French 2024-2030 military programming law: a sign?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Il semble que Macron ait reçu un coup de fil de plusieurs dirigeants et hommes politiques occidentaux furieux d'avoir ouvert sa grande bouche sur l'envoi de troupes en Ukraine, car les États européens ont commencé l'un après l'autre à limiter les dégâts de cette sortie imbécile de celui qui se prend pour le roi du monde.

It seems that Macron received a phone call from several Western leaders and politicians furious at having opened his big mouth about sending troops to Ukraine, as European states began one after the other to limit the damage of this imbecilic outing by the man who thinks he's the king of the world.

Has anyone been reading about the new Defense Program Law in France for the years 2024 to 2030 , and if so, do you also get the impression that it's the beginning of some serious curtailing of rights in France, and possibly other EU countries? It's supposed to just be about the modernization of the Army and such, but...

This article provides a summary of Article 47, which is one of the most creepy ones:

English translation:
The law relating to military programming for the years 2024 to 2030 and containing various provisions concerning Defense was published in the Official Journal of August 2, 2023. Its article 47 reforms the requisition regime. This new regime will come into force no later than August 1, 2024.

A complex system

Requisitions have long been governed by old laws, often amended, now codified in Book II of Part 2 of the Defense Code, which set out the main principles: the law of July 3, 1877 on military requisitions; the law of July 11, 1938 on the general organization of the Nation in wartime; Order no. 59-63 of January 6, 1959 on requisitions of goods and services, applicable in peacetime, and Order no. 59-147 of January 7, 1959 on the general organization of Defense.

The provisions of these laws and ordinances constitute "the common law corpus of requisitions that can be mobilized by the State, in both peacetime and wartime, referred to respectively as 'requisitions for the general needs of the Nation', for prerogatives conferred on the civil authority, and 'military requisitions', for those devolved to the military authority".

The current system of requisitions for the general needs of the Nation is twofold:

- Article L. 2211-1 of the French Defense Code, on requisitions for defense purposes, applicable in the cases covered by Article L. 1111-2 and in the event of a state of emergency;

- article L. 2211-2 of the same code, which is applicable in all cases other than those covered by article L. 1111-2.

In parallel with this common law system, there are several special civil requisition systems for housing (Ord. no. 45-2394, Oct. 11, 1945), protection of marine waters (L. no. 61-1262, Nov. 24, 1961; L. no. 76-599, July 7, 1976), health (L. no. 2004-806, Aug. 9, 2004, art. 20), space (Ord. no. 2022-232, Feb. 23, 2022), and so on.

The texts governing the current law on requisitions are very numerous, with objectives and procedures that are neither homogeneous nor coordinated.

In times of crisis, however, the State needs to have the tools it needs to compensate for the inadequacy of the resources at its disposal, in order to fully meet the requirements of its defense policy (strategic objective no. 3 of the Revue nationale stratégique 2022).

A completely overhauled system

Article 47 of Law no. 2023-703 of August 1, 2023 therefore recasts the existing requisition regime in its entirety.

The two types of requisition are no longer divided into requisitions for the needs of the nation and military requisitions. They are replaced by requisitions to meet :

- a current or foreseeable threat to activities essential to the life of the Nation, the protection of the population, the integrity of the territory, the permanence of the institutions of the Republic, or justifying the implementation of the State's international defense commitments. A decree in the Council of Ministers will be required for this type of requisition (C. défense, art. L. 2212-1, nouv.);

- an emergency, when justified by the need to safeguard national defense. A decree from the Prime Minister is required to initiate this type of requisition (C. défense, art. L. 2212-2, nouv.).

In both cases, requisitions may be issued to any person or legal entity, as well as to any goods and services required to counter the threat or emergency (C. défense, art. L. 2212-1, nouv.).

With regard to the substantive conditions of requisitions, the measures prescribed must be strictly proportionate to the objectives pursued, and adapted to the circumstances of time and place. They may only be ordered in the absence of any other adequate means available within a useful timeframe, and may not last longer than necessary (C. défense, art. L. 2212-3, nouv.).

The requisitioning decision must specify its purpose and application procedures (C. défense, art. L. 2212-4, nouv.). Individuals will be requisitioned on the basis of their physical and mental aptitudes, and their professional or technical skills (C. défense, art. L. 2212-5, nouv.).

The following may be subject to requisition:

- any individual present on French territory;
- any individual of French nationality who is not resident in France;
- any legal entity whose registered office is located in France;
- any vessel flying the French flag
, whether the shipowner is of French or foreign nationality, including on the high seas or in foreign waters (C. défense, art. L. 2212-6, nouv.).

