Courtney Brown's announcement


Jedi Master
From the Farsight institute (Courtney Brown) , _
What do you think?

Something important is going to happen sometime next month, February 2014. Nothing can stop it now. There will be an announcement, and the world will change on the date of that announcement. Part of that announcement will happen on this Facebook page, right here. In the beginning, only a few will understand the significance of the announcement, and what it means for all of humanity currently living on this planet. Some will laugh, and some will cry. But in time, the world will come to know that life on Earth changed significantly on that day in February 2014. A mystery that has confused our civilization for thousands of years will find an answer. And from that answer, a new direction for the future growth of our species will arise.

Some of the comments on my post below are quite nutty. Some people are reading into it, like there will be an Earth change, or that people have to be ready for some "end times." This is ridiculous. I am planning on nice summer vacations at the beach...for many years to come.

But with that said, there will be an announcement that will change everything, and it will happen in February. You will read about it here, and elsewhere. Many will disregard it, or laugh at it. But in time, the world will see that humanity began to see itself differently from that date on.

For those who are commenting on my "announcement" posts below, this is not a tease. Yes, I know something that I am not talking about. I am making a statement of fact, not making a prediction. But the reason for the delay is that much is going on right now. If everything was ready, the announcement would happen tomorrow. But things are not quite ready yet. They will be ready in February. While it is natural to try to guess what is going on, it will not do much good. I have mentioned this here only so that when the announcement does happen, those who are interested will have ready access to it, and to the related information. But to clear the air a bit.... No, there will not be Earth changes. No, the ETs will not land. No, the sky will not fall down, and the Earth will not shake. No, President Obama will not reveal...whatever.

What will be announced is actually much bigger than all of that. Honest. But not everyone will agree. My statements below simply say that in time, people will eventually understand that the entire development of our species was fundamentally altered on that day in February 2014. It will take time for people to realize this. But it will happen.

Behind the scenes, concerns have been raised that the inevitable "noise" that will accompany the February announcement mentioned below may inadvertently stifle the breadth and depth of public discussion relating to the announcement. That is, claims and counter-claims, arguments and heated rhetoric, may inhibit people from understanding the implications of the contents of the announcement. For this reason, I have been encouraged to make a series of "Implications Postings" that will be related to the announcement. None of the Implications Postings will be directly addressed in the February announcement, but the public is being encouraged to "connect the dots" on their own, thereby widening the effective scope of the announcement's content. Beginning Monday, 3 February 2014, I will post the first of these Implications Postings. This will continue every few days until the actual announcement is made sometime in February.

The Free Dictionary (by Farlex) defines hysteria as "behavior exhibiting excessive or uncontrollable emotion, such as fear or panic." Hysteria is often caused by people thinking about the unknown. It is rarely caused by a real fear of a real thing. There can be wartime hysteria when people are worried about the outbreak of war, even if war never happens. Children can become hysterical about bogeymen even if bogeymen never exist. Hysteria is fear created by the imagination, not reality.

While discussions of the upcoming February "announcement" are very useful, it is not useful for people to become hysterical. The announcement will not be about Earth changes or anything else that would disrupt normal lives. It will be about new knowledge that will change the way all of humanity thinks of its past, and its present. It will be a moment of profound learning, nothing more, but nothing less. It will mark one of the most important moments in the history of our civilization. Not everyone will agree, but eventually, that is how most people will come to see it.

The greatest changes occur on our planet not because physical things happen, but because new knowledge enters into our consciousness. Some new knowledge is so big, it fills the horizon and changes nearly everything.

Remember, the first of the Implication Postings comes out tomorrow, and similar postings will continue every few days until the major "announcement" happens sometime in February. The announcement will be huge, but the Implication Postings are not directly part of the announcement. They will be ideas that can be implied by the general essence of the announcement. The purpose of these Implication Postings is to encourage a more general public discussion with sufficient breadth and depth when the major announcement actually happens. Again, the major announcement will not involve any Earth changes, cataclysms, presidential revelations, or any such thing. It is actually much bigger than any of that, but it will take time for people to absorb and realize the extent of the change that will be initiated on that day in February. Nothing will be the same.

Implications Posting #1:

At least some of the claims made by Zecharia Sitchin and others involving extraterrestrial interference with human development on Earth in the ancient past appear to be true.

1. This posting does not speak to the issue of Nibiru or its existence.
2. This is one of a series of “Implication Postings” that refer to an announcement that will be made during the month of February 2014. Once made, news of this announcement will be available at and elsewhere.
3. These postings are designed to encourage broad public discussion of the February 2014 announcement. They do not directly address the specific content of the announcement.

