Verneuil's disease AKA Hydradenitis Suppurative

Just to say thanks for this post. I have been inflamed and in agony for over 2 months now , may be longer I dont count days. I have been walking funnier than John Wayne caricatures in this time.

Been going over my diet and cant find fault with it. Vitamins and so on.

Been having a minimum of two hot baths a day.The only relief i get.Then back to pain as soon as i step out.I said to the hammer the other night while in the depths of despondency and pain that I dont think it will ever go away.

I am reluctant to take pain killers , but every now and again I just throw them down.some but little relief.

I will read the thread in full when i get the little one to sleep. To stay in good humor all day and every day with him while the Hammer is at work is a hard one.

Thanks for the post.
Thank you very much for all this information, this is something. I saw some pictures. I hope your son will be ok, I wish him to find relief with zinc and other treatments.
Laura said:
I hope ya'll can see what a great researcher this guy is and what a service he has done as a result of his own suffering. He has actually provided information that relates to a lot more than HS.

Yes, it was a tour de force, give him a a gold star.

About the body producing anti-bodies for a specific antigen which may turn out to also bind to other cells in the body, thus targeting them for destruction, ie "not self" the parallels between skin and the large intestines is fascinating, considering that they are both loaded with bacteria, and the large intestines is where carbohydrates that can't be broken down by the body, are broken down by bacteria. In that line of reasoning, there is this, but take it with a bucket of salt:

_ said:
Did you know that the health of your large intestine is reflected in the health of your skin? Your large intestine and skin are organs that interact with the environment. They both absorb and emit chemicals, water, and other metabolic products. The large intestine is the body's largest internal organ; its purpose is to absorb food, nutrients and water. The function of the skin is to hold not only all of your other organs, tissues, capillaries and muscles in place, but also to allow your body to breathe. It is a respiration organ -- it both inhales and exhales.

Part of the function of your skin is to excrete waste. Sweating, for example, is not just for cooling your skin; it also opens your pores and excretes toxins.


When you look at someone who is suffering from skin problems, it is a clear indication that something similar is going on in the large intestine. For example, people who suffer from severe acne are usually heavy consumers of milk and dairy products.

The link between skin disorders and intestinal health problems

When milk enters the digestive tract, it can actually stay lodged there for an extended duration and putrefy because there is no fiber to move it out. It begins to create pus-filled sores on the inside of the large intestine wall. The exact same thing happens to the skin -- it creates sores with pus called acne. It is a reflection of what's happening in the large intestine, except you are seeing it from the outside.

Conventional doctors who do not understand holistic health only look at what's happening locally; they think bacteria in the skin cause acne. We all have bacteria on and in our skin, so the presence of bacteria isn't the cause of acne. Do you think clear-skinned people have sterilized their facial skin? Hardly. If you are suffering from acne, try going dairy-free for thirty days and see for yourself just how much your acne is reduced or eliminated.

The benefits of healthy intestines

A person who has a healthy large intestine will reflect that in their complexion. Their skin will look young


Probiotics are good for both the large intestine and the skin for many of the same reasons. The large intestine is kept healthy by maintaining a friendly terrain that welcomes helpful bacteria. We must have friendly bacteria in the gut in order to be healthy individuals for a variety of reasons, some of which are only beginning to be understood by medical researchers. Healthy skin also provides the right terrain for friendly bacteria, while discouraging the growth of harmful bacteria.

The importance of water for digestion and skin

There are other similarities between these two organs: their positive reaction to sufficient dietary water. Water actually helps lubricate the movement of fecal matter through the large intestine. In a person who is chronically dehydrated, the peristaltic action of the large intestine is reduced; thus fecal matter spends a longer amount of time in the body, emitting toxins and poisoning the body.

So many people are chronically dehydrated, it's no surprise that millions of people suffer from diseases of the large intestine and bowel like Crohn's Disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Likewise, water is important for healthy skin, lubricating it and keeping it soft and supple. Without water, all tissues in the body become crippled at the cellular level; they begin to shrivel and lose their ability to function properly. They are unable to do the basic things that every cell needs to do to survive, which is to take in nutrients and excrete metabolic waste products.

Keep your tissue flexible for better performance

Another interesting similarity between the two organs is that they both benefit from nutrition which allows them to operate with a healthy amount of tissue flexibility. Minerals like silica and certain types of nutrients such as collagen can also help in this process. Of course, good protein assimilation is crucial for this, too.

Healthy large intestine tissue is flexible tissue; the same thing is true with skin. Healthy looking skin, when stretched, snaps back into place without showing signs of wear, tear, or stretching. When a person suffers nutritional deficiencies, especially certain minerals and amino acids, they begin to lose the flexibility of the protein fibers in cells throughout their body. This can affect their skin and their large intestine, as well as other organs.


If you want a healthy digestive system, all you really have to do is adopt a healthy lifestyle. The same things that irritate skin also irritate your digestive tract. If something is giving you acne, rashes, eczema or any kind of skin problems, chances are it is doing the same thing to your large intestine and perhaps your entire digestive tract.

Remember, the body is holistic. One organ can reflect the health status of another, or even of the entire body. You can tell a lot from the skin, and even from fingernails or eyes. All you have to do is learn to pay attention to your body and interpret the obvious signs of health or disease.

The kicker: said:
What most experts will tell you about acne is that diet has nothing to do with it. Well nothing could be further from the truth.

What has become clearly apparent is that your diet has everything to do with it.

If you are predisposed to developing these acne lesions, and are eating a diet that is causing your insulin levels and associated insulin growth factors to rise, then you will have acne.

