Strange sounds In The Sky: Trumpets - Groaning - Scraping

Re: Strange sounds: Trumpets - Groaning - Scraping - In The Skies Around the World..

That woman on Laura's FB discussion whose son read Ark's frequency spectrum the same way he reads speech waveforms:
Is totally wrong because, ah, they are two different things.

Laura's theory of fear-inducing infrasound (<20Hz) being a visceral response to earthquakes: My pseudo-UFT thought is, what if infrasound equals fear? Meaning a relation of identity, not causality. We are "frequency beings" after all. So, when we "resonate with" external infrasound, that is "fear"?

Ark's frequency spectrum: Shows the frequency ranges for all three are roughly 1000Hz—10000Hz, kinda occupying a "niche" within the human audible range of ~20Hz—20000Hz. This means the sounds are not part of continuum that extends beyond what humans can hear. (Alternative theory: the 1000Hz—10000Hz sounds are a "standing wave"?)

Meager1 who noted the similarity of the sky sounds to the wet-finger-on-bowl-rim-acoustic:
GREAT POINT! Circles have long been known to amplify sound (something to do with how pi is infinite and transcends reality?) in "mysterious" ways, capable of crumbling the Wall of Jericho, or that example in Bringers about a "column" of warlike sound or whatnot... So why not this too? The EM amplification could be taking place in a CIRCULAR region!

C's "Mostly radio type waves due to increase of solar system energy input / Interaction with other EM factors on planet similar to amplification and wave conversion":
[quote author=]
A whistler is a very low frequency electromagnetic (radio) wave which can be generated, for example, by lightning. Frequencies of terrestrial whistlers are 1 to 30 kHz, with maximum usually at 3 to 5 kHz. They are produced by lightning strikes (mostly intracloud and return-path) where the impulse travels away from the earth and returns to the earth traveling along magnetic field lines. They undergo dispersion of several thousand kHz due to the slower velocity of the lower frequencies through the plasma environments of the ionosphere and magnetosphere. Thus they are perceived as a descending tone which can last for a few seconds. The study of whistlers allows categorization into Pure Note Whistlers, Diffuse, 2-hop, and Echo Train types.
(These sky sounds may just be a large-scale version of exploding transformers.) There was one video where the sky sound was accompanied by a lightning flash. Is it too farfetched to say that a sudden energy influx may cause lightning+whistlers? (Light = Sound = EM = Frequency) Especially in a Goldilocks condition involving, say, "circle resonance"? Can we also say that these sky sounds are inherent to the environment, and only when amp'd up do we "hear" them? Like a form of "end-time hyperkinetic sensate" but not really?

People here angry about the scientist who said the sounds are "normal": I'm not surprised. Lots of Electromagnetic-Universe-Theory marvels happen around us daily. Like lightning — people see a plasma link between the opposite polarities of earth and sky, and say it's normal. People "normalize" it, when they can't won't deal with it. Observe how people build tall buildings in San Francisco, die horribly during the next big earthquake, then rinse and repeat. Next up for "normal" is Nazi Police State.
Re: Strange sounds: Trumpets - Groaning - Scraping - In The Skies Around the World..

Myths about the Roman God Triton

It is not agreed who were the parents of Triton; but he was a sea-deity, the herald and trumpeter of Oceanus and Neptune. He sometimes delighted in mischief, for he carried off the cattle from the Tanagrian fields, and destroyed the smaller coasting vessels; so that to appease his resentment, the Tanagrians offered him libations of new wine. Pleased with its flavor and taste, he drank so freely that he fell asleep, and tumbling from an eminence, one of the natives cut of his head. He left a daughter called Tristia.

The poets ordinarily attribute to Triton, the office of calming the sea, and stilling of tempests: thus in the Metamorphoses we read, that Neptune desiring to recall the waters of the deluge, commanded Triton to sound his trumpet, at the noise of which they retired to their respective channels, and left the earth again habitable, having swept off almost the whole human race.

This god is exhibited in the human form from the waist upwards, with blue eyes, a large mouth, and hair matted like wild parsley; his shoulders covered with a purple skin, variegated with small scales, his feet resembling the fore feet of a horse, and his lower parts terminating in a double forked tail: sometimes he is seen in a car, with horses of a bright cerulean. His trumpet is a large conch, or sea-shell. There were several Tritons, but one chief over all, the distinguished messenger of Neptune, as Mercury was of Jupiter, and Iris of Juno.


some interesting things mentioned. .
Re: Strange sounds: Trumpets - Groaning - Scraping - In The Skies Around the World..

