Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

I went to see him practically every day, he told me about his good and bad times, I explained to him what happens after death, he liked to listen to me when I explained why we're on earth and that the whole universe is a school, sometimes he asked me to stay a little longer. I took care of his dog, walked him and made him run... he needed it.

I hope he left serenely and didn't forget what I told go towards the light.
I asked him about his health and from what he told me, it was from the third dose onwards that his health really deteriorated and the fourth finished him off and when I told him that the cause was certainly due to the doses he agreed with me.

Thank you for your kind words, and also for your likes.
My condolences also, Christine. It was a wonderful thing that you did in caring for his dog and going to be with him almost every day. I'm sure that that meant a lot to him. As well as preparing him for the transition. May he rest in peace.
My condolences also, Christine. It was a wonderful thing that you did in caring for his dog and going to be with him almost every day. I'm sure that that meant a lot to him. As well as preparing him for the transition. May he rest in peace.
Ditto to all of the above, Christine. My condolences. You helped your neighbour in his hour of need and probably made his last days and his transition much easier. He must have felt the comforting presence of your knowledge. What a wonderful gift you bestowed on him.:hug2:

Strangely, the other day I heard about someone who also had pancreatic cancer, who received her diagnosis shortly before her death. I don't know whether she was vaccinated, but she died very quickly.

Data Analyst Unveils Alarming Post-Vaccine Cancer Statistics in Massachusetts​

Data Analyst Unveils Alarming Post-Vaccine Cancer Statistics.jpg

Transcription of the below video:
"As far as I know, that's why Kevin McKernan points to me and says, 'Bodwin has some good data.' Because I haven't even talked about the cancer.

Secondary malignant neoplasm of the lymph nodes in Massachusetts is up more than 400% of normal in 2023. It was 258% of normal in 2022. Okay, so the short-term or acute effects that I told you about the blood and the, you know, blood and clouding and circulatory system and heart and so forth. Those acute effects have dropped along with vaccine uptake, which has dropped. In Massachusetts, at 95% first dose, 82% second dose. And I don't even know, the third dose is probably in the 40s.

But people have stopped taking the vax. Even the ones who said, 'Well, I got it. I did the right thing.' It's like, NO, you stop taking it because you know there's a problem. But you won't admit it because the local culture in Massachusetts is to vax, vax, vax."

From the horse's mouth:

Global cancer cases will jump 77% by 2050, WHO report estimates​

Global cancer diagnoses will reach 35 million in 2050, according to new estimates from the World Health Organization – an increase of 77% from the 20 million cases diagnosed in 2022.

The data, released Friday by WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer, covers 185 countries and 36 forms of the disease. The researchers found that lung cancer was the most common form around the world in 2022 – responsible for 2.5 million cases, 12.4% of the total – followed by female breast, colorectal, prostate and stomach cancers. Lung cancer was also responsible for the most cancer deaths: 1.8 million, or almost 19% of the total.
Berlin, Germany
19 Feb 2024

IMAGE 2024-02-20 21:31:57.jpg

"Our world champion goalscorer

The death of Andreas Brehme is currently shaking many people in Germany. As his partner Susanne Schaefer confirmed on behalf of his family, Brehme died suddenly and completely unexpectedly on Monday night following a cardiac arrest.

Andreas Brehme apparently died of a cardiac arrest in Munich on Monday night. Brehme had been admitted to the emergency room of the clinic on Ziemssenstraße near his home, but all help came too late for him"
@Christine - you did a very selfless thing in looking after your neighbour and his dog and I am sure it made his remaining days on planet Earth more peaceful and serene. My condolences for his death. I know of quite a few people who have been diagnosed with cancer and died very soon after. Also others who have been diagnosed when they were already at stage 3 or 4.
My belated condolences @Christine. It's heartwarming to read how you cared for your neighbor and that he listened to you talking about the afterlife.

I have an aunt, who is 96 and had been in good health and positive towards life - till the shots (4x). Since then she is deteriorating, rapid loss of energy and very low mood. Since then she wants leave, talks a lot about it, also about the deteriorating state of world politics. The Middle East horror hurts her most. Also, how people have been much more caring and decent, when she was young. And for the first time she is opening up to conversations about the afterlife. She then becomes more quiet and peaceful.
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