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Article - Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Ross Institute: COINTELPRO or Agent of Mossad? Pt III July 17, 2003: This morning - being up early to watch the Moon/Mars conjunction - I received a personal email in response to the first part of this mini-series: Ross Institute: COINTELPRO or Agents of MOSSAD. Without going into details, just let me say that the letter was a clinical example of the general sickness that is so prevalent in our culture today. Nevertheless, I am grateful for such letters because they always motivate me to address essential issues. And so, I would like to take some time to discuss the issue of "anti-semitism." The "general law," as Boris Mouravieff describes it in his book, Gnosis, is what Gurdjieff referred to as the mechanical nature of the world, and Castaneda exemplified as the "flyers," or "the predator's mind," could also be described in terms of gravity. It seems to be the nature of this reality to move toward entropy, and those individuals who do not have an equal "organizing consciousness" to balance the gravitational pull of matter are unable to escape this general law of entropy. Unable to create they seek for the meaning of life in destruction. This "gravitational" pull induces the sensation that leads to the idea that "all are one" in a very specific context. This context mandates that the "all is one" idea be manifested by total unification. It never can accept the idea of Unity in diversity because the gravitational pull of entropy seeks - like water - the lowest possible state. And of course, in order to achieve that "oneness," it is presented as "spiritualizing matter," or "becoming a light being," when, in fact, exactly the opposite is the consequence of eliminating diversity and active creation. It seems that, as the ages have progressed, this entropy has been expressed in graduated forms to the peoples of the world. Yes, we speculate about the types of consciousness that will seek to promote such ideas - calling them grays or lizzies or whatever - but that nomenclature is of less importance than the idea behind it: a more or less mechanical "winding down" of the cosmos. As the cosmos has "wound down," (also expressed as "world ages" or "yugas"), certain mechanical ideas have been promoted more and more widely in the world in a "gravitational" way. They are designed - again, possibly only mechanically - to exert the "pull" on consciousness toward matter - to convert waking consciousness which seeks creation and diversity - to a "unity" of "total oneness," or "cosmic sleep" to destroy the work of others who may be different or with whom they do not agree. It is to be noted that they are UNABLE to create anything original of their own. When we survey the broad sweep of history, one of the gravitational "shocks" that occurred in our reality was the introduction of Monotheism. It was the beginning of the outward manifestation of the entropic activity of the winding down. Monotheism came to us courtesy of Judaism. You could say that Monotheism came to us from Akhenaten first, and thence to Judaism, but there are many problems with those ideas and we will address them at another time. Now, it would be a cheap and easy solution to say that this Monotheism is the fault of the Jews, that there is something inherently "wrong" with them that they "created and manifested" such an aberration in our reality. The problem is: the Semitic peoples have fought this imposition of monotheism tooth and nail for centuries! They didn't do it: it was done TO them! Nevertheless, the forces of entropy - mechanical or conscious - had an ideal environment in the middle east - during a certain period of our history - in which to accomplish this dirty deed and they succeeded in fencing in and amalgamating widely diverse groups of peoples and then using their own consciousness and inclination to network against them. Pretty much the same is being done in the present day in America, courtesy secret government mind control projects, the mass media, etc. But, I don't want to get ahead of myself here. The questions as to why and how the Semitic peoples were used as the "fertilizer" to grow monotheism are complex and intriguing. For a broad view, read my series "Who Wrote the Bible." There is more research that will be added at some point in the future, but for now, this will give the general reader some idea that the theme of COINTELPRO has long been with us! As Richard Dolan has written:
Now, let me repeat the crucial point here: Ideas about conspiracy are not delusions or paranoia. From a historical point of view, the ONLY reality is that of conspiracy. Our "freedom" is to large extent an illusion. Secrecy, wealth and independence add up to power. ...Deception is the key element of warfare, (the tool of power elites), and when winning is all that matters, the conventional morality held by ordinary people becomes an impediment. In other words, creating religions to deceive people is standard procedure from the most primitive "witch doctor" who scares the tribe so that he can stay in power, right on up to the controls exerted by George Bush in the name of Christianity. [Note: We speak of organized religions here, not about the very idea of God-Creator and the Mysteries of the Soul and Mind. If anything, we think that the evidence shows Creation to be far more grand and glorious than the organized religions even admit, and that the Cosmos is not reducible to the simplistic "god theories" of human beings.] Secrecy about the true nature of our reality, and the true foolishness of these religions, stems from a pervasive and fundamental