7 Events I can't explain and other “strange” occurrences


FOTCM Member
What follows is a description of 7 events that happened to me in the past. With a video, maps, pictures and data for better understanding. While I categorize all of those events as something “I can't explain to this day”, there are really only 2 events in particular that I can’t explain away rationally in any way, shape or form, because in the one case it involved two other witnesses (Event 1) and in the other case it involved my car, which apparently did the impossible, with me in it (Event 5). The main reason why I put all 7 event events in the “odd” category are the maps and explanations that follow below. Over the years I have thought of all sorts of possibilities to find plausible explanations for those events, but with some of those I still can't make sense of them. It should be noted that I had quite a number of other experiences as well (some of which I have likely forgotten over the years) that I'll also shortly recount in follow-up posts. It should also be said that I'm a very critical and skeptical person; it takes a lot for me to entertain the idea of something "strange" happening, since I always try to find all possible rational explanations first. And if I come to the “strange” conclusion, I stay open that I might be wrong. Also, I always try to approach things scientifically and try to take things like physics, aerodynamics, mechanics, probabilities (and so on) into account. The particular interesting thing I came to realize rather recently is the “weird” geographic distribution of those 7 events, which adds another layer of "how can that be?" and "what are the odds of that?" to the equation for me.

In the following 4 maps you can see a satellite view of where exactly those 7 events took place. Each number is the place/location of one of the following 7 events that happened to me (see below). Note the scale in the bottom left corner, which is 1 kilometer.

Map 1= Here you can see the whole area in which the Events took place, without any map markers drawn in:


Map 2= Here you can see the same Map as Map 1, this time with the 7 events drawn in and with markers and explanations. Notice where the video which follows starts and ends:


Map 3= Here you can see a zoomed in 3D version of where Events 4-7 happened, without any map markers drawn in:

Map 3.jpg

Map 4= Here you can see the same 3D Map as Map 3, this time with Events 4-7 drawn in and with markers and explanations. Notice that all those events are encompassed in the video that follows:

Map 4.jpg

There seem to be two clusters (geographically and date wise): Events 1, 2 and 3 happened roughly at the same time period in my life (young child to preadolescent) and all in the home I grew up. And cluster 2 also happened around the same period in my life (late adolescent to early adulthood), very close together geographically, and all on, or very close, to the same road. You can see there is a lake nearby. Also notice that Events 4-7 happened in close proximity to, and sometimes within, a specific wooden area. Later you will see a video I took (or rather, a friend of mine) driving the road, along which, Events 4-7 took place. See below.

If I would classify and structure those seven Events in terms of “strangeness”, and more specifically, in terms of “impossibility”, it would look like this:

- Number one of the “strange/impossible” events is (depending on how I look at it) the “The Pelican” Event (Event 1) and/or “The impossible car stunt” (Event 5). I will expand on what happened in “The impossible car stunt” later. For those two events I can’t find any rational explanation to this day and they both seem impossible, no matter how I look at it.​
- On place 2 I would put the Egg UFO (Event4).​
- On place 3 The Spider (Event 2).​
- On place 4 (interchangeably) the Pterosaurs (Event 3) and/or the UFO in a tree (Event 6).​
- On the last place I would rank my first and only serious car crash (Event 7), which has no strangeness attached to itself other than it being geographically so closely linked to all the other Events, and the seemingly “odd” thing that I don’t remember that Airbags were released.​

The 7 Events are as follows:

Event 1: The Pelican

Event 2: The Spider

Event 3: The Pterosaur

Event 4: The Egg UFO

Event 5: The impossible car stunt

Event 6: The UFO between tree Crowns

Event 7: Car crash
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What follows is a summary of each event.

Summary of each event:

Event 1 "The Pelican":

In 2011 I’ve recounted the story itself here on the forum (and in my follow-up posts) with accompanying pictures. I was probably around 10 years old. In 2014, when I moved out of my family house, I discovered a torn up picture of a pelican between old family photos and in which one piece was missing. I recounted how that came about with an accompanying picture of the pelican photo on the same thread later.

Event 2 "The Spider":

The Event happened also the same family house I grew up in, and I was a child. I don’t know how old I was exactly. I was outside of the house (a couple of meters away from the side entrance glass door), playing or doing something (on the ground?). I assume it must have been spring, summer or early fall, since I seem to remember the day not being cold and possibly sunny. As I was (sitting?) there, all of a sudden all the surroundings were covered in huge spiderwebs. Then I saw in the distance at the far end of our house a huge spider (harvestman like) coming into view and approaching me with the help of using the webs very quickly (the spider was several meters big).

