Donate to Cassiopaea

If you have benefited in any way from the information on this site, we encourage you to give something back. We need all the help we can get!

The web site and forum are a project of FOTCM, Inc..

We are totally supported by donations and sales of our books and products such as the Éiriú Eolas program. All proceeds are reinvested in our various endeavors.

If you have benefited in any way from the information on this site, we encourage you to give something back. We need all the help we can get.

Thanks in advance for your support!

NOTE: By clicking on the Paypal or Stripe button below, I certify that the sum donated to Fellowship of the Cosmic Mind, Inc. comes from my personal revenues and is duly declared in my country of fiscal residency.

Donate via PayPal

Donate via Stripe



For accounting purposes, please send us a message when you make a crypto donation with your Name, Crypto type, and Amount.

We accept donations in the following cryptocurrencies:

BTC: bc1qg0p7n9e7z8arszeywejclx9gwngxnke6wtf7v7
ETH: 0xCF14F32926F11846753Ff9013277778327d5073E
XRP: rfaXQk4H1aGicHEdmmtoe1ubWiuJG5B3UP
BCH: qq5glctt0a57y4q5pndurtc8up4leygd6uwy925suv
LTC: ltc1q0h6dlhrgcwhll2y9puvxf3wsy5yy0mfjrdrzmz
DOGE: DP1sJJ5jn95ifwSo3GGCcugHE3nf12GxqR
DASH: XezgfPHoEPKwSedsLc9dPsGBSCzELcmpq9

NOTE: For any other crypto not listed, please contact us.

Check or Money Order

You can mail a check drawn on a US bank, a money order in US dollars, or an anonymous 5 dollars or euros in a greeting card to the following address:

295 Scratch Branch Rd
Otto, NC 28763

NOTE: Unfortunately, checks drawn on a non-US bank - even if they are in US dollars - will be rejected by our bank.

  • Published
    Apr 2, 2018
  • Page views
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