The terms and conditions of compensation are specified in the new article L. 2212-8 of the French Defense Code. Compensation will be paid for direct and certain material costs arising from the application of prescribed measures. In the case of damage not covered by compensation, the said damage is to be made good in full, except in the case of personal fault on the part of the person required to perform the task (C. défense, art. L. 2212-8, nouv.).

The provisions also include the possibility for the State to have the measures prescribed by the requisition decision carried out ex officio (C. défense, art. L. 2212-7, nouv.).

Failure to comply with legally ordered requisition measures will be punishable by 5 years' imprisonment and a fine of €500,000 (C. défense, art. L. 2212-9, nouv.). It will also be a criminal offence for a public official to carry out illegal requisitions (C. défense, art. L. 2212-10, nouv.).

The application of these new provisions will be determined by decree of the Conseil d'Etat (C. défense, art. L. 2212-11, nouv.).

Lastly, Article 47 of the present law includes adaptation provisions in various parts of the Defense Code and in other codes and legislative texts, in order to update existing cross-references.

These new provisions will come into force on a date to be set by decree, but no later than one year after the promulgation of the law, i.e. August 1, 2024.

Translated with (free version)

That's just a portion of it. The entire Law is here for those interested in reading further: LOI n° 2023-703 du 1er août 2023 relative à la programmation militaire pour les années 2024 à 2030 et portant diverses dispositions intéressant la défense (1) - Légifrance

There are other parts concerning intelligence, "awareness" campaigs to prepare pleople to the case where they may HAVE to join the Army (brought to children as young as 13 years old), etc. They also add that the "threat" doesn't necessarily have to be to France, but it may be to its allies. Plus a bit of the green agenda, having rights to have "intelligence" on people whoa re against whatever.... It's quite a mix...

Even though the above is only about Article 47, the general idea behind the text can be found in the Appendix:


Russia's aggression against Ukraine on February 24, 2022 changed the geostrategic situation for the entire world. An attempt to assert brute force and a fait accompli on international law, it requires us to recast our strategic analysis. This new situation led Parliament, at the initiative of the President of the Republic and on a proposal from the Government, to decide to interrupt the military programming law (LPM) planned for 2019-2025, in favor of a new LPM covering the period 2024-2030. In a context of strong uncertainties and rising threats, this LPM must allow us to keep the greatest number of options open for the future. While the budgetary context is very constrained, it strives to preserve a complete army model, while undertaking essential steps in the modernization of our forces.

It aims to respond to the issues and challenges highlighted by the national strategic review of November 2022 and confirms the six strategic functions of the defense and national security policy which result from it: knowledge and anticipation, deterrence, protection, prevention, intervention as well as the new influence function. This analysis of our environment guides our decisions for the future of our military tool in a context of technological breakthroughs, rearmament and explicit contestation of the principles of international law. Also, this law carries the ambition of a renovated model for our armies, in the service of a sovereign France which defends its strategic autonomy, an independent power, free of its choices and its alliances and reliable as a diplomatic and military partner. This ambition is part of alliances, in particular within the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). This law ensures the continuity of the defense of the national territory, in particular our overseas territories, which allow France to hold the second largest exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in the world.

To respond to the new global strategic situation, additional work will be initiated, focusing on major issues such as operational territorial defense, external operations, nuclear deterrence and strengthening the sovereignty of our defense industrial and technological base (BITD ). The conclusions of this work will be presented to Parliament before the update of the LPM planned for 2027 as part of the vote on the update of the LPM. To assess the foreseeable threats by 2035-2040, particularly in the maritime domain and in connection with our global and maritime geostrategic reality, work will be started halfway through this programming law for a future white paper specifically relating to on this issue.

However, significant developments are necessary to adapt this military tool to the evolution of foreseeable threats over the 2035-2040 horizon, particularly - but not exclusively - in light of the conflict in Ukraine. This conflict is indeed a major geostrategic turning point which calls for a paradigm shift for all European countries. Developments and lessons learned from more than twenty years of the fight against terrorism and asymmetric conflicts in Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Europe are also taken into account.
To maintain the operational superiority of our armies, a transformation must be undertaken to anticipate technological leaps and associated uses, particularly in the areas of space, the seabed, cybersecurity, drones, and different areas of research. fundamental and applied from quantum physics or artificial intelligence. In this way, this LPM 2024-2030 is decisive for the future of our armies. It allows France to maintain its position among nations capable of adapting to the challenges linked to new fields and for our BITD to succeed in the agile integration of these developments.

