Adventures with Cassiopaea Supplement - Ark and Laura's Correspondence 1997 |
Laura to Ark Having disposed of most of the elements of the Rennes-le-Chateau story, particularly Plantard and his "club" Le Prieure de Sion, what did we have left? We had Cathars and Templars who were destroyed. We had Grail stories that emerged at the approximate same time... We had an icon that appeared on a beach in the Canary Islands, accompanied by lights and chanting processions... We had a pit dug at Oak Island and something buried that was NOT meant to be dug up with strange lights showing up there... Meanwhile, we have this bunch of guys following all these false leads... Exerting themselves all over the place to find what is NOT hidden, though they think it is because their understanding is darkened. And we come back to Arcadia. There is NOTHING hidden in the picture. It is clear and plain. And what does it tell us? Well, let's think about Nicolas Poussin and recap what we know about him. What is important is this: Nicolas Poussin spent most of his adult life in Rome. Arriving there in 1624, he suffered a serious breakdown in 1629 either just after or just before painting the first version of the Arcadian Shepherds. He returned to Paris for little more than a year in 1640. But, what was he doing there? In regard to this, I was reading Josephson's paper on the theory of music, and he has an interesting idea there, though it is not new: Gurdjieff talked about "objective" music. So, I thought about this and decided that the "emotional" state evoked by art is a VERY important part of the message. Not that this is necessarily emotional in the usual sense of the word, but that it is an "exciting" of some essential nature. And, depending on the essential nature, the results of this excitation can be varied. For example, Mr. Mann sees the pregnant Shepherdess as representative of a "hidden fifth" element. The fifth house of the zodiac is the house of love and creativity and children and physical creation in general, including physical sex. So, I asked myself why he would perceive it this way? And why do I NOT perceive it this way? What is the difference? Well, perhaps it is because he sees it all as some power OUTSIDE of himself that must be sought and obtained and controlled. I see it as simply who and what I am. But, getting back to the painter of this picture. Anyway, his first few years in Rome coincided with a great deal of ancient site excavation activity that was going on. During this period of history, patronage of the arts on a lavish and international scale was quite common. This was the period of Rubens (who I like because his women look like ME!) and he painted in a rich and lavish style which transformed the lives of the royalty into dramatic Olympian statements! This, naturally, increased their egos so that they actually attempted to lead such lives, and led ultimately to the Revolution because of their excesses. They completely missed the point of the imagery and attempted to express all of it materially. Well, it seems that while Rubens was painting grandiose semi-mythical murals incorporating his royal patrons into the scenery, Poussin was working on minor decorations. He left for Rome. Why? Because there was something in the Parisian atmosphere that offended him, I expect. But, he had a solid reputation and a patron: Cardinal Richelieu. It was because of the Cardinal (notice the C+R) that Poussin came back to Paris to decorate the grand gallery of the Louvre. He received a shower of favors and the title "First Painter to the King." But, he was shortly made so miserable by the intrigues that grew up around him, that he left for Rome again. He became the "artistic ambassador" from France, and all the French artists were sent to him for supervision under government subsidy. He was a student of the classics, and needed the freedom to work out his own ideas and principles. His main themes were myth, religion, history and architecture. All of these are part of the "clues," so it seems that our Poussin may have been privy to certain "inside circles," even if only through inspiration, or "channeling," of an artistic sort. But, nevertheless, he had suffered a breakdown. WHY? During his illness he was nursed by, and then married, the daughter of Jean Dughet, the cook to the Cavaliere del Pozzo, who was in charge of the excavations. Well, this tells me that he was a seeker and hungry and had been starved in the Parisian environment. Of this Dughet, it was recorded: "Near Capo di Bove was found buried a most curious treasure, including a room much decorated with silver; but by the intervention of a spy, those that found it gained little by it, for the great part of them were thrown into prison. Only the father-in-law of Monsieur Poussin was exempted, on account that he was cook to the senator." Now, I think that Capo di Bove means "head of the cow." So, we have a head and a cow. Remembering the cattle image and that the goddess Hera was often called "cow faced," and there were a lot of other cow images relating to creation and the goddess aspect. Anyway, what was dug up? What did they find? No one in this book on art history seems to know or care. Which is fine, because they are just talking about art and trying to interpret it aesthetically. They say that Poussin spent a lot of time in the Roman museums, studying the figures there and modeling many of his figures on them. His "judicious use of opposites" is commented upon. And, it is further commented that Poussin had a "constant