Implications Posting #2:

New evidence suggests that Earth may have been "run" in a manner analogous to a prison planet in the ancient past, where religions and monumental construction projects were engineered under near slavery conditions, possibly for the purposes of inhibiting civilization development as well as collective memory. While these efforts appear to have been interrupted, it is possible that residual disruptive influences remain.

Implication Posting #3.
Throughout all of history, profound change to human civilization has never resulted simply for the exercise of brute force. Such transformations have only resulted from the widespread acceptance of new knowledge, new ideas. Knowledge reasserts free will, something that can only be surrendered voluntarily by individuals and groups who are led to believe something that benefits the few who seek control over the many. Absent those beliefs, no physical force can stand, no matter how oppressive.

Implications Posting #4:

Above all else, those who govern seek to control what the masses accept as true, and there is nothing that they will not do in order to achieve this since it is the sole source of their power. The belief that those who govern would not brazenly manipulate knowledge simply for their own benefit is the single most important belief that supports their continued reign. This belief always leads to confusion, despair, and relentless cynicism from within the ranks of those who are controlled. Once this belief is abandoned, free will returns absolutely, and great change is inevitable.

Implications Posting #5:

If Earth was once run as a “prison planet” in ancient times, then that would imply that many humans living on Earth experienced something elsewhere—perhaps far away—that resulted in them either fleeing to Earth, or being expelled to Earth. Prison authorities would likely attempt to engage the prison population in activities and belief systems that would sap their energies and suppress their memories of who they are and where they came from. Such activities and beliefs would also prevent a revolt, and subsequent demands for restitution, reparations, and justice. This assumes that memory across separate timelines is normally possible in the previous environment.

Update: More on the timing of the announcement.... There is still a lot of activity behind the scenes, including disagreement, angry emails, wonder, amazement, international phone calls,..., you name it, it is there. The announcement will happen this month, but I still do not have an exact date.

Again, we are not talking about any kind of Earth changes, presidential revelation, pole shift, ET landing, second coming, end of the world, or anything like that. This is much bigger in its own way. It is just an announcement and the release of information, but information changes worlds more profoundly than anything else. Some will disagree and laugh at it. Some will marvel. But in time, history will show that our civilization changed its direction on the date of the announcement. You will read about it here, and elsewhere.

Implications Posting #6:

There are two ways extraterrestrials can arrive on Earth. A few arrive on ships, and they clearly remember where they came from and why they are here. But most choose to be born here, and they don’t remember much. Yet everyone remembers something, even if only vaguely, and personalities persist. If there was a conflict somewhere far away in ancient days, and Earth became a prison planet as a result of this conflict, then both the freedom fighters and their pursuers would arrive through both means, ships and birth. Both would feel the urge to continue the old struggle, acting out old roles, some with full memory, and some without. Those with full memory would lose their advantage if they revealed themselves.


What I need now is some sleep. I have been on the phone all night with people in the U.K., India, South Africa, and elsewhere, all involved with the upcoming announcement. From the very beginning, the anticipated date of the announcement was 28 February 2014. But there were some uncertainties due to the international nature of the issues involved, so we held off releasing the date. It was wise we did that. Nothing can stop the announcement, but the date involved a lot of coordination with various parties. The problem has been further exacerbated due to the fact that the announcement involves a location which at the present time is not entirely stable politically. Also, shipping of critical materials was involved, and one shipment turned out to have been corrupted, apparently while in transit. This is now being addressed.

After lots of discussion with people all over the world who are involved one way or another, we are now expecting the announcement to happen in mid-March, about two weeks later than originally anticipated. Again, nothing can stop the announcement. But this announcement can happen only once, and it has to be done correctly. Given the amount of coordination involved, mid-March 2014 seems to be optimal.

For those of you worried about people being cynical due to a short delay in the announcement, just don’t worry about it. All of that will go away once the announcement happens, and nothing can stop that from occurring. This short delay is not significant relative to the importance of the announcement. Getting it right is more important than anything else. The world really will change on that date. The change will happen slowly, but it will begin on that date, and nothing will be the same afterward.

Implications Posting #7:


Directions: Multiple Choice. Pick one.
Why is Star Wars the most lucrative film and merchandising franchise on Earth?
1. Dumb luck
2. Something in it resonates with humanity’s subconscious collective memory.