In Islam, the trumpet sounds is also associated with Judgement Day, and there is an archangel that is responsible for this turmpet called Israfel, perhaps related to Raphael in biblical tradition. Appearently, his name means "Burning One".

Although the name "Israfel" does not appear in the Qur'an, mention is repeatedly made of an unnamed trumpet-angel assumed to identify this figure: "And the trumpet shall be blown, so all those that are in the heavens and all those that are in the earth shall swoon, except Allah; then it shall be blown again, then they shall stand up awaiting." —Qur'an (39.68).

Israfel holds his holy trumpet to his lips century after century, awaiting the signal from God to sound it at the Last Judgement.
Re: Strange sounds: Trumpets - Groaning - Scraping - In The Skies Around the World..

Hand typed from Worlds in collision by Immanual Velikovsky.

The approach of two charged globes towards each other could also produce trumpetlike sounds varying as the distance between them increased or lessened.(Theogony, 11 , 820 ff ., 852 ff.)

It appears that this phenomenon is described by Pseudo - Philo as "testimony of the trumpets between the stars and their lord"(The biblical antiquities of Philo , Chap XXX11)

Here we can trace the origin of the Pythagorean notion of the "music of the spheres" and the idea that stars make music.

In Babylonia the spheres of the planets were called "voices " and they were supposed to produce music. ( E.F. Weidner, Handbuch der Babylonischen Astronomie. 1915 , I,75)

According to Midrashic literature the trumpet sounding at mount sinai had seven different pitches (or notes) and the rabbinical literature speaks of "the heavenly music" heard at the revelation.

"At the first sound the sky and the Earth moved , the seas and the rivers turned to flight , mountains and hills were loosened in their foundations"

Homer depicts a similar occurrence in these words. "The wide earth rang, and round about great heaven pealed as with a trumpet" ( The illiad , xx1, 385 ff transl. A. T. Murray.1924)
Re: Strange sounds: Trumpets - Groaning - Scraping - In The Skies Around the World..

From Ragnarok: The Age of Fire and Gravel;

Hesiod proceeds to tell us something more about this fiery, serpent-like monster(comet):

"But when Jove had driven the Titans out from Heaven, huge Earth bare her youngest-born son, Typhœus (Typhaon, Typhœus, Typhon), by the embrace of Tartarus (Hell), through golden Aphrodite (Venus), whose hands, indeed, are apt for deeds on the score of strength, and untiring the feet of the strong god; and from his shoulders there were a hundred heads of a serpent, a fierce dragon playing with dusky tongues" (tongues of fire and smoke?), "and from the eyes in his wondrous heads are sparkled beneath the brows; whilst from all his heads fire was gleaming, as he looked keenly.

In all his terrible heads, too, were voices sending forth every kind of voice ineffable.

For one while, indeed, they would utter sounds, so as for the gods to understand, and at another time, again, the voice of a loud-bellowing bull, untamable in force and proud in utterance; at another time, again, that of a lion possessing a daring spirit; at another time, again, they would sound like to whelps, wondrous to hear; and at another, he would hiss, and the lofty mountains resounded.

Harshly then he thundered, and heavily and terribly the earth re-echoed around; and the broad heaven above, and the sea and streams of ocean, and the abysses of earth. But beneath his immortal feet vast Olympus trembled, as the king uprose and earth groaned beneath.

Born of Night a monster appears, a serpent, huge, terrible, speckled, flesh-devouring.

With her is another comet, Typhaon; they beget the Chimæra, that breathes resistless fire, fierce, huge, swift. And Typhaon, associated with both these, is the most dreadful monster of all, born of Hell and sensual sin, a serpent, a fierce dragon, many-headed, with dusky tongues and fire gleaming; sending forth dreadful and appalling noises, while mountains and fields rock with earthquakes; chaos has come..
Re: Strange sounds: Trumpets - Groaning - Scraping - In The Skies Around the World..

Continued from worlds in collision.Immanuel Velikovsky

According to the hebrew tradition all the nations heard the roaring of the lawgiving. It appears that at mount sinai the sound that sounded long rose ten times; in this roaring the hebrews heard the Decalogue .

