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Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Sam Montgomery
Joe Quinn
Henry See
Susan Jesson-Ward
Signs of the Times
Be or Not To Be
Something Wicked This Way Comes
The Other Race
Bogdanov Singularity
Future School
The Quantum Future School
Most of
the following session material has not been published to date.
Q: (L) We have been discussing whether or not we ought to engage in
any kind of promotional activity to make people more aware of the material,
of the network, of the principles we are putting together as a result
of the transcripts as well as research and the activity of the group
and its moving through the many areas of research. We are in something
of a quandary as to whether or not promotion can be considered an STO
A: Absolutely. It is giving the lie what is asked for: Truth. It should
be noted that the STS system can only be penetrated by becoming "wise
as serpents and gentle as doves." There is nothing negative about networking.
Details of a network include the necessity for those who are involved
to invest "energy" in the exchange. If the individual comes upon the
life work of another and expects to benefit and gain by that work, they
will naturally wish to have their own position balanced by putting forth
a commensurate amount of energy. Otherwise there will be an imbalance
of energy. This then leads to an STS pyramid. An example of this principle
in reverse is a teacher who demands payment for no real work on their
own part. The fact that both of you have devoted yourselves to this
work for not just a short time, but literally your entire lives, and
have not asked for the support that this intensive labor earns has,
in effect, created an imbalance for those who are benefiting. Many of
those who are experiencing blocks in their own lives would find those
blockages dissolved by the action of opening the flow of energy in the
exchange. Notice carefully how the STS domination has been created and
maintained. It is not done with the objective of promoting knowledge.
As you know, it is done with the intent of hiding truth. What is wrong
with pointing the door to greater potential knowledge out for those
in Darkness? You can shine the light on the door. The choice of opening
it and passing within is up to the seeker.
Q: (A) There is another problem, in fact. We were hesitating about promoting
because we knew that as long as we are working on a small scale, we
will not attract attention and attack. As long as we function on a small
scale, it can be allowed or accommodated in the Matrix. When we go to
a larger scale, the Matrix can bring in new forces because anything
on a larger scale can be considered by the Matrix as dangerous. So,
enlarging the scale, attracting more interested people, at the same
time we should be prepared for more attacks. So that was one of the
reasons for our keeping a low profile. (L) Yes. The question is: if
we approach the matter in a more active way - since we don't want to
proselytize, we only want to make people aware, they can look, accept,
discard, or do whatever they want; I think the awareness factor is what
we are targeting; there are six billion people on this planet and most
of them are asleep and don't even know it; so awareness of the existence
of a different option for viewing reality is the issue - how much will
this increase the level of attack?
A: Knowledge protects. You have been in "attack school" for a long time,
most recently having taken a grad level course. The principles learned
thusly will stand you in good stead. From the fire comes light!
Q: (A) We were several times told that "help is on the way." What kind
of help?
A: When you begin to expand the potential network you will rattle a
lot of bushes.
Q: (L) The thing that concerns me is that I am nervous about such ideas.
Generally speaking, such approaches generally lead to an organization
which then leads to codification, which then leads to all kinds of problems.
You can't keep it personal and simple. Bigger networks, means more people,
means more opportunities for twisting and distortion and problem. There
is just so much potential for people becoming involved who do not have
the same intent we have, who don't have the intent the group has, and
just a whole host of things that come to mind here. When you start getting
big, you can't give enough attention to everything. For now, we take
care of everything ourselves. We protect the group so that they can
gather their awareness; they are making extraordinary progress; and
how can you do that on a larger scale?
A: At some point there will be those among your group who will step
forward and accept the mantle of teacher. Your role as teachers of teachers
is one that may produce the balancing energy needed for the STO harvest
to be plentiful indeed. Perhaps you should relax and not be afraid of
the child you have borne taking its first step out in the world. There
are many teachers in your group. Each of them will awaken to their mission
destiny profile as appropriate.
Q: We have recently been working with some material from Boris Mouravieff.
We can see many relationships. I would like to ask about some of his
political views, his ideas about creating some elite corps to help the
world graduate to what he calls the cycle of the Holy Spirit. How accurate
are those views of Mouravieff?
A: Mouravieff, like many who have protected and passed on the "tradition"
are merely carriers and not interpreters of the capacity of a Master.
The True Master understands the nature of the "worlds" in terms of real,
Hyperdimensional Interpenetration. Thus Mouraveiff and others misunderstand
and misinterpret, thinking in 3rd density Hierarchical terms which simply
do not apply.
Q: (L) Is the place of safety at the end of time to be found in Peru?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is the place of safety a physical location on the planet?
A: No.
Q: (L) Is the place of safety a hyperdimensional state of being?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Why does the apparent counterintelligence program seek to convince
so many people that Peru is a source of great wisdom, benevolence, spirituality
and so forth?
A: Same as usual: diffuse knowledge. [...]
Q: (R) Regarding our Quantum Fractal program, I have only one question
left on that and that is whether the detectors are consciousness interface
points, is that where consciousness is interfacing with reality?
A: Frequency awareness boundaries.
Q: (L) What are frequency awareness boundaries made of? Whose awareness?
A: 7th density nature/divisions.
Q: (R) Okay so my question would be if consciousness, for example us
three in this room, are we interacting with reality through 7th density
which uses these frequency awareness boundaries? Right so it's kind
of a middle step. I'm not sure how to phrase it.
A: 7th density interacts with divisions through you.
Q: (R) Ah! So it is not us interacting with reality through 7th density
it's the other way around. 7th density is interacting with the concept
of divisions through us.
Q: (V) I'll start with the Reiki symbol that we received. (shows symbol
drawn on a piece of paper) This was the way it was drawn out and at
the time it was drawn out we were told that it was close enough as though
maybe it wasn't as it was supposed to be. I am wondering if this is
closer than this? (comparing proposed alternatives) In other words if
the spiraling inside of the...
A: Match corners to outside spiral, neither inside nor outside.
Q: (V) The other question I have about this symbol that I thought was
very curious is in this center part there is an L, is there any significance
to that?...well, I'm sure there is significance...
A: Crook shape signifies movement into higher dimension.
Q: (V) Is repetitive saying, which I guess is like a mantra which is
a no-no here, of the Sanskrit word as effective as repetitive use of
the symbol, does it go either way?
A: No. Important part is the geometry.
Q: (V) So the use of the symbol is putting a geometric equation into
the person's body...
A: Think of it as soldering in a new circuit.
Q: (V) New circuit as in DNA?
A: More like transducer of higher consciousness. If DNA changes result
it depends on the application. [A: Suffering activates neuro-chemicals
which turn on DNA receptors.]
Q: (V) The next question: Is it possible in a meaningful way to send
healing energy, Reiki, directly to the subconscious through the ether
tube connector symbol?
A: Yes. This has also been discussed. Application increases circuit
Q: (V) Are there symbols that can be used to dispel or expel negative
A: Do you think that a symbol can control your consciousness, or the
consciousness of another? Q: (V) I guess I've been thinking it's a tool
just as this is a tool (holds up symbol displayed earlier). I gather
this is my thinking...No I don't think a symbol can control consciousness...when
it's put that way. But I want to say that I think they can be used as
tools also. Not to be right or anything but this my thinking at this
A: What quality of an individual would have to be present to set the
effect of a symbol against consciousness?