This happens because when you eat refined carbohydrates and sugar, it causes a surge of insulin and an insulin-like growth factor called IGF-1 in your body. This can lead to an excess of male hormones, which cause your pores to secrete sebum, a greasy substance that attracts acne-promoting bacteria. Additionally, IGF-1 causes skin cells known as keratinocytes to multiply, a process that is also associated with acne.

So, the simple solution is to radically reduce the amount of food you consume that is causing your body to make insulin. The main culprits here are sugar, and ALL grain carbohydrates as they're converted into sugar in your body.

And: said:
Acne is unheard of in populations eating a 'primal' or 'paleolithic' diet. This has caused some researchers, for example Loren Cordain (author of The Paleo Diet), to question what factors might be at play here. One prominent theory concerns the impact of eating carbohydrates that tend to be disruptive for blood sugar levels. These foods stimulate, among other things, the secretion of insulin and something known as insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) that induce changes in the skin that are conducive to the development of acne. Not only that, but a low glycaemic load (GL) diet (one which will tend to lower insulin and IGF-1 levels) was found to brings benefits to people with acne. You can read more about this in a previous post from 2007.

Very recently, the journal Acta Dermato-Venereologica published a study which again tested the potential of a low GL diet as a treatment for acne. According to the summary of this study, eating a low-GL diet led to a significant reduction in acne, as well as evidence under the microscope of reduced sebaceous gland size and lower levels of inflammation.

This study is accompanied by a commentary which talks about the role of diet in acne, and it inevitably focuses on the role of carbohydrate here, making reference to this recent study as well as the one I wrote about in 2007 that I link to above.

The author of the commentary also focuses on the potential role of milk in the development of acne. This is something that has been mooted before (see a previous post here from a couple of years back for example).

Again, insulin and IGF-1 are implicated.

Makes you go hmmmm..... huh.
Apocrine Sweat Glands
Have a more limited distribution, but are found in the following areas;

Axilla (underarm),
Perianal (near the anal area)
Areole, (nipple)
Periumbilical (around the belly button),
Genital area,
External ear canal,
Also consists of ducts and secretory coils, but these glands are larger than eccrine glands and open onto hair follicles.


There are no known functions attributed to apocrine sweat glands in humans.
They are a genetic remnant of the mammalian sexual scent gland

Composition of apocrine sweat:

Thick, milky fluid
Excretions include protein, ammonia, lipids, chromogranins (family of proteins)
Bacterial decomposition leads to odor
Produce proteins equivalent to pheromones in non-human mammalian species

Nervous Control:

Activated by same sympathetic nerves as eccrine glands in the same region,
But different nerve fibers and different nerve transmitters control the glands
Respond to catecholamine, not acetylcholine (unlike ecrine glands)
Do not respond to Botox® treatment

Activation and possible functions

Apocrine sweat glands are inactive until they are stimulated by hormonal changes in puberty. Apocrine sweat glands are mainly thought to function as olfactory pheromones, chemicals important in attracting a potential mate.[citation needed] The stimulus for the secretion of apocrine sweat glands is adrenaline, which is a hormone carried in the blood.
According to another suggestion, apocrine sweat glands (and patches of hair in armpits and around genitals) were developed in the earliest period of hominid evolution by the forces of natural selection as the means of defense from predators, as an olfactory aposematic (warning) signal, and that's why these glands are activated in the moments of emotional or physical stress [3]


Fox-Fordyce's Disease. Presented by Dr. Anthony C. Cipollaro.
[..]The eruption is accompanied by paroxysms of intolerable itching. Nervousness,
excitement and tension precipitate or exaggerate the symptoms.
Heat also
increases the itching and has forced the patient to give up her work as a cook.
She also suffers from hay fever.


Itchy Papules of the Axillae

Diagnosis: Fox-Fordyce disease.


The biopsy specimen showed acanthosis of the epider-
mis, with perifollicular hyperkeratosis. The follicular in-
fundibulum near the point of entry of the apocrine gland
was obstructed by a keratin plug. A moderate inflamma-
tory infiltration was present. Local application of beta-
methasone valerate cream relieved the pruritus and re-
sulted in improvement of the skin lesions.


Fox-Fordyce disease affects the apocrine sweat glands,
with involvement of the axillae and, less often, the geni-
tal area or areolae. Rare sites of this disease are the peri-
neum, lips, navel, and presternal region, which are
other anatomical areas with increased apocrine sweat
The clinical presentation is distinct. Patients de-
velop multiple, firm, small papules that are flesh col-
ored to hyperpigmented. The pruritus can be severe
and is provoked by physical exercise, mental stress,
and emotions.1

The pathogenesis is not well known. Obstruction
of the excretory duct of the apocrine gland by a keratin
plug provokes dilatation of the sweat gland. The pres-
sure increases and induces the formation of spongiotic
vesicles, which are visible on histologic examination. Apo-
crine secretion is thought to be the origin of the pruri-
tus.2 A perilesional inflammatory infiltrate is often ob-
served on histopathologic examination.
It seems that this mechanical factor or obstruction
alone cannot explain Fox-Fordyce disease. In one study,
the apocrine sweat glands were blocked in healthy vol-
unteers; no symptoms of Fox-Fordyce disease ap-
1 Moreover, in different case series, there was a
familial coincidence, which suggests a possible genetic
There is also evidence of an important hor-
monal factor
: the disease appears after puberty; women
are more often affected than men (ratio, 9:1)2; and a clini-
cal improvement is seen during pregnancy or hormonal
treatment. However, no hormonal abnormality has been
discovered in patients affected by Fox-Fordyce disease.

