Could the area be some kind of John Keel style "window area"?
Maybe. I don't know.
I was wondering, do you recall anything else about how you reacted at the time? Like, after getting to work, did you snap out of your strange calm and think "WHAT just happened!?!?" OR did you just not really think about it, as if nothing had happened? And did you seem to sort of forget about it afterwards?
What I'm getting at is, did it seem like: a mundane experience where you might have said to someone "guess what happened to me this morning!? the strangest thing... I don't know how I didn't crash my car...", and then in the next days, you drove very carefully on that road? e.g. Did you drive along there the next day and think "this is where it is it possible?"...
OR was it more of a dreamlike experience where it seemed like you "brushed it under the rug" in your mind, and somehow semi-forgot about it until some future date when you suddenly remembered the whole thing with a shock?
I never forgot the car event (5) and frequently revisited it in my mind afterward and often when I drove the road trying to make sense of it. So it was not at all something I forgot and suddenly remembered years later or brushed away. It seemed all very real to me at the time and afterward and not dreamy at all. Unfortunately now at this point in time I don’t remember anymore how I was behaving, thinking or reacting afterward at work. At one point I probably remembered. I do remember though distinctly that I wondered why the hell I was so utterly calm throughout the whole thing and I started to question that already during the spinning itself, right afterward and many times since. I also frequently tried to make sense of the facts, by going there in my mind (and also by physically investigating the area), simulating the chain of events, evaluating it against physics, probabilities and so on. I might have told a colleague at work (or a number of them) what just happened, but I’m not sure at all anymore if that is true.
That's the problem with experiences that you don't write up as soon as possible and as detailed as possible after the event takes place: Over the days, months and years you start to forget details and not infrequently memories get distorted. Memories are a very susceptible thing in general that can get ever more distorted the more time elapses between any given event and your recollection of it. That is, unless you have written it down immediately afterward, but even then, distortions already start to creep in. Unfortunately, for none of my early experiences I kept a written record directly afterward (I think here on the forum was the first time I did so for those). I didn't do that in Events 1-7 and 9-10. I only started to do that (write things down immediately afterward) in later years, in Events 8, 11 and 12. In general Events and experiences become much more believable and harder to dismiss when other witnesses are involved and/or if there is some physical evidence left that can hardly be ignored or brushed away.
I've never had any experiences like this that I can remember, but have often read that that's how people tend to react to...strange things like this.. possible brushes with 4D?
Possible. But I don't know.
Could it have been a kind of "third man factor" where something (whether some part of yourself, or something external) intervened in a physically impossible way to stop you from crashing your car? The fact that the car was spinning is interesting too in that light.. the extended, fast spinning, in a supremely calm state, without being able to see anything outside the car... sounds so dreamlike.
Indeed, I thought of the idea of some kind of "intervention" for that particular car event (5) more than once as well. But I don't know.
Edit: (26.12.2022) wrong Event numbers corrected
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