question?

(Heimdallr) Can the Rife technology be as effective as the antibiotic protocol now being discussed on the forum?

A: If adequately constructed machine were available. Tall order.
Thanks for sharing the session everyone! As always great info and things to think about. The info on the water was really interesting. It has me wondering about bottled water factories and what could be happening there.
Laura said:
munaychasumaq said:
(L) Yeah, they may as well be taken and eaten by aliens as being used for organ harvesting and sexploitation.

A: There are similarities due to soul orientation or absence of same.

Q: (L) Absence of soul, you mean?

A: Yes

That`s mean than those poor children are having these experiences because sort of talk they have low vibrations and probably is their karma?? :O And many of them do not have soul? :(

The reference was to the persons taking the children not having souls, or their souls being oriented the same as 4D STS, NOT to the children. Sorry if that was not clear.

Gracias for clarify me Laura,but still as all of you i can not stop thinking about them and their parents.What a mad world we live in!! :(
Renaissance said:
munaychasumaq said:
(L) Yeah, they may as well be taken and eaten by aliens as being used for organ harvesting and sexploitation.

A: There are similarities due to soul orientation or absence of same.

Q: (L) Absence of soul, you mean?

A: Yes

That`s mean than those poor children are having these experiences because sort of talk they have low vibrations and probably is their karma?? :O And many of them do not have soul? :(

Look at the full quote, particularly Niall's statement :

Q: (L) What is the... Oh geez. What is the end... What are the human traffickers doing with these children?

A: Organ harvesting, sexual exploitation.

Q: (Niall) Which is kind of like alien activity as well. The human activity and alien activity is similar.

(L) Yeah, they may as well be taken and eaten by aliens as being used for organ harvesting and sexploitation.

A: There are similarities due to soul orientation or absence of same.

Q: (L) Absence of soul, you mean?

A: Yes

So, the C's are addressing Niall's statement about similarity and are referring to the human traffickers/alien activity.

Thanks Renaissance,but still sad as all of you.
Thank you very much for the session. Here are my two cents for certain parts of this session:

Q: (Arky) You convert your talk to a number, like 1000, 2010, okay there's a number. Your language and intent is this number. But you can say something with good intentions, or with wrong intention. The algorithm is such that it may produce the same number for either. Yet, it seems that the water is smart enough that even if you put the same number on two bottles, but derived from different language and intent, it knows whether the intention was positive or negative!

Regarding converting your talk into a number via computer, in the "tech" world, confirmation of the integrity of a binary file is usually done with a MD5 SHA checksum. The idea is you run the whole binary file into this checksum generator and it spits out a number. You publish that number online for others to check their copies of the binary against; they run the MD5 SHA checksum generator and see if they get the same number as published.
Here is a wikipedia entry explaining the idea of a checksum:

Here is a sample of a free MD5 SHA checksum generator:

The number that is computer generated from the binary file and is fairly long and unique.

Now, as an experiment, maybe we can convert the binary video/audio of Laura reciting the "The Prayer of the Soul". I remember the C's saying that Laura's recitation of that on video audio carried some "whump"; that because Laura was reciting it, some "energy" was carried across to whoever was viewing or listening to it. It is somewhere in the transcripts, I'll try to find it later if no one has beaten me to it.

lux said:
Contemplatif_Iskander said:
Distilled water is not a good conductor of electricity, such as vacuum.

But things are changing when we give, for example, a bit of salt to the water, the amount of ions is growing, making the water more conductive electricity.

I was going to add this but lux beat me to it. So I guess adding salt makes the message to the water more effective probably because electric conductivity is present when the distilled water has salt. And I'm thinking that electric conductivity is somewhat related to magnetic fields and all that but I don't have the scientific background to make a clear concise "theory" to make it all stick.
Shared Joy said:
lux said:
Contemplatif_Iskander said:
I didn't understand about :Q: (Galatea) I have a question that'll sound crazy. Is water similar to space?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) I knew it! [laughter]

(Pierre) Similar in what sense?

(L) It's like etheric.

(Galatea) Space is water?