"Thou shalt not kill" (Lo Tirzah); "Thou shalt not commit adultery"(Lo tin ´af); "Thou shalt not steal"(Lo tig nov)..."These words(of the Decalogue)...were not heard by Israel alone , but by the inhabitants of all the Earth. The divine voice divided itself into the seventy tongues of men , so that all might understand it...The souls of the heathens almost fled from them when they heard it. (Ginzberg, Legends 111 , 97 ; the Babylonian talmud , Tractate Shabbat 88b)

The din caused by the groaning Earth repeated itself again and again , but not so loud as subteranean strata readjusted themselves after being dislocated.

The sound probably had the same pitch all over the world as it came from the deep interior of the Earth, all of whos strata were dislocated when it was thrown from its axis.
Re: Strange sounds: Trumpets - Groaning - Scraping - In The Skies Around the World..


In Islam, the trumpet sounds is also associated with Judgement Day, and there is an archangel that is responsible for this turmpet called Israfel, perhaps related to Raphael in biblical tradition. Appearently, his name means "Burning One".

yep, in hebrew "Israfel" means "the god who burns".
it could be meant in the sense that he himself is burning or that he burns as an outward action, setting things aflame.

the "sraf" portion in the middle of the word is actually the root of the word Seraph.

and about "Raphael", the El portion again meaning "god" and the Rapha could mean either "doctor" (healer) or "ghost".
Re: Strange sounds: Trumpets - Groaning - Scraping - In The Skies Around the World..

I'm wondering if could this strange sounds have something in common with this nose diving global average temperature measured at 14,000 ft?

It's also interesting to see that out of last 10 years we are currently in the coldest period according AMSU temperature trends site: _ at 14000ft (4.4km) as well as at 25000ft (7,5km)altitude:

Re: Strange sounds: Trumpets - Groaning - Scraping - In The Skies Around the World..

A few odd connections were made in my head so the following are the session excerpts that may have something to do with this:

17 January 1997:

A: We would very much like to "concentrate" on things of
worldly/universal import. What do you suppose happens when
the mantle stops, or slows, and the crust does not?

Q: (Laura) Frank had a dream about this the other night,
too. (Terry) About the mantle slowing? Okay, if the mantle
slows and the crust doesn't... (Laura) It's like walking
around the room, carrying a bowl of soup, and then
stopping... (Terry) It sloshes over because the crust keeps
moving... water in all of the oceans is going to slosh...

A: No sloshing.

Q: (Laura) Okay, what happens when the... is it that there
will be lots of earthquakes?

A: Maybe, but what is the bigger picture?

Q: (Laura) The bigger picture is that the earth changes its
orbital position, velocity... (Terry) No. The bigger
picture is that life on earth gets pretty well wiped out.

A: No.

Q: (Laura) It exchanges energy potentials with other bodies?

A: No.

Q: (Jan) Gravity changes...

A: Warmer...

Q: (Laura) Gravity changes, ok... gravity lessens...

A: What have we hinted about gravity.

Q: (Laura) Oh, gravity is the binder... (Terry) and is the
one truth of the universe.

A: Element.

Q: (Terry) The element. Gravity is the one true element. This
is what you're saying?

A: Close.

Q: (Laura) So, if gravity is lessened, and it is the binder,
then, everything... ohhh, I see what you're getting at!
(Jan) Yes, gravity is the binder. Without gravity, it just
all fall s apart...

A: Not "Falls apart," my dear, it all "opens up!"

Q: (Laura) And when it opens up what happens?

A: Change.

Q: (Laura) So, in other words, this cosmic event is the
catalyst for the change in those human beings who are ready
and prepared to experience it in a positive way...

A: Well, sort of, but... Remember... There is no
"supernatural" or "paranormal," only natural and normal.
Your 'Noah Syndrome' implied, originally, a discrimination
between "wicked" and good. Being ready does not recognize
such distinctions!

Q: (Laura) What does being ready imply?

A: Being on the verge of tranformation to next density level,
be it STO or STS. So, you see, the transformation
maintains the balance!

22 Feb 1997:

A: We told you that "HAARP" was being designated for
capturing and modulating electromagnetic fields for the purpose of total
control of brainwave patterns in order to establish a system of complete
"order on the surface of the planet" in either 3rd or 4th density.

Q: (Laura) Is HAARP in operation at the present time?

A: Yes, in its early stages.

Q: (Terry) Is the spreading of all these communication towers out across
the country the equivalent of a HAARP program on a continental scale?

A: Back up system.

Q: (Laura) So, they don't need the towers to operate the HAARP system,
but they are there as the backup?

A: Towers serve dual and lateral purposes.