Q: (V) A lack of negativity? (L) I don't think that's the point. You
already have negativity right? So you're going to use a symbol to make
it go away - assuming it was sent to you. So what do you have to have
to make the symbol work? (V) A conscious effort? (L) Faith. You have
to believe in the symbol. And if you believe in the symbol then you
are putting the power in something outside of you, you don't believe
that you have the ability to stand against the negative consciousness.
On the other hand, if the consciousness of negativity is your own and
you believe a symbol can stand against your own negativity you haven't
inquired into where the negative comes from. (A) You see a tool is something
which you must know exactly how it operates because otherwise it's not
a tool, otherwise you are the tool. So you must exactly know and have
precise knowledge of the tool if it is to be a tool. So a tool is a
projection - an extension - of what is in you.
A: Otherwise you are the tool of the tool.
Q: (Discussion between Laura and Vi*** with regard to the Karuna Reiki
system of healing that led to the following question) (V) From what
density do the Karuna symbols come from? Are they STS or STO?
A: 3rd money growing density. Most of the symbols can be found in other
literature in whole or in part.
Q: (V) Is there a symbol that will work on viruses? I know ...okay I'm
back to the same question of consciousness.
A: Viruses make inroads only when there exists gaps in consciousness.
A full field of awareness closes the gaps. Heal the soul by means of
increased knowledge which leads to DNA modification which closes gaps...To
do it otherwise amounts to self violation of lesson profiles elected
by the self.
Q: (A) What about the healers, all these healers they go around the
world and they heal, all the while their effects are temporary. Will
they heal only those people who come and ask? And usually when they
come and ask, they are asking in a specific way for them to be healed.
I mean I don't know what is so specific but, the question is, of course,
they don't close the consciousness gap. Or do they? How do they heal?
I mean, they can kill even viruses some way. How do they do that?
A: If the healing is true, it occurs at multiple levels. It is an interaction
of prior choice potential.
Q: (V) So it is going to work because it is time, or it is your destiny.
So it's going to work. I guess. (B) If it works, it must mean that the
individual has chosen to allow it to work at that particular time and
the healer is more of a facilitator of the personal choice - at a higher
level - of an individual.
A: Yes.
Q: (A) A kind of transaction between the two. (L) It's like the switch,
it was ready to happen, and the "healing activity" just flipped the
switch. It was ready (B) Healing comes from inside whether it was psychic
or physical, we may rely on other triggers. (L) Yeah we may use all
kinds of symbols in our world the way we use words to convey our ideas.
We can use interactions between human beings to convey our readiness
and willingness to move into a new way of being. (A) The healers maybe
don't know what they do,it's just the right thing, they're there at
the moment, they are there, the person is there. (V) As long as they
are not doing it from their ego. (L) Right. I think it is as much a
matter of there is a person who needs it and there's the person who
instinctively knows what to do and how to do it and they do because
they can do it. They're the person of the moment and it is there in
front of them and I mean, it's like walking down the street and there's
a piece of paper, do you walk by it or pick it up? (A) But there may
be something more. I'm thinking about this Bulgarian guy D***. He apparently
has some psychic abilities and he went into research. So now he was
telling me about these bad guys who are using this for mind control
and such things. But he wrote one thing that was kind of unexpected
from him. He said that even the government mind control people can't
do anything unless the given person is willing to be controlled. (L)
Umhmm, at a deep level. The person must of their own free will choose
to increase their knowledge, which then increases their awareness, which
then increases their abilities of STO to communicate with and interact
with other similar people. People use their free will to choose to be
duped and manipulated. When they choose to refuse to seek knowledge
they have already chosen. When they choose belief over seeking and being
open they have already chosen.
A: In all cases freewill is paramount even if it is not apparent at
this level.
Q: (V) Is there a difference or a likeness between creative visualization
and imagination?
A: Not much.
Q: (V) Okay. Alright then, I was going through some of the transcripts
and reading, and I found the statement in there that said "consciousness
is the half-life of energy" and I thought this was just so interesting.
What is the time span or frame of reference where its energy degenerates,
morphs, whatever the word is, into consciousness?
A: You are assuming that physical understanding applies. In this case
the better question would be: What is energy?
Q: (L) What is energy (asking Ark)? (A) Don't know. (L) What do you
mean, don't know? (A) Nobody knows. (L) Oh! I see what they're saying,
because energy can't be compared to a physical process such as the half-life
of an atomic element or something. (V) Alright, and also maybe this
is my assumption as I am relating energy to thought processes.
A: How do you know that "thinking" is energy? How about "utilization?"
Take an example: Light is an energy expression of gravity. Utilization
of gravity "generates" light.
Q: (A) The point is that we can't define concepts. We can show simply
how they work in certain, how you say...(B) Framework. (A) Okay framework,
by relating them to other concepts and by pointing this is the correct
use of this word and this is incorrect use of this word. And this is
not mathematics. In mathematics everything is defined in terms of primitive
concepts. Here we don't know what are the primitive concepts. So we
say now here is light and it's an expression of energy. Now what is
so particular about light? Now you can think about what you learn from
physics. From physics you know that light has no mass, it is pure quantum
of energy. What it means we really don't know. We know that when light
is absorbed it has a physical effect, but in the meantime where does
it go? It is not mass, it's something that can hit you like energy,
but not a piece of a solid something, it is pure energy. And then we
know something from the Theory of Relativity, that when light travels
a distance from one point to another point in the 4th dimensional Einstein
space, the distance measured in this 4th dimension is zero. Light, if
you sit on a ray of light you are instantaneously everywhere. Time does
not flow for light which travels. That's energy. For a mass, time flows.
Mass understands what is time. For light everything is instantaneous.
So we learn a little bit of what energy is even if we can't seem to
define it, right?
A: And, as you already guess, consciousness "precedes" light as an energy
expression. So the question is: How do your quantifications apply?
Q: (A) I have a test question for Cassiopaeans. Of the following two
possibilities: a) In certain circumstances energy can create consciousness.
b) In certain circumstances consciousness can create energy.
A: B. Consciousness can create energy.
Q: (V) And isn't light also information?
A: Light is utilization.
Q: (V) Okay, light is utilization. Maybe I would understand it better
if it said "the utilization of light."
A: What would you utilize light for?
Q: (V) Well, to raise consciousness. To raise awareness.
A: How would light raise consciousness?
Q: (V) If light is energy, I mean, if light is information...(A) Light
is not information. It's not what you learn in physics. You can use
light to send information. (V) Why does it have to be about physics?
