Stories of Covid vaccination side effects or worse

Speech by Pr Mohamed Ben Amar (Pharmacologist in Canada) :​

"There are many side effects of Pfizer & Moderna vaccines" in response to Dr Francis Megerlin (French) at a pharmaceutical congress, 2024 Officine expo Pharma Africa in Marrakech 01/03/24.​

2024 Officine expo Pharma Africa at Marrakech.jpg
- I'd like to share with you my research experience in Canada since 88.
In immunology, I work on HIV, cancer and now on COVID.
What I discovered by chance and which has been confirmed, is that in terms of the prognosis of the evolution of COVID,
there are currently 18 publications on this subject by eminent researchers,
people with a poor prognosis are those with a weak immune system,
and the important marker that I recommend you take is T8 lymphocytes, which are known as the killer cells of the immune system. They are called CD8.
It has been shown that people with high levels of
T8 lymphocytes did not become infected or had asymptomatic or low-virulence COVID.
On the other hand, people with a weak immune system, as demonstrated by a drop in T8 and T4 lymphocytes,
developed a cytokine cascade and a more serious course.

So the vaccine does indeed protect, as my colleague said, but I also share Dr Amira's opinion.
It is not an absolute vaccine. We were faced with an emergency situation where we had to develop vaccines that did protect us, but only 15%. That's not real protection.
And I'd like to warn you, I have a publication and I've given many lectures on COVID to doctors, pharmacists and dentists in Canada.
There have been many side effects. And these are hidden and not reported.
Be careful, we're not going to vaccinate ourselves. I'm against vaccinating children.
Because there are no long-term studies to show this.
And the most dangerous vaccines, unfortunately, are the RNA vaccines.
And I have to name them, Pfizer and Moderna.
Thank you for your time.

- We didn't provide enough information. We haven't communicated.
And we need to say it loud and clear so that we can get out of denial and face reality.
And it's by facing up to reality that we can provide the real answers, quite simply.

- Quite simply.

- Allow me to add to what Dr. Tiet has said. I completely agree with him.
And I wasn't in Morocco, I'm in Canada.
But the problem of misinformation, disinformation and lack of information is an international one.
In Canada, it was the same thing. Why do journalists want to dramatise?
Listen, journalists don't have the scientific data to inform people.
People don't want to lose their freedom when you just steer them in one direction.
I was stunned by the information campaigns on Canadian television.
This is not a banana republic.
And I wrote to the president of Canadian television, saying that it wasn't objective.
He simply replied, "I'll inform the newsroom about it".
But nothing was done.
So, listen, we have to prove that children, because children often have a stronger immunity than we do.
Does the vaccine reinforce immunity or the opposite?
There is evidence to the contrary.
Why are we going to force children to have vaccines and not give parents the freedom to decide for their children?
This problem will continue, and we need to take action to stop it.
Thank you, Dr Daniel.

- Yes, Doctor Daniel.

- Thank you, thank you Ms Saint-Issy for your excellent moderation.
Thank you to the various speakers for this brilliant sharing of experience.
In some countries, doctors have noted a resurgence of autoimmune diseases after vaccination,
certain forms of cancer, vascular pathologies,
especially in people who have received a fourth and fifth dose and who are still taking the vaccine.

It would be wise to carry out a study among doctors who see patients every day,
to see exactly which diseases are on the increase
and are they really linked to vaccination?
The African experience of Senegal and Côte d'Ivoire, in terms of medicinal plants
is also very useful for boosting immunity while avoiding side effects.
So this follow-up for doctors would be very important.
As our colleague said, for the next pandemic, everyone will be faced with a big question.
Should we continue vaccinating, and at what dose?
Thank you very much.