I panicked and ran through to the glass entrance door and inside the house in order to escape from the spider. While doing so, I noticed that everything inside the house was also covered in those huge spider webs. I ran into the bathroom and locked myself in, in the hopes that the spider wouldn‘t catch me in that small room behind the locked door. Next thing I seem to remember is that this didn‘t help, because the spider “shape-shifted” into a small spider, which then crawled towards me into the bathroom through the keyhole in the door. That is the point where I have no recollections anymore. At some later point in time I revisited what happened there mentally and by looking at the bathroom trying to figure out what happened. Interestingly I then discovered/remembered that the mentioned bathroom door has no keyhole in it because in reality there is a bathroom type lock in the door instead (something like this).

Event 3 "The Pterosaurs":

That one also happened outside of my family home when I was a child. I don’t know how old I was exactly. I’m not sure what time of year it was, but I presume that it was also in the warmer months. I was outside (a couple of meters away from the house) and I saw something flying rather high up in the sky (during daytime). Although it seemed rather high up in the sky I could still make out quite a number of details and I was pretty sure that what I was seeing was a Pterosaur of some sorts (something like this one). I followed it moving/flying in the sky for quite a number of seconds.
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Before I continue with the other events, here is the Video which I will reference from now on, which encompasses Events 4-7 (locations are drawn into the maps above).

The Video:

Under each Event that follows you will find the exact time markers that will lead you directly to the specific point in video (via clicking on it).

Event 4 "The Egg UFO":

I don‘t know how old I was exactly, but it must have been late adolescent to early adulthood. I saw it flying/moving above a grass field not more than a couple of meters above the ground seemingly moving around in odd ways (at most at small tree height level above ground). I saw it when I traveled with my car the same road and direction you can see in the video and on the maps. As far as I remember, it was looking pretty much like an oversized egg, metallic/silver reflecting looking, with not extrusions visible. It didn‘t seem to wobble at all, but as mentioned above, it seemed to move around in odd ways. I estimate that it must have been at least 2 meters from top to bottom in height, or slightly bigger. It moved in a fashion above the grass field that looked pretty purposeful and quite fast while taking turns and stuff (not how I would expect a balloon or something like that to behave). It seemed to maintain about the same low distance above the ground for the period I was observing it. Interestingly, pretty much directly below the area it flew/moved, graves of the Celts were discovered by archeologist quite a number of years ago (if I remember correctly), long before I saw the “Egg”.

Here you can see a Google Maps image of the exact location with a sloppy drawing on how it looked. Below it you will find the time markers to watch it on video:

Event 4.jpg

Click here to see the video [0:32].

Event 5 "The impossible car stunt":

I don‘t know how old I was exactly but it must have been late adolescent to early adulthood. It was winter. During the night it had snowed and the road I was travelling on was not cleared from the snow yet. It must have happened in the morning between 05:00 and 09:00 am. I was driving in my first car, a black VW Polo (which looked somewhat like this), which had a manual gearbox. I was alone in the car and driving to work. The car must have weighed somewhere between 1,000 kg and 1,372 kg.

On the map you can see the yellow winding road/arrow on the road, which indicates the direction and the start and end point of what happened (which is a distance of approximately 1.5 Kilometers (more on that below)). As I approached the woods I distinctly remember that I consciously, purposefully, willingly and on my own volition pushed the steering wheel rather quickly to one side. I was doing that on purpose to test and/or see how slippery the snowy ground was under the car. Stupid idea! I have no idea anymore how fast I was driving, but I expect (knowing me at the time) that I was probably driving way too fast for this type of winter condition, considering the road I was on, and that I was about to go through a forest (7%) downhill, while traversing several curves (some of which were long and dangerous) within those woods!

Anyway, as soon as I pushed the steering wheel in that way, the car was out of control (and I mean completely!): The car (and I in it) was spinning around literally like a spinning top (or whirlwind). I was apparently spinning around my own axis. Or so it seemed to me. Here you can see three examples I could find (1, 2 and 3) of cars spinning around like I seemed to be doing, with the big difference that I seemed to spin much, much faster around the axis and for a much longer time and distance! The third spinning car example in the previous sentence is spinning the fastest around its own axis, but from how it seemed to me in the car, I was spinning much faster than that.