Directions: Complete the sentence. Pick all that apply.
George Lucas is...
1. a Hollywood geek with a great imagination.
2. a former evil emperor.
3. a former freedom fighter.
4. married to a hottie.

About the upcoming big announcement, it will happen as certainly as the sun will rise, and you will hear about it right here. I am not "predicting" anything. I obviously know some things that I am not saying now. But all that will become clear in the few weeks ahead. Again, no major Earth changes, cataclysms, disasters, second comings, ET landings, or anything of that nature. It is more important than all of that, in my view. Eventually, I think most others will agree. You will see. Soon.

and from 961123 :

Q: (L) Okay, let's move on to Courtney Brown. (T) We all know who he is, and what he is writing about in regard to remote viewing... what is it all about?
A: Vague.
Q: (T) Is the book Courtney Brown wrote, "Cosmic Voyage," concerning the Martian population...
A: It is true that there are underground bases on Mars, but
they are Orion STS.
Q: (T) Are there Martians as portrayed by Courtney Brown?
A: Not exactly. He is portraying the Orion STS as the Martians.
Q: (T) Is Courtney Brown a government disinformation agent?
A: More as an "agent provocateur."
Q: (T) Is he working for the government?
A: Not directly, and remember, the government is not one entity.
Q: (L) Who is primarily backing Courtney Brown?
A: Rockefeller group.
Q: (L) And, is Mike Lindemann and company part of this Rockefeller group at this time?
A: Yes.
Oh, brother! Well, he's getting a lot of attention, no doubt. Let's wait and see what happens. I think my post on 0 New Year is probably more interesting. Heck, maybe THAT's the announcement!
After reading all this, especially the Implications Postings, I get the impression Brown is a covert member of the Scientology 'Church' or has strong ties with members of same.
Wow...reading through this was, ummm, interesting. There was a quality to the posts which didn't sit right with me. It was like reading a transcript of a recording of a skipping record. He sure is hammering away at several points. Also the, "Honestly. Trust me" Ha.


Palinurus said:
After reading all this, especially the Implications Postings, I get the impression Brown is a covert member of the Scientology 'Church' or has strong ties with members of same.

Yeah, it sounds like he is pushing the Scientology mythology, doesn't it? Well I hope 'the announcement' does not turn out to be anything like that, because then we won't be able to stand the shenanigans of Tom Cruise & pals! *sighs* :rolleyes:
I did email Courtney Brown to his web email over a year ago and asked him to clarify his sources and also referenced some links that mentioned his work and some speculation of his position from this site. At that time I was researching the 2013 July remote viewing experiments and wanted to begin an open discussion about these experiments and my research.
I may have made a mistake doing this, but going to the source for answers seemed like a good idea.
I never received any reply.
Directions: Multiple Choice. Pick one.
Why is Star Wars the most lucrative film and merchandising franchise on Earth?
1. Dumb luck
2. Something in it resonates with humanity’s subconscious collective memory.

Reminds me "Cosmic voyage" p.113 sqq

The session has to be considered together with that in the previous chapter. Both sessions contain data suggesting that a state of war exists between two large groups. This war appears to exist in a location that is dimensionally different from our own. It is a subspace confrontation.

I perceived the Greys in both sessions, but they did not appear to be the aggressor side of the conflict. The Reptilian ETs were also perceived in both sessions, and the flavor of the data seem to suggest that the Reptilians are the aggressors in this war. The Greys seem to be defensive, even moralistic, in both sessions.

The Reptilians may have collaborated with a few humans in an overall aggressive strategy that included the destruction of Mars96 Russian space probe. I can only speculate as to why the Reptilians would be interested in destroying the probe. The answer may be in the nature of Mars itself. Based on remote-viewing data presented in Cosmic voyage, recall that the physical ruins of the ancient Martian civilization still exist on the surface of that planet. Moreover, survivors of that ancient civilization still struggle to survive on their nearly dead planet and in hidden retreats here on Earth. Perhaps the Reptilians have an interest in keeping humanity in the dark with regard to extraterrestrial life. They may have an agenda that would be seriously compromised shloud information about their activities, and the activites of other extraterrestrials, become well known. This is speculation. It will be further examined in the sessions yet to come."
Star wars is based upon the hero journey mythological theme as formulated by Joseph Campbell in "The Hero with a Thousand Faces". Maybe that's what resonated the most with the viewers (and maybe the special effects too).
This announcement caught my eye today: A graduate student Kyle Kaplan, University of Texas at Austin, revealed the existence of an inbound planet heading toward Earth with estimated speed of 200 Kps- expected here in August.

