Why don't 4D STO simply reveal their existence?

Gurdjieff basically said the same as the Ra Material:

ISOTM said:
These opposing forces [to evolution] may sometimes even conquer. The reason for this consists in the fact that the forces guiding evolution have a more limited choice of means; in other words, they can only make use of certain means and certain methods. The opposing forces are not limited in their choice of means and they are able to make use of every means, even those which only give rise to a temporary success, and in the final result they destroy both evolution and involution at the point in question.

"But as I have said already, this question has no practical significance for us. It is only important for us to establish the indications of evolution beginning and the indications of evolution proceeding.


ISOTM said:
"Imagine that there are two or three people who are awake in the midst of a multitude of sleeping people. They will certainly know each other. But those who are asleep cannot know them. How many are they? We do not know and we cannot know until we become like them. It has been clearly said before that each man can only see on the level of his own being. But two hundred conscious people, if they existed and if they found it necessary and legitimate, could change the whole of life on the earth. But either there are not enough of them, or they do not want to, or perhaps the time has not yet come, or perhaps other people are sleeping too soundly.
Through gaining experience...Through gaining knowledge...Through gaining more being you then see...See more and more what it is like to be STO. There is no more questioning if your being knows just realizing I believe its a feeling that manifests inside you when you come across knowledge that helps you progress. There is a great book that the people here on the forum came out with i think just about a year or so ago. It is called "Life is religion" Not only is how you live your life your own religion but it gives others an example. By living as close to STO as possible you will set examples for others who can also see. Have you ever seen someone do something and say to yourself "O thats a great idea!" You may never interact with this person but by just simply living their life at their level they set examples for people who can see the benefit of the example. Right now with my being this I believe is the best way to go about trying to help others progress. Proper work on thy self. If someone comes to you with a question or asking for help then this is a whole different dynamic/situation that I cant comment on because each person asking is different and each person receiving the question is different and each question is different I cant give a blanket suggestion for those situations. Remember if you are here on earth YOU ARE STS.

After progress in the work you can then progress in your life and this progress will then have bleed through in your thoughts then actions. Others see your actions and then have the free will to choose if they want to follow. If people can not see based on your actions do you think that spoken words or direct energy on your part to change them will help? It is true that some spoken words have helped me progress but its a long shot and I believe you have to be VERY advanced in the work to be able to know how and when to speak the truth knowing that it will have an POSITIVE impact the worst is when you tell someone the truth who is not ready for it...Its like putting a high powered engine in a machine that cant handle it...Boom. Not everyone knows what the truth is when they see it or hear it and in my experience 99 out of 100 people will buffer can you spot that 1%? Through working on yourself you then change your thoughts and actions. Others close to your level will see how you live and then have the free will to ignore or choose to follow and if they arent close enough to see well then :cool:

Remember in STO land what you think about appears. Think about that whatever you think about in your head manifests :scared:...I know I am not ready nor would I want to be in a place like that right now as that would be too much responsibility for me. Not only would I disrupt myself but I would disrupt others around me it would not consistantly be peaceful. I need more "work" :)
Hey Menna,

Reptilians came to me awhile ago claiming they wanted to eat my flesh, at the
time I did not know they were reptilians, nor did I see them I only heard them come
through my thoughts, this occurred maybe 7 years ago. I am not totally sure this was
reptilians but the information from the Cassiopaean Transcripts and from some of the Ra
material I just read definitely validates it.

Also I would be an almost perfect specimen to eat for them because I am animal friendly.
Menna said:
There is a great book that the people here on the forum came out with i think just about a year or so ago. It is called "Life is religion" Not only is how you live your life your own religion but it gives others an example. By living as close to STO as possible you will set examples for others who can also see. Have you ever seen someone do something and say to yourself "O thats a great idea!" You may never interact with this person but by just simply living their life at their level they set examples for people who can see the benefit of the example. Right now with my being this I believe is the best way to go about trying to help others progress. Proper work on thy self. If someone comes to you with a question or asking for help then this is a whole different dynamic/situation that I cant comment on because each person asking is different and each person receiving the question is different and each question is different I cant give a blanket suggestion for those situations. Remember if you are here on earth YOU ARE STS.