Judging on how fast I seemed to spin around, and how quickly it happened as soon as I pushed the steering wheel, I would presume that the road under the snow must have been covered with a rather thick/robust layer of sheet ice (like on an ice rink). Anyway, so now I was in the car and spinning around uncontrollably, so fast it seemed, that I couldn‘t see anything outside the window except white (snow?), if I remember correctly. One of the strange things to note here; I noticed right away, while I was spinning like that, how completely calm I was and not in a hurry or any kind of panic at all to stop it or find a way to get out of the situation. Also of note and strange is that I didn‘t try to interfere, countersteer or brake in any fashion during that spinning. So I presume (and actually are pretty certain) that my hands were not on the steering wheel at all, nor was I trying to brake, increase the speed or push the clutch for a pretty long time! Seemingly, I was just sitting there in the car spinning around like crazy with no sign of distress on my part.

So, as I was spinning like that, seemingly for quite a long time (from my point of view in the car) at one point I calmly and without any hurry or panic thought something like “maybe I just should push the brakes now?”. And so I did! As soon as I did so the whirling/spinning around of the car came to a hold (pretty abruptly, if I remember correctly) and I was right back on my side of the lane and in the direction I needed to drive for work! Look at the map, the end of the yellow curved arrow is approximately at that point! I was seemingly spinning like that for approximately 1.5 Kilometers! I don’t remember if I came to a complete hold at the end of the spinning or if I just drove on. Neither my car nor I was damaged in any way! The other strange thing to note here is, in retrospect, that I don’t remember feeling any dizziness at any point during that spinning or afterward!

Now let's talk about physics and odds here. At the point where I started spinning (beginning of the yellow curved arrow) I was at the top of the hill before entering the forest and going downhill a 7% incline! The 7% downhill incline starts pretty much at where I started to spin and continuous throughout the road/woods. What are the odds that I didn‘t crash into another car coming from the other direction? Ok, that one can’t be counted as all that odd. But next, notice the curves in the road! To better understand this you really need to watch the video I will link below. There you get a better idea of how curvy and downhill the road is. What are the odds that while I was spinning in that way - in a 1 Ton (or heavier) car, on a 7% downhill slope through a forest - that I traversed at least 4 curves (some of which are very curvy and long)? Without any damage to the car or me? On the maps the red letters A-D indicate where I should have been thrown out of the road. At the very least!

And if that isn't strange enough already, apparently, while spinning like crazy, I traversed those curves first to the left then to right and left again (without having my hand on the steering wheel and/or interfering in any way); First comes a left curve, followed by a long and dangerous right curve and then another left curve at the end. And all that without having being thrown out of the road against a tree or anything else? The car was not damaged in any way, not even a scratch. As you will see, recently I filmed that road and especially the part where the spinning happened. As you will see below. In the video you can see the point where I started to spin [around 1:00] and the point the spinning stopped [around 1:56]. So we can summarize that it takes about 1-minute to drive that distance under normal conditions, without snow, with normal speed (around 70-100 kmh on average) and without spinning. So, assuming that I really was spinning like that on snow for that whole distance, we can say that I must have been spinning in that way for at least one minute! But since I probably drove quite a bit slower (or not!?), and more importantly, because I was spinning that distance in rapid fashion around my own axis, under normal circumstances, for me to traverse the same distance should have taken quite a lot longer than that. Therefore, I would estimate that I was spinning like that for at least 2 minutes, or even longer than that!

Anyway, it gets even stranger. When I made the decision to finally do something (pushed the brakes) I was back on my side of the lane and in the direction I had to drive towards work! 1.5 Kilometers later. If you ask me, pretty much everything about that incident seems impossible and defies any logic and odds to me. Also of note is that I was very calm and not panicky afterward at all and just drove on. I seem to remember that I wondered why I was so calm throughout the whole thing right afterwards. I bet if you could have measured my heart rate it wouldn‘t have increased at all through any point of that “impossible car stunt”, nor afterward (nor skipped a beat). At least that is how it felt to me.

Another strange "coincidence" I just noticed while writing this; the road sign you see in the picture below and in the video (here) states that the 7% downhill incline starts from that point and that it will continue for 1.5 Kilometers. Oddly enough, I came exactly to the same number when I measured the approximate distance via Google Maps before posting here (not knowing that)! So, the start point where I began to spin around seems to match pretty much exactly the point in the road where that sign is. And 1.5 Kilometers later the spinning stopped. That means I was spinning pretty much exactly within the stated distance of the 7% downhill incline. That is, if the car and I really were spinning or something else happened.

