difference between the Reptlians and the Nephilims ?

Cyre2067 said:
Are the archons the lizzies then?
I think this thread says that the archons are behind the lizzies, not lizzies precisely themselves. In my view some archons are behind the lizzies, and at the top of their pyramids of structured existence. The archons pose as gods so some of them can easily be the gods of lizzies but in a 4D context of what that implies instead of a 3D one. Again, this is just my take on the thing.
Hello all- Just a question / observation- If the Lizzies are in 4th D would they not be irreligious-in other words they already know there are no "gods" perse? An interesting thread-I have not read the Gnostic works or the Codices-is that where these Archons are found? Sounds like something off of Star Trek...Sorry (had to toss that in) But seriously-wouldn't the Lizzies be advanced beyond the concept of gods? I mean was it not the Lizzies who were responsible for our own current religious maelstrom (directly or indirectly)?
I think as EsoQuest said that the Archons are behind the Lizzies and the Greys, and that those latters are physical manifestations of the Archons in 4th and 3rd Density. According to the Gnostics as explained by Lash in the interview, the Archons are originally unorganic and appeared before the Earth was formed.
Yes, I think they're at the origin of the religions of the Books and the belief of man in One almighty God (Yahve). They made it up all.
tschai said:
Just a question / observation- If the Lizzies are in 4th D would they not be irreligious-in other words they already know there are no "gods" perse? An interesting thread-I have not read the Gnostic works or the Codices-is that where these Archons are found? Sounds like something off of Star Trek...Sorry (had to toss that in) But seriously-wouldn't the Lizzies be advanced beyond the concept of gods? I mean was it not the Lizzies who were responsible for our own current religious maelstrom (directly or indirectly)?
What is a god in the STS sense? Pretty much an all-powerful ruler, and of course the STS "gods" are self-proclaimed for the most part, so not gods in the sense of God or the Divine Source. An Archon is the top of a pyramid of influence who can manipulate others underneath as well as the environment or world. Here is the crux of what I was saying:

The archons pose as gods so some of them can easily be the gods of lizzies but in a 4D context of what that implies instead of a 3D one.
So they may not be "supernatural" beings (i.e. transdensity) for others in 4D, but they are still Lords with the power of life and death over their minions and the final say as to their destinies. STS views god-hood in terms of POWER OVER, I think, and not so much in terms of what kind of powers one has or their source.

And such Lords probably do demand worship and a bowing a scraping of sorts. In 3D terms they are gods in the same way as the Roman Emperors, only these do not need the support of others to maintain their position with respect to those they rule (their personal "territories" of rulership). And these Lords probably demand that their minions bow and scrape to them according to some kind of "protocol", which can be termed ritualistic.

And they probably promote stories of their "feats" and "strengths", probably stylized and overblown. Roman Emperors also demanded sacrifices in their name. Actually, Archons may have extensions of their being in 6th density as well, although I don't know how accurately one can combine the density model with the Gnostic one.

They are probably two ways of explaining the same thing, but maybe not in a manner that you can take the two views precisely apart and correspond the alternate peices together, although the source of Archonic being can easily be 6th density.

Anyway each density has different ways of addressing the "top of the foodchain" phenomenon, and "god" may more accurately be a term to proscribe the effects of a Lord of one density upon a lower one. So if Archons have 6th density components, they are gods of sorts (but not in any 3D sense) to 4th density.

If they are strictly 4th density they are still Overlords with a god-like posturing, like Roman Emperors with the power to back up the claim. Of course, we're still speculating here (at least as far as the details), but I think such speculations can provide insight regarding the "character" of some of the forces out there.
Thank you.

In terms of "god hood" or what most here in 3D think of as a "god" besides the Supreme Being-such as the Greek gods- that fits and also in terms of a Supreme Overlord-yes that fits as well-as least they might as WELL be a "god" in the sense they pretty much control everything including whether you live or die-yes that pretty much covers it and makes it much clearer.

Esentially that is what started me on the "path"-I noticed the marked difference between the Old Testament G** and New Testament G** when I was nine years old-and merely tried to reconcile the differences by asking questions-I knew from the responses that something was awry-and it was like a light bulb going off-I suddenly realized that at least ONE of these G**s must be an imposter! Someone /something posing as a G**-and away I went.

I have never had a problem recognizing or accepting that the Creation encompasses all that is /was/ will be is the locus of all and has no gender-but yet is the perfect blend of both female and male energies (perfect androgyne) and that we are essentially surrounded at all times with all knowledge-literally from every mind-that no problem exists that has not been encountered before and if one thinks on a thing long enough that information will literally "pop" into your concious stream of thought (but most likely enters through the unconcious part of the mind which is always connected-like a cosmic internet) And that we are all fragments of that Creation and our ultimate goal is to reunite with the Creation. So I am puzzled often times at my lack of basic understanding. Thankfully there are those willing to re-instruct us such as yourself.

