What are you seeking?


Jedi Master
An interview with an entity that is close to all of us …

What are you seeking?

‘A change.’

What kind of change?

Is it an adjustment, development, difference, modification, revision, shift, switch, variation, correction, distortion, innovation, modulation, mutation, permutation, transmutation, turn, variance, vicissitude, metamorphosis, revolution, transformation, conversion, replacement, substitution, switch, turnaround, conversion, exchange, flip-flop, interchange, surrogate, swap, trade …

Or is it an action that you are looking for, like Adjust, alter, evolve, fluctuate, modify, reform, resolve, shape, shift, transform, turn, vary, accommodate, adapt, alternate, commute, convert, diminish, diverge, diversify, merge, metamorphose, moderate, modulate, mutate, naturalize, recondition, redo, reduce, regenerate, remake, remodel, renovate, reorganize, replace, revolutionize, substitute, temper, transfigure, translate, transmute, transpose, vacillate …

‘I guess that it could be any of these … or all of them. I was thinking more on the line of environment.’

Ah environment, a save the whale kind of change, how would you like to affect this change?

‘Whales, I do so love the whales, but that is not it. What I am seeking is a place where there is no need to be saving the whale. A place where the whale and everything else is equal, free from any burdens like they have here, but this is only part of it.’

So, you are seeking this environment, does it have something to do with the setting?

‘Very much, but that is all so independent to the individual. Each soul has their own understanding of the perfect setting, a place of harmony, having multiple locators to support this need. A normal soul will collect these all their lives, many times returning to a location to experience it again, often until it is no more. Things change.’

‘It could be the park with young preschoolers playing on the toys there, innocence at its best. A gentle stream flowing through a secluded vale that only you know about. A sunny day at the beach or even the perfect day at the office. Each soul collects all of these to create their next reality. They piece them together so that there is nothing of the unwanted previous world that we were all in before in between them, a reality of your own making you could say.’

‘Focus has a lot to do with that, what you focus upon stays with you, what you don’t, fades from view. It’s like ants, so ambitious, so organized, but you don’t notice them until you focus upon them. Here’s an example of this, a drinking establishment, I believe they call it a bar. It is a rowdy place with fights inside and outside every night with the local enforcement there multiple times a day. Those who like that environment see it for what it is, they focus on it so it will be there for them tomorrow. Those who don’t go to these kinds of places lose focus on it, they pass by it without even a look or a notice, in essence they no longer see it and it is eventually dropped from their reality, this is how they create their reality.’

So your saying that what you see is what you get?

‘No, well yes in a way, but it’s more than that. Take a loaf of bread or better a cake. You know the ingredients, you know what each one will do for the cake mixture and you know what will happen if you don’t have one of the ingredients. Like the eggs, you know the egg consistency, its texture, how it will solidify as it is heated. Now you forget the egg in the cake mix what do you get? A cake that will not hold itself together. But you knew that as this is the knowledge that you contain and what it can do to your focus for the cake. So, it’s more than just seeing the item, you have to not just understand the one item but all items to make the cake. Take it this way, if you forget the egg for the cake, then any other use is threatened to be lost in the focus.’

So, you are saying that if I forget the egg that I lose all that connects to the egg. Not just the cake but everything that the egg could be made into, the omelet, the fried egg, the egg foo young, the Keish. All of it would fade from your reality. I just hope that I never forget about bacon, goodness I love bacon.

‘Good bacon is a good one to focus upon. You should know by now that regular bacon come from the pig and is smoked to perfection. You know how you receive it in an uncooked state and how it looks after it cooks. You know the smell as it has the ability to wake many others in the household. And the taste, yes, it is the addition that will make anything taste absolutely delectable. It is all this that generates this level of focus that you need to keep these things in your reality.’

What you’re saying is that I need to know everything about something to keep it in my reality?

‘Not everything, you will in time, but you need to have enough knowledge of an item to keep it with you in your reality. Let’s use the cell phone for the next example. When it has connectivity to our world, it is the most useful item, it connects you right to the core knowledge of the lizard, just like it and the world wants it to be. What if … the connectivity fails and the cellphone turns into a battery with a nice camera with pictures, maybe some tunes to listen to, this will happen eventually. There will be a panic, those that live by absorbing 5/4/3G energy will crumble away into a shell, probably hiding in some hidden space, a closet, an attic, an outbuilding, praying for it to return, they will be lost without them.’