Here you can see two Google Maps images of the approximate location the spinning started and ended with explanations drawn in. Below each picture you will find the time markers to watch it on video:

Event 5 Startpoint.jpg

Click here to see the video; the start point of me spinning around in the car for a distance of 1.5 Kilometers [1:01].

Event 5 Endpoint.jpg

Click here to see the video; the end point of me spinning around in the car for a distance of 1.5 Kilometers [1:56].
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Event 6 "The UFO between tree Crowns":

I don’t know how old I was exactly, but it must have been late adolescent to early adulthood. I saw an orange glowing/shining thing (a UFO?). It was disk shape looking, and maybe was around 3-4 meters in diameter. The whole thing glowed orange. Again, I was driving to work in the morning and I think it was not really dark and also not really bright outside (so I presume it was around dawn). Which time of year it was, I don’t know anymore. There was no snow I think. That glowing thing was “hovering” there between the trees at tree crown height. So I estimate that this “UFO” was not more than 10 meters (probably quite less) above the ground. Notice that this is again on the same road and only about 500 Meters away from the end of the “The impossible car stunt” (Event 5) at the other end of the forest (see maps). As I was approaching the end of the woods I seem to remember that I already started to see the orange glow there up between the trees to my right. So, I slowed down quite a bit, and I looked to my right to have a closer look at what that glowing thing is while I was still driving. I continued to see it for a number of seconds until I had to concentrate on the street ahead again while thinking about what it could be. Very shortly afterward I seem to remember that I was questioning myself if I should drive back and investigate and have a closer look. In the end I didn‘t do that though and continued on my way to work.

In what follows you can see two Google Maps images of the approximate location. The first picture is approximately where I first started to see the "UFO" and the second one is the approximate last direct view I had of it, with explanations drawn in. I painted the orange glowing thing into the last picture with the approximate size, form and height that I saw it while it was "hovering" between the trees. It looks like directly under that glowing orange thing was/is a "Forsthof", which can be translated as "Forest-Farm-House".

Below each picture you will find the time markers to watch it on video:

Event 6.jpg

Click here to see the video; approximately the point where I first started to see the "UFO" [2:17].

Event 6 = last view I had of it and pretty much my viewpoint at the time.jpg

Click here to see the video; approximately the point where I had the last direct view of the "UFO" [2:28].

Event 7 "Car crash":

My first and only big car crash happened at this point. It was again on the same road and in proximity of all the other Events above. But this time around I wanted to drive back on that road (the other direction). I was driving the aforementioned car (Event 5), a VW Polo (my first car). I was entering the crossroad (from the autobahn) to drive home, crossing into the road. My car (and probably the other car involved) was damaged beyond its value and was scrapped afterward. That crossroad has been rebuilt in the years following my accident, because apparently, quite a number of other and similar accidents happened at the same spot, because of the dangerous way the traffic guidance was designed there. It looks like traffic lights were added at the point I crossed into the street and possibly the traffic guidance was changed. I was at fault in that accident.

I remember distinctly that I tried to light up my cigarette at the same time that I was making that left turn onto the crossroads. Stupid idea! As I was lighting up the cigarette I attempted to simultaneously do the left turn on the crossroads. As I did so a car hit me on the driver's side of my car. I don’t know how fast the other car was, but I think he was quite fast (but within the limits I guess). I think I had a cap on my head that was thrown around in the car due to the intensity of the impact. The same thing with my lighter and cigarette. I was in shock afterward, and I quickly noticed, after I got out of my car, that an father (Italian, if I remember correctly) was driving the other car with his son because the son was visibly shaken and concerned about the well-being of his father, asking if he is ok and so on. Luckily nobody was seriously injured, but I felt pretty bad and guilty about what I did there. I’m not sure anymore if I saw the other car coming, but it could be that I thought I could cross the road in time before the other car arrives while simultaneously lighting up a cigarette. From then on I stopped smoking in cars (mostly). One possibly odd thing here is that I don’t seem to remember that any airbag in my car was released, nor that an airbag in the other car that crashed frontally into me was released. I’m not sure though. If the airbags were really not released maybe the impact forces weren‘t all that strong, after all?

