Did anybody else feel that??

Skysira said:
Divide By Zero said:
Yupo said:
Hi DBZ. I've had a really bad headache for several days (similar symptoms of migraine which I've never had) and it's just unbelievable pressure. I've ruled out common causes (diet is ok, chiropractic adjustments, etc), and it just won't go away.

Hi 1984. Have you considered you might be having an allergy or some response to mold? Not sure where you are, but if on west coast, there has been an unusual level of moisture out there lately. Here (east coast, USA), we are in the thick of a pollen storm. Many people here are having headaches, sinusitis, etc.

Yep, I think it's allergies combined with our odd up and down weather.
It was in the 50s-60s F and then dropped again to 20s-30s F. Whenever this happens it stuffs my head up with pressure!
My head hurts too. I took some Advil earlier, it was migraine-ish. :/

For the past couple of weeks my head has been hurting also. It is in the frontal lobe area. It is not severe enough to need medication. For me, who rarely has any issues like this, it does seem out of the ordinary. I also don't notice it when I am doing things but the dull ache comes back when I rest. It hasn't affected my being able to sleep, which has been better lately than it has been since 2005.
hello everyone:

For me it has been very hectic I've been having lots of weird feelings like someone is watching me, and some feeling like i want to stab my self really creepy... also I've been feeling very tired and i stop my diet, I'm not working out, can't concentrate, foggy brain,so may really weird feelings , i do my meditation every other day, and i keep doing my crystal readings every day just to keep me sane.... believe me it has been very difficult for me some times.... but I'm not surrendering i will fight for my life..... cheers!!
Xico said:
For me it has been very hectic I've been having lots of weird feelings like someone is watching me, and some feeling like i want to stab my self really creepy... also I've been feeling very tired and i stop my diet, I'm not working out, can't concentrate, foggy brain,so may really weird feelings , i do my meditation every other day, and i keep doing my crystal readings every day just to keep me sane.... believe me it has been very difficult for me some times.... but I'm not surrendering i will fight for my life..... cheers!!

When we’re going through a rough time sharing about it can definitely lessen the burden, and also help with recognising the thoughts or behaviors that are contributing to this state of mind. For example, perhaps you could share if you only do the meditation part every other day, or the full EE program, including Beatha breathing? It’s not recommend to do the Beatha (round breathing) section every day, and when stress levels are high leaving out altogether for a while is probably best until things settle.

In any case, if we’re in such a heightened and agitated state, then what sometimes helps is doing a sort of grounding by stopping and trying to assess the situation in a logical and objective way. Just like with grounding in case of an anxiety attack, it may assist with regaining "connection with reality" and realizing that such "weird feelings" or thoughts are not necessarily your own, or have to prompt you to act in any way. Basically, it is best to see it as a storm that should soon pass. But then, if the intensity of the state is too strong, it is always best to seek the help of professionals. All in all, we all do better when we are not alone in difficult situations. There’s always the swamp area if you wanted to share a little more in your own thread to help lighten the load. Take care!
I felt some weird things too Xico, I'm alone in my house, I've this feelings that chills my skin and suspiscion of an evil energy looking back at me. I've also imagined Lizards and Greys eyes in the knots of the wood cover of my ceiling. With the powerful wind and the wolves going south in south-east France these days, I've felt the madness of chaotic enthropy near and inside me.

I remembered my goals and saw through my own delusions and imaginations, sometimes the craziness happen again, but each morning is fresh for new things.

Share yourself Xico, good luck !
Since some months I am doing every day morning and evening Laughter Yoga and it helps me to feel energetic and in good mood. We need to laugh a little more to be less stressed and laughter helps in that sense. I put the information here because some people have hard time like everybody but laugh helps in many, many ways:

Healthy Exercise to Beat Stress: Laughter Yoga is like an aerobic exercise (cardio workout) which brings more oxygen to the body and brain thereby making one feel more energetic and relaxed.

