Tucker Carlson interviews & ideologies

I watched the interview yesterday and Dugin's definitions were very clear. I think he said that classical liberalism did not degenerate but that there was a logical progression to become this new liberalism. And the point here is that if there is an agenda, and that agenda as Dugin points out is to get to transhumanism where the human ceases to be human, then the question is: So the agenda is human?

A-ha moment!

Here in my country (and much more now given the political and social circumstances) there is a very big criticism of liberalism. Those of us who identify with nationalist movements (such as Peronism) know this: Liberalism today is some how related to the Satanism of Lavey.

But there's more... because the more I think about it, I think I understand it. And it goes hand in hand with many of the C's sessions and what has been commented on in the various threads that touch on the subject.

The alien agenda, that the lizzies are engineering new bodies to occupy and all that we already know with soul smashing.

This is just another piece of the puzzle now uncovered. Imagine, you create an ideology that more and more depersonalizes you and makes your soul at the mercy of manipulative forces. And all by making you believe that you are free to be anything from the sex you want, to a cat, a dog or a cybernetic gazelle connected 24 hours a day to the internet where you see everything and know everything as if you were... God. And there is that recursive biblical event. Satan wanting to be like God... we already know how that ends....
Good interview! What I found most interesting was Dugin's description of the aims held by the new liberalism (as opposed to classical liberalism). He stated that liberalism's more recent goals are to promote "individualism" by inducing the idea that by somehow cutting off all ties to one's national, cultural, religious, etc. collective identity - one was being "progressive". And that this is where individualism - at the expense of gender through transgenderism, LGBTQ, - has become the latest biggest change in the name of liberalism.

What he said so briefly, is the main thesis of his Manifesto of Great Awakening book written in response to Schwab's Great Reset. It's nicely presented in his article on Medium. It's longish, even in my excerpt.

A brief history of liberal ideology: globalism as a culmination


To understand clearly what Biden’s victory and Washington’s “new” course for the “Great Reset” means on a historical scale, one must look at the entire history of liberal ideology, starting from its roots. Only then we are able to understand the seriousness of our situation. Biden’s victory is not a coincidental episode ... Biden and the forces behind him embody the culmination of a historical process that began in the Middle Ages, reached its maturity in Modernity with the emergence of capitalist society, and which today is reaching its final stage — the theoretical one outlined from the beginning.

The roots of the liberal (=capitalist) system go back to the scholastic dispute about universals. This dispute split Catholic theologians into two camps: some recognized the existence of the common (species, genus, universalia), while others believed in only certain concrete — individual things, and interpreted their generalizing names as purely external conventional systems of classification, representing “empty sound”. Those who were convinced of the existence of the general, the species, drew on the classical tradition of Plato and Aristotle. They came to be called “realists,” that is, those who recognized the “reality of universalia”. The most prominent representative of the “realists” was Thomas Aquinas and, in general, it was the tradition of the Dominican monks.

The proponents of the idea that only individual things and beings are real came to be called “nominalists,” from the Latin “nomen. The demand — “entities should not be multiplied without necessity” — goes back precisely to one of the chief defenders of “nominalism,” the English philosopher William Occam. ... Although the “realists” won the first stage of the conflict and the teachings of the “nominalists” were anathematized, later the paths of Western European philosophy — especially of the New Age — were followed by Occam.

“Nominalism” laid the foundation for future liberalism, both ideologically and economically. Here humans were seen only as individuals and nothing else, and all forms of collective identity (religion, class, etc.) were to be abolished. Likewise, the thing was seen as absolute private property, as a concrete, separate thing which could easily be attributed as property to this or that individual owner.

Nominalism prevailed first of all in England, became widespread in Protestant countries and gradually became the main philosophical matrix of New Age — in religion (individual relations of man with God), in science (atomism and materialism), in politics (preconditions of bourgeois democracy), in economy (market and private property), in ethics (utilitarianism, individualism, relativism, pragmatism), etc.

Capitalism: the first phase

Starting from nominalism, we can trace the entire path of historical liberalism, from Roscelin and Occam to Soros and Biden. For convenience, let us divide this history into three phases.