preoccupation with antique sculpture" which is shown by his clearly defined figures who look as though they have been chiseled out of stone, and that certain groups are DIRECTLY derived from some of these sculptures. In his "Rape of the Sabine Women," he clearly represents the Sabines in the poses of the statues of Gauls. His buildings are painted to exact descriptions by ancient writers. In his desire for accuracy of detail, he left nothing to chance. His "Et in Arcadia Ego," is described as a pastoral poem out of Virgil. They are described as being "pensive" and "melancholy" that it is a "meditative study." What poem of Virgil???? But, interestingly, the "art experts" also say that the Shepherdess is the continuation of the "vertical axis" of the tree while the shepherd on the left, with his resting arm, provides the horizontal axis, and that every gesture and line follows this initial "cross," with "all the cool logic of a geometrical theorem." Well, I wonder if art critics REALLY see all this sort of thing in a painting, or if they just want to sound clever. I do notice that the shepherdess' head is right in the middle of a tree branch, almost as if it were a halo. But, I don't know what kind of tree it is. Well, nevertheless, the figure is pointing to the RhoChi of the Rosicrucians, shepherds are depicted, a woman as a type of a tree, and we get ARAIGNEE AT ICOD, out of the words also. And, this is most important, even if the hoaxers made the parchments and stone images, because of the spider image on the painting of Christ at the church of Rennes-les-Bains. There, the spider is depicted as the crown of thorns on Jesus head. And, we know that the Arachnea, the spinner, was transformed into a spider by a Jealous Hera, the "cow faced." But was THEN represented as the "menstruating Moon Goddess." And, Ariadne gave the clues to Theseus, but was THEN loved by Dionysus, and the crown became stars - 8 of them, like the legs of a spider. Well, if the shepherdess in this painting is pregnant, then she is NOT menstruating! It goes on: "The current rumour in Rome was that some of the diggers were Goths, who had come from the north on the faith of ancient tradition to seek for treasure." Well, the only thing we know of these Gothic traditions is that I think they were what became the Grail stories. But, the most interesting thing is where it is said: In 1656 Nicolas Fouquet, finance minister to LouisXIV, sent his brother, Louis, to Rome and suggested he see Poussin. Shortly after arriving, Fouquet wrote to his brother: "I delivered to M. Poussin the letter that you did him the honour to write to him; he evinced all the joy imaginable. You would not believe, Monsieur, either the pains that he takes in your service, or the affection with which he takes them, nor the worth and integrity that he brings to all things. He and I, we have planned certain matters that I could, in a little undertake to the end for you, by which M. Poussin could provide you with advantages that kings would have great pains to get from him, and that, after him, perhaps no one in the world could recover in the centuries to come; and, what is more, this could be done without much expense and could even turn to profit, and these are things so hard to discover that no one, no matter who, upon this earth today could have better fortune or even so much..." Well, we know that Poussin was supervising government subsidized artists, so this could be the "pains taken in your service." Rather simple and not at all mysterious! "Worth and integrity" are certainly important in regards to seeing that the government's money is not being wasted!!! But, the things that are "hard to discover," and would provide advantages that Kings would like to have, and which no one could recover for centuries????? What in the WORLD??? But, it is OBVIOUSLY NOT alchemy, in the "metaphysical" sense, or "transmutation," nor can it be uncovered treasure! Because, it is mentioned that it would involve a little expense to DO it, and that it MIGHT turn to profit! So, it seems that Poussin has a little discovery that could be like an "invention." Something useful. And, I think that I have found what this is. "It was a common practice among the early Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans to seal lighted lamps in the sepulchers of their dead as offerings. Later, as the custom became generally established, not only actual lamps but miniatures of them in terra cotta were buried with the dead. Some of the lamps were enclosed in circular vessels for protection; and instances have been recorded where the original oil was found in them, in a perfect state of preservation after more than 2,000 years. There is ample proof that many of these lamps were burning when the sepulchers were sealed, and it has been claimed that they were STILL BURNING when the vaults were opened hundreds of years later. The possibility of preparing a fuel which would renew itself as rapidly as it was consumed has been a source of considerable controversy among medieval authors. After due consideration of the evidence at hand, it seems well within the range of possibility that the ancient priest-chemists DID manufacture lamps that burned, if not indefinitely, as least for a considerable period of time. "While conclusions reached by different
authors are at variance, a majority admit the existence of these phenomenal
lamps. Only a few maintained that the lamps would burn forever, but many
were willing to concede that they might remain alight for several centuries.