Numerous treatments have been tried.1 Surgical ex-
cision has been proposed in cases resistant to local thera-
pies and with a limited amount of involved skin. Topi-
cal application of tretinoin may be effective,3 but may
provoke irritation.1-4 One male patient was cured by treat-
ment with oral retinoids
.4 The efficacy of topical antibi-
otics (clindamycin) has also been observed.1,2

The retinoids are a class of chemical compounds that are related chemically to vitamin A. Retinoids are used in medicine, primarily due to the way they regulate epithelial cell growth.

Some clues
Dilation of Apocrine Glands. A Forgotten but Helpful Histopathological Clue to the Diagnosis of Axillary Fox-Fordyce Disease
Macarenco, Ricardo S MD*; Garces S, Juan Carlos MD†

Fox-Fordyce disease is a condition with protean histopathological alterations whose pathogenesis remains a mystery. Although recent studies have addressed histological changes specific of this disease, including perifollicular xanthomatosis, no attention has been given to apocrine acini dilation as an adjunct histopathological finding to the diagnosis. Moreover, although previous efforts were done to demonstrate that perifollicular foamy histiocytes harbor apocrine secretion content, this concept has not been proved to date. In this study, we report 2 cases harboring prominent dilation of apocrine coils with mucinous content. Such mucinous content showed mucin profile identical to the dermal mucin deposits in both cases. Of note, perifollicular foamy histiocytes demonstrated cytoplasmic mucin, supporting the suggestion that these cells phagocytose apocrine secretion. Although not specific, apocrine coil dilation is another histopathological feature of Fox-Fordyce disease and it may be used as a low-power magnification clue for the correct diagnosis. We also propose that the so-called perifollicular xanthomatosis may be composed of muciphages or mixed cell (muciphages/xanthomatous) population, an issue that should be further investigated in future studies.

Foam cell

Foam cells are cells in an atheroma derived from both macrophages and smooth muscle. In chronic hyperlipidemia, lipoproteins aggregate within the intima of blood vessels and become oxidized by the action of oxygen free radicals generated either by macrophages or endothelial cells. The macrophages engulf oxidized low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) by endocytosis via scavenger receptors, which are distinct from LDL receptors. The oxidized LDL accumulates in the phagocytes, which are then known as foam cells.
Foam cells are not dangerous as such, but can become a problem when they accumulate at particular foci thus creating a necrotic centre of atherosclerosis. If the fibrous cap that prevents the necrotic centre from spilling into the lumen of a vessel ruptures, a thrombus can form which can lead to emboli occluding smaller vessels. The occlusion of small vessels results in ischemia, and contributes to stroke and myocardial infarction, two of the leading causes of cardiovascular-related death.

Back to Zinc
The oxidation of low density lipoprotein by cells or iron is inhibited by zinc
Gary M. Wilkins, David S. Leake

We have examined the effect of zinc ions on low density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation by macrophages, endothelial cells and iron ions in terms of the increased uptake of the LDL by macrophages. Zinc ions inhibited LDL modification by both cell types (which is dependent on the presence of iron ions in the culture medium) and by iron ions alone. As oxidised LDL is believed to be involved in atherogenesis, this raises the possibility that zinc may be an endogenous protective factor against atherosclerosis.

Back to retanoids
[Effect of retinoid X receptor activation on oxidized low-density lipoprotein induced cell differentiation of murine macrophage cell line into dendritic like cells].

To investigate the effect and related mechanism of retinoid X receptor (RXR) activation on oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL) induced differentiation of macrophage into dendritic cell.
RAW264.7 murine macrophage cell line was cultured with ox-LDL for 48 h in the absence and presence of RXR activator 9-cisRA or SR11237. Cell morphology was observed by phase contrast microscope and cell surface markers involved in dendritic cell immune maturation and activation was analyzed by FACS. Cellular reactive oxygen species production was detected by CM-H2DCFDA fluorescent probe.
ox-LDL-treated RAW264.7 murine macrophage cell line differentiated into dendritic like cells after 48 h and cell surface markers CD40, CD86, CD83, MHC Class II and CD1d were upregulated. These changes could be attenuated by cotreatment with 9-cisRA or SR11237. Upregulated cell surface markers CD40, CD86, CD83, MHC Class II and CD1d by ox-LDL were decreased about 47%, 43%, 48%, 32% and 17% respectively by 9-cisRA and 38%, 38%, 46%, 36% and 32% respectively by SR11237. The effect of 9-cisRA and SR11237 was dose dependent. Cellular reactive oxygen species were significantly increased in ox-LDL-treated RAW264.7 cells (MFI 38.24 +/- 4.20 vs. 4.46 +/- 0.39, P < 0.05) and which was significantly reduced by 9-cisRA (10(-7) mol/L) and SR11237 (10(-6) mol/L) to 12.60 +/- 1.52 and 17.89 +/- 1.91 respectively (all P < 0.05).
RXR activation partly inhibits the differentiation of ox-LDL induced macrophage into dendritic cell by reducing oxidative stress injury.

So, we have a possible partial mechanism at work here (I'm pretty sure the immune system then does something else at this point to block the sweat gland - possibly involving Polymorphonuclear Neutrophils and/or IgM responses to the foam cells).
Two possible lines of enquiry to follow now - macrophage over activity (what may be causing them to overact or what may cause them to cause more damage to the body - such as deficiencies), and LDL oxidization (prevention and what may be causing excess of it).
The case of the women I posted near the beginning also mentioned hay fever, which tends to be associated with histamine from cellular damage. So it's possible the symptoms are just a (very noticeable) warning bell to something else going on? Alternatively the macrophages are attacking the fat released within the sweat gland (turning into foam cells)?
SeekinTruth said:
I wonder if "earthing/grounding" would help. Basically walking or standing barefoot on grass, for example. It's supposed to have a huge anti-inflammatory and antioxidant affect.