Thanks again EsoQuest.
Some more translation of the interview :

K.O.: Do you detect a tendency - even minor - in the Catholic church to admit the legitimacy of the NH texts, which includes the existence of the Archons? Or, do they completely deny the content, the pertinence and the interest of the materials found in NH ?

J.L. : I can see no tendency, no movement inside the Roman Catholic church to admit the authenticity of the non christian nature of the NHC, and certainly no tendency to recognize the Archons. Keep in mind that Gnostic teachings attribute the existence of the mental and deviant influence of the Archons to the Roman Catholic church (the system of belief in a saviour) . If catholic authorities recognized the gnostic message, they would have to admit that their system of belief is an ET implant in human mind!

K.O. The importance of the discovery of the NHC is often compared with the Dead Sea Scrolls. From what you know, can we find in the Dead Sea Scrolls the same warning about the Archons, about the fact that the creation of the universe is a mistake - an information found in the NHC ? Who wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls and who wrote the NHC texts ? Were they enemies ?

J.L. : Big question ! This relation between the Dead Sea Scrolls and the NHC is crucial. To my knowledge, no researcher underlined crossed references between these ancient texts but in fact, they do exist. Let me explain things this way.

The Scrolls don't warn us in any way of the presence of the Archons, because they were written by an extremist sect who were manipulated by the Archons. The Dead Sea Zaddikim (we could translate as "The Rigourous ones") were a violent, apocalyptic sect who devoted themselves to celestial beings called Kenoshim, who appeared to them in dazzling chariots. Certain texts in the Scrolls (especially 4Q404 in the Chants of Shabbat) describe the apparition and the movement of flying saucer-like UFO's exactly as they would be described today in contemporay apparitions. In brief terms, I'm convinced the Qumram sect was an apocalyptic cult contacted by UFO's, similar to the suicidal cult of Heaven's Gate. On the south of Qumram there was a gnostic camp, a group called the "Archonics". I think they borrowed this name because their mission was to spy the Archons who controlled the Zaddikim. In a gnostic text, The Apocalypse of Saint John (25.15) "the one who reveals" asserts that "Jerusalem is a place haunted and inhabited by many Archons". I'm certain that many Gnostics from the Temples of Mysteries in Near East were conscious of the intrusion of the Archons. They spotted the ETs and their effect : a psychic and mental infection taking the form of religious frenzy. Jerusalem was highly infected, so was the Qumram.

The NHC don't say that "the universe is a mistake". They declare that our world, the particular system in which we dwell, is an anomaly caused by the presence of the Archons who encroach on the life that developed on earth. Gnostic cosmology explains the emergence of the Archons at a cosmic level. Thus, the Gnostics were able to understand the origin and the behaviour of these ET entities. The sectators of the Dead Sea Scrolls were duped by the Archons, that they perceived as celestial Angels. They thought that the Archon leader, Jehovah, was their creative God. The Gnostics considered these beliefs as religious delirium caused by the ideological virus spread by the Archons. Several passages in the Scrolls refer directly to the Gnostics who are considered as the notable adversaries of the Zaddikim sect. To my knowledge, no researcher highlighted the fact that the cult revolving round the Dead Sea Scrolls targeted the Gnostics. The Zaddikim had the ambition to completely annihilate the Gnostics. If my theory proves to be exact, we can see why.

Another important point : the NHC were discovered in december 1945, but their importance was only recognized during summer 1947, exactly when the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. The readers will of course notice that summer 1947 was also the time of UFOs apparitions - observed by Kenneth Arnold - as well as the time of the Roswell affair. It's strange to notice that the texts written by a sect who had a cult to ETs and UFOs, and other texts which underlined the real nature of this cult, emerged at the precise time of the wave of UFOs apparitions and of Roswell incident in 1947. These are really "cosmic coincidences".

K.O. : Why was the Roman Catholic church so reluctant to give access to the Dead Sea Scrolls ? Was the same reaction observed regarding the Nag Hamadi materials ?

J.L. : Vatican controlled the international team of researchers who was associated to the Biblical School of Jerusalem. These researchers - like Roland de Vaux and Milil - withheld the materials of the Scrolls because these texs reveal the true origins of Christianism, under a very dark and negative light. The Scrolls' texts highlight the fact that the "saving" ideology of Christianism didn't find its origin with Jesus but had its roots in the Zaddikim cult. It's a bad blow for the christian belief in the unique nature of their religion.

Regarding the materials of NH, another team of researchers were hired. They wasn't late, nor did they dissimulate their researches. However, it's important to notice that the usual interpretation of the NHC is very favourable to christianism or rather was conceived to look like it was. Consequently, the NHC are less threatening for christian beliefs than the Dead Sea Scrolls. Yet, in my radical interpretation of gnostic teachings, the message of NH is clearly anti-christian : it's opposed to the ideology of a divine redemption, of a divine forgiveness, but isn't opposed to love, goodness and good deeds, of course. (anyway, love, goodness and good deeds are not a christan monopoly, are they ?)

