Shapeshifter Filmed by Security Camera in Mexico?

People are O so scared or looking for these outer worldly beings I guess part interest but I guess because they are afraid or want awareness. To me it’s tabloid news.

More hurt, damage, negativity has been done by real life human beings here and now than these rare ghosts snd gools iMO …

This stuff is interesting though to ponder
Yes, contrary to what the video says, the guy is not scared at all.

He calmly goes to look for his wife and the dogs also calmly follow him.

Lights and mirrors on this surely.
What I find interesting in this video is the camera itself. Why does it moves so much? Is it someone else filming while the guy is washing the chair along with his dogs or is it a video cam attached to the ceiling in the garage?
At one point, the camera moves to the direction of the door while the man leaves to get the woman. For a short few seconds, the "creature" is not visible before the camera goes back to its "corner". That camera shakes a lot while it is filming the event.
Interesting but I believe a fake event unfolded.
What I find interesting in this video is the camera itself. Why does it moves so much? Is it someone else filming while the guy is washing the chair along with his dogs or is it a video cam attached to the ceiling in the garage?
At one point, the camera moves to the direction of the door while the man leaves to get the woman. For a short few seconds, the "creature" is not visible before the camera goes back to its "corner". That camera shakes a lot while it is filming the event.
Interesting but I believe a fake event unfolded.

The footage is a video made of a TV screen (or computer screen) that has the footage on it. Hence, the movement of the camera is from the person filming the screen and not from the "security camera" itself that captured what can be seen.
For me it lookes somewhat CGI, it mooves so unnaturally...
And paradoxically that's why it might be "real".
People shouldn't fool themselves that they'll be able to distinguish whether something like that is real or not from a video, when the phenomenon that is on the video isn't supposed to be existing in the first place. Those things will not behave the same way we do. Their "bodies" might not react and move like ours. They are "unnatural", and our minds will interpret them as unnatural.

The best we can do is to look for signs of meddling with the video and things in the environment that do not fit with what is happening (like when a video shows a dragon flying and breathing fire, but people on the ground seem to not notice anything). But even that will become progressively difficult as we get more accustomed to AI that can fit everything per-frame and modify it to look real.

In fact, prepare yourself for an increase in cases where someone will upload a video of something "unnatural" actually happening, but it will be dismissed by the masses because "it's clearly done by an AI, it looks too unnatural".
And perhaps that's another reasons for the push on AI development. If people stop believing what they see is real, then everything that is unreal can start to happen, and they will still ignore it as if it wasn't there.
The footage of the garage starts from 1:47, but maybe someone speaking Spanish can share if the reporters say anything additional to the following summary?

Here is the relevant part of what is said in Spanish (English translation below) :

Hay historias muy conocidas por ejemplo en el estado de Veracruz, en donde se dice que hay una zona, como un bosque en donde las personas se adentran, y pues que esto incluso viene hasta de familia, se adentra en el bosque y en las noches se convierten en animales.
Nuestro compañero Francisco Liñán Delgadillo nos tiene información de un hecho que ocurrió (...) esta edición nocturna de tele Zocalo allá en la región sureste (...) un video que fue captado por una familia del municipio de Nava, una colonia que omitimos qué sector es por solicitud de los dueños del video.
Tuvieron un avistamiento de un Nahual o una bruja aparentemente, según el video de la cámara de seguridad que tienen ellos en la cochera en el patio de este domicilio. Esto ocurrió hace pocos días cerca de la medianoche. Estaba la familia ya por dormir cuando escucharon ruidos extraños en el patio cerca de la cochera.
(...) Si lo vamos a analizar, de hecho ya tenemos varias personas revisando a detalle este video para ver qué tipo de situación se puede presentar , pero sin duda que si causo temor, dicen algunos que incluso a quien se lo encontró de frente lo están curando de susto en estos momentos allá en Nava por el encuentro extraño que tuvo.