element of life in our world, that those who are at the top of the heap will always take whatever steps are necessary to maintain the status quo. And maintaining the "status quo" via religion is one of the main objectives of the Power Elite. And how do they do that? By "official religious culture." And official religious culture, understood this way, from the perspective of elite groups wishing to maintain the status quo of their power, means only one thing: COINTELPRO. Here we do not mean the specific FBI program, but the concept of the program, and the likelihood that this has been the mode of controlling human beings for possibly millennia. In fact, I like to call it "Cosmic COINTELPRO" to suggest that it is almost a mechanical system that operates based on the psychological nature of human beings, most of whom LIKE to live in denial. After all, "if ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise." And this is most especially true when we consider the survival instinct of the ego. Remember: those who are at the top of the heap will always take whatever steps are necessary to maintain the status quo. And maintaining the "status quo" via the clever manipulation of people via religion is one of the main objectives of the Power Elite. And just how was this done? Well, you could call the overtaking of the Semitic peoples one of the earliest cases of Stockholm Syndrome. The term, Stockholm Syndrome, was coined in the early 70's to describe the puzzling reactions of four bank employees to their captors. On August 23, 1973, three women and one man were taken hostage in one of the largest banks in Stockholm. They were held for six days by two ex-convicts who threatened their lives but also showed them kindness. To the world's surprise, all of the hostages strongly resisted the government's efforts to rescue them and were quite eager to defend their captors. Indeed, several months after the hostages were saved by the police, they still had warm feelings for the men who threatened their lives. Two of the women eventually got engaged to the captors. Psychologist Dee Graham has theorized that Stockholm Syndrome occurs on a societal level. Since our culture is patriarchal, she believes that all women suffer from it - to widely varying degrees, of course. She has expanded on her theories in Loving to Survive: Sexual Terror, Men's Violence, and Women's Lives, which is well worth reading. One of the primary problems of dealing with a large human population in terms such as the above seems to be that it's a lot more energy efficient to get the victim to like his captivity and even to help you to use and abuse him or her. The primary way to do that is to play the "good cop, bad cop" game. In other words, set up someone to play the persecutor and then you can come in and be the "savior." The Exodus IS the central event of the Hebrew narrative. It is an inspiring story of the oppressed gaining their freedom against incredible odds. Isn't it? William Bramley writes:
Regina Schwartz, a principle investigator at the Park Ridge Center, and Director of the Chicago Institute of Religion, Ethics, and Violence, in her book The Curse of Cain:
But, as Ms. Schwartz points out: What about the Canaanites? What about the Amorites, the Moabites, the Hittites? And, today, what about the Palestinians? And how is it that this very same concept that had its most enduring inception in the Jewish belief system, came to be used so effectively against them as the underpinnings of the Holocaust? How indeed! While the Bible is telling us the story of the poor Hebrews who go through so many troubles to become free, under the direction of their god, there is almost no sympathy permitted for the other peoples and their gods. In other words, the Bible is telling a story of a situation right out of Machiavelli. If Machiavelli had been there at the right hand of Moses, it could not have been more clearly modelled after the tenets of "The Prince." As Machiavelli points out, collective identity is linked to exclusive worship. But, what is the underlying principle, the abstract idea, the "form" from which monolatry is drawn? Ms. Schwartz writes:
What is it that generally makes others "other?" Their worship of "foreign gods." Their allegiance. Their free will to do or be something else! What was it that this Yahweh/Jehovah wanted to get clear from the very beginning with his "chosen people?" That exclusion of worship of any other god at all was the fundamental and primary basis on which the covenant was based. Curiously, this was expressed in terms that made it equivalent to sexual infidelity! "I am a jealous God, you will have none but me!" Of course, this was immediately translated to the ownership of women and their demotion to mere chattel, but that is another issue. What is important here is that the Others against whom Israel's identity is forged are abhorrent in the extreme, and vast numbers of them are obliterated, while in the "New Covenant" of Christianity, they are offered the choice of being obliterated or converted! Now, what is the foundation of the "covenant" that Yahweh/Jehovah made with Israel? Well, the rules of a covenant, including the one between the Jews and their god, are pretty explicit in ancient Mideastern archaeology. Foremost among these rules is the demand for the vassal's complete loyalty to the overlord. Then, there are the "blessings and curses." The overlord promises blessings in return for the vassal's loyalty, and threatens complete annihilation should the vassal fail to fulfill the stipulations. Again, this doesn't sound like a Free Will choice; it sounds like an ultimatum! It also sounds like pure Machiavelli.