(L) What else can it be about? This is what they've said before: They've
said that light is utilization of knowledge. That light is an energy
expression of gravity and they've also said that light is also an expression
of the utilization of knowledge. So we come to the idea that knowledge
is gravity in a certain sense. In other words knowledge consists of
all things that could or could not be in all contexts, in all realms,
in all dimensions, in all universes, that the sum total of everything
is like this non-existent, non-dimensional point of everything that
could ever exist, it's almost like this zero point from which all potential
could erupt given the proper circumstances. We're getting into something
where there's not many words to describe it. There's a huge limitation
that if you don't know math your words can only take you so far because
as precise as you can get with your words you can't get as precise as
you can get with numbers. Numbers say things that words cannot, and
they say it in a way that communicates directly to some part of the
mind that bypasses this word processing organ. Well I don't want to
say bypasses, I mean it goes to a place that's higher than a word processing
organ, so to speak. Another interesting thing is all the knowledge that
we can gather is like gravity, and collecting gravity is like becoming
heavier. But then when you utilize it - when you DO - when you broadcast
what you SEE - you share it and there is a burst of light and this is
the utilization. In other words utilizing your knowledge is doing something
with it. And that goes back to that thing that Gurdjieff said that for
those in the higher esoteric circles, at that level their understanding
is immediately expressed as action. Understanding and action are like
two sides of the same coin. And then of course there's other levels
where they have understanding but they have no action. We've all seen
that in the gurus who sit around and contemplate their navels saying
they understand everything but they're not doing anything. They just
sit there contemplating their navel. Until one can do and act based
on their understanding it is not utilized and they then have not produced
light unto the world. A simple example is - We can sit here and collect
700 pages of gravity of information, or knowledge and until we utilize
it, until we do something with it, until we share it, it's not light...
we've just collected it and it's gravity. But the minute we start writing
it, the minute we start processing it through us into our reality in
some way, we write web pages or we do some activity or we do as the
C's say, "You will do what you will do" and that's entirely a function
of your understanding. (V) Of light as utilization. (A) Light when it
stops it becomes matter, maybe there is on another level, like a consciousness
when it hits something it becomes light. (V) What is it hitting? (A)
For instance a consciousness is hitting another consciousness, so you
see there is a reaction and as a result of this reaction light is created
which carries somehow the information, the knowledge of the interaction.
(L) So we end up almost coming around in a circle. (V) So what you're
saying then is light is not the first. (A) No we know already that consciousness
creates light. We've got this answer, consciousness is more primitive.
There are these levels of matter/reality I would say, okay? (V) Okay.
I had it backwards in my head. I thought light was more primitive than
consciousness. (A) Light is very close to matter, you stop light and
you get matter. (L) Matter is nothing but congealed light. Another thing
they said is light is an energy expression of gravity. It's an energy
expression, that would be saying, maybe I'm wrong, that gravity is energy
unexpressed. And when it expresses it's light and when it expresses
here and then it expresses there we have these two lights and each one
of these is a manifestation of a different unit of consciousness. And
consciousness must also be a sort of unexpressed energy prior to light.
When it becomes expressed it is consciousness and then the next level
of the expression is when one consciousness energy and another consciousness
energy interacts with each other and then light is produced. Possibly.
(A) Another possibility is that consciousness is the organizing principle.
Light is something that is already organized. (L) What if consciousness
is an unstable gravity wave? (A) We don't know what that is, we don't
even know what are gravity waves. (L) Basically we're probing into realms
that have been probed and probed and probed. (A) Oh, we'll find out.
(B) The sad thing about it is this whole process is cluttered with so
much misdirection and semantics. (L) Yeah, and the battle factor. Speaking
of battles: I want to know just really what is in Frank's mind, what
are his motives for being so vicious toward us? (V) What does he have
to gain from all of this?
A: He is a tool of 4d STS. He has chosen.
Q: (V) He has chosen? Okay, if somebody goes to the store and they choose
to get rye bread instead of white bread, he chose it like that, or did
he choose it like...
A: He came to this incarnation with a plan remembered as he awoke.
Q: (L) It was already a pre-made choice? (B) The choice was made on
a different level and he's just now making that choice manifest. (V)
Is this Karmic?
A: Choice. Some love light, and some love darkness.
Q: (L) When did he wake up and have this realization, was he lying and
deceiving all of us all along from the beginning?
A: He was half awake. But like many he was confused.
Q: (L) Confused in what way?
A: He did not fully understand the symbols of your world.
Q: (L) So at what point did he finally understand that he was different
from us and we would never be on the same track?
A: He was awake as early as late 1998 or early 1999.
Q: (V) Did Ark's arrival spurn on this awakening?
A: Partly.
Q: (V) I'm also curious, since we're talking about what he is thinking,
does he have regrets? Is he regretting what's happened, what he's done?
A: He is only capable of regretting that he did not get what he wanted.
Q: (V) Okay, so he is a tool of 4th density STS...what is the payoff
for Frank, what does he think the payoff is?
A: He is lost in the illusion of his own importance. He believes that
others agree with his assessment.
Q: (V) You know it doesn't seem like a real worthy payoff to me. I guess
that's what separates the wheat from chaff. For self-aggrandizement
to be more important than growing and learning, it seems like a cheap
payoff. (A) Is it not so that 90% of the population thinks that way?
(V) I know but I don't get it, it's so shallow. What is the gift in
that! (A) What he thinks 'these stupid people they think they grow,
they have their illusions they think of Oz, instead of going after something
real like money or being famous. They want to learn. They think there
is nothing like truth, all is light. The better your light the higher
you would go. They don't understand it, they will fail.' That is what
he thinks, that we are failures. And he thinks 'I was also following
this path of failures and I almost failed myself, it is good that I
disassociated with them'. (L) That's probably what he is thinking. (A)
He feels contempt for us because all we do is just work. We think that
there is a prize, and if you want to win you have to fight. (L) Yes.
He and his kind all preach the gospel of how easy it is supposed to
be if you just give in to "all is one" and stop resisting.
They don't even realize the trap that has been set for them. (V) Its
sad, and I don't mean sad like "oh poor Frank," I mean it's sad, it's
pathetic! (L) Yeah because they always think - in a certain sense it's
funny - they think they are going to unify the world and go back into
this cosmic sleep. They've got to control everything, absorb everything
back into this cosmic sleep...(V) Why do they want to do that? (L) Because
they're afraid of creation. Creation is uncertain. Creation is free.
Creation is not secure. It implies being open; it implies being fearless.
It implies doing, and struggle and movement and acting against gravity
and generating light. (V) Do they actually think these things between
their left and right brain? (L) No they are not aware of it. They rationalize
it with high sounding ideas and ideals, they call it Christianity or
they call it the Ophanic calls to the Watchtowers or whatever New Age
illusions and beliefs, and its mask is several levels deep. It's as
hard for us, I think, to understand their point of view as it is for
them to understand ours. They think we are fools, I'm sure. (V) I'm
having a hard time conceiving that they're sitting in their little coven
group or whatever the heck it is and saying, 'Look how stupid they are,
look how ignorant they are, they are fools.' If they are really doing
that then they are the ones, I mean that's projection, they are projecting
what is true only about themselves. (L) Right, but they are doing that.
You should read some of the public postings that they have made talking
about us. It is such filth. Actually, in an interesting way, this is
what clued us in because when we tossed VB because we found out he was
lying, we found out he was manipulating. He wanted to come into our
group and teach our group how to do these satanic rituals. I had sent
him all the information about what the C's had said about rituals and
he kept trying to twist it and interpret it so that it would be okay
and he just wasn't getting it. And the thing was, at that particular
point in time there was just a whole bunch of weird stuff going on and
we just let him know that we can't be associated with this. (V) Putting
the C's aside, it goes against everything that you believe in personally.
(L) Everything we have worked for. Oh but according to VB and his gang,
the real problem was me. According to him, I just didn't understand
the C's, the C's were really teaching me how to do these rituals, only
I was incapable of grokking it. (V) Oh BS! (L) But this is what he was
saying to me. I didn't really understand how to interpret the C's and
if I allowed him to be my teacher then I would understand what the C's
were really saying! (V) And if you were stupid, ignorant, and a fool
you would've believed him. (B) I think there is a huge, huge tendency
to overlook the fact that both sides, STS and STO, are necessary in
the scheme of creation, that both are equal, it's not a matter of one
being right or one being wrong it's a matter of which one do you choose,
period. (L) Right. (B) Creation can't be just inhales, there has to
be exhales. On a different level there may be completely different choices
that have to be made, but at this level that seems to be the choice
period. (V) Are there other realms where these people such as VB, Frank
are making different choices? (L) In other words is there another reality
where they're being the good guys, where they're joining in and helping.