Q: (Terry) Local and regional authorities can use the towers to track
people, amongst other things. (Laura) Is the weather being controlled or
changed or in any way affected by HAARP?

A: Climate is being influenced by three factors, and soon a fourth.

Q: (Laura) All right, I'll take the bait; give me the three factors, and
also the fourth!

A: 1) Wave approach. 2) Chloroflorocarbon increase in atmosphere, thus
affecting ozone layer. 3) Change in the planet's axis rotation
orientation. 4) Artificial tampering by 3rd and 4th density
STS forces in a number of different ways.

31 October 2001

Q: (L) Now according to these guys who are writing this web page about pole shift, they say it can be predicted where the poles will shift to. Is this in fact the case?

A: No.

Q: (L) Why can't pole shifts be predicted? Can't we know where the new pole will end up?

A: Chaotic function here.

Q: (L) Okay, in a pole shift does the lithosphere of the planet slide on the core? (A) No. We have to be very precise. There are three possible things that would come under the name pole shift. Only one of them may come, or two, or three, okay? And these are the following - the axis of rotation with respect to stars is changing, straightening out for instance; this is one thing; while all the rest goes with the axis, the lithosphere and the magnetic field. Second, the axis stays where it is, maybe it shifts a little bit; the lithosphere stays where it is - maybe it wobbles - but the magnetic field changes: for instance reverses. Third, axis stays, magnetic field stays, but the lithosphere is moving. So that's three ways a pole shift can happen. And of course there are things that come together. The most dramatic one which is seen from outside is when the axis of rotation changes. The next dramatic one is probably when the lithosphere changes. And the third of unknown consequences is when the magnetic pole changes, okay? So, we want to have an understanding what will be the main change. (L) Well I guess we ought to ask an even more basic question: are we looking at a pole shift happening? That's starting at the beginning. (A) Alright. (L) In the next ten years. Is a pole shift possible in the next ten years?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is a pole shift of the axis...(A) Honey, you ask if the pole shift is possible, of course it's possible. But suppose it's almost zero probability? 'Is it possible' is not the right question. 'Is it going to happen?' That's a question. (L) Okay you ask, carry on. (A) Are we looking at a pole shift during the next ten or so years with a high degree of probability?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) In this concept of pole shift, what would be the main feature of this pole shift, of all those which we were discussing?

A: New axial orientation, and magnetic reversal.

Q: (L) That's fairly dramatic. (A) Alright, now, change of axis or orientation of axis of rotation: can we say we would straighten up, getting almost perpendicular to the ecliptic? Or the other possibility is that it will fall down being almost parallel to the ecliptic. The third is that we'll flip completely by 180 degrees. We know it's highly unpredictable, but can we have a clue from which one is, so to say, dominate?

A: Perpendicularity will be restored.

Q: (A) We know the axis will change dramatically and magnetic reversal will happen. You didn't mention a change or shift of the lithosphere alone. Can we...

A: Lithospheric shift will feature to some extent.

Q: (A) But, that means eventually that the equator will almost not change because...

A: Correct.

Q: (A) So it will just shift a little bit, but its not going to go to Hawaii? (L) Oh rats! That was my theory! Well, it was a good idea. (A) What about changes in the lithosphere: can we predict a little bit of change in geography, coming from motions in lithosphere and changes in water level?

A: Chaotic features predominate but in general it will be safer inland and in mountainous areas since less folding occurs in such locations.

Q: (A) Now, the major, the change of the orientation of the axis, what would be the main trigger, force, or activity, or what kind of event will trigger this change of the axis?

A: Cometary bodies.

Q: (L) Are the planets of the solar system going to kind of shift out of their orbits and run amok? Is that a possibility?

A: Yes.

Q: (A) Due to cometary orbits alone?

A: Yes. Twin sun also.

Q: (A) When we speak about these cometary bodies, are we speaking about impacts?

A: Some will hit.

Q: (A) What would be - if any - the role played by electric phenomena?

A: Twin sun grounds current flow through entire system setting the "motor" running.

Q: (L) Does this mean that all of the different bodies of the solar system are like parts of some kind of giant machine, and once this electric current flows through them, depending on their positions relative to one another at the time this current flows, that it has some influence on the way the machine runs?

A: Yes, more or less.

6 July 2010:

Q: (L) Is there going to be a gigantic methane eruption in the Gulf of Mexico resulting in a tsunami that wipes out everybody in Florida?

A: No. The methane is a serious contributor to global "warming", however.