LQB said:
Based on some recent research on EMF-sensitive people, the wide array of chronic problems due to gluten are very similar to symptoms suffered from electro-noise in the forms of dirty power, AC magnetic fields, digital pulsed signals (cell/cordless phones, WiFi). There is evidence that once someone becomes EMF-sensitive, they do not recover any significant degree of tolerance. Many investigators believe that toxic exposure (including mercury) and EMF are co-operative in producing disease conditions and auto-immune conditions. Apparently many EMF-sensitives must watch toxic chemical exposure as closely as EMF sources.

In a book on EMFs (I bought recently), the author includes a chapter on earth energy lines associated with faults, ground water flows, and grid lines. The crossing of any of these under someone's bed will drain energy affecting the immune system resulting in cancer and a host of chronic conditions (over long periods of time). Apparently the evidence for this is massive - but suppressed.

Maybe HS has a very complicated set of triggers ...

If there is anything to this grounding or Earthing thing, which I think there is, then it would stand to reason that since magnetic fields are produced when electrons flow, earthing would strengthen one's field. Interestingly an antioxidant is basically an electron donor, thus electrons are THE antioxidants, also interesting is that acids are called proton donors in Chemistry:

_ said:
Gastric acid is a digestive fluid, formed in the stomach. It has a pH of 1.5 to 3.5 and is composed of hydrochloric acid (HCl) (around 0.5%, or 5000 parts per million), and large quantities of potassium chloride (KCl) and sodium chloride (NaCl). The acid plays a key role in digestion of proteins, by activating digestive enzymes, and making ingested proteins unravel so that digestive enzymes can break down the long chains of amino acids.

Gastric acid is produced by cells lining the stomach, which are coupled to systems to increase acid production when needed. Other cells in the stomach produce bicarbonate, a base, to buffer the fluid, ensuring that it does not become too acidic. These cells also produce mucus, which forms a viscous physical barrier to prevent gastric acid from damaging the stomach. Cells in the beginning of the small intestine, or duodenum, further produce large amounts of bicarbonate to completely neutralize any gastric acid that passes further down into the digestive tract.

The presence of gastric acid in the stomach and its function in digestion was first characterized by U.S. Army surgeon William Beaumont around 1830. Beaumont was able to study the stomach action of fur trapper Alexis St. Martin due to the latter's gastric fistula.

An acid is a substance that has a pH lower than 7 the lower the pH the more acidic a substance is.

RedFox said:
So, we have a possible partial mechanism at work here (I'm pretty sure the immune system then does something else at this point to block the sweat gland - possibly involving Polymorphonuclear Neutrophils and/or IgM responses to the foam cells).
Two possible lines of enquiry to follow now - macrophage over activity (what may be causing them to overact or what may cause them to cause more damage to the body - such as deficiencies), and LDL oxidization (prevention and what may be causing excess of it).
The case of the women I posted near the beginning also mentioned hay fever, which tends to be associated with histamine from cellular damage. So it's possible the symptoms are just a (very noticeable) warning bell to something else going on? Alternatively the macrophages are attacking the fat released within the sweat gland (turning into foam cells)?

Fascinating research RedFox,

As to macrophage over activity, macrophages release Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) at a site of injury, this produces inflammation, they are also a way in which macrophages "eat up" any debris around the site of injury via phagocytosis:

_ said:
When a plant recognizes an attacking pathogen, one of the first induced reactions is to rapidly produce superoxide or hydrogen peroxide to strengthen the cell wall. This prevents the spread of the pathogen to other parts of the plant, essentially forming a net around the pathogen to restrict movement and reproduction.

If too much damage is caused to its mitochondria, a cell undergoes apoptosis or programmed cell death. Bcl-2 proteins are layered on the surface of the mitochondria, detect damage, and activate a class of proteins called Bax, which punch holes in the mitochondrial membrane, causing cytochrome C to leak out. This cytochrome C binds to Apaf-1, or apoptotic protease activating factor-1, which is free-floating in the cell’s cytoplasm. Using energy from the ATPs in the mitochondrion, the Apaf-1 and cytochrome C bind together to form apoptosomes. The apoptosomes bind to and activate caspase-9, another free-floating protein. The caspase-9 then cleaves the proteins of the mitochondrial membrane, causing it to break down and start a chain reaction of protein denaturation and eventually phagocytosis of the cell.
_ said:
Phagocytosis (from Ancient Greek φαγεῖν (phagein) , meaning "to devour", κύτος, (kytos) , meaning " cell", and -osis, meaning "process") is the cellular process of engulfing solid particles by the cell membrane to form an internal phagosome by phagocytes and protists. Phagocytosis is a specific form of endocytosis involving the vesicular internalization of solids such as bacteria, and is, therefore, distinct from other forms of endocytosis such as the vesicular internalization of various liquids. Phagocytosis is involved in the acquisition of nutrients for some cells, and, in the immune system, it is a major mechanism used to remove pathogens and cell debris. Bacteria, dead tissue cells, and small mineral particles are all examples of objects that may be phagocytosed.

The process is homologous to eating only at the level of single-celled organisms; in multicellular animals, the process has been adapted to eliminate debris and pathogens, as opposed to taking in fuel for cellular processes, except in the case of the Trichoplax.

More on ROS:

_ said:
Reactive oxygen species describes a group of chemically active molecules that contain oxygen. They are chemically active in that they are charged, in other words their electrical charge is not neutral.