(V) Right. An alternate reality.
A: Frank and Vincent are the other reality!
Q: (V) Everything happens all at once, huh? (L) That's bizarre. (V)
They are the other reality in like the antithesis of Laura's work?
A: More or less, yes.
Q: (L) Is this conflict so to speak that we are engaging in with this
Frank/VB is this one reality that is also represented in another reality
as this conflict between say the Jews and Arabs at the present moment?
A: Very close, it is reflected in many ways at present.
Q: (L) Well I just want you to know our side isn't doing too well. (V)
Why do you say that? (L) Well, if these conflicts are reflected in many
levels and many ways all over the planet just the general overview of
the planet, the so-called good guys aren't really doing to well right
now. (B) Yeah, this is their home turf and this is the common language...
A: Help is on the way.
Q: (V) What no exclamation point! (laughter) Okay so we get a period
now, and then in one month we get one exclamation point, and the next
month we get two, three, and then we know it's really close. I'm such
a quantifier. (laughing) Wishful thinking huh? (B) If this is the given
status of this environment and this density level, this lesson, anybody
that breaks free from that is a plus, because there is undoubtedly a
counterbalancing thing. (V) Right. Take your kudos where you can get
A: And it will balance in the end.
Q: (L) Well that will be nice. (V) Is this balance necessary for our
transition to 4th density?
A: Balance is the result.
Q: (V) Balance is the result of transitioning to 4th density, is that
what you're saying?
A: Yes.
Q: (V) If 90% is negative and 10% is positive...
A: But all will not transition.
Q: (V) Balance would mean 50-50... (B) No because we're not the only
ball game in creation. This is not the sum total of creation, this is
one aspect of it, there can be other aspects where it's as heavily weighted
the other direction. (L) I think another factor is that when people
network they share their insights and they share their growth and it
becomes more than the sum of its parts. You know when they really open
up to their network, that what one learns - if they share it with others
- it becomes that other's learning in at least some sort of way. This
way, people can learn a lot of things by the experiences of their group
if they are connected to that group. So, a group of people who are individually
each incapable of making it to 4th density on their own - by virtue
of the fact that they have this shared symbiotic group they kind of
go together. On the other hand, the STS alignment, since they don't
do anything in terms of groups or significant inner sharing, don't have
that advantage. It takes more energy for each one to individually advance
since, in their chain of command, they are all being constantly drained.
So, the advantage seems to be on the side of an STO group. The added
together energy of a larger group of people who are may be less ready
STO-wise will graduate anyway, as opposed to the very small group of
those who are ready STS-wise. Most of the STS gang will have to just
go back and do 3D over again. (A) You must understand that the very
concept of balance depends on what exactly has to be balanced. When
you have a balance and you have a lot of wheat or something and a piece
of gold here they balance each other even if the quantities are completely
different. (V) Maybe STO candidates carry a larger...(L) Charge. (V)
Yeah. (L) Something like that, because they share. (V) So there could
be 90% of STS and at 10% STO candidates as they gain knowledge gain
more weight. (L) Could be.
A: Very close. But don't get stuck on numbers in that sense. Help is
on the way!
Q: (V) For what?
A: All of you.
Q: (B) Why do I get the impression that's a very generic help as opposed
to an individual help that we might confuse it with. Is it a very generic
form of help as opposed to a specific individual form of help?
A: Wait and see!
In the past
few months, as our Quantum Future School has been growing and as many
of our members have been making significant progress in terms of not only
SEEing, but in terms of fusion of the magnetic center that is the essential
link between the 3rd density self and the 4th density self, it seems that
the "general law," or the Matrix has been quite busy. As this
phenomenon proceeds, several members of the school have graduated to the
task of teachers and have begun to generate light from the soul fire of
this link to higher creativity.
Those of
you who have read the signs page, or who were hanging out on casschat,
know about the Jenifer/Carl saga. Meanwhile, we have received correspondence
from readers who are getting quite vehement that WE are not getting it.
Not only are we not getting it, a series of individuals have decided that
it is their job to "teach us" what THEY believe. We have repeatedly
told such people that if they wish to present their views, please create
their own website and do so. We most certainly will not interfere. In
the following letter, we will see that a friend of Carl and Jenifer has
written and basically has blamed US because THEY don't agree with what
we are saying or doing. Not only that, but we are most definitely NOT
allowed to have our views on our own site, nor express our views in our
egroups, or reject the presence of those individuals we perceive as disruptive.
Notice how the individual has declared that all of the "attacks"
against us are because we are "attracting negativity into our lives
via the Law of Attraction. Never mind that HE and his friends are the
NEGATIVITY that we are rejecting! And notice how our rejection
of their views is described as ACTING against! Never mind that we didn't
go over to their group, or their website and say two words to them. They
are the ones reading OUR site, and criticizing. Who is acting against
whom??? Go figure!
IL wrote
I truely admire your work. However I think you have forgotten two things
the Cs have said. First that a place of safety resides in a hyperdimensional
state of being. Imo this does not solely apply to physical catastrophes
even though this was the context in which this was presented. Second
you have forgotten the first part of the statement choose not to act
against another but to act for ones destiny namely choose not to act
against another.
A hyperdimensional
state of being is one in which there is unconditional acceptance of
all that is. This is a place within which one does not need to climb
a mountain to escape the catastrophes. This is a place within which
one does not attract negativity into ones life via the Law of Attraction.
This is a place within which one does not have unresolved unworthiness
issues or so very few that they do not act as portals for the controllers
to use to dicombobulate divert and de-energize those trying to transcend
the Matrix and is in itself a place wherein which one transcends the
Matrix. Attaining this safe place serves our destiny and from this safe
place we have no need to act against another. imo
With much
love and admiration
To which
Ark replied:
L wrote: Laura I truely admire your work. However I think you have
forgotten two things the Cs have said. First that a place of safety
resides in a hyperdimensional state of being. We are not in hyperdimensional
state of being. When you drive your car your safety depends on what
you see HERE and what you do NOW. You know it. And you say such strange
things ... Imo this does not solely apply to physical catastrophes even
though this was the context in which this was presented.
ArK: Probably
you do not understand that everything needs to be taken in a context.
IL: Second
you have forgotten the first part of the statement choose not to act
against another but to act for ones destiny namely choose not to act
against another.
Ark: The
fate of the planet Earth is OUR destiny. Don't you know it? That is what
the game is about.
hyperdimensional state of being is one in which there is unconditional
acceptance of all that is.
Ark You
are contradicting yourself. Why don't you unconditionally accept what
Laura is doing?????????????????
IL: This
is a place within which one does not need to climb a mountain to escape
the catastrophes. This is a place within which one does not attract
negativity into ones life via the Law of Attraction.
Ark: You
are contradicting yourself. Why don't you uncoditionally accept what Laura
is doing?????????????????
IL: This
is a place within which one does not have unresolved unworthiness issues
or so very few that they do not act as portals for the controllers to
use to dicombobulate divert and de-energize those trying to transcend
the Matrix and is in itself a place wherein which one transcends the
Ark: You
are contradicting yourself. Why don't you uncoditionally accept what Laura
is doing?????????????????