Health Benefits: Laughter Yoga reduces the stress and strengthens the immune system.You will not fall sick easily and if you have some chronic health conditions, you will heal faster.
Quality of Life: Laughter is a positive energy which helps people to connect with other people quickly and improves relationships. If you laugh more, you will attract many friends.
Positive Attitude in Challenging Times : Everyone can laugh when life is good, but how does one laugh when faced with challenges? Laughter helps to create a positive mental state to deal with negative situations and negative people. It gives hope and optimism to cope with difficult times.

You can do this type of Yoga at home via Skype, there are many groups that do Yoga Laughter mornings, afternoons and evenings. 15 minutes is the laps of one session and it is really, really good. It wake up in the morning and when you do it in the evening it helps to have a good, good sleep.

You have some information here but there is more in the web.


For my part I feel with more energy and I am able, when some bad ideas or thoughts come to my mind, to stop them. It also helps me to think more clearly and be more patient. The benefits of laughting are incredible not just for the mind but for the body, our internal organs, our digestion, our heart.

We are too stressed and these times are hard on us. We are surrounded by electromagnetic, electricity, antennas, computers, phones, etc. It is important to clean all this with oxygen and a good diet. But I think what is the worst enemy is stress. Stress can change our perception of reality. We can see things that are not here or ignore things that are here. So it is important to take care of stress and laugh is, in this case for me, a good way.
Nico said:
I felt some weird things too Xico, I'm alone in my house, I've this feelings that chills my skin and suspiscion of an evil energy looking back at me. I've also imagined Lizards and Greys eyes in the knots of the wood cover of my ceiling. With the powerful wind and the wolves going south in south-east France these days, I've felt the madness of chaotic enthropy near and inside me.

I remembered my goals and saw through my own delusions and imaginations, sometimes the craziness happen again, but each morning is fresh for new things.

Share yourself Xico, good luck !

yes that is true!!... it has been like a heavy weight but little by little it's been subsiding, I have come back to the gym and I will try to do my diet again this time I know where to slow down .... thank you so much for your comments Nico.... :hug2:
Alada said:
Xico said:
For me it has been very hectic I've been having lots of weird feelings like someone is watching me, and some feeling like i want to stab my self really creepy... also I've been feeling very tired and i stop my diet, I'm not working out, can't concentrate, foggy brain,so may really weird feelings , i do my meditation every other day, and i keep doing my crystal readings every day just to keep me sane.... believe me it has been very difficult for me some times.... but I'm not surrendering i will fight for my life..... cheers!!

When we’re going through a rough time sharing about it can definitely lessen the burden, and also help with recognising the thoughts or behaviors that are contributing to this state of mind. For example, perhaps you could share if you only do the meditation part every other day, or the full EE program, including Beatha breathing? It’s not recommend to do the Beatha (round breathing) section every day, and when stress levels are high leaving out altogether for a while is probably best until things settle.

In any case, if we’re in such a heightened and agitated state, then what sometimes helps is doing a sort of grounding by stopping and trying to assess the situation in a logical and objective way. Just like with grounding in case of an anxiety attack, it may assist with regaining "connection with reality" and realizing that such "weird feelings" or thoughts are not necessarily your own, or have to prompt you to act in any way. Basically, it is best to see it as a storm that should soon pass. But then, if the intensity of the state is too strong, it is always best to seek the help of professionals. All in all, we all do better when we are not alone in difficult situations. There’s always the swamp area if you wanted to share a little more in your own thread to help lighten the load. Take care!

hello Alada:
I was doing the whole meditation every other day and I was feeling well, but then Winter came and that's when everything went south, I started to feel tired, desperate, and I don't think it was because of winter blues, this was the first time this has happened to me, now that we are getting more sun light I started to feel much better, I have come back to the gym, I will do my best to take care of myself..... and thanks for reading and your kind words ..... :hug2:
Xico said:
I was doing the whole meditation every other day and I was feeling well, but then Winter came and that's when everything went south, I started to feel tired, desperate, and I don't think it was because of winter blues, this was the first time this has happened to me, now that we are getting more sun light I started to feel much better