‘I want you to know that the majority of the population will continue to carry these electronic contraptions around with them constantly checking them to see if their interconnected world, the lizard-connected one, has returned. It might last a day, a week, two weeks or a month, but eventually the cellphone will cease to exist, focus will be lost, and it will just disappear for many. Least it be known that some will keep them for years just to recall the remnants stored in memory, for most, this will fade.’

That must mean that the loss of focus will eventually eliminate them from the new reality. What a shame, I just got the new cellphone two weeks ago, figures. But I would expect that this will be the same with most electronics that we all worship now-a-days. I will miss football.

So, what about you? According to this, you're advancing in this wave. How do you feel about that?

‘I am ecstatic! I have been through fire and ice multiple times, even now I am wrought by the level of pollution that’s here, I can’t wait for the cleansing to really get into gear.’

There’s a couple of good topics, pollution and cleansing, lets start with pollution. Tell me what you see.

‘It’s bad, the worse is the trash and the level of plastic in it. The people, they drink water polluted with the smallest particles of plastic, they cover food in it, they’re going to be buried in it. Just look at the dumps for waste disposal and what’s in the piles, it plastic from bags to containers. You know one day all of these plastic bags, they're going to be dug up, collected and thrown back at the people who helped create this mess. It will literally be a wave of plastic stripped and sorted into an overpowering mass, this is where the cleansing will come in.’

‘Now this planet doesn’t need an enema, but it sure needs a good portion of the surface to be scrubbed, compact it away to be found by some future civilization, maybe us in 4D. Right now, it’s harvest time, a way to get everyone off this world before this cleansing is taken care of. It’s started already but that is only the beginning, it is minor compared to what is needed or what is going to happen. As I just said, the end result is that the people here need to get off the surface while this planet cleanses itself. To do this they will need to leave their current physical body that they are using in these realities.’

‘Mind, Body and Spirit. Their mind and spirit, it is what makes up their soul. During a harvest of souls, you transfer from your 3D body to the next that you will inhabit. It looks like many souls here are being reprocessed back into 3D in another reality on another world. From what I understand, they will pass through 5th density for relocation. The remaining stay here in the realities that they will build here in 4th density bodies.’

But what you are saying is that everyone here has to leave their body, you mean die don’t you.

‘Death is such a forbidden subject, it is not what you think it to be. Moreover, there are so many ways to dispose of the body. Other than the normal methods which include natural, viral, … you could be hit by a meteor, or just explode from all the ingested plastics. If you choose to use the Orion’s ships, you use a TDR to dispose and regenerate to a new form that is more suitable for the transport. Remember to bring your gold, that is all the Orion’s take. You can almost see it now, the rich and famous hauling in truckloads of gold to pay for a seat on their transport only to find out that they will be the slave to them in their next reality.’

You said realities quite a few times now, just how many realities are here right now?

‘Now that’s a most interesting question. If I had to answer it, I would say that there is enough to do the job, an infinite number if you like. The number of intertwined realities is special too, you wouldn’t believe the number of them that are running with a connection. Take these two situations. Two couples leave for a twelve-hour trip home. One arrives at the end location and calls the other after only two hours to ask where they were, which they were still ten hours out. How? This is because the first couple’s reality was shorter as they didn’t have the focus that the second couple had. The second couple had more memory of the trip than the first couple in turn making their trip longer than the first couple. You could jump like the first couple did by just dumping these in between memories for the residual memories, sounds easy.’

‘Now in some future reality, you remember everything as it is needed. Think of your computer or device. It has memory to run things and other memory to store data. What you keep in the active memory is the resolve or resolution of the situation. If you want to learn more, you have to focus on it to see the details to support the resolve or resolution. So, you are only limited by your own limitations once again, at least it is better organized.’

Let me step back a little in my questioning. Why is all this happening, it seems like it is a setup with an end result of a total collapse.

‘Of course. Look at this reality you are in right now, look at the governance, just look at the people for goodness sakes. They are so many out there building an empire rather than a healthy social structure. Do you see how they all fight, it’s like it’s inbreed into them. This reality is running on your level of godship achievement into how much you own and power you can hold … You’re not getting it ... this is how a reality comes to a conclusion. You let it collapse and you let loose those that can make this happen rather than letting a Kantek solution destroy the physical planet.’