- Thank you very much for this round table.
I'd just like to come back to an earlier point and ask about your national experience.
An interesting and very impactful word was mentioned: infodemia,
and a criticism that is no doubt justified but at the same time a little unfair,
perhaps towards the authorities who tried to communicate during the period.
We have entered a world of incredible uncertainty.
We don't have the experience of communicating in real time about uncertainties.
So we were constantly communicating in real time about an extraordinarily anxiety-provoking uncertainty.
And during the periods of confinement, there was a total freeze in social life, in cultural life,
business life, economic life, administrative life.
So there was a space of mental availability which sought to fill with every imaginable fantasy,
fuelled by an extraordinary fragmentation through social networks.
And the polarisation into mini-communities which, according to their preference, have somehow joined forces,
leaves me wondering what lessons we can learn in terms of communication failures
for the next great stress.
As you said, it will come.
We will once again be faced with situations that could be critical, or even super-critical.
And in that case, will centralised communication that abolishes social network systems,
which, politically speaking, is quite a question,
or do we leave these micro-communities, each with their merits of course,
but they have an extraordinary fragmentation effect on all communication,
of any message that can be sent by the responsible public authority given the state of its knowledge.
So an extraordinary fragmentation of psyches.
We've seen a lot of this in Europe.
I'd like to know whether you've also observed in your countries an activist on social networks
an expression of concern that was relayed, amplified and polarised,
and sometimes in reverse, because that's something that's extremely difficult to manage for the future.
So please, what are your experiences, what have you noticed in these fields?
Thank you in advance.

- I think your question is very important.
What really bothered me was that more than 15,000 doctors worldwide
who signed the Rome Declaration, saying that they had been threatened,
that they were told they were going to be removed from the medical association.
They lost their jobs.
Leading virologists in France and the United States.
This is unacceptable.
Because they said "be careful".

They were not against vaccination.
When people are against vaccination, they say "you're a denier".
You have to provide scientific evidence, and then you have to weigh up the pros and cons.
I find it unacceptable that prestigious people have been sidelined
because they sounded the alarm about the dangers of vaccines.

- J'aimerais partager avec vous mon expérience de recherche au Canada depuis 88.
En immunologie, je travaille sur le VIH, sur le cancer et maintenant sur le COVID.
Ce que j'ai découvert par hasard et qui s'est confirmé, c'est qu'au niveau du pronostic de l'évolution du COVID,
il y a actuellement 18 publications sur ce sujet d'éminents chercheurs,
les gens qui ont un mauvais pronostic sont ceux qui ont un système immunitaire faible,
et le marqueur important que je vous recommande de prendre, c'est les lymphocytes T8 qu'on appelle les cellules tueuses du système immunitaire. On les appelle les CD8.
On a démontré que les gens qui avaient des lymphocytes T8 élevés ne s'infectaient pas ou avaient un COVID asymptomatique ou peu virulent.
Et par contre, les gens qui ont un système immunitaire faible, qui est démontré par une baisse des lymphocytes T8 et T4,
évoluaient vers la cascade de cytokines et une évolution plus grave.

Donc effectivement, le vaccin protège, comme l'a dit mon collègue, mais je partage aussi l'opinion du Dr Amira.
Ce n'est pas un vaccin absolu. On a été confronté à une situation d'urgence où il fallait développer des vaccins qui, certes, nous ont protégé, mais une protection de 15%. Ce n'est pas une véritable protection.
Et je vous mets en garde, j'ai une publication, j'ai donné beaucoup de conférences sur le COVID aux médecins, pharmaciens et dentistes au Canada.
Il y a eu beaucoup d'effets secondaires. Et ça, c'est caché, ce n'est pas rapporté.
Faites attention, on ne va pas se vacciner. Je suis contre la vaccination des enfants.
Parce qu'il n'y a pas des études à long terme qui ont démontré ceci.
Et les vaccins les plus dangereux, malheureusement, c'est les vaccins ARN.
Et je dois les citer, ceux de Pfizer et de Moderna. Merci.

- On n'a pas suffisamment informé, on n'a pas informé, Madame. On n'a pas communiqué autour.
Et il faut le dire haut et fort pour que, justement, on sorte du déni et on se confronte à la réalité.
Et c'est en se confrontant à la réalité qu'on lui apporte les vraies réponses, tout simplement.

- Tout à fait.