[1. What he elsewhere calls "sacral universal empire" was rejected and subsequently destroyed, replaced by nation states]

The first phase was the introduction of nominalism into the realm of religion. The collective identity of the Church, as understood by Catholicism (and even more so by Orthodoxy), was replaced by Protestants as individuals who could henceforth interpret Scripture based on their reasoning alone and rejecting any tradition. Thus many aspects of Christianity — the sacraments, miracles, angels, reward after death, the end of the world, etc. — have been reconsidered and discarded as not meeting the “rational criteria”.

The church as the “mystical body of Christ” was destroyed and replaced by hobby clubs created by free consent from below. This created a large number of disputing Protestant sects. In Europe and in England itself, where nominalism had borne its most thorough fruit, the process was somewhat subdued, and the most rabid Protestants rushed to the New World and established their own society there. Later, after the struggle with the metropolis, the United States emerged.

Parallel to the destruction of the Church as a “collective identity” (something “common”), the estates began to be abolished. The social hierarchy of priests, aristocracy, and peasants was replaced by undefined “townspeople”, according to the original meaning of the word “bourgeois”. The bourgeoisie supplanted all other strata of European society. But the bourgeois was exactly the best “individual,” a citizen without clan, tribe, or profession, but with private property. And this new class began to reconstruct all of European society.

At the same time, the supranational unity of the Papal See and the Western Roman Empire — as another expression of “collective identity” — was also abolished. In its place was established an order based on sovereign nation-states, a kind of “political individual”. After the end of the 30-year war, the Peace of Westphalia consolidated this order.

Thus, by the middle of the 17th century, a bourgeois order (that is, capitalism), had emerged in the main features in Western Europe.

The philosophy of the new order was in many ways anticipated by Thomas Hobbes and developed by John Locke, David Hume and Immanuel Kant. Adam Smith applied these principles to the economic field, giving rise to liberalism as an economic ideology. In fact, capitalism, based on the systematic implementation of nominalism, became a coherent systemic worldview. The meaning of history and progress was henceforth to “liberate the individual from all forms of collective identity” to the logical limit.

By the twentieth century, through the period of colonial conquests, Western European capitalism had become a global reality. The nominalist approach prevailed in science and culture, in politics and economics, in the very everyday thinking of the people of the West and of all humanity.

The twentieth and triumph of globalization: the second phase

[2. Emancipation from nation state, state as oppressor, loosened tribal bonds, individual's emancipation from family]

In the twentieth century, capitalism faced a new challenge. This time, it was not the usual forms of collective identity — religious, class, professional, etc. — but artificial and also modern theories (like liberalism itself) that rejected individualism and opposed it with new forms of collective identity (combined conceptually).

Socialists, social democrats and communists countered liberals with class identities, calling on workers around the world to unite to overturn the power of the global bourgeoisie. This strategy proved effective, and in some major countries (though not in those industrialized and Western countries where Karl Marx, the founder of communism, had hoped), proletarian revolutions were won. [only to eventually lose to liberalism]

Parallel to the communists occurred, this time in Western Europe, the seizure of power by extreme nationalist forces. They acted in the name of the “nation” or a “race,” again contrasting liberal individualism with something “common,” some “collective being”. [extreme nationalism and nazism, both lost to liberalism, too]

The new opponents of liberalism no longer belonged to the inertia of the past, as in previous stages, but represented modernist projects developed in the West itself. But they were also built on a rejection of individualism and nominalism. This was clearly understood by the theorists of liberalism (above all, by Hayek and his disciple Popper), who united “communists” and “fascists” under the common name of “enemies of the open society”, and began a deadly war with them. ...

Thus, the project of liberation of the individual from all forms of collective identity and “ideological progress” as understood by liberals went through another stage. In the 1990s, liberal theorists began to talk about the “end of history” (F. Fukuyama) and the “unipolar moment” (C. Krauthammer). [Emancipation from own community, its values and rights in favour of individual's rights; the good of one's community doesn't matter anymore]
This was a vivid proof of the entry of capitalism in its most advanced phase — the stage of globalism. In fact, it was at this time in the U.S. ruling elites’ strategy of globalism triumphed — outlined in the First World War by Wilson’s 14 points, but at the end of the Cold War united the elite of both parties — Democrats and Republicans, represented mainly by “neoconservatives”.