‘You know Kantek, it is no longer but it is not only no longer here in this reality, but everywhere, all densities, all realities. That is because it was a physical element like this world and a statement to all others. It is why nuclear weapons have not been allowed to be used here. When something catastrophic happens in a single reality, it affects all realities and all levels of existence, all densities feel it. A bomb of this nature will be felt everywhere, it will not be allowed unless it can help teach a lesson to others. Like Kantek.’

‘What you can’t do is stop this chaos, it would cause repercussions at many levels other than right here in this reality. See this reality is on the closure chart, in short time this reality will cease to behave in a sane direction. It will literally tear itself apart, but that is how it will be, it has already been ordained.’

‘It is the hardest part of the harvest, more to the 3rd density souls here than anyone else, we all understand the need for this just as you see it happening today, but this level of pain is incomprehensible to most down there. Look at the war going on there, there, over in this whole area and down here, that is just the beginning. You throw in an upset population, a few natural disasters and a viral element or ten, this will easily turn into boiling pot of chaos. The greatest lessons learned are in times of turmoil, you will experience this, no choice as you signed up for it just like I did.’

What about you, where are you headed next?

‘Me, I’m just staying here. If you didn’t know, I’m the late child of the family. I am the last 3rd density, everyone else has progress to 4th density already. Even the one that we recently adopted is higher on the ladder of life than me. I am so ready for it. You see, this reality ending is kind of my fault just because I’m advancing, it is forcing this conclusion. The 3D bodies of the citizens here, they are in a form that is incompatible with 4th density, makes them go crazy as many will see. For those climbing the ladder here, you really need to get out of these bodies, they are grimy, damaged, soiled and feculent.’

I remember an ape movie statement, “Damn dirty humans”.

‘In a way they are filthy, but it was what was needed to stay alive on a world like this in 3rd density. Germs, diseases, cancers and all the rest, they are not wanted or needed in the next density. Lest be known, the next form for this world is unlike anything they ever had, more symbiosis. Have you heard about the caterpillar that cleans your teeth, they got one of those.’

You seem very calm after all you’ve been through, do you have any fears?

‘Actually, I’m anxious to get there, the only thing I fear is the lessons. They got me signed up to lead a few of them, I’ve never been the teacher before.’

We’ve covered quite a lot of material here, but I don’t believe we got a simple answer to our question of the day, “What are you seeking?”

‘Yes … I don’t think I have a good answer for you. If I had to condense it down, I would say, “Not This”. What I mean is that all that you see around you, the evil, the sadists, the problems that are built upon, and so much more. I seek a place where all this doesn’t exist, where the good and positive soul can proliferate and grow without all of these evils. I want to lose focus on all of that and just close the gaps in between. It’s like going to a salad bar and only picking the items you like from it, just take the rest and cleanse it from your thoughts and focus. And “Poof” it will be gone, just never forget bacon, at least for the short term.’

Let me say that I want to join your “Not This” bandwagon with you, this place is gone crazy. Do you have any closing statements?

‘Yes, it’s to the souls that are seeing this world as it really is. “Keep the faith”, that the direction of this reality is really what has to be done. It is all to do with your lessons that many of you are about to see firsthand. You have to understand that this reality is being manipulated by you for you to learn something extraordinary, both good and bad, but many won’t be good at these end times. Emotions that you never thought you would ever see will come out of you as an expression of the lesson. Don’t fall to the negative expressions, like if it is fear, do not let it take you over. Work an opposing expression, take a stand against fear itself, make a joke of it. Increased fear and anger are what the STS want as they leave, don’t give it to them. The best that you can do is learn the lesson, so you don’t have to get to this point in a timeline just to do this one lesson again.’

‘Above all, don’t fear what you call a passing or a cessation of the body, it is more like moving time, how are you going to get all of the old you in the new form. So much junk to be carrying around, clean it up now as it will be extremely embarrassing in the next reality.’

‘Save the planet, it’s the only one with cats and coffee in the area!’

(an interview with our world, the one we call Earth …) Haiku …
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