Photo with coordinates and encircled (yellow lower right corner) alleged planet:


English site:



Just found out that KK denounced his video as joke for some friends... :-[
I kept checking Courtney's FB profile; in some posts he keeps referring to the remote viewing subject, which leads me to a conclusion that his final announcement might imply something related to this subject as a practical application. But then I feel that this application could be very dangerous; like in the bible, on The Man of Sin, on false wonders:

Then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming; that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders, and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved.…
Went to his FB page and the big announcement is now reported to mid-March. The "implications" are fun to read but there is nothing impressive, and some readers of this forum can think "yeah, but not exactly" (the devil is in the details isn't it). So it is quite likely that the big revelation will be something we already suspect with a little twist somewhere.
I somehow got onto Courtney Brown's mailing list and I've been receiving these "implication postings". I find it very interesting that the big announcement was moved to March. I'll betcha it will be moved again! Its like a general law that they will be wrong with those who try to make specific predictions when the variations are infinite.
Kinyash said:
Its like a general law that they will be wrong with those who try to make specific predictions when the variations are infinite.
He stated several times that it was NOT a prediction.

What I found confusing though it's perpetual reassurance in every single post that 'announcement' will not about any cataclysms, Earth changes, ET landings, presidential revelations and so on. Much better it indeed would be.
I tried to access his FB page, but one needs an account to do so.

On the page that is viewable for non-Facebookers, he endorses a group called "Truth about Good Guy Greys"
We are supporters of the GOOD NEWS about GREYS. Our goal is to become EDUCATED about the KIND, CARING and SUPPORTIVE ones.

Hope it's not about that.

EDIT: It seems that it was Courtney Brown who gave Heavens Gate the idea that there is a spaceship behind the Hale-Bopp comet in 1997:

Following the Heaven’s Gate suicides, the public learned that news of a “companion UFO” trailing Comet Hale-Bopp — a rumor spread predominately by late-night talk radio host Art Bell — may well have contributed to cult members taking their lives in an attempt to “graduate,” as their Web site described it, to a “higher level” and leave Earth in a spacecraft. Bell will tell you he did nothing wrong. The full story reveals it’s not quite that simple.

The Art Bell Show, officially Coast to Coast AM, began roughly thirteen years ago and is America’s most syndicated late-night talk radio program. Carried five days a week on AM stations throughout the country (with a sixth show called Dreamland on Sundays), it regularly features a parade of paranormal oddities.

Theories about a strange object near Hale-Bopp were first made public in November of last year when Chuck Shramek, an amateur astronomer from Houston, called Art Bell’s program to report that a photograph of his appeared to show a large object behind the comet, an object he speculated to be up to four times the size of Earth. The following night, Courtney Brown, a tenured professor of political science at Emory University and director of the Farsight Institute in Atlanta, was a guest on Bell’s show and claimed that three “remote viewers” associated with his institute had confirmed Shramek’s findings and, incredibly, had determined it to be a metallic object full of aliens. As further proof, Brown sent Bell a photograph of the Hale-Bopp “companion” (allegedly taken by someone Brown identified only as a “top-ten university astronomer”) on the condition that Bell hold off displaying the image on his Web page until the astronomer in question held a news conference. (Meanwhile, astronomers analyzing Shramek’s mystery object concluded it was a misidentified star, though Shramek continues to dispute this.) After two months of waiting for the secret astronomer to come forward (time also spenfeeding the Hale-Bopp UFO hype), Bell decided to post the secret photograph. One day later Bell was contacted by Oliver Hainut and David Tholen, both professors from the University of Hawaii, who said that Brown’s image was merely a doctored copy of one of their recent comet photos, and they provided a comparison to prove it. The image was a fake.

As one might expect, Bell took a number of steps to distance himself from the very controversy he had spent so much time promoting. Brown, who had enjoyed frequent publicity on Bell’s program, was no longer welcome (to this day Brown refuses to reveal the mystery astronomer’s identity). Links previously advancing the UFO story — including audio files of the November shows containing the early Hale-Bopp “companion” discussions — disappeared from Bell’s Web pages. (Bell says that all of the audio files from those November shows were lost when a hard drive crashed.) Russel Sipe, an Internet expert who maintains a popular Internet site devoted to educating the public and combating the pseudoscience linked to the comet, also noted that when Alan Hale paid a visit to the radio program in early March, Bell “talked about the magnificence of the comet . . . and even seemed to suggest that there was no evidence for anomalous elements surrounding Hale-Bopp.”

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