K.O. : Anthropologists such as Michal Harner or Carlos Castaneda gave a similar description of the same creature : Harner saw in his visions the "Maninkaris", a black creature, a sort of mixture between a whale and a reptile, a sort of pterodactyl. These creatures need to hide and are considered by the Amazonia Indians as the source of all life on earth. Castaneda describes the "flyers" as horrible black creatures looking like a sort of fish and who feed on the human kind's consciouness. Can we compare these creatures ? Do you think they are of the same nature ?

J.L. : No, I don't think this comparison is valid. The Indians of Amazonia's vision is probably the result of an ancestral memory about the origins of life. Gnostic teachings on this subject are similar to the teachings given by the indigenous peoples who say that the "first man" came from the sky. This conception received the name of panspermy in modern science : the insemination of human species on earth from an ET source. In the imagination of native peoples like the ones who teached Harners, the seeds of life arrived in enormous canoes, worms, dragons and other similar shapes. It's a way to visualize the concept of panspermy. The DNA itseld can be vizualised as a snake curling, coiling itself.

Castaneda's description of the Flyers refers to a totally different phenomenon, a type of predatory being who looks like a bat, a dragon. All through history, the dragon was perceived as a positive angelical figure, even as a form of higher consciousness, but the Archon "reptilian" species described by the Gnostics is a lot different. We must use our imagination and distinguish the universal "archetype" of the dragon from the specific form of the ET predator, the reptilian Archon, described in the NHC as "draconic" ("Drakonic" in the original text).

to be following...
The NHC don't say that "the universe is a mistake". They declare that our world, the particular system in which we dwell, is an anomaly caused by the presence of the Archons who encroach on the life that developed on earth. Gnostic cosmology explains the emergence of the Archons at a cosmic level.
This is very important to consider, because it places these psychopathic Archons in a light different than that of creators. The whole "universe is a mistake" thing is part of their propaganda, IMO, because it makes them the "owners" of the "mistake", and forces people to adopt the exclusive option of getting out if they want to be free of them.

These Archons (which I believe do not represent all beings of this type) are invaders, plain and simple. You do not let an invader convince you that your country belongs to them even in terms of it being their "mistake".

And any invaded country functions in an anomalous manner. On the other hand, there are causalities that go above and beyond these beings and even their anomaly forms a part of a bigger picture leading to something...

Another important point : the NHC were discovered in december 1945, but their importance was only recognized during summer 1947, exactly when the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. The readers will of course notice that summer 1947 was also the time of UFOs apparitions - observed by Kenneth Arnold - as well as the time of the Roswell affair. It's strange to notice that the texts written by a sect who had a cult to ETs and UFOs, and other texts which underlined the real nature of this cult, emerged at the precise time of the wave of UFOs apparitions and of Roswell incident in 1947. These are really "cosmic coincidences".
"Cosmic coincidences" are at the crux of real UFO experiences and point to "high strangeness" as an their identifying mark. What is behind these manifestations transcends not only our technology, but any of our conventional ideas of what "technology" might be.

Truly these manifestations are trans-technological. They are related and possibly dependent on the human perception field, and use mind as a medium of manifestation. That is why beliefs and willing compliance are important to them. We may want to consider that we ourselves are somehow their propulsion drive and energy source. Without us, they flounder. Otherwise, why so much effort expended in manipulation?

In the same manner, their presence affects events and human actions, just as human awareness can affect their presence. For "gods" they seem to be quite dependent on us.

Interesting that the NH documents were discovered first, and somehow held in check (even though they could be manipulated by the system more than the Dead Sea Scrolls), and that when the Scrolls were uncovered in 1947, Roswell also occured.

These two sets of documents represent two different sets of beliefs, two levels of awareness, somehow linked. If awareness, beliefs, emotions and will are power sources and transport media for these beings, any representation coherent with them can open similar patterns of emergence. In that sense Roswell and other UFO events can be shadows or projections of a higher strangness they conceal.

All through history, the dragon was perceived as a positive angelical figure, even as a form of higher consciousness, but the Archon "reptilian" species described by the Gnostics is a lot different. We must use our imagination and distinguish the universal "archetype" of the dragon from the specific form of the ET predator, the reptilian Archon, described in the NHC as "draconic" ("Drakonic" in the original text).
This is also an interesting observation. It's as if the Archon "reptilian" is trying very hard to pose as an archtypal dragon or "feathered serpent", probably because it wants to claim its creative potential as its own. I would say that the real dragon is not a serpent, but serpent-like, just as the Draconic reptilian is not a dragon but dragon-like. These "gods" do not want us to consider there may be beings of equal or transcendent power to them.