"It is now believed that the wicks of these perpetual lamps were made of braided or woven asbestos, called by the alchemists 'salamandar's wool,' and that the fuel was one of the products of alchemical research." So, this is what I think that Poussin discovered - light. He was "illumened," as the C's said!!! But, the most curious thing about this is that there is a funny reference in the Canary book to "strange wicks," too!!! Our Friar Alonso, of the Order of Preachers writes: "While the holy image of Candelaria was at Chinguaro, or in the small cave near it, where it remained for many years, the native Guanches often heard celestial sounds and saw many burning lights in form of a procession. They were not so frequent at first as they became when the holy image was removed to the cave of San Blas. [...] "The processions formed by the angels, as well on the beach where the holy image was, as on that of Socorro where she first appeared, became very frequent, both by night and day, with solemnity and harmony, music from softest voices, a great company in perfect order with lighted candles. So, they made their processions from the hermitage they now call Santiago to the cave of San Blas, there being a wide beach all the way. These processions were so frequent that the natives ceased to be surprised. This is so perfectly true, that now, in these times, persons who have seen it go to the beach and find candles with the wax burnt out. They have even found some lighted and fixed to rocks. ...great quantities of drops of wax are found... [...] "I speak of what I have seen and heard, and keep the wax in my power. I have heard the same from many others. The candles they find are not very white, and it is not known of what the wicks consist. They are not cotton nor tow, but look more like twisted white silk. [...] "There also appeared on this island, twenty years before it was conquered, a great quantity of white wax in loaves, in an adjacent port, which for this reason was called the Port of Wax. ... some of the loaves of wax appeared to weigh ten or twelve pounds and even fifteen to twenty pounds; in this present year, there appeared loaves of 20 pounds and more. In this present year, at the time when the said wax appeared, there were no candles for saying Mass, nor for the Benediction on the day of the Purification of Our Lady. For in this island, there are no bee-hives for the supply of wax, nor is it brought from Gran Canaria. [...] "For this wax always appeared four or five days before the feast of Candelaria, that these might be the means of making candles for its celebration." So, we have connected some tombs in Italy to some tombs in England, to our Poussin and his funny tomb... to the Canaries!!! All by a thread, literally! A candle wick!!! So, this is a VERY funny thing. What did the C's say? "Look for the frequency of light." And I am looking for a "frequency," and NOT frequent occurrence!!!! Laura to Ark > There, the spider is depicted as the > crown of thorns on Jesus head. And, we know that the Arachnea, the > spinner, was transformed into a spider by a Jealous Hera, the "cow > faced." But was THEN represented as the "menstruating Moon > Goddess." > And, Ariadne gave the clues to Theseus, but was THEN loved by > Dionysus. This gave me some other thoughts. The crown that Dionysus gave to Ariadne, sort of a "type" of Mary Magdalene with her "weeping posture" and the anointing and wiping with her hair. Well, the crown of stars has been taken from Ariadne and has become a crown of thorns on Jesus as he is "crucified" on the "tree" of the Shepherdess!!! What could this mean???? It is obviously intended to convey to someone... the crown of thorns, "a thorn in the side" as mentioned by Paul, the spear in the side and the "water and blood" which flows... the word "flow" being derived from the same word as "summer" and "Semele" or the moon goddess, which takes us back around to Arachnea and Ariadne and the thread!!! Well, I don't know. I am just thinking in writing... But, if the shepherdess is pregnant, and therefore NOT menstruating, and is crowned with a branch, and the shepherds are crowned with leaves, and they don't look like ivy or grapes, so they must be Laurel leaves. There is a funny little "spring" that seems to be emerging from the base of the sepulcher, also... a little stream of water... Another thing I thought about: Rho Chi
vs. Chi Rho. The Rosicrucian symbol is the former and the Christian symbol
