strange experience happened in childhood (with picture)

I think that our dreams are our guides.

Some dreams could be guides, others are just random compilations of suppressed anxieties.

And a have reasons to believe that we are not alone in this universe.

We aren't alone. There are those that can be trusted and those that would deceive us in our dreams as well as when we are awake.

The point is, there is nothing in Pashalis' account that suggests trust or otherwise.

Your response seems an expression of a belief about dreams which you may not have thoroughly investigated.
I'm not sure if this is relevant or not, but during March, I was doing a lot of thinking about pelicans.

My partner and I even got into this goofy riff where we were joking about the bird, how we'd be attending, "Peli-Con 2011!" --And what our costumes would be like, etc. (It was early Spring and we were feeling silly and goofy.)

I have NO idea why we got onto this topic, but it stuck in my head for a couple of days like a dumb song which wouldn't go away.

Also. . , when I was a little kid, a real pelican chomped my whole arm up to the shoulder when I was trying to share some chips with it at some tourist site. Freaked me out, but no harm done.

Anyway, it sounds like you've had quite a lot of strangeness in your life, what with recent black helicopters and such.

Has anything come up through EE?
Woodsman said:
Anyway, it sounds like you've had quite a lot of strangeness in your life, what with recent black helicopters and such.

Has anything come up through EE?

I don't know ? could be !?
I'm currently emptying my flat because I'm about to move elsewhere. While doing that I discovered a bunch of pictures from my family before I was born. Between the pictures there were several pieces of a picture that was torn into pieces (the pieces were not all in one place, but in several places between the other pictures). So now I've put them together and low and behold it is a picture of a pelican that my family photographed back then in greece. Here is how it looks now after I put it together:


So the pelican that appeared in our room here in germany back then, looked pretty much like that.
So I'm wondering now, why exactly that picture was torn into pieces and by whom and why (by the way that was the only picture in that bunch of pictures of a pelican), and why the pieces were between several other pictures and not in one place. Maybe I did it myself at some point in the past (and I'm not aware of it) after what happened there back then, with me and my brother, in our child's room room?

I remember that I saw in greece on quite a number of occasions pelicans that were not shy and came pretty close to people.
Wow, the plot thickens! With that torn picture it's starting to sound like a real mystery...!

How fun and mysterious. It could be a the beginning of a story idea, if you have ever the inclination.

I wanted to add my similar experience that happened, i would guess, when I was about 5 years old. We lived in the country with lots of farms around us in Pennsylvania. Life seemed magical there. I was sitting on a swing hung in a tree beside our house. A squirrel came up and sat before me and telepathically we had a conversation. No recall of what it was about but I remember telling my family that I had talked to a squirrel when I went inside.

Also, my younger brother was also learning to talk at this time. He had a made up language that he started with that only my sister and I understood,somehow, and we would translate what he said to our parents.

I hope you find more clues to the meaning of the pelican.

Perceval said:
Wow, the plot thickens! With that torn picture it's starting to sound like a real mystery...!

Yes, indeed, very intriguing! I wonder if doing some dream work would help in this case. Now, after you have a new piece of the puzzle, maybe asking intentionally for another clue may bring up something in your dreams?
Keit said:
Perceval said:
Wow, the plot thickens! With that torn picture it's starting to sound like a real mystery...!

Yes, indeed, very intriguing! I wonder if doing some dream work would help in this case. Now, after you have a new piece of the puzzle, maybe asking intentionally for another clue may bring up something in your dreams?
Agree. Was the pelican photo the only one that was torn apart?
mkrnhr said:
Keit said:
Perceval said:
Wow, the plot thickens! With that torn picture it's starting to sound like a real mystery...!

Yes, indeed, very intriguing! I wonder if doing some dream work would help in this case. Now, after you have a new piece of the puzzle, maybe asking intentionally for another clue may bring up something in your dreams?
Agree. Was the pelican photo the only one that was torn apart?

Maybe you can try writing down about that event.

Q:(Seppo Ilmarinen) My question is about why do I have so many blank spots in my childhood? Childhood memories?

A: Abuse can tend to aid dissociation. Writing may help.

Q: (Breton) I guess we're familiar with the writing exercises.

(Seppo Ilmarinen) Yeah, I've been doing those.

A: Not just "the writing exercises!" We mean writing down your life, and do it with the hand, not the keyboard. You will be surprised at how much returns to memory, especially if you allow a bit of automaticity.,35066.msg499608.html#msg499608
Very interesting. Especially that this "message" is reiterated at this point in time.
Here is what I found on pelican symbolism

"The graceful swoop of the pelican as she over-fills her bill with water and spray reminds us to reconnect with our emotional sea and receive its sustenance. Because pelicans are both air and water creatures, there is an interesting symbolic-dynamic of thought and emotion. If the pelican flies into your awareness, it's a good time to contemplate variables between your heart and mind. So often understand situations intellectually, but lack emotive understanding (or vice versa). When meditating upon the pelican, one can be assisted in reaching a balance between thought and emotion. Pelicans also dive impressively into deep waters to capture fish. This is symbolic of ourselves taking a bold nose-dive into our own emotional waters to seek value."
If still possible, you could ask your family - especially the elder members -
if there is a story connected to the picture,
if someone remembers why the picture was torn,
if there is a special family meaning to pelicans
If there are pelican stories in your family.

I think it is strange to tear a picture and still keep the pieces distributed to several places...

As already suggested above you could write the story by hand and maybe others about the same time and show if something pops up.
"Twin Peaks" indeed... Perhaps the pelican's visit in the past was not of much meaning by itself except being a "marker" in time. Some other important things may have happened back then, of which you have no clear memories, and which can be explored by following the photo track. The bizarre visit served a purpose to mark some particular time in your past and to direct your attention to that torn photo when you stumble on it. Symbologically, the talking pelican may point to the photo bearing a message and a need to "take a dive" into some past issues.

Just a thought, FWIW.
It us interesting that it was a bird since there are a few species of bird that can speak human languages. Also birds are one of the only and most common animal that has been taught human dialects.
Thank you for sharing your story Pashalis, a real mystery indeed! I wonder why you and your brother both can't remember what the pelican was saying. I can imagine being quite startled or upset about it being there all of a sudden, and I can also imagine that your alertness would be heightened by that. Or were you too asleep still at the time? Do you remember being awake fully or was it more like a half wake half dreaming state? And I'm definitely not saying you imagined it, I fully believe your story. It's just that I'm trying to reconcile the fact that you witnessed something truly out of the ordinary with the fact that you and your brother do not remember an important but distinct part of it. Do you remember what language it spoke? Do you remember understanding what it said while it was talking?

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