The Situation In Germany

Until very recently, I wouldn't have thought it possible to say: For the first time in a very long time I'll be voting in germany and the EU again! As shortly mentioned on the forum before: Sahra Wagenknecht has just established a new political party (called "BSW") in germany (and on the EU level!) that could change things drastically for the better in germany and the EU! For those who don't know, Sahra Wagenknecht is a very well known politician in germany and a master of politics that shouldn't be underestimated. Non-German speakers might have heard of her before over the years since some of her speeches and comments have been translated in other languages as well, including English. She is practically the only politician in germany with any significant say who has been consistent and sane on all important topics. For which she has been the target of defamation campaigns from the establishment, of course. Which hasn't diminished her popularity. In short, I can say that what has just happened is the most hopeful thing for germany and the EU I have seen, like, ever! Since she has such a broad appeal throughout all political camps/parties and layers of society in germany, she could very well soon come up on top!

The first important elections in which germans (and other countries in the EU?!) will be able to vote for her party will be in June, in the 2024 European Parliament elections, followed by important elections in east germany in the fall of this year. And of course the big election in the summer of 2025 will then follow: the german federal elections which will elect the next Bundestag and German chancellor. By the way, not so many people know it, but Wagenknechts husband is Oskar Lafontaine, who recently retired from politics and was a formidable heavyweight in german politics in his own right for many years. Lafontaine also advocated many similar positions over the years. He is the author of a number of books, including his most recent one, called, "Ami, it's time to go! A plea for Europe's self-assertion". Which surely isn't a coincidence...

German SOTT has published an article about Wagenknechts new party, which includes summaries and direct links to all their major positions, called "BSW: Wagenknecht's new party has already reached 21 per cent - BSW also competes in EU elections". What follows is the german original, followed by an English translation:

BSW: Wagenknechts neue Partei erreicht schon jetzt 21 Prozent - BSW tritt auch bei EU-Wahlen an

Philipos Moustaki
So, 14 Jan 2024 10:25 UTC

Die neue Partei "Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht - Vernunft und Gerechtigkeit", kurz "BSW", hat sich nach ihrer Gründung am Montag auf der Bundespressekonferenz vorgestellt und beantwortete dabei zahlreiche Fragen der Journalisten über die Ausrichtung der Partei und ihre zukünftigen Pläne. In Deutschland will sich das BSW als neue Volkspartei etablieren, die auch in der EU-Ebene durch De Masio vertreten sein wird.

Sahra Wagenknecht BSW Amira Mohamed Ali Shervin Haghsheno Thomas Geisel
© Bernd von Jutrczenka
8. Januar 2024, Berlin: Sahra Wagenknecht (2.v.l.) und Amira Mohamed Ali (r.) zusammen mit Shervin Haghsheno (l.) und Thomas Geisel (2.v.r.) bei der Vorstellung des Bündnisses Sahra Wagenknecht – für Vernunft und Gerechtigkeit (BSW) in der Bundespressekonferenz.

Das Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) wird fortan von einer Doppelspitze geleitet: Amira Mohamed Ali wird zusammen mit der Namensgeberin der neu gegründeten Partei vorstehen. Das sagte Mohamed Ali am Montag in der Bundespressekonferenz in Berlin. Als Generalsekretär wurde der Bundestagsabgeordnete Christian Leye vorgestellt - wie die Bundestagsabgeordnete Mohamed Ali gehörte er zuvor der Partei Die Linke an. Stellvertretender Vorsitzender des BSW ist der Unternehmer und Hochschulprofessor Shervin Haghsheno.

Bei der Europawahl am 9. Juni sollen der frühere Linkenpolitiker und Finanzfachmann Fabio De Masi und der frühere Düsseldorfer SPD-Oberbürgermeister Thomas Geisel für das BSW antreten. Dieser hatte am Sonntag seinen Austritt aus der SPD beantragt. Im Herbst will die neue Partei bei den drei Landtagswahlen in Ostdeutschland antreten.