is the latter... Laura to Ark Good Morning! It is thundering and lightning out over the Gulf a LOT, and I don't know if it is gonna move this way... all afternoon it was in the East... but never quite got here, though it was VERY loud and close and black in the sky. Now it is on the other side. But, during my nap today, I had a dream! Such a dream! In my dream I had decided to paint some lamps and vases I discovered I had. These were all out of black onyx and I noticed that there were cracks and crevices. These had dust in them, so I was patiently cleaning the cracks with cotton swabs and water, and a small paintbrush and water. Everybody was criticizing me for being so meticulous, and telling me that I was wasting my time, because the lamps were worthless. Then, I was painting one of them. It had a beautiful palm tree on it and some other figures - somewhat stylized - and I was painting a LOT of green, and then touching the edges with gilding, and I said: Everyone thinks that these were always black, or were supposed to be black. I want them to see them the way they were originally intended! And, they were gorgeous! And the scene on one had something to do with a "black madonna" and it was Hagar, the Egyptian, the mother of Ishmael, the half-brother of Isaac. Then, I was working on another, and it had been turned into a lamp, and I took the shade off to be better able to work on it. On this one, I was painting the cracks, and not the big spaces or flat surfaces of the images. This was because the image was so complex that I could not tell what colors to use until I had picked out the design by gilding the lines and grooves. And, I was amazed because, the figure of a man emerged with seven rows of figures on his robe. And I said: "The Greeks did not HAVE astrology, the stories about them WERE astrology!" And it was amazing to see the panorama of past, present and future unfold in this astrological drama as well as the ability to figure out who was who! But, it was in SEVEN layers - one on top of the other. Each layer of stories could be arranged on a circle. The top ones were shorter and less involved, clean and simple truths. The bottom ones were complex with many additional players and elements and confusing factors. But, by assembling them on this figure, they could be rotated until the right match was found for each layer. Then: you and I were going to a big park or some sort of place like the place we went to in Gainesville... and instead of a big hole in the ground, there was a big rock or mountain of rock. I stepped into the bushes to hide from you and tease you, and you kept going around, and didn't miss me right away. By the time you had missed me, it was like I had taken a short-cut and come out right beside you. You asked me how I did it, and I said I wasn't sure - I took a step and came out HERE, I said. And, I was as puzzled as you were!! So, you said: "show me." So, we went into the place I had come OUT of, this wedge shaped opening in the side of the rock, like a narrow "chimney." And, at the end was a "cleft" in the rock - very narrow. I said something about how we would have to stop eating to get through THAT narrow a place, and I was surprised that I had come through a place that was hardly more than a few inches wide. But, you said you were going to figure it out... there had to be some secret. So, I was there cleaning all the dust out of this crevice in the side of this mountain, and using water to clean even the very last bit of dirt, and suddenly you came to me with tears streaming down your cheeks and said "I know the answer! I have seen it with my own eyes! I never thought I would see it with my own eyes!" and you were crying tears of joy, and not sadness... and your tears were like a river flowing out of this crevice and we realized that a spring had been opened somehow. So, you took my hand and said: "Let's go home now, we have work to do. We can always come back again." And, I was hearing music: the song "He Hideth my soul in the Cleft of the rock..." And the music was swirling around almost like something tangible, with color, like the drapery on the figures in the Arcadia painting. And, as we were leaving, I saw a big mosaic on the side of the mountain - and it was several sharks, one on top of the other, and each one was more pale and faded that the one above it, and up in the upper left side was a HUGE sperm whale that was going to eat ALL of the sharks! And I said: "Yes, let's go. We can get cable now that you are home. The picture will be much clearer." And I woke up! So, it was a VERY vivid and INTENSE dream!!! Laura to Ark […] I don't think that this rather arbitrary application of circles to this picture has any significance. In art, painting, there is the point around which the whole thing generally unfolds. Beginning art... one of the first lessons... This poor Bill thinks that because the guy is near the center with a rod that he is the "axis." Not so. The axis is right around the center of the woman's chest, her breast bone... and spirals out in the phi ratio. The vertical axis of the picture is the woman, and the horizontal axis is the top of the tomb where her hand is and the other guy has his arm resting. VERY few artists EVER place the axis in the center. It is not considered to be aesthetic. And ALL of the painters of the period tried to follow these principles as expounded by da Vinci and others. For example, the Boticelli Venus: the axis is NOT in the central figure, it is in the forward figure to the right, the woman holding the drape, and the spiral unwraps from her. So, if Bill would get, for God's sake, off this "hidden fifth" idea, he would get somewhere!!! The only person it is hidden from is HIM!!! It comes from TOOOO many years