This comes from their outer electron shell lacking an electron, that is, it has an unpaired electron giving it a net positive charge. The effect is that the molecule is looking to acquire another electron from a neighboring molecule in order to stabilize its outer electron shell.

"Free radical" is another term applied to reactive oxygen species.

These free radicals can be categorized into five types, four of which are reactive oxygen species while the fifth is a reactive nitrogen species in that it is a nitrogen derivative instead of oxygen. The five categories of free radicals are:
  • Superoxide ion (O)
  • Hydroxyl radical (OH)
  • Singlet oxygen
  • Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
  • Reactive nitrogen species (RNS)

_ said:
ROS are Essential

But it is important that the attempt to limit the production of ROS not succeed too well, because ROS have important functions to perform in the cell.


  • The cells of the thyroid gland must make hydrogen peroxide in order to attach iodine atoms to thyroglobulin in the synthesis of thyroxine.
  • Macrophages and neutrophils must generate ROS in order to kill some types of bacteria that they engulf by phagocytosis.
Bacteria are engulfed into a phagosome.
This fuses with a lysosome.
Subunits of the enzyme NADPH oxidase assemble in the lysosome membrane forming the active enzyme.
It catalyzes the synthesis of the superoxide anion.
NADPH − 2 e− + 2O2 −> NADP+ + H+ + 2 . O2−
This activity produces a large increase in oxygen consumption, called the "respiratory burst".
Superoxide dismutase (SOD) converts this into hydrogen peroxide, which kills off the engulfed bacteria (except those that manufacture enough catalase to protect themselves).
  • Neutrophils (but not macrophages) also kill off engulfed pathogens by using the enzyme myeloperoxidase which catalyzes the reaction of hydrogen peroxide (made from superoxide anions) with chloride ions to produce the strongly antiseptic hypochlorite ion (OCl−, #6 above).
    H2O2 + Cl− −> HOCl (hypochlorous acid) + OH−
    HOCl −> H+ + OCl−

Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD)

This rare genetic disorder demonstrates the importance of ROS in protecting us from many type of bacterial infection. It is caused by a defective gene for one of the subunits of NADPH oxidase.

People with CGD have a difficult time ridding themselves of bacterial infections — especially those caused by bacteria (e.g. staphylococci, Salmonella) and fungi (e.g., Aspergillus) that produce catalase to protect themselves against the hydrogen peroxide generated by the macrophages and neutrophils that engulf them. Often the result is the development of a persisting nest of infected cells — called a granuloma.

The gene for one of the subunits of NADPH most frequently mutated in CGD is on the X chromosome. Thus males are principally affected.

However, examination of the neutrophils of females who are carriers of the gene shows that 50% of them do not make active NADPH oxidase when they engulf pathogens. In these cells, the X chromosome with the nonmutant allele has been inactivated and converted into a Barr body.

Since cells in the duodenum are what neutralize gastric acid before further progress is made through the digestive tract, maybe we are looking at acid leaking through into the intestines, creating leaky gut syndrome which trigger what is called an autoimmune response, but really isn't since what is leaking out of the intestines should not enter the blood stream and other interstitial spaces.

The purported anti-inflammatory effects of grounding, coupled with dietary changes, etc, basically large scale lifestyle changes, will definitely improve this and other conditions, osit.
Gedgaudas mentions in PBPM (p.67) that exogeneously derived soil-based organisms have been hypothesized to have been a natural part of our ancient diets, and may be beneficial for restoring gut health. Further down the page she mentions in relation to SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth- strongly associated with IBS symtoms and coeliacs) bacterial colonies in the small intestines involving rod-shaped strains, never before found in humans. There is mention in a few payperview links on the use of 'Bacterium Clausii' in SIBO treatment (rod shaped ,antibiotic-resistant strain found in soil/clay). Maybe this soil organism is the active helper in the green clay (illite) that Loreta mentioned?

A Dr.Siebacker mentions in this video that opiates can cause chronic GI disorders, producing chronic low ferritin by having cultivated iron eating bacteria. Could there be a point that the opiates received to kill the pain from surgery and long time open wound healing, will render ones chelation (e.g zinc absorbtion) ability useless ?
Kniall said:
SeekinTruth said:
About the fistulas, I read years ago that it's related to gut issues. I actually had one on my tailbone starting in the last couple of years in high school (my brother had it also and my father had it when he was young and had some kind of surgery that took care of it for the rest of his life). Now, from my brother (and my father's experience he related) and a bunch of other people who had this in the same area -- on or around the tailbone, everyone else would have periods where it would swell with lots of pain, and then a wound would open and drain. And then it would close for a while.

I think this is something I had too. But it's not the same as Verneuil's disease AKA Hydradenitis Suppurative.

I'm fairly sure my experiences come under 'Pilonidal disease':

The first time I had it, several years ago, a doctor prescribed a 10-day course of antibiotics, which I didn't actually go on. The swelling thankfully drained of its own accord, just as it was becoming extremely uncomfortable, and a small bundle of tightly-bound, matted hairs emerged from the pore.

A few months ago, I began to notice the familiar swelling happening again. I saw a dermatologist and, given my past experience, she immediately recommended that I see a specialist with a view to having surgery to drain and remove the cleft. After networking about it, I began applying green clay and activated charcoal poultices, alternating each type daily. The swelling was gone within a week.

What is Pilonidal Disease?