Finally, the provisions of this law will be supplemented by actions in favor of the commitment of all the vital forces of the Nation. Organizations (communities, businesses, associations) and citizens alike will be made more aware of defense issues, particularly to anticipate their role in the event of a major crisis.

This comes after Macron stated that "we must at all costs prevent Russia from winning in Ukraine". And after EU countries have been signing military cooperation treaties with Ukraine as well. Fishy, isn't it?

This is only in French and English subtitles haven't been made available yet. But there is this interesting interview where an attorney (Maître Virginie de Araujo-Recchia) and Ariane Bilheran explaining some of the implications (more specifically, min 7 till 23 approximately)
(or on French SOTT, here )

They talk, for example, about how the text is so vague, that it can be applied to confiscating parts of people´s domiciles to host migrants, say. Or, about how, when added to the recent powers the WHO gained, it leaves very little room for people to escape totalitarianism. I'm also thinking about the new law against doctors or influencers who may try to promote alternative treatments. [Note that these two ladies spoke about the Covid scam, etc. I don't think they are crazy conspiracy theorists, and usually they're pretty level-headed, but others might know more.]

It makes me think of the Patriot Act, even though in this case, the narrative is not "turrorizm". I guess we can only wait and see, while keeping our eyes open. It could be just a scare tactic, or them preparing for something big? Or, like in the Patriot Act's case, it doesn't mean that all freedom is gone in one day. But I find the whole law quite creepy to be honest. It's practically stating that they may have the right to bring back compulsory conscription under the pretext of a "foreseable threat", without any needed proof...?

FWIW! It certainly caught my attention.
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I forgot to add to the new laws and such, some other "funny" relatively new entity (created in 2021):

It's like the new French "NSA", sort of. They are not supposed to judge the content, and they are only supposedly interested in "foreign influence", right? Like the Macron leaks by "evil foreign detractors". :wow:

Well, not quite. For example: VIGINUM : NON au nouveau Ministère de la Vérité en France ! texte - Tocsin

On February 12, Viginum published a report which allowed the government to immediately close around twenty news channels on Telegram.

What these channels were accused of was broadcasting pro-Russian information on the war in Ukraine.

According to the report, these Telegram channels were problematic because they “present the Russian invasion positively to Western populations” and “denigrate Ukraine and its leaders, regularly presented as “corrupt”, “Nazi” or “incompetent”.

Officially, the objective is to fight against “foreign interference” in information.

But this brings to mind the methods of the Chinese Communist Party, which prevents its citizens from accessing Western information on the Internet.

In a true democracy, isn't it up to the free citizen to form their own opinion, based on all possible sources of information?

Besides, on the conflict in Ukraine, who misinformed whom?

Was it not rather the minister who said that the sanctions were going to “bring the Russian economy to its knees”?
Or certain TV generals, who assured us that the Russian army was so backward that it was obliged to collect electronic chips from refrigerators?
Or those who guaranteed that the counter-offensive would allow Ukraine to triumphantly recover Crimea?

What Viginum is targeting is not so much foreign interference as our access to “a different story” on information!

The proof: pro-Russian Telegram channels were not closed just because of the conflict in Ukraine. What they are accused of is also contesting the “official narrative” on all subjects.

It is written in black and white in the Viginum report:

“These channels also publish on other themes close to French-speaking conspiratorial spheres which tend to call into question political speech, the media or even the various decisions taken within international organizations such as NATO, the UN or the EU For example '

It's chief is also a military guy: Lieutenant-Colonel Marc-Antoine Brillant
And another small detail before I forget, from the Military law above: It is sometimes small changes. For example, it says:
« Art. L. 2212-5.-Les personnes physiques sont réquisitionnées en fonction de leurs aptitudes physiques et psychiques et de leurs compétences professionnelles ou techniques.

"' Art. L. 2212-5.-Individuals are requisitioned based on their physical and psychological abilities and their professional or technical skills."

In the old text, it was only based on professional skills.

