Transformation in consciousness


Dagobah Resident
Following this answer from the last C's session "Ultimately there will be a major transformation in consciousness", what could happen with such a (deeply needed) change ?
The psychopaths won't disappear nor all the current economical, political, environmental issues etc.
How will react most people about their eventual more or less crazy jobs, underpaid, overwhelmed, enslaved...
A major transformation would lead to major disruptions into the everyday life around the world, which could trigger huge problems to solve, specially concerning the available food anywhere and mostly in big cities...
How may it happen smoothly, without adding catastrophes to the global mess ?
Actually my question for the Cs is basically : what kind of transformation in consciousness ?
I guess it is related to an opening to 4D, STO and STS as well...

Then what is it going to bring about in our 3D world ? The collapse of its structures would be very challenging, how humanity may adapt to such major changes ?

Sorry for the noise, I just awoke by falling down from my dream, somehow avoiding it to become a nightmare ;-)
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