A nest of hairs

Pilonidal disease is not a cyst (an epithelial-lined sac), it is an abscess (a cavity filled with infected fluid and/or debris). The fluid, if present, is infected fluid called purulent material or pus, and the debris is usually loose hair. In fact pilonidal means “nest of hairs.” Around half of all pilonidal abscesses contain hairs. The hairs have been shed from other parts of the body (such as the scalp, back etc.) and then become lodged in an unusually deep cleft near the tailbone. They are not ingrown hairs. This is why shaving the affected area is usually of little help.

Symptoms of pilonidal disease

Pilonidal disease can cause a variety of symptoms which may happen all the time, may come and go, may be mild, or may be severe. These symptoms include:

  • Pain/discomfort or swelling above the anus or near the tailbone that comes and goes
  • Opaque yellow (purulent) or bloody discharge from the tailbone area
  • Unexpected moisture in the tailbone region
  • Discomfort with sitting on the tailbone, doing sit-ups or riding a bike (any activities that roll over the tailbone area)

Be aware that most physicians are not trained to differentiate pilonidal disease from a perianal abscess or buttock abscess. If you suspect that you have pilonidal disease, it is important to consult a Colon and Rectal Surgeon for a proper exam.

Why there?

Pilonidal disease affects a very specific area of the body called the natal cleft. The natal cleft is the 2-3 inch valley under the tailbone that is hidden by one’s buttock cheeks when standing. It is bracketed above by the coccyx (tailbone), and below by the anus.

Formation of abscesses

The abscess is believed to start when skin in the natal cleft stretches during sitting, breaking hair follicles and opening a pore or ‘pit’. As one stands up, the movement causes a suction that pulls loose hair and debris into the now open ‘pore/pit’. Once lodged, the hairs can cause irritation if not expelled by the body or removed in time. Chronic infection can develop in this hidden area and lead to the formation of tunnels (sinuses) from under the skin to areas outside the natal cleft. Additional ‘pits’ can then develop leading to persistent or recurrent symptoms of pain, swelling, drainage, and even odor. Many people with pilonidal disease have or develop ‘divots’ in their natal clefts, which further encourage the deposition of debris and the formation of more ‘pits’.

The deep clefts of people with pilonidal disease

Pilonidal disease typically develops in people with very deep natal clefts that have poor air circulation as a result of the deep cleft. The only way to see pilonidal disease in these individuals is to part the buttock cheeks enough to visualize the pores or sinuses within the valley of the natal cleft.

Age and pilonidal disease

Pilonidal disease is common among young people. The disease most often affects teens and young adults. For unclear reasons, many, but not all, affected people will stop having symptoms of untreated disease by their 40s.

When pilonidal disease affects normal life

Pilonidal disease or failed surgical procedures aimed at treating the disease can lead to many months or years of discomfort, disability, and suffering. Due to severe symptoms of pain or discharge, affected individuals may have trouble sitting for long periods of time, miss school or work, refrain from sports, or avoid close contact with friends. Embarrassment from the condition may prevent individuals from using common locker rooms or wearing a bathing suit. Unsuccessful surgical procedures may force individuals to remain at home and pack wounds in areas they can’t see or easily reach.

Interestingly, that's what my father said started the process. The doctor that did the surgery told him that a stray hair would burrow into the skin to start the process. When I had my surgery, I mentioned it to the doctor, and he didn't think it had anything to do with hair. Not sure, maybe mine was something else, or this surgeon didn't know what he was talking about. By the way, I'm pretty hairy (being a mix of Armenian and Greek).

I also remembered that my father said the surgeon lanced the boil and inserted a treated thin roll of gauze into the opening. He kept replacing the treated gauze a few times every couple of days (I think each time a thinner and thinner thread like roll) and it just closed and healed up. So my father didn't need to have huge chunks of flesh cut out.

bngenoh said:
If there is anything to this grounding or Earthing thing, which I think there is, then it would stand to reason that since magnetic fields are produced when electrons flow, earthing would strengthen one's field. Interestingly an antioxidant is basically an electron donor, thus electrons are THE antioxidants, also interesting is that acids are called proton donors in Chemistry:


The purported anti-inflammatory effects of grounding, coupled with dietary changes, etc, basically large scale lifestyle changes, will definitely improve this and other conditions, osit.

That's what I'm thinking too (that's why I mentioned if it might help). It is supposed to be a very intense and quick affect for many inflammatory and other, especially pain, health issues. Also supposed to greatly accelerate the healing of gaping wounds. I've read four or five articles about earthing in the last 5 or 6 months and listened to a podcast. It all makes a lot of sense to me when they describe all the health benefits from the flow of free electrons into the body by bare skin touching the earth. With such a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant affect and very quick (plus the very fast healing of wounds) it's probably worth a try, it's also easy and free.
Excuse me if this has been suggested already.

As summer, and warmer days approach, i often make sure to change the undergarments ( underwear, especially cotton made fabrics, that retain heat, and moisture) and wear cloths that wick moisture away, and breath with climate. This may help circulate air, eliminate dampness, and bacterial growth. Also bicarbonate soda baths, may provide some benefit.

Clay and Colloidal Silver
Sometimes surgery is not a desirable option, whether because of the recovery time or the cost. Some people have had good results with bentonite clay used internally and externally. Clay is often used for treatment of skin conditions like acne and eczema and may help to "dry up" the cyst so it resolves on its own. Bentonite clay has been shown to kill bacteria like staphylococcus, which can cause the follicles to be infected in the first place (Howard Lind, Lind Laboratories, Brookline, MA, 1961).

Colloidal silver is 99 percent pure silver that has been processed with an electric current and mixed with purified water. It is thought to help improve health in a number of ways, including detoxifying the system and healing wounds like sebaceous cysts. According to users of this remedy, it works quickly and helps prevent future outbreaks.

