: Raise your voice and stand up for what's right!

Lady Ray also published the letter on her site Futurist Trendcast:


Nice cartoon, Siberia!
Maybe other Dutch speaking people can have a look at this article, but I thought it was quite good. It also mentions and Laura, links to her article of 5 September last about the pathocracy and also states that we can expect even crazier propaganda from the MSM, while linking to and the German Huffington Post (masters of propaganda). [added] It describes what is in the letter to Putin in some detail.

Mariama said:
Maybe other Dutch speaking people can have a look at this article, but I thought it was quite good. It also mentions and Laura, links to her article of 5 September last about the pathocracy and also states that we can expect even crazier propaganda from the MSM, while linking to and the German Huffington Post (masters of propaganda). [added] It describes what is in the letter to Putin in some detail.


I just read it, I thought it was very good! And pretty cool that they mention 'psychopaths' in their last line. Also, I've read some translated articles on their site in the past, so it seems they're keeping an eye on the website! Thanks for contacting Dutch alternative news websites, Mariama, I'm going to give it a go as well.
Oxajil said:
Mariama said:
Maybe other Dutch speaking people can have a look at this article, but I thought it was quite good. It also mentions and Laura, links to her article of 5 September last about the pathocracy and also states that we can expect even crazier propaganda from the MSM, while linking to and the German Huffington Post (masters of propaganda). [added] It describes what is in the letter to Putin in some detail.


I just read it, I thought it was very good! And pretty cool that they mention 'psychopaths' in their last line. Also, I've read some translated articles on their site in the past, so it seems they're keeping an eye on the website! Thanks for contacting Dutch alternative news websites, Mariama, I'm going to give it a go as well.

It does work well sometimes when you contact editors in private. I use my own name with an email address from a provider.
Don't bother contacting, unless you can provide them with new information.

I saw one person mentioning the dearputin site on GeenStijl, ninefornews, wanttoknow, PowNed in the comments. What I am hoping is that if more alternative sites will publish the letter that will pick it up. They publish all kinds of stuff that is not mainstream from time to time.

You are right, Oxajil, Niburu did a fine job. :) It is a VERY good article.
My Partner and I signed, with full intent - have sent it out.

trendsetter37 said:
Interesting to see where we are getting the most signatures


Apparently Germany has had it up to here (pointing above head) with the games.

Keep it up everyone! :bacon:

Was not sure where the link by country is (if so)? Good on Germany!
Very few politicians get's seal of approval -- practically all our heroes are dead, many assassinated by the same forces currently lining up Putin in their crosshairs -- but Putin has proven himself to be a statesman and politician of the first order and has done more than anyone on the world stage not only for their own country, but the world at large, countering the U.S. Empire's arrogance and greed. And the amount of lies and barely veiled aggression leveled against Putin has been extraordinary and practically unprecedented.

I'm an on/off lurker and first time poster on forums. Hi.

I notice that Putin is viewed quite favouribly by some here. I would like to know the background of this. I would like to know what has he done that could earn him the title of "statesman and politician of the first order" and what has he done for the world at large? (referring to the bolded text in quote) I mostly get my news from mainstream sources so I wonder if I have internalised some bias against him - I am actually surprised to see him described in such a positive way.
Hi bellums and welcome to our forum! Did you check some sources at the end of the letter to get some more information?

And just a note: It is recommended that you write a small introduction in the newbies section and tell us a bit how you found this forum or if you read some books from Laura already.
Hi bellums,

If you do a search on, you will see there are many articles about Putin. Believing the distortion and the lies of the MSM regarding demonising Putin, you would indeed be surprised to find that as a leader he is quite the opposite to how he is portrayed by the corrupt complicit MSM. Check out some of these articleson SoTT:

Love is the Meaning of Life
The NY Times doesn't want you to understand this Vladimir Putin Speech
Fasten your seatbelts- US expands infowar against BRICS
Tying it all together- Oil market bombings of Syria & Ukraine aimed at undermining Russia mention just a few. And if you really want to see psychopathic mercenaries without a soul, funded trained and backed by the West, and just how much their media are used in the process to brainwash people with utter lies, please do have a look at the film The Syrian Diary

Who is responsible for turning a paradise into hell
bellums said:
I notice that Putin is viewed quite favouribly by some here. I would like to know the background of this. I would like to know what has he done that could earn him the title of "statesman and politician of the first order" and what has he done for the world at large? (referring to the bolded text in quote) I mostly get my news from mainstream sources so I wonder if I have internalised some bias against him - I am actually surprised to see him described in such a positive way.

Hi bellums and welcome to the Forum. :)

Aside from the links posted above for you to check, you may also find this thread interesting:
Role of Russia.

That's an ongoing discussion with a lot of links and arguments posted by both sceptic(s) and those who appreciate Putin's role in Russia and the world, so with some effort on your part, you may be able to make your mind yourself to some extend.
bellums said:
I notice that Putin is viewed quite favouribly by some here. I would like to know the background of this. I would like to know what has he done that could earn him the title of "statesman and politician of the first order" and what has he done for the world at large? (referring to the bolded text in quote) I mostly get my news from mainstream sources so I wonder if I have internalised some bias against him - I am actually surprised to see him described in such a positive way.

Hi Bellems,
Along with the Role of Russia thread. You also might want to read the latest SOTT Focus Warmonger George Soros on Ukraine: A fascinating insight into the deranged thinking of the Western Empire builders.
bellums said:
I mostly get my news from mainstream sources so I wonder if I have internalised some bias against him - I am actually surprised to see him described in such a positive way.

Depending on where you live, age to some extent and the historical forces behind ones political, media and educations systems, biases are well programed and understandable. With many older people I know, at the first mention of Putin, this brings forth not the man whom they know nothing about, not Russian hardships, not the truth behind so many of the lies they have been painted with, it brings forth years of propagandized rhetoric that evokes strong emotions of fear as picture form in their minds. Reading what has been suggested is a good start. Also, its good you recognized this internalization.
The State of the Nation website has addressed a letter to Putin titled:

An OPEN LETTER To President Vladimir Putin

Dear President Putin,

Greetings from the USA!

Please know that you have earned the deep respect and admiration of millions of Americans.

Your many quiet peace initiatives are very much appreciated by billions around the world.

Nations large and small are well aware of the extraordinary restraint and patience exercised by Russia in the face of numerous provocations to start a World War III.

Hence, the purpose of this open letter at this most crucial time of human history.

Just wanted to mention that, in my amazement, one of my close friends, completely unrelated to SOTT or the cass forum in any way, shared on FB the link and signed it!

In many ways, I find this heartening and fascinating, because we exchanged perspectives with each other about Russia recently in person and he is an open minded individual so he was interested in my reasons and didn't automatically shoot me down, but I never expected him stumble on this. He must have researched on his own, the issue regarding Russia and the demonisation of same.

Although I definitely don't presume that 'I' had a major influence as everyone makes their own decisions, but perhaps an article I've shared has helped in some small way - you really don't know how much butterfly wings can affect change! I don't feel that I'm voicing my views into the wind so much anymore :)
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