in the Masonic hang outs!!! It's gone to his brain!!! Let me send you what he sent this evening in case he did not send you a copy... Laura to Ark And it has started raining... but the lightning and thunder seem to have traveled up the coast. So, we may just be getting the trailing edge of something. But, it was getting FIERCE out there for a while!!! And when it rains here, it is nearly always cool! And Ali has settled. She said she will pay me some of her money each week, pay the auto insurance, and try to take the kids somewhere at least once every weekend. Well, even if she is doing it because she thinks she MUST, it will still teach her the benefits of doing for others. So, that settled. But, she KNEW that I meant every word I said. I was careful about what I did say, too. Because I love her so much. Good heavens! If these children only knew how cosmically they are loved! Ark responds to Laura > And Ali has settled. She said she will pay me some of her money > each week, pay the auto insurance, and try to take the kids > somewhere every weekend. These are good news. Now that I read Bill, yes I will answer him his question about quantum physics with the same signal/noise ratio as he is using. That is I will write some quantum poetry with Solomon keys which makes no sense that I know but fits. Let him tell me about what he knows about Earth magnetic grid. Yesterday night I was reading one of the e-mails from his correspondence and it struck me that he is sending copies to "grupo...." Which seems to be Italian based masonic organization - probably one of the main representatives of Masons on the net - I have found it few days ago surfing on the net. And it was a really funny dream that you had. It fits somehow to the thoughts I have had while walking to work this morning. But let me first send this..... Ark to Laura Now about what I was thinking. Let me tell you and then I send you to bed. Here it is: we know that what we believe in then this becomes true. we are told that it is only our beliefs that determine the reality we live in that, for instance, our material problems are solvable if we believe they can be solved. we are told that miracles are possible when we BELIEVE them to be possible and C's somehow confirm it Now, I would like to know WHAT EXACTLY IS TRUE ABOUT IT? I would like to know if there are limits and what are these limits. I would like to know the techniques of working on our beliefs system. Because if whatever if the above IS TRUE then this is the most powerful principle I know about. To change something for instance we should concentrate not on this something but on our belief and we should change our belief. And perhaps once in awhile we should go even deeper and work on our belief as to what we believe. We know that certain phenomena, like those that occurred in your dream occur when we are in an emotional state that make us OPEN to them, that is we are ready to BELIEVE them, and take them home and work on them. Laura to Ark Let me make a few comments... I still have some tea left... > we know that what we believe in then this becomes true Is it precisely that? It seems that only when I gave up belief in anything specific, and decided that the only good I could see was the good I desired to BE, and that if that was all there was, then I was gonna do it and be it. For no reason other than it was my choice. I literally expected nothing - in this life or the next. After so long, and so much confusion, and so many conflicting teachings and this and that, and suffering in the face of trying to be as good as possible - I simply gave up! I don't know how else to explain it. I knew I was dying, and I wanted my period of dying to be as peaceful as possible, and I wanted to do all I could to heal my children... and leave them with the only thing I had of any value - my love. I thought that if the ONLY thing that exists forever is love that gets passed from one person to another in an accidental universe, then I would give that love. I had a sort of image of a chain of love being handed down thousands of years - and some descendant who had never even heard of me, or thought of me, receiving love from her mother that was my legacy. And I saw this as the only real thing I had. The only thing of any value. And that it didn't MATTER what else was or was not true - whether there is or is not an afterlife, whether there is or is not reincarnation. And, even more: I saw clearly that my idea of love being an eternal and everlasting thing could only be real if I made it real by giving it. Because, I was certain that I would never experience it. And, while it may seem strange that I thought divorcing was part of this love, I did. My responsibility to my children was primary, in that case. I saw that NOTHING I did would help L. No amount of love would make a difference for him. But it COULD make a difference for the children and their children and their children's children. I also realized that perhaps no one would WANT this love - even my children. That was part of the calculation, too. That I might be wasting my time and effort. But, choosing