There are well-known stories, for example in the state of Veracruz, where it is said that there is an area, like a forest, where people go into, and well, this even comes from families, they go into the forest and at night, they transform into animals.
Our colleague Francisco Liñán Delgadillo has information for us about an event that occurred (...) this night edition of TV Zocalo there in the southeastern region (...) a video that was captured by a family from the municipality of Nava, a neighborhood that we omit what sector it is, at the request of the owners of the video.
They apparently had a sighting of a Nahual or a witch, according to the video from the security camera they have in the garage in the patio of this home. This happened a few days ago around midnight. The family was about to sleep when they heard strange noises in the yard near the garage. (...)
Yes we are going to analyze it, in fact we already have several people reviewing this video in detail to see what type of situation could arise, but without a doubt it caused fear, some say that even those who encountered it are being treated for fear, right now, there in Nava, due to the strange encounter they had.

Nahual or Nagual
Nagual, also known as the Nahuales (both pronounced [na'wal]), is a human being who has the power to transform either spiritually or physically into an animal form: most commonly jaguar, puma and wolf, but also other animals such as donkeys, birds, dogs or coyotes.
The Nahuatl word for nahual is nahualli, which means "what is my garment or skin" and refers to the ability of the nahual to become a creature half man, half animal.

This description is very similar to the one of Skinwalker from Navaho legend
Skinwalkers (mythology)
Skinwalkers are malevolent creatures from Navajo folklore - modern takes on Skinwalkers have also become extremely popular, especially on online paranormal boards and "creepypasta" websites, which often take liberties with the creatures and their motives.

Traditional Lore
True Skinwalker lore is specific to the Navajo tribe and is linked to the sacred values of their medicine men and shamans, who the Skinwalkers are a twisted counterpart - many Navajo mystics traditionally learned both good and dark magic to further their knowledge but a select few became corrupted by the darkness and thus became "witches", the Skinwalkers are the more malicious of these "witches" and take their name from their practice of changing into animals in order to trick people, raid villages and usually murder - traditionally almost all Skinwalker magic is devoted to killing in some fashion: in fact, in order to become Skinwalker one must kill a close family member.
Navajo are very reluctant to share information about Skinwalkers with anyone outside their tribe, thus it is difficult for outsiders to understand the true nature of Skinwalker lore, which remains well-guarded. As a result, many different takes on the legend have spread and the name has become a catch-all for any supernatural monster akin to the wendigo or werewolf.

Personal testimony from a Mexican relative
My partner is from Queretaro. He lived in a village named Bernal, which is at the foot of Bernal mountain. He has tons of paranormal stories from his grand mother, mother, cousins and aunts, and even he has witnessed abnormal stuff. Mexico is a nest of paranormal activity and there has been a lot of orbs sighting near Bernal mountain.

My opinion:
I would not dismiss that video. But even if it's a fake, after everything I heard from him, rest assured there are weird and scary things going on down there...
If anyone wants to hear his stories, I'm more than happy to write them down for you, just point me to which thread I should write them, unless it's better if I start a new one.
And paradoxically that's why it might be "real".
People shouldn't fool themselves that they'll be able to distinguish whether something like that is real or not from a video, when the phenomenon that is on the video isn't supposed to be existing in the first place. Those things will not behave the same way we do. Their "bodies" might not react and move like ours. They are "unnatural", and our minds will interpret them as unnatural.

The best we can do is to look for signs of meddling with the video and things in the environment that do not fit with what is happening (like when a video shows a dragon flying and breathing fire, but people on the ground seem to not notice anything). But even that will become progressively difficult as we get more accustomed to AI that can fit everything per-frame and modify it to look real.

In fact, prepare yourself for an increase in cases where someone will upload a video of something "unnatural" actually happening, but it will be dismissed by the masses because "it's clearly done by an AI, it looks too unnatural".
And perhaps that's another reasons for the push on AI development. If people stop believing what they see is real, then everything that is unreal can start to happen, and they will still ignore it as if it wasn't there.
I have exactly the same thoughts about these things, including UFO observations- they are things from a different realm and may not present themselves in any way familiar to us.
Great observation.
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