Anders als von einigen Medien suggeriert wurde, wird sich die Partei nach Angaben von Wagenknecht nach den Bundestagswahlen im nächsten Jahr umbenennen. Die derzeitige Auswahl des Namens begründet Wagenknecht verständlicherweise mit der Tatsache, dass man ihren Namen und ihre Standpunkte kennt und die Bürger somit ihre Partei zu Anfang schneller und einfacher auf den Wahlzetteln finden können. Erste Umfragen offenbaren bereits: 21 Prozent der Befragten könnten sich bei der nächsten Bundestagswahl für die Partei entscheiden.

Bei der Pressekonferenz kamen viele Themen zur Sprache. Das BSW scheint bei allen wichtigen Themen gemäßigte und besonnene Ansichten zu vertreten. Es folgt eine kurze, detaillierte Zusammenfassung der Pressekonferenz. Jeder Hyperlink führt direkt zur Thematik im Video:
  • Nach Angaben von Frau Wagenknecht sind Labels wie "links" oder "rechts" Dinge, die heute nur noch selten einer nuancierten Betrachtungsweise standhalten und deshalb von dem BSW nicht genutzt werden.

  • Die Deutsche Gesellschaft wird durch den Inhalt der gegenwärtigen Politik polarisiert und gespalten und nicht durch Diskurs, oder, Zitat, "das Wetter".

  • In Sachen Europawahl und EU ist für das BSW "weniger mehr"

  • Asylrecht in Deutschland, Immigration, Obergrenzen und die Zahlen diesbezüglich

  • Bauernproteste und Proteste im Allgemeinen in Deutschland

  • Ukraine, Flüchtlinge und Russland

  • Die bevorstehenden Wahlen in Ostdeutschland

  • Die Geschehnisse in Gaza und Israel

  • Corona, Covidmaßnahmen und die Coronazeit

  • Der Klimawandel und Klimapolitik. Initiativen in Bezug auf das Thema müssen laut Wagenknecht mit Ehrlichkeit geschehen und nicht auf Basis einer, Zitat, "wünsch dir was Welt". Klimapolitik solch sich an dem Machbaren, realistischen und Rationalen orientieren; an den heutigen Technologien und dem technologisch Machbaren. Dabei spricht sich Wagenknecht dagegen aus, wichtige Technologien wie den Verbrennermotor zu verbieten und stattdessen Arbeitsplätze in Deutschland zu erhalten und verbrauchsärmere Motoren zu entwickeln. Dabei könnte man für das globale Klima und vor allem für die deutsche Wirtschaft deutlich mehr erreichen, da die Anzahl der Verbrennermotoren weltweit zunehmen wird. Ferner kritisiert Wagenknecht das neue Wärmegesetz und stellt die Frage, warum stattdessen nicht kommunale Infrastrukturen verbessert werden, die unter anderem auch Fernwärme ermöglichen könnten. Wichtiges Geld wird für den Einbau von Wärmepumpen verpulvert, während realistische und nachhaltige Möglichkeiten ignoriert werden. Die Maut für LKWs wird erhöht, um damit angeblich "Klimaneutralen" Güterverkehr zu bevorzugen: Laut Wagenknecht ist diese Maßnahme völlig Absurd, während das E-Auto für den LKW Verkehr nicht sinnvoll ist. Sinnvoll wäre laut Wagenknecht, stattdessen mehr Güter auf die Schiene zu verlagern. Aber die staatseigene Bahn hat in den vergangenen Jahren massiv ihre Kapazitäten zum Gütertransport abgebaut! Das zeigt laut Wagenknecht wieder die völlig irrationale Politik, die gegenwärtig dem Land aufgezwungen wird. Sinnvolle Klimapolitik unterscheiden laut Wagenknecht von einer ideologiegetriebenen Klimapolitik und das BSW steht für eine Klimapolitik, die sich an den heutigen Technologien und dem technologisch und rational machbaren orientiert.