to DO it without ANY expectation about it at all, was the key. I literally believed in NOTHING but that I CHOSE TO LOVE. That was the sum total. > we are told that it is only our beliefs that determine the > reality we live in that, for instance, our material problems are > solvable if we believe they can be solved > we are told that miracles are possible when we BELIEVE > them to be possible I think that the key is the belief that any and ALL is possible, and not to have ANY thing as the focus, and that the REAL key is the choosing where you will put your energy - into creation or destruction. > and C's somewhow confirm it > Now, I would like to know WHAT EXACTLY IS TRUE > ABOUT IT? Well, so would I. I think it is like being willing to open a door with NO anticipation at all. But to OPEN the door. The instant there is a belief or an anticipation regarding WHAT is possibly on the other side, then there is some sort of strange glitch that makes it a certainty that 50 % of the time the cat will be dead instead of 100% of the time the cat will be alive. And, if you think about it you will see: the possibility that the cat could be dead WOULD place that expectation or anticipation in your mind. And, even the possibility that there is a statistical probability that the cat COULD be alive, STILL is an anticipation and results in 50% dead cats. BUT, is it possible that UTTER and COMPLETE non anticipation COULD produce 100% live cats? Or a much higher percentage than 50%? And, if so, WHY? > I would like to know if there are limits and what are these > limits. I would like to know the techniques of working > on our beliefs system. Because if whatever if the above > IS TRUE then this is the most powerful principle I know > about. To change something for instance we should concentrate > not on this something but on our belief and we should change > our belief. And perhaps once in an a while we should go even > deeper and work on our belief as to what we believe. And, I think that the belief is in ALL possibilities - absolute openness. And that is the only belief that is important. > We know that certain phenomena, like those that occurred in > your dream occur when we are in an emotional state that make > us OPEN to them, that is we are ready to BELIEVE them, and > take them home and work on them. Well, we are certainly OPEN... and some sort of flow is activated, some sort of wellspring of existence... but I don't think I think about anything in certain emotional states except that I love and literally NOTHING else matters. The universe could crash to a close and I would think "at least it is doing it while I am doing what makes me happiest, which is giving love..." Frank called and said he did not feel well. This is a rather frequent occurrence lately. I don't know if it is true or if it is manipulation. He tries constantly to wheedle me into letting him read your emails and he gets huffy if I refuse. So, if you MUST get the ticket now, you will have to do so. But, if you can wait another day or so... Frank said: the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know. You know what is in Wroclaw... but... Frank is not always on cue with these things!!! He never seems to have a clue what the C's say. Ark responds to Laura > NOTHING but that I CHOSE TO LOVE. That was the sum total. Not quite. You believed that KNOWLEDGE is possible. And you. Which has made the difference. Otherwise indeed you would just die. > I think that the key is the belief that any and ALL is possible, and > not to have ANY thing as the focus, and that the REAL key is the > choosing where you will put your energy - into creation or > destruction. However Scorpions think differently. The know that ANY and ALL are NOT possible. Even for the supreme CREATOR. But SOME are possible. > > and C's somewhow confirm it > > Now, I would like to know WHAT EXACTLY IS TRUE > > ABOUT IT? > > Well, so would I. I think it is like being willing to open a door > with NO anticipation at all. But to OPEN the door. The instant > there is a belief or an anticipation regarding WHAT is possibly on > the other side, then there is some sort of strange glitch that makes > it a certainty that 50 % of the time the cat will be dead instead of > 100% of the time the cat will be alive. Here Scorpions need to add an amendment. Because there are many doors rather than one. If you open some of these doors there are beasts waiting there. We need to CHOOSE the door we wish to open. > And, if you think about it you will see: the possibility that the > cat could be dead WOULD place that expectation or anticipation in > your mind. And, even the possibility that there is a statistical > probability that the cat COULD be alive, STILL is an anticipation > and results in 50% dead cats. So if we want the cat to be alive we have to believe it will be alive - then we will move to the universe with a happy cat. > BUT, is it possible that UTTER and COMPLETE non anticipation COULD > produce 100% live cats? Or a much higher percentage than 50%? UTTER and COMPLETE non-anticipation produces chance result. Or Lizzies start