Did anybody else feel that??


The Living Force

I've been exhausted for the past two or three days, waking for a few hours and then sleeping again.

Last night, I stumbled into bed for a nap, pondering a time puzzle. (Trying a new variation on a thought experiment I'd come up with; in an effort to understand what 4D was like, trying to picture myself as a 2nd or 1st density creature, without eyes or familiar human senses, trying to feel what it would be like from that perspective and how reality might appear from within it. I was making some progress, getting a visceral feel for how the same reality we live in is so incredibly different to other creatures purely as a result of the density of information available).

Anyway, while coming out of that meditation, I felt a wave of enormous energy blow through me, a roaring in my ears, like a sustained electric shock affecting my whole body. It went on for what felt like fifteen seconds or so. -This had happened once before a few years ago, not quite as intensely, and I remembered a promise I'd made to myself; to not be afraid and to try to just breathe with it and see where it took me rather than struggling to come back to normal.

It passed, but left me in a heightened and confused state. I wasn't sure where I was; I thought at first I was lying beside my bed on the floor, but blinked and realized I was still in bed. Very weird. After a few hours, things slipped back to something closer to normal, but not quite.

While walking through town I polled a few people. "How has your sleeping been over the last few days?"

Each person reacted to the question with interest, reporting some really strange feelings. Some were having extreme insomnia. Others very tired and sleeping more deeply than they can recall in a long time, waking feeling sort of relaxed and zoned out. One woman said, "I feel completely disconnected from everything. Like nothing matters and I just don't care. It's really odd." Another woman said she had experienced a lucid dream for the first time in her life last night, and that she willed herself to fly in the dream, another first for her.

I had to bring a large box home from the post office, and even though it wasn't super heavy, by the time I arrived, I was in agony of muscle pains. My digestive tract was also feeling completely backed up with gas or something. I could only groan in pain and move around like an old man. It is only now passing after eight hours or so and I still feel really bizarre and floaty.

My diet hasn't been anything out of the ordinary. Nothing is terribly different that I can point to.

Maybe it's the region warming into Spring; the air smells fresh and the snow banks are melting... Whatever the case, something seems to be affecting everybody I talk to in some way or other quite forcefully.

I thought I'd post a note here about it and see if it was just me and those few people I'd talked to, if it was perhaps regional or what...

So.., has anybody else been experiencing something exceptionally odd over the last couple of days?
I experienced exhausting feelings, mixing good and profound exhaustion with little tight feelings of fear and contractions.

I percieve my thoughts going through others, or resonating with them, as we all really begin and assume openly that we feel stuck all day at work. That was not the case before as everyone were shutting this kind of thoughts down. With that, everyone were feeling physically amorph and wanting to go out or at least stop feeling stuck. Maybe there's this effect of spring returning but not completely yet so we're feeling like between two chairs.

I have problems adjusting the diet, as I don't know what to eat and when. I was planning fasting all day of this week but my body genuinely wanting to feed before the end of the fast for each day. I was continuing my detox, even if I tolerate it more, this week was pretty bizarre and kind of disturbing for the bowels.

Meditation is doing good but I feel a resistance to go deeper as I feel so tired I might inconsciouly want to replenish the energy before, if I go deep from a resisting place it doesn't do much releasing effect. The last week-end, spring was very intense and I planned gracefully through all the day with vivid thoughts and blissful feelings.

So hoping this will develop well as we go through spring :).
I had 7 hours of sleep the last two nights, which is decent, but 8 is better. Last night during EE, I laid down to do POTS, where I was in my computer chair for the rest of the meditation. I fell asleep and didn't take my headphones out the whole night! I've been a bit tired the past two days or so.

On Wednesday night just before bed, I had a quick flash of white light come in my mind's eye during POTS recitation. I instantly felt fear, because it was so unexpected. It could have been just sleepy hypnogogic imagery. But these past two days since, I've had less desire to dissociate and go into dopamine induced research-fests. And that's a good thing :).

With regard to the weather, it seems we didn't even get a winter. I never had to put a little warm water in my cold showers, because they didn't get skin-freezingly cold. February should be the coldest month it seems, and we're getting temperatures in the 70's F and trees are starting to bud!
Woodsman said:
I've been exhausted for the past two or three days, waking for a few hours and then sleeping again.
Some were having extreme insomnia.
My diet hasn't been anything out of the ordinary. Nothing is terribly different that I can point to.
So.., has anybody else been experiencing something exceptionally odd over the last couple of days?

I'm glad you Posted your experience, Woodsman. I've been trying to figure out the "what and why" from my end. In another thread, some have reported having strange dreams but I'm not aware of any dreams. A week ago, last Thursday, it started out as a typical day. Nothing out of the ordinary - other than the screwed up weather patterns. February is generally cold, with mounds of snow and ice. Yet in the last 2-3 weeks, we have had some isolated rain storms and above average temps. It's like we're two months ahead of schedule and everyone is experiencing "Spring fever"?