Probably because they need our willing compliance to be an infective presence in our world, and in this case ignorance and confusion can be seen as a form of compliance, or at least work just as well.
EsoQuest said:
All through history, the dragon was perceived as a positive angelical figure, even as a form of higher consciousness, but the Archon "reptilian" species described by the Gnostics is a lot different. We must use our imagination and distinguish the universal "archetype" of the dragon from the specific form of the ET predator, the reptilian Archon, described in the NHC as "draconic" ("Drakonic" in the original text).
This is also an interesting observation. It's as if the Archon "reptilian" is trying very hard to pose as an archtypal dragon or "feathered serpent", probably because it wants to claim its creative potential as its own. I would say that the real dragon is not a serpent, but serpent-like, just as the Draconic reptilian is not a dragon but dragon-like. These "gods" do not want us to consider there may be beings of equal or transcendent power to them.

Probably because they need our willing compliance to be an infective presence in our world, and in this case ignorance and confusion can be seen as a form of compliance, or at least work just as well.
It reminds me of something I read while I was looking for the meaning of the letter "Y" (which seems to be an interesting letter), and also reminds me of what the C's say about the nature of the true "Quest" :
(again translated from a french site :))
"Y is a bicephalous I. It symbolises choice for, since the origin man on his path has always been faced with 2 alternatives : Good / Evil.
This notion of choice was dynamised by the famous division of the 2 soul-mates, from then on, the separation of I into 2 branches, to form an Y.
Notice that the Y has the form of a tree, because by the symbol of choice that it conveys, it represents human growth whose branches rise to the heavens.
And what can we find in the tree of the Origin ? The Snake. So, by its shape, the Y strangely evokes the bifid tongue of the Snake, who can kill as well as heal. This tempter of the Genesis induced Adam and Eve to disobey, giving them the essential ability to make choices - this is symbolised by the double path of the Y."

It matches what I read about the Splitting Realities on the C's site : "Unconditional Acceptance of All That Is means that one must Unconditionally Accept that God has Two Faces, and that one must CHOOSE which Face to behold - that of Truth, or that of Lies." This is the original truth, the choice between good/truth (STO) and evil/lies (STS), all symbolised by the snake's tongue and ambiguous meaning : kill/heal. But this truth, ancient knowledge, has been distorted by the Lizards, they used that primordial symbolism of the reptile (snake or feathered snake, or dragon), this archetype, to stick it to their goals and pass as our creative serpent/dragon-like Gods.
I agree about the Y, and the role of choice in the true dragon archtype. One thing I believe about archtypes is that they are multi-referential. In other words, the road reaches a bifurcation from one direction, but we also have a unification or merger of disparate paths into a single truth. Wisdom is to know one way from the other.

For example the human spine has been associated with serpentine energies, and the snake is an ancient symbol of wisdom. It's toungue is forked, and also its primary sense organ, that with which it knows reality. And sensory impulses from many directions attatch to the forks and then merge into the trunk toward a singular meaning or bigger picture.

In this sense the Y can also symbolize the reconciliation of self-orientation with other-orientation resulting in an all-inclusive service to being. As the tree, it seems to also represent balance. I cannot imagine this tree with one branch cut off.

So we ARE challenged to choose the face of truth, and perhaps this choosing also implies an integration and balancing of all those elements that have been distorted by lies.
More translation of the interview :

K.O. : Why do you compare Gnostic knowledge to shamanism ? Did the Gnostics also make researches about cognition and other means to perceive reality ? Did they use hallucinogenic drugs, like the Shamans who used Ayahuasca, peyotl or psilocybin ?

J.L. : Don Juan says that sorcery (shamanism) concentrates on the change, the shift of the parameters of perception. I think the Gnostics were masters in this practice. They inherited a long tradition of shamanism which came from indigenous peoples of Europe and Asia, and which dates back to paleolithic times. In the Gnosis, that is to say in the path to acute perception (to quote Castaneda's words), we can observe a sophisticated method of shamanism, a sort of "high tech" shamanism if you will. Techniques of paranormal perception were taught and transmitted within the Schools of Mysteries created and directed by the "gnostokoi", "those who know the divine and supernatural issues".

According to Wasson's thesis, rituals using psycho-active plants were at the basis of all the true religions on earth. Gordon Wasson and Albert Hofmann, the swiss chemist who discovered LSD, suggested the idea that the kykeon, the sacred potion ingested during Eleusinian Mysteries, was a mixture of rye ergot, the parasite mushroom which is the organic basis of LSD. Thus it was a psychedelic potion. More serious researches were undergone to consolidate this idea. Moreover, the use of psycho-active mushrooms within the Mysteries is also an issue that was raised and which is based on pertinent researches. It's now certain that ancient shamanic cults like the Mysteries' used psycho-active plants to obtain a temporary death of the ego and to change the parameters of perception. I think the Gnostics were truly qualified in the use of hallucinogenic plants. However, I didn't find direct proof of that in the NH materials.