  • Das BSW äußert sich zu Bürgergeld, Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen, Arbeitslosenversicherung, Langzeitarbeitslosigkeit, vernünftige Löhne, Sozialstaat und dergleichen: Eine Arbeitslosenversicherung sollte so gestaltet sein, dass langjährig Versicherte geschützt sind, bevor sie überhaupt ins Bürgergeld kommen. Das BSW ist gegen ungerechtes Verhalten gegenüber Arbeitnehmern in Bezug auf das, was sie schon geleistet haben und was sie im Falle von Erwerbslosigkeit erwarten können, im Vergleich zu denjenigen, die das nicht aufzuweisen haben.

  • Subventionen

  • Renten

  • Mieten

  • Sozialismus und Debattieren in Deutschland

  • Syrien

  • Die Cum-Ex Affäre

  • Gesundheitswesen

  • Die Partei BSW soll kontrolliert und langsam wachsen

English translation:

BSW: Wagenknecht's new party has already reached 21 percent - BSW also competes in EU elections

Philipos Moustaki
So, 14 Jan 2024 10:25 UTC

The new party called "Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht - Sanity and Justice", or "BSW" for short, presented itself at the Federal Press Conference on Monday after its foundation and answered numerous questions from journalists about the party's orientation and its future plans. In Germany, BSW wants to establish itself as a new people's party that will also be represented at EU level by De Masio.

Sahra Wagenknecht BSW Amira Mohamed Ali Shervin Haghsheno Thomas Geisel
© Bernd von Jutrczenka
8 January 2024, Berlin: Sahra Wagenknecht (2nd from left) and Amira Mohamed Ali (right) together with Shervin Haghsheno (left) and Thomas Geisel (2nd from right) at the presentation of the Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht - Sanity and Justice (BSW) at the Federal Press Conference.

The Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) will now be led by a dual leadership: Amira Mohamed Ali will head the newly founded party together with the party's namesake. Mohamed Ali made the announcement at the Federal Press Conference in Berlin on Monday. Member of the Bundestag Christian Leye was introduced as Secretary General - like Mohamed Ali, he previously belonged to the Left Party. The deputy chairman of the BSW is entrepreneur and university professor Shervin Haghsheno.

In the European elections on 9 June, former Left Party politician and financial expert Fabio De Masi and former Düsseldorf SPD mayor Thomas Geisel are to stand for the BSW. The latter had applied for his resignation from the SPD on Sunday. The new party intends to contest in the three state elections in eastern Germany in the autumn of this year.


Contrary to what some media have suggested, Wagenknecht says the party will change its name after next year's federal elections. Wagenknecht understandably justifies the current choice of name with the fact that people know her name and her views, making it quicker and easier for citizens to find her party on the ballot papers at the beginning. Initial surveys have already revealed that 21 percent of respondents could vote for the party in the next general election for chancellorship.

Many topics were discussed at the press conference. The BSW seems to have moderate and level-headed views on all important topics. The following is a short, detailed summary of the press conference. Each hyperlink leads directly to the topic in the video:

  • According to Mrs Wagenknecht, labels such as "left" or "right" are things that rarely stand up to nuanced scrutiny these days and are therefore not used by the BSW.

  • German society is polarized and divided by the content of current politics and not by discussions or, quote, "the weather".

  • When it comes to the European elections and the EU, "less is more" for the BSW

  • Asylum law in Germany, immigration, upper limits and the numbers in this regard