to rule. We need to anticipate SOME but NON-ANTICIPATE something else. There is a subtle balance necessary and it is important to know the exact rules and laws of this balance. > And, I think that the belief is in ALL possibilities - absolute > openness. And that is the only belief that is important. I do not think so. We have free will and we are supposed to use it to choose between all open possibilities. Absolute openness is not a good approach in the world in which there is a perfect balance between good and evil. Your HB always HATES to send you to bed because he knows you always think he is doing it "because..." but the only because is that I love you and want you to have a healthy sleep and rest. ONLY that. Laura responds to Ark > > NOTHING but that I CHOSE TO LOVE. That was the sum total. > > Not quite. You believed that KNOWLEDGE is possible. > And you. Which has made the difference. Otherwise indeed > you would just die. > No, I don't think I believed in knowledge at that point either. But, perhaps this was a point of Divine intervention, Because I could see that nothing I had learned made any real sense. I still did not KNOW anything. I had a LOT of facts and strong probabilities... > However Scorpions think differently. The know that ANY and ALL > are NOT possible. Even for the supreme CREATOR. But SOME are > possible. Oh, Honey! I believe that ANY and ALL things ARE possible. It is our choices, though, that bring them into being. And, maybe that is a proper thing at this density. It would almost HAVE to be. Otherwise, there would be more confusion that the human mind could deal with. > Here Scorpions need to add an amedment. Because there are many > doors rather than one. If you open some of these doors there are > beasts waiting there. We need to CHOOSE the door we wish > to open. Well, there are really only two. To give or take. At the fundamental level. After that, then the choices become more complex, and then, yes, one must have knowledge to evaluate very subtle clues as to what lies beyond the door. But I am talking about the most fundamental belief "center." > So if we want the cat to be alive we have to believe it will be > alive - then we will move to the universe with a happy cat. But, that implies having already gone through the door of giving and being open to the possibility that one CAN move to a universe with a happy cat. So, a certain door has already been opened. > UTTER and COMPLETE non-anticipation produces chance result. Or > Lizzies start to rule. We need to anticipate SOME but NON ANTICIPATE > something else. There is a subtle balance necessary and it is > important to know the exact rules and laws of this balance. Well, perhaps you are right. But, I still think that the key is to open the door of love and giving and do not anticipate, but respond from that center. So, if the open door reveals a Lizzie, one knows that giving love to it can best be done by drawing a firm line and not permitting it to cross without a DEFINITE reaction from you. Because, sometimes the most loving thing a person can do, and the hardest, is to NOT give love in a material sense. To cut off the flow of energy, because one knows it is being used to destroy and not create. So, one always has the choice as to where to put their energy and how it ought to be used. So, how is this going to help us have happy cats? I am not sure. Don't you think that an expectation of randomness is anticipation? And don't most physicists get it? Is it factored in mathematically? If so, how? And how could it be removed altogether? This "randomness factor?" And if it were removed, this expectation of randomness, and replaced by non-expectation... well, ??? > I do not think so. We have free will and we are supposed to > use it to choose between all open possibilities. I think that our choices lie in what we DO in response to all. Remember: 1)always expect attack. 2) know the modes and signs. 3)know the ways to "head it off." So, we see that expecting any and all things being OPEN to all possibilities, even the bad ones, all of them, is the only way to be able to begin to SEE the clues or signs of when something is beginning to go this way or that. One can then either slam the door shut and open another, or do whatever. At that point, one has to take action and DO. But, if you only believe in GOOD things, then you are not taking ALL into account as possible. And both of us know where THIS leads!!! It is like staring only into the light... one not only cannot see anything behind them, they also cast a shadow on someone or something else. One must become open to all possibilities, turn and face the darkness so that the heat from the light warms and makes alive and shines out through the eyes and illuminates as well. > Absolute openness is not a good approach in the world > in which there is a perfect balance between good and evil. Well, Honey! I am not talking about it at the level you are talking about it. In a practical sense, of course not! But, in a fundamental CREATIVE sense, at the level of the belief center, this is exactly how it must be. > Your HB always HATES to send you to bed because he knows > you always think he is doing it "because..." but the only because > is that I love you and want you to have a healthy sleep and > rest. ONLY that. > And right now, I am very tired and sleepy