Here you can see a Google Maps image of the crash point with explanations. Below the picture you will find the time marker on the video:

Event 7.jpg

Click here to see the video [3:24].
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It's astonishing that all these events happened in such a small geographical area. There are a few bizarre roads where strange things happen. I think on one such road in England, cars are sometimes pushed uphill. Do you know of any such occurrences being reported or rumored in the area? Maybe UFO sightings or strange disappearances?
Other “strange” happenings:

While writing the above I remembered other events and thought I share them as well. I’ll summarize them below. In keeping with the above I’ll continue to number those events as well. They are not arranged in any particular order.

The Events are as follows:

Event/-s 8: The Black Helicopter.

Event 9: A big spider fighting against a rat and winning

Event 10: Very loud scream into my ear

Event 11: Cat speaking

Event 12: The screw that shouldn‘t exist and water „vanishing“ into „ thin air“

Event/-s 8 "The Black Helicopter":

I was 21 years old. I expounded on the main event here on the forum (and in the follow-up posts). In that thread I primarily explained my close encounter with one specific black helicopter (and several other encounters throughout the years as sidenotes, that had no direct strangeness attached to it other than those helicopters always being completely black without markers). As you can see in the mentioned thread, I “investigated” what happened there, by going back to the place and trying to understand what I saw and how the helicopter could fly that way. The whole thing seemed rather strange to me, 1; considering that it apparently flew silently, although I was pretty close to it (it was a big military type helicopter) 2; that it flew in an arch crossing the street in front of me in a fashion that was very risky/dangerous to the cars on the street and the helicopter itself, 3; the flight path seemed “impossible” (I think it should have crashed into the trees) 4; the car that was in front of me and even closer to the helicopter didn‘t seem to slow down at all (red lights didn‘t flash for example) or be in any way effected by it (not making a move to the side, for example) and continued to drive on in the same speed as if nothing happened. And the car in front of me was very close to it! Maybe something like 80 meters away or closer! 5; The rotor blades of the helicopter seemed to move quite slow, so that I was able to see the individual blades spinning.

Event 9: A big spider fighting against a rat and winning:

I don’t know how old I was, but I think I was a young child. I think it was a sunny day. I was in Greece with my family (with my mother, brother and father I think). At the time we went at least once a year to Greece for several weeks (and often twice or more times a year). We were at an old monastery type building (I’m not sure if it was a monastery) which had a courtyard in the middle (which looked something like this, only bigger). In the middle of the courtyard was a stone fountain which had a faucet attached to it with a rather large diameter. The faucet reached into a stone basin. The faucet and the basin looked somewhat like you can see here, with the difference that the faucet had no arch to it (it was straight) and seemingly quite a bit bigger in diameter. My family and I were in front of the faucet and there were also quite a number of other people present (strangers/visitors), who all must have seen what comes next. Either I or my brother decided to to turn the faucet on, in order to let the water flow. It was probably I who did it, but I’m not sure.

As soon as I turned the faucet a pretty big spider jumped out of the faucet into the stone basin. As far as I can remember, water didn‘t flow. Instead of the water the spider sprang out of the faucet. It should be mentioned that I hate spiders with passion and can't stand even looking at them. I have no idea how big the spider was, but that thing creature must have been pretty big (bordering on being way too big for a spider in that part of the world, or the world in general). What followed next gives a better perspective on the size of the spider. As soon as the spider was in the stone basin, all of a sudden, a rat (I think in full size) sprang/ran out of the attached bushes into the basin and towards the spider! Immediately the rat and spider began to fight furiously against each other for quite a while (don’t know for how long anymore). It should be mentioned that the spider seemed to be very agile and fast in its movements (the worst ones! Uhh), right from the get go. Anyway, in shock and somewhat perplexed/astounded I watched/witnessed the fight (as did my family and a number of strangers I think). At the end of the fight the spider seemed to have won because the rat quickly ran away from the spider in the same direction it came from. That is all I remember. Before turning on the faucet I neither saw nor noticed the spider or the rat.

Event 10: "Very loud scream into my ear":

I don‘t know how old I was. Likely late adolescent, before I started to work. I was at school in our classroom. I don’t know anymore which school it was of the three I went to. But I presume it is the one in my hometown, so it is not that far away from my family house (where Events 1-3 happened) and also present in the maps above (not indicated). I was sitting in the back rows of the classroom. I guess between 10 and 20 children + one teacher were present. As I was sitting there, all of a sudden I heard a very loud human scream. I don’t know if it was a male or female voice anymore but I tent towards woman. The scream was just as loud and intense as if somebody is screaming into one of my ears at very close range and in full force from behind my back. Maybe into my right ear, but I’m not sure at all anymore. As you can imagine I was stunned and jerked. Then I immediately looked around to my back and all other sides, being convinced that a classmate must have played a bad joke on me by doing so.