What started out as a typical Thursday- ended up running into Friday morning and day break - with another three days of the same - with little sleep in between. It was like the body clock wasn't registering the difference between night and day and the bodies need for rest? Surprisingly, there was a high energy level. I started Spring cleaning, washing down walls and pulling rooms apart and reorganizing things. By Monday night, fatigue finally set in and I actually went to sleep on my normal schedule and woke early, like I usually do. It was like - spending a few days in the Twilight Zone - before the body kicked back in to a normal schedule? I don't take any medications and abide by a strict diet and follow a general schedule during the day. So, don't know what set off the episode with insomnia?

Late last November, experienced the total opposite. Woke one morning - feeling like I ran a marathon during the night in my sleep, topped off by getting hit by a semi-truck. Felt achy all over and extremely tired. Used the bathroom and went to the kitchen to make a cup of fresh brew. One sip of coffee and it instantly came up. I generally have one cup in the morning and the rest of the day is hot tea. So made a cup of tea and while I was waiting for it to cool down, I sat at the kitchen table and feel asleep. Totally NUT'S! I woke up feeling sick to my stomach, used the bathroom, then sat in the Living room with my feet up. Fell into a deep sleep, only to wake up periodically, to use the bathroom and have something cold to drink (mainly ice tea or OJ). What started out on a Monday morning, finally ended by Wednesday night. I was shocked by the time lapse and duration, by which I was only semi-conscious of my surroundings. Mentally, that messed me up for a few days. Digestion was off and it took several days before I could tolerate solid food.

In each of the both instances, it came on suddenly, lasted a few days, then took another few days to recover? It's like getting hit with something, out of nowhere, rendering the body from functioning normally, like suspended animation - either extending the sleep cycle or the awake period, while "something else in the environment is getting tweaked" or rearranged into another configuration?

When I asked family members or friends if they had experienced any thing out of the ordinary, the general response has been, they feel "out of sync" or they had "a period of rough days where everything seemed to be going backwards or didn't make any sense" or "the days seem fuzzy and they can't remember anything." Something is definitely going on but haven't a clue what that might be?
I thought it was just me being silly.

My sleep has been different for the past two or three days. I have not had to get up much for a P break, just once a night. Since my stroke in 2005 it has been every two hours. I have been eating much less food than normal for the past few weeks and eating at the start of the day versus eating a big dinner. I just have a bit of salami and liverworst around 5 pm.

My crystals have been very active lately. I'm having dreams that seem like they are real events. It's crazy, but it is like this reality is also a dream and I am having trouble with knowing when I am asleep or awake. Nothing serious just strange feelings.

Since falling and breaking up into pieces, my one personal crystal has been like it is on fire in my front pant pocket. That happened a couple of weeks ago. It has become very active ever since. I kinda get the feeling that my physical machine is starting to crystalize, though it is a bit early to tell.

Since the stroke I had in 2005, my blood pressure has always been high even taking the medication. They would increase the dosage till my bp would crater. I was at the Doctor yesterday and she was very surprised that my bp was normal 125 over 80, being that I am on minimal pills. The last time it was 185 over 95. Also my blood tests came back all ok. The cholesterol was a bit high at 8 and she was concerned about that. HDL was right on but the LDL was up a bit. I assured her that those were normal for the diet that I am on. No statin drugs necessary.

The world seems to be going to hell in a hand basket and I seem to be feeling better than I have been for a long time. Strange!

Work has been going well. On Monday I went to do an estimate. Got the job and also got jobs at three of his neighbors houses. Four days of work booked for March. One day at a time!
I also had a couple of strange days this week.

On Tuesday night I could not fall asleep and tossed and turned, trying to figure out exactly what in my usual diet suddenly did not agree with me and was keeping me so wide awake. I eventually feel asleep for 3 or 4 hours. The following day (Wednesday) I was very restless and started rearranging the furniture, moving and picking up heavy stuff all on my own - I experienced a great burst of energy and felt like superwoman. That night I struggled to fall asleep again, so I thought I was overtired because of all I did during the day, and I expected to be very stiff and tired the next day, but I was fine when I got out of bed. Then last night (Thursday) I slept well - for about nine hours!

But it sure was a strange week and my burst of superstrength and energy even with very little sleep surprised and puzzled me.
I think we All can feel the energy of coming wave. It's start to be dificult using some words to describe what is happening. I think we gonna pass a nice journey together.
It started few days ago, I felt that I can focus more aware what I am doing though out the days, then my chest/heart areas become heated up that I feel the heat in my whole body, so I was/am complaining about too much heat in my house. But when my son comes over my house, he complained about weather is getting too cold and put more firewood in furnace.

