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One comment on the video page - this opened my eyes a little bit more about tech possibilities, though it's been 5 years since the comment and we still haven't heard yet of drone thuggery! So far as I know.

A comment from 5 years ago: If this doesn't actually happen in the next few years, I'll be surprised.

Another comment 5 years ago: Woah thats a good idea. I gotta think of ways to counter that now.

What ways to counteract? some kind of jamming device? Duck and weave? See if the gun is articulated and is a 'smart gun' and can follow you? And if AI gets on board with drone gangsters, we better watch out! Not that I'm getting really paranoid, just not surprised at the comments above. Sudden flash of future being a lot different from today, too! Well, no doubt it will be VERY different, for sure!!
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