Gender and Posthumanism: The Third Phase

[3] After defeating its last ideological foe, the socialist camp, capitalism has come to a crucial point. Individualism, the market, the ideology of human rights, democracy and Western values had won on a global scale. It would seem that the agenda is fulfilled — no one opposes “individualism” and nominalism with anything serious or systemic anymore.

In this period, capitalism enters its third phase. On closer inspection, after defeating the external enemy, liberals have discovered two more forms of collective identity. First of all, gender. After all, gender is also something collective: either masculine or feminine. So the next step was the destruction of gender as something objective, essential, and irreplaceable.

Gender required abolition, as did all other forms of collective identity, which had been abolished even earlier. Hence gender politics, the transformation of the category of gender into something “optional” and dependent on individual choice. Here again we are dealing with the same nominalism: why double entities? A person is a person as an individual, while gender can be chosen arbitrarily, just as religion, profession, nation and way of life were chosen before.

This became the main agenda of liberal ideology in the 1990s, after the defeat of the Soviet Union. Yes, external opponents stood in the way of gender policy — those countries that still had the remnants of traditional society, the values of the family, etc., as well as conservative circles in the West itself. Combating conservatives and “homophobes,” that is, defenders of the traditional view of the existence of the sexes, has become the new goal of the adherents of progressive liberalism. Many leftists have joined in, replacing gender politics and immigration protection with earlier anti-capitalist goals.

With the success of institutionalizing gender norms and the success of mass migration, which is atomizing populations in the West itself (which also fits perfectly within an ideology of human rights that operates with the individual without regard to cultural, religious, social or national aspects), it became obvious that liberals had one last step left to take — to abolish humans.

After all, the human is also a collective identity, which means that it must be overcome, abolished, destroyed. This is what the principle of nominalism demands: a “person” is just a name, an empty shake of the air, an arbitrary and therefore always disputable classification. There is only the individual — human or not, male or female, religious or atheist, it depends on his choice.

Thus, the last step left for liberals, who have traveled centuries toward their goal, is to replace humans-albeit partially-by cyborgs, Artificial Intelligence networks, and products of genetic engineering. The human optional logically follows gender optional.

This agenda is already quite foreshadowed by posthumanism, postmodernism and speculative realism in philosophy, and technologically is becoming more and more realistic by the day. Futurologists and proponents of accelerating the historical process (accelerationists) are confidently looking into the near future when Artificial Intelligence will become comparable in basic parameters with human beings. This moment is called the Singularity. Its arrival is predicted within 10 to 20 years.

Dugin draws a lot from German political thought and philosophy, especially Heidegger with his anti-Anglo-Saxon sentiments and objection to their domination. Dugin also subscribes to Heidegger's conception of truth as being rooted in a given community and changing throughout history. That's why it's so wrong to spread one's ideology and impose it on other countries who may have, and prefer their own ways.

Ones again, the difference between left-hemisphere-run West and right-hemisphere-run East, generally speaking, (McGilchrist!) is so apparent!
Thank you for posting the Whitney Webb interview.

Two thoughts:

1) Whitney takes no crap and has now “beliefs” in this leader or that policy. Just gimmy the facts, watch what's happening, then report what you see. In this manner pretty much no one comes out clean, and that’s probably closer to the truth than most. Catherin A. Fitts is very similar in my opinion.

And finally! Someone has called out El Salvador as playing an instrumental position on the wrong team. ( Interviewers gush over how wonderful El Salvador's new prison system is. Tucker included.)

2) She digs deep to find the “plan” and then is reporting on how some of the machinery is being surreptitiously put into place. (Which can be interpreted as, see everybody? We’re all screwed.)

What she’s missing is the knowledge of the plan behind the plan, the inter-dimensional component, and the spiritual equation. IMO even as she is doing the work to show us all the plan, the plans are coming apart, and it is unlikely that these plans will ever make it to completion.