Q: (L) Is oil leaking out of the ocean bed floor in the Gulf of Mexico in any other places besides through the well?

A: Yes but that is happening elsewhere as well. All part of the "opening up" phenomenon.

Q: (L) So, you mean that what we've speculated about sinkholes and cracks in the earth... What is causing this opening up?

A: Misalignment, or rather sliding of layers of crust of earth due to slowing of rotation.

Q: (L) Okay, what is causing this slowing of rotation?

A: We have mentioned the approach of companion star and its tendency to "ground" the system.

12 Dec 2010: Q: (L) Ok, now I’ve got this other book here “Lost Star of Myth and Time” – and his theory is about a companion star and the fact that the earth or the solar system is rotating around a common center of gravity, in tandem with this companion star. It is said that it is this orbit that creates the precession of the zodiac. He says that the precession is not a big wobble that the earth goes through, as it proceeds in a fairly direct course through the galaxy, but rather that it is this rotation around this common center of gravity with the companion star that produces the effect of precession. Now, is he on to something with his theory also about the precession of the zodiac?

A: Absolutely!

Q: (L) OK, He points out some interesting effects in here. First of all, he mentioned recording the speed of the Earth’s rotation. They had a fixed telescope with crosshairs and they had a clock that was connected to some kind of super time clock that was extreme accurate, and they were recording exactly how long it took the Earth to rotate in respect of Sirius, Sirius being a fixed point. These researchers discovered that during the period of time, when Sirius B (Sirius’s companion, which is a dwarf), eclipsed Sirius A; it actually slowed the rotation of the Earth. Now, this is what they’re measurements showed. Something like 50 arc seconds. The slowing began a week before the eclipse, then after the eclipse the Earth actually sped up. By 50 arc seconds. So, there are two weeks of effects on the rotation of the Earth, caused by the eclipsing of Sirius A caused by its companion Sirius B as I remember, though I may have missed the exact time period. Now, the conclusion that he drew from this is that we are affected by being gravitationally connected to Sirius somehow. Anyhow, the conclusion that he draws is…- and he also points out that it seems that Sirius is heading in our direction; we are getting closer to Sirius - so, he theorizes that Sirius is our companion star. Is he correct about that?

A: Not Sol’s companion; but look in that direction for clues to your own little brother.

Q: (L) Is it true as he speculates that when the Solar System approaches this companion of ours, that it will have a psychic effect?

A: Yes. You are already feeling its approach.

Q: (L) Well, that’s one thing that this guy James Mccanney said. He said that this last solar cycle – the maximum - was so long, so intense that it was evidence that something really big, had entered the solar capacitor. It was discharging the sun. And, if that’s the case, there’s probably a current flow and that means that it’s possible that at some point the Earth and maybe the moon and several other astronomical bodies, will line up along the line of this flow that’s going on between the Sun and its companion. And if that’s the case, could that be a little problematical?

A: Oh indeed! Yes, it is happening already. Do you not see the evidence all around the globe?

Q: (L) Well, on that point, McCanney says that when the Earth gets into this kind of situation where there’s a discharge thing going on, between the sun and another body and the earth gets involved in it, that the earth itself becomes comet like during that time and it begins also to attract what he calls pollution events. It starts picking up all kinds of dust and stuff from outer space – and even the water volume on the planet gets increased because of this precipitating, because the planet’s picking stuff up from space. It’s growing from accumulating stuff, from acquiring stuff. And if that’s the case, we could be attracting dust loading in the upper atmosphere-regardless of whether or not we pass through cometary dust clouds. All these things that we’ve been noticing going on in the upper atmosphere – strange clouds, long-lasting contrails, extreme cooling - could be exactly as he described. There could also be atmospheric effects of these electric sheets, because he says that there are different kinds of ways of currents and layers of currents. He’s got like a five layer model of how the electromagnetic field of the planet goes, and he says that it’s the cause of El Niño, it’s the cause of Earthquakes, volcanoes , storms, changing of the Jet Stream, and just a whole host of things: it’s all electrical phenomena. He says that the electricity from the sun creates and drives hurricanes and that it is not the temperature of the water. Because he said that if it had to do with the temperatures of the water, one hurricane comes along, sucks all the heat out – then it would be impossible for another hurricane to form for a period of time. And yet you see very often, hurricane after hurricane. So, is he on to something with this theory?

A: Oh you bet!

Don't know why this one comes to mind except the "opening up" phenomenon combined with SOUND made me think of it... You know, Handel's "Messiah" and all that.