There are more details, like penalties for not complying to respond to a population census, and such. AFAIK, it wasn't compulsory in the past?
There is also this:
After long debates, the deputies adopted at first reading the draft law against "sectarian abominations" [dérive sectaire] on February 14, in which they reintegrated the controversial article 4, which creates a new crime of "provocation to abstain from medical care".("provocation à l'abstention de soins")

...Article 4 of Chapter III, proposes to amend the Criminal Code to punish "provocation" on a sick person to "abandon or refrain from following medical treatment", if this abandonment is presented as beneficial when it could lead to dangerous consequences.
Yeah, they are control freaks. The first time around I saw something like that was during the first COVID-19 lockdown in Spain. According to the new mandates and rules received "as for your information", health care providers were essentially the government's property. If needed, no more holidays were allowed, and giving up your own private medical stock was also written into the laws of the emergency state. I'm pretty sure every NATO country has an equivalent ready-ish. It was all like the above but for health care providers. Now the entire population is included.
I've heard politicians in the UK talk about conscription to fight the Russians, and now this. It's not easy to read and ponder implications.

It has me wondering if the US and their operatives in Ukraine would really push things so far as to actually try to provoke Russia into war on European land. As in, trying really hard to get Russia to actually invade European territory, but not pushing so much as to go across the nuclear threshold. This would give the European countries a good chance to operationalize whatever totalitarian plans they have. It would also give the PTB what they want, it seems - destruction, depopulation, etc. I think they wouldn't risk it, but after reading about the way the CIA operates, its lack of overall strategic planning, reactivity on the basis of intel inputs, and wishful thinking, something crazy like that may be one the table. Could also be a false flag that does it, too. A European 9/11, but with Russians as the culprits instead of jihadis. Looking at all nationalists and populists, I think the PTB are in a spot where they'd have to force it, not just pass a law and slowly implement.

I've also heard that there is an idea being floated to allow the EU to raise taxes. It looks like it would likely mean another tax on top of the national taxes already paid. It would turn the EU into a centralized and unelected taxation body, beholden only to Washington, and the ones who control Washington. It would also allow for centralized military control - although the speculation is that the military would be military police to deal with internal unrest. So these totalitarian initiatives that they're prepping in France wouldn't even be in French national interest, but in the interest of the EU 'stability'.

it can be applied to confiscating parts of people´s domiciles to host migrants
I saw this on X, but it was in reference to the UK:

UK Homeowners to house illegal Migrants?In Britain Homeowners are receiving CPO’s (Compulsory Purchase Orders) so their homes can be redistributed to migrantsIn America people are being asked to open their doors also to house migrantsDo you see where this is heading yet?

I've also heard that there is an idea being floated to allow the EU to raise taxes.
Just under 2 weeks ago, I´ve got a letter from tax office that I have to pay some "interest" for the year 2018!!!!
In 2018 I was at another employer and all my taxes for 2018 were done by an accountant's office and calculated and I´ve got a letter from tax office back then with the results. I was googling it and it seems that private persons can also have a tax review in 4 years but it´s done rarely and if a person has some high income (something about over 150k€ per year).
Looks like Germany is out of money as they are now reviewing people and squeezing money on account of some "interest" rates. I´m sorry in these situations that my German is not better as I would call them and ask.

The situation in Europe is getting more insane by the day. :nuts:
It makes me think of the Patriot Act, even though in this case, the narrative is not "turrorizm". I guess we can only wait and see, while keeping our eyes open. It could be just a scare tactic, or them preparing for something big? Or, like in the Patriot Act's case, it doesn't mean that all freedom is gone in one day. But I find the whole law quite creepy to be honest. It's practically stating that they may have the right to bring back compulsory conscription under the pretext of a "foreseable threat", without any needed proof...?

FWIW! It certainly caught my attention.
That's pretty disconcerting, especially considering the new draft law penalizing those who are speaking against the health Minister's recommended cures against covid [or future plandemics?] and the promotion of alternative cures. I mean, is it me or this new draft law doesn't make any sense to be approved now considering that the covid plandemic is over unless off course the said law could be useful in the not too distant future? I suspect the current french PTB's law changes are a sign of "getting ready for something big coming soon scenario", but that's just a speculation.

I totally agree that for now it's best to wait and see while keeping a close eye on how things will unfold further.

BTW, don't want to sound an alarmist, but I remember that the C's mentioned in a not so old session about a timeline where the military will be deployed on city streets due to some emergency reasons. Considering all the above, it makes me wonder...
It's very scary. It gives you chills. But we'll have to wait and see. However, they'll probably use the shock theory to get their way. Fear works. Fear makes people obey. We had proof of that with the plandemic. And since they saw that people accepted everything without moving a finger... they're sure to win. And to do whatever they want with people they see as farm animals.

It's incredible, isn't it, what's happening. But maybe it's all a dream, as Calderon de la Barca said some centuries ago.
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