- Permettez-moi de compléter ce que dit le Dr. Tiet. Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec lui.
Et moi, je n'étais pas au Maroc, je suis au Canada.
Mais le problème de la mauvaise information, la désinformation, le manque d'information, est à l'échelle internationale.
Au Canada, c'était la même chose. Pourquoi les journalistes veulent dramatiser ?
Écoutez, un journaliste n'a pas les données scientifiques pour informer.
La population, quand on la dirige juste dans un sens, elle ne veut pas perdre sa liberté.
Moi, j'étais abasourdi par les campagnes d'information à la télévision canadienne.
Ce n'est pas une république bananière.
Et j'ai écrit au président de la télévision canadienne en trouvant que ce n'était pas objectif.
Il m'a tout simplement répondu, "Je vais informer la salle d'information là-dessus".
Mais on ne fait rien.
Alors, écoutez, il faut prouver que les enfants, parce que les enfants ont une immunité souvent plus forte que nous.
Est-ce que le vaccin renforce l'immunité ou le contraire ?
Il y a des données qui disent que c'est le contraire.
Pourquoi on va obliger des enfants et non pas donner la liberté aux parents de décider pour leurs enfants ?
Et ce problème va se continuer et nous devons nous mobiliser pour arrêter cela.

- Oui, docteur Daniel.

- Merci, merci madame Saint-Issy pour votre excellente modération.
Merci aux différents intervenants pour ce brillant partage d'expérience.
Dans certains pays, des médecins ont constaté une recrudescence des maladies auto-immunes après la vaccination,
certaines formes de cancers, des pathologies vasculaires,
surtout chez les personnes qui ont reçu une quatrième et cinquième dose et qui continuent encore au niveau des vaccins.

Il serait judicieux de mener une étude chez les médecins qui rencontrent tous les jours les malades,
voir exactement quelles sont les pathologies qui sont en nette augmentation
et est-ce qu'elles sont véritablement liées à la vaccination.
L'expérience africaine du Sénégal et de la Côte d'Ivoire, en parlant de plantes médicinales,
est très judicieuse également pour renforcer l'immunité tout en n'ayant pas d'effet secondaire.
Donc ce suivi pour les médecins serait très important.
Comme l'a dit notre consœur, pour la prochaine pandémie, tout le monde va être un peu devant une grande question.
Faut-il continuer la vaccination et quelle dose ?
Merci infiniment.

- Merci beaucoup pour cette table ronde.
J'aimerais revenir juste sur un point antérieur et poser la question de votre expérience nationale.
Il a été évoqué un mot intéressant et très impactant, l'infodémie,
et un reproche sans doute justifié mais en même temps un petit peu injuste,
peut-être à l'égard des autorités qui ont cherché à communiquer pendant la période.
On est rentré dans un monde d'incertitudes incroyables.
Nous n'avons pas dans l'expérience l'humanité d'une communication en temps réel sur des éléments d'incertitude.
Donc nous n'arrêtions pas de communiquer en temps réel sur une incertitude extraordinairement anxiogène.
Et pendant les périodes de confinement, il y a eu un gel total de la vie sociale, de la vie culturelle,
de la vie entrepreneuriale, de la vie économique, de la vie administrative.
Donc un espace de disponibilité mentale qui a cherché à se meubler avec tous les fantasmes imaginables,
alimenté par une extraordinaire fragmentation au travers des réseaux sociaux.
Et la polarisation en mini-communautés qui, selon leur préférence, en quelque sorte se sont jointes,
me laisse m'interroger quant à la leçon que l'on peut tirer en termes de défauts de communication
pour le prochain grand stress.
Vous l'avez dit, il viendra.
Nous serons à nouveau confrontés à des situations qui pourraient être critiques, voire super critiques.
Et dans ce cas-là, est-ce qu'une communication centralisée qui abolit des systèmes de réseaux sociaux,
ce qui est sur le plan politique, c'est quand même une sacrée question,
ou est-ce qu'on laisse ces micro-communautés, qui ont chacune leur mérite bien sûr,
mais qui ont un effet de fragmentation extraordinaire de toute communication,
de tout message qui peut être envoyé par l'autorité publique responsable dans l'état de ses connaissances.
Donc une extraordinaire fragmentation des psychés.
Nous l'avons très fortement connue en Europe.
Je voudrais savoir si vous avez observé aussi dans vos pays un activiste sur les réseaux sociaux
d'expression d'inquiétude relayée, amplifiée, qui se polarisait,
et parfois de manière a front inversée, parce que ça c'est quelque chose qui est extrêmement difficile à gérer pour le futur.
Donc quelles sont, s'il vous plaît, vos expériences, qu'avez-vous pu noter dans ces champs-là ?
Merci par avance.