How To Dress For the Weather?
I am adamant about wearing clothing dedicated to bicycle touring. Bike clothing has several advantages over street clothes:

A lot of street clothing is made from cotton and/or synthetic materials that are slow drying. Dedicated materials for bicycling are designed to handle sweat and moisture. They can be natural material like wool, which creates warmth even when wet. Or some of the new synthetic material will wick away moisture and keep you dry and warm.

Loose clothing will flap in the wind and will just drive you crazy. Also if the weather is cool, you body will not be able to warm the large volume of air that circulates through your clothing and to your skin. If you want to where baggy shorts, you can wear bicycling briefs as a base layer.
Rain gear that does not breathe will make you wet and muggy even in the slightest drizzle. Bicycling rain gear will be vented and/or made from specialized fabric that breathes and allows sweat out but keeps raindrops away.
Bicycling shorts and tights are designed to compress the leg muscles for support, warmth, and stream lining. Baggy long pants or athletic wear can catch in the drive train. Also, dedicated bicycling shorts and briefs have a natural chamois or synthetic material in the groin area. This extra material smoothes out the rough stuff and provides excellent moisture management for the long haul.
So now that we understand what causes it, how do we get rid of it?

We highly recommend a tight two fisted approach. First, use a Hydrated Clay mask daily for two weeks, then scale back to twice a week. The best clay for this is a pure Calcium Bentonite Clay. Its amazing drawing power will help to open and clean out the pores. It removes excess sebum and is an excellent exfoliant. Calcium Bentonite Clay has natural antibacterial properties as well, and will dramatically speed the healing of the pimples. Many times, when people begin using clay masks to combat acne, they notice that their acne appears to worsen before it improves. Don't panic if this happens to you! This is a good thing! It means that the clay is doing its job, and is pulling the toxins from your skin. Also, your face may show some redness when you remove the clay. This is very normal. The Calcium Bentonite Clay increases the blood circulation to the skin, which aids in the healing process.

But, that's only half the battle. Ran Knishinsky, author of The Clay Cure, recommends using clay internally as well. The following is an excerpt from his book:

"The condition of the skin is a good indication of what is happening inside the body. Most people are not aware that the skin is the largest organ and a means of eliminating waste; each day waste passes through the pores of the skin. Everything that affects the body in turn affects the skin. When the body is full of toxic wastes and cannot eliminate them properly, various skin ailments may result. The only effective way to get rid of these conditions is by cleaning the body inside and out.

Most acne is relatively easy to treat with the right methods--usually, a good diet and the daily ingestion of clay. My younger teenage brother got rid of bad acne within one week of eating clay. At first he said it wasn't doing too much for his skin. Then, out of the blue, he called me and frantically asked me to bring over another jar of "dirt." He had run out of the clay for a couple of days, and his pimples returned.

The clay enriches and cleanses the blood, prompting better circulation and allowing the skin to get rid of waste."

It's essential to battle the acne at its source, which is INSIDE the body. Dr. James Meschine, DC, writes:

"To understand the relationship between detoxification, intestinal cleansing and prevention of acne, we must first understand the relationship between our skin, the digestive system and excretory system.

AUTOINTOXICATION ( also known as autotoxicosis , enterotoxication, intestinal intoxication, intestinal toxemia or self-poisoning) which means the toxins released by the decay process, brought on by bacteria, pass into the blood stream and travel to all parts of the body. Every cell in the body can be affected and many forms of sickness can result from it, including acne and other skin eruptions. Detoxification is a normal body process of eliminating or neutralizing toxins through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph and skin."

So, in addition to the Hydrated Clay masks, we highly recommend using clay internally -- either in liquid or hydrated form. In liquid form, we suggest taking 2-3 ounces twice a day for two weeks, then scaling back to 1 ounce twice a day. In hydrated form, we suggest taking 2 tablespoons twice a day for two weeks, then tapering off to 1 tablespoon twice daily. Ran Knishinsky recommends taking the clay on an empty stomach. And if you're taking any medication, it is recommended to wait 1-3 hours before ingesting clay, but please check with your physician, as medications vary in time release and content.
We've used clay, colloidal silver, DMSO, magnesium baths, etc. One thing that seems to work very well, shared with us by a friend who has suffered for years with the condition and learned to control it, is aspirin poultices. You just pound up an aspirin or two, mix it with a little water, and put it on the boil if it is possible to do so. The aspirin not only helps with the pain, but also stimulates healing.

The clay is somewhat helpful, but not as much as the aspirin poultice. The colloidal silver is helpful with the surgical wound, but makes no difference when external or internally applied otherwise. DMSO helps with the pain, but doesn't seem to stop the process and the amounts you have to use irritate the skin. A mild dilution applied to the surgical wound appears to speed healing and minimize pain.

Our friend who told us about her experiences said that she was seen by a Chinese medicine practitioner who told her that the condition is due to having "ancient blood" and suggested the necessity for water including being in water once a day at least long enough to wrinkle the fingers. Believe it or not, that is one of the things that has helped the most. Of course, right now, it is impossible for Atriedes to sit in the bathtub due to the wound, but he stands in the shower two or three times a day. We've learned that it is good to scrub the skin gently because that reduces the production of more keratin. But it's more about soaking up the water through the skin.

Just getting a diagnosis and knowing what we are dealing with has been a big step after all these years of struggling with this issue and trying all kinds of things based on the wrong theories. Heck, for years I just thought it was some kind of bacteria that had colonized and two years ago, when he was in the hospital, I told the doctor to give him every antibiotic known to man intravenously. That was done, more or less, for over two weeks - a long course - and it still didn't stop the processes! So I was getting scared thinking it was some mutated variation because how else could it keep happening? But then, it turns out not to even be that at all, but an over-production of keratin blocking hair follicles connected to glands.