IL: Attaining
this safe place serves our destiny and from this safe place we have
no need to act against another.
Ark: You
are contradicting yourself. Why don't you uncoditionally accept what Laura
is doing?????????????????
IL: imo
With much love and admiration
Ark: You
are contradicting yourself. Why don't you uncoditionally accept what Laura
is doing?????????????????
Best wishes,
As clear
as Ark was being, hammering his point home, Mr. IL didn't get it.
IL: Ark,
I suggest that "one's destiny" is in learning the lessons
that contribute to soul growth, not to saving earth. It is we, not earth,
that will face the 4d STS after the transition. We are to work towards
our own ascension, even if this 3d earth does not ascend.
As to
the rest of your comments, your defensive reactions tell me that I've
hit a nerve ("pushed a button"), and that at the core the
emotional wound attached to this button is based on the fear that I've
seen what you have hidden from yourself and are afraid to have reveal;
i.e., that you missed the mark here, that you are not perfect. Well,
none of us are, Ark.
I'm am
not rejecting Laura or her fine work nor working "against"
her,as you so defensively suggest. But, I have to tell you that from
all I've read, including her "Ascension" book, she doesn't
have a clue as to how to transcend the Matrix (imo), and because of
that is in a state of fear that requires her to defensively "act
against". We cannot transcend what we fight against; that just
emotionally ties us (mires us), in the drama (i.e., "what you resists,
persists" for you). And, if she hopes to transcend the Matrix herself
and to help her readers to do so, I'd recommend she query the C's clearly
and in great detail about the process for attaining a hyperdimensional
state of being.....AND ask them if protesting/resisting/writing letters
to congress is what they recommend. I'd be surprised if it is.
Laura here:
As it happens, everything we do, we do because we were taught by the C's.
Allow me to interject this bit from March of 1995 that deals directly
and succinctly with this issue:
Q: (L)
One session I asked about some things that happened to me in the past
and I was told that what saved my buns from the fire was divine intervention.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Can you tell us about divine intervention?
A: Multi faceted.
Q: (L) Was this divine intervention enacted to protect me from direful
consequences that would have prevented me from doing whatever work is
forming up for me in the future?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Does it not seem that being under attack as we are now might
further prevent me, as well as my compatriots from doing our work?
A: Of course.
Q: (L) Well, does it not then behoove this same divine intervention
enacted at these other times to act at this time, or is the threat less?
A: Divine intervention cannot be arranged by 3rd level beings.
Q: (L) What level beings arrange divine intervention?
A: 4th through 7th.
Q: (T) So, we are just shy of a level to do that! We can do some quasi
divine intervention!
A: You cannot do this divine intervention. You can do 3rd level intervention.
Q: (Laura, Jan) What is third level intervention? [Pause]
A: Discover.
Q: (L) give us a hint!
A: You should know! You do 3rd intervention all the "time."
Q: (L) Do you mean spirit release and cleansing?
A: And other.
Q: (L) Okay, you say that I do 3rd level intervention all the time.
Now, obviously this is partly the release work.
A: So is writing letters and yelling at people over the phone!
Now notice
how Mr. IL tries to cover his schizophrenia by saying that active response-ability
in the real world just MIGHT be helpful on occasion...
Not to
say that protest, like the civil rights movement, etc., is not a consciousness-raising
activity but is it saying that "they" have power over us and
"please let me have my power back".
I hope all
the Jews and Blacks in the world notice that they probably should have
just meditated on attaining a hyperdimensional consciousness rather than
marching for Civil Rights? In fact, Mr. IL has good advice for all of
the disenfranchised people in the world:
We must
go beyond this *powerless* state of consciousness to get to the consciousness
of a hyperdimensional state of being; we must acknowledge our own unlimited
power instead of giving it away. And, in that acknowledgment, we'll
find that we do not have to "act against". And, I say this
in full acknowledgment of the trials and attacks both Laura and you
have had. I recognize that right now we have completely different views.
Now, allow
me to say here - paraphrasing Pajak, that the method of peaceful resistance
is a morally correct self-defence method which results from the
practical applications of the Principle of Counterpolarity. This method
is extremely effective in all situations when someone is attacked verbally,
or via any subversive campaign, and when the attackers are telepathically
or hypnotically programmed collaborators of 4 D STS.
If the attacked
person adheres to STO, the method described here provides an excellent
means of defence, which is peaceful and fully expresses the C's remark
that a person ought to act in favor of their destiny.
In cases
of such attacks, the Principle of Counterpolarity recommends to do as
(a) allow
our attackers to generate as much negative feelings as they wish, and
to spread as many lies as they wish;
(b) keep a close watch on ourselve as the feelings arise, and do not
allow any of it to be wasted; if you respond at all, do as Ark did,
find the one key point and just simply repeat it, thereby conserving
energy. One way to do this is to remind ourselves that the attackers
are asleep and are unaware of how cunningly 4 D STS manipulate their
feelings and actions. It is also, as the C's have said, important to
remind ourselves that the real source of the attack is the 4 DSTS beings
- not the muppets/collaborators that are used attack us. Thus, we never
have to be angry at them.
(c) concentrate on solutions to the problems that are caused by our
attackers, not on the attackers that cause these problems; it is important
to logically and cooly determine how these consequences affect us, and
also how they affect all other people around us. For example, people
who join our groups with the intent of promoting their view and tearing
down our work are wasting the time of all of those people who are able
to see the STS manipulation and wish to spend their time dealing with
other issues, and not trying to endless explain things to individuals
who are, undoubtedly, STS by choice, or Organic
(d) impartially and without any negative feelings: tell/inform everyone
around us, and/or publish the full information regarding the attacks,
who is doing it, exactly what they are doing, what consequences these
attacks are going to bring for us, and what consequences they are going
to bring to all other people around us.
This method
of peaceful resistance - acting for one's own destiny - works. It produces
a knowledge/awareness block that transforms any emotions of the person
being attacked into something very much like a para-physical force. It
is a utilization of the Principle of Counterpolarity.
In attack
situations, the attackers generally have to already be in a state of negative
emotion in regard to us in order to attack us. You could say that these
negative feelings are like "electrical charges" or psychic lightning
that they are directing at us.
If in response
to the negative feelings that they have toward us that stimulates them
to invade our space and violate our free will, we also generate negative
feelings, our own feelings may cause us to want to retaliate toward that
person, but that is exactly what they want us to do. They want to engage
us in a direct exchange, a one on one "feeding." If we engage
with them directly, trying to withstand the attack alone, we thus we accept
the attack on ourselves. One must never forget that they are the portals
of 4 D STS - ANYONE who violates another's Free Will - and you simply
cannot engage with them directly.
if we do not respond, but instead transform the emotional energy that
rises in us into positive action, sharing the information, transforming
it into a learning experience, this creates the knowledge-awareness block
of many people who are aware because of the sharing, and whose awareness
DOES have the force to repel 4 D STS.
So, if
we tell everyone around us the entire truth about the attack, and about
the consequences this attack is going to bring to us and to others, our
environment forms a kind of closed circuit which generates feelings that
block and/or oppose the charge directed at us from 4 D STS, through the
agency of the attackers.
it is our environment which BECOMES HYPERDIMENSIONAL.
And this
is, of course, the underlying principle of acting FOR one's destiny. It
is the principle upon which the material is published on the signs page.