  • Farmer protests and protests in general in Germany

  • Ukraine, refugees and Russia

  • The upcoming elections in East Germany

  • The events in Gaza and Israel

  • Corona, Covid measures and the corona period

  • Climate change and climate policy. According to Wagenknecht, initiatives relating to the issue must be made with honesty and not on the basis of a, quote, "make a wish world". Climate policy should be based on what is feasible, realistic and rational; on today's technologies and what is technologically feasible. Wagenknecht is against banning important technologies such as the combustion engine and instead wants to preserve jobs in Germany and develop more fuel-efficient engines. This could achieve significantly more for the global climate and, above all, for the German economy, as the number of combustion engines will increase worldwide. Wagenknecht also criticizes the new heating law and asks why municipal infrastructures, which could also enable district heating, are not improved instead. Important money is being squandered on the installation of heat pumps, while realistic and sustainable options are being ignored. The toll for lorries is being increased in order to give preference to supposedly "climate-neutral" freight transport: according to Wagenknecht, this measure is completely absurd, while an e-car makes no sense for lorry traffic. According to Wagenknecht, it would make more sense to shift more freight to rail instead. But the state-owned railway has massively reduced its freight transport capacity in recent years! According to Wagenknecht, this again shows the completely irrational policy that is currently being imposed on the country. According to Wagenknecht, sensible climate policy differs from an ideology-driven climate policy and the BSW is in favor of a climate policy that is based on today's technologies and what is technologically and rationally feasible.

  • The BSW comments on citizens' income, unconditional basic income, unemployment insurance, long-term unemployment, reasonable wages, the welfare state and the like: Unemployment insurance should be designed in such a way that people who have been insured for many years are protected before they even come into the citizen's income. The BSW is against unfair behavior towards employees in terms of what they have already achieved and what they can expect in the event of unemployment compared to those who have not.

  • Subsidies

  • Pensions

  • Rents

  • Socialism and debating in Germany

  • Syria

  • The cum-ex affair

  • Healthcare

  • The BSW party wants to grow slowly and in a controlled manner
Last edited:
'"Угоре високо, удолу длабоко (between devil and the deep sea)": If German politicians want to stabilize the economy, they should repair Nord Stream gas pipelines and ask Russia for forgiveness.'

19 Jan, 2024
By Felicity Bradstock - Jan 17, 2024, 12:00 PM CST
  • The U.K. plans to quadruple its nuclear electricity generation by 2050 and invest in domestic production of HALEU fuel, while extending the life of existing facilities.
  • France, despite German pressure for renewables, is set to construct up to 14 new nuclear reactors to meet its electricity demands and reduce fossil fuel reliance.
  • Sweden and Hungary are also expanding their nuclear capacities, with Sweden lifting its reactor cap and Hungary continuing its large-scale Paks-2 project.
Several European powers are rapidly progressing plans to expand their nuclear energy sectors, despite a lack of support from major EU powers, such as Germany. The U.K. recently announced plans for its biggest nuclear expansion in 70 years, as well as plans to extend the life of several existing facilities. France continues to back its longstanding approach to nuclear power, with plans to build several new reactors in the coming years. Sweden recently voted in favour of the expansion of its nuclear power sector, and Hungary is moving forward with the construction of a massive nuclear plant.

This month, the U.K. government announced plans to make the biggest expansion to British nuclear power in 70 years, aimed at enhancing energy security, reducing consumer energy bills, and creating thousands of jobs. This move comes after the U.K. experienced greater energy volatility following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 and subsequent sanctions on Russian energy. The government’s Civil Nuclear Roadmap outlines the country’s nuclear power ambitions, including plans for the major Sizewell C development and its small modular reactor (SMR) strategy.

The U.K. hopes to increase electricity generation from nuclear sources by around four times, to 24 gigawatts (GW), by 2050, which would meet a quarter of the country’s electricity needs. It suggests that major giga-scale projects, such as Sizewell in Suffolk or Hinkley in Somerset, could provide enough electricity to power around 6 million homes each once completed. The government also pledged to invest up to $379 million in the domestic production of HALEU fuel needed to power advanced nuclear reactors, shifting its reliance away from Russia for the fuel. This could make it the first country in Europe to produce HALEU. The government aims to invest a further $12.6 million in skills development for the workers running the new fuel facilities.

In addition to developing new sites, the French energy major EDF recently stated plans to invest a further $1.6bn by 2026 to extend the life of its eight British nuclear facilities. EDF could also run the new 1.2 GW Sizewell B plant for 20 years longer than originally scheduled, until 2055.