Edit: clarity
maybe a little pool of lukewarm or cool water added with zink salt could be used later for Atriedes so that his whole body is watered and zinked ?
Pashalis said:
maybe a little pool of lukewarm or cool water added with zink salt could be used later for Atriedes so that his whole body is watered and zinked ?

I'm going to look into bulk zinc salts.

We have two of these in the house:

Pashalis said:
maybe a little pool of lukewarm or cool water added with zink salt could be used later for Atriedes so that his whole body is watered and zinked ?

As you just posted about the bulk zinc salts, personalty, have had a few problems off and on in life with sebaceous cyst would try this too. What did worked (after all the prescribed stuff) was similar to what Pashalis suggested, except dosing with simple magnesium salt (high considerations) in hot water. Know this is not the answer but it might help to elevate conditions. Also, think Manuka honey may have some beneficial properties, although not sure in this case.
Laura said:
We've used clay, colloidal silver, DMSO, magnesium baths, etc. One thing that seems to work very well, shared with us by a friend who has suffered for years with the condition and learned to control it, is aspirin poultices. You just pound up an aspirin or two, mix it with a little water, and put it on the boil if it is possible to do so. The aspirin not only helps with the pain, but also stimulates healing.

The clay is somewhat helpful, but not as much as the aspirin poultice. The colloidal silver is helpful with the surgical wound, but makes no difference when external or internally applied otherwise. DMSO helps with the pain, but doesn't seem to stop the process and the amounts you have to use irritate the skin. A mild dilution applied to the surgical wound appears to speed healing and minimize pain.

Our friend who told us about her experiences said that she was seen by a Chinese medicine practitioner who told her that the condition is due to having "ancient blood" and suggested the necessity for water including being in water once a day at least long enough to wrinkle the fingers. Believe it or not, that is one of the things that has helped the most. Of course, right now, it is impossible for Atriedes to sit in the bathtub due to the wound, but he stands in the shower two or three times a day. We've learned that it is good to scrub the skin gently because that reduces the production of more keratin. But it's more about soaking up the water through the skin.

Just getting a diagnosis and knowing what we are dealing with has been a big step after all these years of struggling with this issue and trying all kinds of things based on the wrong theories. Heck, for years I just thought it was some kind of bacteria that had colonized and two years ago, when he was in the hospital, I told the doctor to give him every antibiotic known to man intravenously. That was done, more or less, for over two weeks - a long course - and it still didn't stop the processes! So I was getting scared thinking it was some mutated variation because how else could it keep happening? But then, it turns out not to even be that at all, but an over-production of keratin blocking hair follicles connected to glands.

Edit: clarity

It seems whatever will help the wound heal faster is worth doing. For instance, colloidal silver has been used to treat wounds, including burns, to heal much faster. It seems to simply keep it sterile so that new microbes do not interfere with healing or start a new infection -- applying it even if there wasn't already an infection.

When I had the surgery, that gaping wound took months to completely heal. It was no fun, and that was only one wound. I can't imagine having to deal with something like that over and over again.

I'm also wondering if MSM would help. It's also used to treat burns topically for much faster healing and much less scarring. It's also necessary for making collagen, the primary constituent of connective tissue including skin. Except that sulfur is also present in keratin, so that might make it contraindicated as it could conceivably lead to more keratin production?
Laura said:
Our friend who told us about her experiences said that she was seen by a Chinese medicine practitioner who told her that the condition is due to having "ancient blood" and suggested the necessity for water including being in water once a day at least long enough to wrinkle the fingers. Believe it or not, that is one of the things that has helped the most. Of course, right now, it is impossible for Atriedes to sit in the bathtub due to the wound, but he stands in the shower two or three times a day. We've learned that it is good to scrub the skin gently because that reduces the production of more keratin. But it's more about soaking up the water through the skin.

Just getting a diagnosis and knowing what we are dealing with has been a big step after all these years of struggling with this issue and trying all kinds of things based on the wrong theories. Heck, for years I just thought it was some kind of bacteria that had colonized and two years ago, when he was in the hospital, I told the doctor to give him every antibiotic known to man intravenously. That was done, more or less, for over two weeks - a long course - and it still didn't stop the processes! So I was getting scared thinking it was some mutated variation because how else could it keep happening? But then, it turns out not to even be that at all, but an over-production of keratin blocking hair follicles connected to glands.

Edit: clarity

This is interesting because my dad suffered from boils and internal abcesses in the groin area, under the arm pits and on his side for years. Though he never got a diagnosis, he would have surgery get them drained or lanced but it would come right back. The fact that he drank alcohol a lot didn't help. He loves being in water, goes swimming every chance he gets, takes multiple showers etc. With this new information you have posted I can see why. I used to get boils under my arm pits until I stopped using deoderant.

I'm glad you all finally learned what was going on and have things that can give some relief. I'm hoping for a speedy recovery for Atriedes.
I've known several women (me included) for whom recurring Bartholin cysts (a cyst forming due to a blocked Bartholin gland) were cured thanks to poultices with coconut oil with oregano essential oil applied just after a long hot bath.

I'm not suggesting that the problem is the same, but I just thought that I would mention this remedy, just in case it could provide some relief to poor Atreides. Big hugs to him BTW. :hug2:

On several French support groups, people were mentioning Dr Nassif, a Verneuil specialist in Paris. It's a bit far from the château, but just in case.
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