To my great astonishment though, there was no one even slightly close to me! Perplexed I looked at the other people in the room to find “who could have done that so quickly”. Looking at the situation though (distance to others and so on), I quickly found it pretty much impossible that a classmate did it in that amount of time. While I looked around I also realized, oddly enough, that nobody else in the room seemed to have heard the scream at all. All were sitting there as if nothing happened. Interestingly, later that day I found out that the best friend of my mother (a woman) had died that day after a long and horrible ordeal with cancer. My mother was by her side every day for quite a number of months before she passed, right to the day she died. I don’t know if the following is true or not, but I seem to remember that this friend of my mother seemed to have died pretty much at the same time (hour. or minute?) that I heard the scream. So rather quickly (I think within that day) I thought that maybe I was hearing mother's friend in the classroom, or that what I heard there might be somehow connected.

Event 11: Cat speaking:

That one happened a few years ago (at most, 8 years ago). It happened in the place I moved to after leaving home (and I am currently living in). Quite some distance away from the places in the map above. It was night. We had a male cat (maine coon) at the time. It was night. I was waking up in the middle of the night, hearing “the cat” speak words outside my bedroom door. Apparently addressing me. It should be said that that cat had the habit (which many cats of that race have) to frequently utter sounds that almost sound like they try to speak or imitate the human voice. Anyway, I don’t remember exactly anymore what “the cat” said. For a while afterwards I knew it, but I have forgotten it by now. It was something like “why do you do that to me?”, or something like that, in a sad and or whiny/begging way, that gave me the impression that "the cat" was upset that the door was closed and she couldn‘t come to me. I seem to remember that I was quite a bit spooked by that and was evaluating if I should stay up and open the door. I didn‘t go and open the door. That’s all I can remember. It is possible that I dreamed that one and/or was in a state between wake and sleep.

Event 12: The screw that shouldn‘t exist and water “vanishing” into “thin air”:

That Event happened about 2 weeks ago. I wrote about it on the forum here. The event happened in my workplace which is pretty close to where I live now.

Edit: (16.12.2022) Miscounted the event numbers; corrected now.
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It should be mentioned that before I found Laura's work, I was very uneducated about strange stuff. If I remember correctly, I'm almost certain that Events 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10 all happened before I knew much of anything about strange stuff (pretty much zero), and before I found Laura's work. With Event 7 I'm not so certain, but I also tend to think that that is the case there too, while events 8, 11 and 12 definitively happened after I found Laura's work and was educating myself about strange stuff.

Edit: (26.12.2022) Error corrected + wrong event numbers corrected
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It's astonishing that all these events happened in such a small geographical area. There are a few bizarre roads where strange things happen. I think on one such road in England, cars are sometimes pushed uphill. Do you know of any such occurrences being reported or rumored in the area? Maybe UFO sightings or strange disappearances?

I know of no reports or rumors of such happenings in that specific area. But I didn't investigate that angle all that much. Not at all, actually. So I can't say, really. What I do know though is that a lot of seemingly "strange" stuff was happening in that specific area (and in the broader area) that I personally witnessed. Some of which I recounted above. I do think though that I won't go back on that road again anytime soon, just to be safe! LoL. Especially after what I know now about strange stuff and discovering how crowded the happenings actually seem to be on that particular road and its immediate surroundings (at least when I was there quite a number of years ago).
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On the car spin experience, I think it's not possible that you could have spun on that road for 1.5kms without going off the road, so either the spinning was much shorter than you remember, or something strange happened. It's interesting that you spotted a UFO in the same area, although not necessarily connected.
On the car spin experience, I think it's not possible that you could have spun on that road for 1.5kms without going off the road, so either the spinning was much shorter than you remember, or something strange happened.