David DuByne presently has a take on all this that is a little closer to the probable outcome. He says the plans are all going to fail, mostly because of natural cycles, and we need to be prepared to walk through the lightning strikes and salvage what we can, and hopefully not end up back in the stone age.

Hats off to Whitney for her work. I’m glad we have her. And I note that, her work is only one part of the equation.

Thanks again everyone.
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I appreciate Dugin’s ability to communicate clearly in plain language (and English is not his first language!). Something not all philosophers do. It testifies to the quality of Dugin’s mind.
Didn’t Ark say something about if you can’t explain something simply then you don’t understand it? Clearly Dugin understands liberalism.
Dugin draws a lot from German political thought and philosophy, especially Heidegger with his anti-Anglo-Saxon sentiments and objection to their domination. Dugin also subscribes to Heidegger's conception of truth as being rooted in a given community and changing throughout history. That's why it's so wrong to spread one's ideology and impose it on other countries who may have, and prefer their own ways.

Ones again, the difference between left-hemisphere-run West and right-hemisphere-run East, generally speaking, (McGilchrist!) is so apparent!
The Leftist West determining the needs of others. Not gonna end well. I guess a lot of us here on the forum know that.

I found the interview fascinating. Reading the replies was also interesting. One stood out: "Years ago I laughed when he (Dugin) said liberalism would collapse into fascism...he was right and I'm not laughing anymore."
Alexander Dugin wrote an article about his interview with Tucker. :-)

From the article:
Therefore, when I say "woke" I am immediately understood by everyone in the USA. But in our country, we would have to publish a whole article with explanations and examples, after which many of our domestic leftists and left-liberals would be ashamed (if they have a conscience, and this still needs to be proven).

Liked it.

Coincidently, or not, just today looked in a book by A.V. Voznyuk, titled "Theory of Human Aggressivity" (2018, in Russian) and found the following (translated):

Modern science as a form of social consciousness is mainly linear-technocratic in its nature and organisation. And this leads to the fact that left-hemispheric individuals, who direct the vector of scientific search in a technocratic direction, turning this search into a "digital" procedure and depriving it of its spiritual and emotional meaning, are pushed into the highest echelons of the scientific hierarchy. This order of things in the modern world has brought it to the brink of moral degeneration and ecological collapse, which is fully understandable: the energy depletion, the almost complete absence of right-hemispheric emotional potential in technocrats (and technocratic corporations) directs their efforts to the organisation of large-scale entropisation - the destruction of the socio-natural environment, which allows the destroyers to fill their energy deficit - to order their life structure at the expense of the decomposition of the order of the external environment.

In terms of mental organisation, such a destroyer is a psychopath characterised by left-hemispheric schizoid traits - callousness towards people around him, inability both to admit his mistakes and to empathy and compassion, remorse, to experience complex and subtle emotions (such as affection, guilt, joy, love), which makes such a person a cold-emotional egocentric being, characterised by superficial emotional reactions, shallow goals and "flat" imagination. At the same time, however, a psychopath can win the hearts of his admirers due to his developed artistry and ability to imitate emotional reactions.

In case anyone is interested in Nominalism and how it is relevant, there are two articles explaining it in a simple way, of course without mentioning liberalism, but it is very easy to see.

The next step of the ‘non human option’ has already been taken to some extent with people identifying as various animals by living, eating, sleeping snd defecating in the manner of the animal they claim to be. So what’s the last step? Trans-biological?

Pretty much. Its the new Technocratic religion, dontchya know? ;-) Whereby human beings, by getting further acclimated to interfacing with everything digital, and incorporating more and more technology into their bodies (the IoB or Internet of Bodies), may one day hope for the ultimate bliss of merging with the Artificial Intelligence God once the "Singularity" has occurred. Or something like that.