K.O. : Certain religions and philosophies affirm that our universe of matter is an illusion and a trap and that our consciousness is caught inside an entropic system of manipulations and lies. If we are to believe Castaneda, human being is controlled by a conscience which is not his but the conscience of a predator. This vision seems very dark and pessimistic. What is the way to get out of this trap ?

J.L. : In reality, there is no trap, but merely a confrontation with the Manipulator, the Crook, the ET presence inside our mind. The Gnostics didn't teach that the world, this physical planet and this realm of the senses is an illusion and a manipulation, a deception. They instead taught that it's a profound and beautiful mystery. But we are prevented from penetrating this mystery in a profound and lucid way due to factors residing in our very minds. The Archons can insinuate their alien intelligence into our minds, but they cannot completely take control of our minds. This however can happen if our consciousness surrenders, but not by the force of their domination.

The way to get out of this is to be able to distinguish what is authentically human in our minds from what is unhuman, stupid, mechanicial, blind, and proceeding just by imitation. That is, we must become conscious of our human potential in order to be able to see how it is distorted and subverted. Imagine for example that you have never heard the 5th Symphony by Beethoven the way it is really played, instead you've always listened to a trunkated version, with the notes completely distorted. You could only know that the music was distorted if you knew the original non-trunkated version. Likewise, we must become aware of our authentic mind, of our true human potential in order to see how we are diverted. That is the challenge the predators offer us. I have a short sentence to sum up this situation. I say that the human potential is presented as if it had been canned by a crook.

K.O. : The "laws" of nature are based on predation and fear. It's the same thing concerning human being, even if this predation can take more subtle forms. Everything seems based on duality and fight. Could this state be the result of the influence and the manipulation of the Archons or Flyers ? Without these creatures, may we think that our world could be different, not dualistic and predatory, or do you think this duality constitutes the essence of the universe, with or without the Archons ?

J.L. : This world, I mean life on earth, is in reality not as you describe it. The mode of description that you propose is already the result of a deviant perception. There is as many (and even more) proofs within nature showing the existence of symbiosis and cooperation than showing the existence of predation and fear. The way the Earth functions is a miracle of symbiosis, it's also a magic event. Consequently, there is no way this functioning is provoked by the "influence or the manipulation of the universe by the Archons and the Flyers". The Archons influence the way you perceive the world, they don't influence the world in itself. The primordial Power of the world in which we dwell is the Divinity residing in our planet, the intelligence of Gaia, called Sophia by the Gnostics. If you align with Gaia's intelligence, you don't any longer perceive the world as a place invested by fear and predation, but as a world of beauty, goodness and magic.

K.O. : In Gnostic tradition, "Sophia" is the divine entity who alledgedly made a "mistake" and created the universe and the Archons. How can we find our way back, our connexion with the original "creative" principle, the contact with "Sophia", while avoiding the Archons ?

J.L. : A way to join Sophia is to "give in", to let oneself penetrate by the beauty and majesty of Nature, by the mystical presence of the Earth. Within nature, mystical and physical aspects of reality are merged. Beauty is supernatural. The aim of Gnostic practices, which are linked to shamanic methods, is to depart, to leave the social human field, to strip oneself of the filter of conditioning and to communicate directly with the planetary intelligence, Gaia/Sophia. I think this was experienced thanks to the temporary dissolution of the ego, with the help and assistance of sacred allies like the wisdom plants, teaching plants.

There is no way to avoid the Archons but when we face them, we can build for ourselves an immunity by strengthening our vital link with Gaia-Sophia, the living planet. The Archons are aliens who isolated and alienated us from Gaia.

Using a precise language is important if we want to express a living cosmology. Precise poetical terms, if you prefer. The Aion that is Sophia didn't make a mistake and created the universe and the Archons. She acted unilaterally without her masculine counterpart - another Aion - and she projected herself beyond the heart of the galaxy. Aions are informal (without a form) powers sitting in the heart of each galaxy. There are numerous galaxies in the universe. Sophia didn't create the universe, she is the source of the order of the world we experience in the form of a triple system : the sun, the moon, the earth. Sophia didn't commit a mistake, she exaggerated her implication in her "Dream". She immersed herself and incorporated herself in her Dream. It's a rare event, not at all typical of the way Aions usually operate. As a secundary effect of her excessive implication in her dream, Sophia dived into the heart of the Galaxy (imagine a pressure, an impulse, like the luminous point of a sparkling foam of matter coming from the heart of the galaxy into its arms outstretched). The impact she provoked on the elementary matter of the galaxy's arms generated unorganic species - the Archons. The Archons then started to build a planetary unorganic system, a clockwork mechanism. The Earth, the living panet who served as an envelope for Sophia, was captured in a lifeless system. That is where the "mistake" - or more precisely the anomaly - lies.

to be following...
Well, that truly clarifies a lot. I'm glad you posted this, because I had the impression Gnostics advocated that the whole of material creation was flawed, and that the best thing to do was leave it, especially this Earth.