Pretty much everything about that car spinning event (5) sounds impossible, for it to have happened as it did in reality. And yet I quite vividly and concretely remember almost every part of it including the spinning itself and what led to it and how it ended. When I finally decided to push the brake I distinctly seem to remember how the snow and ice under the car felt in the car and that it made the typical sounds of a car trying to steer and break on snow (quite a bit louder and stronger, compared to the spinning phase). Also, it sounded and felt like that (snow under the car) for the whole „spinning“ time, but not so loud and strong as at the point I pushed the brake. So it was all very realistic to me and in keeping of how I expected it should feel/sound. Unfortunately it is too long ago now, to be sure, but the mentioned inability for me to see anything outside the windows during that spinning, other than whitish stuff: I seemed to explain that to myself (during the spinning already) as a combination of me spinning around pretty fast and the snow being pushed up into the air around me (as a function/result of the spinning) while the snowy white surroundings in general added to that effect as well. I’m very sure the spinning started and ended as described and at the mentioned points (so, 1.5 Kilometers of windy downhill road between it). And the amount of time „I was spinning“ felt pretty long too.

Edit: I also seem to remember (but I’m not sure anymore) that I had quite some trouble coming up the hill on the snowy ground with the car [from approximately 0:20 to 0:45 in the video]. To the point I almost got stuck in the snow.
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Very interesting experiences, especially that car spinning thing, that's wild! Could the area be some kind of John Keel style "window area"?

I seem to remember that I wondered why I was so calm throughout the whole thing right afterwards.
I was wondering, do you recall anything else about how you reacted at the time? Like, after getting to work, did you snap out of your strange calm and think "WHAT just happened!?!?" OR did you just not really think about it, as if nothing had happened? And did you seem to sort of forget about it afterwards?

What I'm getting at is, did it seem like: a mundane experience where you might have said to someone "guess what happened to me this morning!? the strangest thing... I don't know how I didn't crash my car...", and then in the next days, you drove very carefully on that road? e.g. Did you drive along there the next day and think "this is where it happened....how is it possible?"...

OR was it more of a dreamlike experience where it seemed like you "brushed it under the rug" in your mind, and somehow semi-forgot about it until some future date when you suddenly remembered the whole thing with a shock?

I've never had any experiences like this that I can remember, but have often read that that's how people tend to react to...strange things like this.. possible brushes with 4D?

Could it have been a kind of "third man factor" where something (whether some part of yourself, or something external) intervened in a physically impossible way to stop you from crashing your car? The fact that the car was spinning is interesting too in that light.. the extended, fast spinning, in a supremely calm state, without being able to see anything outside the car... sounds so dreamlike.

Obviously this is all just wild speculation and I don't know anything. Totally fascinating though! Thanks for sharing Cosmos.
The most plausible explanation I see for all those events, except perhaps 13, is an ability of your part, perhaps enhanced by the place, or the conditions of the place, to move your conscientiousness to another level and perceive an alternate reality while doing something else in 3D but not being conscious of it.

The car spinning event (5) where you finally had no damage at all and you were not frightened, the spider event (2) where you discover that there's no hole the spider can go through make me think of this.

I have a question about the Pelican event (1). Did you remember if you talk with your brother about the Pelican event some days after it happened? And if I understood well, in your childhood, you were in Greece. Or this was before you were born?

About the screws event (13), you say "The event happened in my workplace which is pretty close to where I live now" but is, where you live now, close from previous events place ?
Those are some interesting experiences Cosmos. I'm not sure what to make of them except for the cat speaking one. Did it sound like a physical voice or was it something you perceived inside your head? If not a dream it seems possible that if you're in a state between waking and sleeping you may have heard him speaking through your subconscious.

The same would go for the scream. If no-one else in the room noticed than I would guess you're perceiving something by listening to a deeper part of yourself. It's hard to know for sure but it's a matter of observing that and similar experiences and seeing what seems most likely.
Interesting experiences Cosmos. Probably you had some psychic abilities (intermittent) more than others. Does any of your family members ( at least on the female side) had any of those? black helicopter maneuvers under bridge seems to suggest that. It is also possible that the driver before you seems to have not observed or blocked.

Accident while lighting up the cigarette while making turn: That can happen very easily at any place, as our brain goes into hyper focus mode ( ignoring all the surrounding) when dealing with fire and lose track of time. It is difficult for the driver going straight to be cautious at ever left turning junction.

Spinning Car incident: It was very difficult to not to crash if car spins on that road. Some people tend to have vertigo, it is ear system making it happen. Do you have any episodes like that or your family members?

Cat/Pelican talking: It is hard to say particularly when one is small. Kids tends to forget things lot faster during those ages with out any strangeness as their brain starts to evolve and reprioritize things.

I am glad you are networking and this type of memories can make any one anxious and hard to put in rational view.
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