- Moi je trouve que votre question est très importante.
Ce qui m'a dérangé beaucoup, c'est qu'il y a plus de 15 000 médecins à l'échelle mondiale
qui ont signé la déclaration de Rome, en disant qu'ils ont été menacés,
qu'on a dit qu'on allait les enlever de l'ordre des médecins.
Ils ont perdu leur poste.
Des grands virologues en France et aux Etats-Unis.
Ça c'est inacceptable.
Parce qu'ils ont dit "attention".

Ils n'étaient pas contre la vaccination.
Quand on est contre, on dit "vous êtes un négationniste".
Il faut apporter des preuves scientifiques, puis il faut mettre dans la balance le pour et le contre.
Je trouve inacceptable que des gens prestigieux aient été mis à l'écart
parce qu'ils ont sonné l'alarme sur les dangers des vaccins.

Video (French):
The deaths from the Covid vaccine in one year are equivalent to the deaths from all other vaccines in 33 years. ... and no one blinks an eye.
DD Denslow
Covid vaccine deaths in one year are equivalent to deaths of all other vaccines in 33 years.
... and no one bats an eyelid.
Originally in English and translated as
Covid vaccine deaths in one year are equivalent to deaths of all other vaccines in 33 years.
... and no one bats an eyelid.

Just in: Florian Schilling translated his Vid about further findings about the Spike-Shots into english language! A must watch, at least as I see it.
I can only provide the link, because Odysee is not an approved site (under media upload):

"The last few months have brought numerous new findings on modRNA vaccines, particularly at the molecular biological level. This involves massive changes to the human genome following this gene therapy - including mutations, insertions, epigenetic misregulation, toxic contamination of DNA, misregulation of the cell cycle, misregulation of cancer protection genes and activation of cancer-promoting genes. Unfortunately, this is not only true for those affected, but also potentially for subsequent generations - the problems that have now been discovered are technically hereditary.

Two warnings up front:
1) The relevant backgrounds and mechanisms are complex; you have to delve relatively deeply into the subject matter to understand it. We recommend watching the videos "Plasmids in mRNA vaccines" and "Procedure 2" in advance for a better understanding (but not mandatory).
2) Trigger warning: This is highly negative news with a very gloomy outlook. I do not want to frighten or scare those affected - but I do believe it is urgently necessary and expedient to face reality as openly, quickly and honestly as possible. After all, burying your head in the sand is no solution either."...

Tragic Demise of Young Footballer Mattia Giani After On-Field Collapse​

Mattia Giani.jpg
The 26-year-old footballer died at the Careggi hospital after suffering a malaise on the field of the municipal stadium of Campi Bisenzio (Florence) during the Excellence championship match between Lanciotto Campi and Castelfiorentino. This was reported by the mayor of Castelfiorentino, Alessio Falorni, in a post on Facebook. The young man, Mattia Giani, originally from Ponte a Egola (Pisa), felt ill during the football match. His condition immediately appeared desperate.
Was at drill last night and a young colleague was telling us about her 'funny' looking blood. She had some blood taken earlier that day and said her blood looked like curdled milk; clumps of cells floating in plasma. There was a brief conversation but no one thought it was that strange as she described it and she didn't seem too worried either.
I'm a keen deer hunter and take her boyfriend with me, she comes too sometimes. The terrain is rugged and though I'm feeling my age I notice she struggles somewhat, as does her boyfriend, both vaxxed 3 times, last shot was over 2 years ago back then he got swollen lymph glands in the vaxxed arm and she chronic headaches. Both in their early 20s.
I'm assuming the only reason her blood still functions is because she's very young and her vascular system is supple and elastic enough to compensate. Probably another way the shots kill people 'suddenly and unexpectedly' a few years later.