With a sufficient amount of awareness, with polite, but firm and steadfast
resistance, the results manifest themselves in ways that simply cannot
be explained.
The problem
always is that it is difficult to break our habits of response. We have
a natural tendency to respond with the same feelings as those directed
at us which are, again, quite negative even if the "agents"
convince themselve that they are showing love. We will soon see exactly
what kind of love it is that considers it not only right, but advantageous
to violate the free will and rights of others.
Of course,
while implementing this method, we need to remember that the final outcome
is dependent upon:
(a) how
cooly and how well we are able to direct the aroused emotion in us (i.e.
the better our control, the stronger the response from the environment)
(b) how many people we are able to communicate the details of the attack
(c) how well we managed to SEE the unseen and to logically present the
true implication that a given attack has for us and for other people,
(d) The presence of other STO individuals who are also aware and alert
and contributing their awareness to the pool.
of the teachers had the following comments to make:
I've gone
over this post and I want to comment on some of the things that IL said.
A hyperdimensional state of being is one in which there is unconditional
acceptance of all that is. This is a place within which one does not
need to climb a mountain to escape the catastrophes. This is a place
within which one does not attract negativity into ones life via the
Law of Attraction. This is a place within which one does not have
unresolved unworthiness issues or so very few that they do not act
as portals for the controllers to use to discombobulate divert and
de-energize those trying to transcend the Matrix and is in itself
a place wherein which one transcends the Matrix.
TP: This
sounds too much like the savior syndrome. We don't have to do anything
on the physical plane, just attain some sort of spiritual enlightenment
and everything will be fine. He says we should have unconditional acceptance
of all that is. This is a very subtle half truth, it implies that we
should accept and do nothing. If I were an STS conqueror it sure would
make my job easier if everyone just accepted their defeat and did nothing.
Attaining this safe place serves our destiny and from this safe place
we have no need to act against another.
TP: If
I were an STS conqueror it sure would make my job a lot easier if no
one chose to act against me.
Quite frankly, Ark is a big put-off. I understand he's trying to protect
you, but he's way overboard in his defensiveness.
think Ark takes a no nonsense direct approach that the STS mindset doesn't
like because it makes their job more difficult. I don't think you ever
see STS taking a direct approach.
We cannot transcend what we fight against; that just emotionally ties
us (mires us), in the drama (i.e., "what you resists, persists" for
TP: If
I were an STS conqueror it sure would make my job easier if no one chose
to put up a fight, after all it's only logical: resistance is futile.
ask them if protesting/resisting/writing letters to congress is what
they recommend. I'd be surprised if it is. Not to say that protest,
like the civil rights movement, etc., is not a consciousness-raising
activity but is it saying that "they" have power over us and "please
let me have my power back".
Me: It's
that gray area where on the one hand it seems there is nothing that
can be done to stop them and indeed they are entitled to their game,
but on the other hand does that mean we shouldn't try?
The problem
seems to be that there is a serious lack of understanding of the true
nature of Free Will, as well as the most fundamental nature of STS - that
is, to use others to serve self. As we have been pointing out here on
our site, the reason for this is what we are calling Cosmic COINTELPRO.
This lack of understanding is due to millennia of propaganda. That is
why, as we have learned, no progress can be made until an individual has
reached that point of bankruptcy in terms of what he accepts as real or
true in this reality. As a couple of the Quantum School Teachers wrote,
HS: People are unconsciously led to believe a distorted view of the
world, and they are not noticing that such a manipulation is happening.
The reason why this is unnoticed is because, if this manipulation is
noticed, it is no longer as effective as before. Unnoticed manipulations
are for example the *basic unquestioned premises*, which "everyone knows"
and which go unquestioned. For example a basic premise is that "unconditional
love" has been touted so much with the "conventional understanding"
that it means to give love in the sense of "turn the other cheek," or
"give until it hurts," "love them no matter what they do," and also
in the sense of an "outpouring of energy," that what seems to be so
is that this is a clever deception designed to obtain energy in the
STS manner: giving love with the intent that it will change something,
i.e. STS.
The problem
(as always) is with the understanding of the term love. People interpret
it as a command, an obligation to give all regardless. It is the concept
of love without knowledge that ensnares people into a manipulative feeding
dynamic. However if we understand that to love is to know and vice versa,
then unconditional love becomes unconditional knowledge also, knowledge
without conditions is objective knowledge, which will allow us to see
the manipulation inherent in the idea of "turn the other cheek".
This type
of manipulation shapes the way people perceive the world. It is very
powerful. After a certain threshold is reached, the manipulatively distorted
worldview becomes self-sustaining. That is, people start to impose this
'way of thinking' upon each other, and most importantly upon their children.
This is how the system is sustained, I think.
everyone is ill with the same mental disease, it becomes "normal" to
have the disease. And since there is no reference point of how it is
without the disease, hardly anyone tries or even realises that it is
possible to heal it.
Most people
have been conditioned to think that STS means something that is "in
your face negative." They think that identifying STS is easy - it's
Lizzies, or its bad men who are trying to do bad things that are obvious.
They think it is overt violation of free will where a person can clearly
see that their will is being violated. STS is "murderers,"
or "robbers," or "liars" who deliberately lie to
get something for themselves or to harm another. STS is always connected
to "fighting," or "conflict" of some kind. STS is
always a "battle" that is "out there in the open"
in some way. And therefore, fighting, conflict, battling in any respect
is seen as STS.
Now, in
one session the C's said that you do not fight fire with fire; the suggestion
was made to disconnect, to not have "negative emotions," that
one should not "send them back" their own energy amplified.
The point that is missed by many is that STS activity consists of "assimilating"
others to itself. It doesn't matter whether it is overtly dominating and
obvious, or whether it is sweet and seductive, and seemingly loving. And
this suggests to us that sending love to someone who hasn't asked for
it quite literally is STS.
In a later
session, the issue of pity was brought up - that the biggest hook of
STS was to get one to pity them. The C's then said that we must "act
for our destiny" which was quite different IN INTENT from acting
against others.
I pointed
out that my experience had been that when you do this, they often perceive
it as "acting against them" because, in fact, you are refusing
their domination, their control, their lies, their games. The end result
is, of course, that you have to repeatedly DEFEND your stand against
their repeated attempts to regain control of you, and this certainly,
on the outside, looks like "fighting."
The difference
is, of course, in INTENT.
The group had
a really graphic lesson in this process in the saga that is partly recounted
in the Adventures Series.
In this experience we were exposed to the tactic of someone
who used lies and distortions and great "helpfulness" to attempt
to gradually "move in and take over."
Waking up
to this via the various clues, the decision was made to simply disengage.
And everyone saw what a battle it was to do this. And of course, the
battle was not our choice. We believed that if we just "ignored
it," it would go away. If we just "turn the other cheek,"
it will go away. If we just "love the guy," or "send
good thoughts and surround ourselves with light," it will just go
away. And what we saw was this: when you do that, you are dead in the
all the while people will say: "oh, don't worry about what so and
so says or does, your friends won't believe it - that's how you can learn
who your friends are" - they will then turn around and say out of
the other side of their mouth: "where there's smoke, there's fire!"
and: "So and so said this about somebody, and that somebody never
refuted it, so it must be true."
These cliches
of our world show us how schizophrenic our thinking really is.