I do, however, think that Archonic influence goes beyond just perception, or rather it influences the perception of all biology. Nature is symbiotic, but there are also predatorial dynamics working there, and we still must eat other life forms. However, this just means Archonic influence was prevalent at the Earth's inception trying to supress and subjugate Sophia.

In my view the point is not divorcing Sophia and Spirit from Earth, but the Archons who are the true aliens. I would see this view a transcending fundamental shamanism although rooted in it. The alien influence has tampered with the evolution of our world view as humans so what would have been a truly high-level meta-shamanic mystic orientation turned into most horrendous religious doctrines.

IMO all esoteric teaching have been to one degree or another corrupted by Archoic influence, and part of the challenge is to filter our the truth from the corruption. I think, J.L. touches on some major hints as to what is really going on here.
For those who understand french, here is an interesting book.:

Le secret des 賯iles sombres par Anton Parks.

He narrates the history of the world, the grays, the lizzies... I do not know if the book has been translated in english.

Here is an address of an interview with Anton Parks:


Here is the address of the site of Anton Parks.

EsoQuest said:
I do, however, think that Archonic influence goes beyond just perception, or rather it influences the perception of all biology. Nature is symbiotic, but there are also predatorial dynamics working there, and we still must eat other life forms.
That's true. Nature manifests the 2 faces of God at the same time, there is cooperation and symbiosis, AND also predation. From what I've heard and read, Earth's role in our universe is apparently unique : it's THE place, THE school where we have the possibility to learn to choose which face we want to manifest, because we can observe them in action here on earth. But nature is not deviant (or I believe so), it's pure in its expression, genuine, contrary to the Archons.

IMO all esoteric teaching have been to one degree or another corrupted by Archoic influence, and part of the challenge is to filter our the truth from the corruption. I think, J.L. touches on some major hints as to what is really going on here.
yes, the challenge is to become a real human, we could view man as a kind of bridge between the 2 aspects of creation, the 2 faces of God. The complete man would "reconcile", or unite these 2 accepts, creating something really new. That's how I understood Gurdjieff's words when he said :
"Think of good and evil like right hand and left hand. Man always have two hands--two sides of self--good and evil. One can destroy other. Must have aim to make both hands work together, must acquire third thing: thing that make peace between two hands, between impulse for good and impulse for evil. Man who all 'good' or man who all 'bad' is not whole man, is one-sided. Third thing is conscience;" (quoted from this thread : http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=457&p=21 )
I agree with your viewpoint, but would also like to qualify it regarding how this Earth IS unique. Basically I see it this way:

I think the two faces of Nature (and humanity) are related to the two faces of the Divine, but not in a one-to-one way. The two faces of Nature correspond to symbiosis and predation, and the two faces of the Divine to Being and Non-Being.

When these two faces are in harmony, we have growth because non-being isn't a point of destruction of being, but the area of vast potential of Becoming. All is ONE. What makes the one separate from itself? Non-being, that element of definition where we stop and the other begins. In this sense, manifestation incorporates non-being into being, and this creates separation and makes relationship possible.

When being and non-being are in wrong relationship or imbalance there is degredation, and boundaries collapse or else an integral body decays into smaller, simpler constituents. We have entropy. All of manifestation is under entropy. Within this, however, the balanced relationship still exists, although it is compromised.

I believe the Earth is where this predicament is being sorted out, and that this predicament marks the incompletion of creation, because in a free creation conscious elements must participate in the sorting, since they represent the One Consciousness.

It is because of this fundamental dynamic marking the completion of creation, where everything finally aligns as it should that Sophia is at the heart of the Earth, and at the heart of every human. And it makes sense that Archons have influenced things because they are the primary representatives and concentrated causalities of the imbalance between being and non-being, which marks the incompletness of creation. In fact, Archons themselves are incomplete beings.

Thus, I cannot see that god is both good and evil, as these are results although the results can cause more results, and hence evil propagates itself. The primal cause is the imbalance between the two faces, and evil is the result of that state. All beings encompass both being and non-being by virtue of being temporal and distinct.

They (and we) are flawed however, because creation is still sorting itself out and learning to embody itself.
EsoQuest said:
Thus, I cannot see that god is both good and evil, as these are results although the results can cause more results, and hence evil propagates itself. The primal cause is the imbalance between the two faces, and evil is the result of that state. All beings encompass both being and non-being by virtue of being temporal and distinct.