The U.K. Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, stated, “Nuclear is the perfect antidote to the energy challenges facing Britain - it’s green, cheaper in the long term and will ensure the UK’s energy security for the long term. This is the right long-term decision and is the next step in our commitment to nuclear power, which puts us on course to achieve net zero by 2050 in a measured and sustainable way. This will ensure our future energy security and create the jobs and skills we need to level up the country and grow our economy.”

France, Europe’s nuclear energy powerhouse, also plans to expand its nuclear capacity, despite pressure from Germany to invest in renewable energy instead of nuclear projects. In March last year, France's parliament voted in favour of the government's nuclear investment plan, with plans to build six new nuclear reactors. This month, the parliament will debate the possibility of increasing that figure to 14 new reactors, to meet the country’s growing electricity demand. This supports France’s aim of reducing its reliance on fossil fuels from 60 percent to 40 percent by 2035.

Sweden’s government is also backing nuclear expansion, as its parliament approved a bill that outlines the construction of additional reactors in November. Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson's government hopes to construct two new conventional nuclear reactors by 2035. There was a previous cap of 10 nuclear reactors, that has since been lifted. In addition, new reactors will be permitted to be constructed on sites beyond where the current facilities of Ringhals, Forsmark and Oskarshamn are located. The parliament stated, “The Riksdag shares the government's assessment that fossil-free nuclear power will continue to play a central role in the Swedish energy mix.” It added, “The main reasons for this are an expected greater demand for electricity in combination with the need to phase out fossil fuels, not least for climate reasons.”

Meanwhile, Hungary is continuing the construction of its Paks-2 nuclear energy project. There has been substantial criticism over the country’s ongoing energy ties with Russia, which has put pressure on several European companies, such as Germany’s Siemens or France’s Framatome, to quit the project. However, the Paks development is currently the largest nuclear project in Europe, and several companies have signed binding contracts to participate in the development and operation of the facility, which is expected to contribute to the country’s green transition.

While some European countries are moving away from nuclear power in favour of renewable alternatives, several see the expansion of the region’s nuclear capacity as key to decarbonisation and the achievement of a green transition. The U.K., France and Sweden all announced ambitious nuclear energy expansion plans last year, and Hungary is rapidly developing its massive nuclear power site, in collaboration with several European powers. This is expected to substantially boost the quantity of clean electricity being produced across Europe in the coming decades.

By Felicity Bradstock for


Right-wing extremists are attacking our democracy. We are all called upon to take a clear stand: for our democratic Germany. And for our more than 20 million friends, work colleagues and neighbors who have a migration background. #Kanzlerkompakt
Right after the farmer´s protests, and amid current attempts to ban AfD, here it comes - anti-right-wing and anti-racists protests all around Germany.

100,000 people demonstrate against AfD in German cities

100,000 people demonstrate against AfD in German cities


AFPTens of thousands of people in Frankfurt am Main

More than 100,000 people took to the streets in various German cities to demonstrate against the far right and the right-wing radical party Alternative für Deutschland. According to the police and organizers, more than 35,000 people attended the demonstrations in Frankfurt and Hannover alone, reports DPA news agency.
In Frankfurt, people stood with banners with slogans such as ‘All together against fascism’ and ‘No place for Nazis’. Tens of thousands of people also gathered in other cities to demonstrate peacefully. There were banners on display with, for example, ‘Never again is now’, ‘Against hate’ and ‘Protect democracy’.
As far as we know, there have been no disturbances. Dagblad Der Spiegel reports that most demonstrators went home after sunset.

These are images of the demonstration in Frankfurt:

Major protest in Frankfurt against right-wing radical party AfD

Yesterday, a similar gathering of tens of thousands of people in Hamburg ended prematurely because it became too crowded. The emergency services were unable to reach people who fainted in time. Churches, trade unions, artists and political parties, among others, supported that demonstration.
Today, representatives of trade unions, associations and political parties in particular called on people to take to the streets. CDU leader Friedrich Merz called the national protests encouraging. “The silent majority is raising its voice and showing that it wants to live in a country that is cosmopolitan and free,” he told DPA this morning.
“We stand with those who are committed to our democracy, our rule of law and our open society,” Merz said. “Let us not allow any discriminatory statements or right-wing extremist slogans. Together we show a stop sign against any form of extremism and racism. Against any form of hatred, against incitement and against forgetting history.”