2 May 1998
Q: You once said something about 'undreamed of treasures
buried in Alfalfa fields in Rhineland.' I have puzzled
over this and puzzled over this and gone in ten different
directions, and I still don't have a real handle on it.
Can you help me out here? Is this related to the crystal
skull supposedly in the possession of the Templars that
they supposedly buried in Gaul that the Templars had?

A: Need a better "handl" on it.

Q: George Friedrich? (A) No... (L) Well that is a funny
Re: Strange sounds: Trumpets - Groaning - Scraping - In The Skies Around the World..

It does remind me of the 'trumpets' reference in revelations. Too, the reference of I think it was the whore of Babylon or some woman who wears a purple sash and pearls, reminds me of the queen on our money. She is pictured in a purple sash and pearls. Many of the references from revelations have similarities to people and events seen in our/my lifetime so far.

I have wondered what type of event would have to take place for things to change "In the twinkling of an eye" a reference also made in the bible. This reference has always made me think of the 'Wave'. I have often wondered if the 2 are related.

If the spinning and rotation of our planets, solar systems and galaxies is related to 3d reality and is the foundation for 3d reality, it may be possible that a change in the rotation could be related to the 'wave'. I do not know but have thought about it many times.

If possible, I would like to propose a little experiment that may or may not be related to these sounds and the 'wave' etc.

Anytime I have pulled the plug in the bath tub or a sink, the little vortex/Whirlpool that forms, always seems to be going in a counter clock wise motion.

I live above the equator. I have heard that below the equator this vortex/Whirlpool goes in a clockwise motion. Is this true? Is there anyone here who lives below the equator that could try this to see if this is the case?

This makes me wonder what would happen if you were to empty a bath tub as you are passing over the equator and what would happen. Would the water stop spinning in a counter clockwise motion and start to go in the opposite direction? I do not know. It could be interesting to try, but a little too expensive for me to do these days.

Does anyone here live on the equator? If so, I would like to know what they see when they empty their bath tub or sink.

If this is the case and these whirlpools do go in opposite directions depending on weather the location is above or below the equator, could this same logic be applied to our solar system passing through the galactic plane ie. our galaxy's equator? If this is the case, then at the moment of this happening, if everything were to stop for even a split second and start to rotate in the other direction, this would have huge consequences I would think. And could it be related to the 'wave' and being able to see all of reality revealed.

This could be a good question for the C's too I think.
Re: Strange sounds: Trumpets - Groaning - Scraping - In The Skies Around the World..

what about this " TAOS HUM "
Its litle similar, but very low frecwency instead of this today which sound like trumpets ,or whatever

Just a idea that come tome. Probably they are 2 different things.
Re: Strange sounds: Trumpets - Groaning - Scraping - In The Skies Around the World..

jovichmk said:
what about this " TAOS HUM "
Just a idea that come tome. Probably they are 2 different things.

Well i have heard what is probably the Taos hum as it is called for many many years now.

Sometimes i hear it for many days at a time.Does not matter where I am. Sometimes it seems more powerful than at other times.

I have heard it constantly through December 2011 up until today and on a daily basis , non stop. It is definitely the longest period of time that i´ve heard it , though it is not at the most powerful that I have heard it.

It has crossed my mind that they may be linked but there is no way of knowing of course.
Re: Strange sounds: Trumpets - Groaning - Scraping - In The Skies Around the World..

More reports:
Re: Strange sounds: Trumpets - Groaning - Scraping - In The Skies Around the World..

One from Badajoz, Spain.
Re: Strange sounds: Trumpets - Groaning - Scraping - In The Skies Around the World..

Away With The Fairys said:
jovichmk said:
what about this " TAOS HUM "
Just a idea that come tome. Probably they are 2 different things.

Well i have heard what is probably the Taos hum as it is called for many many years now.

Sometimes i hear it for many days at a time.Does not matter where I am. Sometimes it seems more powerful than at other times.

I have heard it constantly through December 2011 up until today and on a daily basis , non stop. It is definitely the longest period of time that i´ve heard it , though it is not at the most powerful that I have heard it.

It has crossed my mind that they may be linked but there is no way of knowing of course.

I think the hum is a component to the scraping trumpet phenomena, maybe a forerunner or base layer to it. The hum is a low frequency but audible noise, which I've heard like many have reported as a truck or dieseltrain stuck in one place, the sound appearantly coming from or reverberating somewhere above the horizon. Some aspects of the hum seems to figure in many of these videos.
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