What occurs
to me as I think about all of it is several points:
To send
"love and light" to any entity that has not asked for it,
is a violation of free will BECAUSE to send love and light to any entity
in the expectation that it will change them amounts to deception and
manipulation on the part of the sender. It is thus transformed into
an STS intent and this literally amounts to "fighting fire with
This confusion
of levels, the disinfo that we can somehow become God by acting as if
we were already God, is certainly a powerful poison. It is solidly YCYOR.
It promotes defeatism ("there is nothing we can do") under
the guise of "we have done all we can - after all, we have created
this reality! and what we need to do now is accept what is out there completely
and just work on ourselves." ourselves.
This "not
doing anything" argument also fits neatly with Strieber's recent
declaration that people must protect freedom in their hearts while living
as slaves. Strieber accepts it in advance. The only problem is: this
is a contradiction of the "I am God/YCYOR" line.
The following
excerpt, from The Wave, discusses the nature of STS and how subtle it
can be. The upcoming quotes from Ra are from The Ra Material
by Elkins, Rueckert and McCarty. I have removed some of the convoluted
multiple words and replaced them with single words that represent conventional
usage, keeping (I believe) the meaning intact. I have also combined the
question that was being asked with the answer so as to simplify the excerpts
for the present purpose. Those who have not read the Ra books are urged
to do so as they are an invaluable source - one of the few available
on the planet - for information about the true nature of our reality.
One of the
points of the Ra Material that is identical to what the C's have said
was the statement that the motivation of the "aliens" who abduct
and probe and examine humans, and, for the most part, are those sighted
by many people the world over, is to conquer the Earth and enslave its
people. Ra said that the aliens sought out, specifically, people who
were influential in some way so as to subvert them for their own use;
this use being to enslave even more people.
Ra: [The
purpose of the Orion STS] is conquest... their objective is to locate
certain [individuals] which vibrate in resonance with their own [frequencies],
then to [use these contactees to] enslave the [masses].
The obvious
inference is, of course, that our political leaders, the heads of state,
industry, finance, and so forth are likely targets for this contact.
What Ra did not say, but which I also inferred from the above, was that
many, if not most, of the "experiencers" and "contactees"
who have come forward with their versions of the alien reality are being
cleverly used as "Pied Pipers" to lead humanity into enslavement.
Just exactly how this is done was described:
Ra: ...[The
Orion STS who come to this planet for mind control purposes] follow
the Law of One observing free will. Contact is made with those who call.
Those then ...act disseminate the attitudes and philosophy of
...Service to Self. These become the elite. Through these, the attempt
begins to create a condition whereby the remainder of the planetary
entities are enslaved by their free will.
This last
remark by Ra is crucial. We have followed a logical progression in an
attempt to demonstrate that the present New Age- Human Potential movement
is a product of COINTELPRO. The next logical step to take in considering
this possibility, is to stop, look, listen, and think with a hammer about
every idea that is accepted as true or whether or not it promotes Free
Will, or might be the easy downhill slide into full blown STS.
It is important
to point out that what Ra is saying here is that the Orion STS are the
ones most generally contacted by those who attempt to channel - he says
"contact is made with those who call" - and that teachings
are being promulgated that seem to be of "love and light" and
a positive nature so that people will willingly follow them, not
realizing that, at some point, a trap will snap shut on them because
they have not, as the parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins describes,
"filled their lamps with oil (knowledge)." These "contactees"
then publish books, conduct seminars, promote the alien agenda, and just
generally become popular and garner huge followings of devotees. As Ra
said: people are enslaved by their Free Will! They choose it!
And you don't think they would choose it if they knew that was what they
were choosing, do you?!
Of course,
Don Elkins wanted to know WHO these people were, (including the obvious
category of social and political leaders) but neither Ra nor the Cassiopaeans
will tell. This is one where we have to make choices, it seems. Ra: ...To
name those involved to infringe Free Will. ...We request your contemplation
of the fruits of the actions ...In this way you may discern for yourself
this information.
Ra: The
contacts which the [Orion STS] group finds most helpful to their cause
are those contacts made with entities whose orientation is towards Service
to Self. ...Through telepathy the philosophy of ... Service to Self
is promulgated. In advanced groups there are rituals and exercises given
and these have been written down just as the Service to Others oriented
entities have written down the promulgated philosophy of their teachers.
Don had
the idea that this must refer specifically to practitioners of Magick,
and Ra affirmed that this was a part - but ONLY part - of this
mode. Ra suggested that there was a lot more to it and that the observer
must use his/her own judgment. This is a point that the C's have made
repeatedly: that this is the chief thing we are being challenged to learn
here in the school of 3rd density - the difference between STS and STO
- so that we can CHOOSE - and then work on strengthening that choice by
Ra did give
additional clues as to the specific processes involved:
Ra: The
philosophy [of Service to Self] concerns ... Manipulating others that
they may [serve another through manipulation or trickery, i.e. enslavement]
thus through this experience becoming able to appreciate Service to
Self. These entities would become oriented towards Service to Self and
in turn manipulate yet others so that they in turn might experience
the service towards the other self [via enslavement].
What Ra
seems to be saying is that by this is that by engaging an individual,
through manipulation or deception, to "follow" or "serve"
a "master," whether it be Jesus, Buddha, Lord Sananda, or being
saved via a copyright ed and patented "technology," the person
is being conditioned to accept the Service to Self pathway and to think
that it is Service to Others! It becomes like a hierarchy where one
is encouraged to deeply desire advancement in the levels so that they,
too, can someday achieve the proffered carrot of "salvation"
which they can then offer to others "below" them. This is reflected
in the beliefs of many Christians that they will be among the "chosen"
who will "stand at the right hand of God" and "judge the
quick and the dead" along with their "elder brother, Christ."
The same sort of thing is going on in the New Age and other religions.
There is a saying "The oppressed become the oppressors," that
applies here and it is a rather transparent psychological ploy.
As we go
along, we will be presenting comments of different teachers in our school,
since we have all participated in this process of analysis. Different
teachers will be identificed simply by initials.
BD writes:
I got
another possible interpretation from these Ra excerpts: Messages are
broadcast by STS. Those people who are inclined towards STS receive
through these broadcasts, not a compulsion to serve another, but the
knowledge of how to psychologically manipulate other people (just as
they are being manipulated). I think that through this knowledge they
willingly place themselves within the feeding/manipulating STS heirarchy,
with the lure being the "power over another" one gains through
STS, and maybe this gives the definitive shift in their orientation.
Here is
one reason I say this. I have a friend, and for a while he was my best
friend. Over the past year or so, however, he's gone through some pretty
major changes. He has become dishonest and secretive, and often I feel
uncomfortable around him. After a talk with him one day, I came to a
suspicion of why he might be changing:
On this
particular day our talk got on the subject of "the work".
I was happy to discover that he was interested, and after a while I
suggested that we brainstorm to think of an excercise that we could
both do together. He suggested that we each adopt different personas
- he said the purpose of this excercise was to guage how people respond
to these personas, so that we can get people to respond the way we want
them to. I was kind of bothered by this suggestion, and I couldn't see
how it related to "the work" as I understood it. Later, I
recognized that he has been doing this "work" on his own for
a while. He is still my friend and I like him, but we have grown apart
quite a bit.
I would
think that mostly people who are inclined towards STO would be receiving
the messages to "serve another". If they lack knowledge/understanding,
they can mistakenly believe that this is a movement toward being STO.