A: Yes

What did Cs means by space is water
Is it space is able to store information like water or another capacity ?
Somebody have an explanation ?
Thanks a lot

I can't give any explanation. But trying imagine, floating/suspended in the ocean of water, not on the earth (without gravitation), is like be floating or suspended in the cosmic space.

I can imagine water as a condensed vacuum thanks to the gravitation of the earth, gravitation which is connected to the electricity and electromagnetism, by the way.

Distilled water is not a good conductor of electricity, such as vacuum.

But things are changing when we give, for example, a bit of salt to the water, the amount of ions is growing, making the water more conductive electricity.

Similarities exist in the universe. But in the universe we have vacuum instead water, and cosmic dust instead salt(in this case).

Interesting when supernova explode then billions of particles are throwing out to the vacuum/ether. The universe is expanding itself through this process, manifesting itself (who is information in his pure state) thanks to the vacuum which, metaphorically speaking, give cosmic mind to realize himself in physical world. Like C's said "ether is the interface between information and manifestation".

We can also be "creators" while "programming" water. Is it cool?

Hi Lux,
I'm rereading some of the transcript and came upon this:

A: Source? There is no such thing.
Q: (L) You mean there is no Prime Creator, no origin or source
of our existence?
A: You are Prime Creator.
Q: (L) But that is so esoteric... I am talking about...
A: The point is: stop filling your consciousness with
monotheistic philosophies planted long ago to imprison your
being. Can't you see it by now, after all you have learned, that
there is no source, there is no leader, there is no basis, there is
no overseer, etc... You literally possess, within your
consciousness profile, all the power that exists within all of
creation!?! You absolutely have all that exists, ever has, or
ever will, contained within your mind. All you have to do is
learn how to use it, and at that moment, you will literally,
literally, be all that is, was, and ever will be!!!!!!!!

It could well be that the water in us and everywhere, in all forms and vibrations, is the element that could make the above possible for us?! Our mind is not limited to a certain confinement of space-time due to ether.

We are here to learn using what we have available. It seems to me that with every recent session more and more crucial information is emphasized, information which was suggested earlier though. Maybe we became aware and responsible enough to handle refined levels of application and utilization of knowledge.

Thank you. There is always something here worth living for!

I understood 'space is water' part that space and water are both containers. Water contains physical properties in itself, but also information. That information forms/creates physical properties in the water. Space too contains physical properties in itself, in its material/physical part, and also information (informational field, aether or whatever popular name . . . ) which then creates physical part of the universe. And that 'informational field/ aether' of both is probably the same. And if we can change physical properties of the water and thus its information (or vice-versa) we can make sort of 'direct contact' to the 'aether/informational field . . .'
Thanks, thanks, team. For the information. Ether is interface between information and manifestation. Ups...
Thank-you for sharing this session!

It got me trying to wrap my head around Gravity. Again. Ugh. -But this time in the context of "Ether".

So, while tooling around, I had this thought...


Here are two ideas:

“A collection of hydrogen atoms.”

“Don’t eat the crayons.”

Those are just two pieces of information. They exist only in the mind. There are no physical analogs for them.

-Except we're talking about God’s mind here! -And when ideas are fully contemplated in God's mind, they are projected. They become aspects of the great interactive hologram which we call, “Reality”.

So “A collection of hydrogen atoms” projects simply enough as a physicality. A collection of hydrogen atoms now exists in the hologram. There they are. Behold! Hydrogen atoms!

Neat trick.

But what about, “Don’t eat the crayons”?

How is that idea projected into reality? It's not a physical object. It is a description of a command and a choice, which in order to be projected and played out in the hologram, first requires there be crayons. -And a person, a soul container, capable of eating or not eating them. -And maybe another soul container advising to not eat them. And context! Oh boy, do we ever need context!

What are crayons, after all? Colored wax sticks for drawing? What is drawing? What is wax? What is color? Goodness! For there to be crayons, we need to create an entire world where crayons make sense, and every aspect of that world (the crayon factory, the schoolhouse where they are sent to be used, the idea of teaching, and people to teach and on and on... Every one of these ideas calls out the question, "Why? What is..? How? From Whence?" And each answer, each new piece of information requires a supporting structure made from still more ideas! Holy cow! And only when we’ve created such a place is the information content of the thought pattern, “Don’t eat the crayons” able to find realization.