and am going to bed to sleep !!! Ark responds to Laura > Well, there are really only two. To give or take. Oh NOO!!!!!! "GIVE" TO WHOM? TO EVIL? NO! This is what we were doing. > > > So if we want the cat to be alive we have to believe it will be > > alive - then we will move to the universe with a happy cat. > > But, that implies having already gone through the door of giving and > being open to the possibility that one CAN move to a universe with a > happy cat. So, a certain door has already been opened. yes yes yes ..... certain door has already been opened. Thanks God. > Because, sometimes the most loving thing a person can do, and the > hardest, is to NOT give love in a material sense. To cut off the > flow of energy, because one knows it is being used to destroy and > not create. So, one always has the choice as to where to put their > energy and how it ought to be used. Yes, this is true. But it needs knowledge and understanding of levels of relations. > So, how is this going to help us have happy cats? > > I am not sure. > > Don't you think that an expectation of randomness is anticipation? Whenever we want to predict something, we anticipate. Sometimes predictions are possible. Sometimes C's do predict. Sometimes predictions are not possible. Sometimes the very act of predicting would influence the result in a way which is not in agreement with our aims (that is other anticipations). It is all subtly balanced. > And don't most physicists get it? Is it factored in mathematically? > If so, how? And how could it be removed altogether? This > "randomness factor?" And if it were removed, this expectation of > randomness, and replaced by non-expectation... well, ??? I think this randomness factor is necessary the same way as balance between good and evil is necessary. I believe that there is a direct link between randomness and evil. A world without randomness would be all good but all dead. So Our Creator was forced to make world OPEN to allow for randomness, to allow for a spontaneous creation of pairs of positive-negative, to some indeterminacy and then because of this the Good could have a chance to evolve. So it is not possible to remove randomness from the world, but is possible to work and to evolve and to become more and more free from this law OURSELVES. > I think that our choices lie in what we DO in response to all. > Remember: 1)always expect attack. 2) know the modes and signs. > 3)know the ways to "head it off." Yes, this is true. But our choices are also important when there is no any attack. We need to have a sense of direction. To always search for knowledge. Because knowledge is more than just a protection against attacks. > So, we see that expecting any and all things being OPEN to all > possibilities, even the bad ones, all of them, is the only way to be > able to begin to SEE the clues or signs of when something is > beginning to go this way or that. One can then either slam the door > shut and open another, or do whatever. At that point, one has to > take action and DO. Yes Honey! I am open to all possibilities. But I work for those that are good ones and against those which are bad ones. > But, if you only believe in GOOD things, then you are not taking ALL > into account as possible. And both of us know where THIS leads!!! > It is like staring only into the light... one not only cannot see > anything behind them, they also cast a shadow on someone or > something else. We know it. We KNOW> > One must become open to all possibilities, turn and face the > darkness so that the heat from the light warms and makes alive and > shines out through the eyes and illuminates as well. YES!! ! > > Absolute openess is not a good approach in the world > > in which there is a perfect balance between good and evil. > > Well, Honey! I am not talking about it at the level you are > receiving it. In a practical sense, of course not! But, in a > fundamental CREATIVE sense, at the level of the belief center, this > is exactly how it must be. I AGREE. IT IS IMPORTANT! Now sleep.[…] Ark to Laura have been discussing with Daniel then we went to have lunch. then I wrote to Bill. Now I will do math. have to do it and tomorrow will be the last day so I will have to discuss with Marco and then in the evening he invites me to his place, so probably I will go. There are bad news from Wroclaw as there are rains and the second wave is approaching perhaps even higher than the first one. Lizzies are at work. But I have to go. Will take all the care. It is not clear if I will be able to get easily home - there can be water on the way. And there is no electricity either. Total disaster. But I need to go because of mother and also because of Lizzies. All will be okay and alright. Not only that. All will be, in fact, better than before. It is the rule, the Lion's Rule. […]
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