Meeting to evict people​

The reason for the massive demonstrations is the recent revelation that a number of high-ranking AfD members had a meeting in Potsdam at the end of last year with people from the extreme right. Members of the conservative CDU party were also present at the meeting. Plans were discussed to deport Germans with a migration background.
The revelations have led to a stream of outrage, also because AfD is becoming increasingly popular. The party is high in the polls in three eastern German states where elections will be held later this year.

Plea for ban​

There are now calls, among other things, to ban the AfD as a political party. That’s not easy. To do this, the domestic security service must be able to establish that the party actually has plans that are against the constitution and democracy and that have a chance of success.
There have been concerns about the growth of the AfD for some time. The German domestic security service previously established that key figures in the AfD are right-wing extremist and that the party may be a danger to democracy. The party itself says it adheres to all laws and is a victim of a political campaign by opponents and the media.
Demonstrations with tens of thousands of people are also expected across the country tomorrow. Protests have been announced in Berlin, Munich, Dresden and Bonn, among others.
Images from the demonstration in Hamburg yesterday:

On that topic, RT said: Deutschlandweit: Proteste gegen Rechtsextremismus und AfD
Politicians and the media are extremely pleased and are actually celebrating the protests - in contrast to the rallies of farmers and truck drivers, which did not receive such benevolent support.

If you missed it, there is also this: Petition calls for the Green Party to be banned
The link to the actual petition is here: Petition unterschreiben
It currently has 84844 signatures.
Google translated text:

As concerned citizens who stand up for the interests of a free society, we view the actions and policies of the Alliance 90 / The Greens party with great concern. We are convinced that this party is seriously damaging the interests of the people in Germany and our economy. Rapid loss of money, jobs and prosperity, including insecure pensions and health, taxes and social security funds, will be the immediate consequence.

The prices for diesel, gasoline, natural gas and heating oil will rise for millions of households in Germany from January 2024. The federal government is significantly increasing the CO2 tax. A massive tax increase from the current 30 to the future 40 euros per ton of carbon dioxide emitted will be imposed!

It is pushing forward a policy that greatly increases our cost of living for all citizens - pensioners, workers and employees - through green ideologies and threatens our entire SMALL and MEDIUM-SIZED ECONOMY and SELF-EMPLOYED people plus the core industries, German mechanical engineering and the automotive industry. Companies are massively shifting production capacities abroad and closing their German locations. The USA is luring our last industries out of Germany with the cheapest energy costs and high subsidies (e.g. solar and PV).

Work is no longer worthwhile "thanks" to ever higher consumption taxes, e.g.: Co2 tax, the doubling of the truck toll, energy for private households and other anti-consumer price gouging that is recognized as not making sense!

The new citizen's benefit from January 1st, 2024 is becoming increasingly more interesting instead of working for low-wage earners and large immigrant families in all countries!

Living costs are being pushed extremely high to unaffordable heights (e.g. prices at the German gas stations plus supermarkets and all shopping opportunities) these will soon no longer be affordable for the average citizen! Culture and gastronomy will continue to suffer even more until they are completely damaged and will be financially reduced under the GREEN party !

The activities of the Alliance 90 / GRÜNE party must be stopped with immediate effect!

In addition, the Alliance 90 / GRÜNE party tolerates asylum abuse and promotes a “woke - countered” anti-culture!

Heating, electricity supply, new housing construction, medication requirements and the healthcare system are demonstrably made unstable and unaffordable for the German population!

Weapons deliveries and financial support for war must be stopped immediately, regardless of the respective war and crisis area!

We therefore call on the German Bundestag and the state parliaments to submit an application to ban this party to the Federal Constitutional Court. This application should also include all sub-organizations of Alliance 90 / The Greens.
We believe in a free society in which everyone can express their opinions without fear of reprisals. But we cannot allow a single party to restrict our freedoms and endanger our prosperity.