That's good to hear! You're not alone in finding this winter heavy going, there did seem to be something in the air and with the increase in general craziness happening on the BBM it didn't help matters. I'm also very glad to see the days growing longer again and energy levels returning! I've started waking up in the mornings before the alarm goes off now that the mornings are lighter, which a vast improvement on just a few weeks ago!
During the time Woodsman indicated up until the middle of last week I was going to bed before 9 pm most nights when I usually go to bed at around 1030/11 pm. It is not that I felt that tired. I just wasn’t motivated to do much else. I attributed it to getting over a bad cold.
Nico said:
I felt some weird things too Xico, I'm alone in my house, I've this feelings that chills my skin and suspiscion of an evil energy looking back at me. I've also imagined Lizards and Greys eyes in the knots of the wood cover of my ceiling. With the powerful wind and the wolves going south in south-east France these days, I've felt the madness of chaotic enthropy near and inside me.

I remembered my goals and saw through my own delusions and imaginations, sometimes the craziness happen again, but each morning is fresh for new things.

Share yourself Xico, good luck !
Something like this happened to me last night while doing EE (except for the Beatha portion, which I don’t do and usually just listen to it). During the pipe breathing my mind went to Lizzies or what not trying to act on me in some way. I got my mind settled down from that. Then during the meditation portion I went pretty deep into it when I had a quick shooting pain in my abdomen below the gall bladder area. I have had issues with gall stones, so maybe that is it. It wasn’t in the usual area where I have discomfort though and not a shooting pain like this. Today I haven’t had any issues in the area where I had the pain.
Sun is here to help yes ! I try not be overwhelmed by my work and get out.

Bear said:
Something like this happened to me last night while doing EE (except for the Beatha portion, which I don’t do and usually just listen to it). During the pipe breathing my mind went to Lizzies or what not trying to act on me in some way. I got my mind settled down from that. Then during the meditation portion I went pretty deep into it when I had a quick shooting pain in my abdomen below the gall bladder area. I have had issues with gall stones, so maybe that is it. It wasn’t in the usual area where I have discomfort though and not a shooting pain like this. Today I haven’t had any issues in the area where I had the pain.

It's exactly what I'm feeling through, fear, fizzy and stuckness around the gallbladder. Though I don't know if I have gall stones, I have cleansed it a lot. That's my guess of what may be a psychic attack, at least for me. What's good it's that this push me to find good contrasting state of gratefulness and love. Gratefulness meditation and seeing your darkness from this state, make wonder for me !
Woodsman said:
Anyway, while coming out of that meditation, I felt a wave of enormous energy blow through me, a roaring in my ears, like a sustained electric shock affecting my whole body. It went on for what felt like fifteen seconds or so. -This had happened once before a few years ago, not quite as intensely, and I remembered a promise I'd made to myself; to not be afraid and to try to just breathe with it and see where it took me rather than struggling to come back to normal.

I've been getting these energy surges intermittently over the past year or so. Usually it's a light, sort of tingling/thrumming sensation that comes and goes amidst everyday stuff (like while reading this thread), but there've been a couple, much stronger instances of it, like when I was having a period of doubt over whether positive thought/energy could really effect any real change in the world. I meditated on it, and in that roughly half-hour session, these streams of energy, each gradually overlapping one another, flowed through me with such intensity that, for lack of a more succinct descriptor, I'd have to say it felt like the particles of my body were threatening to fly apart from one another every which way. I'm not really sure why either, but amidst all this nervous activity my hands were assuming a certain resting position. If you hold out your arms straight, palms down, rotate your hands downward and splay your fingers a little, that's what they were doing. Amidst all this there were lots of little, involuntary muscle movements, almost exclusively in the fingers.
Things calmed down after about a half-hour, and the following night I had a dream that indicated that, I guess you might say "subconscious processes" don't allow this happen to such an extent for the sake of one's own safety... and after that experience, I'd have to agree with that notion.

Either way, I haven't seen this sort of thing brought up much, so it's nice to see someone else having a similar experience.
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