They (and we) are flawed however, because creation is still sorting itself out and learning to embody itself.
Agreed, I cannot see/accept either that God is good and evil, I mean it does seem so much human, since those are juste moral human concepts. They are a manifestation of being/non being in our dense, heavy planes, thus imbalanced, uncomplete, distorted as you said (and explained far better than I could).
I'm however struggling with these concepts of being/non being in higher densities. In union with the One, no polarity, all is one, so what is that state ? neither being nor non being, or both at the same time, or Being ?
I was thinking of the Buddhist philosophy, where the Nirvana is seen as a state of pure nothingness, complete vacancy, void... thus, is it total non-being ? Can we say that embracing the buddhist philosophy is to choose the non-being path ? Would it be STS, here in our heavy distorted planes ?
(OK these questions have nothing to do with ultra terrestrial activity, so I shall re-post them in another section, if you're interested in answering.)

Anyway here's the final part of the interview's translation :

K.O. : In Gnostic tradition how I understand it, Sophia (wisdom) is not the only "divinity" or source of eternity and perfection. Can we compare Sophia to a very advanced, sophisticated and elaborate being, a sort of extraterrestrial intelligence ? Or must we admit that the source of all thing is not a unique entity but rests on a polytheist conception ?

J.L. : In Gnostic cosmology, Sophia is an Aion, a divinity on a cosmic level, but she's not alone. She's part of a group of Aions, the Gods of the Plerome of Plenitude. But there are many Pleromes, many galaxies within the universe. The gnostic myth of the fallen Goddess concerns our galaxy and our planet, not the whole universe. If we don't understand what's going on here, locally, how could we understand what's going on anywhere else in the universe ? The challenge, the test is to apprehend our own direct history before being able to turn to a broader history.

Because of the very particular intensity of her Dream, Sophia came to incarnate on planet earth and consequently, she represents, for us who dwell on planet earth, the true divinity in the bosom of which we're living. She's the real living Matrix. Sophia is the divinity of Nature, to speak in theological terms. What does she look like ? It's something we must strive to comprehend through practice, through the path of sacred knowledge, Gnosis. All the Mysteries were dedicated to come to understand Gaia and to serve the high intelligence of the Aion Sophia. The "source of all thing" is a Mystery. Why speculating on what we cannot know nor understand while we're facing the adventurous exploration of what we are able to understand ! ?

K.O. : Among dark rumours and perceptions about theories of conspiracy, people like Branton, David Icke or the zulu shaman Credo Mutwa are convinced that the parasite is in reality a reptilian entity who invests or possesses the bodies of this world's rulers - George Bush for example.

J.L. : I think we must train our imaginary skills in order to detect the presence of these alien entities as well as to discern what is real from what is fantasmatic. Alchimists have a rule : "Act in harmony with nature, observe Nature's work and start the Great Work with the authentic powers of imagination, and not with fantasmatic thoughts". It's a question of discipline we must face on the path to acute perception. I think that certain sources of indigenous information, such as the ones represented by Credo Mutwa, have valid information to reveal about the Archons. However, I suspect that the reptilian scenario has exploded beyond all reasonable proportion, because of fantasies and mental manipulations. For what I know, the alien predators called Archons by the Gnostics can take two shapes : one is embryonary (the Gray aliens), the other is draconian - a reptilian type, but they cannot and therefore don't possess human bodies. One must be capable of common sense when one invests paranormal and supernatural phenomena. George Bush doesn't need to be a reptilian to be a monster. We must admit that human beings can act in monstrous ways because they are distorted by predators, without believing the fantasy that they turn into reptilians. To my understanding, the scenario proposed by Icke and others give too much power to predators. Then, how can Icke and his witnessess propose first-hand testimonies on shape shifting, metamorphoses into reptilians ? Well, the perception of things is a construction. All perception ! Keep in mind that the Archons are masters in virtual reality. In coptic (which is the language of the NHC), this phenomenon is designed under the term HAL, "simulation". Gnostic texts state that the Archons "abduct souls at night"; They do it through virtual reality (or VR), techniques of VR simulation. Of course, the "VR" of the Archons is as real for them as is our earth's reality for us. The difference is that we can interact in symbiosis with this VR. The other difference is that the Archons manipulate unorganic quantum fields whereas we manipulate the bands of perception which shape these fields. The Gnostics considered that we were superior to the Archons in thought, perception and intention.

I would say that these reports and testimonies are true : the witnessess did perceive a shape shift, but this perception is an effect of the powers of the reptilians in VR rather than a real, concrete and authentic phenomenon, a natural event. Snakes are born from eggs and they shed their skin. That's what nature shows us. Nature can then tell us something about the way the reptilians behave, if we study this subject with an authentic imagination and not with fantasies.

K.O. : Certain authors (like Paul Von Ward) denounce YHVY or Yahveh as an Advanded Being, an ET entity who wanted to dominate our world with intentions that didn't seem good and pure. Do you think that YHVH is an Archon or a representative of the Archons ?