Support us in this important matter! Sign this petition now!

Source of information:

- Price development in Germany | Statista

- Economic growth Germany - Change in GDP until 2022 | Statista

- IMF lowers forecast for 2023: Germany's economy is the only industrial nation to shrink (

  • Long-term economic development in Germany - Federal Statistical Office (
  • German companies: Massive migration to the USA due to subsidies (
'"Crisis of confidence": The financial uncertainty is knocking on Germany's door.'

22 hours ago
'Is Scholz leading Germany into civil war?'

27 Jan, 2024

11 hours ago
It is an interesting development. It is mainly based on "research" of independent journalism under the name "Causa Correctiv" who supposedly attended a secret meeting of the AfD and since then, the media jumped the gun and suddenly demonstrating again (because it is in line with the government, and it's against the most dangerous opposition of the AfD) is full democratic and not what many, many people have done during Corona. Initially, it was discussed to forbid the AfD, but that would have caused more problems, so they went a more sneaky way. Luckily, more information is released and questioned, especially regarding that secret meeting.

These journalists got paid from donations from abroad and from some states itself, and there have also been some meetings with the government itself. It is even speculated that they got maybe records from the Secret Service from that meeting. Of course, everybody denies it, no full record is released and with that, no context given and who really said what during this meeting.

sure, before ww2, men had to join the partei if you wanted to surwiwe. then, war broke out, many died, and shortly before that, they engrossed their wives during their last home leave. so, all german children born during the war had a nazi heritage, but not necessarily a nazi education, nor did they know their father, and should the father return home after years in captivity, these men usually never spoke about their past. these children were not nazi, and strived for a non nazi germany. it is only much later that german kids reinvented their nationalistic ideals because they had not known the past war.. and the whole story is much more complicated...

Japan, Germany sign military supply-sharing pact amid China rise

When these countries meet, things happen...
Sparkasse wanted to ban AfD donations

(machine translation of the article)

The small Sparkasse Mittelfranken-Süd has gotten into a lot of trouble. It's about a donation to the AfD and a nasty letter that the bank sent to a customer...

Like every other party, the AfD actively solicits donations. Anyone who would like to send money to the right-wing populists can do so via bank transfer, for example. A man from Middle Franconia (Bavaria) did exactly that - and therefore received a warning from his savings bank.

It is not known exactly how much the man transferred to the AfD. The right-wing weekly newspaper “Junge Freiheit” talks about a few hundred euros. The paper's online portal also quotes from the letter: “The recipient of the payment has a right-wing extremist orientation. Sparkasse Mittelfranken-Süd does not accept such payments. In your own interest, please stop such payments.”

Bank speaks of “mistake”​

Sparkasse Mittelfranken-Süd does not deny that the letter existed. A spokesman confirmed the content to BILD. But how did the writing come about? The bank doesn't want to say anything about this, only this much: “The whole thing happened because of a mistake. We informed the customer about this.”

Apparently an employee of the bank or a service provider wrote and sent the letter on their own initiative. According to the bank, it is not an IT glitch. The spokesman for BILD: “It has nothing to do with a system or anything else.”

The German Savings Banks and Giro Association makes it clear: “As public credit institutions, savings banks must provide all social groups and people, regardless of their political goals, with access to credit services.” This also applies to payment transactions. “Otherwise only applies to parties and associations whose unconstitutionality has been legally established.” This is not the case with the AfD.

Additionally, from another source:

The case is particularly explosive after Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser announced that she would effectively abolish banking secrecy for suspected extremists. According to their plans, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution could soon submit requests for information about transfers and accounts as soon as it claims that they pose a threat to the free, democratic basic order. According to “JF”, such information is currently only possible if the authorities prove that the groups being monitored used violence.

The plans are particularly scandalous because the government tends to defame any criticism of them that goes beyond the surface as “extremist” and as a “threat to the free, democratic basic order” – exactly as what they themselves and are their like-minded people. What used to be the “center” is now quickly “radical” or even “Nazi” for the political-media complex.
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