This is my third winter in Alaska. The first winter was too cold, so when I went out to clean the dog poop, I had to wear hat, gloves, coat and scarf.
But this year I don't have to have any extra, sometimes I just go out as short sleeved top and movers snow but feels good, the air is so refresh and feels good.
I've heard several people say they had great trouble sleeping Sunday night, including everyone else in my house (except me, I slept like a rock) and someone else. Strange.
I feel with a very positive energy and that is strange in me. :halo: But Friday night I was incapable to sleep till 5 o'clock in the morning and yesterday I was really sick, with nausea and migraine. Today I am ok. Since 2 or 3 months I can focus better, affront things better, and very strange! I don't argue anymore with my husband.

Sometines I hear noises in my ears, apart from my Tinnitus that seems less strong. Noises and presences, like I said in another thread, movements in my room when I read, on my bed like if my cat was there but there is no cat at all! Or little movements in the air. Sometimes I talk to these presences, I say: OK, bye bye, give me alone. I don't want to know what they are. I know we are surrounded by entities, it is better sometimes to ignore them or just tell them to go away.

I feel lately also some very small pain, but just some seconds, in my head. Here or there in my head. Or sadness that comes suddenly from nowhere, visits me some seconds then goes away.

Every day I wake up at 6. but every night I wake up also at 3, I go to to washroom and then sleep again till 6.
The last 3-4 days my sleep has been off, restless. Also my eating has been pretty bad. Lots of turmoil about this over the last week or so, edge of a depression abyss. Last night I had kind of an apocalyptic dream. I will describe it in the dreams section.
I noticed today that my intuition seemed to be turned on at work today.
Maybe the issues people are having have something to do with a build up to this spell casting on Trump by witches business. Just when I think things couldn't get crazier, I'm proved wrong. One would think all sorts of weird energy from the spells and the prayer response could be out and about. Maybe this could all be enhanced via Haarp and what not as well.



Yupo said:
The last 3-4 days my sleep has been off, restless. Also my eating has been pretty bad. Lots of turmoil about this over the last week or so, edge of a depression abyss. Last night I had kind of an apocalyptic dream. I will describe it in the dreams section.
I noticed today that my intuition seemed to be turned on at work today.

I too have been sleeping fitfully, and waking up around 4:30 am. Usually I can go back to sleep but have not been able to do so, yet have not felt as tired as I would have expected to. I know I have been dreaming, but for some reason have been unable to remember more than snippets.

Also processing some intense emotions. An ‘abyss of depression’ describes it well. I upped my dose of Iodine recently, so had initially attributed it to detox, but now am wondering as I did not experience such a strong reaction last week. Yet, even in the midst of the intense emotions I have noticed more clarity of thought.

The weather here has been unseasonably warm – all the trees have sprouted leaves and the Azaleas and Rose bushes are in full bloom. It’s more like April and we have not had any winter to speak of – one brief freeze which was just enough to damage some plants, but that was it. The good news is that taking cold showers has not been a problem at all!
I also haven't been able to sleep well at all this past week, always tossing and turning and constantly restless. When I have been able to sleep, I've had very vivid and strange dreams. This week has not been a good week for me and for some reason by Wednesday, I felt overcome with negative emotions. That night I was holding onto one of my personal crystals before I went to sleep as it usually soothes and calms me and that same night, I had a dream the larger part of the Crystal (it broke in two) was completely rotten and when I tried to examine it, it kinda fell apart and disintegrated. I'm remember feeling very scared and distraught at the sight of my crystal completely rotten... but I would say that it was a reflection of all the negativity I had been feeling... all the rotten feelings. Last night I was finially able to sleep deeply and all throughout the night.
For the last 3 nights I haven't been able to sleep until past midnight, and been waking up later than I usually do, and feeli g more tired during the day.
Aside from that, I've been feeling more emotionally sensitive for the past 3 days as well, not to the extent that I'm reacting to things differently but I do feel like there's deep emotions that want to come out.
I also had two dreams last night with dynamics that were out of the ordinary. In one dream I was in a beach, and swam on my back, just kicking, holding on to a kickboard, which is like the slowest thing I could do, and everyone on the beach was trying to swim across to another sand platform that was something like 40 or 50 yards away from the shore. Once I reached that platform, the water went down so much that I could just walk across back to the shore i started from.
In the other dream, I was aware it was a dream, and two guys (brothers, one in his early teens and the other in his mid twenties or so) were appearing in every scene of the dream, and I realized this, and was getting along with them really well. It was like we all were having the dream together. At the end of the dream I remember feeling fondness towards them and expressed to them I would like them to be in my next dream too, although I was somewhat sad that it probably wouldn't happen.
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