J.L. : Gnostic texts clearly state that Jeovah is "the Archon Lord", a predatory alien of reptilian type who rules the embryo-like Grays who have a beehive mentality and behaviour. Jehovah, that the Gnostics called Yaldabaoth, truly is an alien entity whose realm is the planetary system independent of the earth, the sun and the moon. He's not an "Advanced Being" (that is to say more evolved than humans) but an alien turned completely insane and endowed with certain "superhuman" powers close to a divinity's. The Gnostics thought that Jeovah infects humanity with the belief that he pretends to be the creative god, whereas in fact he cannot create anything at all. The NHC are very clear on the fact that Jeovah-Yaldabaoth is the leader of the Archon species.

K.O. : The Gnostics denounce the part played by the Archons. Did you find the same kind of warning about them in other religious traditions ?

J.L. : No, I cannot say I found this information so clearly and exhaustively presented in other religious traditions. Keep in mind that Gnosis is a path of knowledge, not a religion ! The Mysteries are schools of paranormal knowledge, not religious institutions. I am convinced all the religions divert the human potential, but the three religions of Abraham - Judaism, Christianism and Islam - are potentially fatal. They lead to a terminal deviation, a dead end for our species. You won't find any religion warning you that it is dangerous for your mental health and your physical survival. The Gnostics saw in the redeeming and saving religion (the belief in a Messiah coming to save us from "our" sins) both the proof and the instrument of an alien intrusion.

K.O. : Gnostic teachings and Schools of Mysteries are one and the same thing. Theoricians of conspiracy like Springmeier and Icke think that satanic rituals come from the Schools of Mysteries and that Schools of Mysteries are the source of ritual and satanic abuses as well as of the Illuminati and the masonic traditions. How and why do these authors link the Schools of Mysteries, the Illuminati and Satanism ? Why are they denouncing so virulently the Gnostics and the Schools of Mysteries as well as the Roman Catholic religion, when one knows that the Gnostics were persecuted by the Catholics ?

J.L. : Icke and other theoricians of conspiracy who propose the thesis of an alien intervention are not familiar with the subject of the Mysteries, and I think this for two reasons : first, they haven't directly experienced the death of the ego nor lived a teaching by Light comparable to the experiences of the Mysteries. Second, they didn't make the distinction between the methods and the mobiles of the Illuminati, and the authentic teaching of the Gnostics. The Illuminati were deranged initiates who had a deep knowledge of the practices of the Mysteries but who misused them to acquire a social and political power. The Schools of Mysteries were not training camps for Illuminatis as Icke believes. It's a heavy mistake on his part. Because of a lack of direct experiences, Icke and others are unable to realise that the adepts of the Power of the Serpent (Kundalini) were directly opposed to the Illuminatis who made a pact with reptilian powers. As I explain in my articles, we were given Kundalini as a force to push back this alien intrusion. The beneficial and healing Serpent is not a reptilian entity but an innate constituent of our divine biological heritage. Speculations and researches (even researches as interesting as Icke's) cannot teach how to make the distinction. Only direct experience can.

It was strictly forbidden to the Illuminati to take part in the Mysteries once they were spotted and identified. In other words, the Illuminati practiced occult sciences (mostly programming and mind control) and had to be evicted from the Mysteries... but that's a story (a very important story, I have to say) that Icke and others seem totally unaware of.

K.O. : What are the conceptions of heaven and hell for the Gnostics ?

J.L. : There is no conception of hell and heaven in Gnostic teachings.

K.O. : Clive Prince and Lynn Pycknett, in a book called "Heaven's Gate" denounce the fact that with New Age, a global manipulation is going to set up a religious syncretism ( a mixture of Bouddhism, Hinduism and the three religions of the Book), a religion for a new world order based on ancient egyptian cults and the veneration of the "Council of 9" (Prayers for rain : is this the same Council as evoked in The Ra Material ? - I've just finished reading the Law of One Book One). In this new religion, we find a book such as "The Keys of Enoch" and people like James Hurtak, Andrija Puharich, the order of Melchisedech (which we also find in the Mormon cult). What's your opinion on that ? Is it another Archon manipulation ?

J.L. : I think it's a fantasy shared by desperate people in search for power and a spiritual status, certain elements of which can be affected by an Archon deviation. The challenge represented by the confrontation with these alien crooks aims at being able to distinguish what is really dangerous and deviant from rubbish and nonsense. There is a lot of nonsense in conspiracy theories about the New world order. There are a lot of spiritual impostures and malingerers among people who claim to be channelers of "the Council of 9". It's been going on for years... The problem in this precise case is that the fantasmatic material is like quicksand : you immerse yourself in it and you can't get out. With precise and clear indications given by the Gnostics about the Archons, we can begin to see what's going on in our minds in order to correct the madness, though we must do it individually, one after the other, because one cannot correct the madness in the others' mind.

end of the interview
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