Taking a serious look at this Monolatry business and its inception is, at the present time, forbidden as "anti-Semitism." I guess that was the maneuver to overcome the difficulties of no longer being able to burn at the stake those individuals who questioned the veracity of the Bible. After Jehovah leapt on the stage of history, the ground was prepared for Christianity. This has been discussed in some detail in The Secret History of The World, so there is no point in recapping it now. The point is, it was a clever, Machiavellian move to "create" monotheism in three varieties, convince each group that they had the RIGHT and ONLY God, and then set them at each other's throats. Just now, the Jews and Christians are more or less aligned against Islam, but close analysis will show that the pattern will then become Christians against Jews. After all, what is more clever than to turn one group of Semitic peoples against another group of Semitic peoples - first cousins, so to say - and have them duke it out, decimate their own numbers, and then just come in and take over. Sort of like the gingham dog and the calico cat... It is to this end that the Jews and Arabs - all Semitic peoples - are being manipulated. And their greatest strengths are being used against them just as the greatest strengths of European peoples are being used against them in order to set them up to become virulently anti-Semitic. It is frightening to see the increase in anti-Semitic acts against the innocent Jewish people when it is their power elite that has set the stage for their persecution. But again, as I have noted, if the American people are taken to task by other nations for the activities of the Bush clique, or the CIA or NSA or any other alphabet soup gang, while there is someone warning them that it could very well happen, who is to blame? When reviewing Kevin MacDonald's Culture of Critique, what is missing from his analysis is the broader, historical perspective that demonstrates the fact that HUMANITY is the real victim. Ark: Now, back to our starting point: a letter from one of our readers. He writes:
Are we helping other people? Judging from thousands of letters from our readers, we do. Is our website full of disinformation? I am not aware of even one such example. Whenever we learn anything new, anything relevant or important - we share it with our readers. When we learn new facts and we see that some information needs a correction - we correct it. Sometimes we leave the old information there, so that the readers can see the evolution, and we add a comment that the new information puts a new perspective on the issue. Is our service to be taken seriously? Well, our intention is to present to our readers serious information about serious issues. What service are we giving to others? We like to let the readers speak for themselves. Here are a few excerpts from recent letters from our readers:
Finally, what about my comments in Reality Split? The discussion there was with one of our readers who tried to convince us that we should unconditionally accept all that is and never DO anything - most especially do not point out that an evil juggernaut is stalking our planet. I pointed out to him that he contradicts himself. If he suggests that someone else should unconditionally accept all, then why would HE not unconditionally accept US and our work?
And I repeated it several times because that was the only answer to his further preaching of "unconditional acceptance". So, it was not written as a "mantra". It is a method of dealing with certain types of illogical arguments. It has even a name - "Broken Record":-) "The "Broken Record" technique (do people still remember how vinyl records used to stick in the groove and repeat?) - is invaluable. You simply repeat the request/statement no matter what the other person says in response - calmly and firmly. The great advantage of Broken Record is that is helps YOU stay focused in the face of the other person's dodging. It also prevents an unwanted relationship from developing! This can be very useful with trained service personnel who may be quite expert in getting their message across (your family's health is at risk unless you buy this product, we never give money back in this store, our computers are down, you'll have to come back tomorrow, and so on). With people who are close to you, Broken Record tends to close off communication too much - though Bourne suggests that it is useful with nagging children (Perhaps combined with a focusing remark like "Show me your ears. Are they working today?") " As we post on the footer of the pages of this website:
And, on the introductory page we state clearly:
We believe that our readers have the right to read and think and research and network freely without manipulation and violation of their free will by us or anyone else - including the above writer who would seek to intimidate new readers by labeling us with the highly charged COINTELPRO appelation: "Cult." The objective seems to be to attack and "neutralize" those who are seeking the answers. That is to say, the REAL cults are sending out "disinformation artists and deceivers" who play on the vulnerabilities of Seekers of Spiritual Paths. The line between CULT and religion is a very hotly debated topic, so getting a hard and fast definition to fit is difficult at best. But, the major indication of a CULT is that it employs INFLUENCE TECHNIQUES and DECEPTION. It's one thing for a group or an individual to believe a certain way, it is quite another for them to seek to deceptively convert others to their ideas, and to insist that if the others do not bow to their wishes, that they will destroy them by accusing them of being a "cult," or of the very activities of which they, themselves are guilty. These COINTELPRO operations are clearly formidable and dangerous. Yet, with networking, sharing of information, and exposure of the agents, such covert action is not insurmountable. Knowledge Protects. We are of the mind that politics and religion and in general all widely promulgated 'truth' is heavily laced with manipulation and disinformation. We further think that this is so in order to keep mankind ignorant and controllable and engaged in perpetual internal conflict: men against women, pro-life vs. pro-choice; gays vs. straight; Catholic vs. Protestant; Christian vs. Jews; Jews vs. Islam; and on and on.
And that is the full extent of what we think and do and believe. Indeed, we present channeled material. But we make it very clear that channeled material is only as good as the research that goes into discovering its validity and possible applications! And we are most definitely NOT into predicting anything that is not based on scientific research and speculation.And so, we thank all of our readers who are supportive of our work in all the ways that count, including financial. Note: Any readers with more information on Rick Ross or the Ross Institute - or other apparent COINTELPRO operatives - please forward it to us. Warning: Expect the ranting that Cassiopaea is a "Dangerous Cult" to escalate to all new levels of viciousness. Let us also consider the fact that the many groups that are being labeled "cult" have one main thing in common: they refuse to be assimilated into the Jewish Elite Borg.
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