In a Mind, (the kind we’re familiar with), ideas thus require each other in order to exist.

Put another way... When ideas are projected into the Reality Hologram, in order for them to exist, they require each other and thus.., attract each other as a natural consequence of existing. It is a psychological imperative and compulsion!

Is this pull, this force then, the origin of Gravity?

If all which exists and appears to us as a physicality, is really just metaphor and result of projected thought patterns, then why wouldn’t gravity as we experience it, similarly be nothing more than the expression of a psychological process? A process of many thought patterns all attracting one another so that they might exist.

We are component parts of the Hologram, we are projections of ideas. We are "Matter". And as ideas, we experience the pull! We feel drawn to every other idea expressed as matter! And we call that feeling, "Gravity!"

That we can measure and determine consistent rules which Gravity appears to follow, suggests merely that the psychological processes are also consistent.
JeanneT said:
First, I would like to say that I very much appreciate the sessions and the continual energy put forth by all who share thoughts and experiences.
I just want to share something that happened to me more than 25 yrs ago in New York City. I accompanied a friend, who is Buddhist, to a gathering held by the Dalai Lama. I remember it all being quite fascinating but I didn't really understand all that went on with the ceremonies and such. However, throughout the 3 day process, a group of monks continually chanted over various items of food that people had brought in. In the end, each person was encouraged to take and eat a bit of the food that had been blessed. I chose an apple and some little candies. This part is still really clear in my mind...As I ate and swallowed the apple I could FEEL a very lovely and strong electrical vibration going all the way down my esophagus and into my stomach. The vibration stayed for awhile and was also very pleasant. However, the candy did not have the same effect at all! I have since thought that the apple absorbed the vibration because it was real food. After reading the recent session on water I am wondering if it held the vibration because an apple is almost 85% water! It is exciting to think of the potential healing capabilities of intent, sound and water.

That's interesting. It reminded of some things I read in a couple of books about Gurdjieff. First, Tchekovitch (and others) talked about how Gurdjieff would cook for his students and the needy Parisians who would come by everyday for food. He essentially operated a soup-kitchen during the occupation. (Ezra Pound allegedly said he'd become a disciple simply because of his cooking.) I think it was Kathryn Hulme who wrote that she was convinced he did 'something' to the food, imbued it with some kind of power or energy. It was like medicine. There's also the story of him holding a glass of water for 5 minutes, then giving it to his wife. She hadn't been able to eat or drink because of her cancer, but after drinking it, she could. He'd also give injections of some mysterious substance to some of his pupils (e.g. the Rope women). ( Pretty sure he'd make vials of 'medicines' too. Wonder if he was just working with water? And if water can store intentions, maybe it could be used in cooking?
Thanks all for the session!

The water topic has me thinking more about the zodiac sign Aquarius referred to as the water bearer/water carrier. The symbol or glyph being water waves.

Now to catch up on the the posts in this thread..
This bible quote here seems to have some relevance

And there are three that bear witness in earth, the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one

Not sure what the meaning is though.
Thank you for this session. So much to contemplate...the implications of programming our water! I wonder if singing to it is effective? I often sing to my water in the shower to wash away impurities..... "water wash away ....all that I don't need today, water purify I can live my destiny." It just came to me one day. I sing it without attachment as to whether or not it actually does something, because I know at least I'm "cleaner" after my shower. But I found that singing helps me to be present to gratitude for HAVING CLEAN WATER, AND HAVING A SHOWER! Thanks again. Interesting times, eh?

Thank you very much for this session.

I found it pretty astonishing that the Dutch media wrote that these missing children may have been taken for sexploitation or other forms of slavery purposes. I didn't expect this to happen. But of course it still doesn't point to the PTB and their cronies in 4D.

Also, lately there has been this person during the Truth Perspective and Behind the Headlines SOTT radio shows focusing attention on Chinese practices of organ harvesting (instead of participating in the chatroom), whereas these crimes are now taking place in Europe, maybe even on a much larger scale? So, I was wondering whether that is a coincidence. :D
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