Few think its a problem, depressing.
The more we know about this “vaccine” the more depressing is the situation. We all know our family, friends also, have been almost all vaccinated. And in fact, we know they are in danger. And what can we do? Nothing. My sister, I always think about her, but it is impossible to talk to her about this subject. My best friend, also, impossible to take this subject in hand. The people on the streets, on the buses, walking, all almost vaccinated. I look their fatigue, the way they walk, I say to myself my god. I know just 2 people here that I can talk about this subject, I am lucky.
Other footballers collapsing. This is totally normal.
I am so happy I stopped playing football 45 years ago, though little did I know what a dangerous sport it is :-P

Regarding side effects my father and his wife is slowly getting out of a severe cough lasting 2-3 weeks which they first thought was corona and then perhaps bronchitis as other people near them had the same thing affecting the lungs.

They had the same type of thing about 5 months ago in mid November, just a few weeks after they had their 5th shot. Normally they don't get sick at all. There is no suspicion of the vaccines at all and I know not to bring it up as they know that I am less than convinced about its merits.
The more we know about this “vaccine” the more depressing is the situation. We all know our family, friends also, have been almost all vaccinated. And in fact, we know they are in danger. And what can we do? Nothing. My sister, I always think about her, but it is impossible to talk to her about this subject. My best friend, also, impossible to take this subject in hand. The people on the streets, on the buses, walking, all almost vaccinated. I look their fatigue, the way they walk, I say to myself my god. I know just 2 people here that I can talk about this subject, I am lucky.
That is very accurate.

With my coworker vaccinated three times, it is impossible to talk about it.

Today, after the last session, I thought I would say something to him about Kate and that her illness may be related to the vaccine.

It's not possible.

I believe that even if they fall by the thousands in the street, they still won't want to believe it.
The more we know about this “vaccine” the more depressing is the situation. We all know our family, friends also, have been almost all vaccinated. And in fact, we know they are in danger. And what can we do? Nothing. My sister, I always think about her, but it is impossible to talk to her about this subject. My best friend, also, impossible to take this subject in hand. The people on the streets, on the buses, walking, all almost vaccinated. I look their fatigue, the way they walk, I say to myself my god. I know just 2 people here that I can talk about this subject, I am lucky.
well, it is true you cant work on others, but you can work on yourself. Maybe change the viewpoint. Focus on yourself. Those who reject help or talk can be assured that you are there for them, but do not engage in convincing mechanisms or else. Make clear you are there for them, when they want and need it, but they have to ask. Otherwise just do not engage in discussions. my piece of advice.
I am now seeing “turbo cataracts” in my practice! Most have been in people in their late 50’s, early 60’s.

They are return patients who had very early cataracts just 2-3 years ago. Now they are ready for surgery! I always ask, and all have taken the mRNA vax. Yet another side effect.
well, it is true you cant work on others, but you can work on yourself. Maybe change the viewpoint. Focus on yourself. Those who reject help or talk can be assured that you are there for them, but do not engage in convincing mechanisms or else. Make clear you are there for them, when they want and need it, but they have to ask. Otherwise just do not engage in discussions. my piece of advice.
I am practising this with my family now. All vaccinated to the hilt sadly but none can see the truth. When they report yet another horrible virus that lasts for weeks I give sympathy, but keep my opinion to myself. It is not easy....:rolleyes:
The more we know about this “vaccine” the more depressing is the situation. We all know our family, friends also, have been almost all vaccinated. And in fact, we know they are in danger. And what can we do? Nothing.

Yeah and so even talking about it is difficult because it would just put anxiety in them if they really make the connection.

On the "positive" side we have to think that all flasks were certainly not equals, some being apparently less harmful. The other point is the body that will perhaps adapt and "do with it" for the vast majority of people.
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