After progress in the work you can then progress in your life and this progress will then have bleed through in your thoughts then actions. Others see your actions and then have the free will to choose if they want to follow. If people can not see based on your actions do you think that spoken words or direct energy on your part to change them will help? It is true that some spoken words have helped me progress but its a long shot and I believe you have to be VERY advanced in the work to be able to know how and when to speak the truth knowing that it will have an POSITIVE impact the worst is when you tell someone the truth who is not ready for it...Its like putting a high powered engine in a machine that cant handle it...Boom. Not everyone knows what the truth is when they see it or hear it and in my experience 99 out of 100 people will buffer can you spot that 1%? Through working on yourself you then change your thoughts and actions. Others close to your level will see how you live and then have the free will to ignore or choose to follow and if they arent close enough to see well then :cool:

Remember in STO land what you think about appears. Think about that whatever you think about in your head manifests :scared:...I know I am not ready nor would I want to be in a place like that right now as that would be too much responsibility for me. Not only would I disrupt myself but I would disrupt others around me it would not consistantly be peaceful. I need more "work" :)

Hey Menna,

Yes they say in the land of STS not STO is 4th density where your thoughts can become reality in a matter of seconds, one possible way of
helping this is to learn how to control your thoughts by using one of the first processes of the scientific method called observation, learn to observe those thoughts you have coming in and out of your consciousness then figure out why they are there, after all they are your thoughts aren't they? If they are not your thoughts, then you must use your mental individuality "know thyself" will power to decode which are your thoughts and which are not your thoughts but this comes much later in the experiment upon your own psychology. Once you come to the realization or awareness of your thoughts, now use your power of manipulation to mentally manipulate any thoughts that you have that you do not want there.
Menna, when you say that at the point you are at you can only work on yourself and you can't teach other people, that may be true "out in the world" but don't forget what the C's said directly to you, that to progress you need to help other people to occupy the rung on the ladder you are trying to vacate by moving up a step. True, most people you will encounter in real life aren't asking, but everyone who joins this forum is asking in some sense. So don't discount your ability to help people on the forum and progress that way.
Another thing I should add is that if you feel you haven't done enough work on yourself to think about teaching or helping others, the forum is a great place to practice this because if you make a mistake the network can correct it. Making mistakes is a great way to learn.
celestialvisionz said:
Hey Menna,

Reptilians came to me awhile ago claiming they wanted to eat my flesh, at the
time I did not know they were reptilians, nor did I see them I only heard them come
through my thoughts, this occurred maybe 7 years ago. I am not totally sure this was
reptilians but the information from the Cassiopaean Transcripts and from some of the Ra
material I just read definitely validates it.

Also I would be an almost perfect specimen to eat for them because I am animal friendly.

That must've been a disturbing experience. But I don't think that being animal friendly would necessarily be something that makes one a good meal to them. I'd think they prefer people who lack knowledge and who eat unhealthy (and don't smoke). There are several things you can do to protect yourself: increasing knowledge, EE, networking, and making dietary changes. The more we work on ourselves, help and share, the better we are in control of ourselves, and the less we can be manipulated by them. Kind of what you said in your last post.

Also, have you finished reading the Wave material yet? :) I personally found it very helpful when it comes to understanding possible 4D influences on us, and how this knowledge can be protective.
SAO said:
To address the point regarding loss of STS polarization in an overt landing, I have read (not sure if in the Wave or elsewhere at the moment) that STS gain more power from manipulating us into obedience while retaining our free will. More energetic "loot" that way, if you will. Perhaps this is why they want/need us instead of an army of mass produced robots. They don't want us as laborers or machines, we have value because we have consciousness, souls, and free will. If these elements are suppressed too much, we will not be good food anymore. It's possible that this is something Laura may have gleaned from psychotherapy sessions (again, not sure about that tho) during one of the discussions with a STS entities who brag about manipulating beings of higher and higher consciousness to do their will, without suppressing that consciousness by direct control.

SAO, this is exactly the way I believe it to be too. In a society where we actively give our free will to the STS 'direction' (i.e. make an agreement, at some level of our being) we are far more profitable to 4D STS in terms of 'output'. If they were to simply appear on the Whitehouse lawn and declare themselves for what they are, for starters many people may be swayed to change their orientation for STS to STO, and those that don't may no longer be producing such a tasty harvest as before due to an infringement of the free will of the individual. In other words, we are tastier if we give ourselves willingly to STS existence, and have a slightly bitter twist if somehow coerced down this route?
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