I don't think that this compulsion to serve another would have sufficient
attraction for an STS-inclined person, since they have no interest in
actually *being* STO, but in merely projecting the external image of
being STO.
Upon initial
inspection, one might have the idea that the serving of others that is
being called forth in the STS manipulation is little different from serving
others in the STO paradigm; but there is a key difference - MANIPULATION.
Manipulation implies that the service is induced or coerced by deceptive
tactics; that the individual is serving something or someone that
is a lie or an illusion. This "serving of a lie or an illusion"
is the dynamic that locks the person's energy flow into the implosive,
contractile mode of a draining of energy rather than an exchange where
something real i.e. truth or reciprocity, is being exchanged for the
A very simple
way to explain it would be that it is like an "investment scam"
where many people are tricked to give their money to a con artist who
has convinced them that he is a representative for a legitimate investing
firm or plan. They give their life savings, the con artist puts it in
his pocket, and then moves on to the next sucker. The thing that occurs
with the STS mode of "investment scams" is that they take place
over a person' s entire life and it is generally only after many lifetimes
or at least, at the end of any given life, that the person being scammed
realizes that they have been "taken for a ride." They die with
their soul energy depleted, entrapped by the STS faction, unable to progress
in any significant way. The old saying: "if it sounds too good to
be true it probably is" applies here. Salvation as is taught by Christianity;
the Alien Rapture theory where aliens are going to "airlift"
their true believers off the planet during coming cataclysms; ascension
by application of simplistic "rituals" or "initiatory meditative
exercises" that can be done if you just attend t he seminar, buy
the book, (a bargain at $29.95!), or wander around in muddy mazes with
a blindfold on, all fall into this category. Caveat Emptor!
But, in
the case of the Orion STS, we have a special problem. They have capabilities
of control and deception that we cannot even imagine! Ra tells us:
must plumb the depths of fourth-density negative understanding. This
is difficult for you. Once having reached third-density space/time continuum
through your so-called windows, [the Orion STS] may plunder as they
will, the results completely a function of the polarity of the, shall
we say, witness/subject/victim. That is due to the sincere belief
of 4th density STS that to love self is to love all. Each other-self
which is thus either taught or enslaved thus has a teacher which teaches
love of self. Exposed to this teaching, it is intended there be brought
to fruition an harvest of 4th density negative or self-serving beings.
Let me repeat
that because the reader is going to see some real, live examples of it
coming up here:
must plumb the depths of fourth-density negative understanding: the
sincere belief of 4th density STS that to love self is to love all.
Each other-self which is thus either taught or enslaved thus has
a teacher which teaches love of self. Exposed to this teaching, it is
intended there be brought to fruition an harvest of 4th density negative
or self-serving beings.
As if it
weren't enough that they can deceive us via time and space manipulation,
they can also mislead us through the teachings that come to us from the
"astral planes!"
Ra: ...The
Orion STS have aided many negatively oriented entities ...and there
are many upon your so-called inner planes which are negatively oriented
and thus available as inner teachers or guides and so-called possessors
of certain souls.
Then there
is the problem of people channelling without "tuning." An individual
of completely pure intent and STO nature can produce material that is
deceptive disinformation due to their lack of ability to discern which
is a result of lack of knowledge.
Ra: ...It
is entirely possible for untuned channels to receive both positive and
negative communications.
problem in being able to figure out the machinations of beings with space/time
manipulation capabilities is that of proof. Over and over again we read
about miracles and apparitions which are taken as "proof" of
some sort of divine contact. People don't seem to get the very simple
fact that if you believe because you have proof, you are not CHOOSING
from Free Will! You are believing because you have no choice NOT to believe.
What sort of energy could be behind such a thing despite the lovely appearances,
the miraculous healings, the celestial harmonies, or deeply emotional
responses of the witnesses? I would like to bring to your attention a
quote from the article on this site, Aliens,
Demons and Vampires, where a woman possessed by a demonic
entitity documented by extensive research, is quoted during an interview
with a journalist as saying:
night the Lady took me back in time. We were in a foreign country and
the people wore old- fashioned clothes. The Lady took on the appearance
of a beautiful woman in a blue robe. She performed miracles for them..."
Ann Haywood,
the human "host" of the above described entity (many aspects
of this case are startlingly similar to the Betty Andreasson Luca case),
apparently was "punished" for this revelation to the media.
Ann's face turned ashen and she asked to be excused. Her scream of pain
was heard from the bathroom where she had taken refuge. When Ann came
out, she was sniffling and holding her abdomen. The Lady had savagely
attacked her for revealing that down through history, creatures like
the Lady have taken the form of saints. They then use the gullibility
of humankind to misguide and misinform people so that they believe they
are seeing miracles performed. Ann begged the newsman to delete that
portion of the interview." (Osborn, 1982)
Hmmmm? We
are beginning to get a picture of a contrived reality that is positively
Machiavellian in its manipulations and deceptions. Ra says about it:
Many of
your so-called contacts among your people have been confused and self-destructive
because the channels were oriented towards Service to Others but, in
the desire for proof, were open to the lying information of the Orion
STS who then were able to neutralize the effectiveness of the channel.
I was recently
reading a book that is devoted to miracles down through the ages, most
particularly apparitions of the Virgin including the "miracle at
Fatima," and so on. The one thing I noted over and over again was
the "bidding process." Such entities will ask for something
to be done - prayers, build a church, repentance, or whatever - and the
witnesses, being overcome by the miraculous nature of the appearance,
immediately set about complying with these wishes. In some cases, there
is a "deal" whereby the entity (usually the Virgin and assorted
saints or members of the "Holy Family"), offers some sort of
compensation for the required observances. In one case it was victory
in battle, in another it was a good harvest or rain or whatever.
What so
many people don't realize is that to respond to a command of any kind,
the "bidding," whether it is to pray or build a church or paint
a sign on your shield or even to erect a monument by piling three stones
on the side of the road, one has accepted psychic domination! One has
tacitly agreed to "serve" the one who has made the request or
issued the command. A psychic bond is immediately established, and the
"dance begins." The tricky part comes in when the requests
or "commands" are either couched in terms that make them seem
useful or good, or they come by way of pity or manipulation.
As we have
noted elsewhere, from the day we began putting our material on the net
- there for people to read or not as they choose - a steady stream of
"agents" have passed through our experience. As Boris Mouravieff
has pointed out, whenever an individual undertakes esoteric work of this
kind, they have to be strong because they are, effectively, taking on
their own shoulders the brunt of the burdern of attacks that would fall
on others.
What is
often disconcerting to those who are waking up and SEEing, is the fact
that so many people are so sincere, and seem to be so well-meaning in
their offers of help, advice, information, constructive criticism, or
even just sharing their experiences. But, one must never forget what Ra
said, which cannot be repeated often enough, that such people, by the
multi-millennial program of disinformation about what love really is,
operate with:
sincere belief that to love self is to love all. Each other-self
which is thus either taught or enslaved thus has a teacher which teaches
love of self. Exposed to this teaching, it is intended there be brought
to fruition an harvest of 4th density negative or self-serving beings.
And so,
what follows on the next few pages is a series of exchanges where the
reader will be introduced to the true nature of how STS operates in the
sincere belief that it is STO. The nature of this splitting reality is
only gradually exposed, and if you read until the end of this short series,
you will have invaluable tools with which to detect this sort of activity
in those around you - assuming that is your choice.