A few good articles on SOTT that describe Transhumanism's movement to dehumanize by deifying AI, among other things:

Transhumanism: A Religion for Postmodern Times

Hacking Humanity: Transhumanism

The implications for humanity of Transhumanism as the dominant ideology of the fourth industrial revolution

Barbara Marx Hubbard: Godmother of transhumanism and synthetic spirituality

Transhumanism is pure eugenics

The global takeover hinges on pandemics and transhumanism

Transhumanism & biofascism are tools of the 'technological elite,' RFK Jr. interviews T.J Coles

The impossibility of Christian transhumanism
What he said so briefly, is the main thesis of his Manifesto of Great Awakening book written in response to Schwab's Great Reset. It's nicely presented in his article on Medium. It's longish, even in my excerpt.


Dugin draws a lot from German political thought and philosophy, especially Heidegger with his anti-Anglo-Saxon sentiments and objection to their domination. Dugin also subscribes to Heidegger's conception of truth as being rooted in a given community and changing throughout history. That's why it's so wrong to spread one's ideology and impose it on other countries who may have, and prefer their own ways.

Thanks for posting this. It does a nice job fleshing out Dugin's statements in an all-too-short interview. But at least it will, or should, expose many more people in the West to Dugin's line of thought, and give a fuller understanding of what's gone very wrong. Kudos (again) to Tucker for even thinking to talk to him - when he might have just gone back to the US with the interview of Putin under his belt (assuming Tucker met with Dugin at around the same time he met with Putin, and just decided to hold on to this interview for a bit).
I too liked Dugin's interview very much! So Tucker was indeed busy in Moscow, that's good.

I wish I knew how to share a YouTube transcript!

This solution isn't perfect, but quite useful:
1. Use Chrome (the app won't work otherwise)
2. Download "Language Reactor App".
3. On youtube, right next to the volume control, you'll see the LR icon. It will allow you to export the automatic transcript, or the subtitles if it has any.

It's used for language learners because you can also get a translation side by side, but you can just as well use it for transcripts. Here is the one for the video you were commenting on. If you view it on the browser, it's easy to search, copy&paste.


  • Whitney Webb Interview - Manufacturing Bipartisan Consent For Biometric Surveillance.pdf
    5.2 MB · Views: 6
And finally! Someone has called out El Salvador as playing an instrumental position on the wrong team. ( Interviewers gush over how wonderful El Salvador's new prison system is. Tucker included.)

Well, though I hear what she's saying, and it could be true that it's just introducing dictatorships all over again, and that Bukele is a "cool dictator", I'm not sure what to make of it. El Salvador was an utter nightmare created by the US. Now it's safe on the streets. And from some Spanish journalists I've watched, the prisons don't seem to be really what the western media is reporting. Tough, yes, but nothing like Guantanamo and Co. When you know what those guys were doing (raping, cutting people's body parts, training very small children to become sociopaths, etc.), and funded by the CIA, did the Salvadorian government have any other option? I don't know. Is it evil? Well, yes, probably. But in this case, it sounds to me like the lesser of two evils. FWIW!
The next step of the ‘non human option’ has already been taken to some extent with people identifying as various animals by living, eating, sleeping snd defecating in the manner of the animal they claim to be. So what’s the last step? Trans-biological?

I think the last step is when people formally identify themselves as sheep. At least the kids are classy enough to identify as dogs and cats for now:

I watched the Whitney Webb interview. What caught my attention was her claim that Trump would be elected President because it would be considered a victory. It would be by all the gun toting conservative faction of Republicans. There is still faith in the two party paradigm. They would be more controlled because having their guy as President would make them complacent. Put Americans off their guard and compliant since he is so popular and the opposite of Biden. I hadn’t thought it possible for him to be allowed back in office but that is so diabolical and brilliant it might be in the cards.
I watched the Whitney Webb interview. What caught my attention was her claim that Trump would be elected President because it would be considered a victory. It would be by all the gun toting conservative faction of Republicans. There is still faith in the two party paradigm. They would be more controlled because having their guy as President would make them complacent. Put Americans off their guard and compliant since he is so popular and the opposite of Biden. I hadn’t thought it possible for him to be allowed back in office but that is so diabolical and brilliant it might be in the cards.
My take on that is that Whitney is wrong. Trump is the enemy of the deep state. Anyone that was paying attention to his presidency and his court cases can see that. No matter the mental gymnastics she makes, he is not controlled. If the above were true, they wouldn't have stolen the 2020 election.
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